IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Talk about a person

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and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Hungary here situated in the Carpathian Basin of Central Europe I hope everybody has had a fantastic week and looking forward to an even better weekend in this class we are looking at speaking part two the long answer the cue card and we are looking at an original question presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there that's academic English help calm and for general islands check us out at GI e LTS general IELTS help calm hi amira nice to see you in this class as well hi Khyber hype achoo hi Shiva many students already in today at AE help calm in GI l TS help calm you can access our premium package with a 20% discount using coupon code are 40 YJ which will give you access to over a hundred hours of HD video lessons with strategies and tips to get those high band scores on the exam as well as practice exams in an interactive course so check us out there you can also get our apps academic IELTS help in general Al's help the full app is included with your premium package when you use this code on the website and if you have questions just send me an email to Adrian at AE help calm Frederic Bach says your lectures are always good Thank You Frederick I appreciate the feedback that's awesome I'm glad you're enjoying the lectures students today speaking part two tomorrow we'll have a task to start requested by one of our members and then we'll get into some reading and more classes on son as well just a quick peek at our websites this is the academic a help calm you can click that big red button to use that promo code that I just gave you and for general IELTS it's the green background again click that big red button to join us there let's get into speaking part two this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat as much as possible increase your fluency a lot of students have good grammar good vocabulary but you do have to be fluent it doesn't mean you need to speak fast not necessarily as fast as I speak but you have to speak fluently enough so that you're clear and coherent for the examiner so Pedram your speaking exam was today and you feel it went really well awesome Pedram again I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a great score and I love those happy faces you're feeling good about it that's usually a good sign pedram do come back and share your score with the rest of the group when you have it okay all right students so speaking part two it's a card it happens about five six minutes into the interview the speaking section and the examiner will say okay that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two here is a card with some questions don't turn it over yet here's a pencil or a pen and some note paper you will have one minute to look at the questions on the card think about your answers take notes if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start when to stop go ahead turn over the card your one-minute preparation begins now so you turn over the card and this is what you see part two talk about a person you worked on a project with who is this person what was the project what did they do on the project just correct that so what did they do on the project and would you work on a project with this person again why or why not okay so remember in past classes I said that you have to read this part of the card twice so let's read that again talk about a person you worked on a project with okay it's really important you need to make sure that you're talking about the correct ideas and not going off-topic are not close ideas you need to talk about the exact idea okay so once you do that you have to identify whether you're talking about a person place event object or idea in this case what are you talking about so are you talking about a person place object event or an idea okay each of these categories has some specific concepts that you have to include in your response so when you're talking for example about an object you should say where you got it how it works what it looks like its importance to you okay so khyber says that here you're talking about a person and you should discuss the person's appearance their personality and what they do okay so here Khyber says this is a person and a person means you need to talk about the appearance you need to talk about their personality and their personality backed by action everybody agree see if we have some other aha e doughnut ER says you're also talking about an event here and E doughnut ER you're being clever because that's partly right so you are also talking about an event + event when who what happened and your opinion okay and you're right here it's a little bit of both so primarily mostly you're talking about a person why do we know that because the subject is about a person so talk about a person you worked on a project with but when we look at the questions carefully notice the second one what was the project so that's hinting towards the event as well so you're focusing mostly on the person but also a little bit on the event on the actual doing the project okay so this is a little bit of a trickier one because you do have to focus on both alright so you realize this a good student when they flip over the card when they read it carefully they will realize okay I have to focus on this person but I also have to consider the situation the event okay that's important if you just talk about your project here okay that's a really dangerous situation if you spend two minutes talking about your project and you talk very little about the person your score will go down this has to focus more about the person okay so you realize that and now you come up with a few good ideas to choose from okay so the next step is think of at least two to three different people that you have done projects with or