I Got To Voice A Character In Vacation Simulator VR!

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you're going to need a pass to get started just grab one from the table it's very echoey in here Oh God I'm in the space future morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to sabor VR but this time we're playing vacation simulator I know looks like job simulator but this is technically the sequel to job simulator this is vacay simulator it's been coming out for a long time they announced it quite a while ago and I've been super excited about it but for very specific reasons recently which I'll get into in a minute but I'm just gonna set things up first and then we'll get into it when we can okay good ready got it go all right I want to be human too we go to green and pull the letter I know how this works this is in my first vacation alright where are we oh hi jog but you really nailed this standard human greeting protocol now for the fun part okay let's take a peek inside your suite okay wow I must be rich we go on vacation we need to make sure you look relaxed oh this is gonna be fun so I think this game is bigger than what job simulator would be so that's why it took a while to release there like the environments are way more in-depth and now we actually have like moving around and [ __ ] to do okay can I can i literally just make myself the human appearance customizer 3000 this is what we all need in real life okay you got it you got to keep the hands nice and fresh though before you do anything it's very important why is it back it's because I could see in the mirror right oh hey it is smile you're on vacation vacation is time for reflection where's my mouth not moving I moved [Music] yeah how is this technology work oh I'm shocked okay I want to see how closely I can get myself in this game so let's go okay no I was gonna say let's go as white as possible cuz I map a little Irish boy but not I'm not that [ __ ] pale I'm not a sheet of milk like it's just my visor okay let's just go with green for the same as we're doing this is fun all around the playground why are you seeing yourself or you're dead I could literally go anywhere to a mirror in my house and do this and it's not nearly as fun but in VR hell yeah yes I want the beard that I have what is the beer that I have no you is that the club pods up when I first met you could get enough oh no it's like a dog sat on my chin well ehh well he had poopy on his booty I look like a muppet now this is you is that definitely it so good Oh Lord no that's not me this could be me but I have self-respect no okay that's more in line with you blink buddy blink your there you go you're allowed to that's more closely related to what I have now oh all right let's go with me what is this that I've got going on right now nope okay doesn't have current jacksepticeye here so I'm just going to go with this whatever this is oh yes oh yes very nice tonight can you actually shave oh oh no it's very there's okay okay glasses glass is under the visor really know these look angry where these guys are so angry who hurt you okay I'm done this is me I have no legs as any youtuber doesn't no youtuber has legs there's a reason you only see this much of us in the camera that's all you're gonna need this is the moneymaker this is the money shot right here Oh jazz hands jazz hands who's gonna go out and get them who's gonna be the brightest boy or the ball you are yes you are you're gonna go ahead and get them Oh mush up that face wash that face soap up that face rub those eyeballs thank you take this one-of-a-kind human back storage device I call it back bad day tourists well I thought we were ready to vacation but it looks like all the destinations are closed right now Oh dip funny you should ask the Bureau of simulations requires metric to prove the success of a project which you see efficiency by nearly forgotten luckily I figured out a way of measuring occasion quantified memory management okay I know boring here human take this risk it will be unlucky efficient measurable fun okay yes ready a memory you need memories to gain access to different areas of the resort here try this a memory of the time [Music] memories it's Steven I my dad hated me [Music] [Applause] Island is open okay bye I'm going here for a reason okay it's so I see you're finally getting the hang of vacation sure have enough memories and you'll get access to more areas I want to talk to you I want to talk to this guy vacations was the point but I'm happy we made it the mountain bike patrol of simulations will be satisfied unless I have clear metrics I'm gonna get snowball camera I don't want a backpack just reach over your shoulder and grab it snap the photo this is cool okay oh so I just put it here okay look at myself oh I'm so pretty get any guys wait wait I want to get a picture with you wait no come back that was just a picture of sadness and allotment go back in there hello good night can I talk to you oh I need five memories I don't make memories to talk to you I want to talk to you you specifically hi tell me more into your human is the coolest you can get on vacation island I mean I own a simulator game we're rid of your game Wow I made it oh yes so I I didn't say anything about this online well the title of this video is fart you gonna give it away put what after I played job simulator in and they finished off all the ones I said in an so hey alchemy talk to me I'll do some lines for the game and then long after that they reached out to me and they were