I'm not ready for a relationship

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my Jerry come on release it in the atmosphere oh you better hold God's unchanging oh you better hole hallelujah hallelujah let's give them praise this morning this lift him up this morning he loved us to be here this morning through all the ice and snow don't worry about it it's just a test to see who you are in Christ and you passed it because you hear amen all right we come to prayer this morning yes this power our heads in prayer do you have any father we come to you this morning to say thank you thank you Lord for keeping us as we slept last night thank you Father for even the blessing of being in the house of the Lord this morning we thank you God we praise your father because you've been so good to us dear God we thank you God for keeping a hedge fence of protection around us dear God father many of us didn't make it this this morning dear father but we thank you Lord for blessing us still God what's your shield that protected us dear God father we pray father for those families as lost their kids just father we pray father that the devil will never win their God we pray their God for those people who stood as shields dear God they also lost their life dear God we pray father for those father that were injured as well dear God and not only that father we pray father for the one that committed the murders himself dear God have mercy upon him dear God we pray father that you work in him right now dear God let him see and understand the damage that he has committed not only that dear God we pray for those dear God that are doing this all around the country dear God we pray father for peace dear God the perfect peace that you speak about dear God we pray father that the weapons dear father - used for destruction their God will not be used anymore dear Lord we thank you God for this day to God we thank you father for blessing us to be in the house of the Lord to hear from you - this morning there we thank you God for the word that's gonna come forth to your father we pray father that it comes forth your God and that the burdens of our lives to God are lifted off of us dear God and then that every worry their God is made low dear father we pray their God that in your message to God that you bless us with your word with your timing with your kind of confirmation their Godfather not only that father also wherever we need help dear God convict us dear God convict us father to fall on our knees and ask for forgiveness dear God because we're not perfect dear God we're full of cinder God that's why we have our hands bow down this morning dear God because we can't come hold them up high to look at you we know father we're not the perfect saint dear guy forgive us for our sins dear Lord bless us dear God that we will do better dear father father as we walk dear God in this Lenten season dear God bless his father to walk closer with you there God where we can hear everything that you have for us bless us dear God to understand what you want for our lives dear God bless us dear God to walk in the paths that you have already met it out for us in this stage your God at the end of the day their God that people will be changed lives will be changed people will be saved their God and people will understand what it is that you have for them in the name of Jesus we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah if you want if that's your prayer if that's your earnest plea can you put your hands together if that's your desire that the Lord just drops one one touch from God can change your life forever well Reverend Kimberly McManus is here and she's one of our very own and she's gonna carry us a little further in this moment in black history as we celebrate our heritage can you put your hands together and let's thank God for our very own Reverend Kimberly McManus a poem for black heritage it was history in the making from the beginning of the slave ships from whence we came knowing nothing more foreign than our newly given name we set sail on oceans leaving behind our children so many of us died from the heartbreak of our kindred we arrived on a land destined to be tamed destined to destroy us our minds made lame there were many of us determined not to be defeated or to leave to live as dead set forth to educate our minds for more than the soul needed to be fed meaning of roles and revolts arising quietly from their bed such as a slave named Cato in South Carolina he led an uprising in 1739 near Charleston they killed about 20 to 30 whites who attempted to interfere blood was spilled Toussaint L'Ouverture self-educated slave imprisoned by Napoleon is held as a liberator of Haiti and a remarkable statesman Denmark Vesey a sailing carpenter in South Carolina 1822 organized a revolt of 5,000 blacks but authorities to order this insurrection - in 1831 that Turner and his band of magnitude killed some 60 whites and through the south into a panicky mood John Brown - was known as a revolutionary man in 1859 when he led on Harpers Ferry somewhere he led a raid somewhere near Virginia's land sink a the young African leader of Amistad the slave ship true lunch the first will vote and see one deaf freedom and return to Africa - there was Harriet Tubman sweet but disciplined Moses of the Underground Railroad led over 200 slaves in two free states we've all been told about Frederick Douglass the first black civil rights leaders test who said if there is no struggle there is no progress and thereafter 4 million blacks in the South were now free civil rights display images of fire hoses and police dogs chasing our forefathers along crowded streets of those protesting with banners and in song so many events had to take place just allow us to be seated where we are today there were many cases and organizations brought to life so many martyrs shed blood left behind their children and wife so many speeches protests and testimonies still too many more lynchings and dark skinned Bernie too many eyewitnesses but not enough eyes to see that Emmett Till was just a boy born to be wild and free a death in a delta like a boycott in Montgomery a time where people got tired was a time where Evers was assassinated in front of his home was a time to wonder what would become of the children heirs of God of his throne sit-ins and freedom rise down freedom's main line singing Hallelujah I'm traveling hallelujah ain't it fine so many movements so many lessons to be learned so much righteousness and Malcolm John Martin we yearn and still our feet ate from marching on concrete odds like engine blocks Rev enough to come off the lot we the children's children children other children who hoped this day would not come again our struggle understand because our backs they still want to bend even after Obama stood tall and regal to show who we are and not who we was and Lady Michelle told us to go high when they go low still there is a buzz as the air crackles with electric energy kindred today's of yesteryear we find ourselves sysm in the face here in profanity in our ears from the remnants of an orange clown whom people excuse TV ratings are so fierce they use him in their muse because it'd rather be popular and sit with the bully at the table than sit alone they'd rather tell false facts that it promote not truth and knowledge so we fall cold but as time we stand to build a new world together as a people we think but we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal so it is said we should study our past lest we forget the dead who've seen tall structures made of quicksand who have reached back to save every waking man and arise from our sleep we must arise and save to Mars children that twinkle in our eyes for the battle is yet not over still a little while we must continue to be soldiers we must walk the last smile Frederick Douglass said if there is no struggle there is no progress hmm there is no progress still even today in our designer labels we cannot walk away for our children tomorrow are the ones who will suffer just like we today so it is progress environment that we must make thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna keep the market keep on the marchin up to freedom I turn