BABY GOT BACK | Baby Hands VR (HTC Vive Virtual Reality Wireless)

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AHHHH. [From off screen] Yep, that's me you're probably wondering how I got here. Well I'll tell you how I got here on, the Jacksepticeye How Did We Get Here? Tour! That's right, you heard me, the Jacksepticeye How Did We Get Here? live show tour, starting March 23rd coming to Dallas, Texas, March 24th at Austin, Texas, and on the 25th of March heading to Houston, Texas 27th of March in New Orleans, and into 29th of March in Orlando Florida. Heading to Atlanta Georgia on the 30th of March and Durham, North Carolina on the 31st of March. Hoho, but don't forget We've also got some shows in April, on the 2nd of April, Jack will be heading to Philadelphia. On the 3rd of April, Washington DC, and on the 4th of April, Boston, Massachusetts What just happened? "Wow that's so many places! I wish I could go!" Don't you worry little Billy! You too can go to the tour if you go to To get your tickets now, but the tour starts soon, so you're gonna want to get your tickets fast! Go now, go now, go now, Go, now Go now! NOW GO NOW- *highfive* Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a cute, little baby VR game. I wanted to see what it was like to go back. I'm sick of being an adult. I don't wanna- I don't have to deal with fucking taxes and.. looking after myself. I want to be a baby again! I want somebody else to take care of me, so welcome to baby hands VR. It reminds me a lot of who's your daddy Umm.. So I- hopefully it's as hilarious as who's your daddy. Okay, what are you telling me? I can move This is to do things. I'll figure it out. I'm a bouncy baby! I know exactly what I'm doing. Oh my god, yes! I have ESCAPED! I am FREE! Oh god, what am I doing? What am I doing? Oh, I can stand! HA HA HA, take that society! Okay, I need some arrows. Ooh, I have them! Sweet! Okay, what am I hitting? Fucking luchador man over there. Poo-hoo! Poo-hoo! Nice... Hit the target. Yes! Okay... I need to beat faster apparently. Fucking red your old baby, Robin Hood! Ohhh! OhhhHH NO Do I have to start all the way over from the beginning? No, that's good. (ohh hit the targets)- We don't- fuck you! I don't care! I'm a baby. I'm just gonna be myself. Love each other! *in a squeaky voice* Oh, I'm a tiny little vacamodi (?), do you want to love me? *makes pig squeals* *in a squeaky voice again* Oh, I love you too, Porky! Put it here! Oh, *kissy noises* muahmuahmuahmuah! Guys! Guys, this is a kids game, okay?! I'm just gonna crawl around on the ground. Aw. This is fun! This is cute No, I- I'm not trying to fucking move! Fucking Jesus Christ! Okay.. I'm just gonna suck on this all day. Hey look, it's vanoss! Take that! huah! Okay, here we go. Okay, that's annoying as all hell, I need to get away from this I need to figure out what I'm doing.. as a child.. with my life Can I- can I unlock.. just having my hands on the ground makes him move? I thought I had to grab to do that! That's so annoying! Woah! What's up, bitches? I'm a big boy now! Okay moving on, I have to find the- I have to find the bleach I need to go drink some bleach Mommy, mommy, where'd you keep the bleach? whoo nice You know what? Why don't I just take this.. No, put it over there- god moving around in this game is fucking torture. Okay. Why don't I just do this? OOHH! dududududuu, du du du! How? How? How the fuck? Fuck! I almost had it! I'm sick of it! I'm going away! I'm going under here! What's this? Can I eat it? Omnomnomnom What the fuck happened? Oh my god. That's terrifying! I got baby vision! Okay, what do I wanna do? I want to mess. I want a play- that is a giant remote control. Are my parents 80 years old? Okay moving on- ohh games! :D I wanna play! Let me- let me- let me play! Okay I gotta put the game in. Put on my 3D glasses. That'll make the game better. Okay in you go.. pap pap Pap pap, in you go, is there a power button or anything? Is it just- ohh it's just on! Okay- no put on the glasses! You need them. Fucking hell! The controls in this game are GARBAGE! Okay here we go. Oh, yea, look at me go! Wow. Wow! I'm playing guys! I'm playing video game! This is more my speed! Okay, first off, the game boy did have these things- didn't have augmented reality Can I take a picture? Okay. There's something right there. Mommy.. Mommy! The other kids are terrified. They're seeing little ghost babies in their house There anymore? Oh god.. oh god- DEMON! AHH! RUNNNN! Can I climb? I wanna climb. How do I stand up? Oh, there we go Okay, climb... climb Mom! I want the things! Okay, moving on. What do we got in here? Ohh! Secrets! Secrets! No- oh my god! I don't know what's going on in this game half the time! My character just wants to move all over the place- it really is like being a baby! Okay- OOOH sud-sy bubbles! Wooow! I wanna diee! *chuckle* Come here, sud-sy bubbles! I need you. Wooooow *laughing and drinking soap* *more laughter* Pop Pop pop They're not popping. Pour it in the bath? What's the point of this? Why can I have this? I can't pop the bubbles.. I can't- I can't drown myself I can't make a bubble bath I love this rug rats music that's playing. Ooh how heavy am I? I'm