IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 - Band 9 Practice

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and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful sunny Budapest here at three o'clock in the afternoon I hope everybody has had a great weekend so far hi Jan C hi Omar good to see you in this class as well Satnam Singh good to see you are right everyone looking at speaking part three some practice and strategy today materials do come from our websites AE help calm for the academic version of the test and GI ETS that's general IELTS for the general version of the exam Shang hoon good to see you in class students are websites they look like this this is AE help calm with the blue background we are British Council IELTS registration Center and we are partners with British Council for that click that big red button to join get our hundred hours of video lessons six original practice exams and a fully interactive course with strategies and tips to get high band scores this is our general portal here click that big red button to join us there high pachoo good to see you in this class download our app academic IELTS help look for that shield and that app integrates with your general IELTS account so you can study from the app or the website it's an integrated account and if you have questions send me an email Adrian ADR I am at AE help calm you can also get our exams from Amazon and paperback or soft copy search for AE helps academic IELTS on your Amazon store and this is our final class for this week our classes will continue on September 18 which is Wednesday usual time at this time and then we have classes Wednesday through to Saturday Samir I'll keep my fingers crossed that your speaking exam goes well tomorrow let's get into it so this is speaking part three the speaking has three parts the speaking interview is about 15 minutes long you have 15 minutes to show your English and communication skills part three continues from part two the part 2 topic so you should always try to connect your ideas with what you said in part 2 importantly keep your answers focused on the question don't go off-topic make sure to use complex sentences as well focus on nice fluency and stay calm stay focused if you lose focus don't worry about it it's okay to say just a moment let me gather my thoughts and then take a deep breath continue on here we go students part three let's talk about special events what are some special events celebrated around the world give me a nice full sentence answer for this question so what are some special events that are celebrated around the world focus on using the question paraphrase some of the words if you can always try to show your lexical resource your vocabulary base and I'll do the same okay Esther says Christmas Christmas is one word Esther you can't get more than a couple band scores for that you need to create full sentence as students this is not chitchat this is not a light conversation you need to show your maximum skill level Oliver says there are many events like Christmas on Halloween that are celebrated in all the world which I celebrated last year as well in what country Oliver give us a hint or a tip that will work well come les says New Year's weddings birthday parties and so on are celebrated all over the world sure so those are some good answer students again you need to make sure that you're answering in full sentences there's my answer for you the ones that come to mind for me right away are christmas aid birthdays and weddings which are celebrated in most if not all countries around the globe in fact I just celebrated my father's birthday last week now students this is a speaking class so what I want you to do is type your answers and remember to speak as well so speak nice and loud repeat what you hear so repeat the questions speak and repeat okay shokran he says well are there are many certain events such as anniversaries birthdays which are celebrated among friends in fact last week I rejoiced my BFFs graduation day chef Ronnie that's great yeah I guess there are people graduating this time of the year so that's a good answer pachoo says well some special events which are celebrated around the world are various kinds such as Christmas and weddings last year I celebrated Christmas in my hometown with my friends couple of Corrections there students I'm correcting your responses in real time so make sure to repeat me as I say them but you good job in using an adjective clause I did the same so weddings which are celebrated using adjective clauses which and who or that is very important to get those high scores creating those more complex and fluent sentences Saima says i'm gonna attend my cousin's wedding in my hometown and have lots of plans which i'm going to implement during the occasion cyma i'm not asking you that question you're going off topic I'm not asking which event are you going to celebrate I'm asking what are some special events celebrated around the world you need to be specific with your answer kala says there are a many number of events that are celebrated in all parts of the world the most popular of which is Christmas ade birthdays and weddings the most popular of which are came Shang Hong says in mid-autumn people celebrate the Moon Festival in Taiwan they enjoy seeing the full moon at night spending time with family Shang hoon that's too specific I'm asking you which events are celebrated around the world if you say Chinese New Year's yeah definitely that's one of them that celebrated around the world or just New Year's in general again students if you do not answer the specific question the examiner cannot give you high marks even if you are