Xiaxue Slammed For Calling Morbidly Obese people DISGUSTING (My Point Of View)

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[Music] [Music] hi welcome to the channel if you've been active on social media for the last week I'm pretty sure you've seen this yet reverses the world saga which is still going on by the way I'm just gonna call it X extra this entire video and it's all because she gave her own opinion in her own style about morbid obesity and then the internet like it's on fire but if you happen or you haven't seen a single post about this then I really don't know where you've been because it's like literally everywhere ok so instead of posting about this model called a Shawnee because the belief that she's one of the 20 people who defined the year 2020 she's been with big brands like Jeffrey Campbell even walked in a New York Fashion Week and she's just 23 years old one of our country's finest thank you guys for all the nasty comments I'm really enjoying them very very much so keep them coming what's the inside story if her own opinion on how the media shouldn't glorify movie obesity and then her father started sending her some pictures from the exact same model then it all snowballed from there every single posting this video is really really long so I'm just gonna summarize everything this is incidentally a short interview if exact basically summarizing her this particular opinion she was saying that this is way past federal chubby which again let me reiterate that we are speaking about morbid obesity here there's not a fit it's not chubby it's not like any words you can think of like to describe some movie obesity she also had some deep judgment that the gosh 30 but was pretty uncalled for in my opinion right but then again it's it's how she decided to put it out there the model ishani replayed on Twitter saying that I are the obsessive friend she don't know check to anyone after these two tweet she was actually going on with your life like a daily routine and a modeling stuff and everything she was just you know doing a normal stuff until I saw a tweet about some media outlets sending her a list of questions one of the question even say if you could meet see her in person what would you say to her [Music] like what are they would expecting really like she actually said in a sense that she's actually a really nice person but I think she was looking upon looking at nice now question she said that you think what I will hug her in relevant policy I really question is this and of course before the press and film involved she got all the support she also got hit people calling her plastic and fit could be and things like that we will see some of those comments in jazz to be some which actually really quite really so we post at the DMing is saying that LaShawn is beautiful and people who are morbidly obese is all beautiful and things like that and then she just couldn't the key right she wouldn't put a poor owner in so story explaining her point of view in that process again she wouldn't say things that would you [ __ ] someone this size and things like that which are being to me is just uncalled for again I need to keep saying this before someone loses sight of what the message actually is on her neck story she actually said that this isn't for the regular chubby of it it's mainly for the Mobilio B's so on one hand we have someone saying 200 kgs beautiful she is just disagreeing with the fake saying it's so [ __ ] mean not and then just mix it her point of view right it's just her own opinion I just want to quickly touch on some reasons as to why someone can be morbidly obvious because some may have the impression that they are literally stuffing themselves with food it can be genes it can be someone's penis orders some people medication can cause them became we at times there are people who go through some really stressful times in their life PCOS or something new that I came across and I didn't know that there was such a thing so I had to do research on it and according to health line 80% of them are obese we won't know when someone is going through in their life be mentally or physically to just feel validated and judging someone based on chest here which is absolutely not correct I personally don't think excess was referring to someone with a condition or without a condition like I will teachers referring to anyone in specific really so we also have another better being obesity versus anorexia couple years back again because of all the different type of media glorification being anorexic and going on a [ __ ] 100 calorie a day diet was actually a thing that's like eating one [ __ ] yogurt you know like like the one from NTUC Instagram was a huge part of this because of all the different type of hashtags which are being used and people posting their pictures about their daily diets and how skinny they were and things like that so Instagram had to do something about it right now on instagrams Hope Center a specific section just for eating disorders even if you search on the hashtag it prompts you if you need more information with suicide or cellphone or how you can get support so basically being anorexic or morbidly obese has the same repercussions as each other right it's both as deadly as each other not always being extremely unhealthy and it can lead to death but I don't see how some people don't see this there are actually some people saying being obese is completely fine because that's called being beautiful in your skin but being anorexic becomes labeled as not healthy what the [ __ ] you want I don't understand what's the logic behind this right Gulf is unhealthy both fleets to the same repercussions how can one be different from the other so XX decided to post a photo show image of herself on both Instagram and Twitter captioning in how to ensure everyone says you are beautiful in 2020 because of all the comments she was getting the comment section on Instagram is growing by the second not just from Singaporeans but people from all over the world speaking about weight and obesity and things like that in the UK is a big no-no and believe it or not this even made it to Daily Mail UK but the more important thing is there were actually Moberly obvious because coming forward sharing their own experiences and why they agree on her point of view in this entire situation there were even people coming forward to share more some deep experiences like some really personal stories like losing