IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Diagram for a Band 9

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students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend in this class we are looking at an ielts task one writing for the academic ielts not the general ielts uh this is going to be a process diagram it's a very common type of question we're going to be writing this diagram for a band 9. this lesson is presented to you by that's for your academic ielts needs visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g that's general on both of those websites we have loads and loads of materials practice exams videos writing help and much more this is what our academic ielts website looks like here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access doesn't cost very much so it's really worth your investment if you're sitting this expensive test and for the general ielts it's the green background and again you can click this big red button to join us there and then of course for general ielts task one this is a great place to go where you can learn uh your letter writing hi rashika how are you doing this is a member's chat class everybody's welcome to watch we will have an all chat class coming up in 90 minutes that will be listening parts three and four and just another interesting and important piece of news um we will be releasing a new hd video on our channel it's a series this will be part one of the series it's my ielts band nine journey that's right i sat the actual official ielts exam in budapest hungary and this sunday we will release episode 1 which is test registration so if you're getting ready for your ielts and you haven't registered yet this is a great episode to watch to learn what you have to be careful about when you're registering for the test okay everyone so if you have any questions just send me an email adrian and we have classes today and tomorrow as usual so let's get into our task one writing okay so you are in the writing section this is the last section of your sit down part of the test so you finished the listening you finished the reading and now you get to the writing section and you start with task one and you should write for about 20 minutes for this task for task one um hi june i'm glad to see you back for daily practice hi depica hi rashika uh step number one when you get to this uh writing task one question is just to read the question carefully paying attention to every word every element so that you know that you're on topic and you're discussing this matter clearly okay so here we go the following diagram shows the features and steps of a hydroelectric power station used to generate electricity describe the stages in this process and make comparisons were relevant and you have to write at least 150 words that's the absolute minimum but again i do recommend writing closer to 200 words every examiner that i've ever talked to has said that it's pretty much unheard of for someone to get a band-aid or a banned nine with just 150 words and kind of a good reference point for that is the toefl exam the toefl exam for task one i believe is minimum 200 words and for task 2 there it's minimum 300 words so it's 50 words more than the ielts and you have the same time limit okay and similar kinds of questions especially task 2. task 1 is a little bit different but task 2 is very very similar to the ielts okay all right task 1 in the toefl by the way is an expository essay as well just like this one it's just not a diagram expository essay but a lecture expository essay cuolin welcome to our group of members or welcome back make sure to send me um an email if you don't have access to those perks yet if you do that's great okay so uh hydroelectric power means using water right so hydro meaning water and here we have our uh diagram all right so here is the title it's a hydroelectric power station and then here we have our picture this would be a very typical uh type of process diagram picture on the ielts exam and i think somebody sent me an email that's why i picked this because someone sent me an email asking if we can do this one uh this one has appeared uh in past ielts exams before in various ways so we look at the picture and uh when you see this picture don't freak out okay it might look a bit intimidating at first like oh my goodness i'm not an engineer i don't know much about electricity and how electricity is produced um that's okay these aren't meant to be like uh very complex uh university level engineering diagrams this is a still a fairly simple diagram and at first you just observe the diagram and you look at the main features here so um what are the what are the two or sorry i should say what are the main features here so it's not actually two but what so what's what are the kind of the main components of uh this diagram okay so what would you say are the main components of this diagram how would how would you define as the main components now when you're looking at the main components you should be looking at the large visual images so here we can kind of see this as a large visual image we can see this as a large visual image and then of course we can see this and we can see that as a large visual image so of course we're being a bit subjective here but that's your goal in task one is to interpret what you see okay so nick hill says it looks like it's got three steps or three stages um don't worry about the stages yet so don't worry about the steps in the process yet um look at the main features here so what are the main features of this what are the main features of this diagram try to think about that first okay i can definitely see a few very clear main features here of this diagram before i even look at the process itself of creating this electricity okay artist says it looks scary again arda don't worry don't stress okay the worst thing that can happen is you start freaking out and then lose focus you have to really maximize your time here yeah so june says basically there's two main components here and one of those is the dam okay and the other one is the power station so we have the dam and we have the power station okay and i would say that there's kind of another component here as well uh june and it's the water okay so we have the