IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Alex VS Jay

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hello welcome back this is round two of Alex versus Jay the rematch if you watched our last video you saw that we challenged each other to speaking part one mm-hmm team Alex best team Jake can you remember what the result was the result wasn't good to be honest I got a 32% and you got a what which makes 99 percent which is weird there's one percent of you who are I don't know what's going on there but anyway that didn't work out well for me so this round I'm pumped I have been practicing all day and all night so in this one that you guys contributed you're part two suggestions in the comments of the last video and so we're gonna choose one of those for each other and just do a speaking part two same rules apply team Alex or team J you guys get to decide okay so we have covered part two in a lot of detail before in our course we have a whole section on eg language comm and now I am speaking part two and there are other videos which you can find in the section below but let's talk really quickly about the criteria sure what does that mean what's criteria well when you're speaking the examiner is giving you actually giving you four separate scores right you're perform it's like a checklist right yeah yeah yeah so they're ranking you on four different things from 0 up until 9 uh-huh and what is the first thing they listen for first thing is fluency and coherence so that's just all about how easy is it for you to speak are you hesitating too much repeating yourself correcting yourself over and over those kind of things that interrupt your fluency it's also about how you link things together ok I find in part 2 especially coherent to be especially difficult yeah right because you have to speak for two minutes and the temptation is just to go round and round and round and round which I'm not going to do in this one oh you probably will oh let's see about that show okay what's the second criteria the second one is lexical resource that's vocabulary so just like writing it's all about accuracy I'm eras you make the precision but also range like you have to demonstrate a wide range of vocab yeah and the next criterion is grammar and it's the same thing it's accuracy and range ok cool there are two good things to keep in mind while you're in the speaking test it's sort of too late if your fluency is not there and if your pronunciations no good but you can control your grammar and vocab you can put your best words forward cool and pronunciations the last one right yeah yeah okay so how clearly you speak how intelligible you are yes and it's also they refer to the features of speech so it's not just that you're clear but it's how natural you're sounding in terms of intonation are you up and down or are you that like a robot and words stress a lot of Indian speakers have trouble with words dress because it's a not a part of your first language so anyway we've got a cool thing on e to school I'm just gonna plug ET to school WWE to school calm if you having trouble with like the basics of English like grammar vocation check out that website it's really good and it's new yep okay so that is the criteria mm-hmm what about part two what actually happens in part two let's very quickly go through that mm-hmm part two what happens so Alex what actually happens in part two okay so you've come out of part one talking about you know maybe me or little personal questions then part two the examiner says they read a set of instructions and they give you a piece of paper or a booklet with your topic on it right topic talk and they tell you you have a minute to prepare you can make notes if you want they also give you a pen and paper yeah so you've got the topic day you've got your pen and paper thinks I'm gonna watch is the clock young you get ready and then you talk for two minutes hopefully okay and this is where you start to get a little bit nervous yeah not that I am not at all it's a little bit odd but you know if you're the test is designed to reflect the real world so even though you don't often make a two-minute speech you might if you're in a job interview if you're doing a presentation Yuni if you're running a meeting at work so maybe I find part two a little bit weird to be honest but there you go it's just part of the test so let's work out how to do it yes let's talk strategy shall we mm-hmm so we said this is teacher versus teacher it's also strategy versus strategy yeah so you use I have my famous CPF method which I like to use and it works for like 99% of the prompts about 1% of the prompts you don't shouldn't really use it but 99% you're safe so I'm feeling pretty confident with my strategy okay okay so you get your prompt and let's say it's like talk about bicycles and you think oh my god how am I gonna talk about bicycles for two minutes and as I mentioned before you don't want to go round and round in circles so what you'll do is you'll talk about like a bicycle you had when you're a kid and when you're talking about that you'll obviously be using lots of past tense verbs and then you'll say more recently I bought a bicycle for five bucks at a garage sale which actually did by the way so then I'll be talking more sort of present perfect or even prison continuous or something like that and then that stretched me out to about a minute and a half and then I'm just gonna slip in a little story about the future now in the future of Elon Musk brings out a new electric bicycle I bike a cyber bike I would like to buy that that's gonna slip in lots of modal verbs future tense and the examiner by this stage it's just like let's see so my method I'm gonna just do a more traditional and more traditional method which is to follow the prompts on the card in order with the little twist at the beginning which I'll explain after I after I try it after I do it all right exciting okay so we got Andrew Lowe the media to go through the comments in the last video and choose the part twos that you guys suggested and we also he also had to and I have not