Drew Gooden Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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hi i'm drew gooden and this is the wired auto complete interview [Music] it's worth pointing out that there's another drew gooden arguably more famous than me he played in the nba for i think like 15 years does drew gooden um yes did drew goodin create youtube so a lot of people assume that this is a joke because one time i had this like throwaway line in a video where i was like i invented youtube i made it myself i was just kind of hammering away on my computer one day and all of a sudden i had a website and it's awesome you should check it out youtube.com lots of videos on there they're awesome did drew gooden do it for the vine vine was an app much like tik tok uh people made six second videos i made some for a couple years before i did youtube one of the popular ones on vine i didn't make it was the song where someone said do it for the vine i did for a little bit but these says no i do it for the tube did drew gooden win a streamy yes i did i was actually really excited about that i did not expect to win at all my wife and i were watching the award show and a lot of the awards they don't like make a big thing about it they just kind of do this like lightning round where they go through several different awards and that was one of them and it was just oh by the way drew gooden i was like what i was i was genuinely shocked but yeah i'm really proud of that it was a it was a cool thing and they gave me a trophy so i have the trophy not with me but i own it does drew gooden have a podcast no not currently my wife and i started a podcast with the intent of doing one episode every week i guess forever it was called the little stinker radio hour and i thought we had an interesting story about our relationship because we met on on vine and we did long distance for a bit and we wanted to kind of offer advice too for people are in that because it's it's tough to go several months without seeing you know your partner and i think that was worth sharing but then once we got to the second episode we were like all right now what do we talk about we made it two weeks and then we stopped all right does true gooden have a job this is a very judgmental question do you have a job yeah i mean i think what i do is a job i make time to sit and work and i film and edit and editing can be a lot of work too i like doing every part of the video myself contrary to what maybe some of my family members might think yeah i work hard-ish sometimes how old was drew gooden when first vine my first vine was probably 2014 and it was me filming what i thought was a really funny commercial for mayonnaise and they're just like if you want mayonnaise you gotta use this brand of mayonnaise and that was the whole vine so that really you know set off my career trajectory from a great starting point for sure how did drew gooden and danny gonzalez meet danny and i actually met at vidcon several years ago we had been in a short film sort of that vine put together called camp unplug we went to this camp in wisconsin camp juan de weiga we shot there for a few days and then i remember we went to vidcon i think shortly afterwards but danny's awesome he's one of the funniest people i know and we get compared to a lot which i find a compliment you know he's super talented and funny so if you think that we're similar that's great how drew gooden joined team 10 team 10 was a an internet conglomerate started by jake paul and he had this course you could take where you sort of learn how to be in team 10 and i made a video about that unfortunately i did not ever join team 10 i did go to his live show and i got to watch them all perform i was in the same room as team 10 if that counts how did drew gooden spill the water one time i was on cody koh's podcast and i was uh nervous to be on this podcast because i was a big fan of cody and i didn't want to make a fool out of myself and sure enough i'm just sipping a bottle of water and i set it down and just knock it over almost got it on like all the recording equipment pretty much the worst thing you could do in a situation where you're trying not to look like an idiot not one of my proudest moments but that's okay how many subscribers does drew gooden have 3.3 million as of now but the goal is 1 billion so if you want to help that cause go subscribe to my youtube channel and we should hit 1 billion subscribers pretty soon all right what is drew gooden doing now i'm glad you asked i'm doing uh the wired auto complete interview what camera does drew gooden use panasonic lumix g 150 that's a pretty good camera it's good for for sitting down and uh staying focused in one spot otherwise if i move around it's not as good of a camera because the autofocus isn't very good so if you're sitting down and making videos that's a good one to use what state does drew gooden live in i live in florida good old florida a lot of my friends will send me sometimes you know you'll see a headline it's like florida man does the most insane thing that anyone's ever done and they're like was this you and i say yes because it is usually me what happened to drew gooden i don't know is there something i should know about was there an accident i was involved in which drew gooden plays