8.3 Cummins Threw a Rod in a Combine [EP2]

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[Music] alright so to put it back into perspective Kevin was never actually going to fix this combine basically you were already looking at a new combine yeah here before we had one that we thought we'd like to own from under farmer but this one was running so good we thought would keep keep trucking for a while take some money I think it hasn't been used in oil at all it's perfect the biggest issue was it was running like a dog because this was broken and we mentioned that last video so you fixed that and also he got loads of power right yeah crazy [Music] I convinced Kevin to buy the truck engine because I needed this nut for another engine that went to Australia so I drove down town and couldn't find this nut it's a metric fine thread for sale anyway it is when we get it all running again but for now we're gonna pull this up I think the bolt pattern is the same on this so as long as the taper is the same on the gear that means that the gear was not slipping yeah if it slides out really easy because your trucks running like crap it's because the K the drive gear slipped on the injection pump and your time is a bit lazy those are the five 9p pumps they get fed through a fitting right here from the side of the block the eight threes they get fed oil right in that little spot there eight three suffer from the rear main seal cover coming loose to those stupid 5/16 bolt call bolt fell out but only because the we're gonna take this off to find out if it's those bolts that are looser me yeah so I made the mistake before just replacing the seal and then yeah that was one of my first ones and then there's a little cover behind there was a little bolt back off and it's not the seal it's leaking it's leaking it behind it yeah yeah yeah [Music] okay so the cam does have to come out but we might get lucky it did turn over again actually I see no that's not so yeah if that snapped off when I see right here the camp should come right oh nice unfortunately the cherry picker isn't long enough to reach because of the skid but we've got the extension there that should work that CSA approved right here should be good we're seeing two big circles here on the piston but those are bigger than the valves [Music] there we go these pistons are different from our other engine so we've done some googling and some research and we stuck a tape measure down on the hole and this bowl is deeper the centerline of the dome is still in the same spot on both pistons the injector angle on the head is still the same I believe the injectors are probably different we should see how many cc's it takes to fill this up and see what the difference is in the bowl itself we got the kids medicine syringe and we filled it up with milliliters you gotta measure how much it takes to fill the bowl you spilled I know that's not gonna be good no it goes fast all right take two nice and slow easy I know I'm a rama Dutchman right now we're trying to find out how many cc's this bowl is but unfortunately the syringe is in milliliters so we are screwed we have no idea so that was done there's gonna be a few strangers here yeah Kevin used to be a doctor and you see that I got a tap you gotta flick the click the top yeah this is three right that's three four and last one sixty is right there that's so it's kind of because the water kind of bubbles over it's like a touch high right here and then that's a touch little bit here the water is yeah but I was trading jacquard that's probably pretty close to six I think that's a 60 cc [Music] okay so this piston has four CC more water to fill the bowl so we measured the ring that's where the ring stopped on this engine and on this one you can see that is up just a hair more so meaning that this ring is farther down meaning that probably makes up for CC so the compression ratio is the same right sure I'm gonna call Scott my engine builder real quick at Northtown and get him to verify all right so we did some homework these numbers are not Cummins numbers and they're not case numbers they're aftermarket numbers so somebody's rebuilt this already we had that feeling because all of the head bolts had some goop on it so I don't know what the story is there but there's no number on the tag on the outside so we really don't know the horsepower of this engine we don't know anything about this other than it's been rebuilt it's got crosshatch it's got no ring ridge and the pistons are not Cummins so we have a head for sale because unfortunately but we do know about this engine is that it's 240 horse which is the bottom of the scale on the 8.3 side so they go from 8.3 to 400 horsepower these ones Rev hired because they Rev hired we're just spitballing here that there is no lip on here as to the way the fuel in the air enters the combustion chamber and hits the piston and comes back up again so you want turbulence we're figuring because it's a few hundred higher rpm fuel goes in comes right back up again we burn it and then we put all that smoke out the exhaust up the back because missions were nothing on this agriculture equipment way back down runs all the time right so no grabbing the next gear now this one it's got a lip on it meaning that the fuel-air comes in hits the dome on the piston curls around and actually comes back in again sort of creating more turbulence as the air in the fuel