IELTS Speaking Sample Answer Part 2 - A book you recently read

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hi in this video I'm doing a part two question that comes up time and time again it's describe a book you recently read and there are a few surprises inside so stick around I'd like to tell you about a book called slice of the moon it's by Sonya toxic at least I think that's the author's name so my sister gave this book to my daughter and then I borrowed it from my daughter partly because my sister had read it and she had said she could have puts it down hey guys stay tuned I'll be doing the full analysis of this part too shortly sorry well it's set in rural Ireland in the 19th century and it's the story of how a family fled the country to escape the famine it then narrates their journey across the sea to America it's told from the point of view of the young girl in the family and it's a really captivating book but quite horrific I mean it sent shivers down my spine many of the characters died on the trip so it was very tragic one sad event after another oh by the way don't worry if the examiner doesn't like your story or your ideas they don't care about your ideas they just focus on your English which is good news back to the part two sorry they keep anyway I I like the way the author develop the plot and built these characters that you really feel for especially the young girl right who is adorable I think I really enjoyed it because it's it's a doddle to read you know I it's aimed at young children or teenagers it's really engaging I mean the cliffhangers had me on the edge of my seat all the way through hey on the edge of my seat great idiom hey stay tuned for more yeah so overall I would definitely recommend it I think it's a really good read both the children and adults to be honest I think there's something for everybody there so in fact I'd go as far to say it's possibly the best adventure book for children that I've ever read stay tuned analysis coming up now [Music] so welcome to my office well I should say welcome to my jungle I'm getting more and more plants it's great now we're gonna move on and look at this part to answer and analyze a bit so let me begin I'd like to tell you about a book called is a strong direct introduction which is really to the point and really important also don't worry if you don't know the name of the book in English or the name of the author you can say it in your own language or translate it and it doesn't matter if it's not quite right in fact that's a great opportunity to say the author's name is blah blah blah or something like that I'm not quite sure it's all great English so don't worry about getting it right the name so my sister gave this book to me so here I'm going to highlight the grammatical tenses because there are some nice different past tenses here we have the simple past she gave the book and I borrowed it from my daughter and then my sister read it in the past so I say she had read it the past perfect so it's nice to change your tenses and use different tenses because grammatical range is an important part of the evaluation and then she couldn't put it down which means it was captivating or engaging you literally got the book and you can't put it down simple but nice expression then in order to introduce the story one way to say simply is it's the story of or it's the story about or it's the story of how bla bla bla bla bla and then I say it narrates their journey it narrates their adventure it narrates what happened narrate is a really nice word meaning to tell a story but it's different it's a bit unusual so it's nice to use and hear well talking about writing style so it's told from the point of view of the young girl or it's narrated from the point of view of bla bla bla or it's written from the point of view of bla bla bla so it's a nice way to explain that the point of view if you like describing the book it's here I say that it's a captivating book which means it captures your attention so it's engaging it draws you in which is a nice way to say it as well and then later I describe a series of events it's one sad event after another this is quite a common expression in English it's one thing after another wasn't it Churchill who said it's one damn thing after another something like that but it's one thing after another it's one good thing after another or it's one sad event after another so it's quite a colloquial way of expressing the series of events he was a bit of a sad story [Music] now you may notice when I'm speaking I tend to use chunks a lot so instead of speaking word by word there are very common chunks in English that we use all the time indeed we could say most of our language is chunks and I think chunks are a really good way to think about English and to use English a chunk there's a piece right a chunk of bread a piece of bread two or three words together that make one sound so I like the way or I liked the way I like the way I like the way it's almost one sound I like the way I like the way I like the way I like the way you do that I like the way you watch I like the way you talk I like the way you speak and this chunk it helps your fluency if you can use chunks a lot lot more I'll do a whole other video on chunks and the more common ones that you can be using but here as you listen to this you can see the chunks I like the way the author developed the plot so it's with a subject and with a verb I like the way that Keith speaks English of course so then moving on I talked about it being a doddle to read a doddle just means it's easy it's a piece of cake it's dead easy to read again quite colloquial so a doddle I think it's more British English but if something is a doddle it's easy to do it's a doddle to read it's a doddle to watch this video they're moving on I talked about the target reader so when you're describing a book or a film it's always good to talk about target media reader or the target audience so it's targeted at or it's aimed at it's aimed at go back to chunks okay listen carefully it's aimed at it's aimed that it's saying that it's saying that it's aimed at young children it's aimed at teenagers saying that adults I know it's aimed at young children or teenagers but it's really engaging and then we have the idea of describing suspense because many books well drama books have suspense a cliffhanger is the typical moments of suspense it's like at the end of the the episode when you don't know what's going to happen next and you want to know so you press play to watch the next episode at two o'clock in the morning and the cliffhanger then is when you finish on a moment of suspense and the cliffhangers had me on the edge of my seat literally on the edge of my seat is really wanting to know what comes next great language and then I'm describing the book well it's a good read now that sounds simple but it's actually quite clever English because read is a verb but we're making it a noun I read it's an interesting read it's a good read not many people will use that but it's great there's something for everyone there's something for everybody if a book has a wide appeal so it attracts a wide range of people then there is something for everybody again that's quite nice colloquial English and here at the end this is quite clever in fact I'd go as far as to say so I'm developing my idea but I'm also leading in to a superlative which is actually just showing off a wide range of grammar the best book I've ever read I'd go as far as to say it's the best book I've ever read you could add possibility it's possibly the best adventure book for children that I have ever read so you can see how you're building up this sentence it's the best book it's possibly the best book it's possibly the best adventure book for children that I have ever read beautiful language that you can build up step by step and that brings us to the end or does it so here's another surprise apart from the jungle and the monkey that will come through soon a part three question for you so when we finish part two about books the common questions that come up are why is reading important as the way people read changed in recent years they often talk about importance change in the past and change in the future how will reading change in the future so as a little bonus I'm going to give you why is reading important another possible answer a kind of model answer but it just gives you some ideas to talk about and language as well why is reading important let me read it for you mm-hmm naturally as possible well I'd say reading is probably the foundation of everything we do everything we learn tends to come from reading whether it's from a website or in a book so it's hugely important without reading we wouldn't be able to the progress we've made as a society I mean we make scientific progress by sharing and reading research in scientific journals right on top of that I reckon reading is an important pastime for many it brings great pleasure and enjoyment it helps us escape and it helps us to be creative I think everyone needs to read now what I've done here is kind of follow the part3 style of answer I like to give which is give an opinion kind of explain that give an example and maybe give a consequence so to give an opinion I'd say data or I think or on top of that as well also on top of that I reckon I think so we're using a variety of ways to express opinion and the example here I mean or for example for instance I mean we make scientific progress by sharing and reading research in journals so I'm giving an example there of of how we make progress and consequences which is quite nice well we do this and if we didn't what would happen so reading is hugely important without reading you know if we didn't read without reading we wouldn't be able to make the progress we have made and there my example about the journals so it's a very simple answer really but having the opinion the examples may be a consequence with some nice mixed language then you can give a really nice answer and that my friends brings us to the end of reading a book that you recently red and also the end of this video and this time it really is the end if you liked the video please subscribe turn on the notifications and why not pop over and visit my website IELTS speaking success comm and join the newsletter to get more tips and resources thanks and see you soon
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: IELTS speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking test sample band 9, ielts speaking part 2 questions and answers, ielts speaking part 2 tips, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking part 2 book, ielts speaking book read, book you read ielts speaking, recent book you read ielts speaking, ielts speaking about book you read, a book you recently read ielts speaking, describe a book you recently read ielts speaking
Id: TovkGUi7Hxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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