Everyday English for Speaking - English Conversation Practice - for ESL Students | English Study

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lesson one making a phone call situation one i'd like to get phone service in my new apartment okay can i have your full name please paul jong that's c-h-a-n-g and your address number 201 university avenue and what's your mother's maiden name guo can you spell that for me k-u-o thanks your date of birth august 18 1976. all right your new phone number is 555-7849 and you'll be able to use the line within three working days if you have any questions please feel free to call our service line again thanks for your help situation two [Music] may i help you yes i'd like to make a collect call please what's the number you're calling the area code is 314 and the number is 555-9034 and the name of the person you're calling amy mason and your name paul jong all right please stay on the line the operator calls paul's aunt you have a collect call from paul jong will you accept the charges sure i'll take it the call is connected go ahead please thanks once he is able to use his phone paul tries to call a friend in los angeles hello hello jesse i'm sorry there's nobody here by that name is this 555 4703 no it isn't you have the wrong number oh i'm sorry lesson two at the post office situation one how can i help you i'd like to buy stamps for this letter to taiwan all right anything else yes i'd also like to mail this package where is the package going also to taiwan how do you want to send it express mail please are there any valuables in this package yes i want to insure it all right i wrote the address in chinese and then added taipei taiwan in english is that okay yes that's just fine oh and i'd also like to buy 10 postcards please here you go situation 2 next please hi i'd like to send this package to san francisco how do you want to send it regular or priority what's the difference between regular and priority priority is more expensive but it's faster your package will arrive in two days then let's go with priority can i help you with anything else yes i also need to send this letter to new york what kind of special delivery do you have this is a very important letter well you can send it by certified mail what's that certified mail is for deliveries within the united states the person who receives it must sign for it that way you can make sure they actually receive it do you have any other services you can also send it by express delivery the rates are much higher but it will arrive by noon tomorrow why don't we do that this letter is worth it all right let me weigh it that'll be sixteen dollars and fifty cents uh oh i only have a hundred dollar bill can you take a hundred no problem here you are and your change is 83 dollars and 50 cents thanks she starts to walk away wait here's your receipt oh thank you lesson three inviting friends over situation one hey mike i'm thinking of having some friends come over to my apartment for dinner next week that sounds great what day how about monday hmm i'm afraid monday is out for me i have to work at the computer lab on monday how about tuesday night tuesday's out i am supposed to join an english conversation club what about wednesday night wednesday i'm supposed to go see a movie with a friend i don't think there's any way i can get out of it are you free on thursday well unfortunately i'm tied up on thursday i have an appointment with my dentist to have my teeth cleaned are you free on friday night actually i am i guess friday's the best choice i'll call cindy and tina to see if they're available on friday night okay tell me what you guys decide on i will i'll call you later situation two hello hello this is paul may i speak to cindy speaking what's up paul not a lot but listen i'm throwing a party at my house on friday night do you think you can make it yeah that sounds like fun what time it starts at seven bring tina with you mike is planning on coming too sure we'll be there all right we'll see you then see you after cindy accepts paul's invitation paul calls mike to tell him about the final plans for friday night hello hello is mike in this is mike hi mike it's paul it looks like everything's all set for friday sounds great when should i be there i think we're gonna start around seven what should i bring just bring yourself okay then i'll see you on friday at seven i can't wait to see your place i think you'll like it see you then see you lesson four getting a haircut situation one hi i'd like to make an appointment to get my hair cut who is your stylist well my friend says that henry does a good job when would you like to come in how about wednesday afternoon at 3 30. let me check the schedule do you just need a cut or will you need a color or perm as well just a haircut will be fine let me see henry has an opening at 3 45 how's that that's fine and your name paul jong c-h-a-n-g okay paul then we'll see you on wednesday at 3 45 see you then thanks situation 2 what would you like to have done today i'd like a trim please all right how would you like me to cut it short on the sides and in back and longer on top and in front do you want a shampoo yes please and where would you like to part your hair on the left please after the haircut okay we're done i'll hold this mirror up so you can see the back how do you like it could you trim the front a little more please there how's that very nice you do a good job cindy also wants to get a haircut but she has not made an appointment she decides to ask and see if they take walk-ins excuse me do you take