imagine them if you're having difficulty coming up with something real so give me some suggestions students okay so give me some suggestions of people who you worked on projects with okay that's what you have to do okay so let's see what you come up with okay fir table says how about your coworker all right so one suggestion is coworker and fur dogs what kind of a project did you do with them so what kind of a project did you do with your coworker okay you have to think of the project as well so it's two elements here book beans has professor but again make sure to think about the project also in this case okay so what's the project IDO not her says classmate and what's the project okay before you decide which one will be the easiest and most original for you to talk about you should think about the project as well okay hadiza baboon says how about an English teacher with my IELTS success that's a pretty good one I like it yeah I really like that one that's great leopard Lapage nun says how about wife and house that's a good one okay Taylor Reese says sister the project is architectural visualization very good okay murasa says how about a classmate and a science project solar cell okay so I'm gonna add that to classmate all right good Tunde I am you very good how about mom and cooking making a meal that's good I like it mom and a cake for example baking a cake chocolate cake project I love it getting hungry okay very nice all right now you're in the right direction let's see what else do we have coming up k yah lien says best friend played music with me okay so yelling that would be best friend concert okay all right so we have some good one professor thesis say okay co-worker let's say new application all right so we have a good set here hmm all right now again for those of you who haven't been here before you only need about three so this is maybe too many but if you can think of lots hey that's fine okay so let's label these so this will be one two three four five six seven let's take a vote for today's topic answer so which one do you think out of these would be the easiest to talk about and something that's original that not everybody is talking about just give me the number one two three four five or six seven and then we'll go with that so Charlie says number four how about English teacher working together on IELTS success some of you are saying co-worker new application some of you are saying six which is mum and baking a cake ooh lots of numbers coming up now all right great okay I'll give you my feedback and then we will start up with one of these so I wouldn't do this one okay I wouldn't do that one because it's difficult I know many of you thought that would be a good idea but this one is difficult because what's the new application what did you do with your coworker you don't know them as well the co-worker is probably less familiar for you okay same thing with professor in thesis I think this would be very difficult to clearly to the examiner in a two-minute time period unless you have practice doing that in English unless you practice talking to other people about your thesis project with your professor this would be difficult okay solar cell classmate I think that's unique I think you could do that just make sure you have the vocabulary to talk about solar cells in English okay English teacher without success I think that's great I think you could do a really good job of that it's unique it's in context so that's fantastic wife and talking about your house decoration it's not bad there might be a few other students choosing this one this might be a popular answer so I might skip that one there might be a lot of people talking about how they decorated or bought their house with their wife or their husband okay I think mom and baking a cake would be a really good idea as well and best friend in concert is okay it could be a little bit difficult to talk about music and how that happens so let's go with number four for today because I think that will work for everybody to talk about okay so now when we do this it's a good idea always to think about some words okay that can be useful in your speaking so let's take some notes and let's think of some useful vocabulary for this response okay and your one minute you should definitely write notes you should use the full minute and you should think about usable notes okay some notes that you can use also think about vocabulary so I haven't taught this before but you should quickly scan your brain for useful vocabulary for this topic okay so useful vocabulary what would be some useful vocabulary for work together on a project so what are some common words that we use in English to describe this situation work together on a project how can we say that in another way just give me any word that comes to mind here okay all right so Ruchi says how about the word teamwork or the collocation teamwork yeah that could be good pea says cooperative yeah it's one word you don't need the - there pay up II don't has partnerships oom endure Hooda and Taylor Ries all thought of a ball dear collaborate yeah collaborate actually means to work together on some kind of project so this is an excellent word to think about okay Amira says how about the word brainstorming very good that's when you sit together with people and come up with ideas came very good all right what other membership pile yeah that's okay I don't I didn't see this one but what the word communicate okay we communicate as well sign who conspire is not good because conspire means that you're working together towards a bad goal so conspire is not a word that I would use here okay all right now how about some vocabulary for personality traits for working together okay so personality traits for collaborating what vocabulary comes to mind when you think about personalities of people or characteristics of people when they're collaborating so we here we have team I'll give you a nice collocation to