IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Questions with Jay & Alex

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hello everyone my name is Alex and my name is Jay and welcome to your task of the week which is about what IELTS speaking part 2 okay this is tricky let's get started alright in today's lesson I'm gonna give you a speaking part 2 overview and then Jay you're gonna do some practice mm-hmm and then you're gonna practice again with the PPF method okay that'll make it easier cool bananas so what happens in speaking part 2 well basically the examiner will give you a booklet like this okay and your topic is on here and also pen and paper how lovely for you to make your notes with excellent and then they'll have a clock in front of them and then give you one minute during that one minute you can read the topic write notes if you want okay so one minute preparation time and should I be writing full sentences no no no there's no time for that yeah there is no time that I've taken this test before and that one minute just goes like that so you basically got enough time to just write some key words that's about it yeah yeah so once the minute is up then the examiner will ask you to start speaking and you should speak for two minutes all right all right this is hard isn't it because it in real life when do you just say hey can you speak about this for two minutes it's weird and the examiner sometimes may not look at you the examiner may look at their feet or at the table or be writing something right but you should just keep going don't worry about the examiner all right cool well should we give it a go let's go all right let's have a look at an IELTS speaking part two tasks card okay so describe a movie that you enjoyed you should say where you saw it what kind of movie it was what it was about and explain how you felt about it okay cool bananas I'm ready to go ah can I start okay alright so so this movie is about this guy climbed a mountain then after he climbed the mountain he climbed another mountain and then after that he went home and then he went to bed No is that it that's it okay I think we need a strategy why can't we do need a strategy because this is hard I mean it was a good effort but you didn't use much variety I heard just one tense you're linking was and then and then then yeah and you didn't get me a two minute wasn't very interesting was it it wasn't I think you can do better I can do better all right let me take you through how I can do better so this is called the PPF strategy past present future okay so I'm going to sort of be talking mainly about the past story that single movie that I enjoyed but I'm going to try and weave in some present tense or present perfect for example and possibly even some future stuff like modal verbs or even the future tense so how I want this to occur is that main movie that I'm going to talk about that past one will be the main story and this will come from the distant past I'm going to think of something that happened a movie that I watched like a few years ago or even when I was a kid or something like that for some reason for me and probably the same for you it's just easier for me to access a memory from the distant past mm-hmm and by the way when you're doing this just go with the first thing that comes to your head if you're sitting here going I'll talk about this movie I don't know talk about this movie oh no no what about that movie don't do that doesn't the first thing that pops into your mind from your distant past is the main story okay but then if you run out of time or you're just running out of ideas for example probably running out of ideas you might want to think about something that happens more recently so a movie that you saw recently and you move into a story about that it's not necessarily in the present tense it might be present perfect or present perfect continuous or something like that or even just past tense as well but you're going to shift gears a little bit and then at the end if you've got some time you might mention something about the future just in a couple of sentences at the end so let's look at this in more detail so this will be your main story the single movie for example from the from the distant past moving into another story that happened more recently and then just some comments about the future so my strategy or what I would write down on my piece of paper is I'm going to talk about Shawshank Redemption that's my main story then I'm going to link it to a movie that I saw more recently called free solo and then possibly talk about how free solo could have a sequel and that will allow me to use some future tense so that main story will go for about 60 seconds my second story will go for about 45 seconds and my final comments about the future will go for what 10 15 seconds something like that all right so I've got my PPF method strategy thingamajiggy in my mind I think I'm ready to go okay okay just before we begin though with these dot points Alex how closely do I have to follow them uh actually the dot points they don't really matter this is a completely different story to writing where you really have to deal with everything in front of you for speaking these are just there to help you speak for two minutes okay so the examiners are not marking me on whether I follow the topic card not at all some examiner's don't even read them interesting all right let's get started can you start speaking now please sure so the film I'd like to discuss which I really enjoyed I actually watched many years ago it's called Shawshank Redemption you've probably heard of it it's I think as far as I know it's one of the most popular films in history I can't really remember where I saw it and that's probably a good thing I think that says something about how good this film is because I'm sure my surroundings kind of disappeared while I was watching it I'm sure that happened for everybody else too basically the movie is about a guy who is falsely accused of a crime that he commit and he's sent to prison and the whole movie is about him endeavouring to escape from prison and while there are lots of other themes and lots of other characters I think the central theme of this film is about justice and I think one of the reasons why resonated with me so strongly is because he was falsely accused he was innocent and finally in the end he is free well he frees himself and it's a beautiful film I actually watched another film recently called free solo which had a kind of similar theme it was about a mountain climber and what he was trying to do in a similar way that the guy was trying to escape from jail is he was trying to climb to the top of a mountain however he was trying to do it without ropes and it kind of gave me a similar feeling to the jail escape film in that I don't know it made me empathize a lot with this guy it made me sort of actually my hands sweated my heart pounded it was a really really interesting film I'm actually hoping that they'll release a sequel to the mountain climbing film because it would be interesting to know what this guy does next I mean will he climb Mount Everest for example without ropes who knows thank you alright PPF method for me made that so much easier it was much better yeah yeah it was much better see if I just if I don't really have that distant past to recent past and possible future what I tend to do with these things is just go round and round in circles yeah it's good to have a structure and a start a middle and an end like your speech did yeah and I think also when you sort of shift from that distant past story or memory into the recent past story you sort of start again and so then you've got much more information or language to to talk about which is good cool well thank you all right when you're speaking the examiner actually gives you four separate scores by the way fluency and coherence lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation and this method is particularly good for grammatical range and accuracy if I show you here on the criteria about seven it says uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility and frequent error free sentences and compare that to band a which says wide range of structures flexibly majority of sentences are error free okay so by talking about distant past recent past and possibly future I'm demonstrating a wide range of grammar yeah I think it's an easy way to demonstrate that the examiner yeah yeah okay that's good so I don't have to think about I'm gonna use this verb tense and then this verb tense it's more just if I go from distant past the recent past the future naturally this language is going to come out yeah exactly when you're preparing maybe you can think a bit more about good tenses you're using yeah but on test a it should be automatic gotcha cool cool speaking of preparing if you're not yet to subscribe into this YouTube channel become one because we release really good videos each week also feel free to like this video comment on it and share it with your friends on Facebook especially those who are taking the IELTS and what else we got here oh by the way if you haven't signed up for free at e to language comm that's actually where all the magic happens our YouTube channels are good but everything is on e to language comm including practice questions that you can sign up for tutorials live classes writing feedback lots and lots of stuff there everything everything yeah okay well thank you we'll see you next time for our eetu IELTS task of the week so yeah yeah [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 530,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, E2 IELTS, e2 jay, e2, e2language, totw, e2tasks, ielts speaking, speaking, part 2 speaking, e2 alex, IELTS e2, ielts speaking test, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test, ielts listening, ielts writing, ielts reading, E2 talks, ielts test, english grammar, engvid, english tips, E2School, Writing Task 2, english speaking, PTE, OET, TOEFL, e2jay, e2Alex, E2 writing, e2 speaking, ESL, E2 Reading, E2 Listening, writing ielts, speaking ielts, ielts reading test, writing
Id: Iyj8Fv5U3v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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