here I'm gonna keep on the rocket rocket oh I go let her go son turn here I go Furguson no turn I'm gonna keep nylons that neither turns around I'm gonna keep on keep on talking marjina Sabrina oh that's what I call a police-brutality turn around oh no I got that police brutality turned around I'm gonna keep on walking keep on talking marchin up to freedom come on would you give God a Handclap of praise come on celebrate our Savior if you would thankful to our Reverend magnanimous for leading us in that poetic expression even while you're standing we're thankful under God for God being good and gracious to all of us that even in the middle of a snowdrift God kept you warm and safe and not just you but your entire family for to that end I want us to I'll just take a moment of fellowship would you please would you just extend of the love of Christ to three or four people around you I'll just remind them something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna come go ahead go ahead go talk to somebody something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you something good it's gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you hallelujah thank you music ministry for really giving us an opportunity to rest on the shoulders of those who went before us and for that we're grateful and we're glad give God a hand clap of praise if you're just thankful come on do better than that y'all got to get them icicles off you come on shake it off I know it was rough getting out their driveway and you had to shovel 12 inches of snow just to get out of your house thank you for that sacrifice what a mighty God come on [Music] come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have a big joy come on in sit man name named Jesus we have the big story even while you're yet standing and we're claiming that victory I want you to join me for just a moment of silence and remembrance of the 17 young people who were killed in parkland Florida this week in a senseless act of violence and hate would you bow your heads for just one moment for that we give God glory come on would you help me thank God I shared last night woe unto us if we go on business as usual realizing and hallmarking that parkland Florida named made rather than 18th school shooting for this year did you hear what I just said just for this year that is the 18th school shooting but not only that it makes the 30th mass shooting in America here made this year as a consequence and it has to be an overhaul on Capitol Hill in terms of gun reform enough of us just lighting candles and having rallies and having ceremonies and still nothing happening it was on earth that the NRA has given over 30 million dollars to the Republican Party at the last election as a consequence buying their silence but today is a day that the church cannot remain silent but has to be on the front line can I urge you are passionately that you will please called this week your local legislators and even your congressional representatives and your senators and alert them that enough is enough that something has to happen February the 17th of 2017 at Donald Trump one year ago rolled back the measures made by President Obama that stipulated that you had to have some level of mental and emotional competency before you could secure a firearm within 45 days of being in office Donald Trump turned back that piece of legislation and now one year to the day we see an open fire shooting taking place when that young man a month ago put on his Facebook page that he wanted to go down in history as being a mass shooter that information was given to the FBI and because he was a white male there was no follow up on it can you imagine what would be on the news today if in fact his first name was Mohammad or Keith or Jamal you're not saying anything there would be a sweeping measure an emergency session session in the house in the Senate but whenever it's a white male is just dismissed as mental illness something is out of order and as a consequence empowerment temple we've got to get on the front line if in fact you like me are going to be mindful about this piece of legislation as we move into midterm elections we cannot afford to just give our votes away to people who don't have our children at their best interest come on give God an ankle epic raise you may be seated it is in fact they're critical for you to be mindful that this is a midterm election year as a consequence all of you should be registered to vote we are not just electing a new governor but electing States attorneys and state representatives from delegates to Senator all the way down and so we cannot wait until presidential elections to become engage in the process all politics is local and if in fact you are not involved in it my dear friends if you're not a part of the solution you are in fact a part of the problem I take tremendous delight in sharing with you that this week we hallmark and celebrate the founding of the African Methodist Episcopal Church we are the oldest black denomination in the United States of America and we were in fact built and birthed out of resistance the AME Church is older than the n-double-a-cp older than the Urban League y'all not saying anything older than the Black Panther Party older than SCLC older than black lives matter and our church was birthed because of injustice that began in sacred spaces called sanctuary our denomination found it yourself celebrating all over the country all over the world for that matter I was pleased and privileged to share this week with the seventh Episcopal District which comprises of the state of South Carolina and I can't tell you all that your relatives told me to tell you hello so if they asked you didn't I bring the message back please tell them that I said yes I can't remember all of them but everybody black got a relative some way in South Carolina and all of them I told me to tell you hello so as that you will please extend your greetings back to your family I am so honored so humble that HBO is giving a one-woman presentation on HBO and a deaf array has a one-woman presentation called notes from the field that will begin broadcasting on HBO next Sunday and I can't tell you how honored how humbled I am that amongst her one-woman presentation that she gives a depiction of your pastor and greet or gives a recitation of me giving Freddie Gray's eulogy live on HBO on Nexen in that amazing and I'm so grateful for that and so HBO is coming to Baltimore this Sunday those of you this Thursday those of you that want to go to the private screening all you have to do is go to HBO backslash or Baltimore and they'll send you the VIP tickets so you can come and share and celebrate with us on this coming Thursday night at 7 p.m. and now we already know y'all don't have no problems going to the movies because Nick Rose went to the movies in such record numbers I mean people that I didn't even know go to the movies found a stripper kenta cloth and went to the movies this week we are slated to break every record imaginable on this weekend including tomorrow we are going to break 232 million dollars in the box office for the very first time with an all-black cast well somebody give God an ankle EPIP raised in that amazing two hundred and thirty two million dollars they sold in excess of 76 million in pre ticket sales before the theaters ever opened you all went online and bought tickets I was blown away I told brother Michael Britten the chair my Stuart Boyd and sister Carlotta I cheered my trusty boy it shows you that black people don't mind giving online thank you I'm now talking to those of you who are watching online who proved that you got faith in Ticketmaster but you don't have faith in the master of the universe also those of you who watch online I got on a Mia I need you please the same way that you would secure your ticket online I want you to secure your tithes are online are those of you who believe that you couldn't come to church today because of inclement weather and decided to stay snowed in a self-imposed snow day I want you to please help us I there is a Black Panther challenge that is taking place it started with the gentlemen out of a Brooklyn New York named Frederick Jones Frederick Jones