Pastor Jamal Bryant - I don't know why we not together

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and you with her you want to open up your mouth they give them over right there you want to open them it's what I do [Music] it praises what you do will you give him some come on open up your mouth clap your hands then hand is lifted would you just open up your mouth and bless the name around God come on give him the fruit of your lips come on begin to magnify you come on begin to worship you everybody praise His grace right somebody give a bleep in this place pray pray Oh I want you all over the room would you celebrate our conquering king [Music] do you secure your Bibles and even now I want to divert your attention to First Samuel chapter eighteen / Samuel chapter eighteen all month we've been in a series titled you don't know me like that ministry for the misunderstood those of you who readily admit that you've been misunderstood on more than one occasion lift up that hand for me come on you ever had to explain yourself defend yourself this is a word that I believe is going to bless you for Samuel chapter 18 finance minister you've done an amazing job today thank you so very much how much y'all love our new minister of music amazing [Applause] amazing young man who some do great things for the body of Christ for Samuel chapter 18 20 and 21 now Saul's daughter Michelle was in love with David and when they told Saul about it he was pleased I'll give her to him he thought and I'm giving her to him so that she can trap him snare him make him lose his focus so that the hand of the Philistines may be against him so Saul said to David you now have a second opportunity to become my son-in-law you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I don't know why we're not together I don't know why we not together it's probably best that you don't turn to your neighbor I don't know why we're not together the biggest breakup of this year wasn't Angela Ryan common all the bran James and the Cleveland Cavaliers he was president trauma and his long-term attorney Michael Cohen the collapse of their bromance was unfathomable to onlookers who were familiar with their bond Trump had his name on the buildings and Cohen was the first to have access to buy condos in those buildings he personally was responsible to handle his indiscretions and his private holdings in the private sector they were a match made in heaven but with Trump's ascendancy to the presidency the dynamics drastically changed and with it came questions about ethics to which Cohen was directly implicated almost anticipating the backfire he began to secretly record their conversations almost 100 in all as if to anticipate being the fall guy stunned by the betrayal Donald tweeted in the middle of the night what kind of lawyer would tape his client he is now the center of Mueller's investigation into election impropriety with the Russians Sam noon Berg a political consultant who has worked with the commander in chief for them many years said the cleavage in the relationship came when Trump followed his son in laws council to not bring him to the capital if he would have just given him a job he wouldn't be in this pickle in other words friends things didn't become estranged until the elevation I mean one in the relationship got elevated and the other could not remain attached then came betrayal some people who are passionate about you will have a problem with you if they can't stay attached to you an unverified quote by ascribed to Oprah Winfrey goals people can't really love you if they secretly want to be you and maybe we should learn a lesson from Lucifer who is the director of fine arts department in heaven his responsibility was to choreograph the worship that was aimed at the Almighty but then he interjected himself and wanted to become the focus the only thing more agonizing than some people not getting attention is that you don't get ignored if both of you weren't getting attention it would be alright so there's some things they intentionally don't invite you to because they are free you'll steal the attention I want to say this aloud while I'm preaching to you I'm really talking right now to my sons and daughters in ministry and what seminary probably has not given them is that nobody has ever stepped out of the box to consider that the rift in heaven was not about doctrine that the fall out in glory was not about theology or faith that everything that became undone in the earth can point back to jealousy and envy [Music] Satan was so proficient in Psalm in music in creativity that it should in fact give you polish to know that all these years that Satan's job still has not been replaced God is so sure of who he is I want you to hear this God is so sure of who he is that he'll fire him knowing he can't replace it is amazing how many of you stay with people because you're afraid you won't be able to find a replacement and maybe it is the intention of God then nobody ever feels that place the only difference is between you and God is once you discover who they are you won't cut them off and you won't cut them off either because you think you look good together or because you don't think anybody else can fill their shoes Maya admonished somebody who's in the room or somebody who's streaming you can't stay with who's trying to stick it to you [Music] undeniably Lucifer undeniably is gifted but just because he's gifted doesn't mean he's good to be around what becomes agonizing when you do your own due diligence around somebody in whom you were invested in who was attractive brilliant paid attention creative innovative wasn't cheap and God separated it and you can't figure out why because on paper they're everything you were looking for but in principle didn't have what you needed how is it that the church never did then unpacks the variable that somebody can be gifted and not good David is anointed at 17 by God he's anointed at 17 by God to ascend to the throne and almost overnight he goes from tending Qi to being the center of the Kings court by virtue here it is