IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Clear and Confident Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i am streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada welcome romney hi hinal 5'5 nashant good to see many students in this class where we are going to be looking at ielts speaking part one for the speaking interview and we will be talking about how to give clear and confident band 9 answers welcome to our moderator carolina welcome to our members hi hans good to have everybody here today welcome paulo rashika while we wait for a few more of your peers this lesson is presented to you by that's for the academic ielts exam check out our website it's got lots and lots of help for you to improve your communication your english simply click this big red button here to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and if you're looking for the general ielts check us out at where we have content for the general ielts exam again it's this big red button here to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official british council ielts registration center and certified agents so you're in good hands with us arda the weather right now in victoria is quite warm and it's getting hotter each day we had a nice big heat wave about a week ago so uh students uh if you don't have our apps yet you can also get our apps academic ielts help the app links to general ielts help the app links to you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help or giles help and uh if you have questions you can always send me an email to adrian at as well because it's speaking i want to show you on the websites you can speak with other students for free if you go to your my student account and you click on this student partner speaking button it's absolutely free you'll be redirected to another page where you will find other students looking for ielts speaking partners we right now have charmin here and adib in here so check that out it's absolutely free there are ielts questions there for you as well so go and visit that on the websites if you're looking for ielts speaking partners i'm just going to close that so i don't get a ping during the lesson and this week we have another full week of lessons starting with speaking part one today and then tomorrow we'll have reading for members and we'll have some listening for everyone and then we have more lessons on friday and saturday as well okay charman meanwhile i see that you got a 6.5 overall but you want to improve more all right sharmin yeah definitely keep practicing certainly our premium package will help you to improve for the writing tasks use our editing services it's um uh pay per submission so check that out if you have a question sharmin about that then just send me an email all right so today is speaking so make sure to speak and repeat so it's good to write your answers in the chat and of course it's also a really good idea to uh repeat after me and uh copy the sentences the vocabulary the grammar that we're using in the class to answer the sample questions today okay so uh when you go to your ielts exam you have to arrive early at least 20 minutes early for your registration but i recommend arriving an hour early so you can practice your english arrive one hour early to your speaking so that you can practice with some other candidates uh who are waiting for their test okay that is definitely your first step to fluent clear speaking all right it's very very dangerous to use your own language on the day of your ielts speaking exam and then walk into the test and start using english for the first time on that day with the examiner that's a really bad idea so don't do that okay arrive early and begin practicing with other students build your confidence now very importantly throughout this lesson we will make sure that we're using full sentences for the answers this means use the questions in your answers okay it's very important well all right okay so when you get to your ielts speaking exam your interview i mean the examiner will greet you they will say hi please take your seat and then they will begin their administrative procedure okay so they're going to record your speaking session for marking and clerical purposes that's normal be confident you paid good money to be there do your best okay focus on yourself do not focus on the examiner if the examiner has messy hair or they look grumpy don't worry about it okay you're there to do one job and one job only it's to show your best english and to get a high band score for your responses all right so uh the examiner will say uh welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test i'm recording this for clerical purposes the candidate number is 73159 and we're currently currently doing the uh exam in washington dc at 14 o'clock now when the candidate um reads that information okay or says that information especially your candidate number remember that hey i'm just a number here okay if i make mistakes this is nothing personal i'm just a number here just like everybody else so i just need to focus on myself and do the best that i can okay so it's kind of a good cue it's a strategy that i've never talked about before but it's it's kind of a good cue to have you focus on your uh speaking and your speaking only so when the examiner reads your candidate number use this as a queue to remind yourself that you are only a number mistakes are nothing personal and you are there to do one job only to get a good band score it's kind of um like it's a good chance to help you snap out of that nervous uh feeling that you might have there does everybody get me on that so when the examiner is saying this is candidate number seven three five nine one two when you hear that you should kind of be like oh okay i'm just a number here i'm here to do a job i don't need to be nervous i just need to snap out of it and really focus on the examiner's questions and just answer does does that make sense okay so deep congratulations on your overall band seven yeah send me uh send me an email i'd love to get your testimonial okay so when you hear those numbers your series of candidate numbers just really kind of be like oh okay i'm here i'm in