higher reservoir and we have the lower reservoir so we've got kind of these two man-made structures and then we have the natural feature of the water which can be divided further into two elements here which are the higher and lower reservoir between which the water flows okay so you basically have your lower container in your higher container and then the flow of water between the two okay and there are several different phases here i don't know if we want to count the phases or create these arbitrarily at this point what's most important is that we observe these features from this we can now construct our introduction and our overview using the question of course okay all right um so let's do that all right let's go step by step again remember uh the task one essay is really a step-by-step composition and uh you just have to get into it so step number one is to paraphrase the question and add some more details using the diagram okay so let's do that right now all right and so this is for people who are new here so step one is paraphrase the question and add details from the diagram for your introduction okay so we're gonna do that right now so instead of saying uh the following diagram and by the way members please do this with me so you can get ahead of me all right and we don't all have to write the exact same introduction it just has to be good in content so this process diagram okay so instead of writing the following diagram i just write this process diagram instead of shows it illustrates illustration is a picture and you can even so if you want to paraphrase diagram you can say blueprint in this case this is absolutely a blueprint so you can consider this a blueprint so this process blueprint illustration illustrates sorry uh illustrates the main components the dam power station and the upper and lower reservoirs reservoirs coming from french and of course you can just check the spelling in the diagram if you're not sure upper and lower uh reservoirs okay which are needed for hydro electric power uh production all right so this is a great start to my introduction using the illustration and i can even go one step further and say there are several steps in the way that water and gravity are used to generate electricity okay i'm going to rephrase that a little bit and then i'm going to check my introduction so this process blueprint illustrates the main components the dam power station and the upper and lower reservoirs which are needed for hydroelectric power production there are several steps in this process using water gravity and engineering to generate electricity okay all right uh let's see what you've come up with arda says the blueprint illustrates the major points the damn power station and upper and lower reservoirs to produce hydroelectric power very good arda so it reads a little different than mine um but it's perfectly great all right depica says river water reaches the dam and then goes to the generator that's going to be far too simple to peek on you're kind of getting into your analysis there okay nick hill says this pictogram illustrates the three main components the dam power station upper and lower reservoirs and several stages for the production of electricity in a hydroelectric power plant very nice nick hill a couple of small grammatical mistakes but overall very very good june writes this process diagram illustrates the characteristics and uh procedures of a hydro power station um used to create hydroelectric energy okay um damn power station if for me june is awkward i've never seen that so careful depica writes the figure illustrates the mechanism of hydroelectric power produced by a hydroelectric power station starting from the river to the dam and then to the generator which produces electricity okay so we've got a little bit of variance and they're okay just be really cautious of your grammar so that's your introduction and then we move on to the overview okay so the overview is the most observable feature okay all right um so for the overview take a look at the diagram again and i like those other kinds of paraphrasings that some members were using like pictogram okay that's also okay blueprint is okay as well so we look at this again and we see that there's the flow of river here the river is stopped by the dam okay so we might call this the first stage in the process okay and then um here we have the flow of water moving through the power station into the lower reservoir which turns the generator that's right here so we could call that 0.3 and then um here at the bottom it says reversible turbines day is to operate the generator and night it's to pump water back into the high level reservoir so in this particular power station you have water being pumped back up during the night time okay so this is a daytime operation here that's the sun and then this is uh let me do this another way this is the uh that's terrible moon but that's a waning moon so this is night time operation and nighttime operation they're pumping water back up here into uh the upper reservoir to get water back in so this would be one two and then three phases okay all right so there's kind of three phases and the three phases the operation of the three phases depend on whether it's daytime or night time we see this night and day and night and day and night and day reoccurring so obviously that's a main feature okay so that's an important part so that would be my overview my overview would be describing these phases of the hydroelectric power production now it's a bit arbitrary so it is a bit subjective to what i decide as long as you explain yourself well the examiners will give you lots of points okay all right okay depicus has amazing artistic skill um yeah i don't know about that moon that's a bit terrible but uh anyway thank you for the encouraging words because so uh that would be my overview okay and then obviously there's some smaller components like the generator and you have this lower kind of dam there that's holding the lower reservoir as well okay all right so let's write this overview and then um we can uh start into our analyses okay all right go ahead so create this overview i'm going to do the same so here i'm not going to say at first glance because it's a little bit more than that so upon initial