started the Black Panther challenge and I'm rising today to meet that challenge it was his how to say it send the 400 inner-city young people to go see the Black Panther movie he wanted to send 400 and it was his goal to raise $4,000 he has now raised $40,000 to send young people to see the Black Panther movie from inner-city schools from all over all over the country I want us to be one of the churches that will meet that challenge so that young people who are in Baltimore public school systems might in fact be able to see for the very first time that it is possible to be black and save the world it is impossible to be black and live up to defend your family name now that it is possible here it is to be black and go on an adventure and not be drunk or high and as a consequence I believe that this is a film that is worthy of our contribution and worthy of our participation I'm gonna challenge you even our dear friends who are watching online how to help me to do this because you've already proven to the world that you don't mind giving online I want you empowerment temple at this 7:30 service I want you to partner with me to send young people across this city to be able to see of this epic cinematic presentation for them to be able to go and see this film that I believe is going to alter consciousness at a great level with young people and older people will be able to embrace our culture I am beam and boast with pride not knowing that being from Africa is not a mark of shame but it is a tremendous legacy by which I here's our to be held up high as a consequence do you not know how much this is going to contribute to rewriting the narrative in our community about what it means to be black and proud that in the middle of Black History Month that we understand that there is greatness in our veins and in our genes in our history does not begin with being slaves history begins with us being kings and queens of being Emperor's and being landowners end up being captains of industry and we want to perpetuate that narrative even until the next generation brother Ernest would you help me please I want you to help me please - really I expand the culture do something that will in fact make an indelible impression into the minds and to the memories of so many young people who have never seen their history from a positive slant I'm starting off this morning it's so valuable to me is so important to me that I am starting off on this morning with the seed of 1,000 dollars this is how committed I am to our young people getting this level of exposure I can seeing it at this level and so I want every single one of you some of you can give a hundred some of you can give 200 but can you imagine what this wouldn't have meant if somebody like Freddie gray could have seen this film and in fact redirected the course of his life living six blocks away from Coppin State College do you know what this could have possibly meant for Corey Gaines who was killed senselessly how about Baltimore County police officers for living up to and standing on her constitutional right huh for the nameless and faces people in Park Heights who have no idea that there is more to their life I didn't rep music videos and malt liquor but understanding that they can in fact rise up on to the crescendo of what it is that God has called them to do so whether it is that you're writing a checking out or whether you're giving electronically by a debit card our leaders are moving now to either side of the sanctuary if you want to give electronically but I want you to give something waiting no way that you're going to peek the mind in the interests of some young person not knowing that college is available for me our future is available to me that I am able to stand taller and stronger because I stand on the shoulders of giants every person would you get that seed in your hand in your hand as soon as you get it would you begin coming now I want us to meet that challenge I want to send the word back to New York that if no other Church stood up for this challenge I've been empowerment temple and Baltimore did so come on help me in this regard [Music] I see I obey my fate I am a giver yes I'm a giver I am a convert I am a giver say I am I [Music] hi I am a giver and to the law I want to really sincerely challenge our cyber sanctuary viewers and even now that your partner with us that you help me I send young people from Frederick Douglass from Carver from Merv Oh from city from poly from Western I want you to please challenge me even if you can't give $100 whatever is the price of a ticket whether he does mat night matinee or prime time I want you to go online now a partner with me so that we can in fact help enlarge the exposure of these young people here in this city and even around the world those of you are pastors who are watching early this morning as that you will please go to Black Panther Challenge and please enroll your city also that your city can in fact replicate this exact same model and be a blessing to people can I tell you empowerment temple on Tuesdays Ash Wednesday service was absolutely amazing God medicine in this room and some 600 of you piled in here noon day and as a consequence we're going to have a noon day service one hour of power of intimate and intense prayer every Wednesday leading up to Easter every Wednesday leading up to Easter I want you to please join us you've already proven that you can get out on Wednesday I so ask that you will please do it again and again and again every Wednesday this Wednesday is included I share with you that on last Monday we started our diabetes alertness and awareness our intensive for six weeks for those of you who ever been diagnosed with diabetes or are at risk we are having and hosting classes on Monday night if you want to be a part of it or you are unsure whether or not you are at risk as you will please go to our information table in the lobby and they will entrust you with all of the data that is needed so that you can secure your spot are in order to be a part of it our music ministry is going to prepare us for the Word of God I want you please or please ma'am how would you please take one moment and invite entry somebody to please worship with us albeit online all that is needed and necessary of them is that they will go to empowerment temple org empowerment temple org as that you will please go they are even in this moment somebody's life can be enhanced can be improved and can be empowered just from this word that is going to go forth come on quiet lead us in music after they will conclude would you please stand for the reading of God's Word [Music] today because you care for me j'espere a schooi that's why i'd rage I live [Music] that's why my heart is filled with praise I love I love [Music] because again because you cared for me in such a special way [Music] that's why I [Music] that's why my oh if you really love them come on let's sing together mind Oh today because you can me in such a special way [Music] I [Music] [Applause] my my soul come on with that one [Music] I have to why with [Music] your mind [Music] back that's why why [Music] that's why [Music] [Music] [Music] come on give God a hand clap of praise would you secure your Bibles and make your way to the Gospel of Luke chapter 13 those of you who are just watching and tuning in online has that you will please help us to send deserve and young people to go see the Black Panther film this week from Baltimore City Public Schools as it you'll please make a donation help us in that charitable way I'm appreciative for your support in that enterprise and that initiative Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 verses 10 through 16 houses and holds our text Luke chapter 13 verses 10 through 16 Kwanzaa founder wants you to declare pastor I have it bless hello we're gonna read it together with uplifted voices Luke chapter 13 verses 10 through 16 all of us are reading together oh come on everybody on a Sabbath who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when Jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set free indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath the synagogue leader said to the people there are six days for work so come