If We Can Drive It, They Won't Scrap It... Lick Your Finger & Hold It [EP2]

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yeah that was awesome i i i played he's like here's here's the plug i'm like oh it fits like this he's like i'm like what are you talking about stripping it and jamming into a what i'm like don't you have this riveters on we just plugged in the spark plugs together why won't it run it's so weird somebody needs some more coffee all right so we're back in the scrap yard uh it's been a couple days since we were here they moved this dozer um haters are gonna say that it fired right up and moved but uh that's not the case they just shoved it here because they're like moving things we got some spark plugs we got some plugs we got some brake clean and a battery we're gonna fire this up and then uh got some access to honda a little honda [Music] um [Music] i kind of want to look in there this looks like somewhere i'd like to be wasn't this the carling truck i don't think so oh no it's not i thought it was flipped on its side it is flipped outside right nope no no yeah it is no the door goes straight up and down it's sitting the way it's cool see lights at the bottom this looks like side teeth are the floors out of it look at this weird [ __ ] it's uh electric yeah [Laughter] and why is there a light on the floor no it's upside down oh it could be upside down it's not on its side oh yeah there's yeah there it is these look like wheel wells rich i don't think so who puts this [ __ ] on the floor what is that i don't know these are cool though look out those are solid test for leaks ceiling mount refrigeration yeah refrigeration that's my gas propane [Music] yeah it's almost like volkswagen buggish yeah just just nice and round is it a citron it's a divco divco wayne i think it'll start canadian difficult or us both are there anyway i'm freaking out because of the ticks yeah i do not want one [Music] yes look at that mower again listen yeah it's better than what i got oh that scraping blade oh hose need any uh six inch hose we got [Music] so you're gonna look your fingers and hold it it's like the best connection ever this is like just the edges of the neck it'll be fine everything's wrong because i really don't like leaving my shop here at the boss garage we don't [ __ ] around uh looks like we're missing a wire from the button to the distributor thing look there's like a crimp here right because it's just feeding it power right so we can just feed it power all the time are you going to be able to move that lever without disconnecting the distributor excellent i think this is more of a holding thing is that why you're in the back of the truck [Music] now give me the beat oh that's the mirror brackets i'm out there you need some wire i got some there's a cold joint on your footing to the wall anyway we just need fuel let's see let's see if it turns to the turnover should um it'll it'll probably just fire ready sure i don't even know if i'm spraying the right intake yeah just right up under there should work yeah just saying yeah because this is this is the main one hey aaron can you put it in neutral for us we're not connected to the diesel yet oh okay don't worry about it then who cares eh let me just stick my head under the track while i'm on the track so i'm sitting on it i'm ducked if it goes ready yeah sure [Laughter] i don't think we have this car smells like breakfast i'm just cleaning out the intake that's all i'm doing wait this is gonna be gas this won't start on brake clean yes it will what yeah it just needs compression internet what's the verdict on that i read all your comments i get all my video ideas from you guys let me try again and hold this yeah lick your finger touch it let's see dance dance monkey nothing no spark this wire goes to here right so you got your your power going to your button and then your start connects the solenoid puts this together but where does this wire come from but that should just move this wire to here to make sure that [ __ ] has power yeah okay well it would just liven up that off run switch right yeah yeah there's only one wire going in so i don't think that's anything i can touch all three terminals at the same time let's see if we got compression you want to hold the spark plug you're going to stick your finger over the hole i'm not touching either of those just put your finger here it's too big it won't fit any other excuses yeah let's uh grab that other wire do this for fun that wire does go into something yeah yeah there's another wire that goes off the back of that switch obviously and that goes deeper in i think we put better power to that it's so boring we only have so much battery life i know it's like clock ticking oh wow you got the right wrench no this is 3 8 wait wait wait did this one run yeah it's it's got to be another wire but if we're hooking power to that it should be arcing all the time shouldn't it yeah you want to pull this cap off no is that the distributor that's the distributor i'm going to snap every one of these well you think you won't be able to resell this thing because i think i know what's going to happen to this i know what's gonna happen to this and the internet's gonna be like you could totally use that i could use that on the farm here's the deal internet buy this fix it get it running then we'll show up and be like huh let's put this wire on and we'll start it like we fixed it and then we can go on discovery i wonder what's going to be in there it's going to be full of bees [Laughter] she's really pissed them all why don't we just bump start this sucker we do that we can bump start lavonda tow it around the yard with this thing can we not like grab the front of it with the center bog and lift up the blade just drag it down there's nobody here to stop us sounds like a lot more fun than what we're doing actually we should try and start that guy right there because that one looks like it will run what do you guys think well actually we don't really care what you think what's the problem with commitment hey i've been married for like four or five years i don't know how long but i'm committed right well this is remotely difficult so let's just do something else you didn't even bring any tools you bring the wrong battery with no right terminals you tell me to bring a gas tank with no fuel in it you didn't ask huh well that's the problem you got your distributor yeah that opens the point we need like a little file or something or some sandpaper