The WORST Employee Challenge - Job Simulator (VR)

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it's gone down again I went from 16 million to 7 million oh this is stupid I tried to cheat the system and I lost why do I talk to you I had the ability to clone anything in this store and I cloned but medicine what's up guys welcome back to job simulator and for today's episode we're gonna do something the lot of you guys have been requesting of me but many of you will remember that recently I did the perfect employee challenge or it tried to do every single job without screwing up and it turned out to be way more difficult than I would have imagined but then I asked you guys what kind of challenge would you like to see me do next and the overwhelming response was do the worst employee challenge try to screw everything up that you possibly can now if that sounds like every other episode that I've made of this game you wouldn't be wrong but I'll really take any excuse to play more seriously dude I know we've talked about this we've done a lot of these episodes and we've had this stick going for a whole lot of time but I really can't express how difficult it is for me to do an intro with you and GLaDOS here just staring into my soul but can you please just stop the lights are on but nobody's home it's serious you know what I'm turning the lights off go away we're doing this in infinite overtime yeah I'm ready have I ever mentioned that I'm pretty sure this place is haunted at night like just look at that do you see yeah I know how that works but I could use some explaining on is how you come out of the office you're nowhere near this sign but it gets bumped into populated by what ghosts bumping signs in puddles of unicorns pom I'm gonna think of it the whole ghost angle might be useful right I could probably blame all of my bad employment on ghosts okay I'm gonna pretend like that light didn't just blink did the lights normally blink in this I'm really paranoid yeah why do I bother talking to you I've always talked to the gum rack it's just as a responsive and half as caffeinated okay bring in a job oh it's it's so nice to see the hundred tasks completed you're gonna ruin it what do you want how do I screw this up how do I make this the worst because this is clearly stupid can I feed it to you can you rub it on your face there we go everybody loves a nice greasy moldy screechie why am i jumpy and job simulator I don't get it got myself hyped out about ghosts now you see yeah something like that mmm ads good sir I'm sorry I don't know what came over me okay you want to return this fine I'm just gonna do a little there we go nice and brown I had soup for dinner Oh another one don't mind if I you know what you can have done your glasses this time I'm the worst employee and I'll take your tiny little hat maybe he would like a fried tiny head there we go I want to put the tiny hat on you can you come over here I need to get tasks completed okay we'll leave a tiny hat there and I guess I kind of have to do the jobs I really don't want to give you a refund I will hold on to this though because I get to throw up in another customers face ding one cents yeah that that's that's one cents I'm not giving that to you oh I need to give it to you huh what if I I did do a little something like that ding there's $4,500 that good for you no I you gotta close the Reg you clearly you can't leave without the register being closed you can leave now you see that's how it works you'd give them $4,500 then you take it back yeah I'm just gonna pocket this for myself I swear I play this like a hundred times and that light never blinked before but now it just kind of it just pays you saw that why do I talk to you can you at least tell me if ghosts can come from robots from floating screens I don't even know what you are or get to just bring in another customer I need more things here to tech me you got a funny hat too yeah your prize I want to see how much money I can embezzle this episode that would definitely be part of the worst employee challenge did you want a moldy brown oh I cooked it yeah like that no hey gasps and now you want your prize Oh oh yeah that that is far worse once it's toasted here I'll get the inside for you really no no you can't have this you can have this it's wrong with people so now I get this this is this is mine now it's not ours now put that over there okay so so far I have embezzled well that was $4,000 but pennies compared to the 8.1 million have already gotten things are going great you're gonna get this silly little roasted hat sooner than later just you wait for now another customer you want to sink this in your cup oh it goes right through it was perfect what do you want almost not close enough do I have soda bottle you want soda in it or just bottle pretty sure I have soda bottle right we have a mini-fridge we do soda bottle uh what did you want you wanted Cole look good you get Mountain Dew okay it kills your sperm but for you that probably doesn't matter at all that much hey hey hey I wasn't then shaking that oh my god you can actually do that I've never done that before wow it just does not stop it'll make soda like they used to I'm not even shaking it anymore this is impressive do you want to see how long this is gonna go on for hold on there we go make sure we get it in your eyes sperm is the least of your problems now did you want some doesn't have too much caffeine in it but I'm sure you'll take some anyway here we go yeah you know what I'll take a little bit oh yeah great the ice it won't stop okay well there you go oh now it's lowering huh okay well you wanted soda bottle now you have soda bottle and you're wet jumbo slushie I'm a joint being an extra dick today this is great no nope I didn't lose the Hat okay we'll get that back once again he's asking for a jumbo blue and we don't have blue in the past I would mix green and purple to make a bit of a blue but I'm just gonna give him green not even gonna ask him what his preference is actually would you like some meat in it maybe a little garnish of meat just out one second I'm gonna go and get my hot dogs oh yeah I know when I get a slushy I definitely want some raw meat in it hold on a second there we go nice and raw and oh no what what what's really oh this is a ripoff it's cool don't worry we have bottomless slushies and then we have the jumbo size it may be when a jumbo