The Dumbest Stuff I've Seen This Month

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Holy shit the Ashley StClair takedown. What a joy to watch someone finally go after that vapid tryhard bitch.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/jamesdidathing 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't get why so many Youtubers these days repeat their same exact point like... 5 times. If you want to superficially extend your video to get more money, that's fine, but at least say new things. Just stop wording the same sentence differently.

Funny video otherwise.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MarcEcho 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love how its formatted like PewDiePies meme review videos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brotov 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

The news people know what they sound like most likely. But it's just too much fun to not give a fuck and "cringe-out" teenagers. It's why dad jokes exist.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/its_a_simulation 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
never seen Star Wars none of them and I never will oh my god but you're missing out maybe but you're missing out on being a multimillionaire no I don't think that's right hey guys welcome back to the Internet a dumb place full of dumb things today I'm gonna be talking about a few of those dumb things starting with this guy mr. Star Wars so the past couple weeks a bunch of people have been tagging me in his Twitter thread or sending it to me asking me to talk about this guy because he's very similar to hard rock Nick hard rock man and I'm not gonna lie when I first saw it I was both pissed and excited because I thought well hell yeah I've got a new video for free just right here this is gold and then I realized he's just trolling everybody like if you go through and actually read this entire threat it's so obvious that it's just bait he's just trying to piss people off so people quote retweet them and say how stupid he is and by doing so they'll go to his dumbass website where you pay him like five hundred bucks a year to learn how to be rich it's the classic business move I mean I wish it was real I wish someone really was this stupid because the idea that if you've seen Star Wars you can't be rich that's so dumb that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard hey dude what you're watching oh hey well actually a return of the Jedi was on TNT so I flipped over no I always have to take my shirt off when I watch this it makes me so sweaty my doctor says it's bad genetics but I wouldn't know I never been it's already happening it's so stupid and dumb and the more of the thread you actually read you realize how this guy's just [ __ ] with everybody because it's quite the claim to make to say everyone who's ever watched Star Wars in human history is absolutely dirt poor oh and it's not just money that you're missing out on by watching Star Wars you're also a virgin and you're ugly and a girl will never talk to you because you've seen a popular movie franchise has a girl ever tattooed her name on you no it's because you've watched Star Wars that one actually is true that happens to me all the time how's it going back there oh I'm actually almost done I'm just finishing up the W that's great yeah I can't wait to have the name drew tattooed all over my big fat pie tell me about it through the best I'll never forget a couple years ago we were in line at the movies and I forgot my wallet that's nice but good old drew swooped in paid for my ticket and we had a great time even though hon died at the end what movie was it - the force awakens why okay yeah no that's fine this is fine um cuz you could just erase the tattoo right you can't erase a tattoo that's not now you gotta do something man I'm sorry but you're stuck with Dre forever this is me in Switzerland with a female you've never heard of females before because you watch Star Wars and the thing is that's all true here's a few things you may not know about me I know what a lightsaber is I have a general understanding of how the force works I am aware of Jar Jar Binks but I've never seen a girl I not even know what that is because I've seen Star Wars and of course all this dumbass [ __ ] he's pretending to think it's just a marketing tool to get you to quote tweet all of this [ __ ] that's all pointing to his website where he can somehow maybe make money how to make money with a webcam this costs about a thousand dollars I'll save you a thousand dollars by telling you what this course probably is you want to make money with the webcam take off your clothes in front of it I like this one a lot Tate's war room as you can see on his website that Tate signature is probably like a PNG file he has and he's uses for all these logos but it doesn't have an S in it so for this one he needed to just like add in an S and it's a different font and it doesn't matter yeah I think I'll give this guy six hundred bucks he seems to be really smart there's almost something paradoxical about courses like this where this guy probably isn't a millionaire yet but if he can just get people to give him money so he can tell them how he got money then he'll have money because people gave him money and that's how he gets money and then he'll tell you how he made money and then you give him money because he gave you mine I think the best part of this whole thread is this video that he throws in somewhere in the middle this is the kind of life you live if you've never seen Star Wars and it's a video edited in the style of like those now this videos you know what I'm talking about that makes it seem very official it makes it seem unbiased but clearly he just made it himself he's been called the real-life James Bond by who I'm pretty sure that just means one day he was like hey you know what I realized like the James Bond's are like real life and then since he said it you can just say it has been said he's mind-blowing Instagram let's visit his Instagram oh my god he's got pictures what is histogram just like guy to him everybody else oh yeah that's pretty much he's traveled to 71 countries including active war zone