IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Practice for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I am broadcasting to you from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody is having a great start to their weekend to Saturday today we are looking at IELTS speaking part 2 and as usual the materials do come from our websites AE help calm for academic IELTS AE and for the general version of the test check us out at g IE l TS I'll show you those websites just super quick this is our academic website click that red button to join with the blue background and this is our general IELTS website with the green background click that red button to join their high members hi goo Cara hi I'm rates high hung high for Dobson Beggs odd welcome to today's class and welcome viewers all right if you have questions about our products or about the exam send me an email Adrian ADR I am at AE help calm hi Preeti and hello Harminder more members joining in yeah today speaking part two and then everyone chat class will be speaking part 3 in about 90 minutes and that speaking part three will be connected to speaking part two so it's really good to watch both of these classes because they will be related to each other all right so this is the question for today I had to requests for speaking part two so this one was the first one the next one will do next week I'm not sure which one was your gujrat but this one came in first this request so this is the one that I scheduled for today again for those members that don't have access to our materials please do send me an email hi Manisha good to see you in class as always one of our successful students I hope life is treating you well Manisha all right so speaking part two it's the cue card also called the long part of the speaking exam this is where basically you get a card with information on it the information will be very similar in structure to this and it will include about four questions to guide you you will have one minute to think about your answers put it together well and then you will have two minutes to speak the instructor will of course tell you when your time begins now remember the instructor is human so the one-minute preparation time might not be exactly one minute it should be pretty close and the two minutes speaking time is not always exactly two minutes in most cases it can be a little bit shorter okay all right so what categories can part to be so part two can be basically four or five different categories or groups of questions does anybody know what I'm talking about so what are the possible category topics for part two and it's really important that students and viewers remember this and practice for each one so that you can answer any question that comes at you on the card okay so bags odds has three of them bags odd says it could be an object it could be an event it could be a person or a place which is number four and number five that's kind of a little bit may be different as patricio said in the chat there is an idea right so person object event place or an idea so you have to focus on being able to talk about each one of these what is this one talk about the perfect house for you to live what is this one okay the actual question was talk about your dream home but this is kind of the same idea so I'm read says this is kind of a place because it's a location it's where you are yeah it's a place begs that says it's also an object yeah so that's why this one is a little bit interesting because it's kind of like a place and an object together it's a bit of it's a bit of both I would say it's more of a location than an object but yeah the house itself is somewhat of an object so that's what's kind of an interesting question I'm not sure which member requested this one it was talked about your dream home and I just changed it a little bit to talk about the perfect house for you to live so it's bit of an object along with a location or a place so you have to kind of keep both of these in mind when you're planning for this and I can see that different students are answering differently so some of you are saying it's a place some of you're saying it's an object and yeah it's a bit of both all right so let's then imagine we just got this card the instructor or the examiner says okay your 1-minute preparation time is up sorry your part one is over now we will begin part two for part two here's a card with some questions on it you will have one minute to prepare your answers you may take notes in the one-minute if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak are you ready to begin you should say yes I am and then they'll say okay your one-minute begins now for your preparation right students again remember this is a speaking class so repeat what I say okay speak speak speak don't be shy even if people around you might think it's strange that you're talking to a computer screen or a phone screen the goal here is for you to practice so please speak and repeat nice and loudly okay as I am going through this all right so when we think about an object what do we have to consider so if we argue that while a house is an object then what are some important points to consider begs that says its appearance I think begs awed you're thinking about a location right now let's start with an object so if we're talking about an object we have to talk about its appearance what it looks like which makes sense when we're talking about the perfect house of course okay all right it's function yeah absolutely so you want to think about its function pretty good Rahul says who lives there that's part of the function Rahul so if you think about function the function of a home is to provide living for people so who lives there begs God says its origin where did you get it from yeah and that could again for a house that could be important as well so are you going to build it or are you simply going to buy it right so its appearance its function its importance yeah very good and that's about it Kay importance also includes the value Gorka rot idea something different okay it's not a it's not a story here you're