Ultimate Melee Warlock Build Guide: Multiple Attacks & Massive Damage in Baldurs Gate 3

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I created a monster melee Warlock and it shouldn't exactly work this way but we have up to six attacks per turn hit like a goddamn drug together with the special Maneuvers that the Battle Master adds we can make sure that we never miss a hit and as we have two levels in Paladin we get access to the super miting spelled and bonus Divine damage on top of all the shenanigans we already do did I mention that our weapon now scales with Charisma we can bind the any weapon to us and be proficient with this while wearing medium on this sounds so good also worst case scenario you and I actually heal how does this work now we would begin as a tiefling if you want to choose any other race for role-playing reasons do that the tiefling can see in the dark and is also resistant to fire damage so in the long run you can just throw Fireballs on me with Gail and it wouldn't matter also you do get the bonus of magehand as a Methodist tiefling and that's extremely useful as a class we're going to be starting with the Warlock warlock has a couple of reasons over fighter to start with yes we would have heavy armor if we start with the fighter but we will begin with the Warlock we get as a can trip the Eldritch blast and we're going to be taking here minor illusion or friends you're gonna take both in the long run anyways as the subclass you're going to take the fiend and here gets really interesting because the fiend gives you when you reduce a hostile creature to zero hit points so you kill them this gift from your pattern gone through four temporary hit points that goes up to 16 later so you continuously four killing people and even if it's broken so if someone did more damage to you and then you kill him you get these four hit points back and they hold until long rest so we continuously heal by killing opponents and are just able to bolster our defensive as the spell here you have two choices to make as the beginning spell you want to take hex because tax is really good to give you bonus damage and we're going to have six attacks later so you could hack someone and then go one two three one two three and get the one to six D bonus damage on top of anyways all the other bonus damage you already add and I like to take the burning hands here because the burning hands gives us the opportunity to just burn everyone in front of us if we really want to if we're surrounded by a bunch of low life opponents low level opponents to just snuff them out with one snippet of our fingers here's the opportunity for expeditious Retreat or hellish rebuke but that is for level two background I'm either going for charlatan or criminal for the stealth of deception or deception and sleight of hand and our abilities are going to be looking very interesting we slap wisdom and intelligence as far down as we can karisma stays on 17 and we're actually boosting dexterity and Constitution here you either make dexterity 16 for the dexterity saving throws or you're gonna make Constitution 16 for the Constitution once I usually fear better with dexterity you want Charisma as high as possible because we're gonna bind the weapon to us with the Warlock skills to have our damage skill with erisma also one thing I have mentioned about being a tiefling you do actually get a second burning hand as a class ability down the line so you have the opportunity to twice just burn everything in front of you level 2 gives us the bonus spell slot and a very tough decision to make either you get Dash immediately as a bonus action on each of your turns until this spell ends so you can essentially cast this before any fight and as long as your concentration holds up and you're not getting broken out of it you will have that bonus Dash or you can take helosh rebuke and this is a reaction to an attack and you can just do two d10 fire attack which in the very beginning just takes out complete enemies it's so useful it gets less useful the longer the game goes but especially in the first five levels it is just so nice to have you get shot by an arrow dead I tend to go with Heller's rebuke but definitely the expeditious retrieve gives you good movement the average invocation it's the average invocation is still agonizing blast and also repelling blast worst case scenario if you need to there's a very strong opponent right in front of you you can eat them away from you or still down a Chasm level 3 is your first Power Spike that's where we can take the pack Boon and that's the pact of the blade so we can actually bind a weapon to us and that is the most important thing to actually do because if you bind a weapon to you you become instantly proficient with it so no matter which weapon you choose you can actually use it and its damage start scaling with your charisma that's by our strength is level 8 by the way and not 17 like our Charisma as your spell slot decision to make either whole person to get someone locked up then all your hits are also going to be critical hits as for lazel as Tyrion and whoever bashes to or we're already going to be taking Misty step either or we'll take both belts it's just how you feel good in the beginning with Misty step early on you get a bonus action where you can close distance or get away from someone I usually use it to get instantly in position behind some arches or something and just smash them into Smithereens with your melee weapon level 4 and 5 are going to be the most interesting ones and after that multi-classing actually starts on four we get another can trip it's gonna be friends or true strike but I have quite some concentration Shenanigans going on so I don't want to rely on gain advantage on your next attack roll I have other ways for that so we'll take friends because that's really nice in certain dialogues blade Ward never felt good to be honest spell wise I can choose now here hold person as I choose before to have Misty stem as a feat I was thinking about great weapon Master but I mostly use up my bonus actions already to never get to the point where I actually get that bonus attack data decision was really easy just get ability Improvement to instantly get that bonus on your charisma rolls and still on your Constitution roles does not hurt to have 16 and 18 easy clap level 5 brings the most amazing one which would be deep and packed blessed with your service your otherworldly pattern added new Boons blade packed holders get an extra attack with their packed weapon only with a packed weapon so don't forget to actually bind it that is two swings per turn now as a spell you can now take your beloved Fireball if you do want to eat it in you can fly but you could do this also not gonna spoiler it story wise though what I like to take is vampiric touch touch the enemy to siphon their life force and regain half as many hit points am I there in front of you they're in melee range worst case scenario just suck them dry and get some heal as an Eldritch invocation you could choose to actually add a slow to your repertoire which is quite nice what I did take is one with the Shadows vanish into the darkness and become invisible as long as you stand still it can be used even in melee range to become invisible in certain situation and it has never hurt me to have the ability to randomly get invisible you kill the one in front of you for an invisible lose any kind of attention and then run around it's been quite fun throughout the playthrough with the level six we're going for the multi-classing and here we're gonna take Fighter the most important part is as we choose fighter you notice that we suddenly can wear medium armor as well and we don't actually have to invest anything in that which is really good because