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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the old R&B song says starting all over again is gonna be hard so hard but we're gonna make it and that's where we are in the new bird sanctuary we're in the season of time to build up again I'm your pastor of Internet and innovation curve ants Ross and you have been tuned in right now to the cyber sanctuary welcome it's Sunday morning and we're right in the sanctuary and you're watching us build up all over again we're doing it right in front of you for you our senior pastor dr. Jamal Harrison Bryan has an amazing message for you I can't mess this up and you know just like I know there's no more time to miss the foot we got to get it right so tune in join in share this message wherever you are YouTube Instagram Facebook whatever platform your own start your watch party it's time to go into where we are called the main sanctuary are you ready you can't mess this up let's have a great Sunday I'll see you under me [Music] god [Music] [Music] somebody worship them in this place praise God praise God for the low blessings flow are you ready new bird are you ready well let's go before the final degrees I have a god an awesome name of Jesus God we give you praise this morning God we glorify your holy and righteous me but by the God you alone my god is truly worthy and father we thank you Lord God for this journey that we alone for forty days Floyd our Father we thank you Lord God that you gotta build us up that we're fighting the people that you will have a simple Oregon father we thank you and we continue to give you praise we continue to borrow fire your holy and righteous name we thank you for the man of God that you have made before the Lord God we thank you Father we thank you [Music] and appointed by you Father that we think that is the I'm know anything that destroys your it's there I'm not that movers father we thank you in advance for the people or got the souls that you learn to send to us Lord God we thank you Lord our Father God that they will come here Lord God by multiplication Lord God in the name of Jesus God we give you praise God and father we thank you that we will exemplify love more I got in a way that is never been exemplified before further God that we love our Lord God Father God you say love conquers all it covers a multitude of sin and love never felt Lord God we take your Lord God but that love will permeate from this place Lord God on this day Lord God in the name of Jesus Father we give you praise we honor you this day Lord God we glorify your holy and righteous name Lord God for you alone Lord God is truly word and father we thank you we plead the blood of Jesus Lord God over everyone under the sound of my voice in the name of Jesus we pray amen amen and amen come on [Music] awesome [Music] ha [Music] [Music] let's lift a small church come on yes revival fathers come come come [Music] I'm shop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah if you believe sons and daughters oh come on in here sons and daughters come on let's give God praise at the room today hallelujah [Music] if you are visiting us online we welcome you if you are here in the sanctuary with us we are so glad to have you here on behalf of our pastor troupe dr. Jamal X Bryan we love you and welcome you to Newberg guess what it's fragile is a fragile ISM everybody will you clap it up for that listen French Alisa means friends relatives associates and neighbors listen family and friends this month we want to make sure that we are reaching as many as we can to Jesus Christ we are declaring war on MP seats in the house of God and I want you to do us a favor I want you to join us in this army with reaching people to Jesus how many of you are gonna help us do that how many of you are gonna help us do that listen you see standing in the aisle right now is our evangelism team immediately after service we're asking you to join them for their meeting that will take place immediately after service you'll see them standing throughout the hallways throughout the lobby so that you can get direction on where they are meeting how many of you know that he that wins Souls is wise NASA Kari is there somebody in your heart that you're just believing God the touch that they may receive Jesus absolutely I want my whole family safe hallelu by the end of the year every relative I have I want them say I want them safe anybody in the room want their family safe anybody online once your family's safe will you do me a favor for the next five seconds just think about somebody think about them now I want you to say this in the name of Jesus I declare that they will receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior before the end of the year if you believe it why don't you shout right now and give God praise mr. Kerry you know what I'm excited about what's that I am excited that it is our pastors first anniversary I'm excited listen listen our pastor has done so many things yes he has in this first year yeah and I'm excited that this Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Pastor Mark Baker is going to be with us yeah and then on this coming Sunday this I mean if I say Sunday coming Sunday coming it we are gonna have the biggest celebration broadcast seller in the world that's the best we have anybody know we have an amazing pastor I'm excited I'm excited Massa Cary I'm asking everybody that's in the room who is online to prepare in your heart how we can be a blessing to our pastor absolute not only does he preach but he prays yes now I don't not only is he praying for you but he's patient well yes he has been persistent he has been committed and on that day we want to show up in a special way a huge way to say pastor we think God for him solutely and while we're thinking God we're getting ready to get out of here but while we're thinking God we are believing for many souls yes you know what that's what pastor wants the most I asked pastor pastor Kerry I said pastor what do you want he says pass the limits I want to see people say my lord so listen I want you to do me a favor we're getting ready to go back into worship but I want you to lift those hands I want you to open up your mouth yet because when they start saying sons and daughters shall be saved I want you to start thinking of your relatives thinking of your co-workers well y'all do me a favor will you just get in the room so save come on say so tej come off it so say come on say it come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we need your presence come on us the car [Music] Oh [Music] can you just rip their hands right there abortion pill let's speak well of him into the atmosphere we need your glory this morning like never before come on church [Music] we must evangelize we must evangelize even when it seems inconvenient to you you must evangelize but the Bible says he that winneth Souls is wise so we must evangelize even when things in our life Oh chaotic and challenging we must pause and think of someone else's eternal life we must evangelize the other day I was on the phone taking care of some business and the Lord whispered to my heart don't miss it don't miss what I knew to be true which was to declare boldly the Lord's love for the man because that was choose so it dawned on me I must evangelize it wouldn't hurt me to go to my neighbor and invite them to church because you'll be told their souls hurt they are in desperate need of a healer a savior our Redeemer and all it takes is for us to ball up our fingers ball up my fingers and knock and now as the Lord knocks on the heart because he has so much to give them because he's had it from the very start we must evangelize we must have been july's to our friends and family our neighbors the needy the downhearted the brokenhearted and the criminal we must evangelize we must be buried alive by the power and the authority of the kingdom that lies within us we must evangelize go and tell someone and all your social media platforms that God's love is unfathomable it is eternal and it came in human form we must evangelize because we know that he is our king our Savior our Lord our Redeemer and there was nothing like being in his presence we must evangelize [Music] and you know what else you don't have to have the title evangelist to evangelize you can evangelize with your life with your response our response this morning is hallelujah can you lift up your hands with me all over the sanctuary and just say hallelujah into the atmosphere that's my response this smart [Music] response this [Music] we honor you God you have rescued my life you have rescued my life [Music] Oh listen to this any witnesses [Music] let's sing it together [Music] whenever you are and I'm never going you the Lord [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shall we lift our hands and Trey you have saved my life have shaped my life can you sing it come on you have shame come on the claret all the ones that nobody's standing for you come on speak to the atmosphere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my response is hallelujah come on you can sing it come on come on hallelujah let's sing it my response is hallelujah