talking about your perfect home you're describing it you're not telling a story here okay the size of it how long is going to be included in the appearance okay how long and Gorka rot be careful not to lose yourself in details when you're planning most importantly think about these main parts of describing an object and then you will be able to come up with the size how many bedrooms its color so the different parts of its appearance its function you'll be able to come up with that who lives there what can you do in it its origin where did you get it from where is it importance what do you like about it what is its value to you okay so as long as you have these four top-level categories to describe an object you will think about those details and it will be structured well okay now what about a place so if we're thinking about the home as a place then what do we have to include and I think that I'm Rita and bags are already set a couple so location so where is it parents what it looks like it's history right maybe your perfect home is a castle that has some history it was used by kings and queens right so it's history what else what else okay what else should you think about so if you're thinking about your dream host a dream house as an object then you think about these points if you think about it as a place then you need to think about these points there's one more yeah bags not very good who goes there okay yeah so who uses it what happens there okay those are the other elements that you have to think about okay all right so good so now you have these important ideas and again when you practice at home members viewers you should have these ideas memorized so you should know that if you get a cue card that's about an object you need to think about these four points if you get a card that's about a place you need to think about these points if you talk about these points and you look at the questions on the card you will get a very high band score okay you will do really really well all right okay so great now we want to think about some important words okay so what would be some important points to write down on your note paper and again you don't just want to randomly write notes in the one minute because your speaking will be random it will be less clear and you will get a lower mark so your notes should have structure okay so what should you think about for your first point so what would be logical clearly you'd want to visualize so you want to picture you want to kind of see this okay so Gurkha right you don't just want to jump around with ideas like gym hospital pool because it's not going to come across structured you should tell a clear response to part two so that it's easy to understand what should you think about first what would be logical here came all right so begs odd you choose a house definitely okay so you choose a home here it's going to be difficult to just simply choose a home so you have to choose either a house or an apartment so clearly you need to know that and I'm read says maybe its location would be a good one to think about first yeah so don't write down location just write down where okay so even before gurke rot you choose a big bungalow like hotel think about its location and Gujrat you're on the right track so you'd want to think about the style of the house okay and you want to think about its size okay those would be good to consider now you wouldn't write down style and size you would just write down what it is okay so give me some good answers for location so where would you want your dream home where would be a good place okay be specific the more specific you are the better you're going to do okay so where's the location if I want to be clear with the examiner the location should be something measurable and visible okay so um REIT says the outskirts of the city the outskirts of the city um rate is usually called a what high for Dobbs so for Dobbs would go for the city center instead so for Dobbs you would say downtown okay and I'm Reed would say suburbs okay the suburbs of where suburbs of what what city just name a city yeah so bags I'd says in the center of the capital of my country but begs odd you want to actually name it don't be shy here so I'm read says Brampton let's go with Hampton in New York upstate New York one of the wealthiest parts of the entire world suburbs of Hampton New York sure ok what's the style of the house now again use words that you are familiar with gore crowd the suburbs or the outside part of the city where you have bigger houses more greenery more lawns ok urban is the downtown suburbs is the outside ok I'm read says would be a castle all right sure I would be careful I'm right to choose something that's difficult to describe same thing Rehan and I Rehan you're saying the same as Gork rod is a bungalow bungalows and castles might be a little bit tricky to describe I would keep it simpler like what bags odd saying a big house with five rooms ok so I would go with a modern one floor house with 6 bedrooms ok so that's what I would do I wouldn't overshoot I wouldn't say something like a castle you might say I mean if you know the word especially if you're in Hampton actually that would be a very small house in this neighborhood but let's make it a bit bigger let's go with 10 bedrooms instead of a house does anybody know what a large house is called when you have a large house what is that called guca rot be careful your examiner might have no idea who Den DOOL DOOL are is I believe he's a famous cricket player but I wouldn't bet that your examiner knows that as well yeah so I'm Rhea good I think you have the right idea you just spelt it wrong it's a mansion it's a mansion yeah even I spelled it wrong and Shen with an S I think yeah it's a mansion there you go Gor craw very good so a modern one-floor mansion with ten bedrooms all right now think about all of the extras right what are extras called so when a house has a lot of extras or a hotel there's a special word for that what is that word what do we call those extras that a hotel has like a pool a bar of games room so what do we call that what's