IELTS Speaking: Greeting the examiner

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Hello, in this lesson we going to look at the beginning of your IELTS speaking test this is when you walk into the IELTS speaking examination room and you greet the examiner for the first time this is before part 1 begins you will need to greet the examiner and do an identification check we often call this part 0 there are 4 questions to part 0 and I'm going to give you the questions and give you some useful tips so that you can be confident in your answers and give a good first impression to the examiner so lets start with the first question in the first question the examiner will introduce him or herself and the examiner will give their name so the examiner is going to say good afternoon my name's elizabeth what's your full name or maybe they might say could you tell me your full name please and you need to answer good afternoon elizabeth you can give the examiner's name or not its your choice and then you say my name's bui minh trang now it's a simple question and simple answer but I still have some tips for you so the first tip if you're going to use the name of the examiner and say good afternoon elizabeth please don't give a title this is incorrect in English we don't use titles with first names so if you're going to use the name of the examiner only say good afternoon elizabeth but if you don't feel comfortable using the name of the examiner it's fine its not a problem you can just say good afternoon now when you give your name there are two tips I want you to remember the first tip is when you say my name's biu minh trang please don't say my name is bui minh trang I want you to use the contraction my name's now the reason this is important is because this is part of pronunciation when you contract a word from is to my name's then is higher level pronunciation so remember that for the rest of your exam and try to use it as much as you can and the other tip is when you give your name please don't speak quickly don't say .......................... I want you to say the name clearly because sometimes it's difficult for the examiner to hear foreign names so you need to say my name's bi min tang and of course the point is to smile don't forget to smile this is yur chance to greet the examiner and be friendly and show confidence so smile look at the examiner in the eyes and relax the second question is very easy the examiner will ask you what can I call you and there are 3 ways that you could reply you could say you can call me minh or you could say just call me minh or please call me minh so those are 3 possible answers that you can give now for some tips my first tip is please don't explain why people call you this this is really part of the test this is only the greeting so you're going to give the examiner simple clear answers you don't need to add more information and I know some of you have English names and of course you can give the examiner you English name you can say you can call me by my English name Mary now this is fine but please remember do not make a mistake with that sentence you still need to say yo can call me you need this preposition by you can call me by my English name Mary and if you don't have an English name please don't worry it doesn't matter so lets have a look at the third question the third question the examiner will ask you where are you from or the examiner might say could you tell me where you come from now let me give you some possible answers you cuold say I'm from Hanoi I'm from you could say I come from Hong Kong I come from you could also add more information if you want not too much just a little bit more if you want you culd say I'm from Calcutta which is in the east of India now it is good to add a little bit more information it's friendly but also it's shows the examiner good grammar which is in the east this is a clause which means it is high band score grammar so you're already showing the exminer that you have good English now lets have a look at some tips don't expand any further you can give the location and stop don't say any more again these are simple questions simple answers also don't ask the examiner any questions so for example don't say I come from Hanoi have you been there don't give the examiner recommendations don't say I come from Hanoi I think you really should go there so please don't do that just keep it simple short and accurate and the last tip for you this is with the pronunciation for the names of the cities where you come from please try to use the English pronunciation so for example Hanoi please don't say Ha Noi please say Hanoi or for example Calcutta please don't say Kolkatta please Calcutta the reason that we do this is because you're showing the examiner that the English pronunciation is natural for you right so lets move on to the last question question number 4 and the final question question 4 the examiner will ask you could I see your identification please or the examiner might say can you show me your identification please now for your answer of course you need to give the examiner your identification and you can also say here you are or sure here you are or of course here it is so you can choose any of those answers now for some tips identifcation is often called ID so if the examiner asks you for your ID it's the same it means identification keep your answer short you can see here it's just a very short answer just a few words don't make it any longer and the last tip it is possible for you to actually say nothing and give the examiner the identification but I think it's nice just to say something these are all very polite and perfectly normal to say in that situation so those are the 4 questions for part 0 for greeting the IELTS examiner adn doing the identification check please watch the video again practice answering the questions correctly and remember smile relax be confident and start your test in the right way well that's all I'll see you in my next IELTS lesson
Channel: IELTS Liz
Views: 4,671,953
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking, Greeting the examiner, Introducing yourself in the IELTS test
Id: dzTSh7zwRIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 24 2014
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