the present i'm here to speak i'm here to do a job okay all right okay hopefully everybody's picking that up that's an important tip okay so once they say your candidate number and the recording they will ask uh to see your identification so very very likely the first question that you will hear is may i see your identification okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this question you want to use these warm up icebreaker questions to give full sentence answers right away okay adam says yes certainly here is the id card that i used uh for test registration let me see if i can find adam one more time there's a lot of answers there suddenly so okay uh charman says yes certainly here's my passport that i used to register for the exam a couple of weeks ago please have a look good okay let's see um arda says yes definitely just a moment please here we go here's my id that i used for registration for this exam please have a look nice and natural arda that's fantastic okay sammy says yes certainly here's my passport that i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks ago through on the online portal please grace a look one second let me show you my personal details yes here they are okay good nice and natural all right students make sure to practice repeating these when you're practicing these icebreaker questions try to say different answers each time when you practice before your test so you do not sound mechanical memorized english on the ielts exam is really bad okay so don't do that this is really important okay memorized and i know that sounds kind of funny because of course all language is memorized but memorized english that sounds mechanical like you're kind of like a robot recorder on the ielts exam both in the writing and the speaking is really bad is really bad okay so always practice different ways to answer these icebreaker questions okay all right so i'll give you a variant for this may i see your identification yes definitely here is my passport with my personal details uh just give me a sec to flip to the right page okay here you are please take a look and take your time don't rush so don't be all frantic and be like um okay so just take your time stay calm uh being calm is really really important okay so repeat after me may i see your identification yes definitely here's my passport with my personal details just give me a sec to flip to the right page okay here you are please take a look and you flip it to the right page and you show the examiner okay all right so the next question and this is usually while you are holding your identification for the examiner uh will be what is your full name they want to hear you say your name uh how you would naturally introduce yourself to a stranger in a polite way so again give a full sentence uh answer don't just say i'm john smith okay that's kind of weird it's awkward okay so you want to be a little bit more natural a little bit more fluent than that all right uh pavan says my full name is pawan deep singh please call me pomon it is uh short for my name my relatives call me that so i'm comfortable with it okay pavon a little bit awkward i made some corrections there in real time just be careful make sure it's natural sounding english especially for these icebreaker questions okay uh jai neil says my full name is janiel gabbani please call me jay for short i'm used to it by my comrades okay comrades um if you say comrades joinil the examiner might smile a little bit we usually use the word comrades in english to refer to um fellow soldiers when we're in the military we do use it as slang in everyday language every now and again but it is kind of awkward to say that to a stranger okay so i would probably not use the word comrades in this context okay adam says my first name is ulugbek and my last name is art galiyev but you could just call me by my first name look back okay with my first name it's okay not so common in canada but i've heard it before okay all right uh sanghani says my given name is ankur and my family name is sangani please call me by my given name ankur sangkani that second or that last part is a little bit awkward viewley says my full name is lei nu en vu but since it's difficult for foreigners to pronounce just please call me irelia which is my english nickname okay vuli you have the right idea but you need to express that a little bit clearer so for those of you who have an english nickname um yeah you want to express that clearly we wouldn't say for foreigners to read because the examiner is not going to be reading it they're going to be saying it so you want to say pronouns okay so you want to do something like this my uh first name is qui uh and my family name is uh newen but this is often difficult to pronounce uh for english speakers so please just call me by my english nickname uh dave okay so something like that's okay if if you're used to that i know many people from uh china or vietnam thailand they use english nicknames so here we go what is your full name my first name is qui and my family name is nuen but this is often difficult to pronounce for english speakers so please just call me by my english nickname dave okay dave that's what you want to be called why not right so okay dave for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic now when the examiner says i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better it basically means all of part one so all of part one is about you okay really important to keep that in mind all right so let me give you a note on that because oftentimes students make mistakes and start talking about people and the examiner so part one and this is important for clear coherent accurate answers okay so part one is about you not people and not the examiner so do not use you and people now that kind of sounds like oh of course adrian yeah i know i'm just going to say i and me and my um but it's easy to use the pronoun you because we often say oh you know you do this and you do that and oh you know you're like that and you do this but you're not actually talking about them you're talking about yourself okay so be really careful about that make sure to practice this before your test so instead use i me my