the word there's one really nice word in English for that and if you're traveling a lot then that will be good it's not facilities facilities is not bad and begs odd it's okay you could use that but there's a even better word it's not perks it starts with an A that's right pretty very good amenities okay so the extras the amenities so what would you have well might as well throw a pool in there okay billiard room tennis court okay so you can throw some fun things in there now you're writing these notes okay you're paying attention you have a gym in their home sure what do we what do I have to be careful about here members so again remember I only have one minute and I'm sure in one minute if I have training if I'm practicing at home I can definitely write these words sure it's absolutely not difficult I only have about 10-15 words there I'm thinking about all of these points here I read the questions of course carefully where is this what does it look like what do you need to buy or build this home why do you think this is the perfect home for you okay so what do I have to be careful about I'm read says just move on to the next cue card yeah bags odd says you have to be careful not to over describe these points in fact bags odd I I believe you have the right idea you're just maybe not expressing it perfectly clearly I think what you're trying to say bags odd is we have to be careful not to have too many ideas and get lost in our ideas and in our descriptions okay so absolutely you have to be very careful okay and this happens to students all the time I see it happen to students on the exam so be very careful not to have too many ideas and not give clear explanations and examples okay so if you want to get a high band score students if you want to get a score that's like seven seven five or more you have to really make sure that you don't think of too many ideas and then just start listing them right so I'll give you an example if a student says well my dream home is a big big house somewhere in India it would be like a huge bungalow with lots and lots of rooms I would have pool I would have a billiard room I would have tennis courts all of my family would live there so there would be lots of bedrooms as well I could have barbecues and invite everybody over for dinner and then I would definitely have a gym so I can workout and also I would so if you're doing this you'll get an OK score but not a great score because you're just jumping from idea to idea without going into clear details without making good connections among and between your ideas it's much much better to go slower to think critically to make those connections and to go into actual details right so I would love to have a gym in my home it would be at least a 50 square metre room so I have lots of space to workout and do yoga the reason I would include a gym in my perfect house is because I'm really into fitness and these days I have to pay a monthly membership to go to a public gym ok so going into that kind of detail is how you get that band 8 band 8.5 and 9 okay alright so think about that details are more important explaining clearly making connections are more important than having a whole bunch of small ideas ok alright so let's stay with these points so location in the suburbs of Hampton a modern one for mansion with 10 bedrooms amenities pool billiard room tennis court gym that's lots more than enough when you're doing or when you're writing your notes make sure to take a look at the card so where is this house do I have that in my notes yes what does it look like mostly I didn't write anything about color or decoration what do I need to buy or build this home definitely have an that so what do I need to buy or build this home you should maybe quickly write down one or two notes just so you don't forget about that four doves money is okay you want to be more specific and four doves one way to kind of push your band score higher there's always think quantitatively whenever you can so think about numbers gorod I'm not sure what you mean by that just send me an email and we can clear it up I'm read says I need a down payment sure again money I'm right down payment is a nicer word than money I mean hopefully you can just buy it okay Rehan good so Rehan is like why don't we just throw a number out there I would estimate this would cost me like 26 million dollars in the Hamptons yeah it's quite possible sure so 26 million dollars why not what else okay so money yeah so petruchio says I need a good architect like Norman Foster and millions of dollars yeah an architect yeah exactly good job patricio so that's what I'm showing you with this is you need to think beyond what just you immediately come up with so money of course everybody will think about money you need money to buy a house no question but you need more than just money so if you have twenty million dollars that's not enough to have your perfect house you have to take some extra steps you at least have to hire an architect who will design your home right so you need an architect you need some builders right you can leave that up to the architect but sure you need a construction crew okay so you need the builders ah what else you need something more I don't see it anywhere and believe me even if you have 20 million dollars you might not be able to buy a house in upstate New York why not what else do you need or to build or to buy a house okay so you need lots of builders you need a big building crew you need some interior designers sure or interior decorators preety that's very good as well so now you're thinking sure okay so again build up that speed of thought right so you can really give some powerful answers to these questions what else do you need yeah Petruchio says you need ya Gorka very good so ger crowd and Petruchio both came up with it so while I'm reading you're right you might need permission as well but you need a lot you need property right you need the property you need the law for the house okay all right good so now you're thinking all right in a perfect world members in that one minute you can come up with these ideas