Flying Our Plane to Russia Did NOT Go As Planned

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throughout the American script tourists of pretty silver crystal its annihilation em smaller it says reasoning means who got Miller once upon a time three people decided to fly from health to Ahmadiyya Russia it seemed like a good idea tella we're going to North Korea or something we could not leave the hotel but for some reason they singled us out to be very very difficult we just never knew what was happening next and if we did we would quote be taken [Music] martial instruction seven hotel Papa will come we thought this is going to be an adventure I didn't quite this much of an adventure we'll talk about that a bit so here's the situation we didn't think the weather was gonna work to this this way so we were just going to stay here in Nome instead of Russia and now later in the day the temperatures are getting warmer the internet takes forever so we spent hours trying to figure out what the weather is doing we just decided the weather looks good to launch now the problem is the airport there closes at 6:00 a.m. local time which means we have to be in the air within like the next 15-20 minutes we've been trying to like file all the e-apis stuff which also took forever because the Internet's so slow get the flight plan filed we went up to the flight service station they gave us a nice little briefing and information told us wring your fuel called all that kind of stuff so we're gonna taxi over get fuel and try to get out of here in the next 20 minutes we need every last drop yeah nine minutes to get in the air to make it there Alena Peaks or gonna be for just a short while but that's okay here take this trolls are free correct instruments are good good you're but everybody's buckled everybody's got their gear on no Marines a36 have enough - upon departing only - eight now [Music] [Music] prevent to 502 a popular I'll call Jonathan curtain or have a safe flight and a good time so thanks so much take care anchored severed hands at three six seven hotel Papa one thousand seven hundred thousand okay so we got a full fuel we got our survival gear we're heading out over the Bering Sea we got our D APIs file we've got a Russian permit we've got our survival gear we've got a life raft back there we all know how to use everything Russia a huge shout out to Garmin by the way they gave us the databases for this trip so that's cool they just added this new worldwide obstacle database you don't have to have like separate databases for different places one interesting kind of compact about this is that because there's so many airports in the world so there are actually two separate databases furred nav data so there's an international database and there's a Marika's database so we've got the Americas one on this one we've got the international one on this one so we can get sort of to the border with this one and then we navigate from there with that one out here the weather information still limited but even when I just now when I went up to the flight service station to ask you know if I could get a briefing of sorts they were like well you know we don't really have much information for Russia and everything else is pretty limited anyway I was like yeah justjust give me whatever you got and they did they were fantastic okay so far everything's looking good we got about a hour until we get to the International Dateline and the border with Russia look good I see that et8 just past six or six o'clock local got some Whitecaps on the water down there so it was a little rough today I think is we're gonna find as we get further offshore actually it's gonna be a little calmer we also we also brought some Alaska beer in a nice big growler so that if we are there right before closing time they're still happy to see them hopefully hopefully this Senate house no critters different survey reports all of us do it Mitch correct another pocket on control oriented here and everybody flows please just fender beat down at one 31.0 okay we'll try one three one point two zero and follow this I'm gonna tell Papa it's interesting that the frequency he gave us isn't listed on any of the Jeff stuff here we're going to Hannity Russia it's basically a little water key night breather closest like fully incorporated town in Russia to Alaska at four hundred miles west of Nome the problem today was that you know this morning we just could tell that I think wasn't gonna be an issue and the freezing level is gonna be high enough that we could get below any potential icing that we might encounter so you know the time that we you know thought it was looking good to having all the weather to say like yeah we can definitely go try this safely and then having all the paperwork in order filing plate panel and it hatched all that kind of stuff with that internet connection that's a couple hours so if I then I you know we just we were kind of on the clock to get there before the airport actually closed if we were gonna do this today and we wanted to do it today if possible because the weather looks great tomorrow and we don't really know beyond that so we know that at least this way we could get back tomorrow not be trapped in Russia for a week or something so far it's looking good this is more like the pie wrap that was about 80 miles southwest of here with a low layer negative ice I'm gonna go ahead and cut it down let the weather here with the connect strip garment good go ahead here we'll say we got time to download this so we'll get