like yeah we'd love to have you in the game we love all your videos I was like ooh I was like that's so cool and then I thought I was just gonna be a character like somebody would come up and say like two lines and go away but they gave me a whole character on this guy it's so cool all right so much fun um it's also weird to act like a robot I wasn't supposed to voice act like a robot but it was weird in my head so call me since like okay what am I gonna do that's a head it's pretty good right you know you're not like real jacksepticeye he talks a lot more whoo a Bominable snow-bot is said to live on the Overlook but they are very shy the only thing we've discovered about abominable snow bot is that they like music okay can I go ooh can I go visit bottomless nah but oh I look cool don't right okay I need five memories to do a thing how do i how do I do this I wasn't listening I was too busy waiting to come over and talk to myself do not throw snow stop what are you doing why are you like this why are you the way you are this is very open safe what bet you can't hit this hurt this is fun Oh God oh I can well you're good thank you I used to throw rocks at windows as a kid run bumptious don't hate the soul yes sorry actually safe morning will be something you remember here you should probably take this memory - Wow whoa I get a memory Hellion oh wait that's what my wrist thing goes not that they okay mountain one - you're a little far away these are mine oh I want your glasses they're you those are those beautiful eyes I know and have okay you can sell these now I stole them from that lady this machine will accept any official snowflakes in the mountain Oh have you ha ha I know I died that's me oh I should take a picture with myself right back say top of the morning do you like this picture I like this picture that's me that's it good that's a thumbnail right there I did it have you heard the legend of abominable snow bot to be an elusive bot that roams these very mountains really who claimed to have seen it say that it is fairly shy but has a special fondness for music at once but I couldn't stop a picture fast enough it sure would be nice to have a picture as marketable material of the famous ha ha ha snow bike oh yeah it's so weird to see them in the actual game cuz when I did the lines is like have you heard the tale of a Bominable snow-bot and then they did all day like processing later oh that's so fun I love voice actor yellow video games alright where are we going let's good here hi you look cute I'm going out here I'm not gonna talk to you instead puzzle maker insert photo huh oh I don't have one I can take one though so I take a picture of you nice i'ma make a thing of you do you like that or are you offended by it that's cool all right I'm gonna make you Elton John this is going very well grab this piece right there last piece blowing it for good luck okay hey wait what is this [Music] are there two memories what do we need memories to do a thing hi me this little answer I grabbed oh it's a lens for my camera hold on ooh sparkles okay maybe not that one a fisheye lens Oh Lord hey I just showed you my minecraft can you trace back it's fun okay what else we got telephoto lens that's not bad I kind of like that one let's go make the camera I'm using in real life okay and then this one fun so I've said I have to make this picture let's get some glasses and no I carrot and a hat for the him I need mittens for myself okay imma do those I'll be back okay so that okay do that Jaime and then put the mittens on I'll tell you the picture classic look human thanks Bob by the way human you can replace any photo on the stand as long as it matches the original sketch there's only two sketches on it now region one you suck I'm leaving I need a carrot for the nose oh what's this an animatic net bot it's good to see you okay can I come in it attached item here what kind of item what you need wait veggies yes okay what else did he need I need some glasses not those these and I need a hat okay I'm ready I'm ready to make a snowman look and oh sweet okay buddy Heys the great thing about the mountains you can I remember you can't make a snow human on the beach and that's one set down that's us is a fantastic start to proving my role as the primary sibling I like doing this by working out yes I three memories sweet I just need five and then I can go up into the top mountaintop and meet abominable snow bot I'm knitting oh oh but it's so nice I want to make a pie what kind of pie do I want to make ooh pie a tweet a pizza pie or a surprise surprise is that is that the joke I want to make myself because some coffee though this is the best game um what do you want let's go to soy some cream thermal paste that's gonna be good and then we put some cold brew coffee in there this better be Death Wish coffee there's better be very very strong I don't make it as strong as I can this is indeed very strong okay now hey presto oh that's tasty that smells real good all right I'm gonna bring it to myself ego tonight I feel like I'm not in the right orientation oh hey it's me I can't believe barista bought you got it right yeah let's me I'm barista bud good drink good drink dude can I have a memory oh I have to do both things don't I all right subject you you look amazing you must be a model Pele man they go hears no way that this will pass is a picture of abominable snowboy I know that you can find them though come back when you get a good photo of them know so far about one's food okay I'm gonna make an