two pregnancies due to being morbidly obese but I also happen to see some I really don't know how to describe them like you see this person over here he's saying that anorexia is a life-threatening disorder but being fair doesn't being fair doesn't affect anybody it's true but me mobily obese is a completely different thing being a morbidly obese and being anorexic has the same repercussions but I don't see how you are saying that one is OK and one isn't like I don't get it and then there were people saying that you know you are fed 4 billion then you are plastic and things like that I didn't know the fateful bit like every apparently in 2020 everything has a has a term for its effect phobic apparently is your sketch of fat people now you see a fat person and then like you just and say I shall being this towel person if you think that say speaking about plastic surgery I think is gonna I mean she's three what used to be like couple years back Manila and then there was this guy I don't know how many things of his insults right he was he said that your hair is like this particular image that he said when it sees moisturizer I don't know is this creative is this thinking outside the box and how is I always was a label this [Music] you think all that is interesting here comes the real me there's a actress and one of the hosts of click network called shoe n sorry if I mispronounced your name she posted her point of view and it was against xx the entire post was about how the media is portraying or different type of things including some real deep ones like tear killers young children objectifying women compared to fat people representation and even if they are they are made to look super judgmental and horrible she also had a very strong meaning behind this sentence when she said that all they're getting is to be ashamed of themselves and the undeserving of love and then of course XX came back with her point of view because she stands for what she believes in she asked you in the going game hundred fifty kg to practice what she preaches and not to skew a message she also said that he one end of the spectrum of being morbidly obese is okay she asked she went go and post a picture of a girl who's anorexic and say that she's beautiful as well because more 5vs each other right okay here's where it gets a little i'm not sure what to say complicated interesting something like that so she when replacing that if she was under a 50kg she wouldn't think that she would be beautiful but then a given one leshawna is doing by showing what it means to love herself is what makes her beautiful so from her original pose one is she actually referring to when she sees that she's beautiful like is it her venues is it her as a person so it makes me think a little bit otherwise people have another point saying that if XX really cares about these people she wouldn't stigmatize their weight because it doesn't help them in any way and only causes them to lose hope so here's something i don't understand she goes on to explain wadis glorification means in her point of view and then she makes a comparison between a fat person getting interview and a skinny person getting interview he says the differ scheme person is being interviewed and they say things which may sound like anorexic or binging that would be completely fine because the media will turn that as discipline and just like posted on everywhere but on the other hand she say there why isn't anybody asking fat people what is the food they eat or how to become fat or like selling the we did a pre-interview ok ok rice and beans she eats better than you and do any know she really brought in a really disturbing point he said that there are people telling young girls and boys that like starvation dehydration and subsequent binging is absolutely okay which if it's true it's completely not and it's [ __ ] among so many different levels to really summarize what Xuan said it's when approaching such a sensitive topic there are many different ways to go about doing it and kindness being one of the top in chats instead of just stuffing it down people's throat so here's why I stand in this entire saga right do I agree we've xx I do agree with her message that mobile obesity or inner access should not be glorified because it can be dangerous to people but what I do agree upon is how she went on tackling the entire issue right from this time then again looking at if she has been this way throughout the number of years so three personally xx is definitely not wrong standing a ground supporting her own message but at the same time it's not right to force people to only take her side judging someone based upon a picture and not knowing jack about them is also as dangerous as anything because we may not know what they are going through at life at that point of time and when something like this heat sent so hard they may even tell do self harm or worse to suicide some people may even be trying their level best to lose some weight being in that state by looking at things like this they may lose hope and just go back to how they were previously being comfortable in your own skin is really important for some people you can even affect them mentally as to how the society sees them but at the same time if you we got any symptoms or like diseases or things like that you choose to go to either side of the scale then you really need to really value in your choices because it can turn out to be deadly that's really my entire take on this issue and if you want to continue following this you can definitely hit over to access Instagram I believe that it's still going on it's not gonna die or anytime soon so um you can go there and get some more B's if you want thank you for thing what this video I really do appreciate it let me know in the comments below what are your thoughts because to this entire thing which is going on right now don't forget to subscribe to my channel I do release new videos every week you can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter and all my social so I'm further updates and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace you
Channel: Rishi
Views: 16,535
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: rishi, xiaxue, obese, morbid obese, morbid obesity, fat, anorexia, anorexic, obesity, on morbid obesity, glorifying obesity, stop glorifying obesity
Id: NgRl27w-ZyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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