using good English this is where the speaking exam is not just testing your English it's testing your communication ok the examiners aren't sure if you're trying to memorize answers and just say them if you're giving some general off-topic responses so be really careful Jan see Jose says special events can include either festivals of different countries religions like Christmas and ade or maybe some important days which are universal around the globe like birthdays ok Priyanka says the most peculiar events are celebrated the most peculiar event celebrated his New Year's Christmas marriages birthdays just last week I attended my friend's birthday party yeah Priyanka peculiar is not a correct word choice there so the most common events celebrated Priyanka not peculiar check the meaning of peculiar it's different it's not used in that context toogle doer says the first thing that came into my mind are days such as New Year's Christmas birthdays weddings which are the most widely celebrated events in the world holidays careful to Google Dewar birthdays are usually not holidays unfortunately okay word choice is important now in part 3 you get these follow-up questions because it is kind of a conversation and the goal is to go into detail into depth that's where the examiner gets a good idea of the level of English that you have that's where the examiner can differentiate between AB and 6 AB and 7 AB and a tab and 9 okay think about it this way students by the end of part 2 the examiner knows whether the student is a band four five or six level okay so keep in mind so this is a tip or a hint by the end of speaking part two examiner's can identify whether the candidate is a band four five or six it is in part 3 where the examiner can really distinguish a band 6 7 8 & 9 level candidate by the complexity detail and accuracy of the responses okay so that's where that kind of magic happens alright so here is the follow-up question why are these celebrations so widespread okay why are these celebrations so widespread so give me a good answer for that one okay and this is especially why you need to be very accurate to the first question because if you're off topic on the first question then the follow-up question becomes very difficult if not impossible and the answers become quite strange so for the first question you need to really make sure that you have an accurate answer okay pachoo says these celebrations are so popular because people want to rejoice in life share happiness relax and live in that moment it is also an important or these are also an important part of culture okay pachoo those are good answers just take note of my Corrections okay Amara says because most individuals celebrate it even if they have different perspectives Amara that's not a bad start but it's still not a hundred percent clear what you're trying to tell me so you need to go into more explanation to have clarity for that answer okay Esther oh yeah you can talk about weddings and birthdays sure why not those are celebrated around the world oliver says because these days people want to hang out with their friends and family so it is a good way for individuals to gather in groups and celebrate life oliver i changed the ending a little bit because it was a it's a bit awkward the way you have it there okay now a lot of you are starting with the word because however I strongly suggest that you use the question in your answer firstly to stay on topic and also to give a more robust response okay satisfying time says I think because these celebrations join families together form strong relationships among them so people tend to enjoy them and respect the celebrations itself okay so here's my answer the reason these events are so common in many corners of the world is because of cultural history and since it provides opportunities for people to gather in groups and rejoice in each other's company as my family and I did during my dad's birthday party okay so notice how I'm joining the content of my responses here I say in fact I just celebrated my father's birthday last week here I give the explanation that people like to rejoice in each other's company and then I connected to having fun at my dad's birthday party last week that's the kind of strong connection that you want to make among your response is to really push your band scores to those higher levels so again speak and repeat after me the reasons these events are so common in many corners of the world is because of cultural history and since it provides opportunities for people to gather in groups and rejoice in each other's company as my family and I did during my dad's birthday party okay so that's what you need to do make those connections next question why do you think people like to gather in large groups to experience sports games okay so a little bit more specific pay attention to each part of the question why do people gather in large groups to experience sport games okay now if you need to think about the answer because obviously that's not something people ask each other every day so you might need a moment and it's okay to ask for a moment and you can say mmmm that is an interesting question and I've never thought about it may I have a moment please okay as long as you're fluent and the examiner can tell that you're not just stuck thinking about words but you're actually thinking about a response it is absolutely okay to start with a statement like this and even while you're saying visualize picture a stadium or a sports arena full of fans cheering for their favorite sports team and then maybe you can come up with an appropriate answer okay so one more time why do you think people like to gather in large