sized it will be a little bit less finicky with my meat there we go and then just a little just just a snoot we don't need to leave it in there just to touch right it doesn't take a whole lot for Salmonella to get in there and I don't even charge you for it why would i right because that would I gotta charge you for it doesn't say that make me an even worse employee but I charge you a lot for it how about that do you want to handle this you know probably not okay well um yeah there you go let me just punch in my magic damn mm-hmm yep yeah there it is okay you take this back oh we're done with that and skadoosh yeah that'll be lots of money okay now how can I steal this I put it in and then that note that doesn't work maybe I can put it in and then grab it close it no I can't I want to try to steal from the register but you can't the ripoff I should be able to embezzle more this is mine I should have left him with it okay it still tastes a little meat well then where were you on that you didn't bribe or anything you wanted to speak to a manager and you just floated there like an idjit useless how about this I'll deal with all of the customers and all of the work and I'll even keep my eye on the camera just in case but you just keep an eye out for ghosts okay let's all ask because something is going on here it's weird I don't like it oh that's not good I don't like it when a ton of customers roll in especially hipsters oh it's a hipster gang what I'll get first up oh can I just you wait so I need to throw things at them to be a good employee what can I do to be a bad employee if it can I just like throw money at them yeah what if I give them all my change right here we go we got three coins and really it's hey yeah you see that's not too bad just kidding hit with a nickel not the end of the world feelings quit feelings you're a floating CRT monitor with a douchebag hat hey my coins reappear genius swinging a Miss okay hold on it's not easy to throw nickel across the room there we go easy it's the little touches of creativity that make you the worst employee look shuffling around the gum rack keeping the newspapers on the floor to get soaking wet because you keep leaking slushie all over them having the first thing two people see when they come in be a scantily clad coffee bot I'm doing my best up by worst I'm doing my best to do my worst I'm doing a challenge let's get another customer in here and I'm not feeling so good from the toasted rotting grapefruit so I'm just gonna what do you want yeah hold on not again I got something for you there you go now if you don't mind I'm busy I never actually read this before but it says pink stuff anti barf liquid pink flavored symptom relief nausea burning heart and butt leakage warning this is medicine not a tasty beverage okay so maybe we'll keep that with the tasty beverages just for future use right so you wanted to get rid of this I really just can't resist okay those are just too delicious they run right through me but you know but leakage can be fixed there we go you want something else something different uh how about this oh no I'm gonna get gonna get my month - I need a little hat bring it over here we're get over here come on now you look like the that you are human executive director of employees I like it very much okay we'll put that right there so that's 105 this is never gonna end I really should have given you more I could have rubbed some charcoal meat on your face or dipped it in your coffee or some things man I love it when people like you come in because it just means I get richer and richer uh okay there you go and you wanted your prize here you are okay now you have fun with that not too much fun though okay know what stuff Oh I guess being rich didn't match his personality you saw his sunglasses he was a bit of a douchebag my now thrill though they say that this is medicine and not a tasty beverage but it's pretty tasty you know it's not bad pink flavors is definitely underrated see what else we got going for us I love that hat a favor do hi well she used a definitely make a slushie for you I've been waiting for somebody like you to come through a hell I'm confused there's only one bottle of this stuff in this level how did I get to it's like I cloned it somehow by accident I would have find out how to accidentally clone things in this oh that's a disappointment I don't know how to replicated I wasn't paying attention can I fill this up I wonder with this yeah okay this is kind of a slushy right I don't know if this is gonna count or not if it probably won't yeah there's some but medicine for you tell me you have friendship bracelets can you check around someone for me the friendship was right here all along and it was also on your head there's your friendship bracelet there you go that that's for for me now I guess you did big dummy hold on let me just put that there and so slushy was 99 cents it was pink so we need to yeah let's so a little something like that what happens if I double it just over and over and over and over do you think there's a max amount that I can charge somebody you'll cook he got deep pockets and big friendship bracelets ding oh so you just had a million dollars lying around well I know that this is $4,000 so what if I do not bad yeah okay well I'll take this anyway so now we're up to what is a sixteen seventeen million dollars not bad for a night's work tweek but I don't mean to alarm you but I think I have made first contact with the stores ghost he seems to enjoy the hat that I've given him there's just nothing like fishy going on here is there no wires or anything like a head okay okay I don't think he appreciated me touching him with my hands my gross little meaty gloves oh man really go I hope he comes back here you can have that what do you want obstacle wait a minutes today I did it again you can clone things you can clone things with a slushy machine this is genius I need to clone everything I need to clone these let's do that hey how about we pop those there okay and then I was switching over to hot dogs nothing maybe I need to wait for another I okay hold on I'll hold on to that just keep that thoughts I was switching over to hot dogs because when I think of popsicles I think of raw meat being rubbed on by ha popsicles yeah there we go okay so let me just mmm yeah that is it doesn't that look great I love how they just completely check out and watch