IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 Band 9 Answers and Practice

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a lovely start to their week i hope you're all staying strong i hope you're getting exercise and you're learning lots and being happy welcome carolina our moderator to our chat welcome so many students in the class ready hi mohammed welcome pachu good to see many students welcome members hi maul hi arda hi harwinder hi amu nice to see everyone here today everybody in today's class we will be focusing on an ielts speaking part one and specifically uh we will be looking for these band nine answers and we're going to be practicing so again today we will do some live speaking practice hopefully with some volunteers so get ready members um today will be another chance for you to practice speaking i will give you feedback score estimates and the like um this lesson students is brought to you by for academic ielts success please visit us there for the general ielts please check us out at giles help dot com i'll show you these websites because we will use this website today for some speaking practice okay so uh here we go everyone let me show you this real quick all right um so this is our academic ielts website here at you can click this big red button to join our premium package or you can create a free account to try it for free by clicking this green um try demo button okay so uh when you click on this button you can create a user it's really easy it just takes your name and your email and then you have a my student account and again members especially i'm going to ask for some volunteers today so please do this if you haven't already when you have a my student account you have lots and lots of different options you have computer-based ielts practice exams you have a full online course lots of video lessons etc but what we're going to use today is this student partner speaking and this is free for everyone okay this student partner speaking let me get it even bigger here there it is boom there you go um so there's the student partner speaking if you're on a mobile phone it'll look more like this for you as well so uh if you um are on a mobile and you want to get the app you can uh use that qr code but for today we need to use the computer so it's better if somebody has a computer for today's speaking um so here's the student partner speaking and you click on that and then you accept and then here um we already have mdhumidul in here uh hopefully we'll have more students in here in a bit so we're going to be using this in a few minutes to practice and analyze some speaking today okay so the student speaking partner function let me introduce to you speaking part one and then we'll get uh going uh with the lesson okay welcome muhammad raj and rumi to our general english youtube channel as well okay everyone uh so [Music] uh here we go all right um again you can just go to uh your app store and get our apps as well so uh you can download academic ielts help and uh general ielts help from uh your app store install those apps and you can link the apps to your web account we don't have the speaking functions in the apps yet but we will later on and you can follow us on instagram as well if you have questions how to use the speaking on the website or about english about grammar you can always send me an email adrian okay we'll have lots of classes today so we're doing speaking part one this is for everyone and then we'll have again speaking part one tomorrow members where we're going to do lots of practice so make sure you uh come prepared and practice and then we'll do a task two writing class tomorrow as well okay um arda yeah you can have a voice call with me tomorrow if you're not feeling ready today that's absolutely fine okay all right everyone so let's get into some ielts speaking i'm going to give you a little bit of explanation and then you can practice this while we do uh some voice calls here okay so here we go uh this is ielts uh speaking part one now the speaking section of the ielts interview it's separate from the listening reading writing okay so usually you have to go at a different time sometimes even on a different day if your speaking is on a different day than your listening reading writing in my opinion that's a good situation because that gives you extra energy and time to prepare so if you have the option to have it on a different day i recommend taking it on a different day okay if not if you have to do it on the same day then it is what it is do your best okay so the speaking interview takes about 12 minutes uh it has three three parts part one uh that we're doing today it's uh some general questions about hobbies or about reading books uh listening to music it will focus on one of these general topics mostly okay so um if the examiner starts talking to you about listening to music then part one will be four or five questions about you listening to music um today uh we're actually going to focus on paper and computer okay so sometimes they have these kinds of part ones where like let's talk about paper and computer and then it's a little bit of a comparative okay so there's a bit of comparison going on there we'll talk more about that um in a bit okay all right so uh students this is speaking so make sure to speak and repeat okay so copy my intonation copy my pronunciation i'm speaking with a west coast north american accent you could say canadian accent but i think it's more accurate to say west coast accents so the english that you hear me use this is the type of pronunciation you will hear in vancouver victoria seattle oregon washington and california san francisco for instance los angeles you'll hear this similar kind of clean crisp quick english okay so make sure to speak and repeat it's good practice okay um and uh let's pretend okay just imagine