DEBUNKED: Unattainable Women's Beauty "Standards" | Louder with Crowder

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men don't expect you to be perfect no we do not expect women to fit one specific mold most women out there can find male suitors because we are actually far more forgiving of female body types and all their splendorous forms alright just a guest so question of the day since there's not a lot going on outside of Trump Ukraine and the Kurds and Turkey we don't have enough info on that yet so we always try to wait yeah this is something that's just been but let me ask you do you told him related do you buy into the whole idea of the unrealistic female body image standard and that we live in an unfair society because you hear about this so much I feel as though everyone rolls their eyes when they hear a woman going into you know it's really hard for a woman today in the industry go oh okay so let me yeah i'm not making a lot of sense let me let me kind of that's a rough woman set this up really quick before we go to a clip to accept the idea of this double standard is established by patriarchy the idea of an unrealistic female body standard in a cruel society you have to accept three premises okay one there's a universally accepted unrealistic body standards set for women two that's enforced upon women by men and three that this standard is exclusively or unfairly applied toward women none of those are true I think that's why all of us are sick with the fat pride and everyone talking about how women are held to some unrealistic standard but lest you take my word for it here are some other people making these arguments the double age of the patriarchy is basically just a woman who perhaps unknowingly is still putting the patriarchal narrative out into the world but you are extensions for doesn't make us feel good you're selling us an ideal of a body shape it's a double standard because you know there are men with really beautiful women that don't have great bodies and and yet nobody's saying anything about that I think it hits a little too close to home with Porsha del Rossi I think this is not exclusive to you women and I want to say here's the silver lining and this is why we get really pissed off when we talk about fat pride men don't expect you to be perfect no we do not expect women to fit one specific mold we do not expect you to be a size zero the beauty is women if you're married your husband finds you attractive or your boyfriend finds you attractive he wants to see you naked most women out there can find male suitors because we are actually far more forgiving of female body types and all their splendorous forms then women are and I think women you're harder on men then men are on women so a couple of things first off it's important to understand there is an ideal there's a beauty standard that's set when I go you're watching a film we're admiring someone's beauty of course that is something that actually exists it doesn't mean that we expect everybody to look that way and there wasn't a secret meeting behind women's back where we said hey you know we don't even like boobs and butts we're just gonna throw this out there yeah to throw them for a loop so there was something recent look this is every time some advertisement comes out yeah well there's a beautiful person the social justice works get upset about I think this was remember this we have the set it was a protein shake I think that sparked outrage in London I don't know if you're ashamed of your body then that's your own thing and some of you should be ashamed of your body look look at their advertisements for men okay right here there you go look yeah I'm one one green smoothie away from that oh just a little workout we're just over that I think the reason and this creates more of a divides this divide and conquer between men and women where women think that men expect something from them that they don't and then women throughout this idea that oh you know what it's okay for men to be fat they're not held to these standards look and they start naming comedians like John Belushi not Jim Belushi that's just an essence there's a bridge too far no one likes that nobody according to Jim I've seen make-a-wish Foundation videos that are funnier than according to Joe but let's look at the famous fat guys out there you look at Chris Farley look at these commands no one was using the advertised weight loss shakes no they weren't valued for their looks they were valued for their contributions to comedy think about this for a second Cary Grant Gregory Peck up to Hugh Jackman none of them were ever fat guys no none of them this idea that there's no standard set for men or that in cannot feel uncomfortable in their own skin this is a lie and it's also why these three premises are important has it been enforced upon women by men it is applied exclusively to women I say no no I don't I don't think so and it's it's weird to say to like that like you said that there's some thing that we got together and decided this is what beauty is it's symmetry a lot of times that we see and that can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes as long as it's symmetrical they've done Studies on this well I also think it's it's far harder for a man to attain the standards that you would see in magazines while we're talking oh yeah this yeah let's do it right here here's a cover of Cosmo the same month as a cover of men's self is more attainable right I get it men don't necessarily feel pressure we don't look at that