observation i think that this leading expression is very useful here upon initial observation i'm not just glancing at it here so i wouldn't say at first glance i'm actually looking at it a little bit to recognize that we have this daytime and nighttime operation so upon initial observation it is clear that there are three steps to this process the movement of water from higher to lower [Music] altitude the generation of electricity and the movement of water back to the upper reservoir which is dictated according to day and night operations okay so again this is just the first kind of way that it came to my mind to describe this as the overview you might do it a little bit differently as long as you're getting these ideas down on the paper or into the computer if you're doing the computer-based exam you're going to be on the right track okay so upon initial observation it is clear that there are three steps to this process the movement of water from higher to lower altitude of course if you remember to use words like altitude you're going to pick up points right so when you have high ground you have low ground using words like altitude gravity remembering those words will definitely help you to perform a bit better on this task or on this part of your exam so the generation of electricity and the movement of water back to the upper reservoir which is uh dictated um according to day and night operations and to make a small correction i would say uh end this process to be a bit clearer okay uh just to avoid repeating the word process over and over i'm going to use mechanism okay and this mechanism is uh dictated according to day and night operations okay so um here we go upon initial observation now it is good to review your paragraphs after you're finished writing them to see where you can make improvements so upon initial observation it is clear that there are three steps to this process the movement of water from higher to lower altitude the generation of electricity let's put a comma after that and the movement of water back to the upper reservoir and this mechanism is dictated according to day and night operations all right okay let's see what some of our members have okay rashika bakrat good job on the introductions mohit says when looking at the diagram water comes into the upper reservoir then flows towards the power station during the day to generate electricity uh following the lower reservoir water then back to the upper reservoir uh mohit it's not bad it's it reads a little bit like you're getting more into the analysis component so the main paragraph and be careful with your grammar you have a little bit of confusing grammar there so you want to revise that nick hill says overall it is noticeable that water is stored in the dam which passes through the pump to the power station to convert it into electricity during the daytime um again nick hill that's a little bit more like the analysis so you're actually now describing the process itself right and i think maybe i confused you a bit by showing you that the actual steps um so you got right into it okay at this point just mention the overview so what you actually see as the main parts of this process okay i hope that makes sense all right um so again yeah mohit like talking about the pump and how the pump is used to get it back to the higher altitude that's more for the analysis okay june says immediately it is evident that the hydroelectricity generation consists of three main stages namely water flowing downwards the generator the creation of electric energy and some water moving back to the upper reservoir yeah june that's good so that should be your overview that's a very nice overview it's very similar to mine and it works well okay depica says the water from the river undergoes three stages uh before electric power is generated um it has a high and low level reservoir and uh diurnal variation in the direction of movement of water uh depict not bad except be careful because it's not three stages before power is generated if you're going according to what i showed you there's actually two in the third stage they're moving water back up to the reservoir using uh mechanical power which will be the pump right okay so now we have the analysis and information mistakes depica do matter so careful with that okay all right so now comes the analyses and in the analyses we basically take what we wrote in the overview and we describe it in more detail using good connective words okay so here we want to move through this part one so part one is all of uh this here okay so here we have the river what does the river do okay so again really go nice step by step create clarity in your mind and then you'll come up with good connectives okay so what does the river do and here you have to you know i mean it is a thinking exam you don't it's not rocket science at this point it's just basic uh physics and basic uh science let's say of of electric production so what does the river do i really want to keep it simple here so i'm just looking for simple answers okay so give me very simple verbs very simple answers okay i'm seeing a lot of writing but i want to see simple verbs simple writing here so artist says water pours into high level reservoir from the river okay it's not pores in this case the water does something what's the verb that i'm looking for here the arda good try again sorta says the river carries the water um no uh so the dam creates this reservoir sure but uh um says enters no i'm looking for something even simpler here so keep your mind simpler the river fills okay just like you fill a cup of water the river here simply fills the higher reservoir okay what does the dam do so again here the key word i was looking for is phil okay um what does what does the dam do okay again simple verbs okay i want to kind of train your thinking here to be simple elegant and efficient so the dem helps to collect yeah collect is okay rashika or store is okay um there's another uh word that i'm looking for here it starts with a c-o-n okay there's a few missing letter here letters here okay it doesn't act the reservoir stores the water the dam doesn't actually store the water it helps to store the water but the high level reservoir is what stores the water the dam helps to uh gin says