IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Start Strong, Start Right

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hi everyone and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest thank you for your patience I know we're a little bit late starting today just had a couple of points to figure out with the stream configuration but here I am so hi Bhoomi hi Michael hi members thank you again for your patience hello regular students hi Khyber or Paul Nick Haines nice to see many of you in the class it's fantastic all right students so again this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success check us out there and for the general outs visit us at G AI e LTS in today's class we will focus on speaking specifically speaking part one will talk about how to start strong start right and this is the first class this week for this week's live classes you can check out our schedule on our YouTube community posts but we will be going from today which of course is Canada Day July 1st for those of you who know that so big celebrations in Canada that's my nationality I'm Canadian and we will go until July 4th of course as usual so until Saturday and as you know July 4th will be America's big a celebration for the American day of Independence so July 1st Canada Day July 4th Independence Day a little bit of history and culture alright tomorrow we'll do task two with members and then more classes each day two classes tomorrow Friday and Saturday everyone let's warm up a little bit of our speaking here so let's get into some speaking make sure to speak and repeat so it's great that you're writing answers it's great that you're thinking but make sure of course to speak and repeat as well I would love to imagine that I can hear you in all four corners of the world copying my intonation my pronunciation and vocabulary so that you're learning and expanding your skills all right let's start this off you walk into your IELTS exam now of course the first step to starting strong is make sure you get to your IELTS exam early on so at least half an hour to one hour before your speaking test starts and speak English only on the day of your exam that's absolutely key okay so don't just walk into the exam and switch from one language to English that's not very good at all all right so you will be met by the examiner the examiner will say welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test what is your full name starting strong means that you answer this question clearly accurately confidently okay so don't make mistakes and answering a question like that johnny'll says my first name is Joe Neal and my surname is Gabon II please call me by my nickname Jarvis I love that name Jarvis I don't know why I always have that's great Johnny oh it's a nice nice answer natural it's clear it's accurate very good I'm on John says my given name is I Manjot calor and my surname is color please call me Aman for short okay I'm on that's good just make sure that you say my given name is Aman ja and my surname is ko or please just call me Aman for short very good Aman that's a nice answer the gamin says my surname is Nick Haines my given name is Ahn please me on for short okay um is that actually short on for some longer form of your name if not then you should say please just call me on okay that's all it is short means the short version of your name like an abbreviation okay Raj beer sing if you see that there are glitches in this video it's because it's a live stream without any delay alright it's not like a gaming live stream where there's delay here because I interact with you I never explain this to the students but because I'm interacting with you in almost real-time like a telephone conversation no five or 10 second delay it's a bit more choppy than if you're watching like a gaming livestream or a sports livestream that has a delay okay so this is what's called ultra-low latency streaming and we have to keep building the technology to make it C smooth and seamless we're not there yet but hey pretty cool that we can do this right all right so some good ways that you're answering your name there that's fantastic I'll give you an answer as well so of course tell the examiner your nickname or the way you want to be called because then their next question is what should I call you okay so try to get ahead of that question one of the important points to starting strong is to seem familiar with the exam so it's much better when the examiner feels that you are comfortable and familiar with the speaking interview meaning that you've practiced it okay so my given name is Timothy and my family name is Andrews please call me Tim for short okay so that works tell them right away so here we go repeat after me what is your full name my given name is Timothy my family name is Andrews please me Tim for short okay all right Tim may I see your identification make sure to have your identification with you and even have it in your hand so yeah if you have it in your pocket you can say let me dig it out of my pocket but it's good to have your identification in your hand when you are in the speaking interview because that again shows the examiner that you're ready and that you practiced and you know that you need to show your ID okay so have it with you have it ready all right Samuel Sudheer says yes of course here it is that's good Samuel it's shortened it's sweet and it's fine again especially students if you give a short answer like yes of course here it is make sure that you're fluent accurate and you have some nice pronunciation so again yes of course here it is okay Khyber maman says yes of course here's my passport which I use for registration please have a look very nice and expressive Khyber that's good remand or says yes sure this is my passport I used it for registration here you go okay nice natural language Remender just a small mistake there students in the first couple questions don't make mistakes at all okay have two three different ways of answering these