and be healed on those days not on the Sabbath the Lord answered him you hypocrites whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years be set free on the Sabbath a day from what has bound her you may be seated in the presence of the Lord on a particular Sunday morning Jesus is the guest preacher at the synagogue and a woman comes in who's been crippled for 18 years the Bible gives us the evidence and the insight to note that she does not have a sickness she has a spirit Jesus calls out to her woman you are free from that infirmity he then lays hands on her and immediately she straightens up and praises God indignant the people watch this who are the leaders at the church get upset said Jesus you done broke the law you know that on the Sabbath is the day of rest nothing is supposed to be done on this day Jesus gets mad at them for getting mad at him and says all of y'all are hypocrites if in fact your donkey fell down but you helped pull that mule out how in the world would you let this woman remain down on a Sunday I don't care what day it is Satan has had her long enough she shall be set free I want to preach as we continue in our series life after love and hip hop I want to preach using as a subject I'm not ready for a relationship I'm not ready for a relationship but you look at the person beside you and tell them this sermon is for my friend that this sermon is for my friend I'm not ready for a relationship my dear friends back in July eerily it was announced in the UK and not in the United States that the iphone eggs would not be completely ready at the time of its release the manufacturer Apple acknowledged that all the kings would not be ironed out by the time of the launch however Apple made an executive decision to ship the hardware required for efficiency but not activated until once this software was available at a later date the latest offering is the most radical redesign since its inception with a full encompassing screen an ability to unlock the phone with face recognition and the bonus feature of wireless charging the same thing friends happen with a high phone 6 in that it came with what's this 2 lenses in order to capture depth and enable portrait mode sorrowfully the capacity to power it was not ready at the time of his launch which stock prices teetering panic swept through the company and they felt as if sand zone was nipping at its heels and so they were unprepared for the PR if the date had to be pushed back yet again directly attributable to a lack of preparedness it was just announced this week that the device known as the iPhone X is no longer in production not just because of lackluster sales but because there have been so many quirks with the device by those who have made $1,000 investment it's deeply troubling and regrettable how many people go out in the dating scene knowing that they're not ready knowing that they are not prepared and knowing that there are some things in them that need to be ironed out before they begin to bring that which is toxic into other people's lives the problem with Apple the reason why it is they felt embolden to release the iPhone 10 knowing that it was not ready is because they did it the same way with the iPhone 6 and they believe just like they fixed it later on one they could fix this later on aiding seen the relationship saying can I dare say into the marriage saying knowing that they are not ready believing that they can change later on or change their significant other they are fully abreast of the fact that they are emotionally unavailable they're still attached to an ex have unrealistic expectations they are easily distracted they are two independent they're to set in their ways they are unavailable to compromise and yet have the nerve to want to get hooked up with somebody else I am praying for you this morning as your pastor I am praying that God does not release you to anybody or to anything until you are completely available for what God has to offer all the more I'm not even talking about a person I am praying that God does not connect you with your assignment until you are ready because if you are not equipped not only will it miss you up it will miss somebody or something else up if you bring immaturity to something that is already seasoned there will be a whole lot of spared of feelings and time not wasted if more people would be honest with the fact that clearly they are not ready and available for a relationship it's unfortunate that many people who attend church are the ly perpetuators because hear this they are enamored by religion but they are irritated by relationship I better say that again they are enamored by religion but are irritated by relationship the root of religion I want you to hear this the root of religion as found in the Latin is the word Religare are elig ar e Religare which means to bind or to tie let me give it to you again the root word of religion is relegated to bind or to tie the theological concept is that religion is everything that helps tie culture together or to tie your understanding together or to tie your faith together the common denominator is I am bound to something I am bound to a relief belief I am bound to a tradition or I am bound to a ritual it is not necessarily sacred it is habitual did you hear what I just said it is not necessarily biblical it is a traditional so we get tied to it and call it religion when there is no DNA to a relationship so there are some things that we do religiously that are not God ordained religiously I wash I every Sunday night religiously I watch homeland immediately after that that's what I do religiously but it is not spiritual I think I lost you this week I'm in Columbia South Carolina and while in Columbia South Carolina they still got old school testimony service and while I'm in Columbia South Carolina they start singing a song that I hadn't heard since I was a little boy the song that they start singing in Columbia South Carolina raised this question here's where the phrase in the middle of the song here is with the song raised as a question if you got good religion and the answer was certainly lower y'all only remember that song the next line was have you been to the pole look and the whole church responded certainly Lord the next line is have you been bad in the whole church answered certainly Lord certainly certainly certainly Lord now notice this that everything in the song that is tied to religion has to do here this with a habit and not with a relationship have I been to the pole is what it is that they earmark as religion have I been baptized is what they earmark as religion no way in the question that do you have good religion was it asked do you have a prayer life no where was it as if you got good religion to your face nowhere when they asked do you have good religion do you read the Word of God faithfully but they were asking about the mechanics of church without the intimacy with the Savior and far too many of you all come to church 7:30 in the morning because you got good religion but you got bad relationship you don't get extra credit for showing up if you don't ever let your light so shine before men that they're able to see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven this becomes a transferred into relationship here this with the expectation of duties so a whole lot of you are not looking for relationship you looking for somebody to religiously please you God y'all don't like this here did you cook I can't hear nobody in here did you cling did you massage did you well I can let's leave that right where it is because it is interpreted by works by what it is that you're doing religiously but what I am calling for in this day is that there are a whole lot of people who have the trappings of church but have no evidence of Christianity the end of the day God is not gone as are you hear me a Baptist Church of God in Christ a word of faith he wants to know have you in fact allow God to use you at such a capacity that it doesn't matter what's the name of the church on the marquee but what is the name of Christ in your heart and I'm so sick of folks that are Chelsea but not Christ II jaw you're not saying nothing to me because you can speak in tongues but you won't