IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Band 9 Pie Charts

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hmm hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a great day welcome jainil hi rashika hi preeti this is a members chat class everyone and we are looking at a task one writing specifically we will be looking at a band 9 pie chart we will be working through that together this class again is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g that's on both of those websites we have lots and lots of help for your writing speaking and of course the other sections of the exam saga i'm sure that you will pass your exam in two weeks you've been studying very hard so i'll be cheering for you while we wait for a few more members our website looks like this for the academic ielts it's a blue background at you can click this big red button to join our premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are a british council outs registration center and certified british council agents uh welcome back uh ferdovs all right everyone for the general ielts it's the green background at again you just click that big red button to join our premium package if you have any questions just send me an email my email is adrian i will be glad to answer any questions that you might have and of course we do have apps academic ielts help the app links to and general alex help links to uh instagram ielts underscore ae help gl's help follow us there all right let's get into today's lesson everyone so we have this task one right now and we will have a reading class where everybody can join the chat in about 90 minutes right now let's focus on task one writing for the academic ielts uh here we go so um you get to your writing section uh definitely start with task one okay um when you know what you have to do task one should be a bit easier than task two because all of the information is there for you to write your essay okay all right so here we go let's read this question first ielts task one writing you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the charts below show information about the methods and duration of travel from the home to the office for people in two different time periods report the main features and make comparisons where relevant you should write at least 150 words banned nine essays are around 200 220 words usually okay all right um so uh our very first step is to look at the graph and see what kind of information is there okay while you take a look at this i am going to answer saga's question saga is asking um [Music] uh saga if you have a bad band in one of your sections and your exam was in another city uh no worries um you can ask for a remark uh through online so you should uh i mean if you registered online then you can do it online if you didn't you can do it over the phone okay so but it doesn't matter if you do your exam in another you can definitely ask for a remark okay yeah i think that's what john neil is answering as well with the through the online process so through emails saga basically all right so um here we have a couple of pie charts um and um you can make out most of the information all right so the first pie chart is data for 1959 and the second pie chart is data for 2009 okay as soon as you see these years you recognize uh how much time is between these two time periods okay yeah i can darken this light a little bit sure if that you think that'll help here i'll explain these in detail anyway so don't worry too much about the information contained within um we'll check that out in a minute um okay so right away you recognize the two time periods and then you see these slices here you see the different colors uh you notice that they're really quite different and then of course you notice there's some information here at the bottom as well so average distance 3.5 kilometers average duration 17 minutes average distance here's 19 kilometers and the average duration is 42 minutes okay don't worry about the percentages inside the pie chart i'll show you those in a minute that's not important right now what is important a little bit more is the information here in the legend okay so here um we have foot bus train car and other okay so one more time foot obviously by walking uh bus train car and then other means maybe like bicycle or something we don't know what that is so that's just simply other all right so there you have it now we can begin writing um with the introduction okay so when we introduce all we do is we paraphrase the question and give more details so based on the data that you just saw uh do that so paraphrase and give a bit information okay i'm going to do the same and then we will compare all right so when you're paraphrasing think of synonyms think of other words instead of the words in the questions and of course give more details so use more adjectives use the information that you just saw in the charts okay all right so introduction paraphrase the question and very importantly and add more details okay so for example instead of saying the charts we know that there are two pie charts so we can say the two pie charts okay that's how you add the information instead of show you can use the word depict okay instead of information you can use the word data and so forth so i'll give you a moment of peace and quiet so you can think and write and then we will compare okay okay there we go again i just keep referring to the graph the legend the data that's there so that i can get accurate detailed information okay and i'm reviewing this so that i avoid mistakes for punctuation and missing information all right saga writes the two pie charts depict the proportion of types of transportation used and the average time spent as well as the distance for a trip from the home to the work in two distinct years 1959 and 2009 there are no decade intervals here saga i'm not sure where you're getting that from okay all right koldeep says the two pies illustrate the six modes of travel and also the time taken to reach the workplace from home in the two years 1959 and 2009 immediately it is clear that most of the individuals uh went to okay kaldip um save the um overview or the main feature uh for the next paragraph okay so and since having done the alts exam myself recently it's just better for the aisles to stick to what ielts wants and we'll just keep the main feature separate okay all right for doves right so the two pie charts give information about the five ways and time of commute for individuals in two specific years with a difference of five decades yeah five decades for dobbs is okay i would probably write half a century okay so i think half a century is a little bit more precise but five decades is okay bahrat says the given two pie charts