again of his musical ability and he was able to ascend once this with no halfway mark there are many of you who don't even understand your curse is being gifted but God puts you in a whole nother position without any in-between training because of your gift you got thrown in the atmospheres environments and interface with people in whom you have never been prepared for but you just kept quoting my gift will make room for me and maybe it's all of that room that got you in trouble that you're too gifted for your own good I don't want to go here but I'm forced what happens when you're gifted but you're attracted to mediocre people [Applause] so you have nothing in common you have nothing to talk about there is no future but you like being worshipped you like being worship you like being the center of their being enamored because you know you don't have to perform at the level of somebody who's just used to being entertained so it doesn't require anything from you because your state is the level of greatness they'd never been exposed to so how does that push me to better when it is that they've never seen the best four seven your chapter 19 we see a twist in the plot because David is brought in watch this only on special occasions he's brought in watch this only when Saul is having an emotional breakdown and when David is brought in it is not just to chew the fat is to play the harp because the gift that David has soothes the evil beast that's within soul and now Saul is beginning to resent David why because he has a gift that brings him into submission y'all not hear what I'm saying so there are some people who will tolerate you and even love you as long as you don't flow in your gear but the moment you begin to flow in your gift something rises up in them and they don't even know what it is but the gift in you brings into submission the demon in them so they can only handle you in certain atmospheres god help me but if you ever stop praying for God help mending God or fool around and make you prophesy over their life and they got an attitude about your spirituality but the problem is they knew you were gifted when they met you hallelujah it was your gift that attracted them in the first place and now they resent the focus of the attention so David ISM is playing this heart he's playing the harp and while Saul is having an attitude he can't take it I'm only talking to 70 of you right through here he can't he can't take it and so he reaches for a javelin it reaches for javelin watch this while David is playing is hard and he makes up in his man I'm going to take David out the problem is when he chooses to do it what did you say pastor he chose the wrong time to try to kill him he tried to kill David wow he was slowing God you mean you you should have tried to take me out when I wasn't under the anointing but with when I'm under the anointing of God no that is for the kids he'll know how are you able to contain yourself because then there were some people who headed out for you and they thought they were going to break your spirit and and mess up your life and they were successful in doing it too to other people but the other people they mess with 1 ninoy day so I was able to walk right through the trap understanding of God before me Oh can be against he's playing us hard hallelujah wow he's playing the heart David saw was the chaplain Adam and the things that I admire you about David that I wanted to give you today is that he's under attack by somebody he loves hallelujah but the evidence of the unknown a is while I'm under attack I never stop playing God young man I came to tell fifty of you that's why the enemy can never have the upper hand is that even will folk don't like you I stay right in my lane even when they are trying to conspire for my demise I still keep worshiping God y'all wanna know why we worship God this morning everything is going well because I'm to address your insecurities I refuse to stop being me to make you comfortable our y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I I am NOT gonna give my life cuz you afraid of my shine I gotta do all that God has called me to do and if you can't handle it move out the way cuz imma flow with always ouch when you aren't on it when you're anointed all kinds of things are gonna be thrown at you and here's the problem if y'all don't mind being seen did you making me nervous here's the problem for anointed people who were in the room who have an assignment whoever called who a gifted who I headed to greatness here is the problem you were not going to be attacked by strangers god help me out now I feel a breakthrough coming right here you gonna have to be careful cuz your greatest level of attack will come from people you actually got feelings for oh god you're man if you if you didn't care it wouldn't hurt that much but because you de messed around and fell in love with him and got feelings for men actually have value in their opinion then they feel like that they got the Silver Bullet that is needed and necessary to take you out but what they have missed is you on the commodity and they are just the accessory y'all not because I was anointed before I met you and I'm gonna keep this anointing even if you decide to leave he throws the javelin at David and David keeps moving while he's under attack your assignment is faster than the assassination attempt you are always one step ahead of what the enemy thought he could get away with there many of you you should not have gotten out of this summer but God has elevated you in such a capacity that the stuff they talkin about that went down in July you already planning out your October why because God keeps you once you went in 930 I want you to get that CD it's gone bless you and 930 I was talking about the spirit of insecurity and it's the spirit of insecurity here at 11:30 that's trying to kill David it was damaging to David because um he wanted to build a relationship with Saul he looked at Sawle as a role model my sis and because David had confidence in the prophecy that was spoken over his life that he was gonna be the