see yeah i bet i bet it's busted i'll just scrape it with my screwdriver it's not even opening and closing them right are they closed are they open they were closed like it's wiggling back and forth a hair what what's actually where's the spark between the points you did see a spur no you would i can't see you're in the way but you shouldn't really oh well that's it broke it okay you guys have one of these this is a collar and just right and it just the collar collar's so brittle that it ah that sucks yeah because now point's gonna go on it it might go but i don't yeah but it'll just slip and yeah it's it's chooched well at least put it back i will disconnect the power [Laughter] choose toes sorry boys we're gonna want a dozer that doesn't run on the pup motor why don't we fire up that backhoe that just came in tobacco that's like half busted no we could just drive that around we'll just do some grading with it all right all right so we grabbed uh new parts for the dozer came back and can't seem to find the dozer yeah i don't know where the heck it went so uh we got this 555b here so we'll throw the battery in it and see if we can do something with it i guess what do you think it'll start i don't know we have like we're gonna keep looking for that dozer we have like 22 minutes before they come grab it and scrap this too so let's see what happens you turn around and it's gone so that's on uh yeah screwdriver on the starter uh i'm gonna assume that there are chickens living in it because i don't know how much straw someone can bring in on their boots it looks cozy in there it's just a it's a chicken coop it is a really expensive chicken coop oh you forgot a pack of smokes in here i did who scraps the tractor and doesn't think there smokes it the injection pump's really wet that's good that means it's getting fueled i just want to i just want to hear the screams i'm going to push on this i'll put that there this will stay there that's good i can't go any lower so i can't squeeze my hands anymore it just starts comparing is there a clutch i'll just hit every button or it's concrete i don't know oh wait there's two plugs hold on let me try again there's one down below so there's no words not working so it must be broken oh wait hey find of the day rich nice hey they're not seized i imagine it's just that this push button there yeah that has a little horn symbol on it that's it oh that yeah did you try that one no you tried everyone except the big black button let me put it back on the other plug again try it yeah [Music] yeah it runs nice it's crying there you go did you pull the handle on the loader or so it runs but unfortunately it doesn't go into drive it probably is hot low on hydraulic fluid it it's trying it's trying to move a little bit but as soon as it goes it it's so so for everybody's safety we turned it off and we're gonna go try something else and save it we're not gonna save you're gonna save it drive here give them money take this home and you can use it you just have to fix the transmission probably the hydraulic pump there's no coolant in the rag oh that's a three cylinder is it a three soda that makes more sense then i thought it was a 4-2 i just assumed well there's no float fuel yeah there is yeah i guess it is destroyed today and it's clean it's so clean you can't even see it like that that has got to be 40 years old she's old school yeah there's a little 216. that's that's starter i need that starter for the uh wheat master uh the alternator the generator doesn't have the belt on it okay so it's not charging i think you got to hit it will it even turn oh cool it's just back here yeah you have to like hammer it at home that's starters if it works that kind of needs it that's cool make sure it's not in gear this handle send it hold on let me tighten the battery i know you're excited it's got a can on the on the uh carburetor so it should start that means good things okay well that's not exciting that goes to there to the switch right amp meter and that goes to your regulator and this one goes to the point yeah so that's points that's there let's see if we got some don't do you dare touch that distributor oh that looks all new but not the uh this looks brand new oh the points look good who should clean that do you have that flapper disc you gotta pull like a piece of flap off or just scratch it with a screwdriver that's actually not even that bad it's just cruddy it's a fleet master engine yeah i think it's the same one oh the 216. i did turn the key on but i don't know if there's power there or not let's just try it all right let's fire right up is it neutral yeah sure let's just see if it turns over contact awesome okay i'll spray it ready sure [Music] i don't think brake clean works you want to check spark pull the lever ready [Music] no no spark okay oh it's busted or we get hot wired i guess oh wow i'm like it's on a spade terminal you just pulled it right off eh yep that's what we're gonna say you can you can just hold it on i got a shiny spot there yeah wow this does not even is the fuel bowl completely empty yeah the other there's another bowl yeah yeah that one's definitely empty oh yeah but that one actually moved yeah i saw bubbles in it oh yeah looking for an easy spot to get fuel from the jeep because i thought it maybe had like a low pressure return line but it don't look like it do your main line it's like these funny clips and this is my ride home and i don't want to break these like 20 year old 30 year old clips oh yeah there's a fuel in here other side this already looks easier oh no that's full okay came out faster yeah she came out real fast i don't think dnr is going to like us using their stuff anymore [Laughter] we just come here we still steal their fuel why don't we strip this thing hook it to the battery so we know that's getting power instead of me trying to hold it it it it made a i made a spark yeah it made a little oh that means that that's good that's good right it made a little bit um this is kind of a three-man project here because wait wait wait let's get this hooked onto power or do you want to put it right on the battery is that why you rip that through yeah that's why i rip that off [Music] you gotta you gotta elaborate i'll do the choke here too okay ready yep [Applause] [Music] how much did you pour in uh just a little i have two different shots and then i put my hand over top to try and pull it in the uh the football is starting to fill up oh nice i don't think it's got a spark though