really visualize i see a couple people are having some speaking exams uh shortly here so good luck with that uh make sure to visualize okay and imagine that you are actually in this test center all right and so the examiner will look maybe something like me maybe very different they might have the same accent as me or they might be speaking with a british accent or even an international accent just with really good english okay so um be ready for that okay and the first question that the examiner will always ask you is may i see your identification they have to see that okay so when you walk into the speaking interview the examiner will say okay welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test it has three parts i will give you instructions for each currently we are conducting the exam in chicago the time right now is 15 o'clock and this is candidate number 7954321 may i see your identification okay and here they want you to show you the identification before covid they used to take it and look at it but now because of kovit they just want you to show it and hold it and then they'll match it with their registration papers just to make sure that you are the correct person uh sitting the exam so give me a nice full sentence okay the first tip is this is not a chit chat students it's very important you recognize this uh ielts is not a chit chat you must speak in full sentences with complete ideas fluently that is so very important okay to get a band nine you cannot get a band-aid or a bad nine without that okay arda says gladly just a moment please i hear uh we go here is my id that i used to register for this test a couple of weeks ago please have a look let me just pop out the chat here so i don't get a sore neck okay and i'm going to move this down here so i can see it a bit better there we go uh me yen says gladly here is the id that i used for registration a couple of weeks ago uh please take a look nice meehan okay so nice and fluent everyone make sure you're copying what i'm saying rashika says here is my passport that i used to register for this exam two weeks before please have a look um rashika we would never say before two weeks ago that's awkward it's like doubling so two weeks ago or two weeks before okay [Music] muhammad kareem says yes sure here you go here is the id that i used to register for this exam please have a look muhammad kareem i think you have a missing word there between you go that i used okay so make sure that you're accurate and you have all the parts anurag says yes here's my passport which i used to sign up for the ielts exam please take a look at it very good okay that's nice and natural as well bakra it says certainly sir here's my passport that i used to register for the exam couple of weeks ago please have a look nice okay so good lots of you are recognizing that indeed you need to show this fluency right away okay so good good um here we go repeat after me may i see your identification yes gladly here is my passport that i used for registration a couple of weeks back please have a look okay yeah so just something nice and fluid and natural okay when you're at home practicing this practice some different ways to respond so that you can really come across confident and natural right and then the next question they will ask you is what is your full name and again answer in a complete sentence okay they should not interrupt you if you're speaking fluently and accurately so what is your full name okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay all right and i see a couple of students are saying oh sir the board is not clear if it's not clear for you adjust to 720p okay that's why i pinned um that comment at the top set your youtube to 720. the reason why is we're using an ultra low latency stream we're almost in real time there's very little difference between us very little leg okay that's why you have to use 720p in these live classes okay kumar sakyam says my name is kumar sachin you can call me sam um kumar in that case i would say uh please call me by my nickname sam okay so if you say my full name is um kumar sakyam i would also add satyam being my family name but please call me by my nickname sam okay so uh kumar this is what i would say and everybody can repeat after me kumar satyam i think is a very common name as well we'll probably probably find a lot of kumar satyams so i'll explain why i would answer this way and then that you'll see the logic okay so here we go here's the question repeat after me what is your full name my full name is kumar satyam satyam being my family name but please call me by my nickname sam okay so kumar the reason i would answer this way in this kind of an interview is because there are so many different kinds of names in the world and yes most people would figure out that your first name is kumar and your family name is satyam but in different countries this is done differently so in some countries they mention the family name first and then the given name in some countries um given names sound like family names family names sound like given names it can be really confusing and so it's just nice to know for the examiner what is your actual given name what is your actual family name okay in this case just a simple extra phrase here sakyam being my family name automatically i know okay kumar is your given name you're keeping it short but you're keeping it as a full sentence now sam really does not have any relation to the name kumar or sakyam i can kind of see a similar sound in satyam and sam but to me that's definitely a nickname okay so if you would like to be called by a nickname then make it clear for the examiner that here you're going with a nickname so name that you picked up for some reason and you feel comfortable with that name okay so here we go repeat after me what is your full name my full name is kumar