Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, I DON'T MEAN NO DISRESPECT - July 21th, 2019

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what I won't allow is for an outsider to turn me against my family because I do not give it to you don't mean I don't have access to it what are the most powerful words you can learn as an adult is the authority to say no are y'all not saying anything to me and I meant it when I said it and you can have two other people in the family call me about the same issue but my answer is still no it don't mean that I mean it don't mean that I'm stuck up and don't mean that I'm guarded but I don't fool with y'all enough to know that sometimes I'll help you and you take me for granted you don't appreciate what it is that I do you act as if you are entitled to what I work for you get mad when I tell you take your shoes off in my house no cussing in my house no smoking in my house I have a standard of what it is that I expect and if you expect me you gotta respect what I care about [Music] Genesis 27 you'll give me a little more on the monitor please sir Genesis 27 verses 5 through 10 Genesis 27 verses 5 verse 5 through 10 would you read silently as I read aloud now Rebecca was listening as Isaac spoke to his son Esau when he saw left for the open country to hunt game and bring it back Rebecca said to her son Jacob look I overheard your father say to your brother Esau bring me some game and prepare me some tasty food to eat so that may give you my blessing in the presence of the Lord before I die now my son listen carefully and do what I tell you go out to the flock and bring me to choice young goats so I can prepare some tasty food for your father just the way he likes it then take her to your father to eat so that he may give you his blessing before he dies verse number 6 Rebecca said to her son Jacob look I overheard your father say to your brother Esau bring me some game and prepare me some tasty food to eat so that I may give you my blessing in the presence of the Lord before I die you may be seated would you just extend your hand towards heaven Lord I pray that you'll block every distraction you promise that if we keep our mind stayed on you all things will work together for our good now God handicap the adversary whatever is put in our way to block us from receiving this word I pray that it will be dismantled by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ amen I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I don't mean no disrespect I don't mean no disrespect comrades the consciousness of this country is in dramatic discord and it's exemplified with the chaos that's going on in Congress the tipping point fell over when the commander in thief who refuses to hold press conferences went on a backwoods redneck ran on Twitter telling four fiery freshmen women of color that if they don't like this country they should go back to where they came from negating the fact that all of them are actually citizens the timing fit neatly with the dispatch of immigration officers beginning the immoral deportation that is taking place in ten cities under reported is that sense this president has been in office with no media highlight 276 thousand people have been deported and the overwhelming majority of them are people who are laced with melanin the president doubled down on his remarks to reporters that he wasn't racist and didn't have a racist bone in his body our sister representative alexandria retorted back you're right mr. president you don't have a racist bone in your body you have a racist mind in your head and a racist heart in your chest Speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi sava Lee took to the floor with a two-hour debate to have the remarks rebuffed on congressional record forcing Republican lawmakers to publicly denounce him or stick beside him when the votes were tallied not surprisingly the results stuck primarily along party lines what is apparent is that most of the party has chosen loyalty over responsibility and it's frightening how many of us have elected to go down that same course there's a trump somewhere in your family tree somebody in your family there's loud rude overbearing obnoxious outter order and seemingly allergic to the truth for whatever unwritten law we never address them for the sake of peace recently publishers printed a book entitled American carnage which is an expose on the entire Republican Party being ripped apart because of its unwavering allegiance to this administration points to irrefutable evidence that Mike McConnell is keeping a tight line to endorse and support whatever is said even if it is absent of logic or ethics in deference to the president controversial Ted Cruz lamented to the author of the book while being interviewed that in the last election cycle none of them took Trump to task because they underestimated his electability and his destructive tendencies he regrets that they allowed him to ascend unchecked there's too much toxicity taking place at the helm of families by individuals who are running rogue and all of us look straight ahead in the event that they came with you to church all of us have somebody in our family who is out of order who we have not checked a meddling mother an obnoxious son an inappropriate dad an attention-starved sibling an unappreciative husband a lying niece a manipulative nephew a strong-willed wife or an intrusive in-law your failure to call them out is what's cutting the family up if you keep looking the other way you don't get run over by your train we talked about casting out demons at the altar but we never cast out demons in the living room [Applause] there are some spirits that reside in our family members that we can no longer turn a blind eye to but the Holy Ghost that is in you is causing you to confront it I want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument there are three things that I want to give to you for those of you are technologically savvy your smart phone your tablet your device Ford's in a lot youin space to take notes I want you to please take use of it those of you who are not technologically savvy finder pinning your