Smart ways to use the PRESENT SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS in IELTS Speaking | Keith's Grammar Guides

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hello my friends and welcome so i'm starting a series of videos about grammar and today we're going to be looking at four grammatical tenses i'm going to show you how to form them and how you can use them in the ielts speaking test let's do it [Music] hi my name is keith and i run the keith speaking academy and i'm here to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on the ielts speaking test so i wanted to start a series of videos about grammar a lot of people have asked me about grammar but specifically grammar for the ielts speaking test did you know that written grammar and spoken grammar are a little bit different hmm so today we're going to look at four different tenses all around the present time so we're going to look at present simple present continuous present perfect and the present perfect continuous right the four tenses in the present time or so we think so when it comes to grammar it's really important i think there there are two things two things we should look at one is the rules of grammar so being able to understand know and follow grammatical rules is important but that's only half the story the other 50 is about creating meaning so what do i mean by that is that when we use different tenses we create a certain meaning and very often it's not about it's right or it's wrong it's about what do you mean so for example right some people say to me keith when the examiner asked me you know where do you live do you do i say i live in london or i am living in london well the thing is grammatically they're both correct but each one creates a slightly different meaning and it's important that you understand the meaning you're creating to have good communication right in fact you could say i have lived in london or i have been living in london all of them are correct but what's the meaning so we will focus on grammatical rules but also creating meaning it's really important especially when we're speaking right okay great just as we begin to let you know if you're interested i do have an online course it looks at ielts speaking in depth different questions and topics part one two and three gives you lots of language and pronunciation to help you as well as ideas actually to help you do better in ielts speaking it's on udemy somewhere up here go and check it out if it's right for you go for it now then let's get into that really interesting world of grammar right so let's begin oh actually i've just noticed you can see my zoom shirt my zoom shirt you know what a zoom shirt is right do you know in the times of covid19 more and more people are working online so the survey was done and discovered that most people walk around the house in summer wearing very little maybe nothing and when it comes to the meetings they take the shirt off the back of the chair they put on the shirt they get all dressed up and then they have their official serious professional meeting right and well who knows if they're wearing trousers boxer shorts one sock odd colored socks nobody knows it's the it's called the zoom shirt so i'm gonna get rid of this because i've already got my shirt on right let's get down to business um i'm gonna look today at the present tenses let's begin with the present simple right now the present symbol is used to talk about states things that are fairly permanent right i live in santander right for example here i live in santander i work in a university my brother studies law actually those are not entirely true i live in santander that's true i don't work in a university i work from home and actually my brother doesn't study law he studies he doesn't study what am i saying he's older than me he works he works in the finance field so these are different states right we can say i live in santander my well let me tell you my dad lives in manchester my brother lives in charlton my sister lives in the north of england too me and my family we live here in spain so let's have a look at the form here so we will say right i you we they plus the verb so i live you live right or in the negative i don't live in england right i live here so it's are you we they plus don't plus the verb okay for example i want to talk but you don't want to listen common scenario now with he and she it's different and this is what is the real challenge right because you probably know this but you forget it so we use he she or it plus the verb plus s or sometimes e s when you're spelling it but the s sound the negative doesn't plus the verb no s right so he wants to talk but jane doesn't want to listen right notice the s disappears in the negative so that's the form how we make it we've said we can use it for states right i live so the kind of questions clearly at the beginning of ielts speaking the typical questions like where do you live what do you do what do you study right these are typical questions and of course you can use the present simple i live in santander i work from home i'm a teacher i teach people english what do you study well actually i study if i'm at university i study geography or i study english right these are states and we can use the present simple tense we can use right that doesn't mean you must use okay remember we talked about creating meaning so when i use the present simple i study english it gives a sense of a permanent state we're creating that meaning what else can we use the present simple for well we use it for routines right for example i go to work by bus it's not true actually because i don't go to work but i walk around the park most mornings that is true i usually drink tea when i get up i don't drink coffee partly true but you can see the routines that i have right i get up in the morning i brush my teeth blah blah blah so the kind of question you may use this could be do you take public transport yes i go to work by bus what do you do in the mornings i get up i go for a walk in the morning i drink coffee what do you like to drink well i drink coffee in the mornings or i drink tea in the mornings because i don't like coffee all in the present simple so we can use it the present simple for routines as well now similarly but a little bit different we use the present simple for habits that we have right so for me i i do cook i cook now and again but actually in my house my wife usually cooks at home um other habits i have i read the newspaper in the morning um i drink tea or i drink coffee i think i drink too much coffee actually it's a bit of a bad habit so for habits we can also use present simple so coming back to the questions you may have similar questions right do you cook yes i cook at the weekends i cook now and again but my wife usually does most of the cooking present simple right what do you do in the mornings what are your habits well i go for a walk i have a cup of coffee i have breakfast all in the present simple okay so it's similar to routine um but also we can talk about negative habits right i think i drink too much coffee i don't do enough exercise or maybe or i smoke too much i don't by the way and finally the present simple is really good for stories telling a story uh maybe a film that you've watched or a book that you've read any kind of a story for example you may get questions like tell me about a film that you liked or describe a book you read recently this could be in the present simple we often use it for example so in this film right this girl travels across america and in the end she finds her family we can use the present simple it makes the story feel very alive and here and it's very powerful so it's a really nice way to create a vivid and kind of present feeling towards