start you off team player okay when we say team player means that the person is good at working together with others okay Piatt says how about extrovert yep so their social pea says intelligence team spirit optimistic is a very nice word by Exxon Cape dynamic is good critical thinker it's a good one somebody wrote that but you very good patient yeah great listener I saw that okay Sian says how about bilingualism as well Abdul Rashid very nice word diligent does anybody know the meaning of diligent diligent means hard-working okay so diligent very good alright nice nice Quran calm and collected good alright so these kinds of words should be kind of running through your brain as you are preparing in the one minute to begin your response okay Rajveer says how about punctual yeah I agree reg real reg fear there's nothing worse than working together in a project when a person is not punctual punctual students that if that's new for something it means be on time okay alright fantastic and so we chose english teacher preparing for IELTS okay so give me some notes give me some notes that you think could be useful to look at and to use during your two minutes when you're answering this cue card okay give me some notes any notes that come to mind we'll just write them down and then we'll use them so not vocabulary but actual usable notes for the response okay so good correction and feedback is what somebody just wrote I think that would be a usable note absolutely okay now when you're writing your notes students practice doing it in the same order as the category description so first talk about the appearance then the personality then backed up by action okay so let's talk about the appearance what does your English tutor look like okay and give me some quick notes for that maybe 180 centimeters well-built brown hair blue eyes and well-dressed okay so again it's always a good idea to just quickly describe the person you're talking about what they look like so that your listener can imagine them they can picture them it's not just a ghost okay all right Pavan says the person has a French beard maybe Pavan okay short blonde hair fair skin yaks done good okay all of those work all right now personality give me personality give you one here patient listen to long conversation okay for example funny okay violet new and funny now remember when you write any note that's personality you should immediately follow that with an example of that funny so start lesson with joke okay so anytime you think about a personality always put the action right after it because when you're speaking you don't just want to jump from one personality so you don't want to say while my teacher is a really patient guy also he's really funny and energetic and super hard-working that's kind of like you have to go step by step when you say the personality you back it up by action my English teacher is very patient we had many long conversations where I talked for two three minutes at a time made many mistakes he never interrupted me he listened until I finished as well he's a really funny guy he started each lesson with a good joke to lighten the mood and help me focus on my studies he was hard-working I had at least five to six classes with him each week and he never cancelled all right that's what will get you those high band scores so personality backed by actions k reg fear says excellent teacher solved all of my doubts in grammar okay a Rajveer i would do that a little bit differently I would say educated answered all grammar questions okay educated I think is closer to being able to give responses to all of your grammar questions okay so Muriel Kondo says well-spoken or articulated those are synonyms and you have to still give the action Mario so articulated or well-spoken doesn't include the action still okay Suja says emotionally intelligent throughout my three months never got angry right okay actions students think of actions all right okay so we have a few here and I will add Morris as long as you include the action ok vine min says dependable always aware of what he is doing ok again that's not vayas still not a clear action when you say that so dependable or punctual as we said showed up for every session five minutes in advance okay so that would be dependable or punctual alright CN who says kidnapper I don't get it see a new doesn't fit okay Ramon says creative mind taught new reading strategies for true false not given for example okay all right now remember you're working together with this person on this project so tutor is better than saying a teacher that's working with everybody in the class all right so we have these notes here is this enough is this good or should I be doing something else for these notes to be really useful okay should I be doing something else and hopefully many of you are thinking yes because I should also be thinking of the event right so the event is getting ready for IELTS and again here the event what is it preparing to get ban 9 right let's go for the stars or let's reach for the stars all right what else should I write there so event preparing to get ban 9 what else I should maybe write something like july 2019 that's when we started who was it my teacher let's give him a name Mike Mike and I private tutor ok murasa says six lectures per week let's make it six sessions per week okay it's a project that you're working together on which means you're getting ready for this okay all right ready and confident you're feeling okay so we're looking good now we want to come up with our first sentence before you before your 1 minute is up okay so before your 1 minute prep time is up come up with your first sentence so let's do that together while you come up with your first sentence let's just quickly review the card the questions and our notes so talk about a person you worked on a project with who is this person what was the project what did they do on the project would you work on a project