we have the perfect medium armor I'll get to some of the equipment choices at the end of the video without story spoilers good thing is we also get the second win so worst case scenarios of bonus action we put actually heal ourselves and simple straightforward word the next level up gives us the action search and immediate gain an extra action to use this turn which means it can attack once twice and then I can use action search to attack at once twice again so worst case scenario could take attack four times if I do whole person before that would be four critical strikes raining down on your opponent now we would level up fighter actually more and we can choose between Battle Master Eldritch Knight or champion champion is interesting because you can land your critical strikes easier but I do like Battle Masters or Paragons of technical superiority and you get the superiority dies why are we taking these because with the bonus Maneuvers and especially in this case I know will sound crazy Precision attack you can get a bonus on your hitting percent and it is way easier in this case to always hit your hits you're you're trying to slap someone with a 50 chance well do Precision attack beforehand boost your attack up and have like 75 percent chance to actually hit him and you can use this almost on every single of your four attacks together with the action search then a sweeping attack can be nice which essentially gives you a bonus cleave it's not likely but it is likely last but not least I like to take disarming strikes when the superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly forces the target to drop the weapon they're holding and if it works be incredible now from here on out you have to make a decision either we could now put every single point in warlock to boost it up to level 9 to actually get higher spell slots what I like to do though is I like to actually level up Warrior further first because I want to have the feed for the feed you could choose just ability Improvement to straight up go for 20. 20 Charisma plus five your weapon gets even more damage everything you do Charisma wise does more damage if you have to Elders blast someone whatever it is more powerful you could also decide that you do actually want to wear heavy armor but that OnePlus strength point is completely wasted and there is insane medium armor in the game there's one that has been a fun one for me as a melee Caster kinda and it has been Mage Slayer when a creature casts a spell within melee range of view you have advantage on any saving throws against it and you can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the Caster yes that was quite cute because sometimes you can just really hammer out some bonus damage and take out that one dude you have already down to 10 HP you have a free choice here between just overall more damage or some situational fun clappers there's also the opportunity to take polar monster which gives you a bonus action to attack with a butt of your weapon but I have other weapons than a pull arm that I want to use and at level 5 fighter you get a final thing and that's called an extra attack can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack if you gain an extra attack feature from more than one class they don't add together interestingly enough it does seem to work with Pactiv the blade so I get one melee attack second melee attack and then I get the pack of the blade third attack so now I can attack six times per turn with this which brings us now in the weird position do we want to go for level 6 warlock to actually get the Patron's own luck for a 1d10 on a skill check and also to get even more spells or are we looking to gain another feed from the fighter for example man we just took the Mage Slayer you could to take the polar Masters straight up on top already there's the ability Improvement to boost your charisma so it's it's quite nice where we're at here right now that you can actually take the feed or you could take a paladin for example which gives you the chance to go for the oath of Vengeance and the ozave engine gives you a bonus action you or an allies weapon attacks deal an additional 4 radian damage and can Daze enemies for one turn interesting enough is that holds for two turns it is a bonus action so you could enchant your weapon you have six attacks with a bonus action so one time you have the six hits with the four radiant damage bonus per hit that you cannot top then slam down into your opponent it ain't super bad to actually go for that as as a little bonus to just add this and if you go for level two on the Paladin you could also go for great weapon fighting which says when you roll a one or two on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon that dice re-rolled once and worst case scenario why not then you also get a bunch of spells and the very good thing is the pelving comes with two level one spell slots so this is not going to use your warlock spell slots you get two more and the pounding has quite some amazing shiznid searing Smite gives you a up to 40 damage Lemma with bonus fire damage or if you want to go for it or thunderous Smite which adds Thunder damage to it and pushes them around so just strike like a maniac there's also wrath will Smite that would be for psychic damage and frightening so you have the opportunity to quite do something there and worst case scenario your weapon attacks deal in additional 124 radian damage for three turns as a bonus action yeah yeah yeah can do worst case scenario you can add a heal to it and if you want to go full YOLO you can command an enemy to only attack you the choice is yours there's an abundance of spells the medium armor I'm wearing you already get very early in act one in the underdark it's only medium but it has a 16 Armor class and all incoming damage is reduced by one not only melee damage all income damage and when a melee attack hits you the attackers send Reeling for two turns you will have disadvantage of stealth checks but you cannot get critical struck uh-huh that one you would get in grimforge in the Durga City and you essentially have to find the scale played a mold to send into the gigantic Forge have a very amazing boss fight ahead and then get out with this amazing armor your weapon you actually get in the first 10 minutes of the game just slay the fiery commander on boat of the not allowed and you get the everburn blade and that has a 2 to 15 damage you're not proficient with it but as soon as you can pack blade Bond the weapon to you goes up to a 6 to 19 and you have this amazing great sword you're instantly proficient with just straight up from the first 10 minutes of the game already obviously whatever kind of weapon you find due to the packed blade you can Bond it to you and be instantly proficient with it so if you want an ax or a hammuraba take that now if you're more interested in a traditional warlock there's also 12 levels of warlock absolute fantastic already beaten the game with it and never felt I struggled at any point of the game or if you're rather looking for the one weapon to wield to rule them all the Giant Slayer hidden at the very beginning of act 3.
Channel: P4wnyhof
Views: 44,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 melee warlock, melee warlock bg3, bg3 melee warlock, bg3 warlock build, baldurs gate 3 best warlock build, best warlock build baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3, bg3, warlock guide bg3, 3 attacks baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, bg3 warlock multiclass, overpowered early baldurs gate 3, bg3 warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, p4wnyhof baldurs gate 3
Id: N1O37p5zhoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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