two questions what is your name may I see your identification to three ways for each one that you know are a hundred percent clear and accurate and natural okay they should just be spontaneous and immediate when you're asked these questions Heena Arshad says yes of course here's my passport that I used to register please take a look used to registration normally Hina's bit nonsensical so careful with that moment azad says absolutely here's the passport I used it to register for this exam all right so those work again several different ways don't get bored of saying this just keep practicing until it becomes reflexive so yes certainly here's my passport that I used to register for the exam please have a look okay so that's one way okay so again starting strong okay means a couple of important points here so start strong it means be ready for the first couple of questions with at least three clear natural and correct responses make it obvious that you are familiar with the format of the IELTS speaking interview and you have practiced for it even if you're high level okay even if you are high level in English okay even a native speaker should go through this it's a proficiency exam it's not an ESL exam okay alright and then one of the next question so at this point the examiner will say okay Tim nice to meet you again I will record this for marking purposes and I will give you instructions for each part for part 1 I will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you better some questions on a general topic and then they'll start off with some really easy questions to not scare you or freak you out make you comfortable and one of the most common ones is this one here do you work or study so again make sure that you have a really clear answer for this one sus wotty says I work as a software developer and an IT farm in Kolkata as well as I have been studying for the IELTS exam over the last three months okay so swathi great made a couple of Corrections there to make that sound even more natural and accurate okay BEC John yeah you can Sobek John's asking for the previous one can I use certainly here's my passport that I've used to register for the exam yeah you can bet John because some people are registering as long back or as far back as three four months for their exam especially with the Cova Dino some students registered months and months in advance so you can use the present perfect yeah Baek Jong that's a good question so you can say yes certainly here's my passport that I've used to register for the exam yeah definitely it's okay it's a good place to show the present perfect all right so again back to this question do you work or study or axin Abbas Li says I'm currently working as a retailer at a supermarket and studying for the IELTS exam in order to expand my job opportunities very good good for you orc son okay yeah we don't cellar we don't really use it in that sense Oryx son so I'm currently working as a seller no I'm currently working as a retailer it's better retailer okay cashier Clerk all right Mustafa Ahmed says I'm in my fifth year of medical studies at gomel State Medical University okay Mustafa good finish the idea there because I'm planning to become a orthopedist or whatever it is that you're planning to do okay mafia memes says well currently I passed high school and now I'm preparing for the IELTS exam since March yeah mafia memes we wouldn't say past high school we would say graduated high school alright so even though that sounds ok it's not natural a native speaker would not say past high school you would only here graduated high school okay so avoid these kinds of slight but awkward mistakes in the beginning because they will set the tone and they can and will affect your score negatively alright I met Gupta says I am working as a software professional in a multinational company ok answer explain example students so give details and show fluency early on ok so another important point to start strong is show fluency for the examiner early on this means give complete answers with details without going off-topic keep in mind this is not a simple casual chitchat so quick short answers will not do well for the overall result ok and hey think about it this way as well why not show fluency in part 1 with the easier questions then suffering to show fluency in part 3 right you might as well show your fluency and get comfortable early on even if that's a little bit more than what you would naturally answer or say for a question so do you work or study here's where you can show your correlative conjunction ok so you can do something like well I both work as a software developer at a stiix just making that up multi-national company mostly working on educational programs and I'm studying or I've been why not show your present perfect I've been studying for this IELTS exam to continue my education at MIT in the States okay probably right that is capital there we go so we know we're talking about the United States so here we go students repeat after me again notice the detail and notice the both and so emphasizing and using that correlative conjunctions strong connections and again yeah using present perfect is a great idea here I'm using present perfect continuous so repeat after me do you work or study well I both work as a software developer at a Stix multinational company mostly working on educational programs and I've been studying for this islets exam to continue my education at MIT in the States okay that would be a complete answer you're showing fluency and you're staying on topic that's what you need to do okay alright then comes the next question what is your hobby so again very common I know some students get bored answering this question in English because they're asked so frequently by teachers and the like but in the IELTS your goal is to show your skills and you want to seem excited like you're being asked the question the first time in your life and you want to give a clear answer she Rosie Dean Abdul Holly Cove says when