basketball which drew in plays basketball professionally is the other drew gooden for sure he's much taller more athletic in pretty much every sense than me but i do own a basketball hoop in my backyard so technically i would say we both play basketball which drew gooden can dunk not this one well the fun thing about owning your own hoop is that you can set it to any height you want so if i want a dunk i'll bring it way down and i will dunk regulation size probably probably not true good and all-star so this is probably the other one i'm going to explain how the nba works uh because i'm kind of the authority on this in the nba there's all-star teams that you could vote it into every year so i think they're probably asking if he got voted into one of the all-star teams i didn't get any votes but i do not know for certain if he didn't when did drew gooden retire ugh i wish i could retire if you ask my family going back to the other questions earlier i already did retire as soon as i quit my you know real job and started doing youtube that was the day i retired so if you're going off that logic then like 2017 i retired as a 23 year old and i don't do anything all day ever it's the best why does drew gooden say guy for a long time i didn't know how to start my videos because a lot of people are like what's up guys or they have like a catchphrase or a nickname for their fan base and for a while i was calling people little stinkers and then i didn't really like that that much i sort of just started doing that and i was like is this gonna be my thing forever i don't know how i feel about this but then instead of saying hey guys once i said hey guy and people seem to think it was funny so i've been saying it pretty much every video why do i say it because it's funny druid and fan fiction oh boy one of the videos danny gonzalez and i made together was about the funniest fan fiction i've ever read in my life that someone wrote about us i think one of us married jake paul i believe it was called house of gold that was a really funny video to make because we hadn't read the fan fiction beforehand there was so many insane twists in it every time you think it couldn't get any crazier it did so i would recommend watching that video if you want to learn more about my fan fiction and my reaction to it drew gooden picture of a hot dog i also have a website to show off my web design skills where the home page is a picture of a hot dog and then you can add all these different toppings to it i've got a corn dog on there nachos hat so you know really just some crazy stuff on there drew gooden christmas movie so i've made a lot of videos about weird christmas movies which is pretty easy to do because i don't know if you've noticed there are so many christmas movies most of them have almost identical plots a businesswoman moves to a small town and she meets her high school sweetheart and she realizes that business isn't everything love is everything and then she stays in her hometown forever but then there's some christmas movies where they try to do something that's never been done before but in order to do that because everything's been done before you have to come up with the most insane plot i just watched one where these mannequins came to life and were like falling in love with the people in the movie and it was such a bizarre film where does drew gooden get his joke i get my joke from right here is drew gooden good in i'd like to think i'm good i haven't done any crimes is drug and canadian no i'm not i am a floridian and american and you might be thinking of curtis connor my friend he's canadian he gets associated with me and danny a lot but no i'm not canadian is drew gooden a vegetarian i like vegetables i did a video recently where i ate like tom brady for a month and i ate a lot of vegetables when i did that but he still eats like fish so i ate fish too so i never went full vegetarian but if it's something i could commit to i'd be happy to do it you know is drew gooden a dolphins fan yes i just like the orlando magic i am also a fan of the miami dolphins another florida team that is pretty bad at the sport that they play for the most part you know some people get to grow up and they watch their favorite team win super bowls and championships and playoff games and all these things and i've never seen um any of my favorite teams have success is drew gooden in euphoria no i'm not in euphoria i'm not zendaya either i don't know if that's what they're asking about i wish she's the best but no i'm not i guess what i want people to take away from the wired autocomplete interview is that even though me and the other drew gooden get our information mixed up a lot on youtube we're different dudes okay he's much taller than me
Channel: WIRED
Views: 2,190,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, drew gooden autocomplete, drew gooden autocomplete interview, drew gooden autocomplete interview wired, drew gooden funny, drew gooden guy, drew gooden interview, drew gooden nba player, drew gooden videos, drew gooden vine, drew gooden webs most searched questions, drew gooden wired, drew gooden wired autocomplete interview, drew gooden youtuber, nba player drew gooden, wired
Id: qJzOoPwqVM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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