control it's not actually control it's let's do that okay so not conduct depict but contain right so the den helps to contain the water okay okay so the river fills the dam contains and by filling and containing we are creating what okay what is needed to turn this turbine so in the first stage the river fills the higher level reservoir which is contained by the dam and this creates water pressure very good art uh okay and this pressure during the daytime is re what's the missing word there so very good yeah so it creates a pressure gradient depica that's fine as well okay so the river fills the dam contains this creates pressure the pressure is during daytime it's what's done with the pressure it's it's by opening of course the um intake valves here it's released that's right rashika and once it's released it flows rapidly down to the power station so that's your process okay what i'm trying to show you here is that you don't have to overthink it you don't have to go full scientific this is not your dissertation for electrical engineering okay so keep your verbs fairly simple but do have a good flow of ideas and connections here okay so let's do this let's write this first point uh put these together i'm going to do the same and then we'll continue on into the next step which of course will be the power station here with these power lines in the national grid okay artist says guessing verbs is really useful yeah absolutely you learn them in context right arta so that's why i'm here i'm happy to help of course okay yeah you're right orta verb guessing is is very useful because it forces your mind to switch into that kind of english mode of expressing yourself so here comes the analyses okay so we could say oh i already i already wrote that all right uh okay it's arbitrary but i'm gonna call it in the beginning why not so in the beginning all right let's not overdo it so in the beginning or you could write firstly so mohit you're right using firstly is a good way to do it as well so in the beginning the river fills the upper reservoir with water which is contained by the dam and this creates pressure that is released at the bottom of the dam during the day hours okay and if i look at my diagram again it's called the intake okay probably because of the reverse flow of water okay all right so okay so i can add that to use the labeling okay so in the beginning the river fills the upper reservoir with water which is contained by the dam and this creates pressure that is released at the bottom of the dam through the intake during the day hours okay and this is a bit of an additive clause so i can add commas here not absolutely necessary but i can create a bit better flow of reading there okay so mohit says firstly the river fills uh water into the upper river reservoir which is contained by the dam good mojito that's a great start uh nick hill writes to commence with the river fills the high level reservoir with water which is contained by the dam very good nick hill arda in the beginning the river fills the upper reservoir with water which is contained by the dam and the contained water in the dam creates water pressure that is released at the bottom of the dam during the day arda it's good what you want to do once you write that or those phrases is you want to make them more concise so i do think that you can say the same idea but in a shorter way okay definitely do not be wordy during the exam order okay so so be concise wherever possible all right okay um so uh in the next step of course we have this uh water that's rapidly uh moving uh to the lower um area of the power uh station the hydro power station and um this fast moving water it does what to the turbine so what's the verb that we're looking for there okay so what does the water do to the turbine let's do this little verb game uh one more time so yeah so june says it rotates so rotate would be okay there's a few different words that you can use here rotate is good instead of rotate you could also use the word turn it turns the turbine right so rotates turns activate arda is okay but it's not as specific so the rotation is a bit better so rotates the turbine or it turns the turbine or there's another word that you could use and i think this is a good one as well it starts with an s okay what would be a good good way to say it so turn rotate those are all good propel is okay nick hill as well i wouldn't use propel probably it wouldn't be my top choice my top choice would actually be the one that starts with an s yeah that's right depica so it spins the turbine okay that spinning really gives it that kind of motion right it's very visual it spins the turbine okay all right so it spins the turbine which then produces electricity via the generator okay so the generator produces electricity and then that electricity is what's the verb here so power lines to the national grid okay power lines to the national grid so the generator produces electricity or generates electricity you could also say by the uh spin or the rotation of the turbine and then rashika says transmits june says delivers electricity yeah and you can even just say sends okay sends transmits or you can say conducts okay electricity is conducted so there are materials that are conductive and non-conductive materials so uh of course here we're using uh metal wire metal wire will conduct electricity and it will send also we say carry okay this is another common verb so it will carry electricity to the national grid the power lines sorry i should say the power lines will carry or conduct electricity into the national grid arda kerry very good okay very good you got that awesome okay so let's describe that process all right so let's put all this together now in part two okay here we go let's do it together all right so remember those words um you've got a bit of variety here a bit of choice okay so step number two okay okay so the generator which is directly above the turbine okay so here we go uh in the next step this fast flowing water enters the power station and spins the reversible turbine that allows for the production of electricity by the generator which is directly above the produced power is then carried to the national grid by the power lines all right so that's my second step and then i have my final step