it comes to my hobbies I definitely say that I'm really into football I love both watching and playing it with my friends just yesterday I and my buddies watched Real Madrid Madrid Real Madrid matched together ate some pizza it's loads of fun okay very good yeah watching sports playing sports can be a type of hobby absolutely especially if it's not competitive if you're not getting paid to do it okay Himanshu I'm not exactly sure what you mean by going from a general entry so clarify that for me and I can answer that question better for you okay all right Ayana says lately I've been really interested in banking so during my free time I learned the basics of it and practice what I see on YouTube actually yesterday I made some brownies and it was good sorry baking I Anna I think banking well I saw that and they're baking yeah baking is a great hobby so one more time Ayanna lately I've been really interested in baking so during my free time I learned the basics of it and practiced what I saw in YouTube actually yesterday I made some brownies and they tasted great that's really good Ayanna yeah baking what a wonderful hobby alright remand er Singh says I usually read books during my leisure time and it helps me to gain knowledge during my free time and even feel relaxed that's great Remender what are you reading give me the title of a book this past week I've been reading life of pine it's quite entertaining okay so examples are good especially for this kind of question where it's easy okay so I not only collect comic books but also coins because I love the art and the stories that these items tell in fact I was overjoyed the other day when I won the bid on a Silver Surfer first issue alright so what is your hobby it's not do you have a hobby it's just what is your hobby so you can go right into giving the answer repeat after me I not only collect comic books but also coins because I love the art and the stories that these items tell in fact I was overjoyed the other day when I won the bid on a Silver Surfer first issue it's actually a page from my life it wasn't really yesterday it was a while back but that is your high level answer okay I answer comic books coins I give an explanation I love the art the stories that these items tell and then I go right into a smooth flowing example in fact I was overjoyed the other day now sometimes students say hey my teacher told me not to give examples or while the examiner interrupts if I give an example that can be true if you start with a leading expression like for example in the past we used to say do this but because so many students went off topic when they were doing this the examiners got a little bit more strict and started interrupting students so here's another way to not only start strong but to stay strong is make sure to give smooth examples with your answers okay this means just state the example directly do not say for example okay if that happens once or twice during your interview like you say for example and then you start don't freak out it's not the end of the world it's natural we do that in everyday language as well so it's okay but definitely don't purposefully keep throwing in the term for example for instance for example because yeah the examiner will likely interrupt you so don't say for example or for instance as examiner's may interrupt you in fear that you are about to go into a long rant and go off-topic okay the word rant if that's new for you ranting rant ranting always copy new words if this is a new word for you rant ranting ranting is when we're just talking and we keep talking about the moon and the stars and the beautiful dolphins in the ocean and the way that they swim around the world where the trees grow and you just keep talking and talking that's ranting okay ranting will lower your mark okay ranting will lower your mark so please don't just keep talking until the examiner stops you that's a really awkward advice that some students have got in the past like just keep talking until the examiner stops you what no don't do that okay that's not a good approached having a high mark and a good conversation okay so at this point the examiner may break into something like they might make a comment like let's talk about daily life okay when you hear daily life so when you hear the topic realize that the next few questions will be connected to that and immediately think about daily life routines responsibilities errands okay so think about all of the different components of daily life school friends family so then these words these thoughts should be rapidly flashing through your head as you hear daily life okay all right so let's get into these students the examiner says let's talk about daily life what do you usually do for fun okay again these are meant to be simple questions to get you talking so what do you usually do for fun okay all right bet John Oh music says in order to have fun I usually watch comedy films which make me laugh all the time like last weekend in the evening I watched a comedy called full speed and I couldn't hold myself from laughing for a long time okay very good and you shouldn't hold yourself back John let yourself laugh and roar alright roshni kunde says will I frequently get along with my pet get along with my pals for hiking since it's enjoyable as well as a fun activity going for 6 to 7 km hikes to recharge my batteries and ready to kick up my heels on Sunday ok roshni sure a hike can be entertaining just make clear why it's entertaining ok so if you're going to say an answer like I like going on hikes for fun explain why I have a couple of really good friends we laugh and joke while going through the trails and the forest and enjoying the beautiful scenery we tell each other all about all the crazy events that happen during our work week okay so what is entertaining what is fun about the hike roshni don't lose the controlling idea of the question you're the subject controlling ideas fun activity so that has to be really clear okay to be strong in your