purse right here on the back of your receipt and I want you to write down the three elements the three elements to stop your family from emotional bankruptcy three elements to stop your family from emotional bankruptcy the first one I want you to write this down please the very first one is direct deposit direct deposit too often we don't address an underlying issue much to our own peril you've got to get to a place where you have to have the hard conversation and I don't mean any disrespect I love you but I refuse to allow you to project your brokenness on my mental health my sister who's a clinical psychologist at Pepperdine University dr. Taylor Brian Davis gave me this that statistic that I want you to have I want you to write it down it's gonna mess you up here's what dr. Tama told me she said here this 92% of your stress is not yours 92% of your stress is not yours you stressed about somebody else you fast and why they eat you praying and they at the mall you gonna have to draw the line in the sand with difficult family members I can no longer allow you to jeopardize my matrimony when I took my vows it was with two people not with all of y'all something has shifted within our culture where you don't even understand that as a parent you are not appear I gotta say this to you your children are not supposed to like you you supposed to be the parole officer amen I grew up in our what no lock doors I can't hear nobody in here now you all arrays and Negroes with C averages with flat screens in the bedroom there family members who you're gonna have to lay down the law I refuse to be your ambulance or your ATM your emergency is not my responsibility James Baldwin coined the expression called survivor's guilt survivor's guilt after today I no longer want you to allow family members to make you feel guilty about the grace that is on your life I will not apologize for my achievement here me you have to get to a place where you have to be call into accountability that you have to be equitable to all the children I will not be made to feel uncomfortable in my own house you are welcome here as long as you bring respect in here but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord and live in peace you have to have direct conversations and make a direct deposit you've got to exercise in some instances tough love that I love you but I am NOT your parachute I cannot keep rescuing grown children I invested 18 to 21 years to get you to a place of focus I am NOT the backup you gotta figure out what you're gonna do for a babysitter y'all I ain't saying nothing to make you you got to figure out how it is that you're gonna manage your income and your economy and how it is that you're gonna press forward I hate to see you struggle but I don't want to disrupt what God may be doing in your life Frederick Douglass says it is better to raise strong children to repent to repair broken adults this is according to Forbes magazine this is going to be the brokest generation that America has ever produced that this number in this generation with degrees with access with education we'll still be living at home because we have made our children solved crazy and fumet in his book no free riots if we gave our children everything that they wanted but didn't give them what they need it sometimes we've got to interject long-suffering have to help them to understand that there is no entitlement in this house nobody owes you anything you gotta get up and go get a job I can't hear nobody you look crazy getting up in the morning fixing breakfast for Negroes who are still sleep and got no intentions of doing the work finding a job creating out a stream of income you better wake everybody up and say if you ain't got a job you gonna at least vacuum I can't hear no about it I expect these sheets to be wash these towels to be folded and I want dinner on the table when I get home but there is no free ride direct deposit second please this is gonna be a difficult one but I want you to have it stop your family from emotional bankruptcy first thing you got to do is what come on class is what the second one write this down I want you to write it down it's gonna be hard but I need you to do it is withdrawal sometimes you have to pull back in order to move ahead you have a right I want you to write this in in caps you have a right to safeguard your space your house is not a hostel this is not where you all come to sleep when you got nowhere else to go furthermore let me say to you in route to the holidays stop showing up for situations that are stressful do not subjugate your children to a sentence of an event that you don't want to participate in I may go but I have no intentions on stand I'm gonna make two laps around the living room hug everybody I'm a taste of potato salad I'm an ass who made this I'm have small talk out in the backyard but at 3:15 y'all meet me at the car I mean no disrespect but I don't rock with y'all like that because we are family doesn't mean that I have to have forced amnesia y'all ain't sayin nothin to me you cannot dictate when I need to get over it nor can you tell me when I should accept your apology I got a deal with it in my own time and in my own space and please don't hide behind a Bible in the absence of your integrity yes I'm saved yes I love God yes I go to church but y'all can still catch these hands I'm tired of y'all talking under your breath when I walk in the room having an issue about who I bring or what I got on or how my hair is I did not do this for y'all I did it because I like me if I wanted to be as miserable as y'all are I would follow your pattern but there is something different on my life and even though your marriage didn't make it and your children ain't worth nothing don't speak that over my house I'm expecting something greater from my last night I'd have a direct deposit got a no-win to withdraw here's the third one please write this down third one is you have to have balance gotta have balance when I was a child I spoke as a child and now that I'm an adult I put away childish things don't play with me like that you called it a joke but I know you were serious [Applause] don't hide behind