[Baldur's Gate 3] ULTIMATE Summoner Guide! (ALL* Summons!)

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hello and Hey Thomas from Baldur's Gate three this time your guide to summoning lots of people like to try and play Summoner in every game they can d d of all things is not going to be the exception of that but before we totally jump in I do need to make a couple of notes first and maybe most importantly summons will slow your combat down especially if you're using a lot of them the sheer number of creatures a full party can have is actually ridiculous doing testing of different combinations of classes some has really made me feel this even more than I thought so if your combats already feel slow with just the party of four you likely already have you may want to reconsider summoning and definitely don't let that person you play with that takes 12 minute turns see this video move on to the next thing almost as important summons aren't particularly great the majority of them have low hit points low Armor class and low damage output they are from the ground up designed to be an auxiliary system however over the course of a combat in the takes many rounds there are excellent uses of spell slots as the damage adds up to be much greater than an instant duration spell at the precious cost of taking time it's a little bit of a gamble in that sense front load damage just so good in D Ergo bg3 because it pushes the action economy into your favor less enemies means you're taking less damage and that's the point your summons can be taken out they can miss all their abilities though them being taken out might be a great use of the slot still if it distracts a strong enemy enough that wouldn't have been more than tickled by a spell at the same level there's always give and take if your summons do all go down in a fireball it feels bad man but if your zombie gets off 23 points of damage while eating two or three big attacks that feels like a win so adjust your expectations accordingly because until you reach the higher levels in bg3 summons likely aren't going to be enough to hard carry you and you'll see them defeated before being to do all that much but with that out of the way let's take a look at who our Summoners might be we'll go through the classes and tell you how suited to being a Summoner each really is first up Barbarian come on what do you think it's a little harsh but barbarians are limited to using Scrolls to summon which is a big knock against though it's not quite as dire as you'd think like attacking recklessly makes you an attractive Target for the enemy indirectly guiding enemies attacks away from your summons and something like a wolf heart bar variant can give advantage to your enemies that you're on top of it's not good compared to others by any means but better than you might think for a class that literally can't cast spells when they're using their defining feature Bard's good at everything so it should come as no surprise that they make at least okay Summoners despite having no summons in their spell list a Bard can join some from everybody else with magical Secrets though that list of spells leaves a little something to be desires you can do a wizard dip and Scrolls to take care of the other obtainable ones Valor bards can give combat inspiration to minions so you'll likely have better targets for that but between that and bless in the first round of Minion attacks should really put things in your favor so while they don't have the full Suite you'd expect bars are still good cleric I have a bit of a soft spot for clerics in general but I don't think my bias is clouding too much here clerics make excellent Summoners they get the undead spells on top of the unique planar Ally and have a whole kit to support and add to the damage without even being targetable they're right up there with who you might think should be number one probably my top pick slash suggestion but more on them later Druid is another very strong Choice the support function reality of a full Caster is so good for summoning and with moon Druids wild shapes you can jump right in there next to them it's super satisfying to double up on myrmidon Druids also get the almost unique conjure Woodland being which summons a super low HP dryad that can further summon its own wood woad Grant a freedom of movement Aura against license at will Spike growth and does so much damage on its attacks compared to what you would think if you could beef those things up it's kind of little monsters falling into a normal Moon Druid or Sports Druid playstyle and just having some of these things summoned before you wild shape or get your other things going it's just a great way to play the class not even going out of your way in the slightest fighter just like Barbarian has no belt based spell slots and so generally helpful abilities in battle Maneuvers are good but not what we're looking for from a Summoner any class can use any scroll so if you have a will there is literally a way go nuts for monk if I repeated what I just said for fighter or Barbarian you could run with that though way of the Open Hand gives the same type of General Aid if you can land a stunning strike