that's it make a joyful noise you're my redeemer hallelujah can you lift it up bigger Church my response so I seen my response come on lift it higher to the Lord ha with no music come on if you're grateful would you give God an uproarious response come on would you listen would you magnify you come on turn up your phrase right there turn up the volume of your Thanksgiving turn up the sound of your adoration towards him bless the Lord you may be seated in the presence of the Lord would you just wave at somebody across the congregation let him know you glad to see them in church hallelujah would you just wave at the cameras let him know we're grateful for those who are watching and worshiping from around the world if you're grateful that God covered you this week would you give God a shelter Thanksgiving right now if you're thankful yell don't sound like you glad to be Corona free come on would you open up your mouth and give God glory [Applause] we're grateful under God that he has kept us yet another week the old people used to say he didn't have to let us live but he did and for that we give Him glory anybody just glad to be alive and I didn't say glad to be dead free you're glad to be millionaires anybody glad you breathing on your own grateful you were able to get yourself out of the bed for that we give God below every we give him praise we give you Thanksgiving all of the nation seems to be in an uproar in concern about the coronavirus and media ministry I want you to find that video that I sent you I want you to see this because so many times of the enemy will contribute to our anxiety but you you need faith in areas where fear will kick in and so if we have that video ready if you all can run that for me that would be great Tuesday night we had a town hall meeting for our community and congregation letting all of us know that you got to watch them hangings amen I I went to the market the other day they were almost out of hand sanitizer I said low it all these people haven't been cleaning their hands before this what were they doing and so well we've put hand sanitizer at every exit of our sanctuary because of we're an alarm at work at school in the mall and even in athletic games we ought to feel safe in the house of God by anybody share that same sentiment medium mention whenever it is that you have it you can't interrupt me but I want us to know that we're using the USO spreading fear after new travel restrictions were imposed including a mandatory 14 day quarantine on returning US citizens who have been in certain parts of China so dr. drew are we overreacting yes yes I'm hearing this from doctors left and right yes and weird overreacting the press is overreacting and it makes me furious the press should not be reporting medical stories as though they know how to report it we have a net pandemic I won't know how to tell that we're actually having a pandemic is everything is an emergency people that are infectious to see specialists the CDC the epidemiologist need to take this very seriously the press needs to shut up because you're more likely to die of influenza right right now whoever and me I'm not trying to go against you but I have a question it is now beats ours in terms of fatalities 362 and they're saying this fatality rate is still lower but there's spreads fast it's a mild illness it spreads all over the place and it's only out of these 17,000 in documented in fact that I bet there's hundreds of thousands of cases 300 deaths okay and always an immune compromised people always in people that are at risk for these sorts of things if they get a severe viral respiratory infection whether it's flu or corona or whatever all of these can hurt people who are compromised they can the rest of us need to wash her hands carefully get our influenza vaccines listen to the CDC if there's a problem they will let us know CDC made it very clear that 5,000 people just in the last two weeks have died from the flu thank you you're in America why are we panicked about that really died on the streets of Los Angeles this morning from homelessness why aren't we putting our parties in the right place it's the press how many of you all believe is all in God's hands come on would you clap your hands I want you to get your Bibles very quickly I want you to go to Ecclesiastes chapter 11 Ecclesiastes chapter 11 I want you to run down to verse number 4 Cleese ESDS 11 as you all know those of you who are citizens of new birth we're in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 all year that there's a time for everything I in my own devotions I stumbled upon Ecclesiastes chapter 11 and I want you to look at verses 4 through six Ecclesiastes the eleven verses four through six once you found her won't you say I got it if you can't find it look at the screen we got to move you slowing us down Ecclesiastes the eleven verse number four everybody let's read it together with uplifted voices everybody whoever watches the wind I'm watching verse number five as you do not know the path of the wind [Music] verse number six bless the law would you just look at your hands right where y'all look at your hands right where you are I'm telling you God has anointed your hands I want to speak prophetically for those of you who will receive it good things are coming to your hands this week blessings are going to come but through your hands at this week this is the week your harvest is going to come into your hands how many of you believe your hands are blessed the reality friends is that a farmer never knows what the harvest is going to look like don't know what the harvest is gonna look like any yet the farmer still souls he's got a soul with faith with belief and expectation that in spite of how bad the wind is blowing it is not going to disrupt my harvests how many of you believe everything you sow is going to have a good return if you're waiting on optimum conditions if you're waiting for everything to be an alignment you are not giving out of faith you've got to give even when you don't see it most millionaires in this nation invested in the time of a bad economy and they were able to reap that harvest why because they exercised the in faith we're rational and normal people did not say I want to thank you because last week in the midst of the coronavirus we made just one appeal and I hope you all will get as excited as I am and because you operate with the mind of a farmer this week we paid off the entire debt of decay of Counting come on every student in DeKalb County is going to have hot lunch this week I need somebody would you give God glory but y'all ain't excited about it I said every child not in this church in this county but you were able to sow your seed this week immediately after service we have our missions team immediately after service is going to Nashville Tennessee they're going to Nashville straight from our church they're right sitting amongst you today because churches were impacted in Tennessee because of the tornadoes that hit that city just three days ago and I want you to get excited because new birth we're going to help rebuild three churches in Nashville Tennessee [Music] I got the wrong church out wish somebody would get excited I said your church is going to help rebuild three churches in Nashville Tennessee something amazing is going to happen be seated please because God does something for those who so the Bible is clear he gives seed to the sower the only way is he's going to release resources is if he knows he can trust you to release it to somebody else I wonder if I got any givers in the house of God today let me try it again I said I wonder if I've got any givers in the house of God today Pass are you telling me a church that has amazing debt a church that has amazing debt in spite of its debt paid off the cafeteria debt of an entire county are you telling me a church that has a mounting mortgage payments still is going help three churches that were knocked to the ground build themselves back up I wish I was at Newport founder where I am maybe as the jet lag are you telling me that the county that you did in the cab is not the only one but you gonna pay off three of the counties right here in Georgia here's your shout and you gonna do it before Easter Sunday morning God is looking for that kind of church he's looking for that kind of ministry I want us to not look at the wind not look at the stock market not even looking and looking at what's happening in the White House not looking at the impact of a coronavirus but I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord how many of you believe God's gonna help you this week ah rushers are going to move amongst you this is a call of arms to our tithers to our sewers and to our givers is a call to action to those of you who know in your heart and from your experience that you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try the more you give the more will be given back to you I want you to have that offering I want you to have that seed in your hand if you need that envelope lift up your hand as high as you can I assure the zealous to help aid and assist you in this enterprise of giving after it is that you have filled out your offering envelope