YouTuber Boxing (and other things that make me laugh)

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(sighs) - Wow. (picture thuds) Finally, my collection's complete. Hey guy, Welcome back to The Drew Gooden Variety show. This is something I do once every two years where I take a bunch of unrelated shit and inexplicably put all of it in the same video. Enjoy. (fist thudding) (sound effect) Ow. (Logan Paul) I've made a severe-- Boxing is one of the most hardcore sports that there is. I'd probably put it at number two, just behind MMA fighting, but it gets pretty rough out there. Because yeah, people punch each other in other sports but usually they're not supposed to do that. They get ejected from the stadium when that happens and then they get a little fine in the mail that says "How dare you make a mockery out of this sport where everyone puts on colorful outfits and tries to hug each other as hard as they can." This is serious, but boxing is different. The violence is encouraged. It's purposely aggressive. Which is why it's so funny to me when there's this much sexual tension before a fight. Don't worry, I did not spend $50 to watch that fight. I also didn't pirate it illegally because I'm a law abiding citizen. And I couldn't find a link that worked. What I did was watch a live reaction of someone else who was watching the fight. (laughs) And I got to say, definitely got my money's worth. But of course the fun didn't stop at Paul V Mayweather. This past weekend we had the official YouTube verse TikTok showdown. That's right, the non-existent platform war has finally crescendoed into a series of organized fist fights. And just to be clear, this is for entertainment purposes only. I'm not sure I understand the point of that disclaimer but I'm not sure I understand the point of any of this. And the lineup was incredible. You had Tanner Fox, Vinnie Hacker, Ryland Sto- okay, I don't know who any of these people are. For a second I got excited because I thought Dance Gavin Dance was involved. But then I realized I read the letters in the wrong order. But headlining the event was Bryce hall, the ultimate TikTok fuck boy, and Mr. ACE family himself. This is gonna be good. - I'm Superman. I'm 21. I'm in my prime right now. Look at me. I'm gonna knock out Austin because I'm an actual fighter and I got two guns right here. - Okay. First of all, 21 is not the prime of your life. I'd say it's more like eight 'cause it's pretty much all downhill from there. Second of all those aren't guns, My dude. Those are your arms. Trust me. I checked. Maybe that's why he ended up getting his ass kicked. Austin started punching him and he was like, "I'm sorry, I thought we were doing an old fashioned cowboy duel. I must have misread the poster." Also when is Dance Gavin Dance performing? You might've noticed that there's a bit of a theme to the lineup of guys who were involved in these events. Most of them are creators who have essentially made a name for themselves by being someone that people don't like. And when you've run out of ways to get everyone talking about you by pissing them off, the natural next step is to charge them money, to see you get punched in the face. And you know what? It works. It's the personification of not being able to look away from a train wreck. Only instead of trains running into each other, it's two people who make shitty internet content. Like I can't stand Austin McBroom but I wasn't mad when he gave Bryce a bloody nose. At the end of the day, I've got a dumb little caveman brain. I can't help what I like. Now, I have seen a lot of people criticize these events by calling them a disgrace to boxing. You're taking what is a very prestigious sport with a lot of history and honor attached to it, and you're turning it into a joke. And I understand that. There have been examples in the past of people disrespecting the art of fighting and it ends up getting them kicked in the face. So I'm not saying you're wrong to think that way. All I'm saying is that watching Aaron Carter, a disgraced former pop star, get in the ring with Lamar Odom, a six foot ten retired NBA power forward, is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. Lamar makes Aaron look like a nine-year-old boy just swinging his arms around as hard as he can. He had to jump off of the ground in order for his fist to reach his face. Even the commentators were laughing. - [Commentator] Got a spin technique going! Block that Aaron. Run! - Can you guess who won the fight? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't Aaron Carter. And you might say, "Well, that's not fair. Aaron is way smaller than him." And that's true. But he knew that before agreeing to do the fight. It's not like he got unexpectedly mugged outside his home. He knew the stakes and he was very confident going into it. - I'm going to eat him so bad. People are going to be like, did you watch Aaron Carter? He could take Conor McGregor. (grunting) - You done messed up Ay-Ay-Ron! - So like Bryce Hall, he got what was coming to him. A few punches to the face. And more importantly, a big old check. You can hate these events as much as you want. And I certainly don't blame you. But this is not the end of YouTube or boxing, this is only the beginning. (percussive rock music) Out of all the social media apps, I would say Instagram provides the least amount of actual substance. 