the whole flight plan 500 miles on every side data that'll take a couple minutes to download all that because that's just a lot we don't have to we could request a smaller amount if we wanted to get it faster but we'll just get everything we have a bunch information because we got a it'll take about a they're not showing anything on the infrared satellite here which is mostly higher stuff so I think we're probably gonna be good because you know I would think if it's higher than you know much higher than we're at now it would be showing up on here and there's a high rep down there from a couple hours ago two and a half hours ago Beach 1900 reported skies overcast up their tops mm turbulence negative icing negative don't have much more out here let's see this Airport that we're gonna fly over the latest report is [Music] overcast 800-ounce obscured light drizzle with mist so that's pretty much you know what we're expecting everywhere and over here in a nadir same thing showers in the vicinity scattered 5,300 cumulonimbus and of course the wind here's in meters per second [Music] yeah so let's feel good I can go for some Oreos flight attendant yes could I get some Oreos no just kidding gotta stay nourished on these long plates you're still writing at Lena peak that'll give a 63 gallon so in the end that gives us enough to fly back by to an alternate and hold for an hour maakad on November 3 6 7 the hotel Papa on 131 decimal 0 pocket on November 3 6 7 Hotel pompe Valda at 0 3 1 2 new loop maintaining flight level 1 0 0 Athena zero three two one Bravo Charlie next over ok we'll report a beam on hotel ok our estimate for Athena is 0 3 2 1 Zulu or maintaining flight level 1 2 0 0 Bravo Charlie next bourbon Hamlin 7 hotel Papa and we just gave that report to someone on one three one decimal zero but 33 zero here is a lot better for us we can hear that ok we'll report at the hotel mom thank you oh we should have just tried our frequency before the other one that Center gave us anyway right okay so now we're on hecto Pascal's there's around standard else under 1 0 I think you're speaking Russian sounds like it so the wind is out of the south at 15 knots this is nice that the GTN 750 actually converted from meters per second to knots as the feet are is actually 1 7 0 at 8 meters per second which is apparently 15 knots visibilities on limited showers showers in the vicinity scattered cumulonimbus at 5300 tu capture one six you point eight I'll Turner to Niner Niner two Niner seven seven but they give it as one two zero zero eight I could go Pascal's I guess so that's so confusing because apparently they give you the ultimate or setting in millimeters but the Betar is and hecto Pascal's which they'll give you on request and then this converts it to inches of mercury for us if we want but we just set it directly after Pascal's so we could download that you could have that data being downloaded automatically every 10 20 30 minutes whatever we want but I like to just do it manually when I need it and however a 3 6 7 hotel papa go ahead dealer why they still look pretty good though I think we're gonna make it hey we have this one in the bag [Music] he's selling that for us I was after November three six seven hotel Papa that's right yep November 7 hotel Papa that's affirmative we got a call from someone on one three one decimal zero and she just requested that we report blue ball next but yeah we did cross Bravo Charlie at zero three three Niner and we're estimating boom all at zero five zero four been in the November three six seven hotel Papa I currently have seven hours of fuel remaining oh we have it flying for what we got into the air just after two at zero one five five so you have a skew hours here that's crazy nine hours yeah that's a bonanza for you not 11 we want a really nice thing about this panel all-around is that it just makes hopping in the plane to go to Russia or Egypt or Greenland there's zero for we're Caribbean or ever you want to go really easy hop in and go yes we've been in here for two hours of ten minutes and we got about an hour and 20 minutes ago they're gonna be you can basically just row plant three hours and 30 minutes and it's gonna be basically exactly three hours of 30 minutes [Music] we've got information x-ray expect the ntp runway one-niner approach transition level is flight level eight to zero transition altitude is seven thousand six hundred seventy five feet qnh one zero zero eat hecto Pascal's QFP 1 0 0 1 HECO Pascal's I don't know you see in this salad yeah I've seen it I have no idea what to explain of it I mean I mean actually it does look kind of like a yeah sort of like a little front or something maybe he's just junk in the water or ICV it could be it's possible yeah cuz it looks feel a little further I'm gonna cut the ice have a long minute line like that yes maybe it's ice and the wind just sort of blows it into a line like that yeah yeah that is kind of what it looks like I should be a scientist Anadyr approach November three six seven hotel Papa position ready for the trip experiment for arrival okay well maintained by the whole one-zero-zero would advise ready for this time we have information x-ray and we'll expect the boom all for arrival of hurt November 3 6 7 hotel power request 1500 teachers to uniform is that okay so we do the conversion for me to go to so that's the height and we're gonna fly the I just do that so a QFP wasn't one zero zero one I'll change to that out of my level seven zero I'll tell if we have the airport and request the visual