"Dark Secrets" on YouTube

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Man it was pretty meta that there was a dark secret behind the dog picture that never got revealed :’(

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Pengolin 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'll pay money to see the original paint art

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/element116 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
real quick guys before we get in the video you probably noticed that my paint art has been blurred out you see I admittedly went a little too far with this one and in hindsight I think it's best that nobody ever sees that but since I'm certainly not about to rerecord this entire video and a blur would get annoying I've decided to use the power of editing to swap my paint art with this picture of an adorable puppy so cute alright guys thanks for watching hello hi me with a jacket on no I'm your I'm your landlord oh that's right one rent payment please not to worry I've got that right here Oh No why did I spend all my money on sunglasses anymore time to pay it's fine I can come back in 20 30 seconds no need I I've got it here somewhere do I need to remind you what will happen if you don't pay rent on time yes well by law this apartment becomes mine including everything in it your cat your wife that dollar no my dollar I'm sorry I don't make the rules that's fine you know why cuz I'll just do a brandy today's video is sponsored by audible to get a free audiobook with a 30 day free trial click the link of the description or text drew gooden to 500 500 I'll be waiting does that mean you have it now or just give me like 11 minutes the helos tinker's welcome back to the first and only channel on YouTube my name is of course Dwayne the rock Johnson and today we're gonna be looking at a very specific genre of YouTube videos I would describe these as taking something innocent and family-friendly and exposing it for all of its dark secrets now this is a weirdly popular genre of YouTube video considering the specificity and outlandish Ness and this all started for me when I was inexplicably recommended this video dark secrets good luck charlie tried to hide now I've never seen good luck charlie in my life I used to watch Disney Channel quite a bit but this aired a little bit after that period of my life but I did admittedly find this video intriguing so I had to check it out now this video was posted by a channel called the things the things is a channel about literally everything none of these videos seem to have anything in common which makes sense considering the name of the channel couldn't be less specific hey what do you guys make videos are bad again oh you know just like the things so this video has 3.5 million views seems very promising and I want to see what they exposed about this Disney Channel show that we're really inappropriate for children just wait until you hear more about what the original story was supposed to be it was really dramatic so this is basically like WatchMojo specifically targeted at children she's talking as if she's reading us a dr. Seuss book if you love good luck charlie as much as we do don't forget to subscribe and please give this video a big thumbs up remember kids if you like disney be sure to like this video or Mickey Mouse we'll find out and murder your parents today we are showing you dark secrets good luck charlie tried to hide the gay couple okay interesting start now the things isn't trying to say that the gay couple was a dark secret they go on to say that the gay couple caused some backlash and the people who were offended shouldn't have been offended because it's 2018 and bla bla bla but the first thing on the list was neither a dark secret nor something that they tried to hide it was a plot point in the show alright but surely the next dark secret is gonna be something really crazy right the an appropriate jokes and they were talking about making sure that the parents would not make another baby they looked at Bob who replied that making babies is a team effort it's just like that they just made like a subtle sex Joe did they try to hide this no cuz like it was in the script they said it on the show it's not really a secret do you know what a secret is alright let's keep going the boys ah the boys yeah another dark secret that good luck Charlie tried to hide the boys the explanation behind this is that the main character seemed to boy crazy and sometimes the parents would complain about this again these aren't secrets nor are they even really that dark the audience did you know that some scenes of the TV series were filmed in front of an audience this is why we hear people laughing during this show alright so this has been a very weak video so far but we're coming to the end now this is you know typically what these videos will do they'll save the best for last they'll tease it in the beginning you watch a whole bunch of nonsense and then you get to be on your like okay at least that last one was interesting so let's see the biggest darkest secret that good luck charlie tried to hide the original story this one is nothing but a rumor it's just a rumor in this story the teenager had everything she ever wanted then everything changed she spent the night with a man that she didn't want to see ever again until she realized that she was pregnant then when the baby was born Teddy's parents pretended that they were the biological parents and forbidden any close contact for Teddy and her baby okay that's pretty interesting if true however there is no proof that anyone working for Disney ever thought about that what this theory just became popular when people started writing fan fiction dark secrets that good luck charlie tried to hide well here's something that a fan came up with that has no association with the show or the network but the show tried to hide this what does that have to do with the title what what even was this video I never saw Pretty Little Liars but there's 10 dark secrets and that as well apparently all of these shows have dark secrets it's crazy that casts health struggles sasha has been very open about her struggle with polycystic ovary syndrome okay she's been very open about that so it's not a secret then one thing you'll notice that this channel is really good at is thumbnails a common tactic they like to use is circling things if you're trying to get people to click on your video about dark secrets just throw in a circle to imply that there's a secret somewhere for example in the good luck charlie video they're just circling the baby 10 creepy things everyone ignores about the pyramids they've circled one of the pyramids here's a video about stranger things where they're literally circling nothing there's nothing behind 11 but they've circled it to let you know that it's there it looks like once again they've circled nothing this must have been a really small detail in the movie it because they've circled nothing alright there's another dark secret video about Rick and Morty now Rick and Morty's a show for adults even though it looks like it be a show for kids and adults do some pretty crazy stuff adults have secrets alright so Dee if these are Oh secrets I don't know what I don't know what to