seen these yeah so we got him to search on the internet because a lot of the suggestions were just one line but was the IELTS topics actually a series of prompts so we found the right ones and he's prepared them for us and we are going to just choose at random so thank you for contributing by the way we're gonna choose our topic take our one minute and then do the PPF method the traditional method and fire yeah and we're also going to show you for me especially I'm gonna show you how I prepare like what actually goes through my mind because I'm thinking very strategically about what I'm about to say as you'll see in a second okay all right ready yes here's a piece of paper and a pen for your notes okay if your topic I'd like you to describe a company which employs a lot of people in your hometown ok one minute all right let's do this mmm I wonder what I'll get for lunch today I tell you why that roast beef roll last week that was really good yeah okay don't get that again I reckon I might be able to make it better though what if I put cheese on it yeah that's it that's what I'm gonna have for lunch today I'm definitely gonna beat Alex I'm so disappointed nobody voted for me last week yeah I'm definitely gonna beat Alex there's no doubt about it yes I've got this one in the bag so remember you have one to two minutes for this don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time is up please start speaking now sure so I'm going to tell you about a company in my hometown that employs a lot of people but oddly enough I actually grew up in a very small town so therefore the companies in fact there are no companies in my hometown so what I'll do is I'll initially tell you about a company that employed very few people so this company was kind of strange because it was a water bottling Factory and it was like the only company in my small town and I worked there for a while and it had a total number of employees of about like 15 people perhaps you didn't actually require any qualifications to work there most the people were completely unqualified and I wasn't you interested in working there at all I just did it because I needed to save some money for university so that was the first one more recently I've moved to Melbourne Australia and of course there are lots of companies in Melbourne one of which is called e to language which is one that I actually started and I started this about nine years ago and it has approximately 50 people working for us now both full-time and part-time in order to work at e2 language you do require various qualifications it depends on the department that you are in for example people in the marketing team have MBAs and marketing degrees people in the content writing team have backgrounds in linguistics for example so yeah there is a myriad of different qualifications you need to work here in the future it would be cool if I could work at a company like Google obviously it's one of the biggest companies in the world and they're very sophisticated and in order to work there you would need who knows what sort of qualifications I did read somewhere that in fact they don't really care about your academic background you can just come from say high school and work there which is very interesting so yeah so there the three companies that are in my hometown or were in my hometown thank god gee I just tell you about my experience I get nervous when I do this I find it like full-on my heart beats a little bit it's like it's like quite intense so you have to like really concentrate to get the words out I want to ramble but you have to like hold yourself back from rambling I think you're right there's a tendency to like Russia and get through everything then oh yeah 30 seconds yeah going down taking a breath was very effective I'm gonna steal that as well yeah yeah yeah I cheated a little bit cuz I could see the clock there mmm and so in the real exam you cannot say how much time you have left so I really recommend practicing this just to get a feel for how long two minutes lasts because without that you have no idea how taking four and it's longer than you think yeah absolutely okay your turn all right revenge time here we go here's your topic thank you here is your pen yes I'm here is your paper thank you I'm gonna get the stopwatch going okay whoo Mike that was pretty good actually not surprising though he does love to talk about himself no wonder he can't keep a girlfriend anyway maybe I'll apply for a job at Google too hmm what am I gonna say okay I'll tell you when the time is up you can start speaking now okay so my topic today is to describe an experience that I had as a member of a team so actually at the moment I'm besides work I'm not a member of any teams I don't do any sporting activities or not a member of any clubs which is as I prepared this speech I realize it's a bit of a deficit in my life something I should probably rectify but I do want to tell you about my experience as a teenager as a member of a team which this experience had a really profound impact on my life so what was it it was a swimming team I used to swim a lot I was it was a club team not a state or a national team but we used to train up to 11 times a week in the morning before school after school on Saturday morning on Saturday afternoon on Sunday it was full-on it really dominated my life and my teammates life for a long time and the members of the team were initially just strangers of course and they came from all around Melbourne nobody lives where I lived so I had the chance to meet people and make friends with people from really different backgrounds to me which was one of the best things about being part of a sporting team but over time of course we became best friends in fact some of my best friends now am i old swimming swimming teammates and I didn't play any kind of leadership role in the team I was just a member of that team I don't think that was something I really aspired to as a teenager um we did have captain's and they were yes there were great leaders to us but that was not my role I was just I was just a part of the team very