next king then he wanted to be nekked he wanted to be next to the sitting King who else am I gonna learn this from when my father is just in agriculture but the call on my life is to be a king so I want to be next to the king since I'm going to be the next king and God turned Saul against David did y'all hear what I just said Saul didn't naturally have disdain for David God made Saul resent David God broke up the mentorship he broke up the mentorship because God was clear when you get this position I don't want you indebted to solve so anybody who is connected to your next assignment I'm cutting away from you so that when you walk into what it is that I have for you you owe nobody that's the only reason I'm able to occupy this space when admittedly I didn't know what I was doing his God put me here and the I looked up to he made them walk away from me I'm talking to somebody in this room they got hurt by a mentor somebody whose heart was broken somebody you looked up to somebody whose vision got blurry from somebody who you really thought would coach you and God said I shut down every available option for you to be able to get the keys to your next future yes had you have them in your life it would have been easier but the mistake is you would have been up thanking them so I need to put you in a place of isolation only five of y'all to hear what I'm saying where you are literally able to say nobody helped me get nothing but the grace of God is what put me in this position and for him I over Gloria I got a stop right here cuz I feel you pulling on my anointing those of you that believe that you gonna get to where you're supposed to be without the benefit of a mentor without anybody showing you the ropes without anybody aiding and assisting you but you've been forced to trust God even when there were other people around the wisdom in the inside by might not by power but by your spirit y'all gotta forgive me right here cuz the affliction of the priest is to feel the pain of the people and I feel like there's somebody in this room that's got a battle of two you have there's got to be released in this moment because you've been frustrated cuz folk would not help you y'all ain't saying nothing that and you weren't even after their job you weren't even after their position but they got threatened just because of your raw intelligence and wherewithal that and they didn't even know that you looked up to them and you would never try to plate him but they took your zeal out of order and they were so used to being hurt that they had to cover up all of the information that they knew and they have no idea I'm trying to make you look better but because you're so insecure you wounded somebody that I physically wants to push [Applause] who as you all learned how to be a king from then from another king and now i'ma turn the King against you David's insight source was Saul son named Jonathan and the two of them became bish two friends whenever there was a contract put on David's life Jonathan would inform them even though Jonathan was the heir to the throne he had enough humility to step aside source and not interfere with the Lord's intention and in spite of that the Lord had to separate David from Jonathan why because Jonathan was tied to the old regime Jonathan did nothing wrong today they but God disrupted the relationship because Jonathan watch this was related to David's past and because he's related to David's past he's not connected to David's future I'm talking to somebody y'all know missing this I gotta say this there are some friendships God disrupted not because the person was wicked or evil or demonic or bad but they didn't line up with God's intention for your future so they were the best of friends they gave you the best counsel they legitimately prayed for you but God said it stops right here and you so crazy you missed the pass you missed the pastors you can't see what God's trying to do in your future your real maturity is can I not be friends and not be better y'all they say you're nothing to me your real legitimacy or your friendship is only rock with you but I'm still lawyer you ain't even in my inner space no more but I still don't talk about what you shared with me Wow because there was your device God disrupted this friendship [Applause] says I'm disrupting it cuz I let you take nothing and nobody from the past into your future he said to those of you who are in this room you are so anointed you deserve a clean slate since I'm disrupted everything connected to you and with your silly self you think is punishment know you ain't being punished you being planned hallelujah I'm getting ready to put you in another orbit and the place you get ready to be those Negroes can't breathe your oxygen cuz you get ready to elevate to a whole nother level and you don't even know I'm saving you are they you got too much to do in your destiny to have to expend all your weight carrying the friendship since I can't let you stay in this and they always depleting your strength you gotta be their life coach their pastor their mother y'all ain't saying nothin to meet their confidant and you get so drained that you'll realize nobody born into me so is no longer friendship is now ministry god help me so I always got a pump you up always gotta pray for you always gotta push you and never watch to you check to see how am i doing god y'all ain't saying nothin to me cuz you so used to me being the strong one that you don't even have the sensitivity to see when I'm going through a week cease so what happens when God won't let you stay together he don't lost a father figure in soul you know lost his best friend and Jonathan and still there's one more relationship if God got a disrobe and I gotta ask you a question because many of you are unprepared for the answer how many more relationships God got a breakup [Music] don't forget after david defeats Goliath that he's entitled to a free tax addis massive wealth and to where it's alls firstborn daughter who is merab emmy Rab her David gets double cross cuz he never got the will never got text free status and