off the scales! I'm the world's heaviest baby. I'm gonna learn how to potty. I don't need help. I don't- I don't need help! Help! Okay, I don't know what I did. Okay, stand up again- OHHH GOD I went into the floor uhhhhmm uh- ooh we can! Yes! Ooh, I got daddy's nude-y magazine! He's into spaceman! Okay, can I get up higher? I want to get up higher. I want the higher! I want to cause havoc! That is the world's biggest toilet roll! flush-y flush-y Gonna flush the baby away! Can I.. I want.. I want, I want.. I WANT! Okay, put lipstick on a toothbrush.. That's how we put on lipstick, right *in a deep voice* Here I sit upon my throne With my plunger do-o.. okay I'm going back down Where'd my plunger go? What?! Awwh! Oh wait, so does that mean I can actually climb up the bath? OoOOoH! YEAH! Yayyy, it worked! Splishy splishy-splashy Can I- can I go down? I wanna go in the water! splishy splishy splishy splash, splishy splishy splash I wanna go in the whirlpool! Let me- BLUAHHHH!- *gasp* It's mom's ring! She'd been looking for this for ages! Ohh, her and dad had a fight about it because she lost the ring. *gulp* Imma swallow it for safe keeping Okay, careful... Care- careful GAHH! Fuck it! I need a key.. Oh I can get up on the bed! Yayyyy! Where are my parents? Oh God, it's like... It's like The Godfather; there's a horse head in your bed Okay, I want to call the police. Hello, police? Yes, this is baby. I wanted to report that mommy and daddy are not home, and I'm all alone, and I'm gonna die! Hello, police? Damn. Need some sort of baby phone. Nobody move! I have a gun! Who's trying to get to me? Huh?! Huh??! Is it the fish? Ohh, can I shoot the targets with this? That sucks. I need to shoot a tv with it. I wanna be able to shoot- shoot the targets OoOOoh, do you think this is a mommy and daddy's sex tape? What is it? Woooww! It's cartoons! That's a boring one. I don't want that one. I want this one Okay, thank you. Thank you boring tape, bye Okay, what is this one? It's Mickey! Yaay! Where'd my hand go? Uh, we're missing a baby hand! Where's my hand?! Oh, god this is terrifying. This is the scariest thing so far. Oh, you already have one hand- *notices flying hand over in distance* O_o Uhhhhm? Why is my hand over there? How did I come- become disconnected from my hand? Can I actually grab the stuff over there? Are you serious?! That's... what?? That's how I defeat the targets. Can I reset myself? Oh my god, its broken. My hand is just over there forever! *laughing* what the fuck.. Aw, now both hands are over there.. What do we do? I'm in the floor.. HELP! MOOOOOOOOOM!!! We're back, baby! Aw, is that Reptar? *gasp* Woow!! It IS Reptar! Not even just a replica, it's actually just Reptar. Ooooh it's machine gun Raptor! It's mecha-Raptor! Ooh, I wanna play! How do I play with you? Oh, I don't know everything keeps moving on its own. Aw, is that a common writer? No its the uh, the other guy- oh, what's his name? God I can't remember! G-Gordan... G- fuck I can't remember- uhm Oh, hell yeah! Bwhip- I did it Okay, Simon Says (Jack making technical sounds) Whihp wheet.... wiki wiki wiki wap wap, baca baca buep buep booka booka- Okay.. it's not that hard, but okay (more technical sounds made by Jack) Okay, this is a fucking boring ass game. Imma go up here! Yayy! Aw, I can draw all I want.. drawings .... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh, do you think if I colored something in all red and blue.. and then I went to get the 3D glasses- I don't know how you're painting over there- that this would work? These crayons don't work very well- DAMN IT ALL! I'm an upset baby! Nobody upsets baby. Only I upset baby. Okay, fire the cannon ball. Whooaa!! Yes, please! Ooh, you're coming with me! We're gonna set up some stuff! Imma shoot Reptar with this! Put it right... here. You think that will hit him? I think so. I need to go get the ball again. 'Scuse me, everybody. Ooh, Mr. Robot! Look at him go! He's so cute! Okay, where'd the ball go? Okay, got it! GET HIM! Whoahhhh! He didn't even FLINCH! Okay, um... Is that good? Is that good? I wanna set it up to go all the way out. Okay. Go! FIRE! Awesomee!! Ha! Oh no, Mr. Frog dude! I forget what your name is. You're missing your hat- *gasp* MOOOOOM!! Oh you got a little turtle! Can I play with the turtle? I want the turtle.. Can I- oh shit.. Can I- can I grab the turtle? I can grab the stick. Oh no... Can I... oh no *laughing* The turtle! Nooo! *still laughing* I want to get him out of the cage! I want to get him out of his cage, so he's doing just fine. Terry! Ah there we go. Aw, you're my cute little best friend! :D So this is a live turtle! *mwuah* You're cute. Um, okay Come on, Terry! We got to go somewhere else. I got a great place for you! I know where you will feel juuust at home. Terry's great at parkour, watch this! Dude just lands all his flips! Then he turns around, he's like yeah, I want more. Whoo! Terry!! You are the MAN! Okay, Terry, you sit right there, I got an idea. Blub blub blub.. blub blub blub rubba dub dub You see this Terry? Um, I made this bath all for you! You, too, can go home now, to your family! Go Terry! Oh god.. oh god, Terry.. Terry? Are you okay?! I think he's okay. Go