IELTS Speaking Part 2: Band 9 TEMPLATES - #4 EVENTS

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hi this is Keith from IELTS speaking success helping you build your skills and confidence to get a high score in IELTS speaking this is great today it's the fourth video in our series giving you a framework approach to help you master part two so we've looked we've looked at the overview we've done people places today let's do events [Music] so in this video I'm gonna give you some recent questions about events show you a very simple structure you can use and then lots of language language templates language phrases and idioms and then finally finish with a model answer and analyze how I've done it ok so let's kick off with some of the recent questions that I would categorize as events so for example describe a happy day you would like to have the wonderful question describe a colorful event that you enjoyed right describe a time Neera with people actually got really really bored it happens right unfortunately or describe a time when you heard that really annoying woman or man next to you on the bus on their mobile phone mmm or describe a time when you're in the restaurant and you are having your soup and you found a fly in the soup or even worse a hair in the soup Oh bad service or describe a time when you had to wake up early because you had your IELTS test oh right all sorts of questions right different ideas I think all of these are really events so they're things that happened usually one-off at some point in time so how can we structure this well of course you can if you want follow the bullet points on the cue card and they're great and they will work I am gonna suggest the following ok because you don't have to follow the bullet points right let's be clear they are a guide you can but you don't have to what you could do is think about events as the setting the people and what happened an event is a point in time right so looking at the setting includes where it is what was the story why were you there and what was the backdrop or the background to why this event happened and why you were here so that kind of setting is really a great place to start of course you want to speak about the people who you were with whether they were your friends or family or unknown strangers whoever you'll be talking about the people and of course you want to talk about what happened so that's easy to remember right setting people what happened let's break it down and look at the kind of language you may want to use okay so with events the setting so you may want to say well I was living in London when this event happened right or I was working in New York when this event happened so very simply setting the setting setting the setting giving the setting I was living working or traveling in London at the time I was traveling on holiday in London at the time okay I was living in London at the time notice with this the sentence dress I was living in London at the time living London time I was living in London at the time right because we stress the big words the nouns adjectives adverbs I was living in London at the time all the other words we don't stress the prepositions the articles the determiners and the was in fact the prepositions get squeezed like was the auxiliary was get squeezed into was I was hours I was living and that helps you fall into the next word I was living I was living in London at the time at the time at the time I was living in London at the time so just remember that sentence dress really helps give a nice natural rhythm and pronunciation you may want to begin saying I used to live in New Delhi or I used to live in Beijing and when I was living there dad dad dad again the setting or I used to live in New Delhi and I would always in the morning I would always go down to the street to buy buh-buh-buh-buh-buh and one day I met this man on the phone and so the story develops but some very simple language to set up the setting now what's interesting with settings and what I really like about giving the setting is it can bring in lots of different tenses past tenses right in particular the past perfect I had done something before that point in time so if you imagine here now 2019 I was living in London between 2016 and 2018 when this event happened in March 2017 but I had moved there in 2015 it's a point before the point in the past that's why it's the past perfect it's perfect past I had moved there so you can see the different tenses the event happened in March 2017 simple past I was living in London at the time past continuous and I had moved there a few years earlier past perfect isn't that beautiful all the different tenses now you don't have to use all of them but you can see the opportunity to mix up some different tenses right especially the past perfect when you're talking about the setting that's why I think the setting is really good to use let's move on from the setting to talk about people so the people you meet are the people you're with in your event maybe you want to talk about personality probably more than appearance I think because the event something happens and the personality is going to have a bigger impact on you right so for example the person speaking on the phone on the bus with a loud voice right there they're rude really or maybe they're thick-skinned so thick skin is literally your skin is very thick so you don't feel things so you don't feel the emotions of other people you don't have that empathy so you know you're you're insensitive you're not aware of things happening around you so maybe they're thick sings thick thick skinned practice that thick skinned maybe they're just inconsiderate which means they don't think about other people right and that maybe you know where you have bad service and the salesperson may be rude they may be inconsiderate maybe they're not thinking about you they're just thinking about their company policy maybe the opposite of maybe talkative for example is quiet she was quite quiet it's nice right notice it's quite quiet fairly quiet the opposite of rude polite the opposite of thick-skinned sensitive so they're really aware they say something you may react in a certain way so they're very sensitive and the opposite of inconsiderate surprise surprise considerate or thoughtful so if you do something kind for somebody maybe you buy them tickets for a show then that's a thoughtful thing to do or a considerate thing to do you'll find out about that in my sample answer coming soon finally well describing people she was witty so in events you may bump into or come across meet funny people humorous people so witty funny she was witty she was smart ding intelligent or she was quick on her feet quick on her feet quick on her feet is able to do things to think quickly and do things ok he was quick on his feet full of beans some people have lots of energy right go to a color colorful event and the dancers and performers are full of beans they have all this energy so there's lots of words for personality and obviously I can't give you that many in this video but here are some that might be useful to talk about events good and bad so what happened well I'm gonna look here particularly at language and grammar again ok so the typical and rather clever grammar you may want to use so very often when something happens an event you say what you were doing when something happened it's the classic past continuous plus the past simple or simple past I was eating my soup when I found a hair mmm I was sitting on the bus when I heard this man and