IELTS Speaking Part 2: Band 9 TEMPLATES - #5 ACTIVITIES

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hello my friends and it's great to see you as always so listen this is the the fifth video in the series gosh we're almost finished one more left but this is where I give you a framework approach and language templates to help you master part 2 of the IELTS speaking test so we have done people places events today it's activities let's get into it [Music] so let me begin with some of the recent questions actually that I would put in the category of activities okay so here we have for example describe a time you looked at the sky what a strange question I look at the sky all the time but day or night so maybe it's not as simple as it sounds we'll have a look in a moment describe an indoor activity or game describe your experience of learning a new language Wow could be English might be Russian could be Arabic which ever describe a practical skill you have learnt practical normally is with your hands that's something also very useful for your everyday life describe an activity you do when you are on your own there's all sorts of things there from watching TV to reading - well you can imagine lots of different things let me just have a quick look at some ideas for some of these because I was thinking about this as you do and there's actually a lot of ideas at first I thought that's really strange how do you describe a time you looked at the sky but then I began to think right so maybe it's stargazing you know when you're looking at the Stars and you can recognize the the shape what we call that the constellation you can recognize Orion or Pegasus the constellation and that field of looking at the Stars is astronomy you know where you need a long telescope and you look up into the sky you could that's at night right you could in the daytime do cloud gazing like peanuts like Charlie Brown here and his friends are looking at the clouds and imagining different shapes so there's all sorts of opportunities and think to talk about their an indoor activity or a game well at first I thought of chess and reading and even TV but it could get much more interesting right playing cards playing charades or charades if you're rather posh charades is that game where you have to mine and the other people have to guess what you're doing whether it's a film or a book or something like that that typical Christmas game we play in my family we play charades or painting maybe I mean I mean indoor activity I learnt to paint no stakes I'm still learning to paint and that cross is over also with describing a practical skill right that could be anything maybe you learnt to cook maybe you learn carpentry like this young man in the picture making things out of wood right maybe you learn to paint or to code that's really trendy nowadays designing a website I've been learning how to design a website or maybe taking photos very popular especially with younger people and older people so there's a lot of things you can talk about so when we think of activities I think of course we can talk we can talk about what it is but also how we do it how do you do all of these things maybe we talk about the equipment but also we can talk about the challenges what's difficult about it what's easy about it how do you get over certain obstacles okay so for me at all of the activities you could quite easily talk about what how you do it and the challenges and I think as you will see it brings out some really interesting language by interesting I mean good for IELTS so let's look first of all at what it is now you could talk about how popular it is it's hugely popular with that stress on the adverb it's hugely popular the reason I exaggerate is cause when you're practicing you need to exaggerate because when you speak naturally everything shrinks down so if in an in a practice position you say it's hugely popular in reality when you speak you'll say it's hugely popular if you don't stress it in reality it just becomes it's hugely popular and there's no stress so anyway have fun with stress it's hugely popular or it's all the rage say meaning it's really trendy now right taking photos it's really trendy now taking smartphone photos it's really trendy now there are lots of videos about how you can take really good smartphone videos or photos maybe you want to say it tends to be popular with younger people carpentry tends to be popular with older people I think so these are really nice ways of talking about how popular it is the last one here is is a classic I think really natural English because very often in English we use the negative right instead of saying how are you oh I'm really good no we don't do that how are you oh not bad not bad can't say things are good I'm not bad how was the film not too bad it actually means it's quite good that we tend to negate use the negative a lot so here as well we often say okay let's say I got a friend who went to Catalonia in Spain they have their own language he's learning Catalan right it's not the most useful language in the world because only a small number of people speak it but he's learning it because he's going to live there right exactly now making I don't know what is something that is interest well maybe for me hmm something that's not really really popular or really interesting so for example an indoor activity I often play with my daughter is we play Monopoly monopoly is a board game it's not the most popular game in the world but it's fun for many people it's not the most interesting game in the world but it can be fun right Catalan it's not the most useful language in the world with all respect but I decided to learn it anyway those are some examples of really nice language you might use with what it is now how you do it well for a lot of activities they for example learning a language you need patience you need persistence you need dedication so I think for most skills activities games especially when they're new and you're learning you need these things notice they're all nouns that we can switch to adjectives you need to be patient you need to be persistent you need to be dedicated okay they're all adjectives so really nice ways of expressing the the approach to how you do it it's not for everyone right so I enjoy playing Monopoly but I know it's not for everyone it's not everyone's cup of tea not everybody likes it basically also with skills they take a long time to learn right languages oh my god they take such a long time to learn it takes a while to pick it up it takes a while to pick it up some things are easy but it's a piece of cake right I actually cuz I learned French at university