speak to other people your day is in church and walk right past people you'll lift up your hand but you'll never give Negros a helping hand I'm sick of us having Church but not having cries relationship is different in so much it asks about how two or more people are connected and interact I remember a couple of weeks ago I was traveling and I was in such a haste to catch my plane that in my haste to catch my plane y'all I forgot my charger forgot my charge as soon as I landed my first step I don't need to go eat I don't need you to go check in the hotel pastor you got to take me to go get a charger ain't no way I'm be able to make it 48 hours without my iPhone and iPad working go find me a charger the pastor pulled up to the local mall in the city that I was in he dropped me off in that mall and when I got to the mall Rush's there is no Apple Store I'm beginning to pull my hair out cuz I need a charger my sermon is on this iPad I gotta make some phone calls I need a charger and lo and behold there's a kiosk in the middle of the mall it is not authorized by Apple it is an independent distributor and I walked right up to that middle-eastern man and I said do you have charges for iPhones he said indeed we do I said will it work in an iPad he said indeed it will I said give me two of them I need one from my phone and I need one for my iPad he said here it is and he charged me $24.99 I get back to my hotel I plugged it in the charger and then I plug it watch this into my device and to my phone at first the icon came on showed me that the battery was connected and then a message came up on my iPad that said this device does not support support this application now need y'all to notice that the charger I bought was right it looked just like the one I had left at home but it was not authorized and because it was not authorized it could not charge my stuff can I say the 12 of y'all who were here this morning too many y'all are letting the illegal people plug into you that have not been authorized they cannot charge you they cannot motivate you they cannot mobilize you just because they look right just because they got your taste it don't mean it's been ordained by God you got a make up in your minds this year I don't want nothing blocking in the me that has not been authorized by God Himself give somebody a high five and say I know that's right religion is fueled by fear religion is fueled by fear and the punishment where is legitimate relationship is powered by love so a lot of church a command a comedy of their congregations and lead the ministry with the spirit of manipulation y'all not saying nothing to me not because they use God as a fear monger they threaten it they're gonna be curses that don't fall down on their life that they're never going to prosper that nothing is going to come right by them unless they give complete compliance to the rules of that ministry so they believe or watch this that because it is you are a part of this assembly you can't wear jeans you can't wear red lipstick you can't wear open-toed shoes you can't wear dangling earrings you can't wear open collar shirt your hair must always be covered you can't miss a Sunday without calling the pastor y'all they sayin nothin to me because they have painted God as a say this as a terrorist as somebody that throws tantrums that like Donald Trump but I serve a god that is so secure he don't care whether you got on lipstick or lip gloss she don't care y'all ain't sayin nothin to me whether you got heels or flip-flops because a man looks at the outer appearance but his job then looks at the heart and cannot go a step further before you run in the wrong direction that don't mean you wanna come to church dressed in the kind of way with hair for your body sticking out I'm saying when you got a relationship with God you are mindful before you walk out of the house is this pleasing under here god I represent him and God is saying in no uncertain terms I would rather be loved than feared y'all didn't hear what I just said I said God said I would rather be loved than feared and Luke chapter 13 we find Jesus going to church he's going to church on the Sabbath day he's not the pastor he's the guest preacher for that day and being a guest preacher watch this he sands up in churches in the middle of his message and he notices that there's a woman who's been crippled she's being crippled watch this and the Bible says for 18 years she doesn't need a hip replacement but she's bent over she doesn't need a knee replacement but she's bent over she does not have something wrong with her vertebra but she's bent over the Bible tells us in Luke and you do know we can take Luke's word because Luke's a physician he's a doctor and so he says why says this sustained really sick what's got her bent over is her spirit god I can't hear nobody it is her spirit that's got her hunched over and not able to walk straight notice the distinction from the rider is that it's a spirit and not a disease and watch the impact is that that spirit has impacted her walk I think I've lost you I was ill many of you have got to be on high alert of demonic activity that wants to alter your walk with God and so the enemy will keep putting stumbling blocks in your way so that you don't walk upright walking with virtue integrity and character I'm talking to some of you that if God went with you you'd be in a wheelchair and crutches a cane and a cast right now but you're able to say watch this I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I still fear no evil and the Bible says something that I want you to be mindful of is that she is afflicted by this spirit for 18 years the watch would Luke tells us and she can't I'm in verse number 11 she can't straighten herself out God help me in here they're a whole lot of people who are watching me right now online who said pastor imma get to church but i'ma wait till I get myself together hallelujah I'm going through some stuff right now and I don't want to go to church until I get right hallelujah what this woman teaches you is you can't ever straighten yourself out hallelujah but you gotta get the power of God to get it worked out in you the reality is you can't straighten yourself out if you're the one that put yourself in it you need an authority that is higher than you jesus saw and when Jesus saw he calls her out and said to her sister girl you are set free hallelujah I need somebody to lift up that hand right where you are my time is quickly dwindling I came to tell somebody in your 7:30 service you are set free hallelujah from everything that's been trying to your walk and then trying to make you not remain holy and steadfast and compromise your integrity y'all ain't receiving this gospel let me preach it to somebody three rolls behind you you are set free from every habit from every addiction from every fighter you are set free from what they did to you for what they said about you from what you have been doing for what you heard and what you saying free now still sitting there no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to by can't hear anybody I'm telling you the more you praise them the better you feel hallelujah if you open up your mouth everything that's been holding you back everything that's been weighing you down everything that's been trying to sideline you it's getting ready to be under your feet hallelujah be seated I feel glory coming now hallelujah would you be seated right where you are handli I feel them right here hallelujah would you lay hands on somebody's shoulder holily I said lay hands on somebody's shoulder hallelujah now take that hand back hallelujah will you do it again so they can feel your hand honor hallelujah come on press down on it right there now release that hey pastor why did you have me do that the Bible said that Jesus said to her you are set free hallelujah but in one complete so she laid hands on i declare over every worshipper let the moment you laid hands on your neighbor what they been dealing with he's getting ready to come off of here I feel deliverance in this room can I tell you what don't wait till the battle is over but you are shot right now that the Sun sets free is free indeed hallelujah you may be seated hi thank