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what are you a kitty cat well there are meat heads and mongos i got some good news i got some bad news good news is the red rings lipstick bad news is the black ring's copenhagen no but all seriousness though our balls are this close to the bandsaw the old uh blank worthington vidya i guess you're not allowed to call mr mick forgets everything slash likes to smell children um hey uh well you know what i don't know if any of you guys seen the video but uh but it seems like uh you're not allowed to lip some people off on old's youtube dare oh sorry lube tube um they're not very uh not very happy about the uh about all that stuff and they basically completely taken my video down and then they put it up and then they hit it and then so the the one thing you can guarantee with with uh with all the silencing of people is that they'll never ever tell you the truth they'll blow smoke up your arse till you damn they're light on fire to get the fire off me but they'll never tell you the truth as to what's going on so what was actually going on they got a bunch of messages from a bunch of people that were trying to find the video and they'd click on my channel and it said that my channel has no content or they click on it and it would say this video has been removed for whatever and then i'd click on it they would say it was all fine them dirty bastards uh of them dirty buggers so don't want to trigger anybody um they they do not want me on the old lube tube so what i've done is i've spent money which sucks on this lube tube editor feller and he's got the daunting task of going through any future uh videos that i'm going to be uploading and editing the swear words out so old loop tube yeah she's basically giving me two options here the option one is i'm gone that's it that's all that's all she wrote i just keep on uh just doing what i'm doing out here without a camera rolling or it doesn't really matter to me either way i love making lube tube bridges and i love making you guys laugh but uh you know the way she goes so there's other two options three options for you guys either a i just completely sign out i'll just take her all down and that's the way she goes uh option two um i just keep making stuff for the old patreons those guys have just been loyal like you think slave lakes loyal those guys stuck threw me through everything uh yeah the patreon they're gonna be able to enjoy an un or the greasy version of all my videos because uh you know once you upload it on there people aren't able to well any any of my patreons i don't think are gonna pay me money to go on there and report the crap out of my videos so any of the patreons chances are they're going to be able to enjoy all the the greasy stuff but all the rest of you guys is a third option i keep making videos i keep putting them out but they're going to be ungreased which kind of sucks well it really sucks actually it it really uh kicked me right in the dink but it's the uh the way the road it's the way she goes so i don't know if you know this or not but the left doesn't really like freedom of speech so i guess freedom of speech ain't free and uh we're gonna have to roll with the punches here so you go ahead and leave a comment down in the comment section until they delete that but uh let me know how you feel about this because uh i like making videos i up i like uploading them for you guys but at the same time if they're going to be completely deleted or whatever every time i upload them then what's the point of getting a hard dink if you're not going to go wrestle with the old lady look at that dirty dump cat so don't hate on me because uh i'm just doing what i can with what i got because oh the world is becoming quite the place oh and i don't know if you can see this here or not but uh we'll peg a legging he's getting the shop no more minus 40 uh wrenching on well they're still going to be minus 40 ranging on junk but we're going to have indoor options oh man some assembly may be required so uh anyhow enjoy the ungreased version of uh mr worthington there's two things truck drivers lie about grinding gears you know what they say we live in a world where the intelligent people are full of doubts and fears while the stupid ones are just jam-packed full of confidence well i can guarantee you that today is going to be a good day well before we get this beautiful journey underway we got to turn up the tunes if you don't roll down your window listen to the angels singing from the past your go lay down on the porch oh and whoever tells you you can take a stop hx 35 to 40 pounds after you weld the wastegate off they're full of that john denver's foolish man so what do you guys classify as a good buddy you know like you give a guy a call and you go for a beer yeah you know you give a guy a call and you know i want to go ding around in the backyard on track right around but when you give a guy a call and tell him that you got 10 big truck tires that you got a bar on and off rims and he still wants to come on the trip that's how you know you got a good friend what did we just become best friends yep no i'm just with you i'm not by myself i got my startup frenchman i am lord farquaad forgive me my lord for i was just going short farewell what a [ __ ] shirt he makes being a [ __ ] easier by doing all the heavy lifting give me your other hand oh my other hand isn't strong enough all right we'll see how heavy your guys at pickups are compared to my pickup here see how heavy this [ __ ] thing is i'm going to guess all of it if you don't get both wheels on there well that's