illustrates the details about the ways of reaching the office from home including foot car bus train and other means of transportation in two periods of time from 1959 and 2009. okay a buckrat no from okay so one of the really important points that we want to remember here is keep in mind okay so this is an important tip here very important all right this is where a lot of students make mistakes um bakrat and i can see this in your writing as well so you are looking at a pie chart or at pie charts and not a line graph this means we only have data for these two years we do not have data for the years between 1959 and 2009 so do not write [Music] from 2 okay it doesn't make sense because we don't have that data right and for the academic ielts for the general as well content is very important so if you make this kind of mistake it will decrease your band score if you make this mistake it will drop your band score okay in the writing so careful all right so this is our introduction good so your introductions for the most part are quite good we have some good variants make sure to review your introduction as soon as you're done with it okay and then you're ready for the main feature the main feature is your overview i suppose you can call it that as well the question calls it the main feature sure so in university this is the same paragraph as your introduction why wouldn't it be it makes logical sense all right so here we have our data and um uh you don't really need to see the percentages yet okay um all you need to look at are kind of the main features here all right so the main features they should be mostly visual here okay we can see that at least half of the pie or more than half of the pie in 1959 is uh commuting by foot here it's about a quarter of the pie okay that's fine and here a big chunk of the pie roughly about a third is car and that's much much uh smaller amount here in 1959 okay it's actually just 10 so it's one-tenth and then we can see that uh train here is 15 and here it's kind of the same what's the main feature that we notice right away so we have bus 13 15 we have other which is 12 5 so um what's the kind of main concept that we notice in the pie charts here okay can you tell me that um and don't just think about most and least okay students so try to think outside the box when you're looking at your main features sometimes most and least is the main feature sometimes like it's very obvious and it's kind of you know there it is it's most it's least but sometimes you have some other key features some other ideas that can be expressed which are a little bit more of a main feature a little bit more of a key idea so what do we see here i definitely see some kind of a trend or some kind of a pattern let's see if you see the same okay okay so ferdav says commuting by foot dominated in 1959 yeah i agree okay um but that's not so that's a main feature i would say there's kind of pretty says the use of cars greatly increased yeah i would say that's a main feature as well all right so what i would say is that you can see that a couple of the methods for commuting car and foot specifically changed drastically in these two times periods as where train and bus kind of stayed relatively the same okay so uh and then other category uh we're not sure what that is maybe bus or something that changed as well right so that's what i noticed the most is the is the comparable change between these two years so my main feature here overview would be at first glance it is clear that commuting by foot car and other means changed drastically after half a century as where using the train or bus remained relatively the same proportionally because there's probably a bigger population so it's proportions right pie charts are proportions so you have a hundred percent the whole a piece of that hundred percent is the portion or the proportion again another important point with pie charts that you have to keep in mind is that they're not like line graphs they don't show continuity okay so this is kind of important point two uh they also do not show absolute numbers they show relative numbers right so we can imagine that in 2009 there are a lot more people we have a bigger population so it's not the number of people but it's the proportion of the whole okay so important show relative information or we can say portions of the whole which is the 100 percent so be careful when referring to numbers all right okay and in the overview uh i would probably reflect on this average distance average duration as well okay um what can we say about the average distance and the average duration so the average distance here is 3.5 kilometers to work in 1959 and the average distance is 19 kilometers in 2009 the average duration is 17 minutes and 59 and the average duration uh is 42 in 2009 so what can we say about that as an overview okay so don't go into details yet but the overview i would just simply say in my main feature in my overview i would simply state furthermore there is a significant difference in the average time and duration taken to get to the job site okay right so there is my introduction and my overview of course uh for those of you who are not yet familiar with ielts uh please do not write introduction just so i'm just doing that for instructions uh only write the paragraphs so so far i have the two pie charts compared data about four ways of commute foot bus train car and other for the years 1959 and 2009 as well as the average time and distance to get to work all right every time i read it if i catch a little mistake or something that's needed then i put that in a comma there at first glance it is clear that commuting by foot car and other means changed drastically after half a century as we're using the train or bus remained relatively the same proportionally furthermore there is a significant difference in the average time and duration taken to get to the job site okay all right um yeah call deep you can write the overview in the introductory paragraph and in college or university that will make the most sense um the professor would kind of look at you weird if you separated them but the ielts for some strange reason i'm not sure if it's marking or some other reason they want you to keep it separate okay so um so i recommend for the ielts just to separate them now call deep it's just it makes it a little bit easier for them to mark i guess maybe is the reason i'm not sure i don't know if they know either it's just the way they came up with it okay uh so you can separate them but yeah in the real world it would make sense to just put those into the same paragraph okay and then now we have the analysis or analyses for plural where we compare uh some important points okay all right so yes before you start writing