it's great for your summons to Pile in and wreak havoc though that's a hard one to get get in bg3 so can't count on it way of the four elements has multi-target hold person which may make it a bit more interesting but we're really scraping to get these Marshals to have super positives when they have to rely on Scrolls to cast any summons in the first place up next is Paladin they're not good enough at the rest of the game already right they need this too the only thing holding paladins back is that they are a half Caster so they don't get the summons otherwise with their auras and oath features they'd be nutty just given all the stats to all the characters great class is great but not going to be your Summoner choice for summoning alone but their General existence boosts any summons that are on the field with Ranger I was pretty excited for Beastmaster to see what layering would change for the levels beyond what were in Early Access and the answer ended up being not that much the summon Beast gets an extra attack of level 11 just like the player's handbook it's just kind of weak and when I say that just comparatively it's so easy to hit them comparatively it's disappointing Rangers are also a half casters so they don't get the extra summons so I will concede that the 11th level Beast companions are actually good but that you can't stack them with any other summons because all your levels are in Ranger it feels pretty bad sad day's all around Rogue if if you're not going Arcane trickster for this you're just the worst choice and even then like I don't know what the heck you're doing I guess you can get a little CC from your limited spell slots it's such a weird combo we're just gonna move to the next sorcerer is a full spellcaster has metamagic would be an excellent fit if they got any of the spells like others you'd be relying on Scrolls to get them so while it's theoretically awesome to haste up a couple high level summons your ability to do that is rely on dipping into Wizard and finding the appropriate spell it'd be so good if you had the tools but because of the limited access I think you just have to categorize it a tiny cut below warlock is a surprisingly okay choice for summoning because you can get animate dead from The Pact of the Tome conjure Elemental as an Eldritch invocation packs of the chain gets its useful little guys at level three it's almost there but helping them out isn't and neither are the big six level boys because you can't up cast with the Mystic Arcanum six level feature warlock is just on the weak side of mid it's okay and wizard Necromancer baby yeah as a subclass yeah it's it's okay getting one extra zombie at level six is certainly not a negative but level seven and now everybody else can get three zombies to your four as a percentage a bit of bit of yikes what's double now it's just a third more the extra HP is very notable and adding proficiency to the damage rolls definitely adds up but the subclass it lacks some Sizzle or some sexy something but hey guess what you're a wizard the world is your spell book so your utility is second to none making those slight statistical advantages that your summons have shine it is flatly really really good you're fair to wonder if it separates itself from the other top choices because I just want a little bit more specifically from the high level Undead summons and that's a perfect place to transition into a short item section because while my game took three years to download I watched a few review videos from people who got their hands on the full game product release and mortismo gaming mentioned in this review that he received an item from a late game Quest that granted the dance Macabre spell skill which apparently in bg3 summons six ghouls that's double what you get from an animate Dead's level 6 upcast and I'm assuming those can be stacked just have a wizard with 10 ghouls is that op absolutely is that the class fantasy hell yeah F yeah what are we even talking about if that's an option man short video play with that however I haven't seen literally anybody else talk about this item I'm assuming it's still in the game and should work but I don't know where it is that's what makes an item section so difficult information is still sparse I didn't get my hands on the game until several hours after release so items hid away that boost necromancy or summoning in general fly and wait I've heard rumors of some of the items but that does kind of ruin the surprise of finding one yourself simple as that I don't think there will be so many of them that the choices will be tough because we do have a lot of equippable slots one other thing to mention is there is an amulet that you'll get playing the story that will allow you to recharge any spell slot once per long rest so that's good for everybody but another six level summon could be crazy but everybody's gonna want that so you're gonna have to flip for it now turning our attention to what we can summon this is a list of spells and abilities that give or take creatures find familiar animate weapon Beast companion flaming sphere animate dead conjure Woodling beings conjure minor Elementals dominate Beast guardian of