so on right I was doing some thing when something happened now another really interesting pattern if you like the pattern of three I call it and when you do conversation analysis you'll find this it's a very natural thing to do at least in English and maybe other languages so we often say three things at the same time right I did a I did B and then I did see right I woke up I brush my teeth I got ready for school for school for work how old am I things like that I got home took off my shoes sat down and relaxed yeah I got a cup of tea i sat down and I started to work one two three it's really natural and if you can just practice it you'll find very naturally it comes up so the pattern of three can make you sound really natural in English now at the end of your talk in part two you may want to express a regret oh I wish because you regret it but also because there's some great language and tenses I wish I had known so past perfect and then then I wouldn't have gone conditional perfect I think this is called the third conditional right so I wish I had gone I wish I had known and then I wouldn't have gone I wish I had known the restaurant was so filthy and I wouldn't have gone I wish I had known the concert was going to be rubbish and I wouldn't have gone so you can use this it's really nice tense and you know it can impress the examiner and another looking back I wouldn't do that so looking back thinking back looking back I wouldn't do that again so it's a simple conditional so you can see some really nice language that you can use here to extend your grammatical range okay excellent now I'm going to move on to give you a sample answer I'm going to try and pull in and use some of these tenses and expressions that we've looked at to answer this question describe a colorful event you enjoyed colorful event can mean just an interesting event but I would advise you to talk about an event that's not only interesting but that has colors because part three is going to talk about colors and the symbolism of colors it would be good in part two if you mentioned colors as part of the event as well okay so maybe you talked about any a wedding but mention the different colors that you see or a concert talk about the colors and the lights okay even if you went to I don't know some parade in the street and the different colors and the flags mention the colors right so here we are let me show you my moral answer describe a colorful event you enjoyed well a while back I went to see a show called The Lion King I was traveling on holiday in London at the time with my family I had heard about that show so I decided to get tickets for all of us my daughter was dead excited about it she was seven at the time so so she was really into animals my wife was pleased as punch because she'd never been to a show in London before she said I had been very thoughtful and kind cigarette buying as tickets so we arrived at the theater gave in our tickets and sat down we were struck by the size of it the hall was huge the stage was closed by this large red curtain and the auditorium had these beautiful golden arches right up in the galleries our seats were really comfy with these nice blue covers after a few minutes the show started and it was wonderful the costumes were striking full of different colors and textures and there was an array of lights reflecting the various colors of Africa right you really felt like you were there in Africa so we loved it and if I had known it was going to be that good I would have forked out a bit more money to get seats closer to the stage but it was great Wow interesting The Lion King have you seen the Lion King go and see it I really recommend it so let's take a moment to look at the language that came out there so let's have a look at the language you can see I began with a setting right well actually I began with a direct answer I think is really important in the first sentence to tell the examiner what you're going to talk about I went to see a show called The Lion King boom that's the event get that out of the way a while back I was travelling on holiday in London at the time right that setting what was happening I had heard about the show past perfect so I had heard about it before we went great my daughter was dead excited dead excited means very excited it's colloquial but it's great for IELTS speaking again notice she was seven at the time at the time just a reference to the time pleased as punch really happy really pleased great expression idiomatic again my wife had never been I'm really using that past perfect here with the setting this is all before I tell you about the show but here I'm talking now about the people right my daughter a little bit my wife and me she said I was thoughtful ha and considerate so nice vocabulary to describe personality then we kick in with what happened did you notice the pattern of three we arrived at the theater gave in our tickets and sat down dddd dddd dddd really nice yep and then we talked about the stage the colors red curtain golden arches the arches of those like that the golden art is is actually McDonald's when you talk about the golden arches it's McDonald's but these were actually real golden arches up in the the top part of this of the auditorium of the whole theater is called the galleries seats comfy blue great and now notice I'm using quite simple language light full of different colors various colors it's absolutely fine you don't need lots of fancy complicated words all the time not at all it's natural spoken English the way we speak full of colors full of different colors that's really good don't get too obsessed with everything must be idiomatic or fancy I've actually done quite a lot here if use quite a lot of fancy language but it doesn't have to be that much okay and then I finish with this cheeky little conditional if I had no I would have done it I would have forked out more money that just came naturally it's a fork out money is to pay money but we fork out the money pay the money I would have forked out more to get seats closer to the stage that's it that's a look at the grammar vocabulary little bit of pronunciation this is a way you can look at events it's all in the practice write practice practice practice and then on the day in your test you won't be able to think about these templates so make sure you practice lots listen if you've enjoyed this video and you would like some more of this I have a complete online course called IELTS speaking part 2 it just focuses on part 2 and it's packed full of videos analysis the grammar it'll teach you fluency it'll teach you idiomatic expressions and also pronunciation like the sentence stress but a lot more so really get your level up to AB and seven it's brilliant follow the link downstairs downstairs no follow the link below go and check it out if it's right for you go for it great it's been a pleasure look out for the next video number five and we will be talking all about activities see you there [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 143,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith, how to speak fluent english, prepare for IELTS, ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking part 2 tips, ielts speaking part 2 topics, ielts speaking part 2 best answer, ielts speaking part 2 event, ielts speaking part 2 describe a time, speaking templates for ielts, ielts speaking part 2 band 9 templates, ielts speaking part 2 events
Id: BIrneFzd9HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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