so in the one minute preparation time if you're pushing for that band seven eight nine and you practice at home this is what should happen you look at the card the card says talk about the perfect house for you to live where is this house what it looks like what you need to buy or build this home okay this is an object I have to talk about its appearance its function its importance its origin it's also a location so I have to or a place so I have to talk about its location where it's located who uses it its history okay so start writing on the paper where do I want my home to be in upstate New York and the Hamptons what is it going to be it's going to be a 10-bedroom mansion with amenities including a pool billiard room a gym tennis courts all right what do I need to buy this home ten million dollars a lot an incredible architect and a large crew now you're almost ready you have one more sentence to go what is it so what should you do before the examiner says okay your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking you need to do one more important step Petruchio says get that first sentence on the paper absolutely okay so what is your first sentence what should be your first sentence if we're looking at this right away get right into it home great begs odd great army perfect I love how all of you're remembering this important fact that your first sentence should be ready Gorka rot I'm happy you're a new member because you're learning all of the things not to do you also please write in lowercase like the other members otherwise it's shouting if you're writing all in uppercase like that it means that you're shouting at me and I'd prefer if students are not shouting at me so just lowercase sentences please and Gorka rot it's not I would like to talk about just start talking about it okay don't waste time so just start talking about it okay all right so what would be a good first sentence Agora the reason why staining I would like to talk about is is not good because a lot of students do that and it has zero value it just simply has no benefit for the examiner you will not get any points for saying I would like to talk about or if you say thank you for this opportunity to talk about my perfect home you do not get any points for that the examiners know that a lot of students trying to say that because it wastes time and uses words and but it has zero value okay hi Katie welcome bags that says the best place that I want to live with my two siblings and parents as a house which is located in the suburbs of Hampton New York sure bags odd perfect so that's how you start your path in part two to Abe and 7.58 response no question okay how home says my dream house is a modern one floor mansion with ten bedrooms located in the suburbs of Hampton New York brilliant hump home that's how you start a band 9 response ok so home says my dream house me take bold off here my dream house is a modern one-bedroom or sorry one floor just copying out Hong's response here's a modern one floor mansion with 10 rooms located in the suburbs of Hampton New York yeah so that's a band 9 start absolutely that's a band 9 start home fantastic home you're really improving I'm of course I keep in mind what students say more or less or chat in previous classes and home I just like to say that I can tell that you're really practicing a lot of English and I can definitely see your improvement in your and your chat responses that's fantastic and also you're picking up the right ideas ok so good for you ok Gujrat that's much better okay so Gujrat says the ideal house that i want to buy is on Palm Island of Dubai and sure gore crowd okay you're going with your own idea but that's a much much better sentence to start with ok Preeti says I would love to live with my family and the AI in an ideal house which is located in the suburbs of Hampton New York Preeti boom there you go that's how you start a band 8 band 9 response patricio since I was a child I always had a dream about having a big mansion located in the center of Buenos Aires Patricia oh very nice ok you're using a complex sentence with since I was a child comma I have always had a dream about having a big mansion located in the center of Buenos Aires that's how you start a band-aid band 9 response Patricia perfect okay Gorka rot never used the word things in your speaking or writing it's low value or zero value always choose a better word Ford of says one of the best cities where I want to build and live with my family is in Hampton New York yep for Dobbs that works just be careful that you're not you know it seems like you're talking about a city and not your house yet so you have to quickly make sure that you switch into talking about your house right okay all right so I see some great responses coming now so very good much better and Gorgoroth much much better sentences now Gujrat instead of things things is that what's called a noun replacement okay and I'll make a note here for everybody okay always just choose the actual nouns so the word things is a noun replacement it means that it can replace any noun the more accurate your nouns the better you're speaking the better you're writing okay so garaad in your sentence the foremost thing is it is totally so instead of the foremost thing is the foremost importance is so the word importance is much better than the word things you could say the form the foremost importance in the house is to for it to have 10 bedrooms or whatever you want to say after okay that will be much better all right I love how all of you are really rolling with this now and you're writing lots of great pieces of information bags lot says the size of this house is one floor mansion with 10 bedrooms with walls painted and white color and decorated with all modern household tools okay bags are let's slow it down a little bit so think about it visualize students use your notes how big is your house give me an answer for that so let's go back to our response now so my dream house is a modern one floor mansion with 10 bedrooms located in the suburbs of Hampton New York came I would probably need about 20 million dollars