answers you have to be specific alright awaaz akka madhab says in order to spend my time with some fun I mainly play 3d games on my computer whether alone or with my friends depending on the situation okay what kind of a game do you play it was so what is a computer game that helps you to have loads of fun I know I like the game worms worms is very comedic and can be loads of fun fun doesn't necessarily mean funny but entertaining you want to give specifics pooja says well I am indeed a fun-loving person I love to go shopping try on try new cuisines whenever I get some time from my jam-packed work schedule okay that's again not bad Pooja it still sounds more like hobbies I mean we can associate that with fun but why is it fun why is it fun for you to try on new clothes okay all right Rajveer Singh says I usually watch webseries for fun they always help me decompress and help me improve my English as well like yesterday I binge watch friends for 10 C 10 seasons and I was overjoyed with the sarcastic comments of Chandler raja vira that's brilliant okay it's so visual it's so powerful it's pop culture definitely so let me borrow that from you Rajveer using pop culture that most people are familiar with is a very good idea because it allows the examiner to sympathize or empathize with you without too much effort okay in fact when you use pop culture in your examples it can even make you sound clearer more coherent make your pronunciation even sound better just because you're creating familiarity okay so when I want to kick back and enjoy life a bit I like to watch a comedy series such as binge watching friends last weekend I just couldn't stop laughing at Ross's melancholy attitude and bad luck okay alright alright so see if I'm the examiner Rajveer that's how much I can empathize with what you're saying you're talking about Chandler and Chandler's sarcastic comments immediately I can think of the other characters and why they're so funny like Phoebe being a little bit on the dumb side alright so here we go what do you usually do for fun when I want to kick back and enjoy life a bit I like to watch a comedy series such as binge watching friends friends last weekend I just couldn't stop laughing at Ross's melancholy attitude and bad luck okay cuz that's his character alright very good so yeah why not make a note of that tip it's definitely a worthy one it's definitely good if you can use this not just in part one but also part two and part three so using examples from pop culture like friends McDonald's or pop G and Facebook let's say one more really can help your score because it makes your communication more comprehensible dude - sympathy okay so if you can have the examiner sympathize with what you're saying of course that's going to help your communication okay I hope that makes sense all right okay let's go to the next question so here we go where do you like to go for food give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where do you like to go for food alright I'm a jacor says well mostly I prefer to eat food by my mom at home but if I get bored from homemade foods then I like to eat food at a restaurant specifically Italian pizza which is a stone's throw away from my house ok all right Kevin Bowie says if I'm at home my head to either the fridge or the pantry where all the groceries are and whip up a meal for myself like instant noodles with sausages but if I'm outside I'll visit a convenience store and purchase snacks the prices are reasonable and I can't help myself but eat a bit of junk food every now and then something like that Kevin okay all right Nilesh prefer ola Praful Patel my city is very famous for its food one of the best restaurants is near my home and its food it's amazing they provide me with the best starter and delicious desserts Nilesh it's a little bit general ok what's the name of the restaurant what kind of food do they serve what's the amazing starter and what's the dessert be specific amen excuse me so yeah be specific with your answers name the restaurant name the food came all right Paul heiress says at this moment I don't have a favorite restaurant I like to wander around the city and discover new ones although there's a restaurant in Barcelona called Vienna that really knocks my socks off knock my socks off yeah ok it's kind of an old-school idiom Paul but sure it'll work for a restaurant it's a bit awkward because we're talking about food and socks in the same content but I get it all right thank you John thank you so swathi okay so happy Sidhu says well my favorite hotel is Mac Mahon I usually go there with my loved ones I like Mac Mon because there's a lot of very tasty food there and they provide good quality food okay no Aamir it's definitely not the corona I don't think I need to go get tested it's more like my summertime allergies a lot of pollens in the air and then I have a fan blowing my face but thank you for the worry all right that's a Swati says most often I buy my food at a place called Aldi which is a large supermarket located about 10k from my house I go there about once every two weeks in fact that was just their list last Saturday there yeah they have all these stores here and Budapest as well so where do you like to go for food could be a restaurant could be also a grocery store sure why not and many of us go to both this is where again you could use your correlative conjunction okay so hmm I'm either enjoy going to spar which is a quality grocery store near my home to buy produce or I'll occasionally go out to a restaurant called Osteria pizza when I'm feeling lazy and want to enjoy some delicious Italian just yesterday I took my family there for supper alright so again answer explain examples show grammar range that is of course one of the main criteria your marking criteria is grammar range so you do have to switch up your present perfect your continuous form simple forms progressive forms here we go students repeat after me where do you like to go for food I either enjoy going to spar which is