with this person again why or why not we decided the project is getting ready for the IELTS exam we discussed that this person is 180 centimeters well-built brown hair blue eyes well-dressed gave good correction and feedback he's patient he's funny educated punctual creative you're preparing for a band 9 2011 it's miking you it's private tutor six sessions per week got you ready and confident alright give me your first sentence so when the examiner says your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and then you don't just look at the examiner for ten seconds and go thank you for giving me this chance to talk about a project and a person that I worked together with because that will not get you a high score okay so you have to start right away as soon as they say begin speaking you should immediately start speaking and it should be accurate okay it shouldn't be I've worked with many people on many projects in the past that will not get you a good band score all right so Mac wish a lease as a person with whom I have worked with on a project is Mike who is my IELTS instructor Mac wish that's really nice yeah a little bit of present perfect there Mac wish so a person whom I recently collaborated on a project with remember we're going for a band 9 right girls and guys Mike is training us for that band 9 so a person whom I recently collaborated with on a project is my IELTS tutor Mike it's a nice one all right sign you again it's too general so sign who says in life we always meet many different people but sometimes you meet someone who is always willing to help sign you it sounds good but it's not good because the question is talked about a person you worked on a project with not talked about meeting people in life and you as you're talking about the examiner it doesn't work well okay all right ruchi says I'd like to talk about a time when I started preparing for eyelets at first all it seemed like a situation where I was between a rock and a hard place Ruchi it's not bad but the focus is the person not the project so you should talk about the person immediately even before you get into the project okay the project should come after you mentioned the person okay knit hey says there are many projects I worked with during my engineering study from that I'd like to talk about my final project which I did with three friends it's not bad knit hey I would take out the first sentence that there are many projects so knit hey if you want to increase your band score just get right into the right topic so during my engineering study my final year project I did with three of my friends one of them okay cuz it's one person that you're talking about here and then you get right into it alright okay good so mmm here we go the examiner says okay your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking a person whom I recently collaborated with on a project is my IELTS tutor Mike okay whom is okay here because I'm the subject and Mike is the object so whom is fine okay so give me the next sentence remember your notes you can look at your notes and then continue on so now your examiner knows okay you're about to discuss this project to get this nice high band score that you worked on together with your IELTS teacher so what do i do what's my next sentence what should I give to my examiner so that my communication is clear okay remember hint hint when you're talking about people you should always spend a few seconds on this especially when that person has no idea who this person is Manuel Gomez says describe Mike yeah and what do you start with so what should you say yeah Ruchi says he's 180 centimeters tall has blue eyes and his well-built you use the present tense Ruchi when you're describing their appearance because hopefully they're still alive so they still are that person okay so Ruchi says well you should just quickly describe what this person looks like so that your examiner can imagine him Mike is about 180 centimeters tall fair skinned blue eyes and short brown hair he is always well dressed in slacks slacks and a blazer maybe something like that okay so now we can kind of imagine what he looks like alright jakar says he is around 180 centimeters tall with blue eyes calm and cool natured okay good King dip says always with a smile on his face good sure so now we've described what he looks like now what should I do so what should follow this so a person whom I recently collaborated on a project with is my IELTS tutor Mike Mike's about a hundred centimeters tall fair skin blue eyes and short brown hair he is always well dressed in slacks and a blazer sure what would make sense here let's see what do you think should come after that so we now know what he looks like we now know what Mike looks like logically what do you think would help the examiner understand you the most so Yellen says we have been studying English since June so Yellen yeah what you're suggesting is to introduce the project very good for dogs so fur dove says introduce the project yeah that's absolutely the right direction okay so let's do that let's introduce the project before we get into Mike's personality so give me some sentences to introduce the project remember here are notes preparing to get a band 9 so this is the event part right because the question if you're not sure you can always look at your cue card the question says what was the project so who is this person what was the project okay so now that's what you should do give it context what was the project so Angwin hong says he helped me a lot in my IELTS preparation giving feedback II don't says he's not only a good looking person but he's also the best teacher in the world owing to his teaching methods for IELTS yeah you don't her that can come a little bit later Karolina says something I'd like to mention is that Mike is an amazing tutor we've been working since July together and we've made great progress yeah students what I suggest doing is use the key