walk-ins yes we do but i need to check the schedule what do you want to have done today i'd just like to trim off the split ends let me see angela will be available in 10 minutes is that okay it's fine with me lesson five at the bank situation one good afternoon how may i help you i'd like to cash a check please please sign the back of the check and write down your account number all right may i see an id here you are your check is for three hundred and twenty dollars how would you like that i'd like a fifty two twenties and three tens and i want to deposit the remaining two hundred dollars did you fill out a deposit slip yet yes here you are okay here's the receipt for your deposit and here's your cash he counts it for her can i help you with anything else today actually can i exchange a 20 bill for some quarters i need them for bus fare sure here are two roles each role has ten dollars in quarters situation two [Music] may i help you yes i'd like to withdraw two hundred dollars from my savings account and use it to buy travelers checks okay thank you what's your account number it's one one three five six oh nine 901 can i see an id here you go and how would you like your travelers checks fifty dollar travelers checks will be fine all right here are four fifty dollar checks and the receipt by the way you need to sign the top line right away and these work just like other travelers checks right yes when you want to use a check you'll need to use the same signature to counter sign on the bottom line and i do that in front of the person who's cashing it for me right that's right and by signing the top line now you make it hard for someone else to use them okay got it thank you also remember to put the receipt somewhere other than where you keep the checks oh that's right that way i'll still have it if the checks are lost correct and if you have the receipt the checks can be replaced it always seems like a lot of trouble to get travelers checks but it's worth the safety can i help you with anything else no thank you for your help you're welcome see you have a good day you too lesson six seeing a doctor situation one what's the matter paul you look terrible i have a cold you had better call the health clinic and make an appointment paul makes a phone call to the health clinic hello campus health clinic how can i help you hi i'd like to make an appointment i'm not feeling well what are your symptoms i have a cough my headaches and i have a runny nose oh yeah i have a sore throat too is three o'clock this afternoon okay that's fine what's your name paul jong okay paul we'll see you this afternoon at three thanks situation two i feel awful i've been coughing for three days and i have a runny nose a headache and a sore throat hmm how's your appetite i've scarcely eaten anything in the past three days let me look at your throat open your mouth and say ah [Music] good now let's take your temperature he takes paul's temperature you have a fever let me listen to your heart a minute later paul i'm afraid that you've come down with the flu is it serious will i need a shot no you won't need a shot you'll be fine in a few days but you should stay home and rest i also want you to take some medicine and drink a lot of liquids okay are you allergic to any type of medication nope very good i'll write a prescription for you when your appetite returns stick to foods that are easily digested thank you doctor should i come back in a few days if you are feeling better that shouldn't be necessary but if your fever persists then i'll want you back here okay thanks just get plenty of rest and you should be fine nothing to worry about lesson seven at the pharmacy situation one may i help you yes could you fill this prescription for me please sure looking at the prescription you must be suffering from the flu that's right i have a sore throat and a runny nose the doctor also said that i have a very high fever why don't you take a seat it'll take a couple of minutes sure thing a few minutes later paul chang here's your medicine how often am i supposed to take it you have to take the pills and the cough syrup three times per day after meals don't take it on an empty stomach okay also consult a physician in case of nausea or other side effects and don't consume alcohol when taking this medicine situation 2 excuse me can you help me i'm looking for headache medication i recommend taylor's aspirin tailors is it effective where can i find it yes very effective it's an aisle four near the cash register a few minutes later i found it great be sure to follow the directions on the label take one tablet three times a day okay if it doesn't work within two days let me know i will by the way what would you recommend for chapped lips chapstick will work where can i get some it's right over here here you are is this brand good quite good yes it's certainly one of the most popular can i help you with anything else no that should do it how much does that come to that will be eight dollars and seventeen cents here's a ten a dollar eighty-three is your change and here's your medicine the receipt is in the bag thanks for your help you're welcome i hope you feel better lesson 8 shopping at the supermarket situation one let's get a shopping cart first let me get out my list every time i go to the supermarket i make a shopping list so that i won't forget things what's the first thing on your list lunch meat for our picnic tomorrow the supermarket has pre-packaged meats in the back what if we don't want it pre-packaged then we go to the meat section and a butcher cuts it for us what else