myself okay referring to yourself in first person really important tip to get a high band score and to be clear and fluent in your language okay so practice that every time you're speaking english okay uh everybody clear on that so is everybody clear on this tip uh to use i me my when the examiner is asking what it what do you like to do after work what is your favorite sport what are your hobbies you have to say i like to my favorite my okay so it's all gonna be i i i right very very important right for clear communication it's a very common mistake for candidates to say well you know football is a really great sport a lot of people like to play it no no no i asked about what's your favorite sport okay all right okay clear so uh you might get a question like and it's still kind of part of the icebreaker is good i can see lots of thumbs up everybody's got that idea that's fantastic so um you might get a question from the examiner like what do you like to do in the evenings now ielts exam is not an english as a second language exam so you will never get the examiner saying things like what do you like to do in the evenings okay no it's not a esl class for beginners or even intermediate level students it's a proficiency exam meaning that it's very natural normal natural fluent english so the examiner will just say what do you like to do in the evenings okay and in true english it'd be like what do you like to do in the evenings okay so it's going to be nice fast paced normal smooth english depending on the examiner's diction some examiners might have a little bit slower addiction some might have faster diction it means their style of speaking ranveer singh says well i work 12 hours a day so i don't get to spend um much time in the evenings for myself but whenever i do i play basketball with my best friends or have starters with them at my favorite restaurant appetizers yeah okay ranvier good a couple of corrections there so pay attention to that sammy says i generally go for a walk in the evenings in the park that's nearby my apartment and breathe some fresh air other times i just watch comedy programs on tv with some snacks and coffee at home okay very good when did you do that last sammy what what was the last uh what did you do last evening so get that smooth flowing example in there okay amman judd says usually i love to sit in the garden uh that's a stone's throw away from my home i sit there and uh watch some kids playing while reading a book okay i'm on john good all right vg pushallah says well um after my job at uh 5 p.m i usually rest for a couple of hours followed by having a late evening jog then i watch television and then end the day by having delicious dinner whoo that must be some really late dinner vg after all that but yeah i guess the jog can make you quite hungry so that's good nick hill says i often put on tunes for at least 30 minutes or so each day since it helps to unwind after a hectic day apart from this i watch a web series and movies with my family nick hill not bad again remember to use the question in your answers okay so when the question is what do you like to do in the evenings uh technically evening time starts from about 6 00 pm uh okay that's what we kind of count as the evening from six to let's say midnight roughly okay so um after 6 p.m once i get home from work and have a bite to eat i like to unwind a for a bit with either a book or a good show on the telly okay telly is kind of uh it's a british slang for television you won't really hear people use that in the us or canada but the brits like using it so after 6 pm once i get home from work and have a bite to eat i like to unwind for a bit with either a book or a good show for the telly this helps me to energize for the next day just yesterday i started a new series called up and down and had some great laughs uh now i'm just making that up okay uh i don't know if there's a tv series called up and down but sounds like it could be the name of a show so again you want to use the question paraphrase the question so understanding that the question is the evenings i'm using after 6 p.m so right away when i hear evening i reflect that important concept by saying after 6 p.m that also quantifies the information it makes it clearer for the audience for the listener for the examiner when you give them numbers they're like oh okay so this person clearly knows that the evening starts around 6 p.m okay so after 6 p.m once i get home from work and have a bite to eat okay so that's some nice additive information that before 6 pm you've actually just arrived home from work you've had something to eat i like to unwind for a bit unwind means to relax it's a nice kind of idiomatic expression for a bit with either a good book or a good show on the telly telly natural language either or correlative conjunction so already showing so much language and fluency early on will help you to get that bad nine okay so this helps me to energize for the next day that's my explanation so i tell the examiner why i do that in the evening so what's my reasoning for that and then a very nice quick smooth example just yesterday i started a new series called up and down and had some great laughs right because i just said i like to watch a good show on the telly this uh infers that it was some kind of a comedy all right so it's that kind of language that will get you a band nine or a high band score uh one more time repeat after me what do you like to do in the evenings after 6 pm once i get home from work and have a bite to eat i like to unwind for a bit with either a good book or a good show on the telly this helps me to energize for the next day just yesterday i started a new series called up and down and had some great laughs now as you noticed i'm being nice and fluent and it might be a little bit quick for some of you which is absolutely okay this lesson is recorded if uh it's too fast and you're having difficulty repeating me no worries later on go back watch this video watch these answers again and just practice repeating them faster and faster okay all right and then the next question might be something like and what do you like to do at the weekends okay very common question right it's