Jacksepticeye Goes CRAZY And Stabs Everyone | Blade And Sorcery (VR)

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to blade & Sworcery VR that's me that's my sexy character look Oh good-looking I am man I am doing guy stuff going on whoa buddy who you would have we would have [ __ ] up everyone gonna [ __ ] up everyone that's what I'm talking about peace what peace yeah oh oh all right we're gonna go out there I'm gonna show them who's boss okay yes go nope yes good job all right where do I go what do i do how do I play yes whatever I don't need tips I have a knife if you have a knife in your hand you don't need anything else in life a knife is like and also take away like let that be a lesson to you as well two knives yes get Rick god damn it I wanted two nights two knives are way better than one knife where did you put it give me the epic sirs or I'll stab yet whatever I don't even have any beer what is this this is terrible I'm God I have force powers Oh Lord oh yes this is amazing I'm a big toddler and you need to respect me I pay taxes okay I want to leave my knife there for safekeeping there you go Pet pet good job weapon storage yes out of my way chair I have weapons to get oh hell yeah dude I got some giant ass swords bring it oh yes oh yes Oh stroke the sword yes indeed yeah what key this is [ __ ] hard I've asked gee dirty scumbag dying like the pitiful [ __ ] you are who can they throw the spear good oh [ __ ] yeah where's the money where's the money [ __ ] where did Patricia put the money I know you know not at all right huh maybe now you will sniff the sphere do you like it I had it up my ass if you speak this health potion could be yours nom nom good glob you won waterboarding waterboarded know that I have thoroughly violated a doll let's actually play the game please nice sweater this is great it's a nice bird flying overhead this is a lovely summer vacation home i want the small one it's good for stamina good quick stats i'ma get oh but no tiny sword all right dildos and [ __ ] who wants to go well you're fast run some clothes what oh yeah what up Oh God my beard started to go like that once and I decided against it you should too but you ain't get me bro oh where did you pull that sword out of your ass give me this that's not a sacral rhythm toes yes another sword I have two swords what do you have oh nice ass that's what he has how [ __ ] dare you don't you know who I am I'm the lord of the dance oh hi oh you gots a big bag for boobies on you but that won't stop me you think that that's cushioning against my bows [ __ ] once oh boy I got her in the eye I'm so sorry not really you wanted to kill me [ __ ] [ __ ] sorry wait am i apologizing to my enemies [ __ ] back you dirty [ __ ] oh that's oh that's [ __ ] oh that's [ __ ] why do I keep doing it oh oh oh God I didn't do it they were dead when I got here all right wave - now I have two swords what's up and down hit moving target isn't come on hi you suck I'm amazing Wow Wow I'm a whirlwind of blades all you are is a dead chicken look at the beard honesty puts a nice sear dude a rapier is for sobbing I have the high ground Anakin it's over meet him knees I love these oh do I think of more than easiest hose head shoulders knees and toes whoa your beard is Pippa through you dudes look great in the nips give me them you tiny pepperonis this is this is what you get you come out of it you come at the King with a knife you get a sword in the teeth that's a play-doh use the same whoop this is my danger zone try and come at me if you try and come in this zone oh [ __ ] you up okay I'm gonna smack something my room and really regretted and hurt my fingers ladies ladies please we can talk about this talk about it with my swords how did you dropped your sword you're terrible at this oh god I'm so sorry I'm so thirsty oh geez give me those butt cheeks you know right up Main Street I'm just doing an experiment it's for science it's for science mom you wouldn't know I'm playing my video games Oh God the first man to ever try suck his own dick polarised sorry I think that went well I think I've proved my point nice um I think we should pick a different weapon for this one okay let's start the wave I want big axe wait I need to turn it around hold on hold on don't come back no come at me I'm like a wild animal ready to be unleashed why isn't it working I know I'm supposed to block and all that jazz but I'm clearly hitting the teeth clearly word of my escapades that's how far he'll your face okay I'm not really a fan of the axe ow oh yeah I got oh how about leverage bites not about physics I told