90% of what I consume on there is stories which is content that the person posting them deemed not important enough to live in a permanent space. And I'll sit there for hours watching all of it. But Instagram also has probably the worst learning algorithm when it comes to figuring out what kind of content you want to save. Like I follow a few football pages and I am a person. So, you know, I'll occasionally eat some food. So Instagram takes all of that information and says here you go, I've got just the thing for you. Sports and food and sports and food and sports and food, And sometimes Brent Rivera? How did you get here? That's my entire explore page. That's all I get. Billions of dollars have been invested into machine learning technology. And the only thing that this machine has learned about me is that sometimes I'm hungry. And I feel like at this point, for me, at least it's broken beyond repair because sometimes I do click on the things they show me which they interpret as awesome. We knew you'd like that. More of that is on the way. But how am I supposed to click on something else if you never show me anything else? Anyway, that's my algorithm rant. My point is the majority of my explore page is videos of food. Which led me to this account called ketosnackz. - [Ketosnackz] I Just take two hamburger patties and put all of my toppings in the middle. This is so much healthier than using bread. And it is so bussin. Oh my God. - Real quick, If you don't know what keto is, basically, it's when you try to cut out carbs and sugar and replace that with mostly meat and fat. There are plenty of videos out there that will explain it more scientifically and compare and contrast the health benefits, but that's the diet in a nutshell. And it seems like it's gotten a lot more popular recently. Partly because a lot more people are doing it, and partly because a lot of people are making fun of them for doing it. Personally, I'm not nearly healthy enough to judge anybody for participating in a diet that involves a lot of impulse control, 'cause that's the thing I'm most bad at. Why do you think I'm always out here wearing hoodies in the summer? It's because I don't like my body. But I still think it can be pretty fun to make fun of how absurd some of these videos are. The first one I saw from Keto Snacks was this. - Let's make the easiest keto munch ever. You're just going to take a block of cream cheese and add some everything but the bagel. Oh my God. - And I was like, "Okay, that's hilarious. He's parodying all of the keto Instagrammers and TikTokers." "Mm, spoonful of cream cheese, so delicious." But then when I explored more of his page, I realized, "Wait, most of this isn't parody." Candied bacon thing, lots of pizza life hacks where it's just more cheese and more meat and no dough. But then I'll see one like this. - Let's make my favorite keto snack ever. You're just going to cut up a stick of butter dip it in some mayo. And oh my gosh, this is so bussin. - It's like "Okay, well that has to be a joke." But 90% of his page is serious recipes. So then when I get to those, I, I'm almost not sure if it's real or not. Also, I love how he describes everything that's good as bussin. - This was straight bussin. This is so bussin This is one of the most bussin combinations ever. - Sometimes it's almost like he's arguing with himself though. - This is bussin. You want to know what's really bussin? - "Mm, this is so bussin." " No it's not!" "What?" "You wanna know what's really bussin?" "Okay, I'm sorry!" "Eggs!" Again, some of these are really interesting, pretty creative. And then he'll just do one that's like "Life hack! Put a slice of cheese on a slice of meat." "Bet you never thought about that." But what I really love that he does, is he has all of these funny nicknames for things. - Strawbs. Bloobs. Sugar free whipped cream. - "Blueberries? Naw we don't say that around here. Bloobs? Now that's bussin." He'll throw them out super unexpectedly too. - Now you just add half a cup mozzarella, some seasonings. - Okay, normal so far. - [KetoSnackz] The key to - making chuffles, for a super easy cleanup. Now you're just going to spray it with hairspray, Top your mix with pepperonis. - Hair Spray? It's not that funny, but I scroll through the comments and almost no one is addressing it. So I'm like, "I'm going crazy over here, like did he actually use hairspray?" But the greatest moment in all of his videos was without a doubt, this. - You're just going to cut an avocado in half and remove the wooden ball and remove the wooden ball remove the wooden ball. - The little wooden ball. See, I always thought that was the pit. It was like a little seed that grows inside with the avocado, but that's not the case. Turns out all of the farmers who distribute avocados actually put a little wooden ball inside to piss us off. Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say about that guy. You can see now why I couldn't make a whole video about him but I thought those were funny and wanted to share them with the class. - [voice over] You want to know what's really bussin? - Finally, a few of you have been sending me a new Buzzfeed quiz that I'm really excited about. No, it's not "What kind of garbage are you?" Or, "This Buzzfeed quiz about Buzzfeed quizzes." Both great options, but I've always thought "You know, in this world, you're either a Danny Gonzalez or a Drew Gooden." And I think today is the day we find out which. Hi Danny. - Hi. - How's it going? - I decided to wear a hat today, And I was, I was worried that I was going to be the only one wearing a hat today but then it turns out you're wearing one too, so. - I couldn't help but notice that your hat is Chicago and your shirt says Nashville. So what the fuck? - No, the C on my head doesn't stand for Chicago. - Oh, I thought that - It stands - It stands for - country boy. - Oh Okay. - I know that