hits that so we're thinking that's because these are at lower rpm they're happy around 17 1800 but you're grabbing the gears from 900 to 1500 when you shift every time so that allows because the lower rpm it has more time for the air and the fuel to curl around create more turbulence when it lights and less emissions coming out because the emissions were starting to be a pain in this era which is late 90s early 2000s somewhere around there on the truck side so we were going to check the injector angle on the heads make sure that the injector angle is going in the same direction we imagine it is because the center of the dome is the same on both pistons then we're going to check the injectors pop pressure and then we're going to use the injectors from this head from this that match these Pistons in the head that we're gonna use on the block would you find out about the injectors so I pretty sure they have a different spray angle they might be 155 into the 145 okay so that would probably result in less power if we use the combine injectors on these Pistons so there's a bunch of things yeah so we just have to make sure that this pump is capable of popping the injectors that were matched with this pump so test some injectors that was the only theory right there's nothing else the camshaft might be different but we have a four cylinder camshaft the same valve train is the same so we'll use the valve train and the push rods from this head on that head with the camshaft from the block that matches these pistons and the injectors that match and then send it look confident here we go so what we're doing here is we're simulating one pump on the the injection pump so we've got the injector [Music] from the combine in there and this one is popping at 3,500 we've got I'm hoping to find a bad one but that's 30 it's hard to see with the mist in there but I can see you spray pattern and we're okay with that we just want to make sure the pop trust pop pressure on the combine injectors are roughly the same and I don't think a couple hundred psi is gonna make a huge difference we just don't want to make sure it's not popping out like 2300 and at 3700 3000 have balanced injectors in your combo [Music] this one's 3200 all over the map a reman injectors from case to not have a good reputation for known for being right so you were saying that a Cummins part number is the same as the case part number except the first first digit case numbers J comes as a three okay sometimes you can stay a source stuff for case cheaper than Cummins just by change they did it sometimes it's the other way around [Laughter] that must have been number six with that with the extra extra horsepower back there so we'll test all the other truck injectors we run in there about 36 37 so that's it there was no bad injector there was no bad injector but they varied from 20 did I say 2700 to 3700 yeah yeah that's a thousand psi difference yeah well they are all case reman injectors with and they're 9,500 2,500 I'm guessing something that okay well these are for sale - all right we'll just clean the head up here it does look like piston did contact the top of the head so we pulled the valves out and they are not bent working they're going nicely yet we don't see any cracks from singing damage so we're gonna get her good and cleaned up and have a good look at it combine was sitting for 11 months after this and I didn't lose any coolant so that's a good sign that we don't have any internal leaks highways richer shows me this neat way of cleaning up heads walks it's he's a stone nice and flat so mechanical Stig came over last year show me this really neat way of showing cleaning off the surface of blocks is busily just take a sharpening stone and put a little bit of penetrating fluid on there and then just go back and forth and so you got a nice clean block [Music] so going to the dentist is expensive but it because these the whole pics I think a set of four is like 300 bucks for the dentist so they have to replace them because the tips get brittle you can't have them snapping off and jabbing people in the gums with them so if you ask politely you can ask for their used picks and they work fantastic for scraping like the carbon off um on the outside they've got sharper edges on the side make the ceiling that much more perfect so we did check the protrusion on the sleeves so this is a wet sleeve so you can replace this whole sleeve and the piston so we measured how far this is above the surface of the deck and it's within fourth hour one so we're good to go we're gonna use the same thickness head gasket and then put the head back on again you want to make sure you blow your your holes out where your head bolts go if there's any coolant or anything that fell down in there you run the risk of hydro locking it when you're torquing your head bolts down you can risk stripping or cracking the block action your power stroke guys are gonna wonder what's going on there's actually six bolts per cylinder you're working on a power stroke there's only four which is why the head gaskets blow all the time now what the other head on yes is very clean you're confident yep all right so you check that while I was at lunch what's that mr. edge oh yeah okay one of these maxi straight entire budget right this is a painstaking moment here I got to spend money to put a new part on your brand new from the case dealership so there is different