groups to experience sport games Quan Pablo Avila says I believe people usually meet for sports related activities to share the experience it is exciting to sing-along cheering for the fate for a favorite team and see favourite players in person Juan Pablo that is a beautiful answer do you have an example have you been to a big sports games recently can you make one up but you says I think people like to gather in large groups to experience a sport games because they support their favorite teams and cheer them on to win Kamlesh Kucha says folks encourage sportsmen to perform well and make every moment quite interesting and enjoyable by cheering in large groups okay so come les it's a good idea just make sure to connect it to the specific question gather in large groups okay Chirag Gaikwad says hmm that's a tricky one the main reason behind it might be the connection one has with that sport and it's a great experience to find people with the same interest the very good answer students don't forget your smooth flowing examples okay so one reason people like to gather in crowds and cheer on their favorite teams is to share the spirit of competition I recently went to a football match and it was exhilarating [Music] look to share in the loud roar of the crowd and watch my favorite team win okay so again get those smooth flowing examples in there here we go hmm that's an interesting question again speak and repeat students so hmm that's an interesting question and I've never thought about it may have a moment please one reason people like to gather in crowds and cheer on their favorite team is to share in the spirit of competition I recently went to a football match and it was exhilarating to share in the loud roar of the crowd and watch my favorite team win okay so those are some good answers Shangdong says well people spend time together to watch a sports game because they can feel the energy of the crowd and support the same team which makes them excited okay that's good just like last month my friend and I went to see the final basketball game in the bar that was more interesting than watching it at home alone Shang hung very good answer okay I like that comparison now let's look at the follow-up question is this good for society so is it good for society that people get together in large groups and share in the excitement of sport what do you think so again this is where you want to make sure that you had a good answer for the first question so that you can build on it for the follow-up question okay it's very very important I'll make a note of that while you respond so again keep this in mind and practice this before your exam okay so it is very this is a big tip here keep this in mind it is very important to have an accurate response to the initial question in part three so you can build on it for the follow-up question okay all right Juan Pablo says it is good for society in general when it doesn't turn into violence for example in South America some people are too eager about seeing their team win when this doesn't happen when this happens it could be a negative okay so Juan Pablo careful I know you want to express the truth just make sure that you do it accurately so it's clear okay and I get where you're going with it just make sure that you're clear about it okay all right drag says yes as far as their excitement doesn't turn into an uncontrollable aggression and their sportsmanship towards the game stays intact track very nice nice vocabulary using sportsmanship so good sportsmanship right that means having ethical clean competition yush Poddar says that's a tricky question people gathered to share the experience and to enjoy the cheers for the same team I also gathered at a Sports Complex last week for football and yes it's good for society to grow okay those are some good answers so Love Guru says it's definitely good as people feel enthusiastic and energetic while watching the game okay it's a short answer and it's not bad you should probably build on that a little bit just to bump your score higher hyung says this is hyung Lehmann says society can reap some advantages from people gathering in big groups to watch sports the most significant one is that it creates a healthy environment for those who are passionate about their team's okay sure here we go I'll type up an answer for you as well it is definitely a positive for the community to experience watching sports together as this can not only raise the morale of the populace but can also generate revenue okay so here's my answer it is definitely a positive for the community to experience watching sports together as this can not only raise the morale of the populace on the whole but can also generate revenue for the sports clubs to grow okay so what I'm doing here it's quite a bit of paraphrasing so using the word community okay raise the morale is a nice expression it means it creates a positive energetic approach to life okay and populous for the population on the whole so in general and it can also create income for these sports clubs to grow and to develop so this all comes from gathering in large groups to watch sports games alright next question have there been any changes in the way people organize big celebrations compared to fifty years ago okay so have there been any changes in the way people organize big celebrations compared to fifty years ago and how okay give me some nice full sentence answers to that question give you a little bit of a hint pay attention to the grammar of this question meanwhile I'll read a couple more responses to the previous Shang Hong says well of course it not only makes sports more professional but also increases revenue from