Faith conjure Elemental dominate person planer binding create Undead planar Ally I left Conor and fungal infestation off because they are just zombies that are a little bit different otherwise I would blow the the list even more out than I have with these asterisks ones so but as you might have noticed there aren't that many spells in the game so I was a little surprised to see this many summoning slash creature taking options I've put the asterisk or don't control on the spells that sort of bloke the list out as they don't summon per se they either flip an enemy to your side that you don't control yourself or Guardian a face which sits there like a potato until something happens in its area of influence however a lot of these spells have a fair number of distinct options so I can't call this a comprehensive list if I don't go over them let's Dive Right In with find familiar starting with the cat it has two hit points two damage claws if you decide to use it that way it is meant to be more of an illusionary distraction device its meow has a big 60 foot 18 meter range it's an adorable little attention jar the spider has 6 hp 9 AC and it's a dc9 con safe or else 1D for poison a notable thing about this is the arachnid jump is 60 feet or 18 meters it's just super mobile around the battlefield The Raven has one hit point and 12 Armor class plus four to and if it hits with Ren Vision it just blinds rat has one HP 10ac and plus two to hit or you're infected which gives advantage on con saves and a minus one to the Constitution stat interesting frog has one HP 12 armor glass and a dc11 con save or disadvantage on Deck saves which I feel like is just a weird thing but I like it the crab has two hit points 11 AC and the pinch is plus two to hit and it flicks the pinch condition which is two piercing damage at the start and minus three movement speed quasi from pack of the chain 7 HP dc10 wisdom save or you're frightened and the Imp also from pack of the chain 10 HP of a 13 AC the DC-10 or poison on its sting so these aren't really combat things like they can be at the earliest levels of course but they're not focused so much on that they are trying to inflict some sort of crowd control or that sort of thing I don't want to like down them too much because they are your only option for a while but just don't think that you're going to be able to take one of these guys into combat and do all that much with them especially because half of them have internally one HP next we can look at the second level animate weapon which does not appear to use your spell attack modifier but rather proficiency -1 it has six forms in Greatsword great ax Trident Spear halberd and Maul and each form uses one of three weapon skills the same as those you use with party members but having a lowly 10 DC con save for each lasso rate is used by Greatsword great ax Halbert and flicks a bleed piercing strike is used by Trident and Spear and inflex escaping wounds and concussion smash just used by Maul and inflix dazed can't really go wrong for a bonus action that doesn't take your concentration slot also has resistance to all damage with immunity to psychic and poison so it's actually a fighter with 20 hp next up is the animal companion that you get from the Beast Master Ranger there are a total of five separate beasts in dire Raven wolf spider bear boar and wolf they level up on a little bit of a weird schedule you get them at level three they are the same until you get features from Ranger levels specifically 5 7 7 8 and 11. at level 5 we see HP brought up considerably they gain a new ability and AC is boosted by our character's proficiency at level 7 now they can form Dash disengage or help as a bonus Action level 8 they get HP and an AC bump while sometimes AC bump not all and at level 11 they get a big HP increase another ability and they get extra attack the damage dice they use never changes though which I'd hoped for in bg3 but let's put that aside and Go Beast by Beast starting with dire Raven at level 3 they have 13 hit points 16 AC and a plus two to hit the Run vision isn't the same blind on hit as the other bird level 5 21 HP 19 AC plus five to hit and now have a skill called bad Omen which has a dc-9 wisdom save or curses the enemy half damage on a save that's nice level 8 goes up to 32 HP that's it and then level 11 44 HP 21 AC and has a new ability on black wings which gives you two more non-player controlled dire Ravens even our summons get summons in this video I love it the wolf spider at level 3 is 10 HP 14ac with a plus 3 to hit its dc11 con save or you're poisoned or with the web dc11 deck safe or you're in web which is very very good level 5 is 24 HP 18 Armor class plus seven to hit the DCF web is now 15 and now has a ability called cocoon which at dc15 decks you are incapacitated when you are cocoon for a couple of turns that's also like super strong level 8 they go up to 42 HP 19 Armor class only thing that changes the level 11 60 HP 21ac with a plus 8 to hit their DC is now 16 and get an ability called bursting brood which is a strange infestation that will spread it to anybody who attacks that Target or when they die it'll spread to nearby enemies