thicknesses of head gaskets available we're using the standard thickness because we did not clean anything on most anything ambidextrous lineup it's not ancestors because this hole won't it yeah that's great so right we got it right the first time [Music] moving parts over is pretty straightforward all little stuff like fittings and sensors and whatever so they all kind of match and they're the same spot one issue that combines have is the alternator filling right up this is right full of just crap no after sitting for a year it's stock when you're done for the season and it's close to winter or it is winter can't just pressure wash it and leave it everything fills up with water and then you get to change bearings next year yeah so it's unless you got a shop where you can put it inside pressure wash it and let it dry off that's fantastic but not everybody has a giant heated shot just to warm off especially when you're starting out so little [ __ ] like this happens but we'll bring this to rebuild shop in town we'll free it up and always said that luckily the starter didn't blow and somebody's like gosh it's a starter wall there's 200 bucks there's 200 bucks there's 200 bucks there's 200 bucks and there's 500 bucks and oh yeah there's another thousand bucks you're gonna throw that bring that to town um we're gonna lift up the block take the oil pan and stuff off and we are very curious as to what actually happened so this is the piston this hole is pretty circular this hole is not and it's bent this way so we're taking bets as to what that look like this bearing is spun in there no so I was probably the lack of maintenance that had the nut and bolt come loose on one side but yeah so stop the video now and comment down below as to what you think actually happened one overheated two lack of maintenance three nut and bolt came loose and bent over four spun bearing over five just one of those weird things that happens because it's a-comin oh yeah I didn't tip over it's pretty impressive good old Harbor Freight is watching didn't Bend it still slides nice find a nut that's completely loose with one broken bolt in there like I thought yeah look at that the broken is off nut just came loose crazy so you're missing the other half of the bolt yeah yeah but the fact that that came loose that's got the nut spun off because it's it's really just driver error because as soon as you heard the metric adjustable and tighten that baby up a bit stripped no no it's not strip bang up a bit but why I got hit okay you see the threads what's threads are still in there sorry I had it in the wrong setting so last a little bit got smashed up if that but where's the yeah find the other end of the bolt because that'll be a good no that would have went through the cap so that that boy is gonna be damaged but now the interesting thing is if the other ones are loose or loose so that'd be interesting like I said these motors are usually good for 10,000 hours so I really wasn't too worried about this thing no you wouldn't think that link on the machine you wouldn't think that a nut would back off after 7,000 hours this is this is a first for me but when you talk to the combine wrecking urns they all say oh yeah corner so the threads damaged all the way around or just one side like see this this would have been pulled through the cab so I imagine that the I figured most of these threads would be damaged but it's the threads on the on the nut that are still in good shape you guys see that main bang that's the one right beside the rod that let go will ruin that one the house bearing it's not like you've been running out of oil for yeah this is the bearing that's downstream that's the bearing that's upstream so if the rod bearing let go all the junks would go through the next bearing and I I don't see that being a rod bearing issue you'd have a lot more damage to the bearing so it was running for about 10 seconds with it knocking so that's probably those few pieces that went through there nothing wrong with this one so it's not like it was ran out of oil I honestly believe that the nut fell off look at those threads it only calls for 48 on the flywheel housing bolts but a little bit more is fine we'll go over 260 yeah we'll go up to 60 whatever is appropriate that torque is for a bolt that size and they're greedy and then the flywheel is grenades flywheels is 130 Newton meters which is like 96 96 head bolts do get lubricated on the reds and on the back of the bolts he looked at both bolts and the head bolts out of the truck or a little bit pitted so we're going back to the combine head bolts better maintenance in the combine as any head start in the middle work your way out what's the torque specs 70 Newton meters and then 142 and then 90 degrees or 142 just in the long runs okay so that is that 90 degrees like a metric 90 degrees or a standard 90 degrees I'm assuming symmetric 90 degrees because of torque in Newton meters so I'm symmetric okay Kevin's talking Newton meters but it's 51 and a half foot pounds first step all the way across then it's 104 with just the long ones and then another 90 degree on all of them there's a serial number break this is the newer style the older style have a different size head bolt and they were just 132 oh no then you went to 200 Newton meters final torque okay so just split that up into three but you'll have to look at your serial number the serial number break