kilograms that's 5070 kilograms so for all you americans you times that by 2.2 for american conversion uh we're through old rock crotch alberta the town that has a layer of dirt that'll never wash off time to go across this bridge that was built by the dinosaurs been driven by jesus just majestic though isn't it sawed-off oh yeah my grandpa built this bridge oh it's french built i'm expecting to fall through it any minute now old pair of you alberto roll them up where you can't tell if it's your cousin or your girlfriend but it doesn't really matter that there's my girl anyone has sex with my sister it's going to be me what a nice place to have it here's grimshaw hollywood pixar frenchman what a treat a little bit of a little bit of a drive up here and next thing you know what's up okay whopper oh just rolling through this minty tonneau grimshaw and what the [ __ ] do you think god is right there [Music] here she [ __ ] is and her older glory so we show up to grimshaw he's minty in the old 6 liter head gasket delete edition show up can bring us a bunch of [ __ ] can consent thank you very much what's your guys's names ray you guys want to say your names claire yeah hey well thanks a lot you guys sawed off frenchman completely [ __ ] it up why can't you use the eraser on it doesn't work on the sticker how dare you did you push hard it smokes and it smells bad oh it's kind of like jayco twerk at oh yeah all right so she needs oh this hub is meant the other one's straight the one hops we need i brought oil for an oil swap we can want to change out [ __ ] auxiliary bruce jenner oil and we got to fiddle with tires so uh but this sweetheart of an old [ __ ] man here says he's gonna let me uh he's gonna show me how to run the photo that's going to be a [ __ ] to reach holy hurry the [ __ ] up you saw it off french coward he doesn't even have any extensions all right we can check all the oil i was actually here uh was it at the beginning of the date off we checked all the [ __ ] oils we changed the [ __ ] oil in the ox box the [ __ ] oil was new all right we've got the hub swapped out all right shot off go in there and fire this horror up make sure it's not in gear all right you got to push this guy in and then start her up oh look at that loyal we sit down cory and trevor they got bigger actions on them everybody noticed them jesus oh gorgeous i'll do it one more time a little brat oh yeah yeah all right [ __ ] island high idler a little bit here got the oil pressure the [ __ ] low air warning buzzer's gone so that's [ __ ] mint building there yeah mint all right it's got almost all the cooling look at the [ __ ] air conditioning hey twin sticks remember that air conditioning unit i told you you could have well it looks like she's but oh by the way if you don't know who the twins garage is go check the sucker out he is just a billy big reagan d light go have a gander look at that all right so she's running for about 10 minutes got [ __ ] oil here got a couple pc light cans no big deal all righty let's give her we're gonna go head over the old tire shop and then uh finish the rest of her oil change here you even know how to drive this thing you don't need a [ __ ] class one all right let's see what going over here there's a lot of gears going on here so all right so if you don't know what's going on here this thing's got a 15 and four in it so this one's got 15 this one's got four so it's bolo low direct drive overdrive i guess this here is the winch and these are dogs and all kinds of cool [ __ ] but uh i don't know why i'm explaining that to you because i barely know what the [ __ ] is going on oh cigarette lighter work no cigarette lighter died that's a lot of dimp and where she goes all right so i think that's a gear for that's reverse here and this guy might want to release the brakes and we're rolling i don't know if that feels pretty low let's try the next one back try that one oh yes listen to that old kitty oh the brakes work and everything oh i better leave this one alone there's just so many just to play with all right now first gear oh robin's racing there's two things truck drivers lie about grinding gears we all do it you know oh oh some more than others i guess all right i'll see you at the tire shop oh we're just a k now tire here in grimshaw let's make her here all the way just fine oh we lied to you thought off they gave us a half of a [ __ ] sledgehammer it's only half it's like you it's only half a man one leg people who have run or walked across canada but uh yeah she made it here man did it smoke like it was on fire it's smoking it was on fire yeah [ __ ] man all right these things right hands we're gonna go left all right sought out frenchmen and i got this going but uh not a smart man but i don't know what kind of oh it's a [ __ ] double not five hundy available at walmart oh i knew that i knew what those were don't you worry about it all right look at all the safety we are look at that those aren't even big cracks that's how the old lady was when we first started dating a lot tighter than that all right now we got new robbers on there from a dump this thing's safe just gone for lunch here at norm's pizza here and meant the old grimshaw and they got dodge parking right here that's awesome all right we've been at the tire shop for two hours now i brought tire bars i brought a jack and i bought a compressor for all this and i've used none of it because because it's ever a lot of work all right since the people of grimshaw are so minty not only are they doing our tires now we're doing an oil swap now he's going to redline the front of his boat bomb pad