kind of like your free time or in your spare time most of us on the weekends have some free time so it's kind of like asking you what do you like to do in your free time what are your hobbies give me a nice full sentence answer for this one uh konica says uh at the weekends i spend most of my time with my family because on weekdays everyone is quite busy with their jobs and the rest of the time i watch some netflix series just like last sunday i watched money heist very good konica yeah konica be really careful not to make mistakes at the start of your speaking that's very awkward so in weekends no uh canadian english or american english it's on the weekend okay british english i think australians and kiwis as well they say at the weekend but in the weekend no okay so at the weekend or on the weekend but not in the weekend prepositions are tricky i always tell students not to worry too much about prepositions but in these kinds of common situations you do have to be accurate okay arda says to really stress the stress of the weekdays i usually go for a walk with my dad for at least one to two hours at the weekends i do not only enjoy it but also i keep healthy with walking every weekend okay arda let me make a little correction with your correlative conjunction instead of not only but also you should use both and in this context so i both enjoy it and it keeps me healthy walking uh every weekend so practice those correlative conjunctions make sure you're using the right ones are in this case it's not only but also is not the right one you want to use both and i both enjoy it and it keeps me healthy it's kind of awkward to say not only but also in this context okay uh dorji says at the end of the week uh i uh prefer to clean my room and wash my clothes after i'm done with those household chores i like to meet with my colleagues for small gatherings enjoy some chit chat and some good laughs okay dorji you want to finish that what do you mean meeting up with your colleagues on the weekend i'm guessing your colleagues are also your friends so you have to be clear on that because if i ask you what do you like to do on the weekend and you say you like to meet with colleagues i might think that you misunderstood me and said what do you like to do after work or something like that okay all right so hans good to see huns one of our newer members joining in huns says at weekends i usually get together with my family either to go to church or to go to a nearby shopping center but since it's still um a pandemic and people are socially distancing most of the time i watch a tv series on my television yeah you want to explain that huns a little bit more so since people are social distancing and uh church isn't open and shopping centers are restricted uh there's social distancing i often stay at home and watch television okay so on uh saturdays and sundays so basically there's always a way to paraphrase almost every single word that you can imagine uh can be paraphrased can be said a different way so instead of saying weekends uh here i say on saturdays and sundays okay so i explain or express to the examiner right away what that weekend is in some countries weekends are fridays and saturdays in some countries weekends are saturdays and sundays so i'm quantifying right away so on saturdays and sundays i like to both relax and do some physical activity uh with um [Music] friends and uh family i'm really into meditation [Music] uh these days as well as uh strength uh yoga i've uh just recently started a yoga class that [Music] is on saturdays and i'm really enjoying it okay so here we go on saturdays and sundays i like to both relax and do some physical activity with friends and family i'm really into meditation these days as well as strength yoga i've just recently started a yoga class that is on saturdays and i'm really enjoying it okay so a very clear picture original language paraphrasing the concept of weekends and some subtle really natural idiomatic language like i'm really into meditation being into something means that you like doing it okay now you don't need to use really fancy idioms on the ielts speaking or writing uh that's because those can be very confusing when used incorrectly but you should use some kind of natural slight idiomatic language like being into something okay so keep that in mind if you're hearing some new words some new idiomatic language like this being into something make sure to write it down okay all right so now the examiner will get into a little bit more of a specific topic but still a topic that's quite general something that's done by everyone regardless of where you are in the world as long as you are a teenager or older ielts exam the youngest candidates are i believe 16 years old so the questions for part one are designed in such a way that even some of these younger candidates like 1617 have some knowledge some idea about it it's real real world and again it's about you so they'll introduce the topic they'll say let's talk about uh grocery shopping okay now if uh in the uh moment you forgot what the word grocery means because you're really nervous don't worry about it just wait for the question uh it will become clear okay um so the first question here is where do you usually buy groceries really pay attention to the question type so here it's where meaning that it's location okay so where do you usually buy groceries give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay gaia says are you pulling my leg in a grocery store uh gaius i like humor i like the comedy but ielts examiners will not laugh uh they will not show strong emotions like laughter okay so you have to treat the questions seriously all right trying to be funny in the interview will not work i do not recommend trying humor in the ielts speaking interview just like you wouldn't do it in a job application okay so it's it's not a bad thought but don't do it okay all right um so bakarat sharma says there's a small grocery shop nearby my house i usually go there to buy vegetables fruits and some food stuffs the shop is only a four minute walk from my place okay bakarat oh yeah and then bakarak continues yesterday i bought two milkshakes pancakes a dairy milk