this crazy proliferation of a little bit of damage that has to be taken out with fire or acid going to the bear at level 3 they have 19 hit points and 11 Armor class they have a plus two to hit and their goating attack is a DC-10 wisdom save or you're soft taunted well that's soft but you get me a little 539 hit points 15 AC plus 5 to hit their DC is now 13 and they have honey pause which if it hits disarmed or if they don't have weapons they're put prone level 8 their HP jumps up to 69 hit points and their AC to 16. and at level 11 they have 99 hit points 18 Armor class plus eight to hit their DC is now 16 and they get to summon a level seven bear themselves again someone's got summoned next up is the boar which at level three is has 11 HP and 11 Armor class a measly plus one to hit and their charge is a DC 9 strength or knocks characters prone level five 27 hit points 14 Armor class plus five to hit they're charged has a DC of 13 and they can now Rage with a bonus action attack on top of it big jump there it's a glow up level 8 at they have 51 HP 15 AC level 11 85 HP 17 AC plus 6 to hit their DC is now 14 for their attacks and they have a new ability kick up muck which is a big cone deck save or enemies are slowed that's and last we have the wolf which is at level 3 has 11 hit points 13 AC plus two to hit lunging bite has a DC-10 strength or you're taking prone the wolf also notably has pack tactics which gives advantage of his ally nearby level 5 they have 31 HP 16 AC plus five to hit or DC is now 13 and their infectious bite is now DC 13 con safe or they're septic level 8 their HP goes up to 61 and AC to 17 while at level 11 it goes to 91 HP they now have a 21 AC with their DC being 16 and a new ability Lupine slash which has reach and is a force damage cone super interesting kind of anime not sure what's going on there but it's cool and that's the last of the Beast Master companions a lot of categorizing info for something that almost no one clicked the video needs but hey it's here now next up we'll do flaming sphere level 2 spell with 20 hp 16 Armor class resistance to most damage types with immunity to necrotic fire psychic and poison it deals damage with its very existence it's flaming or deals 2d6 Fire Plus an extra D6 for each level it was upcast and can make a ram attack with a paltry dc10 deck safe but the enemy still takes half damage on success the same DC or level of spell slot as the aura this is a sort of summon you can move it and have it do things you want and that's close enough for me the difference is that this is a concentration 10 turn ability which will bring us to one of the big ticket spells animate dead available from class level 5 this third level spell reanimates a medium or small corpse into an ally at first just zombies and skeletons later on you get ghouls unfortunately regardless of how many spell slots you have any casting of anime dead will replace what you already have out from anime dead if you cast zombie with a zombie out your zombie is simply replaced you cast skeleton with a zombie out that skeleton replaces the zombie this is true of the up casting possibilities as well so this spell alone will not get you a horde however it's a start so let's take a look at the stats sticking with zombies first they have 22 hit points and a big eight Armor class their only attack slam has a plus five to hit and Deals two D6 plus 3 bludgeoning damage that's pretty good damage lacking everywhere else except their notable feature of Undead fortitude one dropped to zero HP if the killing blow was not a crit or radiant damage they instead come back to life with one hit point which can only happen once up casting to fourth level slot creates three zombies instead and they can all come from the same body don't ask me how that works but before we go any further it's also worth noting necromancy School wizard gets plus one to each version of the anime dead spell so two or four zombies of upcast two or four skeletons if upcast and so on but speaking of skeletons they sport 19 hit points and an 11 Armor class they have a plus five to hit their ranged attack dealing 1d6 plus 3 piercing and 1d10 necrotic it's a pretty interesting buff there they are vulnerable to bludgeoning but immune to poison so while Fragile the damage for a lower level summon is again pretty good upcasted to fourth level you get three skeletons and are a really interesting option if you can get The High Ground Up casting the spell further to level 5 gives you a single ghoul or flying ghoul the goal proper has 44 hit points 17 AC and a plus 6 to hit on its claws attack doing three D six plus three slashing damage in addition to a dc-14 con save or paralyze the target for two turns they also have an ability called devour which bites a knocked out prone or a sleep enemy this does 3D 10 plus 3 to a conscious enemy or 60 10 plus 3 to one that's knocked out or asleep it's basically just a crit though I had some issues with being able to use it on sleeping enemies just a heads up upcasting this to sixth level gives you a total of three Ghouls and if your party gets people prone often that's a lot of damage and survivability however six level slot is