and Greg oh my gosh can you believe no we look at him going oh okay well that guy did something likely took diuretics yeah and and anabolic steroids and he was in a hot Epsom salt bath with you hunter green dehydrating himself she just had to do yoga for a few months all men expect of you women all men expect is for you to not be wildly unhealthy yes that's it and here's something else to push this idea of body positivity now we've gone so far that we are actually encouraging people to be unhealthy Cosmo decided to reverse course because that woman of course was offensive of course and unattainable no woman in their net in the natural realm could look like that so we now put tests holiday on the cover I think we have no idea yeah there you go show me a men's magazine that glorifies a fat guy like you won't find it yeah no one is trying to find the guy who bathes in a pig trough and put him on the cover of Men's Journal do they charge more for tattoos if your body is bigger I'm an area to cover here's your study to Tibet this up so if 12,000 people show that stats for both men and women they're the same but a quarter felt very - extremely satisfied with their appearances regardless of gender and and this is something else - this idea that it's dictated by men and this is why I want this I come bearing you tidings of great joy we don't expect this from you and this is why men roll their eyes and say oh my gosh have a victim complicit you just don't understand no we don't expect you to look like Kate Upton we think she's pretty but when you feel these unrealistic standards of beauty being applied to you or you feel as though you have to live up to them then all of a sudden as you heard that first lady in the in the Rouge and lipstick and the extensions and everything she apparently hates ya sexual flushing which occurs like okay well that's probably true smart guy but let me ask you this here are the people were talking about something different the entertainment industry and the fashion industry really that's really more of a byproduct of consumerist culture right where they're trying to sell you beauty products well do I really think it's straight and straight men are in charge at the patriarchy let's go to the tale of the tape it really is survival of the fittest okay OMG yeah ruffled shrug and vinyl busy and tacky real 80s II kind of like Knott's landing oh now just let's just imagine for a moment that a straight guy behaved that way with women no listen your bone to pick is with women who run the fashion and they're gay male counterparts okay then we have a section from Houston Press that a majority of fashion magazines they have female editorial staff because hashtag all women female empowerment they're the ones who want you to look real thin this is something people need to understand as well if you look at women's magazines things like Cosmo or things like what are other women's magazines Vanity Fair I have no I know there any fairs I I don't like no yeah what are the women's where you look at the fashion runway models I guess they're the ones you look at there's something from a Spielberg film those are marketed toward women right what's marketed toward men as far as magazines no that wouldn't maybe like playboy or or FHM the women are curvier the women are larger this is what men find more attractive the glorification of super tall super thin ultra skinny unrealistic women and by the way some women looked that way let's not condemn that I want them to develop an eating disorder but that idea so that's the only way to be a true is pushed by none other than your sisters and I guess they're gay male sisters allies out there do not blame me said the entire row of straight men we want to see you naked no matter what notification Bell join my club levels kind of become such Mugler because YouTube will probably shut this down because everything is offensive I think something else that we need to look at is is this something that is applied only to women as it turns out the bar is set higher for men so let's look at this if you look at dating apps a lot of people don't realize this women actually are far more harsh in rating men's appearances which surprised me because I will I will concede that men are more visually stimulated right right men like looking at attractive women we just tend to see almost all women as attractive like hey hey there's a naked woman what do you think she looks good hey there's another naked woman who's an entirely different size and stature what do you think yeah it looks good I like that too but women as opposed to men who rate on a bell curve women rate over 80% of men as being below average attractiveness not these dating apps so here's the thing even though many of you out there women you may you may just look like this you may look like an average woman right right most men still see this okay now that being said for most men you may look like this you may look like an average man most women see this this is what they're seeing yeah oh we're not to talk about magazine covers let me just just just try to ride some understanding you're just bridging the gender gap sorry biological sex gap because I can't bridge 57 gaps not again for at least we have far fewer tools at our disposal men's true to cover up our shortcomings can't wear makeup high heels wigs think about that think about that for a second well you're a guy in high school if you're short and you got bad skin you're just out of luck you're just screwed you better hope the puberty deals and