do we need for our picnic well other stuff for sandwiches cheese and bread and then things like mayonnaise pickles and mustard where do we go for all that these supermarkets are so big well the good cheese is over at the deli counter and the bread is in the bakery section oh i'm totally lost situation 2 number 56 oh that's us can i help you yes i need one pound of smoked turkey a quarter pound of cheddar cheese and a half pound of potato salad okay anything else i also need a half pound of ham please cut it in very thin slices will that be all yes here you go thank you paul is having a hard time finding some things he needs so he decides to ask a clerk for help excuse me hi what can i do for you can you tell me where the frozen pizza is yes make a right at the end of this aisle and walk straight ahead the frozen food section runs right up the side wall the pizzas are at the far end of the section also do you have soy sauce it's in aisle eight thanks no problem after paul fills his cart he goes to the checkout counter with tax that comes to 57 dollars and 21 cents he hands her 60 dollars let me see if i have a penny here you go all right your change is two dollars and eighty cents here you are have a nice day thanks you too lesson nine shopping at the mall situation one how may i help you sir uh i'm just looking thanks okay if you need any help just let me know a few minutes later can i have a look at that cd player sure we just got these in the sound quality is excellent and there's a fifteen percent discount too how much is it with the discount let me see it comes to one hundred and sixty two dollars including tax okay i'll take it cash or charge charge here's my credit card after the transaction would you sign here please sure thank you here's your credit card and your copy of the receipt situation two hi can i help you can you tell me the price of this coat it's 160 dollars without tax hmm i don't really want to spend that much how much are your t-shirts let me see i believe those are on sale yes they've been marked down to 16.99 can i try one on sure the fitting room is over there a few minutes later how does the shirt fit it's too big do you have it in a smaller size hold on let me check for you a minute later okay i think this one will fit better i'll take it thanks i'll bring it to the counter for you thanks for your help mike is in a clothing store he wants to return a shirt that he bought the previous week he is asking a salesperson if that is possible hi i bought this shirt here last week and i want to return it is that possible what's the problem with it it's too large do you want to exchange it no i'd like a refund please okay do you have the receipt yes here you are lesson 10 eating at a restaurant situation one welcome party of four yes we'd like a quiet place by the window if possible certainly sir this way please they follow a waiter to a table by the window and he gives them menus welcome to appleton restaurant my name is andy and i'll be your waiter this evening are you ready to order yes i'll have a green salad and the new york steak please all right how would you like your steak rare medium or well done medium please and you miss i'd like a turkey sandwich with potato chips please and you sir i don't know what to order i need a bit more time to think about it sure i'll come back in a few minutes situation two [Music] what's the special today rose chicken it comes with soup salad and your choice of a baked potato or french fries i highly recommend it well let me see i think i'll have the special all right and what kind of soup would you like today we have french onion and cream of broccoli i'll have the french onion soup and what kind of dressing would you like on your salad we have italian french thousand island and blue cheese i'd like italian please italian okay and would you like a big potato or french fries french fries please and what would you like to drink i'll have a coke and what would you like ma'am i'll have what he's having except i'd like cream of broccoli soup thanks all right thank you i'll be back in a moment with some dinner rolls after the meal the waiter comes to the table how was everything it was delicious do you want some dessert no i'm full what about you guys are you kidding we're all stuffed i think we'll just take the check thanks sure i'll be right back mike i really appreciate your help this week let me take care of the check oh no let's go dutch this time let me pay today and you can pay next time how's that okay it's a deal thanks thanks paul yeah thanks lesson 11 interviewing for a visa situation one have you ever been to the united states no i have never been there before where are you going to study metropolitan university why did you choose mu they offer an excellent selection of courses besides i like the student body there there are a lot of international students including many taiwanese i think i can learn a lot by studying in this kind of environment do you have any work experience related to your proposed field of study yes i worked part-time as a computer operator last summer i enjoyed the experience and i think that i have the right personality for that field very good okay let me look at your papers here for a minute all right situation two can you tell me how you plan to cover your expenses in the united states my parents are going to pay my tuition and also provide me with up to twenty thousand u s dollars per year and i myself have saved about five thousand to put towards my studies your toefl scores aren't very high do you plan to take english courses after arriving