you do this nice hot dog flavored popsicle okay there you go that's for you basic popsicle um jumbo size magazine huh well you know what you are in the right place because I've already got one prepared OOP uh how can I give this to you improperly though hmm how about I just do this and then I'll take it back oh wait I need to jumbo-sized it again why would I need to drop a size it again what does it make any sense oh okay well what the hell whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on dial it back those those were different rates that was a lumberjack pot and that was a lumberjack pot and then when they just went down it was a lumberjack pot and a fortunes and now it's a smuggler but I'm so confused I just lost four million dollars okay no wait go back I want my my jumbo bucks back there you see big it's a jumbo jumbo sizing I can't do it I gotta use no hold on there we go like that and go away good yeah human currency is strange because humans totally do this you know what it's my hat now okay that's how this works you're you're all rung up and just gonna blow these and there we go thirty-two thousand dollars in human currency nope it sure can't but your popsicle can have a hats like that there we go okay that goes in there oh it won't because I'll be keeping it I I don't let you leave stuff for the store here we go I let the freezer open but that's probably a bad thing right now what was going on in here it's gone down again I went from 16 million to 7 million oh this is stupid I tried to cheat the system and I lost why do I talk to you I had the ability to clone anything in this store and I cloned but medicine rather than an eight million dollar ticket if that's not just the worst then I don't know what is if you please go back to what you were there there we go there we go ok we're good we're good we're back up to sixteen million I still really want to clone them but not enough to lose out again it's like a lottery okay just just bring another customer okay maybe I can get a third lottery ticket it'll be a lower one and then I could try to clone it and if I win great if I lose what what oh jeez okay listen there's no money in a register I don't I don't have any oh no because then you're gonna leave and you're not gonna do any shopping and I hate this job I'm gonna say it right now everything about it bothers me and I just throw a gum at strangers that didn't really have it coming but you know what it's it's expensive gum so so I'm a bad employee I think I broke something in his head there for a second okay that was a short one that would love Li oh you want a bag filled with hotdogs do you you didn't want any condiments on your burnt hotdogs did you because we don't have nearly enough I sorry my game just like broke for a second is Jimmy I looked at the pile of hotdogs and it just bro is it stuttered what you wanted what durian durian like Russian for more hotdogs cuz you got your dirty and you know what I'm just gonna charge you 17 bucks yes you will there we go okay bye you're gonna need whoa you're gonna need this Oh gross Oh game is just freaking out right now I [Laughter] was waiting for that so this is actually a thing yeah it's not as bad as you think pink flavor really just goes with everything you know meat not meat that that's everything I wouldn't be able to call myself the worst employee unless I stood here and scratched off lottery tickets all evening there's gotta be a winner in here somewhere right eventually maybe I know these are only for a million dollars only a million dollars but I want to see if we can clone it or change it or something like that these ones should be a lot easier to win but apparently not come on there's gonna be a winner in here somewhere I got all night man okay I'm not going anywhere that's right my game is kind of starting to crash a little bit there's too much crap around my feet now I should be able to hop you what maybe if I do something like this I'm just gonna sit you up so that you'll glitch will seal glitch through things hmmm why is that maybe like this perfect now I should be able to get a customer that's very important and then is there a store that looks very similar to ours that just sells rotten oranges why do people keep coming in here with this I just I don't understand I don't understand so much that I'm really hoping I've won the lottery and it didn't change didn't duplicate didn't change weird hmm okay so um I cover you and pepto I wonder I can cover you and pepto in my stomach and you could throw up while drinking it that's it it isn't that fancy what do you want something different to write something you want you want anything take your orange back here here just take it good it's a good business here today okay then oranges don't have barcodes I literally just took it waited across my counter gave it back to her and she's gone back home crazy people me and drive okay come on come on gimme gimme give me money I need to go this stupid job okay you know what million dollars is probably good enough we made umm about twenty million today feel confident and the ghost isn't getting any of it okay you could just just all of it you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and every time I make another episode I feel like it might be my last like I might reach a threshold where I've seen everything and done and everything and I won't be able to have fun with it and then I make the episode I record for way longer than I should because I'm having so much fun and I uncover so many new things like there was at least a dozen different things that I would have never thought of that we found out today so I would love to play more I would love to hear more of your suggestions leave them in the comments leave a like in the video and I'll be sure to return again soon I think he's much watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 7,257,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job sim, job simulator vr, job sim vr, job simulator worst employee, job simulator worst employee challenge, job simulator challenge, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator store clerk, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, job simulator finding secrets, job simulator secrets, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: aYTxIk6QRb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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