cocoa to cool myself in the 40 degree uh temperature okay a few corrections bharat careful with that okay all right um let's see there we go uh romney has a kind of a unique answer romney says i usually order my groceries online because that way i can buy them at a discounted price and they all get delivered to my place and that way i don't have to worry about covered infection at the store and i get to save time that i can spend with my family okay romney which grocery store so still you can explain or express what the name of the grocery stores where you order your produce from okay all right new and on says well at the weekend okay that's the previous question you win um norman says indeed i like to purchase food from online shops but um i also buy them from the supermarket near my house i usually buy vegetables and they are they do not cost an arm and a leg uh narmin you are really forcing template english into your answer so saying indeed i like to purchase food from online shops naturally nobody would say indeed okay so you want to start with i like to purchase food from online shops and saying they are not an arm and a leg first of all it's incorrect the correct way would be saying they do not cost an arm and a leg okay and i can also feel that you're forcing that idiom into the end of your response to try to pick up some points for idiomatic language again you will not get points for that okay so saying that this grocery store is quite cheap they offer coupons would be much better in this case all right so again be careful students don't force your language all right it's very awkward when you force your language all right schlock says usually i buy groceries from megamart they have everything at a low price just last week i bought uh leafy vegetables uh for my soup from there okay schlock very good original language you're giving me specific names you gave me an example of what you bought there that's what you want to do okay so most of the time i buy my produce and foodstuffs uh from fairways market which is a supermarket located about 5k from my uh home i was there just a week ago to purchase uh all of my food needs for the next couple of weeks okay um so here we go again repeat after me where do you usually buy groceries most of the time um what am i paraphrasing when i say most of the time okay so again importantly use the question in your answers most of the time replaces what part of the question so what part of the question is most of the time replacing can anybody tell me let's see who's paying attention yeah very good delirious says well you're placing the word usually with that yeah so most of the time usually so i'm showing the examiner that i'm paying attention to that adverb of free frequency okay um i use the word buy i could replace that with purchase produce and foodstuffs replaces the word groceries okay and fairways market i'm giving a specific name here okay uh which is a supermarket located about 5k from my home 5k meaning 5 kilometers distance referring to where right so i'm basically giving that location i was there just a week ago to purchase all of my food needs for the next couple of weeks okay good so i have all of the elements required to get a good score all right uh next question who do you go grocery shopping with okay so who do you go grocery shopping with again give me a nice full sentence answer instead of where now it's who so we're talking about people and the question is about me so i'm referring to myself okay so again pay attention and give me a nice full sentence answer all right gineal says i mostly go to grocery stores with my mom because she is knowledgeable about uh the food items and bargaining um for the ingredients um she makes lifts for me so i can easily get what i need last week i bought a 15 day ration with her help okay janil i need i had to change um a fair bit of what you're saying to make it more sensible you're expressing a very complex idea which is good to practice just make sure in the real exam you stick to what she knows okay so you avoid mistakes so careful not to pigeonhole yourself into a very difficult concept okay sammy says i usually go with my wife on foot because it's just a 10 minute walk from my house as i just said rarely i go alone last week on saturday evening i went and bought groceries okay last week on saturday i went with her in the evening and brought groceries so keep referring to the point of the question sammy which is who okay so focus on your wife in this answer okay depica says mostly my grocery shopping is with my dad but i prefer going with my mom because she is more patient than my dad uh with me so that i can spend more time looking at the details of every product okay good yeah depica i like that answer so you give me both your mom and your dad and you actually digressed into who you like going with which i think is really clever because you're just talking still about who but even giving reasons of why you like going with that person which is really good okay all right that's what you want to do so that's a clever clever answer original detailed clear answers are the ones that get the highest marks okay mostly i do my grocery purchases with my wife and daughter because in this way everyone in my family has a say about what they would like to eat uh and no one has a reason to complain at the dinner table i was at a fairways market with them last week when i did my most recent shopping okay all right uh so here's my answer and i want to show you something interesting about my answer some of you might have actually caught this so uh repeat after me first who do you go grocery shopping with why okay why is in brackets because they will ask you that question if you don't give the reason so mostly i do my grocery purchases with my wife and daughter because in this way everyone in the family has a say about what they would like to eat and no one has a reason to complain at the dinner table i was at fairways market with them last week when i did my most recent shopping so i not only answer and explain but i also connect okay did everybody catch that so i'm making a connection here and making connections in your speaking interview among your answers is an