might I challenge you to lift it above your head lift up your offering above your head I'm believing your seed is going to increase your seed is going to prosper your seed is going to grow I'm gonna say there's too young before I even say it I want to say as a disclaimer this is not an endorsement it is just an announcement it's not an endorsement it's just an announcement Joe Biden who's running for president this is not an endorsement is an announcement Joe Biden who's running for president the whole month of March only raised ten million dollars only raised ten million dollars the whole month of February I'm sorry whole month of February he won South Carolina last Saturday and in two days raised ten million I think I went too fast let me give it to you again the whole month of February raised ten million after he won South Carolina he want he raised ten million in two days this is just the stretch the faith of crazy people that new birth how many of you believe whatever you made last month [Music] [Applause] [Music] God can give it back to you in two days I can't give nobody how many you all got that kind of outlandish faith all you need is just one win all you need is one thing good to happen to you maybe just maybe God is looking to see whether on this day when you crawled outta bed sleeping on this day the only time all year the clock in your car was right and that God would be able to trust you that you be able to give him out of your expectation lift up that seen that offering I believe it for me even if you don't believe it for you I speak over every lifted hand god I pray that you take two days this week to infuse capital into my project two days this week to raise of what it is that I have in savings two days this week to lower whatever my deficit and whatever my debt is use this see God to do something for somebody who is in a greater need than me in Jesus name Amen bless the Lord a music ministry is going to help facilitate us in giving our shows are going to move amongst you even after they would have passed you if you want to sow your seed for yourself I think you're able to do that I found people that put their money in places where it never reaped a benefit and what I know is that every time I planted it in good soil with God God turned around and allowed it to reap 20 40 60 80 and sometimes even a hundredfold and it's your time to worship it's offering time where you are in the cyber sanctuary put your hands up show me your hearts and more importantly get ready to give whether it's your tithe your offering for your other expressions of giving this cutaway is just for you because we love you in the cyber sanctuary and be give texted to the number on the bottom of the screen it's time to plant in the great ground now back to the main sanctuary we're getting ready for the word so your seed worship and get ready for this amazing work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're expecting great things who might even never bring the cheese just look at somebody say great things great things great things great things great things some 34 says I will bless the Lord at all times and his crazy she'll continue to be in my mouth I'm just looking for some phrases that will just sense this atmosphere I need about 60 people to hop on your feet real quick and what we're gonna do is we're gonna change [Music] we give you [Music] just won praise from my great I'm just praise away from my blessing so I'm just reached down inside into the depths of my soul every foe all right now please it's already in me and I'm talking to somebody in the building today you just won praise from your breakthrough somebody in the house knows it you're just what preys away from your blessing all you need to do is reach down inside to the dance of the soul and breathe all right now breathe someone give you all right now all right now rayray 60 people to raise your voice and let's get G [Applause] y'all got a church pray all right after time now that's an together everybody from arrangement watch my face people die when you're beaten as women that's the team [Applause] cuz I just won praise I just wonder can I get 30 people just to raise that melody in the house it's helping your brakes they're just here [Music] now listen we I gotta go but I just need you to make your body language say it everybody say breakthrough no no you gotta say it like you know you're about to get a breakthrough in when you get back home look at your neighbor say somebody's head Bravo we're come [Music] in here [Music] just say it [Music] come on if you believe it make some noise around it [Applause] just stand for the word of God Joshua chapter six Joshua chapter six would you look down your row and tell all of them anything can happen in here [Applause] I feel that thing right there come on would you just look at the person beside to tell them don't mind me anything can happen in here [Applause] anything can happen it's happening now Church it's happening now and [Music] [Music] what's anything it's happening now church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] everybody understand about boys for 30 seconds I need you to give God a breakthrough grace [Applause] that's what my family that's what my children is for my money body it's what I'm healing somebody [Applause] [Music] right I'm not gonna quit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] the visitors can be seated the visitors can be seated I gotta say something a new Birds real quick [Applause] [Music] this is not for the visitors this is for new birth right here when I tell you this I'm telling you y'all better Teddy's Church up a year ago a year ago today I was installed as pastor this church one year ago today the newspaper thought new birth was gone foreclosed the bank didn't think we would be open Nick Rose didn't think people would come back to the church but I need y'all to give God glory if you know the devil is a lie oh come on I can't hear nobody if you don't have God be for you [Applause] the smooth Joshua chapter 6 Joshua chapter 6 let's go there please Joshua chapter 6 and I want us to look at verses 1 through 5 Joshua 6 [Applause] Joshua chapter six verses one through five [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's try it again Joshua chapter six verses one through five now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites nobody could get in and nobody could come out [Applause] I'll tell you what let's just get it out of your system would you just take a moment and just get your best praise right there everybody in the building would you just turn around one time come on turn around one time if you gonna run run now if you don't scream scream now if you don't jump jump [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jesus keep me near the cross there's a precious fountain free doll [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on in the cross [Music] come on here P [Music] ah [Music] shut soul [Music] yes [Applause] yeah [Music] come on the in the car come on you [Music] be my [Music] that now slow it down [Music] just saw fine ah [Music] [Applause] come on clip that hand right where you are Joshua chapter six would you for the tenth time try to meet me there on Joshua chapter six that's Lord Joshua six verses one through five would you read silently as I read aloud now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelite nobody went out and nobody came in then the Lord said to Joshua see I have delivered Jericho into your hands along with its king and it's fighting men march around the city once with all the armed men and do this for six days have seven priests carry trumpets of rams horns in front of the art on the seventh day march around the city seven times with the priests blowing of trumpets when you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets have the whole army give a loud shout then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up and everybody is gone getting in you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I can't mess this up I can't mess this up would you just elbow the person beside you tell them whatever you do please don't mess this up I can mess this up the n-double-a-cp and its most recent Image Awards presented the film of the year as just mercy starring Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx as film of the year it chronicles the work of Bryan Stevenson the harvard-trained a lawyer who heads at the nonprofit organization called the equal justice initiative which seeks out fairness for the poor the incarcerated and the condemned aside from the skewed sentencing it should be noted that when it comes to the inhumane practice of the death penalty three percent of America's executions end up being botched three percent dr. Austin Surratt professor of jurisprudence at Amherst University in his book entitled gruesome spectacles botched executions and America's death penalty describes the tragic errors as evidence of a departure from protocol the breakdown in effectiveness emerges from unanticipated problems or delays that caused the agony for the inmate and exposes incompetence in the official there are bevy of examples of botched executions ranging from convicts