learning Spanish well it was a piece of cake it was a doddle all meaning very very easy and also there's nothing to it of course there is but that just means it's easy right you want to learn Spanish there's nothing to it that's not true actually it's quite complicated as you will find out in my model answer in a few moments but here is some nice language to talk about how what about the challenges right when we do an activity or learn a skill there are challenges now the difficult thing about it is so I'm learning to paint the difficult thing about it is choosing the right brush the tricky thing I'm also learning how to design a website the tricky thing about it is knowing which is the best software there are so many or the biggest challenge is the biggest obstacle is the biggest hurdle with this is so it's great way you're using there the adjectives you using superlatives you can ease them even throw in some nice words like pose so playing chess poses a few challenges or learning Russian poses a few challenges so it gives you a few challenges and finally on a positive note it's challenging but it's worth it so you should do it it's challenging but it's worth it great wonderful fantastic now so we've looked at what it is how you do it and what are the challenges so let's take a model answer I'm going to describe my experience of learning a new language and yes it's Spanish not Catalan I've actually never learned cantle but Spanish so if you're sitting comfortably I will begin so after leaving University I went on holiday to Spain and fell in love with the language I decided there and then I was going to learn it it was quite a trendy language in England then hmm good eh because more and more people were going on holiday then and I wanted to speak the lingo now it's not the easiest language in the world so British right it's not the easiest language in the world especially when it comes to the grammar and I know learning a language is not for everyone but I really wanted to give it a go so I bought some books and audio recordings and set to it actually on top of that I also signed up for some face-to-face classes so every day I would read listen and write Lots it took a while but I eventually started to pick it up the big thing I discovered was that you need patience and persistence to learn a language gosh it seems to take four ages for me right one of the trickiest things without a doubt was the grammar it's so complex that said the biggest hurdle was actually not giving up several times I wanted to pack it in because I felt I wasn't progressing but I stuck at it and eventually I felt I reached a pretty good level so for me it's been a great experience and it's turned out to be really useful I always use it when on holiday in Spain so learning a language is challenging but it's really worth it how about that lots of interesting language lots of nice phrases seven phrasal verbs not that I'm counting but that's a lot of phrasal verbs means it's quite colloquial quite spoken which is spot on right for IELTS speaking so let me take a moment to just tell you some of the language I used there bear with me so after leaving University I went on holiday to Spain I'm giving the setting right the background here to it and then I tell you I decided there and then meaning at that moment at that moment I decided there and then nice I was going to learn it so I'm telling you it's Spanish it was quite trendy right remember popular and the phrase speak the lingo lingo means language right but we use it quite colloquially in England it's a mean language especially a foreign language so to speak the lingo if you go on holiday to Greece or you're going to work in Dubai it can be useful to speak the lingo speak the local lingo going on it's not the easiest language in the world negative notice nice especially with the grammar and this is so true it's not for everyone right so maybe Spanish or learning a language is not for everyone but I decided to give it a go to give it a go means to try have a try give it a go I bought some books and audio recordings and set to it set to it to begin to start doing an activity I decided to set to it I signed up for some classes quite easy I started to pick it up so to pick it up is to learn it usually in an informal way you start to pick up a language you start to learn it almost informally and then of course you need what you need patience and persistence nice superlative coming up one of the trickiest things is or one of the tree kiyose things was the grammar the biggest hurdle was so you can see the superlatives are throwing in a nice slightly more complex grammar which is great and then here I come with these phrasal verbs like a trained and the track I wanted to pack it in to give up if you just pack it in it means stop right somebody is doing something you say packet in just means stop if you're doing an activity that you decide to give up well I'm gonna pack it in I'm gonna stop and give up okay or stick at it I stuck at it is to carry on to keep going especially when you're learning something so it was a great experience it turns out so the result was it turned out to be really useful great and I used a cheeky present perfect it has turned out to be useful hmm and finally I end it's challenging but it's really worth it nice little idiomatic expression to finish there you've got it how to learn a language so some interesting language I hope you've got some good ideas but listen if you'd like to get more ideas and more sample answers like this analyzed with grammar fluency pronunciation and vocabulary it's all in my online course IELTS speaking part 2 it focuses just on part 2 because I think it's possibly one of the most important parts of the test so if you want to check it out click on the link below at the same time subscribe here for the videos come back soon for the next and last exciting episode of mastering part 2 where we will be talking I say we I will be talking and maybe you're listening hopefully all about things I'll see you there take care bye bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 111,905
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith, prepare for IELTS, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking english band 9, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking part 2 tips, ielts speaking part 2 topics, ielts speaking part 2 best answer, speaking templates for ielts, ielts speaking part 2 band 9 templates, ielts part 2 speaking tips, ielts speaking part 2 templates, ielts speaking part 2 activities
Id: xie82EzXJL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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