exceptionally important and useful approach to your communication to get that band 9 clarity and coherence okay so in my previous answer i said that i do most of my grocery shopping at fairways market and then i said i was just there a week ago to do my purchases and now my next answer i say i was at fairways market with them last week when i did my most recent shopping so i make a very clear connection and for the examiner this is gold okay this is like oh okay this person is really on par they keep in mind uh what was previously asked now in order to do this you do have to stay calm and focused okay it's very hard uh very challenging if you're nervous to keep in mind what you said previously so make sure to focus on that okay all right uh let's jump a few questions and get into a more challenging question here uh so here is the next question the the later on in the interview the more challenging the questions okay so especially the grammar will evolve in speaking part one okay so uh as the examiner gets to the last one or two questions of speaking part one expect that the grammar will increase in difficulty so expect to hear some present perfect past perfect maybe some conditionals okay answer this question for me have there been changes in the prices of foods over the past five years now notice that this question isn't so much about you but part one is about you so even this answer make it personal okay not like part three in part one make it personal so even in this kind of question you can bring yourself into the answer like i used to buy oranges for a dollar a pound now they've gone up to three dollars a pound i don't know if it's because of global warming but 300 percent more than before all right so make it personal and include the present perfect in your answer all right so here we go one more time make sure to repeat don't just write have there been changes in the prices of foods over the past five years give me a nice full sentence answer for this one naisha that was good naisha you shouldn't retract okay keep it going all right kyber good to see you in the class all right i don't see any answers yet i kind of threw a curveball right because i jumped a few questions but it's making sure that you're being dynamic okay sammy says yes there have been many changes in food prices this is because of various reasons like inflation and lack of cultivation also less resources and natural calamities yeah very nice answer sammy uh give me a personal example like finish sammy by saying i used to buy a pound of apples for two dollars now that same pound of apples cost me five dollars all right so give me a nice quantitative example all right okay i'm going to write my answer as well while some of you put up your answers all right so yes there has been a major shift in the cost of foods namely produce has become much more expensive because of increased demand and decreased supply especially since there has been a lack of cultivation during the covid pandemic i was shocked that the price of carrots has gone up from a dollar a kilo to four dollars okay all right so now i see lots of answers coming up that's fantastic all right uh nick hill says yes the prices of both fruits and vegetables have changed a lot since i remember last year i purchased a couple of apples for 80 rupees per kilogram whereas now its prices have increased to 150 rupees per kilo okay nick hill yeah sorry to hear that but good answer all right sria says yes there is a vast difference in food prices over the past five years for example during the lockdown in 2020 edible oil rates were between 110 rupees 240 now they're over 150 very good sri a nice quantitative example use the present perfect shriya in your answer to make it even better okay all right all right uh here's the question again repeat after me have there been changes in the prices of foods over the past five years yes there has been a major shift in the cost of foods over the past half decade five years is half a decade decade is ten years half of that is five so half decade one more time from the top yes there has been a major shift in the cost of foods over the past half decade namely produce has become much more expensive because of increased demand and decreased supply especially since there has been a lack of cultivation during the covent pandemic i was shocked that the price of carrots has gone up from a dollar a kilo to four dollars okay uh notice uh has been okay over the uh has become all right um has gone up boom boom boom so present perfect present perfect present perfect now the examiner's going aha here's somebody who practiced for this exam and knows that it's important to reflect the grammar of the question okay so you need to do that throughout the test alright everyone i'm out of time and we've had lots and lots of responses and lots of students which is fantastic again you can practice your speaking with other ielts students on our websites at and giles help dot com so uh when you log into your uh my student account at either or that's at the top here then you will see this student partner speaking button okay and when you click on that you will find some other students who are looking uh for speaking partners okay so check that out uh for lots more videos and materials check us out at ae help dot com for academic outs and for general ielts thank you carolina for moderating the class today thank you other students who are helping with some answers to newer members definitely come back tomorrow at this time we will be doing listening practice with some of our original practice exams if you have questions again send me an email to adrian we've got lots more live classes this week and if you'd like to see some crystal clear videos uh join our premium package for hd video content on our websites it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth it you're very very welcome everyone have a fantastic rest of your day and i'll see you tomorrow i'm adrian i'm signing out from beautiful victoria here in canada much love to all of you bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 11,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: 5N5MkMm943c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.