to build it as well as an architect to design it and a construction crew to put it all together of course before I could do all this I would need to find an appropriate lot to build on sure okay ah bags odd there we go yeah now it's clicking right square meters all right 100 square meters for a 10 bedroom house bags odd is quite small it's in fact insanely small that would be like a 10 bedroom house for rabbits or chipmunks okay so they have to be a heck of a lot bigger than that I mean a heck of a lot bigger okay so how big do you think it would have to be so how big what would be a good estimate no I mean not yards it would still be square meters so begs odds right with the square meters yeah bags odd I would shoot for something like five hundred square meters yeah yes now Gujrat you can't do something that's too crazy so you have to be careful students in the IELTS exam when you're speaking or when you're writing you don't have to say the truth and it doesn't have to be perfect but it has to be believable otherwise the examiner will think that you don't know the words that you're using okay so I definitely would not go over anything that's like like 5000 square meters 5000 square meters just huge okay but it's still believable if you've got a ton of money and an indoor swimming pool and so on right so anyway to be more on the realistic side I would say five hundred to a thousand square metres is not it's not unrealistic for a very large mansion okay so okay so the house would be roughly 600 square meters in area it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest rooms for friends and family and I don't want to finish the sentence here I want to keep going what should I write or what should I say here okay so I'm going to I mean we all have different and unique ideas when we're talking about a house so I want you to work on your language right now let's develop a little bit of language not square feet Preeti but square meters 600 square meters is quite a large space it's quite a large space okay square feet would be small but 600 square meters is quite a large space and you could go more pretty you could go a thousand but trust me it's big I know I live in a hundred square metre home so I know all right so how should we continue here okay so the house would be roughly 600 square meters in area it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest room rooms for friends and family how should I finish this sentence what what can come here to give me a higher band score to show more complexity yeah so Preeti asked so 2,000 square feet is roughly like a hundred and thirty square meters or something like that so careful Preeti with the measures that you're using here in Europe in most places other than England will use meters not feet okay u.s. and Canada we use feet as well so I know it's a little bit confusing right so how should I finish the sentence it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest rooms for friends and family when there's more than one way to finish this sentence just try to finish it for me with correct grammar so think about your conjunctions here it's cause and effect okay or condition actually I should say condition it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest rooms for my friends and family and then this part is the condition so think about the condition here okay I want to get all of us on the same page so here okay let me put the joining word and it might help you in case they now you'll figure out how I want you to finish this sentence so again use your complex sentence of students to get those high band scores you have to show complex sentence structure okay in case they do what friends and family in case yet good work rot it's like saying if yep just a little bit more natural in this context okay so that's how I would finish it it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest rooms for friends and family in case they come to visit okay not live in the house but they come to visit me that's right Petruchio absolutely now here again to get high band scores I would go into more details okay so I would say for example I'm a very social person and I love to host parties for people I care about okay so this gives further detail and explanation to this sentence so it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest rooms for friends and family in case they come to visit I'm a very social person and I love to host parties for people I care about what should I continue with here so here I'm like okay maybe I should look at my notes here are my notes okay I've used some of them oh sorry here are my notes I've used some of them now I want to use more of my notes what should I do what can I use from my notes at this point to make my response interesting complex yeah that's right bags odd this is where I would jump into the extras yeah that's right I'm read you're saying the same so go for number three because I'm I've just finished explaining that extra rooms for friends and family when they come to visit I'm a social person I love to host parties so write the sentence that makes sense okay join it which joining word which word could be good to start my next sentence here in my speech yeah that's right Preeti the amenities would be a great way to continue here I wouldn't go with in addition here home I would use the other word that's very close it would be a stronger connection than in addition in addition is like plus but the word I'm thinking of isn't just a plus it's like joining too so what's the word that's better than in addition not moreover not furthermore it's a leading expression that shows cause and effect so because I'm a social person because I like to throw parties this happens I wouldn't I wouldn't use furthermore I wouldn't use additionally I wouldn't use as a result is not bad begs odd I would just go with the more technical therefore okay so therefore consequently gurkha rot is not bad okay therefore is probably the best one here would be what most native speakers would continue with okay so I'm a very social person and I loved host parties for people I care about therefore my