IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Alex VS Jay

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hi my name is Alex and my name is Jay today we are gonna do some IELTS speaking part one I'm going to show you what bear 9 examples look like so why are we gonna do that well we both scored bear 9 in the test not just because we're native speakers but because we prepared really well and because we are expert users bear 9 means expert user it doesn't mean native speaker so native speakers need to prepare as well and some people might say it's not useful to see a bear 9 sample that it could be discouraging or it might encourage people to copy or to think that that's the only way to answer a question but we don't really think that we think it's good for you to see what a bear 9 example looks like and as a next examiner myself I want to show you the type events are that an examiner really wants you to give them if you enrolled in a cookery school they wouldn't teach you using a kind of ugly lopsided I'll debate a half-baked cake right they would use the best most beautiful cake they've got and then they would show you exactly how to make that cake and that's sort of what we do you know of course in our live classes in our tutorial we're not gonna do it in this video this video we just want to show you what we can do if you have done it of course you'll of course recognize some of our methods and check out each of them just calm if you haven't signed up yet yeah I think that's it so we're gonna use today something we use in our tutorials sometimes if you book a tutorial and want to practice speaking with your teacher we have this random wheel situation and so we're gonna use it by the way the difference between scoring about 7 and about 8 or 9 as we got is really about range not just accuracy so you have to show big range of vocab and grammar so that's why in this problem we're gonna compete oh ok I'll steth match okay game on game on we want you to choose the winner at the end so I want you to see who does the best this IELTS speaking part well alright you going down you're going first okay all right so really I'm gonna spin the wheel data and twist jewelry ah yes uh no you probably know about jewelry okay great news for me ready do I do this I say let's talk about jewelry so I'm the onus examining here we go let's talk about jewelry great yeah Alex do you wear any jewelry I do not all the time I must say but recently I started wearing jewelry more regularly I like to wear earrings sometimes bracelets a ring as well so it depends on my mood but yeah typically I'll wear at least one piece of jewelry oh my god that was really good Oh what kind of jewelry do you like I'm a silver person myself I don't wear gold very often although I do have a really nice pair of gold earrings that my colleague gave me but yeah I like to wear silver and I like to wear chunky rings and chunky bracelets chunky at the mirror why do some people spend a lot of money on jewelry hmm I suppose on the one hand it's a status symbol if you wear big diamond for example you might be showing people that you're very wealthy very well-off but on the other hand I think it's just it's like buying a car or a phone it's just something that boosts your dopamine is it or serotonin or you'll feel good hormone so yeah it's enjoyable IELTS nine boys will never say that but okay what kinds of jewelry do people pass on to their children well that's typically something that's very valuable and something that has a lot of sentimental value as well so in my family for instance we pass rings from generation to generation so I have my grandmother's ring and her gave it to her so I think you're probably not gonna pass on something like a ring that you bought it came out or cotton or something like that something which is valuable both financially and emotionally okay cool any more no that's it let's go back it's your turn let's spin the wheel ready we're gonna bake that I'll try I don't know if I can talk about neuroscience though in my er let's see it says for this chair this is great alright Jay let's talk about sports fabulous do you play any sport now well yes recently I've been playing AFL sevens which is a form of AFL but it's actually non-contact so the reason being is that I don't want to get hurt but I do enjoy the sport a lot and I've also been doing a little bit of bouldering which is a kind of a form of rock climbing except that's done usually indoors not on a mountain wall but in fact on a plastic type of wall what sports did you do in school well because I grew up in Australia the sport in summer was cricket so I played cricket I was an opening bowl of medium pace if anyone's from India they'll understand what I'm talking about I also did a bit of swimming every now and then but also when I was young I played as Australian football or AFL and because it's such a high paced in fun sport to play and it's also a great spectator sport - nice collocation should sport be compulsory in high school yes I think it's good to educate children from a very young age about the physical body so it may not just be that the playing sport but I think they should be learning about nutrition and physiology and Anatomy for example because I believe this will set a good foundation for their lives as they grow up so they develop nice eating habits for example okay Oh alex is winning I'm trying to influence the audience kepta cannot do that okay what sports do people enjoy watching in your country well I think people used to enjoy watching cricket but cricket is so boring to watch that even the highlights themselves seem to be boring and I think that what other sports do they watch well whenever the Olympic Games are on I think everybody watches the Olympics that just seems to be a an event that attracts all sorts of viewers whether they're into sport or not but in my state where I live in Australia Victoria again AFL or Australian football is extremely popular and especially in winter because there's nothing else to do but watch football oh alright you made it I made it I made it to the end is it great yes so as we were speaking did you hear variety of tenses did you hear any interesting less common or idiomatic language let us know in the comments and choose your winner team Alex or team TJ um I should just say like when you're doing this you you have to concentrate a lot don't you mm-hmm and you have to try to remain coherent I think for me that's that that's the hardest thing because the language is there for me that grammar and vocabulary but keeping my story coherent making sure I don't just go round around and really the same way or completely off topic mm-hmm I do want to yeah keep it structured keep it sequential that's that's a tough requires real mental effort mm-hmm I think the methods help there just like with part-2 if you have a few little systems so you know instance one of them is compare the past and the present hmm I find that kind of thing really useful so even if I haven't thought of my answer yet I'll say well I used to or in the past or something like errantly yeah and then I'll build my answer around that but really like anything practice I agree I agree even for native English speakers you you you can't go into this IELTS speaking test without practicing you were an examiner yeah some native English speakers yeah what did you see they usually did okay but it was abundantly clear when they hadn't prepared so I've my asking the question like do you play any sport and they would say yeah yeah okay and I would do that and they would say yeah I play sport if I'm mentally I'm thinking I know that you're a very high-level Speaker Boehner based on the answer I can't tell if you're a bent to about six or oh nine you you have to give me the evidence because I'm recording everything someone's gonna listen to that recording if I just say oh they're a native speaker they're nine yeah they'll say to me will show me yeah where's the range was the variety where's the control so yeah you've got a you've got to prepare yeah yeah and just practice okay okay yeah and we're gonna do part two next yeah part two we're gonna do next but we want you guys to contribute your part too so but also in the comment section the tasks part 2 that you want us to talk about nice and we'll do the same thing next time and it have a competition everything's a competition of course we put some money on it oh yeah we'll do it off camera thank you for watching hope that was helpful for you we'll see you next time bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 121,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts speaking test, ielts listening, ielts speaking, ielts tips, e2jay, e2jay ielts, ielts tutorial, how to, the ielts listening test, ielts9, ielts 8, ielts band 9, ielts band 8, ielts band 7, ielts band 6, ielts listening test, ielts test, part1, ielts questions, ielts answers, ieltsjay, e2, E2, E2 IELTS, IELTS E2, ielts reading test, TOEFL, learn english, speaking, english speaking, IELTS, IELTS practice, Alex vs Jay, Speaking Part 1
Id: xsIr8V2Xrys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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