is four five seven something four four eight four four no torquing it hot all right here we go [Music] okay we're gonna pull the camshaft out so we can change this timing cover even though the bolt holes in that is the same for the pump this hole is a lot bigger so we are using the Dow this is a case number cas w0 0 d they're super super expensive but well worth it so what you do is you jam them down and the lifters then lift up on it and you can feel it lift just a little bit and then when it's up just tie two together and they stay put let's canvass trash yeah good 6500 hours seven dollars ok that's good a little bit of goop on the new gasket just little dabs nice little so on the eight threes oil comes through here and then feeds your injection pump through here so there's no line on the side of the side of the block like on the five nine coming so we did put a little bit of gray on the gasket just make sure you don't go p-- the snot out of it and cover this hole cuz injection pumps aren't cheap yeah these bolts get sorts of twenty foot pounds Cummins like their eighteen but this is not a ten millimeter at eleven going for the big boys I'm gonna take us a bit put the front cover on so we do want to torque some of these down just to keep the gasket nice and tight up against our new silicone your old non-fan shaft too long and you eatin it up now does it [Music] Wow economy and instead of instead of doing it the right way says point them then when they come out we also sell these on our website for a lot less than case and there are only like 80 bucks apiece we're fixing Rich's boobs what we're doing and both of us is just a jerk off of the forks and it landed so so yeah we gotta straighten this oil pan and of course there's a special tool for that W 0 0 d 4 by 14x our press [Music] gonna hold less well no that's money savings if we can get a little bit that's like a very little spot yeah [Music] you want put a straight edge on that I can see that's not straight I think it's stranger them left the factory yeah I think it's pretty good [Music] with the valve train on torque the bolts 233 foot-pounds set your intakes to 13 foul and your exhaust to 24 we do have video on setting the valves you can do it in two spots where you do random ones but we also made this t-shirt to help you guys out what we're done is to the Pistons and the numbers are upside down so if you look at it this is 4 & 3 so 1/4 is rock and you set 3 when 2 is rock and you set 5 and all I have to do is poke your head down and you'll know exactly which ones to set the way I did where'd you set your timing pinion to the gear till you get so that's so he gets in the hole the gear and that's when you can set half of them and then you which half Kevin you set 1 both of them and then you set to intake and 3 exhaust for intake no anyway valve cover comes with a gasket and you just press it in but when you get to this point the temptation is to cut it but they come the proper length so you're not supposed to cut them so then you just start decimal backwards and you just squish it in there until it fits and it will fit yeah what I generally do is try to I when I've done it you just put the gasket in half you start in the middle and then and then work your way out but don't cut it don't cut the valve cover gasket because when it heats and cools down it will leak and you will be frustrated what's the torque spec on the valve cover okay for our injection pump this one is timed on the side of the pump so you need to bring your engine to top that center number one when this mark lines up with the cam or when this pin here pushes into the cam then you are on top that Center number one and then we've got videos on it on the side of the pump this little plug here you pull it out there's a little flag this little pin that comes in you pin the pump and then that will time the pump to whatever degrees it says on the timing cover so so this one would be 17 degrees before top dead center so when that flag is in and that camshaft is in then it would be 17 degrees before top dead center we've got videos on adjusting the pump and getting a little bit more fuel out of it to up whatever we're gonna leave this one stock so we don't blow anything up but that's basically it for the assembly for the eight/three we're gonna pull the oil pan off and switch the pickup tube and we're gonna do that at the same time we put the engine back in the combine again don't fire it up and drive it out on its own power so thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed these videos one more video on this series and it'll be done I think this one is for sale I think there's a potential buyer maybe if not you'll see it working in the field we're gonna swap the tires over the property and then this one is a great spare combo for somebody so here we go [Music]
Views: 370,438
Rating: 4.9364996 out of 5
Keywords: 8.3 cummins swap, 8.3 cummins in pickup, 8.3 cummins rebuild, case ih combine, case ih 2366 combine, case ih 2366, case ih cummins 8.3, cummins 8.3 combine, cummins diesel, rod knock, cummins diesel mechanic, case ih 2366 combine specs, engine threw a rod, cummins threw a rod, cummins rod knock, combine rod knock, combine engine swap, combine engine in truck, combine engine repair, combine harvester engine
Id: 73RApTcbQ6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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