contentious as we'll see moving over to the Flying ghoul it has reduced durability but it can fly sitting at 30 HP and a 15 Armor class it takes a notable dip on the front lines but that 60 feet slash 18 meters of flying is meant to make up for it as they won't take free shots from having to run in without doing anything it's a pretty big sacrifice on health and armor at character level 9 but if you want ghouls on a roof this turn these are the ones that have your back up casting to sixth level also gives you three of these guys and we're done with anime Dead next up conjure Woodland being you summon a Triad with not only vulnerability to fire but a mere 22 hit points and an armor class of 13. so what's the draw she has a freedom of movement Aura called Nature's step preventing any allies in it from being affected by difficult terrain being restrained or paralyzed and a Topper of gaining resistance to poison damage this works to free someone from those conditions as well by walking over to The Afflicted Ally it'll take the condition away even if the Triad moves away right after the Woodland being also packs a healthy Wallop plus six to hit 48 plus 3 bludgeoning damage and that's not even all she has up her sleeves either she can cast in tangle or Spike growth or even summon a past lover spicy that boy also brings some heat the wood she summons sits with 42 hit points and an 18 Armor class is able to throw down its own entangle on which it is able to heal 10 HP a turn if it is not taken fire damage recently and then for its main hand attacked is plus seven to hit 4D 4 plus 4 bludgeoning it's a Nifty little pair that if they can survive can really get some damage out around character level 7 or top off some really serious utility for sure all right on to conjure minor Elementals a fourth level spell that has three separate Elemental options we'll start with mud methods you get two of them they have 18 hit points each and only a 11 hour class but that's not too bad as when they die they explode dealing two D12 Force damage to all characters you could be a little careful on positioning there's a DC 12 deck save on that and still take half damage on success but these long nose pinocchios can also just explode themselves for nearly the same effect but that time it is bludgeoning damage and splutters mud on all nearby enemies cranning advantage to attacks made against them for two rounds though make them resistant to fire on top of the self-destruct they have powerful claws only plus four to hit but 3d6 plus one bluging damage they have a ranged attack with Floyd plus two to hit and does a little 1d4 plus one damage but always useful to have something for when you can't get right up there though that won't happen too often with their 60 feet 18 meters of fly speed and their last stability mud breath which is a decent little cone of dc12 deck save or else restrains enemies and its only enemies so you can tell with fourth level spell slots we really start to come online the bad part is that you're in Act 2 now and so you're missing out on this playstyle for several hours keeping it moving we still have two more minor Elementals next up ice methods lots of similar things going on here so I'll point out the minor differences these have 21 hit points in the same 11 Armor class burst into cold when they are killed or choose to do so themselves that's a dc-12 save on the two D12 damage their claw attacks are also plus four to hit dealing two D6 Cold Plus 1D for slashing also have 2d6 cold breath with a 12 deck save and a chromatic orb cold which is a plus four to hit 2d8 coal damage and leaves a small patch of ice on which the target may fall prone again not durable but if they survive a couple rounds probably doing pretty well for themselves and lastly we have azer the fiery option if cast after the methods it will only replace one of them but if you have an azer already it will just replace that regardless just an interesting Quirk of the spell anywho we were complaining about durability a bit and this guy has come to talk to us about it sporting 30 nine hit points and a 20 Armor class he has a consistent plus five to hit on his abilities which include a regular attack dealing 1d8 plus 3 budgeting plus one D6 fire a searing Smite which adds a D6 of fire and lights a Target Ablaze or three weapon skills all with dc-11 saves there's concussive smash to Daze the enemy on a failed con save weakening strike to inflict weak on a failed strength save and backbreaker also is a failed strength save and will knock the victim prone this time without the fire damage though I guess it's not too far behind the ghoul stats but without the ability to devour for those big hit slash heals it definitely has its place moving along because we still have so much left the fourth level guardian of faith is an immobile non-controllable construct that will deal 20 radiant damage when an enemy enters its area it's a dc-11 deck save to have the damage and whatever the guardian deals it takes itself in damage starting with 60 hit points and a 20 AC it's a tank that hopes to get off three attacks before taking itself out positioned in a choke it could be a fair bit of reliable