your mentions have been blowing up with this Buzzfeed quiz. - Yeah, actually it's been really fun. I've gotten a lot of people saying that they've gotten me in the quiz, which makes me really happy. - Yeah, and people have told me that they've gotten me and that makes me angry. - People have like a 50% chance of getting you in this quiz but it still makes you mad, 'cause they're like jacking your style or something? - Absolutely fuming. - Okay. So this quiz is called "In This World, You're Either A Danny Gonzales Or A Drew Gooden." I don't know if I really agree with that premise. - That you're either one or the other and there's no other possibilities. - Yeah. - Well, especially from my point of view I don't want anyone to be me. So ideally everybody is Danny Gonzalez - And you know what? To be honest, I don't like feeling left out. So I would also prefer everyone to be me as well. - See, we are different. - Yeah. Because you're not a country boy. - Yeah, no. I'm a little bitch. - Do you think that's going to be the first quiz actually? - "In This World, You're Either A Country Boy Or A Little Bitch." - Question number one, choose some pants. Jeans or shorts? - Right off the bat, this is a really tough question. - Is it? - Well, it just depends on the weather, right? Like I feel like I wear jeans when it's cold out and shorts when it's hot. - Sometimes I wear neither, like when I'm sleeping or in the shower. On what occasion? Is this a hot summer day? Or am I naked and wet? (laughing) - I suppose if I had to pick one to wear for the rest of my life, I guess I'd pick jeans. Cause I don't want my legs to get cold. - Well just to be different I'm definitely gonna pick shorts then, so. - Whoa, wait. What? - I don't think I've ever worn this hat in a video. - Okay. Well I don't own any red hat. So I am going to pick blue. - Yeah, I have to pick red. I mean it's too coincidental, not to. - Choose a topic to discuss. I can't decide which one is supposed to be which. 'Cause I know you've made a video about Vin Diesel before. - But we both made a video about Jeremy Renner so I could see. I would guess that I make videos about someone famous and you make videos about a bad movie. - What would you rather drink? I think you're pretty outspoken on your channel about being a big milkshake guy right? - Mhm, I did make that seven part series about my favorite milkshake flavors. I'm surprised one of these isn't La Croix though. You're sort of a famous La Croix connoisseur. - I wonder if the person who made this quiz doesn't know what La Croix is because some people don't know and they just see it in a can and think it's going to be soda. Cause I've had a lot of people say like "I tried La Croix for the first time 'cause you keep raving about it. And it was disgusting." And it's like, well, yeah obviously if you don't like sparkling water you're not going to like La Croix but they think it's going to be like a tasty soda drink. - Yeah. With like sugar in it and flavor. And it's just like licking the outside of a lime is kind of what La Croix tastes like the first time. I guess milkshake. I don't know I mean. - You know what I'm kind of worried about? Like all of these questions are just kind of random and don't have anything to do with either of us, (Drew laughing) And it just, just like randomly assigns you one of us at the end. - Maybe this is like the default quiz questions. When you make one and they made the title and then accidentally clicked done (Danny laughing) it was like, "Oh whoops!" - Choose a place you'd rather go for a date. - I'm noticing a bit of a trend here but I'm going to pick restaurants. - Okay. - But I feel like I'm picking all of the left answers and you're picking all of the right answers. - I'm starting to notice that as well. These could all be based on location. You live in a colder state. I live in a warmer state. I wear shorts and I eat outdoors. And you wear jeans and eat indoors. - And I wear a blue cap because it's cold and you wear a red cap 'cause it's hot. - Red is infamously the color of fire. - You know what is weird? Is that I'm wearing a blue cap with a red emblem, - Stop it! - [Danny] And you're wearing a red cap. - We accidentally dressed as the inverse of each other today. - Are you wearing shorts right now? (air whooshing) (explosion) - Fu-. - I feel like this quiz is simultaneously really nailing us, And also not. Like I'm not known for wearing jeans and you're known for wearing shorts. - Yeah. - [Danny] But we just happened to be wearing them today. - I am suddenly terrified of this person's ability to see the future. - Actually I'm looking out the window. There's a guy with a laptop right outside and he's, looks like he's filling out the answers to this quiz. As we're sitting here. - No I don't have that for me. I do see someone looking at me with binoculars and jerking off, but that's probably unrelated. Okay. This one, I guess I could see the logic in. Would you rather sing or dance? You are known for your music. You sing. I was just watching again, our video about the principal's office and I did dance on you. - And I was singing during that too. I was like, ♪ Yeah! ♪ I mean, I get that I have a young face a lot too. So maybe the fact that it's a child singing (Drew laughing) that's something to do with it. - Yeah, "Are you a child singing or a grownup dancing?" And then last question, which emoji are you? - Apple? Or Apple? - You're reading, they're crediting Apple for the emojis. - No I think they think that each of these emojis are apples. - I could see the one on the right being a tree with apples in it. Maybe those aren't ornaments. Those