never married the oldest daughter somewhat soul that on the day he supposed to marry the oldest daughter saw marries her to somebody else somebody watch this who didn't kill Ajay I'm only talking to unknown two people right through here whoever you lost them to it was not to the length of anybody that carries your anointing you didn't hear what I just said huh I'm telling you y'all don't like it up in us whoever they win right now don't have a decibel of the anointing you carry they are just a poor substitute cuz they never killed the guy damn it is heart is broken cuz nobody ever you quit me at Sunday school to know you can get an auntie and double-cross [Music] nobody ever equip me but you can have the hand of God on your life and get play no nobody ever told me I could have destiny and still get let down so the one that David thinks he gonna marry he never gives and she ends up marrying somebody else I'm now an ITEX and my time is almost full eating in front / Samuel chapter 18 we discovered that Michelle the state saw 2nd daughter is in love with David and they tell Saul your second daughter is in love with David y'all ain't gonna believe this and Saul is excited oh she won David imma give imma give him her cuz this ain't like my older daughter this is my wild child Jahna like this he says I am gonna let David May Michelle watch this cuz I know she will throw him off his focus and when he loses his focus the Phyllis sands will have victory over him y'all won't like it I am but I feel like I gotta tell you this there there are some people there are some people Satan is glad you win [Applause] because he knows as long as you are with them he will lose your focus and if you lose your focus then the enemy will be able to defeat you every time some demanded undercover agents they know what you want to hear what's this and they always come into your life in the season of you being hurt because you get confused and deluded from the pain and think that this is who God said this is not who God sent into your life what is your evidence Master is that Michelle who is the second daughter loves David y'all ain't gonna like it but hates is worship so she likes David at dinner like some at the movies likes him in the bedroom but can't stand them in the sanctuary yeah y'all ain't saying that can I prove it to you David recovered the Ark of the Covenant and they're walking back into Jerusalem and David starts shouting until his clothes start falling off and his wife looks out the window it's what can the king is this that you don't shout in front of these people and look crazy to which David says you think this is something more undignified than fish because I don't care what you think about me I came to give y'all glory I'm telling y'all when you were in church church is not a date y'all didn't you what I just said Church is not a date so if you come with me in church I don't check to see how you do it don't make sure you alright because you are not the focus of my attention I don't care what the around you think would you do me a favor if you didn't come for them but you came for him will you worship God I'll just somebody thanks it don't take all that I wanted a shelf all the that hated you go in the church y'all ain't saying nothing that means in a worship but those that got an attitude because of your commitment and discipline the things a god I need you to shout for the relationships you lost tryna be the disciple of cry so much thank you so much Hannah Lydia those of y'all that are saying and stay where you are don't see you seated hold your position the Bible says because of how Michelle looked at David her wound shut up and she was never productive another day in her life God give me a speaker sirs on to the life of every person that play with your heart mess with some man tried to run game on you God said if you shout again doctor Wow because they build a pad you may be seated thank you hello I'm telling you they never gonna have a happy life they may get stuff but when you lost me your whole life fell apart I'm telling you be careful how you handle God's annoyed David how do you keep it together how you keep it together David when every meaningful relationship you ever had fell apart god help me yeah your relationship with your father figure failed your relationship with your best friend didn't work out the relationship with your fiance got cancelled he said Jamal tell 11:30 that even though relationship with my father figure my friend and my fiance fell apart the only thing that keeps me going yes I got one relationship I hold on to David please tell me what it is he said I only got one question for you what can separate me I wonder if there's anybody here that knows I will trust in the Lord with all the mouths me not you to my own understanding be seated be seated please you working today come on be seated please I gotta show you this for the life of me I couldn't couldn't figure out why we not together I didn't know one of three things that you want an obstruction to my destiny that you are attached to my past and not connected to my future or you are enamored by me but despise my worship [Music] but a life of me I was beginning to think it was me that no relationships of any meaning of any value have been able to sustain I didn't know that God's hand was behind it you were starting to play tricks with my thinking with myself or saying cuz I couldn't see the end in mind but I'm grateful it didn't work [Applause] because I never want the enemy happy about who I'm with I want when the enemy sees the two of us together god I can't see cuz he knows if the right to start touching and agreeing [Music] that the presence of God is gonna be there also y'all ain't saying nothin to me I want somebody in my life that upsets the spirit of the Antichrist hallelujah I want somebody who ain't gonna watch me shout but when I start shouting they gonna jump right on in there with me because they know the same God that I serve and I have no idea that failed relationships fail relationships are connected to my future and I needed them for springboard