no i'm just going to try a little harder for these points the coil works because you had a little spark there yeah here let me disconnect it before you get 50 000 bulbs to your fingertips yeah it looks brand new in here so yeah use a screwdriver i'll hook power up to it you just open and close it you can open it it should do it without you know electrocuting yourself yeah yeah well this is sparking like crazy you think just work the points right now yeah they're working just not being patient enough open it again and i'll poke the wire back on because it's just drawing full current okay yeah yeah fired up there yeah uh why don't you get in it rich let's just see if some stuff oh man you dumped a lot of human but you probably flooded today i i killed it too much yeah are we getting fuel to it no but i can probably fill the float bowl if i have a big enough thing and it'll run for a little bit it was it was stuck the force kind of hard i wonder if it's got brakes oh no brakes unfortunately we can't drive it because we want to be safe but it has no brakes it has no brakes it made a noise i think a clutch is slipping like crazy but did you try putting in gear i tried putting the gear it goes into gear when i go the clutch it makes like a like a very light noise like it sounds like but the hydraulics didn't work sounds amazing this is the exhaust the extent of it it just dumps right out here why doesn't your fleet master sound like this [Laughter] you know how much guys pay for that can well this is a yard machine so they probably camped it out and like hopped it up yeah yeah no she's probably hopped up pretty good i think it'll fire i don't even need to choke it i didn't like that eh no wiggle the battery terminal it's really impressive for this motorcraft battery i have to say it's done a lot of work and well it's a brand new battery right rich like everything else it's year and a half oh all right that's still nude ready yeah [Music] you need a little more hand joke you still got fuel i still don't have hydraulics so there's a there's a just slam it into gear okay you guys are clear though yeah just turn can you turn the wheel straight i fell through the seat here i got something [Laughter] i need a new seat man we're just fixing stuff all day just make sure you put it just like save the seat and everything yeah that's some good custom craftsmanship like instantly it's like can we get it running yes it's like oh i broke the seat two seconds later okay i'm gonna try and put it in here there's only one handle which makes me think that there's got to be like a high and low somewhere move it oh there it is yeah all right so we can move it okay i think we need more fuel tastes good i love the color of it really tells you it's high quality that nice pea yellow oh you've already got here look at how efficient we're getting this is definitely the best way to go about this oh [ __ ] no don't put it up why don't i flip this end up higher no you're gonna win okay so we've got our our csa approved fuel tank got the line it's high pressure line too so we're good for like 45 psi yeah yeah so except for this one connection don't don't don't let me see no let me just point it somewhere lift it up lift it up okay there we go gonna be awesome when this leaks all over the exhaust and then that catches fire but the chances because the exhaust is so small it's a low chance of leaking on it yeah that's true so you can hold that we'll just hold it in the cab and squeeze it a bit give her a little bit of psi in there look i found this piece of wire oh man come on that's custom you've got to look at this drive shaft [Music] we're just gonna make sure it can lift up a truck so we can get lafonda out of there so he's gonna try it on this tow truck because don't forget the water pump's not going nothing's going look how fast it just that used three quarters of the bottle that's half a liter so that's a very inefficient engine i can see why they scrapped it that is quite a bit of fuel yeah but it is kind of leaking down here a little bit as well okay it was in here somewhere so we just gotta go try and find it they've been moving around a lot of stuff so i'm not sure where it would be i feel like it was in here this i remember that blue car it was like two rows from there i think it was like right here where this flatbed was [Music] so it looks like uh lafonda is missing right now and we're trying to figure it out where is it i can't find it it was right here i think it was right there i think it was right there too die i'm out of gas she's getting a little hot yeah since there's no there's no coolant flowing through it it's cold pressure six pounds of oil pressure oh that's good for an old thing yeah it's pretty good we had one success today no we got another one running didn't we yeah but it didn't drive oh yeah yeah we've got one fully functioning working machine for at least the next 15 minutes yeah we're gonna go grab lunch and this thing will probably be cut up into scrap by the time we get back unless you buy it you should buy whatever in this yard that you think is worth saving we had some fun but uh i think we're going to go back to real stuff it's just cause it's got your name on it doesn't mean it's yours like isn't that great is this a sliding window oh yeah it slides down that's part of the video where you slice your hand wide open there's a handle on the inside i know but i'm not going in there that drive shaft is amazing i'm surprised it didn't explode when it was driving around i bet if you actually did some work on it and changed all the hoses and rebuilt the transmission and clutch it would still be an unreliable old piece of garbage yeah but woody woody would be really happy with you because it is i guess that tire's just somebody else those actually are pretty nice tires on the front they got some nice lug patterns
Channel: DGHD
Views: 385,093
Rating: 4.8890142 out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, dump bees, cold start diesel, cold start tractor, caterpillar diesel engine, caterpillar diesel cold start, caterpillar diesel engine startup, caterpillar bulldozer startup, cold start diesel tractor, old caterpillar bulldozer startup, bulldozer, Laphonda honda, scrap yard finds, junkyard digs, junkyard dog, junkyard finds, junkyard gold, roadkill full episodes, roadkill stubby bob, dghd, will it run, trailer park boys
Id: ikLRHV-pLKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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