you want to look at the pie charts um so just to help you a little bit because i know the numbers are a little bit small here it's 55 these are all percents uh four foot okay it's 25 for foot in 2009 for cars it's 35 percent in 2009 and 10 in 1959 for train it's 15 in both years uh for bus it's 13 in 2009 uh 15 in um uh 1959 and then for other uh it's 12 here and five here okay so those are the percentages now um what do you think we should write about first members so what should we mention first here all right think about that start giving me information about our point one two three four for comparison and then we'll talk about those all right okay so uh meanwhile i'll read what you wrote for your overview uh pre-t writes at first glance it is clear that commuting by foot and car has changed tremendously and using the train or bus remained relatively the same in both years okay um pre-t uh has been changed passive voice is not necessary in this case okay just has changed we can refer to the data in the active voice pre-t so it has changed okay uh janelle says immediately it is evident that there are significant variations among the medium of transit uh between both years in addition commuting by foot and car uh significantly changed yeah and daniel you might not need that last sentence especially if you uh describe that clearly in your analysis so again you don't need to go into too much explanation in your overview excuse me and you can just kind of leave that for the analysis okay all right priety says also the average distance in time significantly differs uh in 1959 compared to 2009 okay all right let me see what else you have here so okay okay some good writing for sure members all right saga walking to work dominated in 1959 uh cars occupied one third in 2009 okay saga are you already writing the analysis here we just want to compare okay ferdat says combine car and foot which accounted for more than half in the two years probably wouldn't do that so i would definitely talk about um commuting to work by foot so this is what i would do first is compare one and one i think that's a relatively simple comparison and then i would compare vehicles it makes sense two and two here okay and then i would kind of um group bus and train into one comparison three and three the reason why is because there's not a lot of change between buses and trains in fact trains remain exactly the same and then if i still have some time i would write a sentence for other means of commute just one simple sentence okay so i think starting with um car or sorry starting with uh foot so getting to work by foot makes the most sense first and again this is my third very important tip for everybody that's watching and our members as well is that um you don't want to just write percents or what you see in the graph but you want to interpret the graph okay so this is the third important point here okay important and this is what we need to do for band nine to get a band nine you must not just simply report the exact data that you see in the chart such as percents for example 55 percent of people in 1959 walked to work dot dot dot okay so you don't want to do that instead you must interpret data okay and so the example and you'll see me write this again in a second is just over half of all workers walked to okay so all right so interpreting data so instead of simply saying 55 you can write just over half all right okay a saga depends on your base english okay so three hours is a good amount of time to prepare for ielts each day especially if you're busy with work and school if you can spend more time hey even better saga in reality the more time you spend the better it is okay all right so let's first compare uh walking 55 now of course 25 is a quarter which is less than half okay 50 years later less than half proportionally uh walked to work all right okay so here we go everyone let's do this uh so write these sentences i'm going to do the same so we're going to start with the foot 55 compared to 25 and then we move to car um so let's write the foot and the car uh right now and then we'll take a look after okay so so through deeper analyses the charts reveal that okay and i'm going to be a little bit quieter here so you can think while i do this okay uh bakra let me know what you're confused about if you're confused okay you you you all right so uh i'm gonna go with this so again this is uh walking and cars so through deeper analyses uh let's put a comma there and again once you finish a couple of sentences it's good to review and check for mistakes so this is the process that you want to practice at home and this is the process that you want to do during your exam you write a couple of sentences you re-read them you fix them and then you write the next few sentences okay so through deeper analyses the charts reveal that just over half of all commuters walked to work in 1959 but this mean of getting to work accounted for only a quarter of the total uh 50 years later instead of mean it's not really the right word mode it's a bit better mode of getting to work accounted for only a quarter of the total 50 years later on the other hand just one in 10 employees went to their jobs by automobile in 1959 but this proportion ballooned to more than one in three by 2009 right because 35 percent is just over one-third all right for dav says a more detailed look at the pie charts revealed that in 1959 more than half of employers employees for jobs not employers employees walked to their job place and home whereas in 2009 walking accounted for uh just over a quarter not just over a quarter for dogs it's exactly a quarter it's 25 so accounted for a quarter of uh total uh commuters okay i wouldn't say commuter ways just commuters khalif says in 1959 just over half of the population reached their office by walking while in 2009 only a quarter of people arrived to work on foot okay call deep only a quarter of people arrived to work on foot all right rashika says in 1959 over half of the population brackets 55 commuted to the workplace by foot while a quarter of workers 25 percent got to work in the same way in 2009. okay rashika that's good and you can do that you can give the detailed percentage in brackets if you want for sure it's not absolutely necessary but yeah you can do that okay it does give more clarity rashika and i think it's it is nice to do that in the essay all right okay pretty vishnu uh good job i'm gonna keep rolling along here uh so um here we go now i'm going to uh describe uh buses and trains okay and i'm just going to say that they kind of remain the same so 15 percent uh 15 and 13 okay so again trains remain the same at 15 buses slight change uh from 15 to 13 i'm not going to separate these out i'm going to group these