merchandise like last month I bought a final championship team t-shirt for $100 so I certainly believe it's a positive to gather in large groups to experience sport games Shang Hong tied in with that main idea otherwise a very good response satisfying time says yes certainly five decades ago people used to invite guests by and written letters but nowadays they can organize huge celebrations just by emails to gould or says I feel like celebrations were compared ibly peaceful and satisfying fifty years ago more than they are now due to new factors such as kr chaos resulting from large crowds extra profiting of services and so on to Gould or you're using a lot of good words and I think you have a fairly good idea but it's quite general it's better to be more specific okay Jancy says well in my opinion the method of celebrating has remained the same throughout the years themes usually have gone unchanged to protect the traditional way of these festivities for example people still decorate for Christmas Jancy I think you missed the question so you're answering the question have celebrations changed in the past 50 years but the question Jen see is have there been any changes in the way people organise big celebrations compared to fifty years ago the word organised here is very very important so in that case Jancy you're off topic so you'd be losing marks Omar says I think that it differs from the past days because individuals habits and customs are completely different from each other Omar I think it's the same as Jan so you're going off topic vlogging world says definitely there's a big change in the way people organize big celebrations because of money and other possibilities what other possibilities vlogging world vlogging world use the present perfect right away so definitely there has been a big change in the way people organize large celebrations so again students you have to show the examiner that you can use these more complex forms of grammar like present perfect so when you here have in the sentence and you identify that it's asking you for present perfect you should immediately include that in your response so yes there has been a lot of change in the way people organize major events as compared to five decades before okay so I don't need to paraphrase every single word from the original question what I definitely have to pay attention to is making sure that I have present perfect in my response so have there been any changes yes there has been a lot of change in the way people organize events compared to five decades before five decades of course is fifty years back then people generally invited each other in person or through hand written mail however these days it is much more common to use social media to organize festivities for my dad's birthday my mom just sent around an invite using Facebook posts okay so that is your high band response again reflecting and making connections among my answers okay so again repeat after me yes there has been a lot of change in the way people organize major events as compared to five decades before back then people generally invited each other in person or through handwritten mail however these days it's much more common to use social media to organize festivities for my dad's birthday my mom just sent around an invite using Facebook posts okay it's clear it's accurate it's detailed there's an explanation and there's an example all right Juan Pablo says there has been changes along with technology thanks to the internet and social media sites it's much easier to promote events in general compared to five decades ago even when it comes to local celebrations yeah just avoid the repetition of events Juan Pablo and you have a very good answer all right let's continue on few more questions again focus on accuracy complexity and paraphrasing using the question ok give examples here we go let's discuss family gatherings you know you're doing a good job on the speaking part of the exam when the examiner changes up the topics in part three that means that your fluence is really good they have time to ask you some more questions here we go what are some positive and negative situations when families get together and shock Ronnie yeah that's a good response for this statement sure okay so keep the the dialect going so keep the discussion going let's talk about family gatherings sure what are some positive and negative situations when families get together Donna Fay says oh yes this generation is so competitive that most people would do anything just to impress others even on a tight budget okay I'm not sure which ends which question you're answering Donna but it doesn't seem to fit satisfying times says well making the relationship stronger and spreading love between family members is the biggest positive but it can be devastating if they start to enter into their personal business satisfying times I think you're off topic on that one Bayern Munchen says yes of course there has been lots of changes in the way people organize events in the past fifth they used to have simple parties at home but nowadays it's so different okay it's for the previous one home says family members spend time with each other brings about both merits and demerits as for the positive side they can strengthen the family bond so that they can understand each other better students the word merits and demerits it's way over used by a lot of IELTS candidates please be very careful using those words we don't actually use the word merit and especially the word demerit too often as in everyday conversation so I kind of recommend staying away from those two words charlie sin says well birthdays marriage ceremonies anniversaries are positive