I guess I understand that is like a brag like whoa this guy is not scared of nothing not even war see but in this scenario he's trying to sell us his lifestyle he's saying like do what it says on my website and you too could be in the middle of a war zone no thanks give me $1,000 and you too could be the subject of international scrutiny all right you finally sold me I think I'll sign now clearly this guy is an idiot right but it's very calculated he's not accidentally done there's a few different ways to get people to pay attention to you online there's the more traditional route of like having a talent you can also follow a trend you see what's working for other people and you try to do your own version of that or you can just publicly be an idiot and or an [ __ ] and do it so well that people can't resist the urge to talk about you and even though it's nothing but negative publicity you're still getting published there's a couple brothers that come to mind when I think about that there's a certain kisi prankster that wholesome comes to mind that's a route that you can go down this isn't a new thing it's just like if you don't have talent be an idiot Oh next topic that's kind of a fun transition that I just thought of and no one else on YouTube has ever done before only me I think this next thing is actually even worse than that because it wasn't posted by some random jackass looking for attention this was posted by CNBC you know a supposedly reputable news source it's a video called this simple tipping trick could save you over $400 a year so they're gonna teach us how to tip the correct way a little a little life hack if you will and we'll save hundreds of dollars let's check it out hopefully it's not a surprise to learn that it's customary to tip 15 to 20 percent on top of your bill according to the etiquette experts at the Emily Post Institute but what exactly does that apply to you for example take a look at my bill it was $100 and then 108 after tax so do you tip on the pre tax or the post tax total now might not seem like much but tipping that way actually saved you $4 if you do that again in the week that's a whopping $8 but if you extrapolate that out for 52 weeks in a year you could save over 400 bucks if you do that every day for 600 years that's a whopping quarter-million dollars you're saving in tips I bet you never knew that if you just spent less money on tips it would cost you less money to tip people what what's the wonder how is that advice from an etiquette standpoint tipping on pre tax is absolutely fine you don't have to tip on what you are already being taxed upon I never knew that before this is so incredibly stupid I can't tell what's worse about this video how insulting it is to servers basically saying like you know you can just [ __ ] over your waitress by giving them less money why is it the fact that he acts like he's a [ __ ] genius for coming up with this well he's so smart but the best part of this video I don't know why they kept this in there like interviewing all these people on the street doing the same thing they did to us excuse me did you know that if you gave less money to your waiter that you would give less money to a waiter I never knew that before but they kept in the response from this girl who basically shits all over their stupid-ass ideas now that I'm thinking about it it feels a little dirty dirty it just feels like you're going out of your way almost to look at the number that's clearly gonna give that person less money just because thank you in the end how much you choose the tip is up to you thank you how much you choose to save is just as well it's so kind of sending at the end to it's like well I taught you how to save money it's on you now if you don't do that if you can live with yourself for being a good person who tips appropriately I guess that's your prerogative that's a whopping eight dollars god the audacity of not just making this video but framing it in a way where it's like he acts like we wouldn't know that that if we gave less money to the waiter that we would save money who is this for a baby plus if you're really that concerned about spending so much money on tips maybe don't eat out as much maybe just make some meals at home quickly and easily and affordably with hellofresh today's video just kidding not yet I will be doing that in a little bit but not yet there's more stuff to talk about first next thanks so this one doesn't make me mad it's just hilarious but it's this local news team trying so hard to relate to kids I love this because it starts off so bad but every time you think it can't possibly get worse it does they keep adding another layer to it let's just watch good morning TPS students it is testing week and it's time to slay all day yes stay woke beyond fleek and get that Gucci breakfast goals say bye Felisha to that testing stress weather's gonna be turn right Chris yeah yes weather gonna be the lit during testing week a hundo pee chance of success you've got this kids Steve how about that traffic are we looking okay better than oh we're talking turn this is poetry it's so beautifully perfectly crafted the way they just layer it on top of each other oh it's so bad it's perfect yeah it's so funny when adults try to talk like kids and they think because they're using the right words that their disguise is working like a teenager's gonna watch this and be like oh wow I guess they really are one of us like no they're gonna see right through it this is the speech equivalent of putting on a little fake mustache and trying to pass yourself off as someone else we still know it's you last thing shifting tones a bit again cuz this last thing really pissed me off so I was going through Twitter last night and I saw a tweet from a girl named Ashley C [ __ ] am I saying that right why does it seem like I'm not saying it anyway this girl Ashley tweeted out a video this guy watch the new Star Wars trailer and he is so happy he is filled with joy from watching the Star Wars trailer and I watched the video and I couldn't help but smile and how [ __ ] happy this guy is I wish the trailer made me feel like that I love feeling like that III think it's beautiful when something can make you feel that kind of joy