What Could Be Wrong With A $300 Skid Steer?

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so i've made a video before on flipping cars and there's not as much money into it as an old piece of junk like this this is my buddy luke's he paid 300 for it from a shipyard that basically used and abused this thing um until they said we need something new um it didn't have these tires on it they did end up putting new tires on it they got a bucket for it with it but they ended up buying the forks but they really haven't touched anything on the machine other than that leeks oil they just top up the oil but this thing is worth three thousand dollars any day of the week it does have the gas engine in it not the little kubota diesel if you've got a diesel it's worth even more they've had this thing now for i think five or six years at least uh good for plowing snow moving stuff around they do construction and just an all-around handy little thing to have around unfortunately it doesn't run anymore and if it does run it just barely runs so we got to figure out why [Music] guys when i say they haven't spent a whole lot of money on it really guys invest in a seat like keep laughing with us his ass must be crazy [Music] [Music] [Laughter] no okay so first things first when i get a machine in i verify that the customer is accurate and saying what he told me um he told me no start i did drive it in here um i've been tinkering around with this a little bit and the first thing i did when he got here um i had it on the trailer we checked for spark and it barely had any spark if you've got a gas engine it doesn't run and you can't remember the last time that i had a tune-up probably first things you need to do is spark plugs cap and rotor so this is your cap and your rotor pushes up against here current comes from your coil and goes through your rotor which spins around and without actually touching these has to transfer the current to fire after spark plugs this is probably the number one reason why things aren't running and this definitely needs to be replaced so we looked online tried to find cheaper parts they were no better off than the bobcat prices surprisingly i think we could get some cheaper ones but it would take a couple months to get so if you're ahead of the game and you're like okay this winter i need to do a tune-up buy them in october and install them in january but because he wants us for snow we we need to get this running so new cat so this is the old rotor and you can see this is where that center nub on the distributor cap pushes down and your current goes through here and then this is what spins around and hits each one of those nubs um this is extremely dirty you're losing voltage through here you've got loss but check check this out this is the rotor which is in your distributor and it's time to your engine and you can see i got a little bit of play this is the new one and that would be the backlash on the teeth as it's spinning it'll go towards the back and that's your timing this was the old rotor which has this much slop so what that's actually doing is because it's just worn out in the d shape that it is it's actually delaying the timing so we're probably gonna add an extra 20 in power just by advancing the timing so we're going to leave this for now because it works if we find that we have a bad spark then uh we'll put points on it but there's some pieces missing when they converted it to this this doesn't come stock with this magnet i think this was an upgrade if it still works we'll leave it alone all this has to do is tell it to on off and your actual spark gets made by your coil and determines how strong of a spark that is okay so we're going to give you a quick lesson on a points ignition system even though this is a hall effect we're going to kind of talk about the basics of the entire thing this is your coil and this is capable of making about 40 000 volts you need about 40 000 volts to jump between the electrode on the tip of the spark plug to the actual top here and that's what ignites your fuel system if you can hear it i think it's 4 000 volts so when you're rubbing your feet on the carpet and you got wool your grandma's knitted socks that would be about 4000 volts just just hearing when you pull your your sweater off and you hear that static the crackle that's about 4 000 if you can feel it it's about ten thousand so when you go to pet the cat after you've walked on the carpet and that that's about ten thousand if you can see it it's about forty thousand volts voltage doesn't kill you amperage does a third of an amp will stop your heart but volts is just uh something to laugh at your buddy when he's holding the spark plug and you crank it over to do that we have two sets of windings inside the coil we have your primary which is just a bunch of thicker wires that you run your 12 volts through and then a pile of secondary windings which are a lot smaller so what happens when you feed the current through the primary windings and collapse it they'll fall onto the secondary windings and because there's 10 times more of those windings you turn 12 volts into the 40 000 volts to do that they came up with a points ignition system and what that is is there's lobes for each cylinder that open and close this contact now we've got negative going to the frame of it and we've got positive 12 volts going to this connection right here when you open this up you break that contact and those positives have nowhere else to go so that's what collapses the windings to do that we also need a condenser which will store the extra current if it didn't have