a quality grocery store near my home to buy produce or I'll occasionally go out to a restaurant called a stereo Pizza when I'm feeling lazy and I want to enjoy some delicious Italian just yesterday I took my family there for supper okay answer explain example notice how I'm using either or in this case either or I've used either or I've used both and I've used not only but also in my speaking so far and definitely I'm picking up points okay so keep this in mind students that high level so when you get into the band seven tube and eight okay been seven two band sorry nine means a good to expert user of English at this level a person cannot only express their thoughts clearly but also control the emphasis and details of their communication the emphasis and details of communication are controlled mostly by grammar and lexical resource okay which means of course your vocabulary an example is the use of correlative conjunctions and John Jones correlative conjunctions there's not a ton of them but there's a few like not only but also either or neither nor whether or both and ok so those are your correlative conjunctions you want to use those in your speaking and of course you want to control your grammar as well all right try it students try it um here we go next question so again we're still talking about daily routines when do you go to sleep now notice how I'm the examiner's question sheets you have the Y in brackets that's because they don't have to ask you this only if you don't give the answer then they'll say oh and why is that or why do you wake up so early or why do you wake up at that time so they will just ask you when do you go to sleep you should answer and then give the reason okay and again why not give the example when did you wake up today give that example okay it's only going to help you alright so flower son says as a night owl I usually go to bed at midnight not only do I work more effectively during the night time but also the Silence of the night helps me to pay attention to homework okay very good flower son I love how you're using the expression that we learned last week night owl fantastic 12 p.m. it's okay midnight a little bit more natural and the Silence of the night to pay attention to homework okay good i Manjot coerce says well after completing my daily work I usually hit the bed at around 9:00 but if the teachers give me a lot of work then I go to sleep around 10:00 this gives me lots of time to start the next day full of energy lots of time to sleep yeah very good it's nice answer okay Moustafa comment says I go to sleep at 10 p.m. and wake up at 5 in the morning when I'm most productive I get some work done and some study especially if there are no distracting phone calls or DMS after that I like to go for a 20-minute walk or jog Moustafa or run yeah Mustafa don't go off-topic right so careful not to keep talking too much about what you do after you wake up because the question isn't what do you do after you wake up it's when do you go to sleep so stay focused always on the question okay alright moby bag says well after I complete my daily work I go to my room and take a bath which helps me relax and then I hit my bed and go to sleep ok Moby a couple of kind of awkward phrases there so careful ok again keep it simple use qualitative quantitative language alright and don't go off-topic students we're not asking here about your nightly or morning routines we're talking about when you go to sleep so I usually go to sleep quite late around midnight because I have a lot of work to do and the best time for me is in the evening when there are fewer distractions last night I got to bed around 12:30 a.m. ok so again notice how I'm using qualitative language late with quantitative language midnight and 12:30 a.m. so that's again really good to do so I usually go to sleep quite late around midnight because I have a lot of work to do and the best time for me is in the evening when there are fewer distractions last night I got to bed at around 12:30 a.m. ok students and then here you have a few more questions that are still in part 1 the examiner may or may not ask you these depending on how you're doing who do you like spending time with have there been any big changes in your daily activities over the past year if you could add one more activity to each day what would it be I will leave those last three questions for you you can answer those last three questions record them on your phone in mp3 format and you can send them to me at adrian @ae help calm and I will tell you what kind of a band score you would get now make sure to answer all three of those questions ok there at the end of the video and make sure it's an mp3 recording if I hear those three answers I can give you a more accurate estimate for your speaking score and I look forward to doing that again students visit us at AE help comm for academic IELTS and gia let's help calm for general we've got lots of help there for you this is our academic web portal here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join and this is our general website here with the green background gl it's and you can click that big red button to join and then of course improve your band scores with videos practice exams interactive courses strategies and much much much much more that's it for me for today I will be back tomorrow with tasks to four members and a new reading passage for everyone a brand-new reading passage that you have not seen anywhere because it is in the production pipeline so a brand new speaking tomorrow for everyone and tasks to four members thank you so much everyone for being here with me today good on you for expanding your English and improving yourself in your mind again I will be back tomorrow at this time and also a little bit earlier for members much love to all of you I'm Adrian signing out from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: TdJGq6wrurg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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