to my destiny and when I need help with master is not drugs not with alcohol now because I I need God to put such a force field around my heart that I don't try to go back to what he took me away from I need to be so strong that when I see them I feel nothing I I'm gonna be so healed that when I hear they with somebody else I'm actually happy for them cuz I know it don't match my destiny I I need God to do such a perfect work that I'm able to move to the next level knowing what's this that I can move on without it being drama don't take an argument I gotta catch you in nothing I just know when God says this is it then I'm going on to the next season of my life I want to open up this altar very quickly please I will open up this altar for those of you who really young keep falling because you lean to your own understanding and you've been tormenting yourself as a terrorist in your own thinking as to why relationships didn't work don't have to be somehow you're dated it could have been somehow you were real with some of you are still in a place of a gaping hole cuz you and your friend I'm not in the place you all used to be in for the life of you you can't figure out one that's who you are that's where you are God brought you to this 11:30 service because he knew healing had to happen in that area says I can't bring you the next if you still miss the lass that's where you are would you make me a dis altar let me pray for you please [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna underscore in all caps that I'm not just limiting this dialogue this conversation with people you dated I'll put an exclamation point sometimes it's the mentor it's the role model it's a father-figure it's a terrible thing I could pass this macaroon to ten people and tell you you have no idea what it's like to have to be raised by a jealous mother you only say I'm nothing to me here you got no idea why I got a safeguard what I tell my friend we really friends I shouldn't have any threat of it being repeated cuz I know you got my best interest at heart what kind of friends are we that you got to record my conversation yeah I use my brokenness just so you can feel strong you ain't a real friend to me if you always don't remind me how weak I was I need you to come please I'm still waiting on three more of you I don't know where you I don't know who you are I just know God needed you in this moment how do you how would you take that neighbor by the hand please [Music] you're in this rumor you survived a bad relationship i'ma go step forth you survived a bad breakup how much you stress that right hand because you know firsthand what that feels like all was going well and then it became Nightmare on Elm Street in case y'all don't know Negroes will switch up on you quick lane Tyroleans the south watch I'm telling you is they will go fast from 0 to 100 with no pause you got no idea what activated this what triggered this you got closer to your destiny you are closer to your anointing on that need that hand stretch towards your neighbor please both of you who had this altar would you lift up better here I want you to look at me please I'm speaking something over your life I'm not praying I'm pronouncing honeynet hand lifted I want you to hear what I'm pronouncing over your life I am pronouncing over your life for those of you with lifted hands that God will trust you he'll honor you he'll gift you with three meaningful relationships I'm praying that God will give you a relationship with a mentor somebody who can advise you somebody who will counsel you somebody who will direct you I'm praying that God will bless you with a legitimate authentic friend y'all now saying nothing amazing somebody who you the only thing you got in common with them is not the past but they're excited about your future and they're gonna help push you to it I'll speak over your lifted hand that very relationship I'm praying that God will send somebody into your life who Satan can't stand for you to be with I pray that when the two of you come ain't about no chemistry I'm talking about Dunamis power praying that when the two of you come together I'm telling you I've angels or don't stop sweeping around that with when the two of you are in alignment that signs and wonders will happen I'm praying that God will make the two of you an impenetrable force are you able to pour into each other equally without you having to always be the strong one I pray that December 31st will not come without you having health in all three of those relationships and those of you by faith you receive the word of your pastor and you believe that God will do that for you I want you to lose that hand and give God your best shout of glory right now I mean every person standing I want you to flow in ministry with me I want every person standing who's physically able to do so I want you to move around the sanctuary I want you to embrace three people and hear the prophecy you're gonna speak over their life I want you to embrace three people and when you embrace him I want you to tell them get ready for three real relationships come on everybody move it go do that right now get ready [Music] I pray for you you pray I need you tonight [Music] I won't I pray for you you pray I love you [Music] harm you with words from I love I eat you too is ascending I want you to join me in doing this will you give God glory what's this in advance of the three healthy relationships you gonna have this year are y'all a shout good I said open up your mouth and give God globine for the three healthy relationship as you're standing out it is not privileged to open the doors of the church as you're standing up I want to extend the grace the love and the mercy of God to those of you who understand before I can have a relationship with a mentor if I never healthy relationship with a friend before God can trust me with the healthy relationship with a significant other I gotta have a real relationship with him if you're here in this room and you don't have a church home you're not a member of a church you're not a part of a ministry