IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Alex VS Jay

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hello hello my name is Alex I'm Alex my name is Jay I'm being strategic because there's a competition and what are we doing today we're doing part three round three round three of the Battle of the Battle of IELTS speaking and we're in an interesting position because I've won I won round one did you what happened in round one well I pretty much destroyed you true yeah it was pretty good round two don't worry about round two well in round two I'm pretty sure I kicked your butt quite a bit you did you did I feel like that was not fair anyway we're gonna settle it with round three okay well up to pot three now so this is Alex vs. Jay round three of IELTS speaking short [Music] okay so in part three of IELTS speaking what happens I've forgotten so after you do part two last time I think you talked about a company that's right I talked about a team that's right then you'll be asked a series of questions based loosely on that topic so I would I'd be asked questions about maybe teams at work or working together this is working alone okay and you're supposed to discuss things in a kind of broader abstract way not talking about yourself and your family and your experience okay so the way that I see it is like part one in IELTS speaking like small talk just very simple questions do you like the rain for example yes I love the rain part two gets into that really complex extended one where you need to speak for two minutes and then this is like a different one where you have to become a little bit more philosophical and thoughtful and give extended answers yeah and is it like back and forth with the examiner a bit more so than in in part 1 and part 2 that examiner is following a script like a robot they will not deviate they'll not say interesting or nice or anything like that the part 3 they get a bit loosened up and in part 3 the examiner can add in questions so if you say something that's interesting or something they want to explore more they might ask you a question that's off script like can you tell me more about that or what's an example of that or why would you say that okay and while we're speaking in part 3 in fact throughout the whole of IELTS speaking what should we be conscious of like what are the criteria what are the examiners listening for yes well you should always like same thing with writing deliver your speaking deliver your writing with the criteria in mind so you do need to get across what's expected of you there are four criteria criteria fluency and coherence can you remember that grammar is definitely one of them but it's not just grammatical accuracy it's also grammatical range so that's one vocabulary range and also vocabulary accuracy as well so that's - is there one for like coherence yeah fluency and coherence I can't remember pronunciation oh yeah of course speaking mm-hmm and the other thing to keep in mind and as you prepare is using a method particularly if you're kind of new and you're not you're not really sure how to answer some of these questions and some of the questions are pretty weird examiner might ask you the impossible question they're not trying to trick you they're just if you're a high-level candidate though they'll push you you remember in your tips when I did my test they they push you to take your ideas further and further and so you need to have a good method to fall back on so you know of course you can find all our resources on I'll speaking inside our IELTS course I'm logged in as an academic member here if you're general it will say IELTS general course click on this and you'll see all of the sections of the IELTS test click over here on speaking this is what we're doing today part three when you click on this you'll see there's an overview video a method video samples here quiz and some practice for you to do and record yourself as well inside the course if you click on the vocabulary button you'll find the topic talk it's here and just click on one to download each topic talk it has essay topics based on the theme of the toolkit speaking questions part 1 2 & 3 clickable resources for reading listening and videos a full sample essay and a bunch of vocabulary on that topic ok so let's cut to the chase and get on with the battle for part 3 so how are we going to do this ok so we're going to use a PDF or downloadable PDF you can find it in the link below on our blog which has 20 topics 20 IELTS topics with part 1 and part 3 questions so we've both got that on our phone I emailed it to you thank you and we're gonna spin the wheel like we did in part one okay and we're gonna land on the topic and I'm gonna ask you those questions in the real test the part three will take four to five minutes but we won't watch the clock today we'll just see all right see what you got cool all right um who's gonna go first so you're gonna speak first what ask we're gonna ask you question all right at five okay so here's the wheel I'm gonna click start a new say stop no ok um stop ah okay oh okay let's see what have you good luck thank you all right so Jay let's talk about creativity okay do you think creativity can be learned or is it a natural talents well that's a really interesting question I think sometimes people go to university to study things like creative arts for example and to be honest I think there can be some way that you can learn how to be creative but ultimately I think creativity is something that you're sort of born with I think creative people are typically quite strange like a little bit odd or eccentric they're not typical people in society they obviously think very differently and because they think differently they're able to apply that to things that people would otherwise not see as being able to be creative with what do you mean by strange oh okay so if you think about like the most creative people throughout history they've always had sort of odd personality so as I mentioned they'd be sort of eccentric and what I mean by that is that they would have sort of abnormal philosophical views about the world or certainly abnormal behaviors mm-hmm how can parents help develop their child's creativity I think it's a really good practice for parents to give their children artistic pursuits my sister who has two kids for example lets her children play with crayons and draw lots of pictures so art is a really good way but I also think just reading to them giving them a large vocabulary just education in general will really spark their creativity how important is creativity in the workforce I