subject words in this case the key subject word is project so you should use that at this point because it will show your examiner that you're really focused on what the actual card is asking it's very important for high band scores that you're focusing specifically on the card so Mike and I engaged on my IELTS preparation project back in July of 2019 so that's what I would do is I would give it context and here I would immediately use the word project especially here because otherwise the examiner might be going okay did this student not understand the card and they're just talking about a person who taught them something okay if I'm your examiner and you don't use the word project I might think that you didn't understand the card clearly and you're just talking about a person who taught you some information maybe you didn't understand the word project but if you say this Mike and I engaged on my IELTS preparation project back in July of 2019 then as the examiner I will think oh okay so you see that as your project which is fine you can do that okay yeah so Mac which is I think asking this question right now is it a project taking out classes yes Mac wish if you see that as your project because a project means you have a goal in mind and your goal is for that band 9 if you can explain that sure Mac wish then it's a project so you can say Mike and I engaged on my all's preparation project back in July of 2019 the goal of this project was to prepare me or to prepare enough so that I would get a band 9 result in order to continue my PhD studies in the Faculty of law at Harvard from September of 2020 right so always clarity give as much clarity as possible Taylor Reece says I have joined forces with this particular person to tackle this project because of his ability to scrutinize information and presented in ways that is easy to grasp and interpret into visual data Taylor Reece that is some beautiful band 9 level writing or communication in this case ok and now you're explaining why you chose this person and what they're doing right don't forget the questions on the card so again your notes and your card those are your tools you need to use them throughout the preparation and the two minutes so what was the project what did they do on the project so in this case what did Mike do in your IELTS preparation project right ok so push have a great day see you next time alright let's add some more sentences so far let's review what we have and then let's add more sentences so speak and repeat a person whom I recently collaborated on a project with is my IELTS tutor Mike Mike is about a hundred seventy eighty centimeters tall fair skinned blue eyes in short brown hair he is always well dressed in slacks and a blazer Mike and I engaged on my IELTS preparation project back in July of 2019 the goal of this project was to prepare enough so that I would get a bad nine result in order to continue my PhD studies in the Faculty of Law at Harvard from September of 2020 okay II don't asking if I don't make a lot of eye contact and this part of the exam is it okay yeah II donut er it's okay if you're looking at your notes in your paper and then you're looking up but when you look up you should make eye contact those other times when you're looking to think or looking at your notes or your cue card it's totally fine as long as you keep talking and expressing yourself clearly okay okay so pea says one of my friends disha recommended Mike since he is a dynamic diligent and social person very nice pea that will work so my friend Disha recommended Mike as he is a dynamic diligent and social person okay now if you do that so pea when you do this when you give one to three different personality traits in one sentence you should immediately go through these and back each one of them up with actions okay so you should say something like indeed he is very versatile as I found out throughout our sessions when I didn't understand certain grammar like present perfect he explained it another way also we had six or more sessions every week and he always prepared notes in advance okay so what i'm doing here students is I'm making sure that if I tell the examiner or my listener personality traits like dynamic and diligent then I have to give some kind of an action that shows what that is so when I didn't understand certain grammar like present perfect he explained it another way okay now I get what you mean when you say he's dynamic also we had six or more sessions every week and he always prepared notes in advance never complained about how hard he has to work so he's diligent okay so that's what you're doing you're explaining versatile Meena in this case is a synonym for dynamic to show my lexical resource alright Ned hey says during our work mr. Mike continuously improved my vocabulary to avoid common words as well he helped me to improve my pronunciation by making me practice speaking on a daily basis okay so Ned hey you might say that he's strict alright son good luck with your exam tomorrow so good furthermore he introduced me to some other students whom I could practice my speaking with okay this is representing the fact that he's a social person okay let's see what else you can talk about Mike pea says one aspect that amazed me about Mike most was the freedom he gave me to call him anytime whenever it was whether it was day or night and he never felt disturbed okay good all right so we're moving along nicely here now let's say I get a little bit stuck what should I do here oh no I'm stuck and I'm thinking okay should I just repeat myself should I talk more about Mike's personality what should I do so what do I do I'm a little bit stuck I'm like oh no as the examiner going to stop me or interrupt me now don't panic or we stay confident what should I do what's my next step again my goal is to get the best score possible for this part - so flower son says look back at your notes and Kevin Bowie says make sure to answer the