tell you so let's check it out Justin roiland the Creator who also voices our favorite character also drinks alcohol while recording he posted a video of him doing shots and getting drunk for a more inebriated version of Rick for the episode 4 of season 3 and the craziest thing is that creator Dan Harmon even encouraged him they concluded that the session was by far the least productive messiest recording day they have ever had we hope that being hungover and knowing that he did a terrible job will make Royal and regret drinking all this alcohol there is never any good reason to take shots at work and even when you are partying you should always drink responsibly that's a lesson to be learned Justin roiland what what are you talking what are you saying first of all you know I know I'm beating a dead horse not a secret they posted on Facebook it was very widely seen I don't think they regret posting it because it was like a funny look is an inside look into the making of the show but like why do you have to turn it into this like life lesson there's never any good reason to take shots at work yeah like if you work in an office and you come in drunk every day and you don't get anything done and you're a nuisance to your co-workers like yeah lay off the alcohol but like he's his own boss he and his other boss you know the co-creator of the show both decided he would do this and then they did it and they admit that they took it too far and it wasn't very productive oh well why is why did you have to turn this into a PSA I thought this was dark secrets not like ten times we guilted you into staying sober no I get it okay you're probably thinking like drew who cares it's just stupid Channel what are you making a video about this well you don't even watch these shows what do you want to know the secrets so bad those are all excellent points and honestly it's just kind of hard to come up with a new video every week sometimes but for real like yeah I sure I've never seen these shows I don't actually care about the secrets on the show I just don't like being lied to okay I feel like you know I was promised literally hundreds of Secrets if you add up all that all the videos hundreds of secrets and I haven't even learned one and I love secrets like if you have a secret email it to me I'll keep it I'm really good at keeping secrets I'm not gonna tell anyone about it but how long can I keep the secret if you don't even tell me what the secret is you know it's almost as if the people who make these videos don't actually know any dark secrets and they're just pretending that they do see they have as much information as we do and we don't know any dark secrets so neither do they but if they just titled the video dark secrets and then throw out like some semi interesting facts that you can find on Wikipedia then that kind of counts in their eyes let's just check out some of their other videos right the things like I said they're about everything so we're gonna learn we may not learn secrets but we could learn this is the most beautiful girl in Syria we could learn hilariously overproductive dads that will do everything to keep their daughters away from boys that's the longest title I've ever seen on YouTube let's click on that unfortunately this video doesn't have any fun commentary it's just like royalty free music over pictures they found on Twitter I love all the comments on this though I can't see the subscribe button away I'm already subscribed who love your videos you did a great job that was close they almost weren't able to subscribe my dad would definitely do some of this stuff lol edit oMG my comment was pinned heart.you things ii edit it was unpinned it's funny though because they didn't pin another comment in replacement they just pinned that and they must have seen that they were way too excited and like too needy and they're like yeah I don't like that unpin whoa I'm glad I don't have a dad alright guys so what did we learn today that's right nothing why did I make this video I don't know maybe the whole reason I made this video was to introduce my new editing tactic to you guys that I'm borrowing from the things see the things does something pretty interesting in their videos where they they put subtitles in but not throughout the whole video and not really during meaningful parts they just kind of randomly have subtitles on and then they just don't and went more to use the seeds he was highly intelligent for a moment until the effect faded and he started drooling from his mouth does that remind you of someone but I like that you know I think it adds a little bit of flare to your videos without having to commit to fully doing subtitles you can just sort of put some subtitles and that'll be enough guys I'm really excited to start integrating this new editing tactic into my videos I think it's gonna add a lot to them especially if you're someone who likes to read and not listen but if you are someone who likes to listen and not read have you ever tried audible - what is this a Steven Spielberg movie cuz that was the smoothest transition I've ever seen audible has an enormous amount of audiobooks that you can listen to on just about any device your phone your computer the iPad you bought for your ungrateful stepson you have secrets second phone that no one's allowed to know about you have control over the speed so you can speed it up or slow it down if that's your thing you get free exchanges and the books are yours to keep even if you cancel your membership I myself just got done using audible to listen to Amy Poehler's book yes please I've always adored Amy Poehler I grew up watching her on SNL I loved her show Parks and Rec I've watched all of it multiple times so to not only get to hear all these behind-the-scenes stories from those two shows I'm fascinated by but to listen to them in her voice it's her voice narrating her own book it's priceless oh wait it's even better than priceless cuz it's free all you got to do is go to audible.com such drew gooden or text drew gooden to five hundred five hundred and you'll get a free audiobook with the 30 day free trial I said free so many times what are you waiting for guys thank you so much for watching today's video be sure to like and subscribe if you want to and thank you to audible for sponsoring today's video and helping me pay my rent which by the way I guess I should go do that 27 28 29 30 alright see you next month drew you gave me $30 is that not it is rent more than that uh-huh crap did they only give you $30 for that no I just I spent the rest on balloons why that celebrate being able to pay rent alright well you're an idiot well I guess this is your apartment now I'm afraid so I mean those are the stakes we set up yeah they were well take good care of the place I will so there I was homeless no apartment no wife just the clothes on my back in a car full of balloons why did I bring the balloons
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 3,149,223
Rating: 4.9691949 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, former viner, parody, original, rant, thethings, the things, watchmojo, dark secrets, exposed, fake, satire
Id: igMQJBgHRuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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