that I don't think he's gonna give it to us and I remember three six seven hotel Papa has the airport in sight request a visual approach expect the visual approach number three six okay near a q8 for there's a disabled aircraft cemetery top copy wow I didn't even catch that out yeah yes I could see it here you see it right off the approach n onto the right there's no aircraft in the grass where's the airport what was that weird visual something they again first of an Hotel cleared visual approach November 3 thick 7 Hotel papa it's just behind the left wing so I see it all kind of the same pattern that they want you to apply for the ILS fuel transfer power off gears 3 green we got one notch of claps in and all that kind of a descending right hand pattern here beautiful out here is awesome our one to four decimal zero November three six seven hotel Papa thank you could a Anadyr tower November three six seven hotel Papa visual runway one Niner November 3 6 7 hotel pop another approach run with one-liners cleared to land runway one Niner cleared to land November 3 6 7 hotel Papa okay so we're cool and we got three green on the fullest tank we've got plenty of gas to get back and we're here 33 minutes before your four noses you have some rain off the right but right here everything's looking pretty great it's like a little pipeline out here and a disabled airplane off the right here the last notch of glass we're gonna let a little long cuz it doesn't look like is anything for us over here anyhow the fire truck and everything I wonder if this didn't happen today her recently and little gusty November photo Papa States is to the end of the runway rocky to the left right actually folks turn left turn taxiway Foxtrot 3 6 7 Hotel Papa assume this is taxiway Foxtrot it actually suicide I'm guessing that be people in colourful vests are our welcoming party November hotel up follow marshal instructions to the hotel Papa will come we have our passport sure I think that one's probably stopped but if it's not I can stop it real quick I just have to yeah can I can I go you told us we needed $500 cash to get to the hotel and all the sudden it's like a thousand bucks to get to the hotel and back we drive down to this Beach and there's a boat there that they drive on to we get in the boat our taxi driver gets out these two other guys get in and we start off across the water and that's what I would say like if I was gonna rob somebody and then like throw them into the ocean this is exactly how I would do it handy in Russia we never saw our taxi drivers our taxi driver again that's another guy got in and took us to the hotel but they don't have Wi-Fi they don't speak English which is just fine we don't speak Russian we don't speak Russian so here's the situation why are you whispering I don't want for me to hear something that we're talking about and then like causes something else I can okay there were some police officers outside who said we could not leave the hotel and if we did we would quote be taken so instead we're back in the room watching Russian television and apparently we've kind of like talked to our Russian guy and he is sure that he's taken care of it and there will be no issues we can do whatever we want but a little bit freaked out so we're just gonna stay here for tonight and apparently in the morning the media wants to do something or something well sounds probably a good sign means they aren't gonna do anything to us and yeah then we'll hopefully go explore a little bit before we head back no [Music] nobody seemed to know what was going on but we were sure we would have no problems and about that time the police huh police car left so we learned that was fine but we at that point we were too spooked to go outside anyway who's pretty late to got up the next morning a police car was back so we got breakfast we went back to the room we get a hold of our Russian contact we get it knock at the door and it's this lovely interpreter Hana and we need to go to immigration an immigration office winter so they tell us that we entered the Chukotka autonomous region illegally because it is a closed border region so even though we have visas valid to enter Russia we special permission to enter that region of Russia you have a student to get some cool please get some photos and so in someone visible so he signed all this paperwork says we admit that we broke this immigration law but we didn't feel that we because we didn't know about it you know there wasn't any assurance in there that that was all the penalty was you know for all we knew maybe we were signing that away and then you know they take that as evidence too you know like something much harsher penalty well what are we gonna do about it we want to leave in a couple hours to go home right you know none of the pilots that we've talked to that have done this exact same thing gone into the city like this ever had this problem before one thing was is that our Russia contact last night mentioned something when we said you know the police were going to take us that the worst they could do is finest $30 so I took that to mean that he knew this was a possibility but that it usually has just never been a problem and so they don't bother with it or something but you know kind of knew about it we googled it later and it looks like it's a real thing just that no one told us about it none of the people who were supposed to tell us that told us about it Jason we got the immigration issues sorted and are hanging out with the translator Anna and journalist