cue card right read the cue card yeah absolutely that's always a good idea students here's a really important tip you should read the cue card at least once while you're speaking in the two minutes so this is a really important tip make sure to look at the cue card at least once during your response time to be sure that you are on topic and you answered all of the questions okay way too often way too many times I see candidates not answering all of the questions on the cue card and that's not good because if you don't answer all the questions on the cue card it's almost for sure that you're going to lose at least half a been scoring you're speaking okay so you have to answer all of the questions so here we go part 2 talk about a person you worked on a project with who is this person good we did that what was the project okay talked about that what did they do on the project we kind of talked about that would you work on a project with this person again why or why not all right let's focus a little bit on these last two let's start with this one what did they do on the project so give me a few sentences that clearly answers that question for the examiner so what did Mike do on this project with me okay give me some sentences let me help you start Mike not only worked hard to help improve my speaking vocabulary and fluency but he also taught me advanced grammar and critical thinking okay something like that all right so Karolina says Mike and I worked on my speaking abilities very hard exactly good what else did Mike do nice I liked pratishta so he helped me regain my confidence whenever I fell down Mike always had a funny joke and motivational advice to help me regain my confidence nice okay so I'm using what you're giving me and I'm building it out a little bit more okay ruchi says let's go to the next one definitely I will work with him in the future again so definitely I would because it's hypothetical definitely I would work together with him again in the future if I were to need help preparing for a and English language exam as I felt his contribution made IELTS seem like a cakewalk cakewalk means easy okay there's an interesting history behind that idiom if you ever look into it okay so as I felt this contribution make made I'll seem like a cakewalk good anything else there Rajveer Singh says Mike prepared notes on different sections of the reading writing listening and speaking sections which were invaluable for me to achieve my goal on this project Reggie I really like how you brought back the concept of project so we're emphasizing that for the examiner make sure that he's not confused and we know that we're talking about a project here very good okay I'll add it into mind there you go all right okay students looking sweet for that high band score let's repeat speak and repeat after me okay you've done a great job you got the idea I'll review what are some important points from this class so here we go repeat speak read nice and loud a person whom I recently collaborated on a project with is my IELTS tutor Mike Mike is about a hundred and eighty centimeters tall fair skin blue eyes and short brown hair he is always well-dressed and slacks and a blazer Mike and I engaged on my IELTS preparation project back in July of 2019 the goal of this project was to be prepared enough so that I would get a bad 9a result in order to continue my PhD studies in the Faculty of Law at Harvard from September of 2020 my friend Isha recommended Mike as he is dynamic diligent and a social person indeed he's very versatile as I found out throughout our sessions when I didn't understand certain grammar like present perfect he explained it another way also we had six or more sessions every week and he always prepared notes in advance furthermore he introduced me to some other students whom I could practice my speaking with Mike not only worked hard to help improve my speaking vocabulary in fluency but he also taught me advanced grammar and critical thinking whenever I felt down Mike always had a funny joke and a motivational advice to help me regain my confidence definitely I would work together with him again in the future on any study project if I were to need help preparing for an English language exam as I felt his contributions made IELTS seem like a cakewalk alright I'll make a couple corrections in there some typos and things but overall that's what you would want to produce as a response to this cue card for your band 9 response or answer okay so again a couple of points to pay attention to students you're part two will be about a person place event object and sometimes it will be a little bit of a combination of two of these okay make sure to read the card carefully especially this part here make sure to focus on these questions specifically don't go off-topic and don't generalize okay and then you will get a great score right collect key vocabulary in your mind before you begin that you can use in your speaking like collaboration students that's it for this class you've done a great job I hope that has shed some light on how to use your one-minute preparation time wisely and how to structure your response so that you're clear and coherent for the examiner again you can see lots more videos on our websites in the premium packages a help calm gee IELTS help calm and you can use this code for a 20% discount our four tyj so go to the websites check it out if you like what you see sign up help yourself do better with effective strategies that's it for now tomorrow I'll be back with some tasks to four members and reading for the all chat class have a wonderful start to your weekend and hopefully I will see many of you tomorrow be confident study hard and you will reach your IELTS project goal as well bye for now everyone much love from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: cSzbwSUE3Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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