you God thank you holy God hallelujah I don't know who this is for but I need 70 of you to just shout out loud I am set free yeah yeah yeah y'all don't believe that I dare to say it again I am set free I'm free from other people's opinion I'm free from my mistakes I'm free from my past I'm free from what y'all think about me I am free [Applause] and when he laid hands on her immediately the Bible says she straightened herself out I'm in verse number 14 I'm getting ready to go I'm coming around the mountain how come I'm in verse number 14 watch this and the church people got upset y'all ain't gonna believe this they got upset in church [Applause] god help me because they really wasn't expecting a move of God they just wanted to follow the order worship they want a time schedule and this healing thing is gone throat stuff off cuz they got a brunch to go to I can't yeah nobody they they got to pick up some stuff from Safeway ain't no time for healing in church don't do that Church gets upset and say you don't heal on the Sabbath these are the Saints these the Deacons this the stewards this just to trustees got an attitude we don't heal around here on no Sunday [Applause] you you got six other days to do this don't do it on a Sunday watch this because the church people were caught in religion so they thought it was a specific time or date by which people could get a breakthrough but Jesus was of the man rush is when you have an authentic legitimate relationship with me you don't matter what day it is hallelujah I know some of y'all on the shout on Sundays but is there anybody that ever felt God on a Wednesday god I can't hear nobody anybody ever got saved on a Friday night in anybody felt a visitation from God early on a Saturday morning you ought to be giving God glory that God don't need a schedule when you have relationship with God you don't need a specific day what's this furthermore what is if God is doing it it ain't work god y'all didn't hear what I just said it's not work if it's working out for me hallelujah y'all y'all ain't y'all ain't responding right let me give it to you again I said it ain't work if it's working out for me some of y'all ought to be thanking God that you have now officially entered a season of sweat las' victory that what you can make get from God I hope y'all a shout about it what you give me work forget from God you ain't gonna have to work for Foucault's gonna be jealous in the envious trying to figure out how you were able to get it and you didn't have to work for it all I know his favor ain't fair what did she do in order to get this blessing are y'all ready to shout what did she do in order to get this blessing I'm glad you asked she there is no record that she waved her hand there is no record that she danced in the house there's no record that she screamed after the cry well pastor what did she do to get this blessing here's your shouting show up at church and I tend to tell somebody just because you came in the house God's got a blessing for you we seen it for the last time I gotta get out of here Sean you working today come on son happy seated right where you are hallelu you tell your neighbor something good it's getting ready to happen for you thank you holy God that's the wrong day but I choose religious for me they don't have a real relationship I said look at your neighbor tell them something good yes get ready to happen for you hallelujah I feel my grandfather on me now I said shake your neighbors hand and tell them something good is getting ready to happen to you that's the wrong neighbor they don't stay that way find somebody that's been him something shake their hand and tell them something happen to you hallelujah I want to stay in the text can I show you what the Bible says the Bible says that she's been in this condition for 18 years for 18 years she was bent over she stopped and can't get a breakthrough hallelujah nothing would work for her she tried therapy and medication she tried meditation and yoga but nothing would happen to her until she came to church one Sunday morning but did you forget that it was the 18th year time is up look at the calendar and this is 2018 God said whenever you've been dealing with for the last 17 years if you give me Gloria yes get ready to break up for you if you give me praise 17 years of depression and anxiety 17 years of low self-esteem 17 years I'm feeling rejected and inadequate up well past I know it was the 18th year but what day was it the Bible says it was a Sunday no less law can I tell you that this is a TV and this is that Sunday wherever you dealing with your get ready to be set free some of y'all ain't been dealing with nothing but God said if you praise me every demon every curse every witch and everyone yes God under your feet yes they anybody here that's not a praise let's say Jesus come and listen when I came for relationship I love you I love the Lord today because you cared for me in such a special way it belongs to you a unibody just got a shouter open up your mouth and bays be seated for the last time I got to show you something so you can praise right you're shouting really don't work god you're shouting really don't work kill somebody in church it's mad God y'all y'all didn't hear what I just said your praise don't mean nothing until somebody says you don't take all I want lift up that hand please are you ready for a relationship we're gone and in that relationship with God are you prepared for the fact that he may bless you at any time [Music] some of y'all not gonna be able to receive your greatest blessing ain't gonna happen on Sunday oh god I can't hear nobody sometimes your greatest blessing to happen on a Wednesday at 4 o'clock it only take one phone call one email they changed the whole trajectory of your entire life I want you lift that hand as high as you can I want to pray for you I'm not offering you religion I'm inviting you to relationship she lifts that hand please right where you are only if your desire is a relationship a healthy relationship watch this a healthy relationship does not require rules God did y'all hear what I just said a healthy relationship does not require your rules if I'm in a healthy relationship I don't need a rule to say don't yell at you god I can't hear no I love you enough that I respect you even when I'm angry god I can't hear nobody when I'm in a legitimate relationship with God I don't need rules hallelujah I'm in an authentic relationship nobody got to remind me to talk to him every day I love him enough that I can't go a day without hearing his voice hallelujah I don't have to go through something a set of intimate time but I can find him for myself lift up that hand just those of you who have relationship with God he earns just a fellowship with you you take a moment all over this room just those of you that already have a relationship which he lifts up that hand and open up your mouth like you need God even in this hour hallelujah y'all now saying anything come on hallelujah come on I can't hear anybody hallelujah come on just those of you they've got a relationship you and God a tight like that did he'll wake you up in the middle of the night he'll he'll talk to you and rush-hour traffic I can't believe y'all not saying anything those of you that trust him those of you that love him those of you who know I can't live without him I want a relationship with him I got to get my fire bad me and God ain't where we used to be leader he didn't gave me the silent treatment and out and stop talking to him we we live in on two different parts of the house but today I want to renew my covenant with God hallelujah and those of you who unashamedly are in love with our Lord would you give God your best sound of Thanksgiving if you're in love with our Lord [Applause] come on I can he I said open up your mouth if you are in love with our Lord every person in this room would you stand to your feet every person in the room I desperately need for you to stand to your feet I can't let you leave here the same way you came I'm not asking you to join a relationship I'm asking you to get involved I'm asking for you to get connected and to get committed to our God and I want this to be the place where y'all date I want