which is the night time flow of water and that starts from the lower reservoir okay so the lower reservoir and then it's pumped back up to the upper reservoir through the power station by this reversible turbine okay so that's what i'm going to discuss finally before i do that let me read what some students did in the second stage so mohit says secondly big s right uh the water uh which flows to the lower reservoir um generates electricity and then it's pumped back to the upper reservoir during night uh mohit you're kind of jumping stages there so rethink that first you want to describe what happens in the power station okay artist says after that pressurized water pressurized arda is the word you're looking for okay pressurized water goes through the power station and rotates the reversible turbine to produce electricity by the generator which is directly above pressurized water moves through the power station okay rashika secondly the released water flow to the power station spins the reversible turbine and produces electricity via the generator which is situated above okay all right good june has some good writing there as well backroad good writing i have to keep moving here students to get to the end of this okay um and um i do want to get to the summary as well here because i think there's an interesting summary and now i'll describe this last stage of the process okay so we're moving nice and smoothly here all right so finally water is collected in the lower reservoir which is then pumped back up through the power station to the upper reservoir during night time hours okay so i'm going to keep this last step fairly simple all right all that's all that's really happening is we're collecting water in the lower reservoir and we're pumping it back up during the night time to the upper reservoir so um what can we summarize about this okay if i'm really shooting for that band nine there's something interesting that i can observe here for the summary okay and if you're going for a band nine i definitely do recommend putting in a summary to summarize this process so in summary once this entire process is defined it becomes clear that what becomes clear okay all right good mohit i'm glad that you did that that's perfect okay so um what do we recognize after we describe this entire process okay rashika says water is reusable rashika you're right i don't think it's the best way to explain it but yes that's what i'm going for that's what i'm looking for okay so it's something about the water uh having this ability to produce electricity through a continuous process right of um up and down up and down okay all right so how could we better express that all right yes but you're right rashika that's exactly what i'm looking for so what we can actually see is that this process actually goes like this right okay so deepika says water is recycled yeah or is reused absolutely um june says natural components and man-made infrastructure together create electricity yeah so natural components such as water and gravity and beyond that it's a cyclical process right so in summary once this entire process is defined it becomes clear that both man-made and natural features are needed in this cyclical process for the continued or continuous uh production of power yeah absolutely okay so that is a very good summary if you have that and that will definitely impress the examiners and say hey this person is an expert user of the english language they're able to think quickly clearly in detail they have analytic thinking and they can express themselves and that will get you that bad nine okay so let's go through this so this process blueprint illustrates the main components the dam power station and the upper and lower reservoirs which are needed for hydroelectric power production there are several steps in this process using water gravity and engineering to generate electricity upon initial observation it is clear that there are three steps this process the movement of water from higher to lower altitude the generation of electricity and the movement of water back to the upper reservoir and this mechanism is dictated according to day and night operations in the beginning the river fills the upper reservoir with water which is contained by the dam and this creates pressure that is released at the bottom of the dam through the intake during the day hours in the next step this fast flowing water enters the power station and spins the reversible turbine that allows for the production of electricity by the generator which is directly above the produced power is then carried to the national grid by the power lines finally water is collected in the lower reservoir which is then pumped back up through the power station to the upper reservoir during night time hours in summary once this entire process is defined it becomes clear that both man-made and natural features are needed in this cyclical process for the continuous production of power that will certainly get you that bad nine that you need for this task one okay all right um so yes are they it was scary at first but we handled it and that's the thing you want to keep your cool you want to stay focused okay and and you will do just fine okay everyone so that's it for this task one i know somebody requested this because they found it kind of scary and intimidating as well but again don't freak out just segment okay so look at the big chunks here look at the process this down up and tackle it piece by piece and you'll do just great okay all right everyone so that's it for this class but coming up in 30 minutes roughly um i will host another class which will be listening parts three and parts four okay so we'll do some listening exercise together uh from our uh courses from our exams and then uh we'll talk strategy so hopefully you hang out for that okay um absolutely june um power generation is required for producing hydro energy continuously you're very welcome rashika arda great job uh see you soon everyone hang around i'm adrienne i'm signing out for now but i'll be back shortly uh make sure to visit us at and for your ielts needs bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: fq7Ho_pHJiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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