at the school yes i will take some english courses first to improve my english do you have any scholarships or fellowships no i didn't apply for any because my financial resources are sufficient do you have any relatives in the united states yes my aunt uncle and their children live in florida are they us citizens or us permanent residents they are us citizens what are your plans after graduation do you expect to work while in the u.s no i don't i want to return to taiwan as soon as possible i hope to get a job teaching at a university in taiwan what's your anticipated length of stay in the united states my master's program lasts for two years and that is how long i plan to stay thank you for your cooperation i hope you have a very pleasant stay and great success in your studies thank you very much lesson 12 own an airplane situation 1 welcome to northwest airlines may i help you yes we would like to check in please please give me your passports and tickets and put your luggage on the scale okay 25 kilograms not too heavy right no you're within the limit would you like a window seat or an aisle seat i'd like a window seat please i have no preference okay i have you in seats 26a and b here your baggage claim tickets be sure to hold on to them till you arrive in new york boarding time is 9 45 at gate number 10 for flight 633 you will have to go through customs and transfer in san francisco enjoy your flight thank you very much situation 2 good morning welcome to northwest airlines may i see your boarding passes okay row 26 seats a and b go straight down the aisle and your seats will be on your right thanks i'm a little bit nervous this is my first plane trip don't worry all you have to do is buckle your seatbelt sit back and relax i can't wait to see the big apple after about an hour two flight attendants come with a food cart and begin serving lunch anything to drink apple juice please i'd like a coke by the way could you please bring me a blanket sure i'll get one for you in a moment would you like beef or chicken for lunch chicken please i ordered a vegetarian meal when i bought my ticket let's see you're in 26b yes i have you down for a vegetarian meal i'll bring that out in a second okay thank you the flight attendant comes to paul and cindy again about an hour before landing here are i-94 arrival cards and customs declaration forms please fill them out before landing thanks lesson 13 immigration and customs situation one wow after a 14-hour flight we are finally here what do we do next we have to pass the arrival inspection customs and then transfer to new york is it hard no not at all things will go smoothly so long as you aren't carrying anything illegal cindy is handing her travel documents to an immigration official who checks them over and asks her a few questions good morning may i see your passport here it is what's the purpose of your visit i am going to attend a master's program at mu how long will you be staying two years where are you going to live in the u.s i'll have a home stay in new york okay no problem have a nice day situation 2. can i see your customs declaration form please yes here you are do you have anything to declare i only have some daily necessities nothing special why don't you put your bags up on the counter and open them for me here you go what are these these are my personal belongings do you have any gifts or souvenirs yes i have some gifts for my advisors what are these brown tablets that is medicine for my stomach is this camera a gift for someone no it's for my personal use do you have any plants meat or alcoholic beverages to declare no oh wait actually i forgot about the mangoes you see my mom gave me some mangoes to take with me on the plane you know that you're not allowed to bring any fresh fruit into the united states right yes i know i'm sorry well i'll have to confiscate them i'm not going to find you but next time you might not be so lucky thank you okay that's all you may zip up your bag now give this card to the official at the exit okay thank you lesson 14 in transit changing planes and changing money situation one excuse me we're transit passengers how do we transfer planes to new york what airline are you traveling with northwest airlines first place your bags back on the conveyor belt over there then check in at the northwest airlines transfer counter just up ahead get your boarding pass for new york and then go directly to the transit lounge and wait for your flight to begin boarding cindy and paul approach the northwest airlines transfer counter is this the transfer counter yes may i help you we are transit passengers and we're on our way to new york may i see your tickets here they are here are your boarding passes flight 67 will be boarding at gate 5 in three hours in three hours thanks situation two could you tell me where the duty-free shop is it's just next to the transit lounge also is there a place around here where i can change some money yes that counter over there one more thing do you know if there is a change machine around yes there is one around the corner thanks after changing money and buying some duty-free items they go outside to meet mike who has been waiting for a long time how's it going my name is paul zhang hi i'm mike chen and i'm cindy dew sorry to keep you waiting so long that's okay you both must be tired after such a long flight yeah i am exhausted i'll take you to my house where you can rest up and then tomorrow i'll take you apartment hunting thanks but could we go to a bank first after we drop our luggage off at your place why i don't like to keep