that's america's all right we're gonna do an oil swap now and some coolers and things and stuff this thing's badass and and headlights and taillights you don't need headlights and taillights all right we're putting an oil filter on let me see up that skirt come on twerk it oh yeah look at this frenchman's is there supposed to be there because it looks like it's pretty camel toeish that's where actually we're in canada it's a that's a [ __ ] moose knuckle what do you think somebody would do with a cell phone all right we're throwing some locusts in there look at man hey lucas if you want to sponsor me if you're not worried about pc content or you know bowing down to joe biden's breathing you know hit me up maybe throw me a couple jugs of lucas because i buy a lot of it already we got [ __ ] oil in there hey i'm going for the checklist you oil we got bung in there uh gibber all the way come on oil pressure come on there she comes man so how are the backlights what do you want me to say what you're supposed to say the backlights are like the guy driving it they're dim maybe maybe i'm not the dim one who's got two thumbs and [ __ ] point it yourself all right thing with her dips right on full now now we gotta do fuel filters and uh this thing's like [ __ ] brand used right now oh she's got a roto valve if you uh non oil patch workers uh can figure out what that is you can go [ __ ] yourself so is this where the emission systems are on this truck this is all wrong is that what happens so you got 1202 that goes in here and then it goes into here and then below the eagles blow out that side and then greta has a [ __ ] [Music] meltdown [Music] these trucks didn't even need them you don't even need all those brakes all those extra brakes oh dear people america this thing runs good i'd be lying if i told you i didn't have an erection right now it's getting diesel all right so we got the oil change done the [ __ ] uh fuel filters dips are good auxiliary box training is good so now we're gonna learn how to drive it right ernie all right so he's just showing us the shift pattern here how does it work okay you want to go over it again yeah reverse first second third fourth then overdrive okay yes overdrive and your auxiliary will be first second third fourth which is overdrive again oh god okay all right now if you're starting out with a heavy load then you're going to go this one here you're going to go first this one in second and then oh god okay shift this one up you shift right up to the top if you want or the top in high range as well yeah well you go up to fifth then go back in the second do you want my head to explode yeah irene okay then go again third fourth fifth when you get up here then start shifting this up but you always shut out in a second with this one here with that box yeah and then through it this is overdriving so when i go from when i go from second in this up to third do i ship this back down to low range and then oh no not these transmissions that's that's the old five and a four oh okay when there's a big split you would you'd split like you would shift this one up and this one down one okay but this one you don't have so once i'm on the highway and giving her in top range you don't have to split it at all i can let off put slock in the driveline and then switch it over to third yeah okay cool yeah yeah so do you want to show me how to put the fold up well maybe i will yeah get an old timer to show me how to get it up do us do any work or what no i'll do all the hard lifting okay i'll run the truck and run the inside out sounds good show you what to do we're a strong back and a weak mind all right now kids watching this they uh respect your elders because without them we'd have sweet this this is a big treat for my fat ass to get taught this all right we gotta go eat some lube though oh look at his hoe in a sawed-off frenchman let me dance for you oh yeah so what do we got going on i mean now we're slacking off so this i just went into the pier so you want to be in high range in now guy yeah okay this is neutral okay kick the dog in okay kick the dog over here right here take this this land break take that off okay after you kick your dog in so your line will take off on you okay okay and then you just slap off till you get tough all right line's hooked up you got it ready to go ready to go ernie okay below neutral now i'm yeah this one here would be a second oh there okay so you just move the drum until the dog's kicked out okay lord ready yeah so you're going to ride the van break now it is a little tight yeah you're almost lifting your oh okay so you're just riding today all right so we're gonna pull the line back will you back up he's gonna pull toward us okay he actually should be on the ground walking backwards oh hey you guys pull the line back just listen to the guy frenchman brakes on this chain here hooked on the there's a drum there on the deck yeah i'm gonna move the drum up a little bit so you can see the notch here so there'll be a notch on the passenger side of the drum just let him move it yeah he's got to move it wait very good yeah okay watch your fingers here shake hands with danger you know put those blocks in there grab this one block here the chain on it lock the chain block through the chain on it thank you very much for showing us this okay another one for the right side same thing so between every every time you stop moving what what are you taking out of gear everything's neutral yeah okay okay water are your brakes on or the dogs in or something i'm actually very sure okay that's it none of these brakes are on no no these