damage but while in an open area even if your characters are camping within its small Zone it's still pretty easy to avoid situational but useful with that we have crept into fifth level spells and conjure Elemental buckle up because there are a ton starting with the water Elemental it stands at a chunky 114 hit points with a 14 AC a mean plus eight to hit for its slam attack which deals 1d6 coal plus a flat 5 bludgeoning it also leaves behind a puddle of water it has a breath attack that deals four D6 cold on a failed dc-9 Kansai but it also has a multi-attack swinging twice for 2d4 plus four bludgeoning plus 2D for cold each time it does double damage to Shield enemies it's worth noting all Elementals have a 60 foot 18 meter bonus section teleport let's keep it going the air Elemental has 90 hit points and a 15 Armor class and is the only fifth level version with a fly speed its basic attack gushing air is akin to Eldritch blast where it is two separate beams but different in that the target has to make a DC-10 deck save or take 2d6 plus 1 Thunder damage from each gust it also has primordial Gales which hits every creature in a circle center around it for 2d6 and shocking them if they can't make a dc10 strength save I don't say for that finally a multi-attack which again 2d4 plus 2 slashing plus 2D for lightning per strike dealing double damage if the target is shocked the fire Elemental has 102 hit points a 13 Armor class and a plus seven to hit on its melee touch dealing 2d6 fire and applying burn for two hits for a ranged option it gets erupting Cinder which lobs a fiery cinderball exploding in a small AOE for 4d6 damage if failing the dc-11 deck save and lastly the multi-attack which is 2d4 plus 3 dodging plus 2d4 you guessed it doubled if the target is burning and last of the fifth level variants the Earth Elemental on a personal note I think it looks awesome anyhow the Earth Elemental has 126 HP and a 17 Armor class getting a devastating plus 9 to its attacks the first of which a slam dealing 2d6 plus 6 bludgeoning and leaving mud behind it also has a medium AOE slam Center on itself that has a dc-9 deck save or 46 damage plus being flung 10 feet 3 meters and giving the trembling legs deeper finally the multi-attack which is just a straight up 2d4 plus 5 bludgeoning for each doing double damage against prone enemies an opposing figure that can also absorb a beating that does it for the level 5 variant so let's check out what you get if you up cast an elusive six level slot all of which have fly speeds starting with the water mermaidon at 127 hit points 18 hour class and plus 11 to attacks the basic attack is 1d8 plus 7 piercing plus one D6 cold also has a weapon action heiml strike that adds a d10 cold and chills an enemy for two turns hits the strange disability is a large radius heel that heals All Creatures unless the myrmidon is poison which then it harms all creatures with poison damage before leaving water for three turns but its best ability in my opinion is likely explosive icicle unfortunately it has a pitiful plus three to its attack Roll But it shoots three projectiles that burst in a small AOE that do 3d8 cold damage each if they are hit by set attack roll the bursts always leave behind small patches of ice the potential for 98 and trolling the battlefield each turn is pretty crazy when it's on top of everything else sixth level summons just are different the air rubber Dawn might somehow be even more useful starting with 117 hit points and a 18 Armor class it also get plus 11 to attacks basic attack being 1d8 plus 7 bludgeoning plus 1d8 lightning electrified flail weapon adds an additional d10 of lightning and attempts to stun the enemy for two turns just hard CC it can go invisible once per being summoned only broken when doing anything that generally stops invisibility and has a raging Vortex that silences a large area and Deals 2d8 bludgeoning to those inside with no save not as much damage as water but some hard CC can definitely make up for that that brings us to the fire marmadon who I believe is bugged right now we'll get into it it has 123 hit points Armor class of 18 same plus 11 to attacks one D6 plus 7 slashing plus one D6 fire with its scorching strike adding another d10 of fire and attempting to burn the target the fire variant also has a swipe dealing 3d6 fire plus one D6 plus 7 slashing to all creatures that don't make the dc11 deck save with a half damage on success and there's the ability that I think might be broken murmidon's immolation you haste as an action for three turns but several times I've had it let me do just a single attack and then instantly go lethargic no damage back to cause a concentration check just hate then would be cool to get swipes and Strikes off especially for a druid would be crazy strong as that but until then fixing that that is there are better options and last of the Elementals the Earth marmadon 127 hit points 18 Armor class plus eight to hits It's basic attack dealing a flat nine bludging damage plus 3D 10 Thunder and attempts to knock the target prone it can also fill a small area with mud centered on itself doing 2d6 bludgeoning to All Creatures with a dc-11 