I want you to come down to this altar right now not now but right now I need you to move as quickly as you can to this altar I'm gonna just embrace you I'm gonna bring you in to be a part of our family to roll with this ministry come on give God some praise as they come [Applause] are y'all gonna give GOG pull over here they come I'm thankful for these three but I believe there's an avalanche of more that need to fall through this altar if you're in this room and you're saying passages the kind of church I need to be with the kind of teaching I need to be fed by the kind of fellowship that I believe will fortify me that's who you are that's where you are I so desperately need you at this altar I need you to break ranks I need you to press your way don't let nothing stop you from getting to this altar your last three failed relationships were preparing you for this moment y'all in here what'd I just say your last three failed relationships were grooming you for God's grace I need you to help me please wherever it is that you want whatever it is that you are would you check on your own now ask the people on your row are they saved find out if they have a church home discover for me have they given their lives over to God how they do I can't believe y'all ain't saying nothin to nobody don't let them intimidate you don't let them fool you they need this not only do they need it they need a real bad shut your right hand debate to our three friends who are now our family shut your right hand to favor and repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the right guy and I know that's right if you're known right come on give God some praise for these three empowerment make some noise for bless the Lord you may be seated in the presence of our God how many of y'all needed this message today how many of y'all coming y'all know somebody that needed this message today I guess what I want us to do how many of you are grateful that you got to help a relationship with God there's a Japanese proverb and the Japanese proverb said that the greatest room in your house is the room for improvement how many of you know your relationship with God can be better than what it already is one of the ways in which you can enhance and improve your relationship with God it's very simple stop stealing from you tried it either here to get a whole lot better stop stealing from how did we steal it you steal every Sunday through your times and you're all friends and I want my relationship with God to be healthy I needed to be strong and I needed to be balanced how can I trust God to bring healthy people into my life when I keep making him sick how can I trust God supplied me a mentor when I still don't honor the Creator I need all of us in this room that we would give a Testament a tribute on our God to let them know how grateful we are how thankful we are how appreciative we are you're in this room and you're absent of an envelope that you want to give Thanksgiving on now God would you lift up that hand you don't have an envelope and wish to share in order to soul a conduit by which to give lift up their hand please ambassadors they're right here they're waiting on your helm they're desperately in need of your assistance I'm gonna challenge every person in this room who yearns for a authentic legitimate grounded relationship with God that you would in fact first show yourself trustworthy show yourself charge in this season oh my just don't give you their trust trust come through experience when when you ain't know no better you was giving out the kitchen sink and everything along with it till you pick it out Negroes lie and now I'll do they lie they cheat if they cheat they're steel and if there's still they'll kill so now I can only give you a piece at a time after I've established some level of trust I want God to be able to trust you with that next blessing I want him to trust you for that miracle that he's got in mind and installed for each and every one of us how we do that by it is by giving our time by giving our expression unto our God I'm gonna challenge every person in this room to tithe tithing means I'm giving God 10% that's reasonable knowing he's the giver of every good and every perfect gift but a hundred percent of everything good I got I got from God if it ain't good send it back cuz you know who it came from amen how much you get that gift in your hand I want you to treat God better than you do chick-fil-a treat God better than you do your nail appointment she got better than you do your hair seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all all other things shall be added unto you now that you have that in your hand would you please saying both of you who are watching online I want you to give through your cash out I want to challenge you to give a seed of at least $40 on this day I want you to do that for this ministry if you don't have cash Shep go to gibla fie those of you who are on the facebook live or on livestream go to empowerment temple org and we'll direct you through your giving or you can just give electronically through your phone on cash app or gibla fie but I'm gonna challenge you to give at least $40 if you can all Tigers we know that obedience is better than sacrifice now that you have that gift would you mind lifting that seat above your head lift that seat above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do in the three relationships that are coming in my life amen and bless the alternative your coming on Tuesday night it's gonna be a very special night I'm so appreciative to be able to bring a fearless courageous Superman sister probably one of the most powerful journalists of this hour are April Ryan who's the White House correspondent for CNN how she just released a new book entitled under fire under fire I'm gonna be interviewing her Tuesday night at 7:30 right here from this sanctuary I shared with your comrades at 7:30 and 9:30 it's important that we are here and to show our love and support she and that Maxine Waters both have been under imminent death threats over the last 60 days that have