situations where family get together similarly someone's death is a negative situation where family members gather Charlie that is the first accurate answer absolutely okay too cold or says I believe that most positive situations occur during family meetings for instance friendly conversations cooperations cooking meals together however when someone in the family act selfish I think many students are misunderstanding this question what are some positive and negative situations when families get together okay Charlie's was the only accurate answer so far to this question well a few of the positive circumstances that come to mind are birthdays graduations and weddings which I had previously referred to and unfortunate events like accidents and illness or death are also common for families to get together and share each other's sorrows okay so that is the accurate answer well a few of the positive circumstances that come to mind are birthdays graduations and weddings which had previously referred to and unfortunate events like accidents illness or death are also common for families to get together and share each other's sorrows sorrows means sadness or strife difficulty okay that is an accurate answer all right and I'm still reading a few of the responses and many of them still seem off-topic so again if you're not sure and I think some of you for this question should have asked for a repeat so you please peep it if you're unsure of the question instead of giving an off-topic response just get the examiner to repeat the question and hopefully the second time you'll catch it more clearly okay so use this phrase I didn't quite catch that question could you please repeat it and then hopefully the examiner will they don't always but hopefully they'll say sure what are some positive and negative situations when families get together and then hopefully you realize that oh these are talking about the or this question is asking about the moments in life when families get into groups okay so be careful with that all right next question in your opinion is it important for extended families to gather at least a few times a year if yes why okay so in your opinion is it important for extended families to get together at least a few times a year if yes why okay again if you need some time ask for it Chitra says certainly it is important to gather at least a few times annually because it enhances sharing and caring among a family members Chitra that's pretty good okay give me a give me an example like say I have a very close relationship with my cousins because I see them at least once a month okay how feed is asking are you talking about broad family and nuclear family huh feed it's in the question so if you ask the examiner that huh feed so if you see are you talking about broad family or nuclear family then I will just repeat the question in your opinion is it important for extended families if we say extended not broad but extended families to gather at least a few times a year if yes why so Ammar says oh I believe it's very important for society to get together to keep in touch and share events with each other Ammar why I love the happy face but unfortunately you can't project emojis during the speaking exam at least I don't think you'll get points for doing happy face emoji so you need to respond with an explanation Amin says I feel it is vital for family members to get together at least a few times annually this is because it keeps the family together and everyone can share moments of happiness and sorrows ok good meat good ash lover in my opinion it's crucial for families to get together annually as we are all living far away from each other these days and talking on social media is not good enough we need to meet in person useful for you says yes sure it is a major role in the way that it benefits building strong relationships ok those are some good answers here's my answer yes I absolutely believe that extended family like cousin should and special moments with one another at least bonds among the family and built strong roots for future generations okay and again you can include an example my grandmother makes sure that every year on Christmas we gather at her house okay so yes absolutely I believe that extended family like cousins uncles and aunts should get together and share special moments with one another at least once a year this helps to strengthen bonds amongst family members and build strong roots for future generations all right students here's one final question you can take this one for homework what are some ways that governments could encourage quality family time for its citizens can you give examples you can answer that question with audio record it on your phone on your mobile and send it to me by email I'll give you a score estimate let you know what band that answer would be send your answer to Adrienne at AE help comm ATR I am that's my name at AE help calm and to see lots of HD video lessons over a hundred hours join our Premium Package at AE help calm for academic ng IELTS help calm for general those websites look like this this is general with the green background click that red button join us there blue background academic click that red button to join us there live classes continue on Wednesday September the 18th same time as now I hope everybody has had a good chance to practice some good tips hopefully some new vocabulary keep up the work and you will succeed much love to all of you have a great start to your week and see you on Wednesday bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: 9Q2YB9kHdOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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