this is the place where you in God rendezvous this is where we hook up this is where we meet that that's our spot if I hear from him I know I may hear from met empowerment tell partner i'ma feel his presence I'll pop up on where he lives this is my father's house God I can't hear nobody or not we are so trusting that I don't need a special invitation I come to 7:30 if I oversleep I come to 9:30 God is so cute secure in our relationship that he down mind pop-ups amazing thing about God he can talk to three billion people and make me feel like I'm the only one god I can't hear nobody that I'm still the apple of his eye I don't know where it is that you are we knocked on doors two Saturdays ago and droves came and accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives and I want to do no less on this day you hear in this room and you have seen the benefit of serving God seeing the benefit of being in relationship with him now you are not not be ashamed of how no how you ain't in a secret relationship Lord hell you know how many people you and even know they were involved until Valentine's Day flowers start coming to the deaths they post and stuff on Instagram I didn't even know you were seeing somebody he is complicated your relationship with God ought not be complicated ought to be clear enough that I don't care who knows that I'm in love with Jesus and he's in love with me I want you right where it is that you are I um I want to invite you to a relationship with God I gotta warn you as an open relationship cuz he don't love a whole lot of people but he love you like you are the only one if you're here in this room and you're saying pastor that's the kind of love I need that's the kind of relationship I desire that's what my soul sorely misses that's where there's a void in my heart how much you to come I want you to give me your hand but more than anything I need you to give God your heart please don't play with it with a week after Valentine's Day ain't no way in the world that you should feel unloved we have the Valentine's Day you got to know God loved me enough to die for me loved me enough to take the blame for something he didn't even do I mean that's real love right there how did you help me partner with me please they playin hard to get in their minds they think they not ready for a relationship but they don't know that their soul needs it so bad they try to act tough but are they really a teddy bear but they just need to be loved they just need somebody to talk to them the right way would you move from where you are come on go talk to somebody ask them out Saved Eskom do they have a church home I asked him have they given their life over to God [Music] so you can't use I can oh yes I guess [Music] I can [Music] so you can use [Music] hallelujah come on but you talk to one last person hallelujah would you talk to one less person be sure for me are you sure you save you sure you got a church home are you sure you giving your life over the guy I care [Music] bless his name if you love God the way I do would you clip that hand right where you are [Music] [Applause] bless the Lord you may be seated in the presence of the Lord clap your hands if you're grateful for your relationship with God come on would you clap your hands if he's your personal Savior hallelujah I hope that you'll do that on yesterday I took on one of my mentees out to lunch and taking them out to lunch she's just getting out of college young man industrious enterprising starting a new chapter of his life just got his first job a couple of months ago we had lunch he's like doc I got it I said man you still got student loans I got it says man you you don't have to do it I'm good I'll work you you interning I got it he said no no I'll take care of it he is he just graduated from college and May taking me to lunch his mentor and pulls out an American Express I almost have a heart attack so how in the world with Stu loans you got American Express he's I don't know it's not mine it's my dad's I said oh no you got it in you got it I said I said why in the world would your father give you an American Express you just got your first job just came out of college he says he never wants me to be left out here with nothing that I'm only supposed to use it just in case here it is his father doesn't even live in Maryland doesn't even live in the same city as his son I was sent here I'm a card that is connected to his account cuz I never want you to be left exposed you don't matter what the situation or the circumstances if you find yourself in a jam know that you can pull out your father's name cause some of y'all just miss that now so so some of you all ought to be grateful that they have been moments they've been places and they have been instances and occasions about which you know you didn't have it to pull it together but what the enemy didn't count on is I've got the authority to pull out his name hallelujah if I ask anything in his name it shall be given unto me come on us ladies and gentlemen I ask yourselves the critical question I'll be excited light how much do you ask yourself do you love your church enough to leave it comfort that when it is that I give I am saying in no uncertain terms I don't know what my churches don't have to confront this week I don't know what they're gonna have to deal with I don't know what's going cross on their desks between Monday through Saturday but I can't wait in afford for them to wait until next Sunday to get rescued and so when I give my seed I'm leaving my name saying that watch this I am so in love with my ministry and the work of God that he's doing an empowerment temple that I never want to leave my church exposed I never want to leave my church uncovered I want to make sure that the work of the ministry is able to move forward ladies and gentlemen our ambassadors are coming amongst you I've got to challenge you on this Sabbath day to know that some miracles are going to take place this week some transformation is going to take place this week God has given me to do something radical and revolutionary for somebody this week who thought that they would remain bent over we remain crippled and the reality is they don't have the wherewithal to straighten themselves out but they are connected to a minister connected to a church that operates with the Grace and the power of our Living God I want you to get that seed in your hand I don't know how where it is that you are but I give friends who are watching online I want you to partner with me I want you to believe God with me that whatever it is that happens this week is gonna be covered would you prophesy that to the person who's sitting next to you look at him tell them whatever happens to you this week it's gonna be covered they don't believe that look down on the other side and tell them no matter what you gotta face this week financially it's gonna be covered a little yeah I believe that for you I believe that for myself I believe that for your children as a consequence friends I need you to get that seed in your hand I want you get an offering in your hand there's one person in this room one person who's watching on live they can write one check that will cover everything somebody that God can bless watch this that you have the means to release everything that we need at empowerment Academy you got the resources you got the means to be able to cover everything in terms of our staff in terms of our utilities in terms of our outreach in terms of our endeavors in Park Heights God has given you men but God can't trust you as long as you're selfish God's blessing you so you can be a blessing to other people here's what's amazing is that I'm offering the young man lunch so he didn't need it he didn't need to pull out his card cuz somebody was offering it but God has so shaped and equipped and navigated his heart watches that I want to do for somebody else even watch this while I have the means and that's the litmus test of your faith your relationship with God I want you when you tithe and empowerment temple when you give I do not want you to give out of fear and if I don't tithe then gong-gong cut holes in my pockets if I don't have then there's gonna be a leak in my roof I want to give