Catching Fire when they were supposed to be electrocuted or the administration of less than an ample dosage of lethal injection with the inmate has to wait hours and still never dies if the margin of error for putting somebody to death is 3.1 percent how much greater is the number of failed attempts from not those trying to die but those who are trying to make an idea come to life according to Harvard Business Review 67% of well-formulated strategies fail due to poor execution I better give that to you again 67% of all good ideas fail because of poor execution is with irony that I share with you today that the term failure to execute is actually a military terminology and is the lowest common denominator it equates to the incompletion of a task an event a mission or project the contributing factors can be wide and deep I've never been an RTC never been enlisted in the Armed Services and so I speak to you as saved civilians to ask you how come when God gave you the idea gave you the concept gave you the dream gave you the assignment the mission how come you didn't execute there's any range of testimonial excuses in this sacred space some of you didn't execute and you blame that on having kids some of you didn't because you said you had to pay bills others you lost passion somebody behind you will declare because they never had support another person which I'm in that their timing was off somebody else would say it was not really worth the time at the time you'll be amazed how many young adults would say they had no examples somebody else would decry they kept hitting brick walls and got frustrated somebody didn't execute because they had an overarching fear of failure somebody else didn't execute because they deemed it too risky I can't imagine how many of you did not execute because you are already burning the candle at both ends somebody else didn't execute because they married the wrong person somebody else didn't execute because people told you not to I don't know who this is for others of you I apologize that you even tuned in that you even wasted the gas to come because this isn't even your word but for whoever I'm talking to God told me to tell you it's gonna work this time for some of you you can pack up your stuff and get out of here that's all you need it from God is it's going to work this time I hope you can feel it in your spirit the same way I can feel it in mine you don't even need to turn to your neighbor would you just say it out loud to yourself it's gonna work this time because it's gonna work this time I cannot afford to mess this up there was an occasion whereby Jesus came upon a fig tree he walked up on that fig tree and he noticed that it was bearing no fruit and Jesus begins to curse that tree and wants to cut it now but he said instead of cutting it down in spite of the fact that it has not produced anything it has not yielded any fruit has not given any evidence why it warrants to even be alive here is the mercy of God Jesus declares I'm gonna give it one more year I wish you knew when to celebrate God told me to tell somebody who's in this room you don't even know when to give God glory this is that year for you to produce this is the year for you to get it done I don't care what happened in 20 19 18 or 17 but God declared over your life this year of 2020 before December 31st whenever here's you put your mind to whatever it is that you got safe enough to believe what if it is that you put energy behind whenever you connect your name to God declare this year it has got to come and you better not mess it up at the Naval Academy at the Naval Academy in Annapolis on the first week of orientation the cadets are taught the five basic responses five basic responses when it is that they are asked a question of the superior by the superior they're asked a question by their superior and the answer number one is a yes sir answer number two is no sir answer number three is whatever is the correct answer to the question and number four I need you to learn this one number four is I'll find out you are never supposed to tell the superior you don't know you have a responsibility to find out what the answer is I'm talking to somebody you don't know how to start their business you better go on YouTube you'll know how to get it done you better spend the afternoon in Barnes & Noble you better make somebody mentor you to your right place when God gives you a call gives you a demand gives you a directive gives you an edict you can tell him yes and if you don't know the answer you gotta say let me find out do you know what I found out about God God will often call you to do something you don't know how to do God will call you to do something you have no training in you have no background you have no expertise you have no mentor but if you got a willing heart God will download the instruction and the direction to get it done I got some testimonies in here that God put you in a job you still don't know how you got it coworkers of Matt you got it but God put you in that position and it's gonna show you how to get it done talking to nobody talking to nobody in particular but with somebody just say out loud I can't mess this up Michael Jordan the greatest living basketball player Michael Jordan said if you can't stop thinking about it don't stop working on it I better say it again if you can't stop thinking about it don't stop working on it this is a good place for you to preach to your neighbor when you get in your preacher voice which you point that bony finger at your neighbor and say if you can't stop thinking about it don't stop working on it I need somebody to tweet that for me right there if you can't stop thinking about it don't stop working on it whatever bothers you is assigned to you I'm gonna give you this morning three reasons three reasons why you can't mess this up three reasons why you can't mess it up the first reason why you can't mess this up hear me is because what you are working on has nothing to do with the present what you were working on has everything to do with the future let me say to you again everything you dealing with right now everything you are working towards in this moment has nothing to do with today God is equipping and preparing you for your future I am mom I'm an avid I'm an avid movie goer and I haven't had a chance to go to the movies in Atlanta the way I used to go back at home but it wouldn't be a week that I would let has that I wouldn't in a movie theater somewhere and I'm really no movie theaters in Atlanta but in Baltimore in movies Negroes talk through the movie they talk I don't know how it is down there but they talk through the movie and so if if you want go see a movie that you really interested in you got to drive way out you got to go way out and if you're gonna go way out if you're gonna go way out you got to get there early this is just hard for black people to do you got to get to the movie theater early when you get to the movie theater early something crazy happens is you sitting in there and all of a sudden it gets dark it gets dark and here's what I need you to know new birth you you know something is getting ready to happen only when it gets dark I think I've lost you you you know you get ready to see something when it gets dark some some sometimes when it gets dark in your life it is just a indicator that God is getting ready to show you something I think I lost somebody here and then when it gets dark do you know what happens after it gets dark when it gets dark notice this the movie does not come on now the movie does not come on what comes on ears uh sneak previews sneak previews and let me tell you what the producer does when the producer shows the sneak previews he'll only show you the highlights in the excerpts of the good parts y'all ain't saying nothing and if you sit and beside somebody who you know you elbow them and say I can't wait for that to come out but but do you know what the producer does the producer never gives you the date it's gonna come out the only thing that the producer does is put two words coming soon I gotta get out of here Newport God told me to tell you whatever picture you've been seeing for your future whatever vision you got for your life whenever you are hoping it's gonna materialize I can't tell you where you don't get it my God told me to tell you this hey be seated please be seated I know it's Corona in the atmosphere would you just fist bump somebody and tell them whatever you shouting about is coming soon the raise is coming soon the promotion is coming soon fifty women better scream the man you gonna marry is coming soon it says you can't you can't mess this up why you can't mess it up cuz it's about your future second reason why you can't miss is a second reason why you can't mess it up is because of the fog fog is a visible aerosol consisting of a tiny water droplets now you got to understand this is that smog is not a fog is not smoke because where there's smoke there's fire fog comes with no fire and so fog here this is a distraction it is their distraction to stop you from your vision I can't hear nobody in here huh I was on my way to DC and my plane was delayed why because the pilot couldn't see it was nothing on