sarcasm and then you get offended when I check you on your foolishness and then you want to disarm my natural response because I go to church you don't understand I'm not Matthew I'm Peter I carry your switchblade the Bible says leave and cleave some of you are out of order for disrupting your children's marriages you out order never put your children in a position where they gotta choose their first responsibilities biblically is to their husband and to their wife and you mama are not the side chick what I won't allow is for an outsider to turn me against my family because I do not give it to you don't mean I don't have access to it what are the most powerful words you can learn as an adult is the authority to say no are y'all not saying anything to me and I meant it when I said it and you can have two other people in the family call me about the same issue but my answer is still no it don't mean that I mean it don't mean that I'm stuck up it don't mean that I'm guarded but I don't fool with y'all enough to know that sometimes I'll help you and you take me for granted you don't appreciate what it is that I do you act as if you are entitled to what I work for you get mad when I tell you take your shoes off in my house no cussing in my house no smoking in my house I have a standard of what it is that I expect and if you expect me you gotta respect what I care about I'm so disappointed that in the sanctuary we've not addressed the root of discord they gets his grounding in the book of Genesis help me sound take it happened when Isaac is coming to the end of his life Isaac is coming to the end of his life and his following protocol and he summons the oldest son to put a blessing on his life before his demise the father calls him here and says I'm getting ready to bless you but I'm not just handing it to you I'm gonna make you work for it first I need you to go out and get in the hunt I got excess I've got resources that got means I got real estate but I do not want to lose what I've worked for so I need to have evidence you got sweat equity but you know how to sacrifice you know how to put some skin in the game I wanna say this to somebody who's in this room somebody who's watching online the father is calling you because he is about to release a blessing that is going to reverse a generational curse but he said new birth I have been watching you struggle I've been watching you toil I've been watching you work from sunup to sundown it wasn't an attack it was your last test I wanted to see if you wouldn't become weary in well-doing that if I could trust you with your struggle I know I could bless you with successive if you are faithful over a few things I'll make you ruler over many John Fitzgerald Kennedy former president of this country said if you want to show me a great success look for a great failure because somebody who has never failed that something will never succeed at something significant I'm talking to somebody who the last 18 months of your life you've had to do with setback after setback attack after attack you've had to deal with bills that you didn't see coming but in spite of all of that your temperament didn't change you still trusted God with your back up against the wall and and God told me to tell you because you suffered with me you get it away with the people who are sitting on your rope got no idea that agony you've had to deal with they don't know the struggle that you've been through they they don't know how your head to rob Peter to pay back all to pay Bartholomew they know dear Joe to work on empty yet no idea how your children didn't even know you were making it with no child support no idea how it is your ex was had no resources but God said I will supply I need you real quick would you would you just grab the hand of the person that's next to you shake that hand shake that hand shake it real good hear this cuz if you wouldn't hold my hand when it's empty don't reach for my hand when God smells it up everything you need to get to this year is about to fall in your hair all of the resources you need oh but the connection you need is about to be a call was made to Esau Isaac called Esau but the mother was eavesdropping she's he's dropping and didn't want the blessing to go to Esau she wanted to go to Jacob I want to say this to you parents stop putting a call on your children's life that they are not assigned to please forgive me you know why you know it's God's hand on your life is you aren't the one in the family they expected to go to the next level but you were not chosen by people you are called by God when God puts his hand on your life no weapon that is saw against you shall be we see their Jacob Jacob was successful at fooling the father but he is coached by manipulative mother and he saw comes back in and says is they it a blessing yes for me son I got nothing left your brother got it hallelujah but I'm gonna tell you what God has for you nobody can steal what God has ordained whatever was stolen you weren't supposed to have don't you chase after another man in your life don't you get mad about a promotion another day in your life well God wants you to have you get ready to have it I feel bad I feel bad for all the people that God blessed before you would you just say faster say so the people that got blessed before you Pastor why you feel bad for that they must not know the deal God always saves the best [Applause] and I need some shop just y'all next blessed is right around the corner be seated please the father does and much of the latter part of Genesis is about the discord between Esau and Jacob and nowhere in the bible does anybody ever pull Rebekah up because she is the one that has divided the family there is no Satan in Genesis 27 no which is in Genesis 27 no imps in Genesis 27 but I call to order mother who thinks that she got the power of God to choose which child is gonna make it I mean no disrespect but I don't care who you are you can be Nana y'all help me in here you can be big mom you can be daddy you can be the oldest sibling but you ain't gonna stand in between the blessing that God's got in my life I mean no disrespect but my latter days I'm gonna be