IELTS Speaking Part 2: Band 9 TEMPLATES - #2. PEOPLE

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Olo listen this is keith from IELTS speaking success and i'm here to help you build your speaking skills so you can succeed in the IELTS speaking test so today I'm starting a great series of videos that I think will radically improve your performance in part two of the speaking test it's actually a framework that will give you the structure the language and the ideas to give us stunning performance all right a pretty good performance no a very good performance in IELTS speaking part two so without further ado let's get straight into it [Music] so as I mentioned this is a framework approach and it's for the part two of il speaking now for me the part two questions can be broken down into five categories and I think these five categories really helped us structure our answers and the five categories are simply people places events activities and things most questions can fit into these categories and I'll give you a framework that will help you structure your answers today's video is looking at people the first category and look out for the next video which is all about places which will also give you a great framework for those kind of questions let's begin then with people now when we talk about people for me there are different questions but all of them fundamentally can include who the person is how you know them and describing them so who they are maybe it's your brother your sister family friend how you know them where you met maybe and describing them could be personality or appearance so let's have a look at some recent part two questions here describe a friend that you feel proud of now here you can talk about who they are again right how you know them and you can describe them probably you're describing their personality maybe because it's what makes them what makes you proud of them another question describe a person who travels a lot by plane for work purposes again you can say who they are how you know them maybe it's a work colleague and you can describe them may be more of a focus on their their work maybe their personality if they like flying maybe their appearance you know maybe their very very big and find it difficult to fly or maybe they're very big because they fly and don't do much exercise who knows a third question describe someone you know who spends their free time helping others again you can say who they are how you know them describe them probably a focus on their personality right if it's their helping other people they have that kind of personality or characteristics now of course for each question you also want to focus on the kind of activity they do so what they did that makes you proud or why they travel what their job is that activity or their activity of helping people so that will also be a key part of your part to answer the activity what they do but that will be different but that who how you know them describe them can be applied to all of the people questions so these are the ideas they may help you of course this is not a rule this is just a guideline let's break it down a bit and look at some of the language so if we're looking at people when we say who they are okay X or tom was a former colleague maybe he was a former classmate that means he used to be your classmate or he used to be your colleague he was a former roommate a former work colleague okay oh he's a classmate of mine now notice instead of saying he is my classmate he is a classmate of mine is just giving richer grammar a nicer grammatical structure that's more interesting and you know you know you want to increase your your your width of grammar or your range of grammar so trying to incorporate more complex grammatical structures is a good idea you could say he's one of the most intelligent people I know he's one of the most beautiful handsome diligent generous people I know it's a lovely superlative right again more interesting grammar he's one of the most do to do I know now if you've watched my fluency video you'll be familiar with my approach to improve fluency and the key part of that is substituting you could practice this right now right here with all of these okay so tom was a former tom was a former colleague try it classmate tom was a former classmate exactly same again he's a classmate of mine colleague friend exactly likewise he's one of the most intelligent people I know handsome diligent diligent means studies hard generous he's one of the most generous people I know great remember to put your stress on the adjectives he's one of the most generous people I know he's one of the most intelligent people I know your word stress it's really important as well so we've talked about who what about how you know them well obviously I first met mark two years ago I first met mark three months ago nice simple you could make it more interesting by using the present perfect I've known mark for two years I've known I've known for two years or throwing a nice expression for donkey's years nothing to do with donkeys just means a long time I've known mark for donkey's years I've known mark for donkey's years brilliant again you can substitute right I've known mark for five years I've known mark for two years also we go back a long time very simple but nice kind of idiomatic expression we go back means we have known each other a long time we go back a long time brilliant now we've looked at who how you know them what about describing them well we can use nouns adverbs and adjectives let's say mark mark is a real extrovert we're using the noun okay or he's a real introvert so extrovert he's outgoing introvert he's shy he's a real alpha male or she's a real chatterbox so you can again substitute any kind of noun to describe their personality part two it's very very simple again to make more complex structures using adverbs so you can say well you know he's gregarious that means he's sociable he likes meeting people or he's pretty gregarious he's fairly gregarious so we can substitute okay it's your turn substitute pretty okay fairly he's fairly gregarious right rather she's rather gregarious somewhat he's somewhat gregarious extremely he's extremely good arias gregarious that's a hard one gregarious he's extremely gregarious finally you can use adjectives and you can be substituting the adjectives so he's a little withdrawn means shy right is a little introvert he's a little timid so he's a little withdrawn he's a little gregarious again practice your substituting and build up your fluency with all of these phrases and for those of you who really paid attention with the fluency formula video and if you haven't seen it go and watch it in a minute after substituting make the sentence true say something that is true for you so instead of Tom and Mark think of the real person ah my brother John John is pretty gregarious yeah so once you make true sentences you're activating your brain and you really start to build your fluency so that's it we have seen who how you know them describing them describing here is more about personality but you can also do appearance so now next I'm going to take one of the recent questions in fact this one described a friend that you feel proud of and I'm going to give you a model answer using quite a few of these expressions we've just looked at right let's do it I'm going to talk about Tom who was a former colleague of mine back in the day when I was working for a law firm in London so we've known each other for donkey's years and I think we first met in 2010 we were working in the same department and got on really well we really hit it off right from the start he's arguably the most intelligent guy I've ever met I mean he's sharp right really sharp he's pretty gregarious but very focused anyway he left that company to set up his own business and he made a real success of it he went from being one man to now having a team of ten and being known as the leading law firm in his area I feel extremely proud of him because he deserved to do well and I'm sure he will continue to grow and do well in the future and that my friends is the model answer can you see how I've taken some of the phrases and expressions to incorporate it into my answer I've talked about who he is how I know him described him and also have kid a kid of Keith of course also what they did that made me feel proud great that brings us to the end of today's video look out for the next one we're gonna be looking at places and doing some similar activities to build your structure your ideas and beautiful language that will radically improve your part to answers like it do like it subscribe and I'll see you here soon [Music] also if you're interested in getting more in depth analysis and much more language with coaching on your pronunciation of fluency join the part two online course you can get it right now through the link below and this goes into a lot more depth and gives you everything you need to give you the stunning performance you need for part two food and all of my out speaking great see you soon [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 292,946
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, english speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith,, prepare for IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking english band 9, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking part 2 tips, ielts speaking part 2 topics, ielts speaking part 2 person, ielts speaking part 2 describe a person, ielts speaking part 2 band 9 templates, speaking templates for ielts
Id: Hrk-cvJyAuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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