the other end of the fog it was just there stopping me here this from taking off preach them all I'm trying to do the best I can sometimes the enemy will throw distractions at you because he's afraid that you are about to take off but God told me to tell you buckle up you just got cleared for takeoff you can ready to go further than you ever been in your life why because the distractions are move you have to stop killing mosquitoes with a baseball bat everything that you are dealing with that does not connect to your assignment your vision and your gifting is just fog but for the worshipers they can hear my voice God said cuz you gave me glory watch this week the fog lifts you don't see people for who they really are you you gonna be exposed so what's really happening I just needed to see will you fly through the fog you can't mess this up cuz your future is that state can't mess this up cuz the fog is about to lift and you can't mess us up because of framing camp messes up because a fine man last week I was preaching in I was preaching in Fort Lauderdale Florida a week ago and I got up to preach in Fort Lauderdale Florida opened up my iPad and the iPad wouldn't come on I just charged it it wouldn't come on yeah I didn't even know I had a prayer life till last Friday [Applause] had no idea that I knew how to talk to God that fast and how they tried to charge up my iPad and I had the choir singing other songs I could get my sermon together in and still it wouldn't come on my iPad completely died wouldn't come on do not resuscitate it became an organ donor last week it wouldn't do anything and so my staff ordered and overnighted me another iPad and when they overnighted me another iPad here's what I tried to do with my crazy self is I tried to put my new iPad in my old iPad case I was so in love with my old iPad case because it was handmade it it had precious stones in it it was a crafted in Africa everybody was hating and jealous of my case so I tried to put my new iPad in my old case but something happened from the time that they made my previous iPad to this new iPad y'all ain't gon like it they change the position of the camera and because they change the position of the camera where I used to be able to get a picture it now was blocked God said in order for it to work you gotta put it in a new case some of y'all are messed up cuz you keep trying to force your ideas in the old circles and old friends and they got the vision that you got for your life if you got to do it by yourself do it by your dog going south change your cake all about your position it's all about how it is that you frame it my mother's an amazing amazing woman of God 72 years of age I'm thankful for life thankful for help and last Christmas not this one last Christmas my sister now got her a new iPhone unnecessarily she'll need no new iPhone but but we bought her a new iPhone and the last thing you want is for doctors to say you're Brian to ask you can she take your picture that is not what you want you gonna be there all day and my mother with an iPhone 11 is gonna use her hand to cover one part of her eye so that she can focus y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I said my why in the world do you cover one part of your eye in order to take the picture she said if I cover this eye then the other eye becomes sharper in what it's gotta focus on y'all the slow y'all didn't get enough sleep last night God told me to tell you sometimes when it looks like I'm blocking you I'm just helping you to focus out I'll give people out of your life out of your space cuz I need you to see who's using you who's taking advantage of you who lyin to you who tryin to get over on you you gotta get tunnel vision it says so your framing can be right I can't mess this up children Israel have been brought out of captivity and when the children of Israel got brought out of captivity from Pharaoh years of slavery oppression and degradation here's what's amazing for those of us who graduated from Sunday school you know that they they crossed the Red Sea the years of slavery bondage oppression degradation gentrification they found the cross the Red Sea and here's what we don't even understand and what we don't even preach is once they got delivered they thought they were free I just said something see some of us think once we get delivered out of a situation that immediately you step into what you supposed to have papa God says naw that's just the beginning of the process he says I needed you to go through something even after you got delivered because I didn't want you spoiled I needed you to appreciate the journey that you came out of so that you make up being your man I never gonna live like that again I need those of y'all who were just grateful for some things that God brought you out of that God would keep his hand on your life they bring them they bring them out of out of bondage and now they under wilderness and the Lord does something I understand but most of us have lived he now puts him in a desert and I gotta ask you this ain't even for you this for the person beside you what happens when you're anointed and you want a place where stuff don't grow [Applause] what do you do when God's hand is on your life and you're not having a fruitful existence I better go further what what happens when you're trying to follow the path of God and you gotta watch people around you die and get sick and not able to make it and you don't even understand why God's hand is still on your life and he tells you keep going can I help somebody further what happens when you're in the desert and God is with you but won't pull you out of it what what happens when you go into a rough season and you want deliverance and God will make you suffer in that position and say will you trust me if I keep you in it but don't take you out of it here the children of God in an atmosphere where stuff done grown when nothing is fruitful with a watching family members die and while they're watching family members die 40 years later they stumble into the wall of Jericho and the wall of Jericho is the last thing they got to get through in order to get to what God promised and now God gives them strange instructions the instructions that the Lord gives them is what God perhaps may be giving to some of us he says you are right at the precipice of your greatest blessing you're right on the edge of your breakthrough but what I want you to do is I want you to go around the wall and say nothing you can read get everything you prayed for everything you shouted about everything you wrote in your prayer journal everything you wrote on your vision board you about to get there but don't nothing you're about to get with nobody in your family has ever received but don't say nothing you are about to break every generational curse but don't say nothing you are about to walk in went too far you are disqualified from but don't say nothing you are about to receive what don't match your credit report he says I want you to walk around for six days and don't say nothing and they don't even know why he's telling them to do it because God is telling them don't mess this up what do you mean don't mess this up said the last time when I brought you out of the Red Sea and you were on your way to the promise you started complaining about your process you started complaining about what you didn't have not thinking about what you get ready to give so you went to these 40 years because of your mouth 40 years of doubting me and second-guessing me because of your mouth I allowed people in your family to die because of your mouth who said this hand so you don't offend me so you don't make me blot your blessing shut up and don't say nothing until I do it says second reason why I want you to be quiet I need you to be quiet Kojo enemies are listening god I can't hear nobody and I don't want them to hear the plan I got for your life because you talk so much you gave the enemy your blueprint on what you are trying to get shut up and let me do the walk-in for you such sharing all your ideas such sharing all of your dreams stop sharing all of your plans with people who don't talk you out of it or try to sabotage it or try to undermine it he said I need you to be quiet for six days but on the seventh day on the seventh day I need you to do something crazy I need you to open up your mouth hallelujah you are not gonna need a gun you're not gonna need a bow and arrow you are not gonna need a truck all you need is your mouth then if you are quiet for Caesar in the moment I tell you give me new birth the moment I tell you to sound your trumpet everything they locked you out of you getting ready to walk into it not just safe for you yes for everybody next to you God said if you sound the alarm you ain't just you going in here's your celebration everybody in your family yes about touch that man that I need you to be seated I'm coming please would you be seated for just just one minute be seated I gotta show you something said I need you to be quiet until I tell you to make the noise because you don't even know what's happening CDC the World Health Organization both separately have press conferences this week they said I don't know where this