are off because the this is off because i got the dog kicked in okay when the dog is kicked out this has to be on okay otherwise you're lying you're yeah it'll just start giving her yeah okay you take your unhook your chain here that's good okay watch so this so if you're stuck in the upright position okay here you get it okay put it back in that hook there hey hook it back in that hook where you took water from there oh put it back in no no no the hook on the bed there oh i store it yeah just to store it some people don't listen for cable down jump the cable down in the hole there get out of the way there you go now yeah perfect perfect very good very good now slide them pulls in i have to get out all right do it faster yeah all right throw it down here so you can put a hole oh we already lubed it up dirty we know we know the cost of not using sounds good that's how you know it's good would you guys hurry the [ __ ] up yeah take this cable leave it here and from here pull that slack away after him there okay we got ahead of ourselves we should have that before we put the thing in back when labor was cheap you imagine rigging this [ __ ] thing up every day me yeah you gotta like hand over hand it that's why you got all that slack right [Applause] this here has to go in the inside this here on the inside that's on the outside they're back up there that's right now now going in around the end of your pole [Music] now lay it over top the pole on top the pole that's right yeah there you go there you go there you go there you go now put your cap back on let me look here make sure we're doing it right that would be stupid there's probably been some lot litter grease in there he's meticulous with this [ __ ] oh yeah like i don't know why you did do you like jim cole trucks yeah you just put a deadpool truck at that vehicle oh yeah that old merch look at that [ __ ] merc voice i already got one that fast i need one this size oh oh my pants oh my god i played just a tip with that just dip it right in there don't even bother to brush oh oh yeah get in there oh yeah it's like spitting on it now that next time that'll be easier yeah all right just flip top now you gotta bring that cable back here first so i'm gonna be able to do it all by myself later so one might say we're gonna erect the pole okay this truck's about to have an erection well look at how [ __ ] manly those hands are kevin just had his nails done we already met those now we get out of the danger zone do you swing your purse the same way all right oh what do you mean dangerous yeah do you want to go underneath and into it oh [ __ ] you want to get her i'm vegetating i'm cameraman here useless some [ __ ] noofy rolled it up on you all right ernie now you're going to winch it up and it's going to bring him right up your truck looks pretty expensive i can't afford that one you got to be a good swamper and close the door i don't reckon this is the first time ernie's got her up [Applause] oh man is that awesome it meant indeed [ __ ] up oh man got me trying to do this all right ernie was just explaining to us about how power lines and this thing get along like rodeo donald and exercise look at that now uh what you will do next now see where the tabs are there okay you wrap a chain around there one end of the team and then down through here and back up the other end of the chain up there and put a bloomer in there okay um that way they can't if you got your wrist set off they can't fall ahead there that holds them back okay hold them back from yeah because if like if you for some reason that you broke up broke free of whatever it doesn't fly forward yeah that'd be real bad not even leaking oil looking good yeah so how much can this thing lift yeah and they call that a wheelie that's a good thing we like wheelies so you never shorten your tie back cables for no more pulling power yeah i've never seen maybe yet um yeah because this is uh back in yeah so uh how do we get it down without smashing i got uh about to get a chain and i'll show you a lot of guys for you guys a lot of guys uh uh slacked with it off and then two guys were giving them these sky wires and started yeah pretty soon they'll come ahead that's how i get my gen pulled down at home like i made my own jinpo truck god that is very dangerous yes because what if your hand slip off that cable where are you gonna go somersault backwards and it's only like four or five feet down and that's probably not going to be good to fall off the deck do what he asked you to do and hurry it up oh look at that sawed-off frenchman he's like fast where he wants to be he's like a coward [ __ ] spider-man oh yeah he is red white and blue eh hey you're inadvertently american red white and blue they're a big guy oh he just hit his pants is he driving over the chain i don't know what he's doing that's how he's folding the menus driving the truck forward that is smart this is why kids are these days because they can't do like this would have thought of that me neither i would have grabbed a pickup no you guys would have tried to use an app because you're stupid i'm sure i'm joking no you won't it'll just come down a little harder i've done this with mine before i would hammer i didn't mind though no no i just got my buddy to swamp it oh this is awesome oh yeah yeah i was looking at the other cables now it's going to winch out a little bit saw it off don't die i'll be able to do this no no problem well we're going to just leave it in transportation mode as well well the first thing you're doing i'm going to it's going up again yeah well i'm going to do that then you don't have to