apple pie cuz I like apple pie apple pies good apples and that makes pie okay that should be easy enough or is it is it a tomato I don't know what it is it's an apple I don't have an apple so we put some put a tomato and some cheese in in you go man is retakes forever doesn't it barista but is your is your hot a cup it's amazing all right yeah okay oh that looks real good I even had pizza today and I still want more pizza hey go this is just right isn't Mountain food the best it sure is oh wait wait to do all of these as well oh I love job thank you thank you and for now I'm almost ready to go find abominable snow but are you doing what's this oh wait to make oh hi are you all right the name Shawn jacksepticeye you might have heard of me from such games as this one that guy up there yes hi welcome alright so the front please like there's a blowtorch this or oh wait no this judge me please don't judge me let's go for ins as one two three four oh no I broke one that I Oh No that's like playing Jenga okay I need to I need to refreeze but how do i easy freeze quickly fix your mistakes ah I see and then the right has to be one is that it never seen sculpture like this in all my years teaching it's pretty class on your creativity thank you what did I do today did I not do it I don't get this oh there's a whole tub huh oh yeah this is good oh yeah I don't think it's nice maybe it's cold this stuff works oh do you want frozen I'll be back okay hold on oh mama whoo-hoo okay I think I spot wants a frozen block of cheese I can do that there you go I did it that'll tell you how freezin it is it froze immediately favorite a decorative drink wasn't decorative drink it was a lump of cheese and ice block whatever I'm going away and went back to cook this is my culinary findings barista bought wants an egg and a broccoli oh that's real good oh I forgot I order this when I was getting into character as quiche bah it's one of the characters from my screenplay Thank You Kenny sounds like maurice lamarche there we go all right and who wants this Oh hunter but hot tub I I like you the most no I don't I like my own character the most see go oh damn it can i defrost this I'm just gonna cook it again you should have picked it up but you don't got no hands yes okay it might be a little burnt Neagle Hey here you go why aren't you holding it take it take my pie oh you know one pie what is this stupid ad if this was meant for another bar you deliver it yourself right if it was tried but it was supposed to be this thing I messed it up okay give me cut me some slack hot lemon piece can't drink hope it tastes better than it looks and smells and is that food of course the food you just spilled all of my work into the hot tub saving a hot tub it's cold home it's a freezing toe box I do give me a memory I need five here's a memory it's about fantastic right now ice which is more orders for you to do I don't care about that I want this [Music] [Applause] thank you I'm so full of memory I mean how many run-ins with abominable snow bike you know I'm trying me I'm gonna get on this gondola and go to go find him okay call me some slack human really whoa oh this is so pretty are these colors that color scheme is so pleasing to look at in the fluffy clouds and actually being in VR you can't see this in the video but actually seeing the snowflakes all fall towards you that's so cool it's also straining on my neck okay I'm gonna leave this episode of abominable snow bot here I just wanted to do that introduction to show you gasping or is it the introduction so you guys can see that I am in the game so if you want to go out and get vacation simulator for yourself which I absolutely think you should the developers make some really cool phone games I love job simulator and this one already seems so much better just because the environments are so much more involved there's way more to do being able to move around is cool but I'm also just kind of biased now because I'm extremely flattered to just be able to be in the game I think I could have done some of the lines better I just I didn't know how my head's already could see it in the camera I didn't know how to do like a robot voice sounds like wait I don't have to do a robot voice I just need to talk and then they'll make a robot so but really really fun really cool so go check me out find me in the game send me some clips send me some pictures send me anything I want to I want to interact with everything got to do with this character because it was super fun to do but anyway thank you guys so much watch this episode if you liked it punch them in the face oh yeah abominable snow bod and high voice all row with thank you guys I want to see you dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] human had any run-ins yet with abominable snow bot
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,701,163
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, HTC Vive, Valve VR, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, virtual reality, VR demo, HTC Vive gameplay, reaction, games, VR games, virtual reality games, VR headset, VR gameplay, playthrough, lets play, virtual reality lets play, technology, PC, Playthrough, gameplay, Job Sim, Job Simulator, HTC Vive Jacksepticeye, mods, giant mod, vacation simulator, vacation simulator VR, vacation simulator HTC Vive, vacation sim jacksepticeye, vacation simulator gameplay, jacksepticeye character
Id: vK-s87BPGW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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