greater then my palmitate and that that is the problem in the family is we don't call people out we don't make people accountable and we don't in our family you got a deal with it today so there's no accident get animes [Applause] [Music] my enemy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey [Applause] I didn't lift up that hair every person in your family it is not in will align with the will of God they get ready to shift they get ready to change holy goes knock them down I'm sick of their negative spirit not jump down lift up that hand I want to say something to you [Music] I want you out loud would you speak your last name out loud speak your last night [Applause] I pray for the glory of God to come every person that carries your last night I want God to change their perspective change their vision change their language change their disposition I don't want you hurt by another family member who doesn't understand the call of God that's on your life I don't mean no disrespect I love you but I love God more I can't hear no but I said I love you but I love God more and I'd rather hurt your feelings then hurt my future lift that hand please how to play an unusual prayer I want to pray they got to give you carrots this week strength this week for difficult conversations [Music] because the enemy wants to divide families friend of God will bless you to have that talk with your child there's long overdue I love you but you got 90 days to get your stuff [Music] I know y'all mad you don't put out this talk for five years you got to get it off you with your siblings because they won now when mama was sick and you had to do all the heavy lifting then at the funeral they want to climb in the casket y'all ain't saying nothin to me I want you to have the difficult conversations that may be necessary for a spouse because I forgive you don't mean I trust you God yeah can I talk to grown-ups in here now and you gonna have to earn my trust back then they've done just count which side speak of every lifted hand God will anoint you to be the ambassador of your family you'll need know God's gonna use you to pull the family together it's falling apart y'all in the same house and don't even speak we don't even sit at dinner tables no more - you're watching TV the kids on this my phone somebody else until played upstairs praying to God will brace you to make a direct deposit [Music] but for some of you that God will grace you to withdraw are you a hostage in your own situation pay your own bail make up in your mind I'll need this why am I being faithful to disrespect why am I being loyal to animosity why show up for jealousy your family tells you you've changed tell them that's a compliment thank you I'm gonna pray for you but I pray for every lifted hand I pray but that we've been mother watching online pray for that dad out of contact with his own kids I pray for a young person who resents their father I pray for that young lady who got a jealous mother pray for that young couple his greatest cross is their families I pray for that niche this gifted but can't get support pray for their child that is got special needs but is being neglected and abandoned I pray for those of you who have been forced to act shy because your opinion has not been valued your voice has been muted I pray for both of you who have been forced to be introverts the God will let your real personality shine through I pray that God will do something in the next 10 days lift that hand God's gonna do something in the next 10 days for your family to see who you are see what you represent the power that you hope you better hear me and hear me well you carry the oil for your family [Applause] your family needs you to get to the next level God has gonna bless you cuz he's seen you struggle with class he's watched you handle indignity like a soldier he's witnessed you turn the other cheek and God said now where's your Caesar you don't get everything they tried to block you from get it and those of you your faith comes into agreement with the faith of your pastor would you give God glory for healthy families I say give him glory for healthy families I know it may make you uncomfortable but we got to have this talk got a deal with it stand to your feet please you can disagree with me but you ain't gonna yell at me you may not like what I got to say but you will not call me out my name or y'all ain't sayin nothin to me you got a problem with me you are not gonna attack my children my children are never gonna feel inferior or second-best I work too hard wherever it is that you are in this room I want you to become a part of the family a new birth it's not a perfect family but no family is the only thing that keeps us together is the glue called God [Music] lot of issues lot of brokenness lotta eagles a lot of vulnerability a lot of agendas but God keeps us together I told you a couple of weeks ago I think it's unfair that God chooses our family but he lets us choose our friends but the amazing thing in the power of choice is you get to pick your church family and I'm telling you there's no better Church than new birth every Sunday is a family reunion I want you to be a part of our family I'm telling you don't worry about these roles desire everybody had to walk it once you get in it it won't seem that far but I need you to come I'm gonna be your pastor come on please [Applause] [Music] come on come on new birth when you see them you are to cheer like you glared fire family [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on come on you and the family you rollin with us did I come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll tell you what new buddy if you ever come in church you want to sit in this section this section makes noise for Jesus they still come in y'all would you give God glory for them here they come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God said are y'all gonna shout what's wrong with this section come on y'all [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 208,362
Rating: 4.8327241 out of 5
Id: 6Ayy1d9OJHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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