I'M A GIANT | Job Simulator w/mods (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

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except again welcome back to GR some unit or hello jabot how are you doing we're here right after the end of the last episode because I want to try out the mods immediately what do I want to do I want to mess around a little bit I want to be a big giant chef I want to be a giant chef dollhouse mode and I want to yeah I'll just do that for now go stop it give me this do me do this I wouldn't make me giant chef please i want to be giant Gordon Ramsay joynton Ramsay doesn't make any sense whatever hi cool tonight skip you okay maybe I can that's cool alright so I am gigantic and all this food is tiny that means I can finally eat what I want whoa I can take this [ __ ] look look can we go it's under roof I broke it what am i hidden the [ __ ] sprinkler system okay that's not gonna work alright let's get down to business to cook some food hello I'm sorry that I have to be down here everybody they sure do okay blue cook those that looks like a grossy egg I do not need to listen to you anymore for I am giant dad [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] stupid stupid robot man come here give me a smooch I am in you I am inside you there's a plus and your little thing they didn't realize that before hello everybody the giant man this is really weird I'm actually in the restaurant now hi did you expect me to be out here no you [ __ ] didn't because I am the best can I mess with anything else I want to mess with all the things give me this give me this menu I want to see what's on the menu where am i right now what am i hitting hmm that's a part of my wall okay no it's not I was actually hitting my PC okay that's [ __ ] great no one's able to get on my level I'm always saying get on my level scrub but no one's able to now I'm all the way up here okay break the sprinkler cool what are we cooking in this flower mushroom and milk that's a great blender oh that's a great ooh I want to take this yum yum yummy can I drink some of this this is good for your bones this is good it smells like death I know I know I'm sure if I enjoy being a giant chef I'm not sure if I enjoy being a giant no one likes me no one no one wants to play with me you want your play no you don't cuz I got tiny little man hands I'm a giant man with tiny hands I'm like a t-rex I just walk around like this from now on and destroy your life that's what the t-rex feels like it sure feels like that oh my god fall into the void don't [ __ ] [ __ ] it out I want to be an auto mechanic because that is the most open environment and I want bouncy mode if I can throw things around in bouncy mode and auto mechanics plate I'm gonna be a happy camper this is way more fun okay I'm gonna get some tires get some tires going yes this is hilarious [Music] tonight it's just really what about things oh god I hit the button what I'm gonna let go of my controller by accident everyone's always like dakarai holding the straps that's really making me [ __ ] worried well live on the edge [ __ ] this isn't as bouncy as I was hoping it would be okay what are you looking at bill I don't built up [ __ ] kill you I'll bill you kill let's that's somewhat I'm it's like Jesus okay bouncy frisbees Jeff God Almighty Oh bananas hey what wait where's the regular bananas I want the bouncy bananas I don't want bouncy air-freshener bananas I want real bananas real bananas getting those ba na ne s stick em up punk I got potassium eat this okay they're not the best shape for throwing it's like the banana bombs and worms they're just bounce forever the [ __ ] they want that's kind of fun I should put on low gravity mode with this and you know oh wait no that didn't really work last time I should do that whoa I maybe not be a giant Oh what flavor donut is this you want to see a magic trick job it you want to see me do some real Criss Angel [ __ ] alright take this David Blaine Wow do you see that I'm holding it in place with my mind and if I want it to move look at that it doesn't I'm holding it in place with my mind you want it have it there now it's stuck to your face I'm holding it there with my brain power you don't have that because you're a [ __ ] robot now what's this plain watch it fly endlessly and I stopped it in midair see that I'm a [ __ ] legend whoa wait what the [ __ ] there's a staple stuck to the roof I didn't do that that's just a natural action of the stapler you know when you when you do that it actually just sticks to the roof Oh Lord oh no oh no it's out of control I'm not doing this everybody I'm not I swear I thought me doing it it's just that I have a spasm in my arm get out of here [ __ ] hell Oh Lord by all that kind of the shakes okay my powers don't work on sugar apparently it's not because of the crystalline structure of it it just doesn't allow me to it my mind powers go through it rather than onto it but the sugar container with the sugar in it no problem you see I'm able to do that um my powers kind of extend to pushing things away though and stopping them I'm not able to pull them back wait let me try no it's kind of useless I'm sorry all right uh my powers awesome asking him are my powers awesome you're hired as my awesome powers okay should jacksepticeye buy a pony you're fired yeah that that was a bad that was that was a bad idea my powers also apply to my body that way I've made myself grow larger and further away from the ground I I knew nobody worked in these [ __ ] cubicles you were overworking me weren't you I am NOT your slave Twiggy staples you guys just come out of nowhere you guys just come out of nowhere don't you howdy frog okay everybody just calm down all right wait wait wait who threw this stand up who did it oh you want me to stand up it was I you tight wait where'd he go was becoming Giants a great idea you're fired this ball doesn't know what it wants it does know what's cool I know it's cool because I'm the giant around here look at these tiny hands look at them I've got baby hands baby hands I can do whatever I want everything a baby can do but more giant I actually feel like a giant this is really weird I'm not sure if I like it it's kind of giving me this weird trippy feel um excuse me could i okay i can't borrow that cactus Oh Karen can I borrow your cactus thank you haha I knew it die [ __ ] die [ __ ] yes join service lane zero you got it no problem this has been giant dad okay I am going to write a strongly worded love letter no you know what I'm a writing a strongly-worded haiku okay dearest job but man you make my life you make my life a living hell I'm taking some liberties with the haiku form out here mr. Javid okay but this thing's out of here you're being you're being messy you can suck my nuts please I'm thinking about you as I write this I enjoy my work the cubicle is my home to live is to job to write haiku is to be annoyed that is not what I wanted to write that was not my iku why not even a haiku but shut up I'm bad at this give me my staple I want my staple job it I got you a gift it's teeny tiny and small like you were can you see it no it's not my hand it's even smaller there you go it's a staple it's inside you now alrighty well that does it for this episode of job simulator that was actually kind of fun I knew there was something after defeating after beating all the levels I knew that there was going to be something um I just didn't know what it was but that was really fun they don't really add too much to the game so I don't know if it's really worth all that but I like I just like mods and games anyway but that does it for job simulator it's all done I have no more material left to do in the game unless I just want to do overtime or just continue playing the same missions over and over again but it is what it is um I I highly enjoyed this game it's one of the first VR games that came out it was one of the first ones that I played and it's still one of the better ones it's it's perfect for it's perfect for showing off what VR can be it's not so much like the most complex game but the physics and everything in it are really really cool so if you gave it somebody who doesn't know anything about VR it'd be a cool game for them to just get in and pick stuff up and everything I think and I had a bunch of formers are just taking around and making my own jokes but they will be coming out with vacation simulator at some point I don't know when that's actually coming out but I will play the entirety of that when it's out but for now thank you guys so much this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face or your boys and my face are out thank you guys and see you dudes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I had to put up a blanket to stop reflections but you can see where I hit it and said laughs
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,196,613
Rating: 4.9584813 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, HTC Vive, Valve VR, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, virtual reality, VR demo, HTC Vive gameplay, reaction, games, VR games, virtual reality games, VR headset, VR gameplay, playthrough, VR funny reaction, Funny VR, funny reaction, lets play, virtual reality lets play, technology, PC, Playthrough, gameplay, Job Sim, Job Simulator, Job Simulator HTC Vive, Job Simulator Gameplay, Job Simulator VR, Job Sim Jacksepticeye, HTC Vive Jacksepticeye, full version, mods, giant mod
Id: ieBPoD2xotk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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