a capacitor when we open this it would arc in between so if you're not getting a pulsating 12 volts to your positive coil it could just be the condenser we need to open these up to about 18 thou so when the lobe is pushing on that we want to set the gap to about 18 000 and we need to have clean contact so if you've got no starter it's been sitting for a while if it happened to stop where it's open you have a better chance that when it's closed they start to corrode together and these points are no good anymore it doesn't allow the current to pass through so this is obsolete with this machine because we've got the hall effect which is the magneto which does the same thing less moving parts less failure points and if the gas is the issue then we can leave this thing alone because basically all this is is an on off okay so i went to go pull the or drain the fuel out and it definitely smells like gas unfortunately it's not why it's not running so we go on to the next thing um we've got a fuel pump which is this little guy right here we've got a fuel filter pointing out the fuel pump and this is a mechanical pump that rides off the camshaft so there's a little lever that goes back and forth on a diaphragm and that will pull the fuel from the tank through this filter and then up to the carburetor so what i did was very simple i took this hose off i put it into a little can i had a buddy crank it over and you have to be really careful with that don't be jumping starters and stuff with screwdrivers because a little spark and fuel is a big problem especially with wiring like this we've got exposed wires be very careful with that but anyway i've got fuel going through the diaphragm up to the carburetor and that's where it stops so we've figured out spark we figured out that the fuel is flammable i poured a little bit outside and lit it on fire we've got it going through here we'll order a filter and change that anyway oh and it's frame that's that's definitely why it's not running what we're gonna do now is pull the carburetor off um i don't know exactly what this little guy does right here but when i jump this wire um when i unplug it and plug it with the key on i hear it clicking so that is probably a shut off for something um and that likely could be the culprit even though it's clicking and i can hear something moving i have to guarantee that it's moving this rod and that the fuel is actually going through once we're at the carburetor it's pretty simple um and it's just been a part so i'll try and see i'm leaning towards this now so let's pull this carburetor off here we go all right so i pulled this out uh negative positive and this thing went click click click click so this thing is working done now we have to trace our fuel coming in we need the fuel going from here down to a little jet going down into there so take these four screws out there's one down in there each car will be a little bit different and you'll see this um also see some fuel in the bowl that means that the needle and seat is working so you can blow in this hole and then just raise and lower the float what happens is the fuel bowl fills up says i got enough fuel this goes up shuts off the little seat the needle in the seat there and that shuts off the fuel flow going into the bowl so that it doesn't start spilling out all over the place so now we need to make sure you see the little jet at the bottom here that right there is a metering jet that when the air goes through here creates a vacuum and pulls fuel in through here so as long as this is open that should be a passage from here into the jet that sprays fuel into the air fuel mixture here something's not going on there so we will pull this jet out uh we'll blow that all clean and then go from there okay so following following following this this pin this is where this fits in you got to make sure that it's open so take a blow gun and that goes to this port right here that's open so then we follow that to here that port ends up at this port so that must be some sort of automatic choke or something maybe add a little extra fuel but regardless that is open as well so pulled the jet out of the holder here and then blew the blow gun and you can clearly see a little bit of fuel spray coming out here so that is your fuel flow going into here filling that up going into here and going into the engine but it's not running and then i noticed this i did not unhook this this is a vacuum port a big one um the front one here goes to the distributor for the vacuum advance so as your vacuum goes up it changes the timing but this one was open so this one could go to vacuum brakes or [Music] that's it and i gotta find that hose because i did not disconnect this with this open you wouldn't be getting any vacuum it wouldn't be pulling air through the top it would be pulling air through here bypassing the little port right here which is your vacuum sensing which would pull the fuel through so that would result in a no fuel system we have a video on checking small vacuum leaks on the forklift check that out use a little propane torch very simple um that might have worked on this but it was a no start altogether so when you're trying to crank it over you can just take your hand and put it right over the right over the top and create a massive vacuum if it runs better you more than likely have a vacuum leak so we'll find the other hose we'll put this back together i can verify that it's everything's here is correct so we'll find the hose for that if not we'll just put a cap on that and we'll be doing wheelies in the snow in no time here we go so the torques back