are apples hanging from the tree. - And this one is sort of like a wave of apple juice. - Yeah. The Christmas one makes sense. Cause we, I guess we make videos about Christmas movies but we both do that. Have you ever been open about your, how you like to surf? - I don't like to surf. I don't know if I've said this in videos, but like my ideal vacation is like a beach vacation where I just like sit on the beach and do nothing, so. - I mean, the fact that you started that sentence with "I don't know if I've said this in a video, but" that goes with the theme. I have never made it public that I have a red hat that I'm wearing shorts right now or that it is Christmas in my house. - I mean, I've been to your house. So I know this, but a lot of people don't know if you were to open that door behind you, it's like a winter Wonderland back there. It's just like Christmas trees and elves. (bells jingling) (deep voice) Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. (animal roaring) - Well, I don't want to, I don't want to let it in. - When you open the door in the video, can you edit in like a growling sound effect and then like you quickly shut it? - Christmas Wonderland, A.K.A. the abdom-abdom, abdonibal, - Abdominal Snowman. - He's all stomach. (Danny laughing) - And wouldn't you know it? I got me. - Woo! I got me. - Hell yeah. - I guess you can't see my screen, so you're just gonna have to take my word for it. - Yeah, you wouldn't lie to me about that, right? - Yeah. I got, I got Dr- Um, what's that other op- Danny? I got Danny. - Yeah, Drew or what's the other guys name? (both laughing) - You're extremely hard working. - Thank you, But not true. - And also I'm dreaming of the day when the commentary genre will be all mine, all mine. - You're more Danny! you're a person of many talents and you're constantly raising the bar. - Oh. - So it didn't really say anything like that on yours. I guess you're hardworking. You definitely try. - (laughing) I try my darnedest. - You're always down to watch a knockoff movie and sip a lemon cello La Croix. - Okay. I think that goes with your theory. They thought La Croix was a soda. - You're dreaming of the day when people don't think you're the "Road Work Guy" guy from the "Road Work" Vine. Any random person that filled this out who's just a fan of us two is also dreaming of the day that people won't think they're the "Road Work Guy". Imagine taking this quiz without knowing who either of us are. - I did notice at the bottom, Buzzfeed quizzes have a "What do you think?" So most people are like "cute LOL" but a few people are like, "What the fuck?" (Danny laughing) - I assume some people have no idea who we are, filled it out regardless, And then they're like, "I am not dreaming of the day when the commentary genre will be all mine." - Couple people, yeah, had their hearts broken by this quiz. - No. - "I got Danny but I've always seen myself as having Drew qualities." So that person was definitely heartbroken. - Aww man. Well, I mean, I think it pretty succinctly showed the differences between us. I mean, you're a jeans guy, I'm a shorts guy. Or, Wait. - And your name's Drew. My last name is Gonzalez, or- - I'm drinking a milkshake but I'm drinking a soda. - And I'm a country boy. (funky upbeat music) - Hi, I'm a cool dude. Something you may have already deduced by my backwards hat. And as a cool dude, I'm always trying to watch the newest sickest movies. But I'd prefer to do it for free, if possible. And I really wanted to watch Christopher Nolan's newest movie Tenet, which is about time travel? I think, I don't know. No one actually knows what that movie is about, but I wasn't about to spend 15 buckarooneys on it. So I thought "There's gotta be a better way." And then I remembered about ExpressVPN which is coincidentally, the sponsor of today's video. By using a virtual private network, you can change your computer's location to a different country, not by mailing it there, but just by clicking a few buttons. And so even though Tenet isn't on American Netflix, it is in their Australian library. So yeah, I watched it. And let me just say this hat isn't the only thing that went over my head. There are literally thousands of shows and movies that you can unlock by using ExpressVPN and the servers they have in 94 different countries. Not to mention the fact that they can also help you maintain your privacy while you're using the internet. Don't let Comcast keep track of all the websites you visit and the specific kind of porn you like the best. Use ExpressVPN which encrypts your data so nobody can keep track of it. Some things just aren't meant to be shared with the world. And that's why I use a VPN. To find out how you can get three months free, click the link in the description. That's You can also type it out manually, if that's something you'd prefer. I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. I just want you to make the most out of your Netflix subscription. Thank you to ExpressVPN for sponsoring today's video instead of punching me in the face. - All right guy, thanks for watching. I'll see you guys next time with another really interesting video where I fall in a vat of toxic sludge. And when I come out, I have a horrible medical condition, and the rest of my life is ruined. ♪ This video is over now, over now ♪ - (laughing) That's so sad. - (laughing) Maybe I should have said something else.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 5,968,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe
Id: vhuSnVFMDHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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