the story great so that is the present simple tense different ways that we can use it let's move on now number two is the present continuous temp tense right now by the way do you like my new lamp this one it's lovely right actually my wife put it there i think sometimes it's nice to have the female touch just to make things uh a little bit more alegri what's that happy yes lovely touch so thank you for that now present continuous um for example right i'm living in santander oh hang on keith you just said i live in santander right so i am living in santander present continuous is also a state but it's a temporary state i'm creating a meaning or a feeling of being temporary what is temporary part-time for a short time not forever no for a short time not permanent so it's a temporary state so i'm living in santander sounds like i'm here for a while but i may move on to another place later right whereas i live in santander sounds like this is my home from now until the day i die it's very permanent can you see the difference so for example if i said to my family in england well i live in santander they might not be happy because it sounds like i'm going to stay here but if i say i'm living in santander they may think oh that's good because it's temporary and you will be coming back to england making them happy or maybe not yes i'm sure it would but um so can you see the difference right both are correct but there's just a difference of meaning creating a different meaning okay for example temporarily i'm living in london i'm staying with my brother for a few weeks right for a short time whether it's a week a month or a year doesn't matter it's the idea of a short time another example right i'm working from home now i guess people who normally work in an office but during covid 19 might say well this month i'm working from home but i would say i work from home why that's right because for me it's my job i'm permanently work here i work from home right it's a permanent state i always work from home but somebody who does it temporary might say well i'm working from home for the month of august okay that's the difference now when it comes to study we may say my brother is studying law at university or my brother studies law at university they're both correct but one is slightly a feeling of more permanent and one is less permanent right so for example how can you create meaning if i go to a job interview and i want to make the interviewer feel i want to work there i want to go there right i might say well i'm studying law at university because it sounds temporary for a short time and that i'm really keen to come to stop studying and come to work for you so we can create this nice meaning right with the present continuous let's have a look at the form so we will use the subject plus b plus the verb with ing so i am watching tv now of course i'm not i'm talking to you now you are listening to me right she is living in london right now okay that's the format with the negative we use the subject plus b plus not and the verb ing right i am not listening to you i'm not listening to you anymore um you are not talking to me anymore and worth noting when we speak we usually make the contraction so i am listening i'm listening you're listening she's listening okay that contraction is very common in spoken english i'm not listening you're not listening or you aren't listening she's not listening or she isn't listening that's in the negative good so the kind of questions we may use this again at the beginning of ielts right where do you live what do you do what do you study depending on the meaning you want to create you could say well i'm living in santander i'm working as a teacher and i'm or i'm studying uh i'm studying photography in my spare time and the feeling of it being temporary okay in daily conversation we would emphasize the now right imagine you know you meet up with an old friend and they say well what are you doing now what are you doing these days or recently well i'm married i'm living in santander i'm working as a teacher online i'm doing this i'm doing that right we can use the present continuous tense the present continuous is used a lot for new habits so remember the present simple we use for habits right but if they're new habits so again temporary at the moment we would use the present continuous right for example i'm now really into plants so i'm growing some plants at home now i'm growing some basil and some flowers also during uh kovid 19 right we had the confinement and so i'm i'm not getting out so much i'm eating too much these days bad habit i'm not doing enough sport bad habit so these are new habits present continuous so you can imagine for the kind of questions like do you know much about plants of course you can say yes i do but you could also talk about the new habit i'm i'm planting some flowers in my garden right now or i'm growing some herbs on my balcony about the question do you eat healthy food well i usually do but nowadays i'm eating too much fast food because of the confinement right or what about do you lead a healthy lifestyle well i like to walk in the morning i usually go for a walk in the morning but these days due to the lockdown i'm not doing as much sport as i would like in fact i'm not doing any sport at all these days i'm not doing see present continuous good and there's a curious use of the present continuous which is about annoying habits irritating habits right habits you don't like that other people have right for example let's imagine your boss and and he's always making you work late right we often use it with always he's always doing that it means i'm creating the the feeling right that this is a habit and i don't like it my boss is always making me work late right he's always giving me too much work he's always talking to me when i'm trying to get things done my wife is always telling me to do more exercise right that her telling me is the annoying habit right she's always nagging she's always going on about doing more exercise or maybe right you've got a a newly born baby well recently my baby is not sleeping so i have to stay up my baby is not sleeping so it's a habit of the baby it's a bit annoying with all respect to babies around the world but when you're trying to sleep right my baby's not sleeping i need to stay up and look after him or her so we can use it for this new for new habits or annoying habits but that theme of being temporary is the key thing for the present continuous tense great guys i hate to do this but i'm running out of time and this is not gonna get finished this week so i'm going to stop here and split this video into two part one and part two this is part one right we've looked at the present simple and present continuous tense and how they can compare i'm going to stop here and next time in part two look at the present perfect and present perfect continuous and how all four tenses are connected but for now i'm afraid i'm leaving you with a cliffhanger what's gonna happen okay listen i hope this helps you so far look out for part two next week thank you very much for watching please do like this subscribe turn on notifications look out for that part two video take care everybody bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 107,790
Rating: 4.9592357 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, simple present tense ielts, present simple ielts, ielts grammar lessons, ielts grammar lessons for beginners, ielts present continuous, present tense, present simple, present simple vs present continuous, present simple tense, ielts present simple, present continuous, present continuous tense, keith speaking academy
Id: FmIvoj4MIHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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