here Igor yeah we're gonna go grab a bite to eat but we did get to do a little walking around see the site just to see it a little bit you do the taxi drivers they were same guys from last night who we felt a lot better about that then I will say it was really sketchy getting a taxi across the water they had a lot of trouble getting it onto the barge I thought we were gonna like tip over and roll the thing you know into the barge in the water finally got it on and then the seas were just really choppy so we're bouncing all over the place the water spraying up and I thought we were gonna roll off that thing it was a water Z but it worked and they were really nice they checked on us at one point because the driver had gotten out when we got on the barge came back you know okay yep I'm glad we did it I wish we'd have known you know been told about this special permission in advance figure out how to get that if possible you know so it was an extremely stressful 24 hours and it's gonna be so fantastic the land back again it's a Sierra and at your November 367 hotel popper request start November fun they could do one thing if we got to the airport is the handlers like well there's no flight planners like well how do we file a flight plan because in every other situation I've been in in like 30 other countries the handler is the one that helps you file a flight plan they know how to file a flight plan he's like well no usually our other Russian contact who had been able to get a hold of yet today apples that might replace a110 Quantico so we start with called no flight service and like hey I know you guys to file a flight plan from no to Russia but could you file one from Russia and help and they're like well we don't really know but maybe we'll try so they tried that was great finally our Russia contact message just - so I don't know who actually got that one filed but we got a flight plan filed went through immigration politics opposing points runway zero one way I think to it for me holding point runway zero one via taxiway Foxtrot November three six seven hotel Papa okay you guys ready to go yeah controls are free correct run with zero one of if I check confiscated approach if we take off runway one on to Part A one two zero decimal zero November 3 6 7 hotel problems I'll do a quick run up here ok but yeah we definitely have a tailwind yeah it's a quarter right Dylan got it good enough okay get me gear up everything's looking good get the hell out of here there we go over the departure and if your departure November three six seven hotel Papa five hundred climbing flight level 1 1 zero reliable a little one one zero and just identify okay we're identified climb to flight level one one zero on the blue ball one departure November three six seven hotel Papa we're gonna have an airport no more than this one in my entire life okay so that was we thought this is gonna be an adventure I didn't quite this much of an adventure we'll talk about that in a bit right now we're just gonna focus on getting the hell out of here it's technically a nadir over there on the outside of the water you know the end of your Airport is over here and so this is some little village here and apparently it turns out that you cross the water to get into a nadir you need special permission to enter that territory or something which no one told us about so we had a little immigration snafu I think now we could sit back and relax oh my gosh dude did it but oh absolutely I'm saying I mean honestly there's nothing I want more than a half rack of ribs the full pork sandwich the mac and cheese and a root beer I love that Owen I want to go to Disneyland autistic white puppy next time Excel we just like to go on an adventure I don't want to go to Russia I wanna go to Disneyland maybe still do have like two hours how we're out of their airspace alright but I think I think we're okay see I was thinking like applying to Russia that's not it's not like we're going to North Korea or something right but you know I I don't know that like I'm a bureaucratic perspective it was a whole lot different other than that it's not quite as strict you know right but they weren't gonna like imprison us kill us or something no I think they were certainly maybe they were very nice but it was just you know their affair there was just a lot of uncertainty I guess right hey what's gonna happen next why is there a cop sitting outside her room why they you know I just I felt like I couldn't breathe any of them okay great like the guys at the airport when they were in there's like you know there's three of us there's like 15 to them but for whatever reason it was a problem for us and not for anybody else but as a result it made it a very very stressful 24 hours it was a very interesting City the people that we invent or extremely helpful very friendly like they were just awesome but the whole bureaucracy just made it very very difficult to bring very very stressful we just never knew what was happening next or you know really what was happening now we spent most of our time in an idear either sitting afraid in our hotel rooms or trying to work our way through this whole immigration law issue and don't sign these papers and go to the bank to pay our fines I'm just like so relieved I can't even relax yeah you know I'm still just so on edge like this is the first time I've broken the law yeah so we now are all okay I'll probably have a criminal record his impression right it's the International Dateline so I've been other guys we took off at like what 4:45 