on, go on little buddy! Go on! There ya go! There ya go! He's fine! There's great music playing right now- oh, paper airplane. Who-wah! Whoa! That's a perfect plane! I want to play music, too. *banging happily on xylophone* Okay.. *plays "Mary had a Little Lamb" on xylophone* WHOO! WE LOVE YOU DACONTINENT (?) GOODNIGHT!! Woah, YES! *plays pino suprisingly very well, nice job jackaboy* IM AMAZING!!! *Gasp* SCUBA STEVE! Hey, buddy! You're kind of actually freaky-looking. Can we put you in the water *gasp* could we put you in the water? Oh, yeah.. and rubber ducky friend! Go, Scuba Steve! Ye-he-HA! Aw, awesome! Ooh! C-come here, come here, come here. Come here. Oh, you're over there. It swallowed him! Okay, Steve, you need to come back. I need you. Come here. STEVE! Goddammit, I hate that guy, he's the worst. *makes gurgling noises* *huge gasps for air* MOOOOOOMMM! What's the secret last room? Wooooow, is this my sister's room? Squeezy squeezy- oooh it's a rocket! Swink, ,and squeeze- whoa-ho-ho-oh! Yeah!! Can I move it? Woahh! It always comes straight back down on it again. Okay sit.. sit and then Pu-hoosh Got it! Yes! It's like the falcon heavy launch. This is where Elan must practice.. in the crib. Kobe! *fail* Jordan! *success* I swear, I'm going crazy as a baby. I'm seeing all this weird shit happen. Ooh, oh, yess. Go go go! Go go gadget volcano! Yes! I am the king of this land!! Ommnomnom I'm a baby. I have to eat everything. Also, you just moved by doing this. I thought you had to click It's so goddamn annoying, cuz you put your hands down to just stay still.. Your hands are still moving you around the place. It's so annoying. Ooh, can you do it with a real basketball though? KOBE! No, that wasn't as cool. I wanna go to space, Whoa *static-y, radio voice* This is one small crawl for man... one giant crawl for baby kind.. Can I do that? HuAH! Woah- there's rings! Oh, oh, okay, okay.. WHOO! I'm running out of time though! Yes! That thing's alive! Do I not get anything for this shit? What's the point- I'm wasting my baby time. Oh GOD! Don't try and bite my hands! My JESUS! I'm a sophisticated, baby. I wanna put on sun- ah, there we go. Now I can see the world as it truly is. I'm a sophisticated baby now! Haha, you can't hurt me cuz I'm not real! Mom? Mom, I'm seeing the pink elephants again! What's he doing? I'm freaking out, man. I knew I shouldn't have drank all that... bubble bath, What the f- God! Hello, this is baby. I'm here to tell you all about my life. One day I woke up. I came out into the world, screaming and bloodied.. and then the next moment I knew I was all wrapped in blankets being taken away somewhere else. I think it was the government. I think they're onto us. Also, baby food is gross. Then feeding it to us is.. ..considered a form of torture to my people. Please send help, thoughts, and prayers. Send Okay, thank you MySpace. Okay, I think I'm going to leave this video of Baby Hands here, I had a long day of babying around. I am exhausted. I don't know about you guys, but a little teeny tiny arms like this- they tire out pretty quickly. I can't even walk.. I can barely even hold up my own head.. it weighs like 20 kilos. What's the baby gonna do? I might come back and try out more of this game.. later on? Wait hold on, hold on, hold on. I might try and come back and play some more of this game later on if there's more secrets to be found. I know there's a few key,s a few lockers and stuff, but from what I've seen a lot of what I was doing was just interacting with the environment I don't think there was any sort of like end or story or super big crazy secrets to find, but I like the idea behind it I would love to see like.. more to it then- or maybe there is and I just haven't found it but I'd love to see if there was like objectives to do because right now it just kind of feels like a little baby sandbox, and It's fun for what it is, but I think it just needs a small bit more, umm and the controls, I really wish it was just like click and drag.. maybe you can change them later on I don't know I think it's still an early access game So we'll see what ends up coming up, but for what for what it is now, the physics and everything feel great, like the sense of presence actually feels really good, the sense of scale and everything is wonderful, so I like that element of it, but for now, THANK YOU GUYS so much for watching this video, if you LIKED IT, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS and.. high fives all around! *highfive noises* But thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!! Not a baby anymore-- I'm spider-man!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,801,104
Rating: 4.9353089 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Walkthrough, Playthrough, HTC Vive, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, VR demo, reaction, VR headset, VR gameplay, playthrough, VR funny reaction, funny reaction, HTC Vive Jacksepticeye, baby hands, baby hands vr, baby hands jacksepticeye, wireless HTC Vive, wireless VR, wireless virtual reality, baby hands gameplay
Id: ya112GJJp7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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