deck save or burrow to move and attack in one dealing 2d8 bludgeoning two enemies on arrival and lastly at the cost of 6 meters of movement gain two AC for four turns again I've lost this in weird ways so the arrow like pointing up class actions have been weird if you really need somebody prone maybe he's the one definitely the oddest of the bunch and I like the variety but that does it for this spell finally here we go with the six level necromancy option create Undead we actually get to spawn a mummy with this but even with setup can feel a bit underwhelming compared to what we were just talking about with the mermaid dance but let's run down the stats The Mummy has 93 hit points and an 18 Armor class it's a plus seven to hit dealing two D six plus three bludgeoning plus three D6 necrotic and a 13 wisdom save to avoid mummy rot which is a minimal Max HP curse that doesn't allow healing kind of stronger against the party than for the party it does have a class action Dreadful glare which attempts to frighten a creature for two turns at a DC 13 wisdom save and lastly a multi-strike that can only be used if the target is frightened dealing 2d6 plus 3 plus 3d6 necrotic meaning it literally attacks twice pretty underwhelming six ghouls like the dance Macabre item would definitely have been a better necromancy Capstone spell so do with this as you will although also at level 6 is planar Ally the cleric spell that has no gold costs like its DND equivalent is teddling this choose between a cambian a Dave and a genie all with fly speeds and interesting abilities so let's dig into this final spell starting with cambian this is a low HP higher damage option having 82 hit points and a 14 Armor class it's not going to take you through any later fights nor is it going to wow you with its basic attack of plus 7 to hit with extra reach dealing 1D 10 plus 4 slashing but its abilities are quite powerful it can cast three rays of fire which make plus seven attack rolls each for a 3d6 damage array 96 per turn isn't half bad can attempt to charm against a 14 wisdom save to set up a 5D 10 plus 5 psychic damage kiss so while not an amazing damage dealer for a sick little spell it's kind of like having just another okay party member which is very good better than the cambian in my opinion is the Deva it has 136 hit points a 21 AC and gets a plus eight to hits which at a basic level are 1d6 plus 4 bludgeoning plus 48 radian it smites every attack adding on to this further is wrathful Smite which adds a D6 of psychic damage with the potential to frighten the target provided they fail a dc-15 wisdom save they also have a weapon action to Daze and enemy for when you're feeling a little squirrely and lastly they can revivify once if someone in your party goes down this is like having another good party member in your group with that Adonis physique very strong and lastly the genie 161 hit points 19 Armor class plus 10 to hits dealing 1d6 plus six slashing plus two d10 poison it also has a cone pole of all creatures that deals 4d8 poison on a failed dc-17 Constitution say and has a slightly unique effect of making people drunk for a turn which just interesting it has a fourth level Thunder Wave every turn if you want it which is 58 of repositioning power against your 17 con save and lastly a small AOE Whirlwind that restrains those who fail these 17 strike save this attack weirdly uses the players Constitution so be careful but that means it can also be placed every action not replacing the last one so go nuts I guess and I would definitely say this like having a drunk party member in the group it does what it wants to kind of steal something from you overall an extremely good group of summons with different flavors and play Styles it's a super cool six level spell and that is every creature that you can summon in Baldur's Gate 3. if I miss somebody please tell me below there are things like fungal infestation and Connor that are just different variations of zombie but like anything distinct and I just blanked I hope not but please leave it in the comments below but now I'd like to talk about the how this is my very subjective part of the video I want to say a couple things as we passed them but leave it mostly objective information to be helpful to the most amount of people though if I separate this part out I can talk a little bit how I would make a Summoner and I think it's probably a little bit clearer where I was leaning if you were paying attention earlier so while I think you cannot go wrong with wizard I'd go cleric specifically light cleric and there are several reasons why first of which being a less selfish progression not just an oh I'm the party's healer you know whatever but it just doesn't take as many resources wizard wants to spend a lot of gold to get all the Spells they want they don't get that many features from their class and you have less HP and your armor class suffers pretty heavily until you deliberately solve it so they do get to do all the damage and control Mage stuff but they are a little bit of an investment from your party to get there clerics on the other hand just don't need anything to get rolling they start with medium armor