Fuhrer has come from but people are doing it wrong hallelujah said they are messing up the surgical centers they're messing up the health places so they're messing up the health places because the people here this my words not the CDC's words because the people don't even realize that they're in spiritual warfare god help me in here they don't even realize they're in spiritual warfare and so you got people who are living in fear and stress and anxiety here and watched the hand of the enemy the hand of the enemy have them all wearing surgical masks god help me because the enemy knows if I can get you to cover your mouth hallelujah in the face of something that's got the potential to kill you you ain't gonna make it but the CDC said if you want to live take the mask off hallelujah take the mask off because what you dealing with your mouth can change the word y'all I gotta get out of here but I'm so thankful to tell you that your healing is already in the place is my healing already in the plane your killing is in the place cuz you didn't even see what today is today is the age you only supposed to be silent until the six so everything you needed started on yesterday so God said if you wanna step in it this is your moment I'm going said don't mess this up so don't mess this up I'm not looking for this section to do it and in this section to do it and in this section to do it don't mess this up he said children of Israel if all of you shout at the same time everything that was locked up he is about to be open and not only is it gonna be open here's where y'all ought to get excited you gonna step into it my time is almost up but I'm telling you would you look at your down your row and tell them don't mess this up all of us gonna have to sound the alarm all of us are gonna have to shout in here all of us are gonna have to scream through this Caesar God told me to tell your season of being quiet is over if you open up your mouth everything you need me to do it's about to manifest when I count to three I want you to shout in here like you about one two three [Applause] yes sir Hey I don't want to cause a traffic jam but if you own the end of the road if you sitting on the end of the road would you just step out in now God said if you stream you about to step in if you cry you about to step in it if you open your mouth don't mess this up don't mess this up 40 is the number of generations what God is getting ready to bless you with no member of your family has ever had it I can't hear no worshiper what you are about to walk into nobody in your family has anything like it when you cry out under God whatever the enemy been trying to lock your children out of your grandchildren out of the door is getting ready to open cry out under God light you need to know come on lay your hands on your belly I need you to try out under God you've been waiting years for this you've been waiting weeks for this you've been waiting months for this your craft of the brain for this sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want you to lift up that hand something is gonna open for you to sweep [Music] I'll say it again something is going to open for you this week I'm a sailor to your spirit receives it something is gonna open for you this week has become very lifted hand that whatever they've tried to lock you out of [Music] whenever they've tried to block you from getting that in the next seven days before you get back to church on next Sunday God is gonna give you evidence that your season of living in the desert is over I'm waiting on my worshippers to show up your season of working in heaven nothing to show for it has come to an end your season of being faithful and fruitless I declare and decree of every lifted hand it is not just you getting the blessing but every person that walked with you in the hardest season of your life every person that wouldn't give up on you when you wanted to give up on yourself is now standing in the gap with you and those of you your faith sands in proxy for a family member that needs a wall to come down this is your last shelter the day would you give God glory like a wall is gonna fall on their behalf give two people up this bump and tell them don't mess it up don't mess it up it's gonna happen for you install happen for you don't mess this up [Applause] come on a prosperity [Music] Scizor yes and wherever you are in the room I want you to believe God I want you to believe God don't mess this up please don't mess this up everything that the enemy thought he could forecast to go wrong would happen this week threats of the virus are skyrocketing this week it's supposed to be a full moon this week Friday the 13th everything to mess up your focus but God said you still go and get it still gonna have it still gonna walk into it I don't know who you I don't know where you are don't mess up your opportunity to get access to God how was that flying out of Durham yesterday had to go to DC there were no direct flights had to have a layover at Kennedy got off at concourse C thinking I'm a rung to the plane and make it he said you got to take the shuttle riding on a shuttle stretched out finally make it to Terminal B got a run like Oh J all the way down to b-47 go to b-47 watch this and the flight attendant won't let me on I said but I see the plane right there ain't got no bags let me on she said I'm sorry I my regulation I gotta close the door ten minutes before departure I said but I'm here said it's too late I said but I'm first-class too late said I'm platinum too late you gotta get here before the door closes I'm sending you wherever it is that you are please don't take life for granted I don't want you to get to the door of heaven and it's too late now you talk about all your degrees all of your accolades but you're not saved you have been given your life over to the master whether you are in this room and you say I'm passing you've got no idea you don't jailbroke my phone and read my text messages got no idea how you got my passcode and read my emails I don't know how you got in my DMS but you know exactly what I'm thinking wherever it is that you are in this room I'm begging you don't mess this up do not mess this up Jesus is the only one here it is who's able to walk around with dirty hands and he's got dirty hands because he touched dirty sinners like me and you in spite of that I want to tell you the blood still works if you're in this room and you are grateful God has given you another opportunity I want you to come meet me at this altar right now meet me at this altar you same pest I know this is my spot I know this is my church and know this is my crew I know this the ministry I gotta get plugged into that's the way you are I want you to come I want you to meet me right here I want you to meet me here today is your day of opportunities today is the day where you press the refresh button today is where you begin to do life over again it's a mess if you hear a fugitive come [Applause] [Music] who's coming my way [Music] listen in my spirits I give my spirits I I'm telling you my spirits I I saw 13 of y'all coming on the way this other seven are but I need y'all to come quick [Music] [Applause] I need you to come faced need you to come in a hurry would you do me a favor I need you to help you boy out if you're physically able I need you to stand if you're physically able I want to ask that you'll stay and I don't want nobody to crawl over you to climb over you I don't want them to feel like it's an inconvenience trying to get saved trying to get connected to God I need y'all to help me give God come over here there come [Music] bless the Lord they still coming in y'all still ain't clever [Applause] freshen our - I'll step up for me just a little bit listen to me real quick favor y'all Fabio that are still out here I need you to come even our friends who are viewing online this is supposed to be your church I'm supposed to be your pastor most importantly Jesus is supposed to be the lord of your life I need you to come I need you to become a member you're living outside of Atlanta you can still be a part of this ministry go to our website right now new birth doubt or y'all would you give God glory for this young lady come and she's a history maker bless His name that was one of my five here come two of my five [Applause] I'm waiting on three more of you to come I need three more of you to come something Escambray open for you if you just get to this altar I'm telling you whatever the enemy thought he could lock you out of here come three out of my back here come forth out of my back here come five out of five here comes six / capita fact [Applause] that's his name this is name here comes seven you coming come on yes seven MA here come 9 let's cap it off when net 10th one comes I want y'all to tear the roof off this church come on [Music] [Applause] here come 11 let's his name we're grateful grateful for you here come twelve alright if you're online you still got time to make this covenant make this love connection in two minutes and two seconds do me a favor we're 12 let's just go to 15 and stop let me just get three more of you to come would you do me a favor do me a favor please by faith I know y'all scared