perfect residence would also include some amenities to entertain my guests such as a 30-meter indoor pool a games room with billiard tables and arcade games as well as outdoor tennis courts okay so just like that again finding those connections Gujrat hence would be a good word to join as well absolutely as you may realize I'm an active person so my home would definitely include a full-sized workout gym with both free weights and weight machines and workout machines okay again more details so I would surely use it each morning after waking up all right so I'm doing good and I'm moving along I'm definitely speaking for a good minute maybe even more what should I do at this point yeah so I'm rate if you love music you might include a sound studio where you can jam and record your music again I'm Rita member that if you're going to include that if you're going to talk about a studio where you can jam or a garage where you're going to have all your sports cars to include details so don't just jump around petruchio says at this point definitely look at the card make sure that you're not missing any important points so we take a look at the card where is this house what does it look like what or what it looks like what do you need to buy it ok that's good why do you think this is the perfect home for you fantastic ok so we realized all right we've kind of talked about it indirectly but it's very very important for those good band scores to talk directly about these questions so even though we mentioned that I'm a very social person so I like to have parties I still didn't say that it's the perfect home for me because so you need to include that in your answer ok and yes Patrese here you're right you need to look at the card and you need to answer directly ok so I'll make a point for that for you so to get high band scores make sure to directly not just indirectly answer the questions on the card okay it's really important so that's what you need to do here alright so here I would say not only is this the ultimate home for me because it suits my outgoing personality but also because it is located in one of the most beautiful and wealthy neighborhoods in the world okay so now the examiner knows that you've answered the last question and you're finished speaking okay so repeat after me members here we go let's go from the top let's go through this it looks like we've answered all of the questions this is a band 9 response we have a lot of connections here we have good quantitative information we have lots of details we're joining our ideas it's very visible we're focusing on the right topic and the right controlling idea for all of these reasons as long as you're nice and fluent don't worry too much about pronunciation if I can understand you that's no problem then you will get that band 8 band 9 no problem here we go repeat after me viewer students just repeat nice and smooth here we go my dream house is a modern one-floor mansion with 10 bedrooms located in the suburbs of Hampton New York I would probably need about 20 million dollars to build it as well as an architect to design it and a construction crew to put it all together of course before I could do all of this I would need to find an appropriate lot to build on the house would be roughly 600 square meters in area it would have a room for each of my siblings and some extra guest rooms for friends and family in case they come to visit I'm a very social person and I love to host parties for people I care about therefore my perfect residence would also include some amenities to entertain my guests such as a 30-meter indoor pool a games room with billiard tables and arcade games as well as outdoor tennis courts as you may realize I'm an active person so my home would definitely have a full-size workout gym with both free weights and machines I would surely use it each morning after waking up not only is this the ultimate home for me because it suits my outgoing personality but also because it is located in one of the most beautiful and wealthy neighborhoods in the world alright say that whether you say it in 80 seconds or in two minutes guarantee you you will get a very very good band score okay bags odd says the primary reason I believe this residence is perfect for me is that I can not only live with my wife and children there but also accommodate the people closest to me okay all right I'm read says that was one minute 25 seconds thank you for timing and I'm rate and also I'm rate don't forget that in the real I LTS exam I probably wouldn't be that fluent even if it were actually me I probably wouldn't be that fluid because I would probably take about an extra 10 15 seconds on reet to look at my notes and look at the cue card to find my position so it would be a little bit more no I'm right you would not be terrible you would do fine okay stay confident you'll be you'll be fine just keep practicing all right students that's it for this class in 30 minutes in half an hour we will do part three so the questions connected to this part 2 card I'm not sure which remember it was that sent this question the talk about your dream home but thank you for submitting the question okay in 30 minutes we'll do the rest of it part three so all of our viewers stay tuned or come back in 30 minutes okay and again to watch lots and lots of great lessons and high definition videos sample interviews for the IELTS speaking as well as six original exams and tons of materials spend a couple dollars save yourself a lot of money so you don't have to sit the exam two three times practice with us on our websites in our premium courses at G IELTS help for the general outs it's this green background with that big red button and for the academic it's this blue background here with that red button at eighty help calm so check us out there you're very welcome home you're very welcome Preeti thank you for the feedback see you all soon for the next lesson much love to all of you bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: FR8aeTYzV9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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