happily so we achieved goals in a lot of different ways I suppose we went to national championships Olympic Trials at one point okay your time is up oh okay okay first of all is it bad if the examiner stops you like that no no it's not is it totally so you can't take away points from Alex just because I stopped it even though even though I did stop it like one minute and 59 seconds no that's why the examiner will absolutely cut you off right well any time even in part one and part three if you're going on too much or they want to go somewhere else they'll just interrupt you don't worry about it at all how do you feel you went with your performance then I think I could do better but I don't want to sway that audience yeah but uh it was okay so my little twist on you might have noticed I worked through each point and tried to extend an x-man just strap elated I brought in other aspects and then probably for me the key is that I also add an introduction so I always had something like me as a person in general at the beginning before I get straight into the member of the team part yeah because sometimes if it's something like the one we saw before describe a piece of art it's hard to talk about that for two minutes but if you give some background like yeah oh yeah I'm actually really interested in art I went to a gallery last week bla bla bla 15 seconds 20 seconds you're gone and then I get into the points um so my topic was about a small company no a large company in my hometown and I said there isn't a large company in my hometown I grew up in the countryside right and that sort of is that off-topic no there's no such thing there's no such thing as off-topic right what about writing marries what about if somebody if I had to talk about companies and I start talking about sport how do I get penalized for that is that you know what if you started talking about something totally different right November is not supposed to stop you and I don't think they would but if it were me I would think he memorized this I'm gonna completely disregard it okay and obviously you get low low points if you memorize something yeah well I would just it would be like part two didn't exist so I would still score your part one in your party because you can't memorize yeah damn yeah but part two I would no matter how amazing it was right if you memorize that's not your spoken okay good yeah I guess let's run through a little self assessment checklist cool I know how much you love that okay so remember we spoke about the criteria earlier that is the checklist the examiners use when they're listening to you speak here they are I'm just gonna go through it and self assess me okay so here are the criteria this is the checklist that the examiners use when they're listening to you okay so you'll be assist against these criteria first one is fluency and coherence did we speak fluently without a noticeable effort did we develop our topics coherently did we use a range of connective discourse markers next one is lexical resource which means vocabulary so did we use a wide range of vocabulary flexibly did we use some less common and idiomatic language idiomatic language here meaning like natural sounding like phrasal verbs not raining cats and dogs and kicking bucket stuff like that just natural sounding native like English did we paraphrase effectively then there's grammar range and accuracy so did we use a wide range of structures that is different sentence structures and types and verb tenses etc did we produce frequent error free sentences or did we make lots of mistakes next one is pronunciation so were we clear did we use a wide range of connected speech emphasis stress chunking intonation to convey our meaning and lastly did we speak clearly with all the correct sounds of English when I look at this a little unsure about my grandma did I really demonstrate a wide range of grammatical structures I'm not sure I feel pretty good about the other things but I usually try and get in some past perfect some house modal's like I should have I could have I think I forgot about that conditional be nice yeah if type sentences yeah nice one what about you anything lacking I'm pretty confident as you should be in me so of course you can vote team Alex or team JJ and you know next video we're gonna answer your question so I know in the last video there were quite a lot of questions about the speaking test what's the examiner doing why did the examiner do that so please in the comment section put your questions and in our next video we'll tackle all of them we'll have a break from the fighting yeah become friends again by watching hey Alex can you tell us a little bit more about the mock test on e to language comm yes so if you want to try a full computer-delivered i'll test reading writing listening and speaking we have the really good thing about it is that you get to do it face to face on computer one-on-one speaking test all speaking terms with one of our expert teachers and that teacher will record the session and I'll also give you feedback scores lots of advice to help you it's a really good way to experience the real test without yeah yeah definitely highly recommended I think that test simulation face-to-face is so good because honestly it's a weird experience and the more that you do the weird experience more common on normal it feels
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 133,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, E2 IELTS, ielts, IELTS E2, e2 ielts, ielts e2, IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking, speaking part 2, Speaking Part 2, alex vs jay, E2, e2, 2020, IELTS 2020, ielts 2020, ielts speaking test, the ielts speaking test, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts tips, e2language, e2 language, Band 7, Band 8, Band 9, speaking tips, ielts test, ielts exam, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS practice, ielts reading test, ielts listening test, ielts tutorial, ielts answers
Id: wnPh2b6FBsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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