of people cuz of the virus but by faith would you just talk to two people around an Eskimo you saved hallelujah ask him do you have a church home ask them have you given your life over to God ask him for me ask him for me bless the Lord all right stretch your right hand to faith shoot you right into failure the 3-yard you better come quick you ain't gonna have nobody cover for you when you need a day off I need you to come quick [Music] [Applause] here come 13 [Applause] [Music] here come no I'm still that 13 let me get my two more the two of y'all stop playing I need you to come to a yard please I want you to come Michael Bloomberg Oh tell you the peril of coming too late come too late you ain't never gon make it to the party come on and he told you to come y'all better shout for this beautiful brother coming come on [Applause] I only need one more only need one more where you at where you at I need y'all to shout hear that come they still coming [Music] y'all better shout for those who are still coming in the overflow all right your right hand Oh No here come two more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this was worth getting up early for come on now shut your right hand to faith let's try it one more get bless the Lord is that it you finish you ain't supposed to be up here don't mess this up we was doing good just come on please wherever you are I just want you to come on real quick [Applause] listen I'm telling you those of y'all who are scared to church this is the best time to join ain't nobody gonna lay hands on you would you just that last last person if you'll come please please when we go [Music] Oh Lord you to make my day [Applause] all right just pass it on drove all the way from Memphis there's John in our church today this is one of my son's gift God glorified stretch your right hand into faith let's try to get out of here all right is you finish is you through all right stretch a right hand to faith repeat after me you on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I don't know that's right if you know I'm right come on give God some praise right and said all of you will please come out this way you'll please come out this way now turn all the lights on nobody leave out don't dim them lights turn them all the way up you may be seated I got to do something I got to do something don't leave you came late anyway stay right there I'm gonna thank you I'm gonna thank you new birth that we were able to partner with you and other organizations to do something amazing I'm still on cloud nine that we were able to pay off the cafeteria debt of decaf counting young y'all are not as excited as I am I said I'm still on cloud nine about it okay what I need to do I told you we're going to do four counties before resurrection count before Resurrection Sunday on next County that we're focusing on is Henry County anybody here live in Henry County got family members in Henry County wait stand up stand up you live in Henry County all right remain standing main statement you live in Henry County all the bulbs who live in Henry County are gonna lead our offering and secure please peace this is for their own backyard amen and so Henry counties dead eldest or is eldest so is I think of 37th is a 37 yes $37,000 to pay off so we're gonna give you a pro rate we're gonna do it in two weeks because this is double the debt of DeKalb County is double the debt of DeKalb County but those of you who from Henry County get your offering in your hand now get it in your hand get your phone amen if you don't care about your community amen how are we gonna get nozr from Henry County come on bring your see down to the altar those y'all from Henry County come on ease on down the road Henry County [Music] somebody help me where is Henry County Stockbridge thank you all right Ellen would mcdonough think it's the best wood all right thank you you did it already come on bless the lord minister jonathan Nelson has a major announcement so I can't allow you to leave just yet I want to do two things at once I want to those of you who don't live in Henry County even those of you from out of town those of you who are online God gave me a vision four four four four counties before Resurrection Sunday for countless before Resurrection Sunday those of us this your son where'd he go will you go with the air fro yeah send him back down here let me see on Lord he need to be on a commercial that those of you yeah put him up here let him see there put him up here look at all that hair look at Laurel Samson yeah love it okay mrs. named huh rich yes rich don't jump don't jump stay right here stay right here rich okay listen they they come your momma is never gonna forgive me you jump off this thing so this what'd you to do if you run our video announcements for us those of you who will help us are to pay off the cafeteria debt of Henry County there are those of you that can give a thousand others of you can give five hundred others of you can give $50 all of you can give 20 amen ask that you would please help us give even if you want to give electronically by phone you're able to do that on gibla fire and you want to give on text to give push to pay even on our secure website at new birth org are you able to do that if you run our Sunday announcements even while they're given you're watching another broadcast segment of Newberg's announcements giving you an inside look on upcoming events [Music] the theme for March is a time to build up we want you to join us all muffled its new births Lenten journey 51:26 and here's we're going to be fasting intermittently Tuesdays and Thursdays through Lent intermittent fasting is you're not eating anything from 6:00 a.m. to noon and then from noon until 8:00 p.m. you can eat and then you don't eat anything from 8:00 8:00 p.m. until you come through that next day I will embark upon our 40 days financial fast ending just before Resurrection Sunday and then we'll seal the deal with the lid prayer call every Tuesday and beginning March 3rd it's death by sacrifice and resurrection through restoration in new births Lytton journey February 26th [Applause] ladies and gentlemen please be sure to pick up a copy of March pic of the month where this month's literary indulgent will come from tribes by Seth Godin be sure to stop by our call to conquer bookstore for your copy today or order the book for the month of March is tribes by Seth Godin new birth is calling all come on out and meet us in the sanctuary March 9th for male bonding powwow as we chop it up in this session of men's locker oh it's a meeting for men on our topic sorry ladies we'll catch you on the rebound fellas be there or be square hosted by our very own pastor Jamal Bryant one who knows and understands the authenticity of a man so every man ought to save the date for this event March 9th at 7:30 p.m. it is the men's locker room where you can be yourself it's new Earth's 2020 scholarship pong tournament held on March 28 at 8 a.m. come on out and let's hit the brain will be golfing at the Stone Mountain Golf Club in Atlanta Georgia and remember deadlines for sponsorships deadlines for individuals and team golfers registration all ends on March 15 for more information visit our website at new birth dot over it's Newberg's 2020 scholarship golf tournament held on March 28th and 8:00 a.m. with dr. Jamal Bryant new birth youth teens and young adults join pastors Carrie Turner and dr. Jamal Bryant for emergent generation Sunday at our 9:30 a.m. service on March 29th let's rock it out like only we can showing up in denim and bright colors as a sign of seal creativity and fire it's emerging generation Sunday March 29th at 9:30 a.m. with pastors Jamal Bryant and Carrie Turner [Music] thanks for watching that's all for now god bless you and we'll see you next week bless so long would you give God a hand clap of praise for a healthy church let me ask if I have any first-time visitors would you stand first time visitors would you stay in thank you alright I'm so grateful to my dear friend covenant sister from Delaware apostle Leila Williams and open heart deliverance is here at with ten of her members all the way from Delaware would you give God a hand clap of praise glad to see you I didn't see you behind me love you the southern Southern University alumni where y'all Southern University give God handclaps of praise su pastor Sharon Henderson where's pastor cher pastor Sharon Henderson is candidate for the State House of Representatives district 113 which I'll give pastor major we're honored by your presence thank you so much for celebrating this Sabbath with us Deborah Bazemore where you Deborah Bazemore yes our own is running for Georgia House of Representatives district 63 new birth that's our homegirl come on now y'all got to make sure that you represent all of the men in the building would you stand all the men in the building I'm telling you sisters y'all better let it be known all over Atlanta the best looking men in Atlanta go to new birth all of our men all of our men all of our men I need you to bring your brothers bring your fraternity brothers bring your Mason brothers bring two brothers from the barbershop the basketball court from the old neighborhood