do that anymore you just get rolled away i'm not hauling 400 barrels around or [ __ ] oh you know d.o.t will barely pull that off the road oh bald eagles even the [ __ ] puff that comes out the bottom yeah that's that's more bald eagles that was more bald eagles oh he's got that he's welded out to it sits there so it doesn't go bang but oh i like how he really feeds her the ketchup to get [ __ ] moving eh no he doesn't have time for that this is where shot off fraction gets exploded um well there's not women around kevin there's no battle to be won you shouldn't be that uncomfy oh he's better all right ernie's chained those together and now he's sucking it up tight i think we're doing load securement right now oh this guy's smart i'm really disappointed how dumb i am when it comes to anything just showing a guy up ernie you are a master of your trade you're a master of your trade that is [ __ ] awesome we're going to teach a lot of kids with this video i tell you well ernie you're all ready to go it was a pleasure well you take care you're a good man have fun with your girl i will i'm going to miss her she'll be in good hands oh good really good it's going to it's going to kill a lot of old vehicles yeah oh yeah that winch is going to be the part in a lot of murdering of old old pieces so it'll be good very good yeah thank you very much i mean you're a good man yeah all right leaving grimshaw meow [ __ ] thing and uh guess how much seat belt it has oh yeah my signal lights on no idea how to drive this thing just smoking like it's a instead of dog wiring just a good time no idea this pattern [ __ ] man oh i got an erection it's not as hard as a diamond in an ice storm right now [Music] giant hill check no idea how to drive this thing check driving while filming definitely not checked that would be illegal because it's a good day you want to hear do you want to hear the angels sing let freedom ring oh erection engaged just freaking loyal look at that thing [Applause] just here at the old shopberry fairy [ __ ] mint got sawed off frenchman the old burlington man might as well take the ferry all right well you know she's getting serious but i got a new hat so i'm going to show you kids how it's done first things first take the [ __ ] sticker off of it there it's decker done hey there now look it you put a curve in it it's called oh that seems like a really swell idea to put the kenworth on there that's a good idea oh yeah so what we got here the tugboat pushing of a converge but uh they got a shock melted to it there man oh and a big shout out to norm and that minty brought at k whopper you got their mint thanks a lot the [ __ ] up thing is is that tugboat is just pushing that thing and the peaceful river nothing flows like a mother that plastic lego set junk and it's just it's just pushing it up the river with a giant propane truck on it that's awesome oh yeah where's the first place you took the day whopper when you took a bird rip well we just went for a little rip on the ferry there and tugboat and oh that's you don't have to worry about your cameras thinking in the pace river oh a big shout out to uh with minty mother flair and i don't remember his buddy's name too but uh listen to that sawed-off frenchman you guys are [ __ ] unreal man you guys helped me out so much man they took me over to the shop they hooked me up with their redheaded native buddy that can hook us up with tires me hobbling was that a good day thank you guys a lot what a treat going across the river in the dirty okay whopper oh yeah and the driver of the fairy lands it like a champ is this thing ever a sweetheart all right 110 ish no seat belt because it doesn't have one and uh yeah we don't even know of all the wielder torque what a treat well i have no idea how far we are from home but that [ __ ] chef berry ferry ride give us a bit of a detour but look at this old k-wa forever loyal other than the [ __ ] glove box exploding open over the bumps because you know airbags were not something that this truck got she's got leaf and springs and they ever stout oh i don't know who lived out here but god bless you look at the [ __ ] burnout just kilometers of burnout yeah all right so you're driving down the road in your bad truck and you're like hey one shifter not enough two shifters isn't enough all you do is you reach behind the seat here grab an extra shifter and you stick that shifter on that shifter now you have three shifters you might as well have all the shifters oh my god what a treat all right stop dirty old one for a quick and uh milwaukee re-torque now we're back at her running mid all right we're in gta out here i figured i'd uh billy big rig the setter for you guys here let's see if uh i can't figure out how to drive a thing now i finally figured out this [Music] pattern oh yeah what's this little guy over here i'm gonna play without a little bad egg loyal oh the jig crank oh it doesn't work very good at all oh wait it's america i love this truck they can't tell you we're making swag for [ __ ] worthington you can guarantee that you know why because it's again worth it oh yeah yeah oh yeah just solid just man 18 wheels junior that mint what do you think buddy do you want to give the skinny pedal a little oven yeah push it oh yeah america it's america give her more all the way yeah you know how it works good job buddy how badass this truck you wanna shut it off yeah all right push this one right here push it hard a good truck
Views: 258,492
Rating: 4.9234958 out of 5
Id: 0xPWihZLgKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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