required for them to have around-the-clock security detail and so this is one of her first opportunities to be able to interface in a church and her coming to our church I want her to know that she's loved and valued and supported because in days like that you need to be able to count your friends amen I want you to come but not only don't want you to come I want you to support her book because I believe that it is going to be a treasure trove of insights as well as I want to challenge you to bring your daughters your niece your God children so that they can see what a real role model is supposed to look like come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise for April Ryan I've put it all out on social media I want you to please bring your co-workers your neighbors and your social media followers alike Wednesday night is our sixth season on the word Network for the empowerment encounter I live from Detroit Michigan somebody give God some praise it's gonna be absolutely amazing I'm telling you something amazing I wouldn't fool you I want you to please make sure that you're there on Friday night Friday night I will be an abundant harvest ministries on Belmont Avenue abundant harvest ministries of pastor Stephen Lawrence up for their church anniversary they've invited us to come and be a part of that anniversary celebration and as a consequence I want you to come and join us don't send me by myself but one abundant harvest is no impoundment is in the building so please come on and go with me on Friday night abundant harvest ministries is at 7:00 p.m. 1720 Belmont Avenue I'm gonna remind you that this is the last day that you can get tickets for our scholarship team that is this Saturday as that you'll please go by the scholarship tables secure a ticket or secure a table even if you can't come I want you to make a generous donation or to our scholarship committee less than not least let me see the hands of those of you who presently have a loved one a friend or a relative that is incarcerated would you lift up that hand for me lift up that hand lift it high come on you saying it again for them I'm doing something different this year you can pull that hand down I'm having re-entry Sunday here at our church the last Sunday in October is re-entry Sunday how what's gonna happen on that day pastor I'll that entire hallway the lobby if you grew up in the church the vestibule is gonna be completely filled with tables of resources for returning citizens who want employment opportunities educational opportunities and housing opportunities some I give Garda Inc let the praise and so that's the last Sunday in October and we're gonna be inviting all of the transition and halfway houses in the Baltimore metropolitan area to come and worship with us on that day and those of you that have a loved one who is on home monitoring those who are on parole on probation I need you with intentionality under bring them to church on that day because we're also on that day we're gonna be moving to try to exonerate expunged out some of their records on that day somebody give God a Hank left a praise I'm excited about what we're going to do now I'm giving you one month we're partnering with two groups one in Prince George's County the other one is in Baltimore other does programs of for gentlemen who are returning back to society how to get them ready for the workforce that in I'm gonna collect 3000 neckties or bowties within a month I think we're gonna be able to share with those agencies our four returning citizens so that when they get a job they will have the clothes that will help them to be able to hold that job in to maintain it absent of any insecurities so all about men ask that you please bring on some neckties all of our sisters as that you go get a necktie and bring it to the altar beginning or next Sunday all the way till the last Sunday of October how many of you all know our church can collect that we can get that done and so I need you to partner with me in order for us to do it last but not least our Solomon School of our success is rearing up for their fall semesters for fall semester for entrepreneurs both of you that need mentorship and training and direction for your entrepreneurial enterprise or we want to help you get the keys to your success so that you will fly and not flounder also ask that you please go and bôla' be and register today for our Solomon School of success will you bless search on come on come on give God some praise but next Sunday our ears are dress-down Sundays I dress down Sunday because it's our youth our emphasis Sunday our young people are taken over service on next Sunday they're gonna be singing dancing mime and spoken word wrapping they gonna be doing everything but preaching amen but they will be in charge on next Sunday so we dressing down hanging down with the young hanging out on with the young people on next Sunday please bring your neighbors kids your God kids here's a newsflash bring y'all kids to church on next Sunday that would be wonderful if you would do that what you saying to your feet please if nobody told you to sweep please know that your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I'm gonna see you get everything that God has for you would you lift up that hand right where it is that you are lift up that hand repeat after me walk with God and you'll walk with me talk with God and no talk with me listen to God he'll listen to me build for God and he'll built for me love God because He first loved me now I want you to lift that hand as high as you see yourself going now I went to him who's absolutely able to do anything that fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you how do you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you do you have to give stuff away kids form now and forevermore
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 67,818
Rating: 4.8084717 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, pastor, jamal bryant 2018, together
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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