why cuz I got relationship when I give to him I'm showing God god I love you more than everything and I prove it to you I love you more than my car some of you all don't love God enough to give him a full tank of gas did you hear what I just said I said some of you don't love God enough or full take any measure for payment not even for for take a gas and God says I want to know are you ready for relationship that great a or me not Richard Allen not Henry McNeal turns that great AME John Legend said all of me follow you yeah make up in your mind if I want all the God that I gotta give all of me to you hallelujah my life is not my own but to hear my belonging I want to give myself away how dear friends who are watching online come on I want you to partner with you I want to believe God for you how that God is gonna do something amazing unseemly he's gonna do something outlandish it's gonna be a sweat list victory for you and I want to tell you I don't know what day of the week is gonna happen but any day now God's gonna be able to move on your behalf every person who seeks ace a substantive relationship with God you ought not offend him with it if you have to bless him with a dive ladies and gentlemen it is absolutely against the law for you to go into a restaurant and leave the tip and not pay the bill you will nice to the waiter but you forgot the chef ladies and gentlemen when it is that you give an offering all you're doing is leaving a tip your tithe is handling the bill of what it is that you owe God for the week how much you to get that seed in your hand now that you have it would you stand to your feet please what you stand to your feet would you lift up their gift above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for loving me when I broke the rules use this seed to bless somebody who doesn't have a relationship in Jesus name Amen would you turn to your right I need you to begin coming now from the last row [Music] he's blessing man winds are doing [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] bless the Lord if you feel like God is blessing you come on but you clap that hand right where you are Tuesday friends a Tuesday is our Bible study at 7:30 I've got a special treat for you as you all know I'm in this series of life after love and hip hop dealing with relationships and every different level at every different capacity on this coming Tuesday I'm bringing a love and life coach to the church love and Life Church coach to the church Tuesday night at 7:30 an open forum on doing open dialogue and questions about relationships how we navigate how we maneuver how we strengthen how we equip and how we repay her he is much sought after all over the country and we're so gracious of God that he's gonna share with us our own Tuesday night so I want you to come I want you to bring your loved one your significant other are your family members even your friends that you have become estranged to and with I need you to bring them Tuesday night so that they might be a part of it Wednesday at 12 noon is our hour of power for our Lenten series also as it you'll please join us and be a part of it how would you please go to wherever it is that you take notes wherever it is that you take notes I would you please please pull that out of those of you that gotta find a pen or scrap sheet of paper those of you are technologically savvy as that you will please please put this into your phone August 22nd August 22nd through August the 25th we're doing something novel on something creative something innovative and I want you to be a part of it we've got five churches coming together August 22nd through the 25th Bishop Marvin Sapp out of Michigan Bishop William Murphy out of Atlanta Georgia Bishop Rudolph mckissick out of Jacksonville Florida pastor Antonio Matthews to Denver Colorado all five of us are bringing our churches together to break do one conference we're doing one conference together it's called balance of the balanced retreat all five of our congregations are coming together in Las Vegas Nevada we've taken over the entire Caesars Palace is going to be given over to our church our church ears for that day I want you to please register for that conference again August 22nd through the 25th I ask that you will please go to balance Vegas dot-com would you write that website down please balance Vegas dot-com it's gonna be absolutely amazing it's going to be an untraditional church experience so we're gonna have licensed clinicians and therapists all three of those days that you'll be able to set up appointments those of us who need to get our diet right that we're gonna have exercise our regiment we're gonna have special our tracks for people who are married people who are single parents people who are single people who are with old people who are divorced our own levels of healing are gonna take places from Wednesday night and then we close Saturday at noon and then you'll fly back and we'll all be back in church together on Sunday morning I'm telling you it's gonna be absolutely amazing and experience like you have never had in your life but I want you to be a part of it I'll put that back on the screen for me for just one moment a moment media ministry please August 22nd through the 25th I say you've got time now to let your job know that you need those days off from work you got time now to find a babysitter Amen you got time now to collect your coin so that you can come and go with us but I want our you to come and share with us in this intensity of intensive it is gonna be really a novel encounter with God were you gonna say Lord how in the world did I miss all of this because there's so many of us who are just running on empty there's so many of us the gaslight been on for several exits and we just keep going and we have adjusted to dysfunction but I want every single one of you to please come and go with make is gonna be an amazing time in the Lord as we go forward beginning in March I'm gonna be sharing with you who our guest who I guess will be in terms of our lecturers and presenters up it is gonna be an amazing time and I want you to be a part of it August 22nd through the 25th again that website is balanced Vegas dot-com balanced Vegas calm please come and be a part of what it is that God is doing in the earth would you please stand to your feet right where it is that you are those of you who have seen Black Panther can I see that hand those of you that wave it for me please thank you if your hand is lifted would you please do movie evangelism and please just tell the people whose hands aren't lift it we need you to go see it in the next 72 hours fleas I'll go see it in the next 72 hours we want to make history we want to be able to be a blessing to a minority driven film that we can in fact be in something that is artistic and not demeaning or degrading amen but it has a high level of value now let me say to you is in high demand also check with the theater before you drive out there in the ice and make sure that that theater is not sold out because I don't want you saying well passing was sold out so I went and saw Fifty Shades no I need you please please I need you to stay focused man I need you please to just go see a black panther today I'm pastor I'm honored to have you thank you so much every time you come you make my heart glad would you lift up that hand right where you are your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me Rock of God and you'll walk with me talk with God you know talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me love God because He first loved me those of you who have not participated in Sunday school you ought to try it is a wonderful wonderful expose into the Word of God it takes place immediately after 7:30 service in the Charles Robinson room now unto Him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you can bless somebody else in
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 25,901
Rating: 4.8557873 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, pastor, ready, relationship
Id: TxAIl-N4zvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 0sec (5700 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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