you about physics would you like to learn the same fight she's still alive dinner Jason Peter backed into a corner here come on ladies more than a dance over here okay Michael Flatley choice ankles knees ankles boobies get him give me them all whoo sweep the leg I'm sorry but you must die wait sweep the leg the lake sorry lady give me the light get me out of your knees oh I love ankles oh I love the taste of them I love lady let go I love this melon I love the similar toes and important [ __ ] I have a foolproof method Jesus Christ dude shave your chin oh I am a warrant Oh God oh I know I can chop heads off now no it's all over [ __ ] I need a weapon or even am I in my room okay give me give me a tiny knife No fine never been so Mac just smack one [ __ ] with another [ __ ] come on meat shield it works flawlessly so brownie those were the easy waves where are they or where are they where's my family you took them from me Hank over they are tiny buddy all smooth and he gets it okay [ __ ] those weren't the very easy ways Oh tits on the Turnpike wants to fight jack look yes yes [ __ ] yeah this is the best [ __ ] hit me in the face [Music] Jesus [ __ ] too hard [ __ ] game I throw any morning game at Jack's okay Stewart all right in the stomach give me the legs give me the head beat you up against the wall okay okay we can talk this out okay we can talk it out ha you smacked your own fella I'm run away just like that anybody without his healed out will perish with including me apparently we won through them running through them [ __ ] I'm a bird now I'm watching these like what happened man we were doing well we were in the zone you you were doing good you were being the best boy then suddenly what happened ah [ __ ] it all anyway whoa look at this one back in Ireland are we back in the hometown of hometown advantage it's over for you [ __ ] now all right that's a good meaty sword but I feel like when I swing it's not swinging properly also I'm right-handed so let's do this No let's go with this I like giving people a good prick part of it up there they're all waiting oh you've armor oh yes she's with her legs no it's going down I don't like it I'm sorry Patricia these day yeah oh yes oh yes what's up John Travolta okay okay free goods one seems like a fair fight to you [Music] yeah you haven't surrounded me all you've done is given me lots of dead men and women I still your throat to do that what if I learn to murder so good dog dog dog dog yes nice muscles yeah you must work out yes I killed oh my god this actually gets me sprint holy [ __ ] home your world but you're about to see some [ __ ] now I was only traveling in half my speed before now I'm traveling at full capacity speed is my name and winning is my game hello friend you're dead [ __ ] I am the skater the Irish skater I'm amazing at this Oh oh yeah hey give me back my sword we want those who wants toes I do I do toes are their best breakfast lady like we just met it's not time for that I swear I'm not that violent in real life [Music] okay I will leave this episode blade and sorcery here what a fun game what a dope ass murder if ik game I had so much fun playing that I hope it was this fun to watch I hope I was even on camera from listen I don't even care I got to kill so many people and look good doing it at the same time that's a win-win-win-win in my book but there are some crazy mods out for this game as well so I might come back and try it again and do some modding cuz I think there's like lightsabers and blasters and all that kind of stuff which i think is going to be absolutely awesome so if you want to see more of this game don't forget to leave a like on the video and subscribe and wait for the next one it'll really let me know what you guys are into and what you want to watch but until now I'm gonna leave that so there be careful cuz I'd be coming for you next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,054,446
Rating: 4.9698262 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, blade and sorcery, blade and sorcery vr, blade and sorcery gameplay, blades and sorcery, virtual reality, VR, valve index, htc vive, vr funny moments, funny moments, blade and sorcery mods, blades and sorcery vr, blades and sorcery vr funny moments, blade and sorcery jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye VR, blade & sorcery, oculus rift vr, blade and sorcery update, blade and sorcery valve index gameplay, jacksepticeye valve index, blades and sorcery best kills
Id: 5rJKq1GjDCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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