think it's I think a subsection of the workforce needs to be creative because they need to drive innovation and develop new products etc but you don't want everyone to be creative in the workforce because some people just need to follow what the creative people do if everyone will like Steve Jobs that nobody would actually develop the computer systems they would all just be visionary mm-hmm are there any drawbacks to being very creative well interestingly I remember reading somewhere about poets suffering from depression as an interesting medical thing yeah a lot of these people who have these great creative insights and write this beautiful poetry would also suffer a lot so they'd see the beauty of the world and they'd also see the dark side of the world as well so that's certainly a drawback do you think that that is a prerequisite to great art and great creativity is a troubled mind oh that's a great question an extra for you um I don't think it's a prerequisite but certainly I think that musicians who create beautiful music and artists who paint beautiful pictures they are sort of in touch with both sides the dark and the light and I think that really helps them to there for their work to resonate with other people mm-hmm pretty pleased with yourself pretty pleased with myself there okay okay resonates at the end there was a good topic actually I've thought about that stuff before so it was helpful I think that you also like picked up your fluency in that last question in that last question when you you'd obviously read something yeah and you were able to talk about yeah yeah difference in fluency was quite noticed important always to read and listen the topic talking yeah the one on art is about places yes yes because I could just draw on that I read somewhere once and then all of a sudden was that brother little all these information came out rather than me going oh god what am I gonna say mmm like that to read widely okay your turn let me spin tell me when stop media okay okay oh sorry forgot to unlock my phone to do it now gonna go down to media here we go this is it okay Alex let's talk about media no let's talk about newspapers do you ever read the newspaper to be honest these days I've actually stopped reading the newspaper certainly I did not read the physical the paper version I haven't done that for I don't know probably five years I did used to check the newspaper online every day but you know recently I've just been feeling that there's a lot of bad news out there every time I turn on my computer or my phone I already see the headlines so yeah I've actually stopped doing that I think in fact a lot of people are turning off from traditional media particularly when times are quite tumultuous as they are right now mm-hmm do you think just reading the headlines is enough no that's a really good point I think that's a very dangerous thing and something that a lot of society is guilty of at the moment myself included just reading the headlines of course that's tends to be clickbait the the editors the newspaper conglomerates just want you to click on it mm-hmm and so they put the most dramatic thing in the headline and yeah of course you should read a little bit deeper than that mmm why do some people not like reading the newspaper well as I mentioned I think it can become overwhelming mm-hmm in the past year the newspaper played a really pivotal role in people's lives it was their access to the world and their access their only access to information but now we are absolutely bombarded every second of the day information is coming at us through all channels and so I think that yeah the newspaper is just another another aspect of that and a lot of people feel like you don't we don't need it even though it does still provide very reliable information you know goes through a strict editing process that Instagram or a Facebook post doesn't necessarily go through so yes it's good information but I think people have just had enough do you think we'll still have newspapers in the future you know I read something a while ago it seems like it's inevitable that newspapers are going to become extinct but I did read that the income that comes from print based advertising is is much greater than the income that comes from advertising when it's online I don't know if that's still the case that article was five to ten years ago but that seemed to me to suggest that where possible media outlets are going to try to preserve their print media wing the end how do you feel you in good actually borrows from your technique there and brought in something that I read a few years ago that in my mind yeah yeah it's a good topic it's something that we've been talking a lot about lately so the language was fresh the ideas know my mind oh I think we're neck-and-neck here so if you want to practice yourself with the PDF just follow the link below and you can also spin the wheel on that blog post zoom with a friend yeah yeah if you want to practice with us and our e to experts you can do that as well we've got some packages where you can have live one-on-one sessions with us uh-huh and also we've got this really fantastic mock test where you get a full exam like simulation on the computer which you can do from home and then also comes with a one-on-one speaking exam right so you get to practice part one two and three with one of our expert teachers that's worth doing it yeah it's really good so you you really feel like you're in the test situation the teacher the examiners just looking at you delivering questions and the pressure is on for you to respond you can also record that so you can rewatch it really helpful cool well I guess now it's time for you to vote for your favorite teacher Wow who's wearing a blue shirt that's not fair that's right for the best performance best performance showed the most fluency and coherence wide range of our cameltoe us and bombarded [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 82,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, E2 IELTS, ielts, IELTS E2, e2 ielts, ielts e2, IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking, alex vs jay, E2, e2, 2020, IELTS 2020, ielts 2020, ielts speaking test, the ielts speaking test, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts tips, e2language, e2 language, Band 7, Band 8, Band 9, speaking tips, ielts test, ielts exam, IELTS practice, ielts reading test, ielts listening test, ielts tutorial, ielts answers, IELTS Speaking Part 3, Speaking Part 3, speaking part 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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