p.m. on July 2nd we're gonna land at 11:50 p.m. on July 1st go it back in time 20 hours it looks like they're calling it negative 38 to negative 55 Celsius so that's relatively high cold clouds it looks like they're getting a little bit is on the window yeah temperatures don't pay we got some on the wake to there we go we're in the clear for now yeah we'll see what give it a minute tell me like it looks like clear that there's more adhering right what do you think man so the problem here is that their minimum altitude is 1 0 a thousand by level 1 0 0 the minimum terrain altitude is 53,000 250 300 feet on this route but I don't know they're gonna give us anything lower than 10 I request it see if they'll give it to us that start to melt off there though I think we're good for it now it gets worse it's melt off on the way but not in known icing conditions we got ice but at this point it's not at all clear that we're going to get any ice so this would be an example of getting ice where the total air temperature is greater than zero yep but it's unusual but you know the droplets are big enough that they're hitting and just rolling back so we're at the leading edge of the wing the temperature is positive - and there's no way you're gonna get ice right on that leading edge you can even see it over here where it's like the leading edge is actually clear and the ice forms just a little bit above that so it's like it hits and it rolls back and then it freezes there where the temperature is closer to static the temperatures increase just now yeah negative 1 Celsius total air temperatures kind of between 2 & 3 so yeah it looks like even like that wings melting a little bit more - yeah the FAA says that above the total air temperature - you don't need to worry about it as much anchor tenant remember three six seven hotel remember three six to the hotel Papa that checks for being the whole one one zero zero five three zero zero five will be table 101 11003 think of another table okay let's get the latest weather winds are basically looking as expected and calling it two and a half miles overcast 503 zero zero five temperature one one fun yeah set up a ten to the seven hotel popper request direct spivey for the straight in aren't have one zero at no known airport via direct [Music] yeah bird activity and musk oxen near the airport there that don't thank you it's really pretty good yeah this is gonna be a fun one Andy's hand flying ladies and gentlemen oh yeah no autopilot today I kind of prefer hand falling when it's down to the deck get any weight on trusted autopilot okay so the visibilities 1 and 1/4 we're we need one file for this and that last stuff down fix a little ways up there so we're probably gonna end up doing a little bit of dive and drive on this and we're gonna get down to our FDA and stay there until we see the runway where until we you know get to the runway which is the mister terrific's at which point go straight ahead to 3,000 hold it emo and we'll try not to hit you Birds or musk ox remember three six seven Hotel Papa thank you matter about four thousand anxieties cleared are never late once your approach you know an airport emphasizes they're gonna be approved over fighting we've talked report down with me their frequency greater gain X is 1/2 boo at 26 yep now we cross baby so you got at 26 yeah so at the turn early early but just also I think the airport's not gonna be in this database so we're not gonna see it on the synthetic vision gotcha no traffic bonanza of an Hotel promised by the ten mile final in the aren't ever and we will want the zero no I go ahead and throw the gear down and whatnot checkbox there we go yeah okay so boy ik at 2400 and I got a 960 and at 340 we're just a little high but are coming down kind of fast now you're doing great Abel got my eyes out yeah I put the prop up the fullest or inside boy I could go down at 960 yeah nope traffic into the hotel pops buddy a six mile finals only one zero no good and the election is not working okay so we got 960 here and then in a half mile you can go down three forty sixty one that I was discussing everyone think I've been perfect okay good so that's a three for the Miss and we go down to 340 we're just slightly left of course but the Iran way is also gonna be off our left correct in that it just shifted quite a bit they're starting to see the ground yeah I'll call the airport get another two hundred sixty feet to go I got it you're fortunate you go full flaps very nicely done holy cow I was right 10 minutes minimums minimums and they get all this the runways kind of bent up on the south side use the right side of the touchdown markers [Music] [Music] very nice hey we are I have no words we're home we're back in the u.s. oh my gosh don't see no boom sweet know that bonanza three six seven Hotel Papa's on the granite no can't fly fr we are back in America Oh
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 1,069,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, crossing the atlantic ocean in, flying, aviation weather, pilot, cockpit, flight vlog, ifr flight, inflight icing, ils approach, landing, takeoff, oceanic flight, aircraft, atc, cockpit audio, air traffic control, general aviation, matt guthmiller, beechcraft bonanza, ifr, ifr cross country, crossing the ocean, flying in icing, flying video, general aviation flying, general aviation videos, pilot vlog, cross country flight, airplane
Id: YEi_m5C1-Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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