I need them here on a tomorrow night I need them here on tomorrow night God has given me a vision for a March of 1,000 the state capital 1,000 men around the state capital men of all ethnicities all races all ages 1,000 men I want to talk to you about it on tomorrow night as brothers if you will please be here sisters would you cheer for men in church cheer you may be seated in the presence of the Lord new birth y'all please go get your passports I need y'all to go get your passports I'm taking y'all with me to Africa in September come on somebody give God glory we are going to Ghana September 27th September 27th we are going to Ghana you get information at our information table or on our website new birth org but I'm gonna fill the whole plane with members of new birth I'm telling you they will never be the same again never be the same again where are the parents of Devante Brian the parents of Devante yes parents of Devante Brian we are in prayer for them this is one of our own families brother Arrington of Barney's son is Devante a Brian he has been missing he has been missing do we have a picture with there yes I want us to pray for this family that we're going to cover them that their son is gonna be able to come home amen in one piece is gonna come home that God is oh come on y'all got to do better than that [Applause] [Music] far too often far too often nothing is said or expressed when the missing children have melanin you never hear anything if otherwise there's an Amber Alert and science everywhere but when it's one of our children nothing is said and done and I want to pray for this family but before I do that if there any other families that have a child or a grandchild who is missing would you come at the altar while I'm praying for this family I want to pray for yours as well and I don't want you to think that our prayers will not extend to where it is that you are I would you should extend your right hand to faith standing there right handed to faith I can't pray to you come [Music] Jiraiya eldridge we also pray her his son has been missing daughter has been missing since November 15th and how old is she she's 15 years old and have been missing since November 15 I want thank you if you have a child who is missing or you're standing with her you know if I if I do this my intercessors come circle around of this mother from me please huh any parent in the room if you can even imagine since November you're not knowing where your 15 year old my elders who are in Nepal Pia come stand with this family stand around them please new birth we are not a church we are family come on y'all ain't saying none we are family and if we don't stand together yes Kevin DS 17 years of age how long has he been missing two months lord help me brothers y'all surround him for me thank you hallelujah even before I pray can we feel the atmosphere with the sound of prayer elders come up make a circle around them come on make a circle around come on Elda Stokes come on thank you we're one family we're one family y'all ain't praying good for me I need you all to pray like this is your child I need you to pray like is your grandchild come on turn up the volume of your prayer those are y'all who are streaming you got a family member a child that is missing I want you to put that name on the screen right now we pray or for lo we're casting out your net we pray that you dispatch warring angels to go find them wherever it is that they are pull them out of the clutches of the adversary put them in a place of safety and peace and happiness God we got enough crazy faith to ask you to do it in the next six days God when we come back on next Sunday we want to praise report we want to testimony we want evidence that your ears not happy that you can hear our prayer your arm is not sure that you cannot reach us for that we give you glory we give you praise we give you Thanksgiving every person in the room we're believing God for the return of three children under 17 if you believe God can do it I said if you shout stuff will open if you open up your mouth something will open everybody you're standing I'm gonna do two things Jonathan all right I won't do two things I am going to pronounce other benediction and blessing over your life and over your family's life we're gonna release our dear friends who are a part of our cyber sanctuary would you cheer for those who are watching online next Sunday next Sunday is my one-year pastoral anniversary of being at new birth one year I want y'all to come to my part next Sunday come to mine come on now come to my party turn all the way up BYOB bring your own Bible please bring here on next Sunday bring all of your friends all of your family members my baby sister Jacqueline car is gonna be with us as our guest psalmist on next Sunday we've got mindler's coming in from Tennessee God is going to bless us do me a favor our ministers are intercessors if you get the numbers of our two parents and uncle who are here and I want y'all to check on them every week I'm tell every day over the next seven days because I'm believing in Heaven something is going to break hold on all right so I'm gonna give the benediction and those of you who need to go you can go and then those of y'all who have been saved your whole life and you know that the real fun happened in the after party amen it was the meeting after to me so our own aren't we blessed to have minister Jonathan Nelson a part of our family he has he has a new project that is getting ready to come out very soon a new project just get ready to come out very soon and this morning you know we gonna be in the video we're gonna shoot the video for the new song right after the benediction now security I need you all please be at ease as many of you all that want to come to the altar you able to do that those of you want to just express it right where you are I want you to please jumps celebrate scream dance do it this is your moment you gonna get discovered Tyler Perry is gonna watch this video and say I need you to be in my next movie cuz you already got a bad week so I need you please I'm joking y'all night no yeah it's alright to be saved and laugh amen and so I want to pronounce the benediction and then I want to ask that we would be in support of Minister Nelson asked that you not leave out is not gonna take us long but we're going to shoot this video all of us are gonna be involved and engaged with it because we believe witness project dropped and we're gonna help Minister Nelson make this album go number one amen now new birth new birth are y'all here are y'all here everybody in new birth who been here longer than me you understand you can't make it in gospel music until you come through new birth yelling saying nothing the world wouldn't know Byron cage wouldn't know William Murphy come on now okay very good do me a favor please before we leave this place and never from God's presence would you repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God he'll listen to me love God because he first loved me now this whole opening is gonna be open in a moment when I tell you it's gonna be open to everybody everybody who wants to come you are welcome to come except two kinds of people if you got a call please stay out there you got any symptoms of a cold y'all think I'm joking I'm dead serious if you you not feeling your best if in church why you were sitting you begin to perspire you stay right there I don't want you to overexert yourself in worship amen but I want you to please please the only thing I would ask on behalf of Jonathan and the record company we're asking you not to record it with your devices you take pictures but do not record it because this material has not yet been released and we don't want we don't want the black market label to be sold in barbershops before we can get it out amen lift up that hand have received a benediction now when the helm who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said Amen you know amazing to me over and over and over again how dr. Jamal Harrison Bryan teaches us how to live life God's Way you now realize you can't mess it up and God has blessed you with the opportunity to get it right all over again we keep building up its our ceasing to build up and it's not just here it's in your life so if you want to be able to soar seed right now and be give to the number on the bottom of the screen that's right and be give to sow into amazing ground right here at new birth and if you still want to join this amazing space called new birth just go to new birth org and click the link in the top that says join and you can become a member right now I appreciate you for always tuning in I'm your pastor of Internet and innovation curve ants Ross I'll see you for the rewind in a few minutes enjoy your week I love you and there's absolutely nothing you can do about this
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 62,716
Rating: 4.8031416 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, GEORGIA, STONECREST, TOO BIG FOR YOUR BRITCHES
Id: -gn8WtraZPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 35sec (8615 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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