on these screws on the carburetor are when you're tightening them and your face makes this face if you make this face you've gone too far so don't do that okay so right there is the blow-by or the evap that goes back to the intake that pipe is there there's a hose that goes right there that goes up to this thing which connects to the intake again so into another emissions thing so that's in place looking at all the other hoses that is a fuel line back there yeah it's hard to focus but anyway all the lines are accounted for we've got extra spark plug wires which is fantastic i'm going to cut that one out um and there is nothing else the carburetor will definitely get a cap on here we can always pull that off but for now that is i think our biggest problem let's put it back on again and fire it up here we go okay so we got the carburetor back on again um we got everything kind of hooked up still have the air filter out let's see if it starts as far as i know everything is fine with the carburetor it should be getting fuel [Laughter] okay so that's not great but i still don't we got spark we got fuel i'm wondering if the fuel is just not happening at the right time or the spark's not happening at the right time so i'm gonna move the distributor that distributor if you earlier in the video that rotor was so sloppy i'm wondering if people were messing around with the timing crank it all the way one way see if that makes a difference you guys try and think of what everybody else did before you and what their level of intelligence was over what work they did so [Music] that sounds better [Music] okay so i think it's timing the issue is this thing's a pile of garbage and not very safe so i can't check the timing and crank it at the same time because if it fires up there is no real neutral safety and i think he's going to run right into the race car this thing is old they bought it for 300 bucks they're not going to put a pile of money into it it's lunch time um i think we're getting closer [Music] wow guys she's pretty special yeah really you can't go wrong why is there we go [Music] no why what just gonna keep that under control well it's on fire [Applause] i don't want to waste the fire extinguisher yeah ah it's still just burning the extra off inside we're all good i might put the pin back in the fire extinguisher yeah i didn't want to make a mess on the new floor all right so now we got fuel we've got spark as it ignited my um air cleaner assembly on fire all we were doing there is cleaning that out burning that takes care of all the dust and all the stuff in there that you don't want in your engine so we just kind of let that burn nicely so we verified that our air cleaner assembly is now clean the hose inside is nice and clean now we need to wonder why did we lose spark well if we check uh we're gonna start at the beginning check our battery we got our volt meter here a nice little mac we'll go post to post we've got 12.48 which is a touch slow a little scooch low should be about 12 6 but that's fine now this is the wire with the key on that feeds my coil 12 volts positive let's see what's going on there one hand and we've got 1105 so it already dropped um a bolt and a half and that's kind of a big deal because while you're cranking it your starter is taking a pile of amperage it's taken 150 200 amps um your battery is probably able to put out about 600 amps this one's a nice big one but when it drops down if we don't have a minimum of 9.6 volts going to the coil it's not enough to fire the spark plug so even though it's cranking it's turning around and around and you're thinking yeah it'll go it'll go if if the voltage drops below 9.6 it's not enough to collapse that coil not enough to fire your spark plug so there's a connection here there's connection here there's a connection here and then there's probably 12 more by the time it reaches the key and that is a problem because now we're getting into wiring and you can tell a customer how long it's going to take to change your spark plugs and give your air distributor tune up clean your carburetor make sure that the fuel is going through and to set your timing there is no set amount of time on how long it's going to take to clean this crap up now this is 30 40 years of 20 different people looking at it and you get to figure out what actually happened so i'm going to dig into this a little bit nice broken wire there basically we're just tracing wires trying to find a clean ignition source so we can still shut the thing off inside the cab and then once we do that we'll go back to trying to fire our spark plugs and set our timing all right so we started out the battery uh we used to have our terminals on these battery clamps but there's a stud right here so i got rid of those clamps and went straight to the studs that's one bad connection taken i left this one because it's handy to stick my probe on then i cut out this wonderful wiring and went back to the original 12 volts now from the battery here straight across on my posts i have 12.85 and when i go to my terminal here i have 12.51 which means that i've got a 0.3 of a volt loss between here and here and that's like getting 97 on a test that you really don't care about and is it really worth trying to study for hours and hours for that point three percent or you're pretty happy with 97. i'm pretty happy with 97 so we're going to clean this wiring up uh basically just uh nice new sealed connections between here and the coil and then we should be good to go okay so uh back on the skid steer and turns out that this balancer here um can get put on any which way