because they're so so uh similar okay all right so here we go all right so that's all i'm going to do so conversely the use of buses and trains remained relatively the same in the two time periods at 15 percent with a slight decrease of buses in 2009 to 13 i have a little bit of a missing verb here be really careful with that with slight decrease in the use of buses okay because it's not actually buses that are decreasing the use of buses that's decreasing so uh you have to be really careful okay osman good of you to join into the chat there so osman says to begin the figure indicates that in 1959 commuting by foot accounted for over half of all of the transportation to work while in 2009 commuting by foot decreased to just 15 uh it was 25 percent osman so it's a quarter okay so commuting by foot um was half as popular at 25 percent osman half as popular or less than half as popular okay it's 25 or a quarter it's half of a half right all right now um that last sentence about other right so interestingly other modes of transportation more than double from 5 to 12 in the given all right so uh we have our um analyses that's fine and i think that for these pie charts it is an exceptionally good idea to include a summary okay when we look at these pie charts members uh we can certainly infer a very unique piece of information so here our summary is kind of like a little bit of a further analysis we can definitely see that there's a significant change especially for walking or driving to work now you have to be clever here and recognize that we have this information we mentioned this in the overview the average distance is 3.5 kilometers in 1959 and the average distance in 2009 is 19 kilometers so it's almost 20 and this is 3.5 so uh what's the difference between these that's kind of interesting here and the average duration is 17 minutes in 1959 and the average duration in 2009 is 42 minutes okay so here for my summary i would write something like okay excuse me so here my summary would be this the data further reveals that commuters traveled roughly five times the distance in more than twice the amount of time in 2009 as they did in 1959 so maybe inferred inferred means an educated guess or an educated assumption that this relates to the greater demand and faster modes of transportation using cars rather than walking to work right see that in this case uh we can make this inference that this big change in the cars as opposed to walking has a strong connection to the major increase or the significant increase in the average distance because 4 goes into 20 five times so 3.5 goes into 19 at least right and the average duration here is 17 minutes here it's two minutes so 42 minutes is slightly more than double the average duration does everybody see that members do you see that okay so it's no wonder that cars became more popular and walking to work became less popular it would be hard to imagine that the equal amount of people are walking to work in 2009 when the average distance to work is 19 kilometers right everybody sees that so if you want to get a band 9 for this essay you would definitely have to catch that very important change in distance and time and the relationship of distance and time to the change in the method of commuting from walking to using cars okay so be really really careful with your analyses okay you have to kind of see these connections okay all right uh so i'm going to read my full uh task one here and i kind of walked you through the steps that's great so call deep you're on board you're like okay yeah yeah that makes a lot of sense right so uh it's never by accident when ielts is giving you that kind of information like average time average distance they want you to catch or to recognize this important connection okay so here we go the two pie charts compared data about four ways of commute foot bus train car and other for the years 1959 and 2009 as well as the average time and distance to get to work at first glance it is clear that commuting by foot car and other means i don't like that i don't have an and here so and other means change drastically after half a century as we're using the train or bus remained relatively the same proportionally furthermore there's a significant difference in the average time and duration taken to get to the job site and that's what i uh discuss or describe last through deeper analyses the charts reveal that just over half of all commuters walked to work in 1959 but this mode of getting to work accounted for only a quarter of the total 50 years later on the other hand just one in 10 employees went to their jobs by automobile in 1959 but this proportional but this proportion ballooned to more than one in three by 2009 conversely the use of buses and trains remained relatively the same in the two time periods at 15 with a slight decrease in the use of buses in 2009 to 13 percent interestingly other modes of transportation more than doubled from 5 to 12 percent in the given years now don't write bicycles and such for other because we don't know that okay all right the data further reveals that commuters traveled roughly five times the distance in more than twice the amount of time in 2009 as they did in 1959 so it may be inferred that this relates to the greater demand in faster modes of transportation using cars rather than walking to work and that's my summary and now i should be on path as long as i wrote clear sentences with good grammar good spelling i should be on to a nice high high band 8 band 9 score for this essay okay all right members i highly encourage you to rewrite this essay when you have some time today or tomorrow uh practice it more okay look at different ways that you can express these ideas review this lesson all right and then if you have any questions just let me know you can always get a hold of me through email i think all of you know my email by now adrian adrienne for everybody who's watching don't go anywhere we will have some band 9 ielts reading technique discussion and practice coming up in 40 minutes and everybody will be able to join the chat for that to get help with your writing you can submit your editing or your writing for editing on our websites for academic outs for general ielts uh and join our premium packages they are just a one-time payment for lifetime access and really well worth it all right prathamesh good to see you in the class as well hi preeti okay good job hopefully members i will catch you all in 40 minutes i'm adrienne i'm signing out for now and i will see you shortly bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: coN9niUtjqs
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Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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