such a large amount of money on me i'd like to open an account right away that's a really smart idea yeah no problem let's go lesson 15 opening a bank account situation one i would like to open a checking account and a savings account may i see an id here's my passport just a moment please here are some forms for you to fill out okay how much interest do you pay on your savings accounts the interest rate on our regular passbook accounts is 2.5 percent i see but isn't it possible to get a higher interest rate we have several types of one-year certificates of deposit that have a higher yield but that means i can't withdraw the money for one year you can withdraw the money early but there's a penalty for doing so well i think i'll just open a regular account situation two by the way i'd like to cash some travelers checks here are ten one thousand dollar travelers checks do you want to cash them all or would you like to deposit some of the money in your new account i'd like to put nine thousand seven hundred dollars in my account and get the remaining three hundred dollars in cash just a moment i'll do that for you right away would you counter sign your checks for me please is this right yes and how would you like the three hundred dollars i'd like three fifty dollar bills five twenties and five tens okay here you go by the way i'm expecting some money from type a is there anything i need to tell my parents so they can wire it to me yes you'll need to tell them your account number and the correct name and branch number of this bank and what about an atm card in checkbooks you'll need to order numbered checks but for now you can use this atm card and these starter checks can i use this card at any atm machine yes you can use it at any machine which bears these symbols and if i lose this card who should i call you can call this number here it's 24 hours great thank you very much i really appreciate your help lesson 16 homestay situation one here let me show you around the house that'd be great here's the dining room and through that doorway over there is the living room every room looks so comfortable we like it now let's go up to your room on the second floor they go upstairs this is your room wow this room is going to be great make yourself at home you can hang your clothes in this closet okay do you happen to have any spare hangers sure i'll bring them to you later by the way is there an outlet where i can plug in my computer yeah i think there's an outlet under the desk let me know if you need anything else situation two this is the kitchen what a big beautiful kitchen you can help yourself to whatever's in the fridge thanks that's really nice of you we're pretty relaxed and easy going here are there any special rules i should know about well not really just try not to come home too late and try not to play music too loud we don't want the neighbors calling the police sure no problem i probably won't be out past 10 on most days that's fine do you need help with housework cooking or anything no that's okay we all try to keep the house neat is there really nothing i need to do as long as you keep your room clean and do your own laundry that should be fine when can i take showers we all seem to use the bathroom between seven and eight in the morning so it tends to get a little congested then other than that any time is fine okay well i usually shower at night anyway oh good what else oh yeah let me show you the utility shed in the backyard sue and cindy walk out to the backyard what a beautiful backyard i'm going to love living here lesson 17 renting an apartment situation one are you looking for an apartment yes i'm interested in finding a one-bedroom apartment near washington square i think i have just the right apartment for you oh good can you describe it yes it has one bedroom a large living room and a full kitchen so there's a refrigerator yes it's brand new it sounds great how much is the rent it's 8.50 a month when can i see it we can take a spin by there now if you would like the landlord left a set of keys with me okay that would be great situation two wow it has a balcony yes complete with a nice view how many windows are there in the apartment hmm let me see i think there are two in the bedroom and one each in the living room and kitchen it's just what i want i think i'm ready to sign i'll call up the landlord right now twenty minutes later the landlord arrives before you sign the lease do you have any questions yes does the rent include utilities it includes everything except cable tv and telephone how much is cable it usually comes out to about forty dollars a month also am i allowed to sublet the apartment no i'm afraid subletting the apartment isn't permitted i see do you allow pets sorry that's out of the question i don't have a problem with it but unfortunately the building doesn't allow it it's a building regulation i see the realtor mentioned a parking lot could you tell me a little bit about that yes you can park in front of the building the rental fee for a parking space is sixty dollars a month okay i'm ready to sign should i pay by cash or check it's up to you
Channel: Basic English Speaking
Views: 9,444
Rating: 4.8713827 out of 5
Keywords: english study, everyday english, every day english, everyday english for speaking, everyday english conversation, english speaking practice, english conversation practice, esl, esl student, for esl student, learn everyday english speaking, english conversation
Id: W5Ygu27a-NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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