that this guy clearly feels but of course that's not why she tweeted out the video she tweeted out the video to talk about how undateable men are who obsess over movies basically just bullying this guy for enjoying something that she does it why does it matter if this guy loves Star Wars how does that affect you what this guy is expressing in this video is like the greatest feeling in the world who cares it it's Star Wars and you don't like Star Wars I don't really like Star Wars that much anymore but who [ __ ] cares let him enjoy his thing if someone feels like this and they're not hurting somebody I don't care what it is that makes him feel that way I don't care if it's sitting down and flipping through the phonebook it doesn't affect you Ashley no one said you had to date this guy there's like 3 billion dudes on earth you don't have to date all of them according to some of the comments on here this guy's married and I bet she likes Star Wars too good for them they get to enjoy it together they could just share something they like together that's great that's what life's all about you [ __ ] and because you don't like the thing he likes because you don't find him attractive let's [ __ ] all over him and bully him in front of all your followers what are you accomplishing by doing that showing how cool you are cuz you don't like popular stuff you're so quirky oh what's that in your bio you don't think Amy Schumer is funny wow what a hot take what a bold opinion that no one else has had before you are so interesting Ashley and I know you're probably just upset because you saw this guy who you think is a loser and you realized he's married and you're all alone and that probably makes you feel like a loser but I'm here to tell you Ashley don't give up because there's millions of different people out there who like all sorts of things and even someone like you who sucks in every conceivable way can find someone who will put up with it all you got to do is find someone who's an [ __ ] on the internet for no goddamn reason who hates Star Wars just as much as you do and it's willing to make fun of anybody who doesn't and oh my god it's the guy from earlier I figured it out these two are soul mates and they're missing out by not being together because they're perfect for each other they both hate star wars and they both suck so let's make it happen let's finally use my platform for something good and get these two people to notice each other and fall in love and hopefully move very far away from the rest of the world where there's no internet and everyone's better off for it Wow who knew that this rant video would end with such a beautiful love story this is what the Internet should be used for for bringing people together not for bullying a guy for liking something that he likes and who isn't hurting anyone else by doing so oh Jesus Christ it's not very often that I break a sweat by talking in a chair anyway now seems like as good a time as any to hear a word for my sponsor has this ever happened to you oh I sure am glad I bought all those onions four months ago and never did anything with them I feel like I waste so much food there has to be a better way well actually there is who said that through what I'm just the narrator yeah that's exactly what a burglar would say I know you're in here somewhere and I'm gonna find you okay well anyway hellofresh is your solution to conquering dinner time by getting delicious and simple meals sent to your front door every single week starting at just $6.99 per serving all the fresh does all the meal planning and prepping and shopping so you don't have to go to the store and get a million different ingredients you'll never use you don't have to wait in line behind that guy who's writing a check dude just use your debit card it's the same thing each meal comes together in 30 minutes or less the recipes are always unique and interesting and will help you get out of the rut of eating that one meal you always eat because it's the only thing you know how to make talking to you grilled cheese Oh drew I'm not in your shower I'm not anywhere I'm just a voice a voice Oh NBC's the voice you're in my television no that's what I their three planets to choose from classic family and veggie which is the one Amanda and I use because finding good vegetarian recipes has always been a challenge for us and we've discovered a bunch of great new foods because of it that [ __ ] looks pretty good I learned I love farro now and risotto I never had risotto before and I made there's a couple weeks ago and it was amazing all right mr. narrator how about I cut you a deal I won't call the police as long as you tell me where you got all that delicious food don't you get it drew I'm you you already made all this food oh I did oh wait I remember that now duh we've been using hellofresh for like a year now that's why I have all these recipe cards conveniently lying on the counter right here they were all so good hey if you guys want to get eighty dollars off your first month of hellofresh go to hell a fresh comer click the link in the description and use my promo code I'm a little stinker eighty to get twenty dollars off each of your first four boxes thank you so much to Ella fresh response today's video and I'm gonna go sit back down in my chair well I gotta wrap this video up now cuz I've got several home-cooked meals in the other room I know I rant about [ __ ] on this channel and I like to make fun of things but I try to separate the thing I'm making front of from the person doing it unless the person sucks or what they're doing is [ __ ] but if you like something and it's not hurting anybody don't let anybody bully you and tell you that you're not you can't like that because they don't like it I guess when it comes down to it all I'm really saying is be yourself and that's the kind of advice you can only get on the true Gooden YouTube channel so smash that notification valve by my merge and us [Music] you
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 4,148,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, star wars, cringe, twitter, scam
Id: x8ZHRur8LYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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