and a shield able to hold bless for our team in those frustrating lower level fights you can add damage with those powerful first level slots and Radiance of the Dawn and the only spell we really want from another class is summon Elemental all the way at end game and technically conjure Woodland beings too if we can grab a scroll for that somewhere in the game but those are just a luxury and only quote unquote needed if we really want to go full summon mode I definitely agree with the arguments that Wizards just get every spell so it kind of doesn't matter they just have more options and more options is better I don't have an argument against that I just think that when that's the case the wizard is better served elsewhere instead of using all their spell slots on summons and supporting them they have access to the damage and Power in their Spellbook to not even bother with summons and just lock down a battlefield and then blast it away completely understand it's a want to play for some and I'm just saying this is how I see them but that's the last you'll hear from me about comparing to wizards just wanted people to know that I think they're really good at this too Alright I like cleric for the job because of their role they fill in battle buffing at the start healing in tight spots adding to damage when needed since healing itself is is weak higher level spell slots are served a little bit better elsewhere most of the time not that you want them throwing fifth level Fireballs all the time either you can add a lot of damage while staying untargetable if you cast Sanctuary on yourself at the start of a fight you can get through the entire encounter while still playing offense to your party and not dropping Sanctuary there are enough spells that do not treat the damage they do as breaking the sanctuary text first and foremost the channel Divinity Radiance of the dawn for level 2 it gets 2D 10 plus cleric level of radiate damage with half damage on a save it's a guaranteed big radius of some damage and it doesn't break Sanctuary not sure why but it doesn't it's always good to have things like animate weapon up 2 it's a bonus action non-concentration actually eats attacks in bg3 while dishing out consistent damage you generally want to be concentrating on bless or something like that for your party but if you aren't flaming sphere doesn't break Sanctuary either and you're able to pump out a lot of fire damage go a little bit higher level you can throw down a glyph of warding or guardian of faith and you guessed it they don't bring sanctuary either you can do so much from behind untargetability still able to jump into The Fray to heal your team or lesser restoration off a minor condition anything plus while we don't want to use our reactions for attacks of opportunity warding flares from the light domain are incredible for taking away hits on your team or turning crits into non-crits the average wizard is absolutely punching air about this one another great spell to use specifically for baller Skate 3 is Aid because it's not limited to the number of creatures it affects just have to be within the radius and it lasts all the way until the end of a long rest go ahead and upcast that and get everyone and everything associated with you 15 to 20 extra hit points including those low hit point summons can almost double their health it's not all defense either if you need to blast that fireball or run in with Spirit guardians or silence a group of spellcasters break your Sanctuary you'll have the meat on your bones to survive some hits get your team back on their feet and do it all over again I do think just straight clear clerk 12 is fine wisdom to 20 get a resiliency in constant Institution for that proficiency on the savings row if planned accordingly that's also 12 more hit points as well but you can also do a clerk 11 wizard one for if you want to pick up the Elementals like I was saying which would be more for a solo run I think don't need to slow down the game that much more and when I say solo here I meant Single Character not single player though the logic ends up applying to both and think this will about do it for me I've been talking for a while reminders I will say as I think that Druid playstyle might suit the best and that wizard is fantastic very very good but I I have a soft spot for cleric it's really good whatever you think of this don't let me tell you that you have to play one of these either you got to make sure you're having fun with it that's the most important thing so let me know in the comments was it helpful to have the absolute wall of information on summons that sort of thing but I wish you all the best of luck with whichever class you decide to use for your Summoner the playstyle is alive you just have to wait a little bit before you get it rolling so I hope to catch you the next one as always thanks for watching thanks for listening be safe guys
Channel: Ghostzapper
Views: 184,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, bg3 necromancer, bg3 summoner, bg3 pets, bg3 necro, build guide
Id: hE69wi51PTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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