most of the time it doesn't yeah women and by the way if you try to cover up a zit if you put lifts you're caught putting lifts in your shoes then all of your male friends will file you in the cabinet and the same drawers all those gay male fashion designers they will assume that if you put lips and your shoes and use Clearasil cover up on your zit that maybe just maybe you want to be the next judge on project 1 that's a reasonably something hike is another one I think we have some studies here women have unrealistic expectations of men as it relates to hi I'm okay with the man you are taller oh is this I figure about say I thought you hit your light there to say so no I didn't hit my lady just I said I'm okay with this one because I was tall from a very young age so I never had to deal with it I just it's this is one of those things where it's it's I think pissed everybody off every man off at some point we don't necessarily know why I think it's because we know this to be untrue women if you feel bad about how you look you probably feel worse than most men see you that's what you need understand most men here every guy here has a wife okay every guy here has a wife who they love yeah they're all attractive yeah they all look very very different yeah the tall thin we have some who are shorter we have some who are curvier we have some who are thinner we have some we're more athletic we think that we all think they're beautiful yeah I don't I don't know when this started this idea that if we admire someone who's beautiful and and no one expects this in real life if you look at a Jessica Alba or I don't know what Kate Upton we can look at it and say that's nice but this idea that men have been putting pressure on their wives are putting pressure on their significant other to look that way I've never experienced it I only see it in films and the Entertainer you know what if you if you worked out every now and then maybe you could lose a couple of pounds he's like the douche bag yeah redneck husband I've never seen that in real life yeah every time in real life you know what happens woman drops are closing the guy says I'm ready okay it's a natural look I think women put an unrealistic standard on other women yes and it's so I I don't think that there aren't men out there that do this I'm course there are some douche bag guys out there or stick expectations but we're not talking about those guys we're talking about the mainstream guys and I'm telling you women you have these standards for yourselves way more than guys do my wife comes down she says hey how do I look and I'm like honey I'm a really bad person ask you time right so a woman would be like oh don't do this do this put this here do that like she would critique it and in a good way right but sometimes they just tear each other down and that's not guys putting the pressure on that's other women right and the people who are championing this lie by the way are the people often perched a purse to top their mountain from the one industry where they actually do this was is the entertainment industry in the media they're the ones creating these stories and these narratives these sexist ads these unrealistic beauty centers okay go down to your local paper mill for Cronulla go down to your local I don't know contract furniture company pick some kind of a local business and see if they are enforcing an unrealistic Beauty standard upon woman the only place it happens is in the entertainment industry and Hollywood and the media and they are the ones who bout it happening you know they paid it off yeah this is what I'm just rying to say women out their fat pride is a bridge too far okay but if a man is saying we're not that interested in a land well whose blood type is pudding it doesn't mean that we expect you all to look like Sienna Miller it's okay to as long as you take care of yourself you're within the boundaries of general health most men find you attractive no one expects you to look the way that you think for some reason you're expected to look and the people who want you to feel that way are gay fashion designers and bit B women who for some reason now have some kind of a bully pulpit I say you should take them out and then take your husband out for a nice meal take your clothes off because guess what he'll be ready to go okay sure change that's the magic of YouTube and editing but if you did like this segment on male and female body images you might like this whole show that's available at ladders CARICOM slash mud clip we did a full review of the Joker along with your letters that they like a full hour of content if you don't want to subscribe it letter of credit comm slash mug Club which means that you're okay with this show going away forever because we've been demonetised for a long time click one of these other videos subscribe to the channel hit the notification bell and if not then I don't know you know I'm gonna I guess thanks for stopping by but not really
Channel: StevenCrowder
Views: 2,345,703
Rating: 4.9369569 out of 5
Keywords: steven crowder, crowder, stephen crowder, louder with crowder, LwC, mug club, Change My Mind, Crowder Confronts, comedy, politics, news, liberal, libertarian, funny conservative, current events, fake news, body image, beauty, self esteem, body positivity, plus size, body positive, beauty standards, fat, models, fat pride, gender differences, men vs women, culture, gender
Id: aN75LXDE0E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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