one of four spots so it doesn't matter where this timing light or zero lines up because it means squat uh so then i pulled the spark plug and tried to see when the spark was happening i definitely got spark i got fuel now and um i thought maybe pull the valve cover because i need top dead centers when number four is rocking number one is on top dead center of compression but the valve covers the pain in the ass to take off it's probably gonna leak i don't have a gasket and basically just trial and error so you can um i just moved the wires around a little bit and it started to cough and spit so i think i can get it started issue is that it creeps forward and neutral so i either need to jack it up um it's kind of a safety hazard thing is gas um all the fuel lines should be replaced there's a lot of things should be done with this thing but i'll play with the timing a little bit until it looks good but i did find uh ignore the sparco seat belts but i did find an old seat from a forklift that i was keeping for about 10 years just for this occasion because that is not very comfortable so i'm going to replace the seat first and then take it outside i think i think i got it i never want to see this thing again so get at the bottom of the seat you got to lift the cab up and it's actually just the bolt there and the same bolt on the other side and then you just lift and it's super easy but it's not whatever it is let's put a safety on here [Music] you know as you can tell it was super sluggish going out of the shop problem is this thing doesn't have a parking brake it creeps forward it's kind of dangerous so what i suspect is happening though is because that rotor had so much slop in it imagine this being your piston and it doing work now you want your fuel and air to come in when your pistons up high you want that explosion to happen and shove that piston down i think the timing is so delayed that my pistons about here before the spark comes and there's not much energy left pushing that that crankshaft down so we'll advance the timing a bit and see if that makes a difference here we go okay so there's the cat so the distributor spins this way and what happens is oh for shit's sake a little piece fell out that's what that was ah broke my rotor all right if you're moving the distributor to advance the timing you rotate it this way if you want to advance it by a tooth pull the rotor out and then move it one tooth over and then stick it back in again so i'm going to do that and then hopefully it'll still fire up but um yeah this is no good so uh hopefully it'll run if i can get it running i'm gonna tell luke he's gotta get a distributor because this magnetic pickup is not in good shape anymore either and at some point you gotta call it quit so i'm gonna hopefully get it running if you can get another distributor he can probably get this thing running um for another couple years maybe just some odds and end stuff but at some point you gotta call it quits on a machine [Music] i think we're gonna burn this one to the ground okay so it runs but i think it's running on three cylinders and i suspect that it's a distributor if we can't get a distributor i'm gonna wait for luke to get here we'll fire it up um i'll pull a wire but i can't do that without somebody in the seat we'll see when luke gets here here we go all right if you remember that truck from when we built the barn that's luke with his trailer finally picking up bob we still need a reluctor for the distributor because it's running on three cylinder but you're having issues trying to find one yeah bobcat doesn't want to talk to you about a five dollar part so he's just gonna run it as is for now and then we'll deal with that later let's hop in there see if it starts i might have to uh give her a little extra choking oh there's a hook i didn't know there was a hook i'm crawling under this stupid thing okay easy like slow movements on the throttle until it warms up okay [Music] see what i mean was this how it was like she had more jam before but then like i said when it went for a dump it went through yeah yeah right right worst part is i'm gonna miss those forks because they fit on the kubota i thought it ran better than that is the choke on there don't kill me yeah that's it throttle down a little bit slam them in okay [Music] it's all you man bob already tried to kill me like six times so it's it's hard starting it from the back and then it creeps away and then you're cranking it and then i don't crawl mine had an auto lower but i've never heard of this auto crawl thing go easy on luke in the comments because uh it really i think how much do you pay for it luke 300 bucks three okay so it sucks when you have to put money into it because you're like ah are we gonna see this thing again luke probably probably don't drop it off at my place please all right guys that's it for this one um you win some you lose some but we're just trading labor uh no bill for this one just uh trying to keep some old [ __ ] going if it wasn't for you guys watching these videos i wouldn't be able to work on stuff like this because it does not pay remember get up there work on it get your fingers dirty you're not filthy you're not rich here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 523,832
Rating: 4.9098835 out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, skid steer, bobcat skid steer, skid steer repair, skid steer no start, bobcat no start, bobcat yellow, bobcat skid steer starter, skid steer start
Id: Vhlp82Y7d-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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