sakyam sakyam being my family name but please call me by my nickname sam and then i would say okay sam what helps you to relax and i would ask you this next question is everybody clear on name clarification so when you're giving your name think about the international audience so think about the global world okay so you have to consider that names work differently in different places and this examiner they might have just arrived to your country two days ago to um do be the examiner at this particular test so they might not be that familiar necessarily with your culture yet okay so i see uh arvindian says sure amu says yeah okay all right so good okay kumar satyam says yep i got it all right so be clear with your name that sets the tone it sets the mood okay all right let's answer this question here everyone what helps you to relax okay so there's lots of ways the examiner might ask this okay what do you do in your free time it's kind of like your relaxation time okay so what helps you to relax give me a nice full sentence for this one okay all right anurag both fluency and grammar are very important okay says when i need to um take rest i listen to music or just look uh at nature okay what do you mean marjona like do you go for a hike or do you watch a nature documentary when you say look to nature or look at nature it doesn't really tell me much in the sense of what you're actually doing like are you looking at nature out your window so marjona you want to be a little bit more accurate here okay so uh this is uh marjona's answer here okay um so let me just do a quick analysis here on this so marjona's stating when i need to relax okay um i listen to music we don't count music okay music is non-count all right so i listen to music or just look not to the nature that doesn't make too much sense but look at nature okay we look at something um or we would say i watch nature okay all right so here marjona as long as you don't make a mistake with the plural with the s okay and as long as you don't make a mistake with the prepositions you have a good conditional sentence so this is a conditional sentence it's a real condition you're using when which is a good use of the condition here for a real condition so it's a real conditional okay um here you're using the word relax or you say when i need to take relax we don't say take relax take relax is bad english okay so take a rest all right that's the expression so if you want to use the correct expression it's when i need to take a rest i listen to music or just look at nature now this would still only be even with correct english this would still only be like a band six okay so we need to continue this we need to finish this with what i'm saying is that i like to go for a hike on the mountain trail near my home about a kilometer away [Music] or i like to watch a nature documentary okay just before this exam i went for a half hour hike okay so this would be your band uh 9 level response uh marjona and the reason why is because now we have clean complex grammar okay in the condition so we have this uh when i need to take a rest i listen to music or just look at nature and then here we have an explanation okay so the explanation is really important you should always be always be thinking explanation on your ielts exam after you answer what i'm saying is that i like to go for a hike on the mountain trail near my home about a kilometer away or i like to watch nature documentaries so that's your explanation and then here's your example and i would say you need examples about 70 of the time for these questions okay so about 70 of the time you want to uh give a smooth flowing example okay to these questions so that it makes it even clearer and then you can get this awesome band 9 score okay is that that's clear for everybody okay uh kuhok a hike is when you're going for a walk in the woods okay when you're not walking in the city you're not walking on concrete but you're walking on um a trail a soil trail okay or a trail that's on rocks or something like that and you're going for a hike okay so it's not flat even ground but it's in nature all right so this is what's needed to get that band 9 okay is everybody clear on that okay all right so again for those of you that are just tuning in set your um youtube resolution to 720p for real-time interaction okay um arvindian says is asking should the example be the truth no absolutely not in fact it's much easier sometimes to just come up with a fake example okay marjona says okay i got it i got it good marjona all right yeah okay so again uh everybody just remember the key to a high score is answer okay plus explanation uh plus example okay you need to have these three elements so let's practice this for one more question here and then um we will um do some live uh real voice uh practice and analysis okay so here um the examiner will introduce uh the topic of speaking part one so they'll say something like okay let's talk about a general topic let's talk about paper and computer okay so let's talk about paper and computer okay uh first question how often do you write on paper okay so give me an answer an explanation and an example okay so give me an answer explanation example how often do you write on paper when you have this how often question you want to think about frequency like always sometimes uh rarely never so how often do you write on paper and then you want to give quantitative measure as well like two times a week five times a day all day every day okay so give quantitative measures all right so me yen says these days i no longer write on paper like i used to as i have to study online and i use my laptop a lot i mostly use microsoft word to write my lessons or if the teacher sends me an assignment i can easily copy and paste that to the app it's much faster and more convenient three days ago when my teacher asked me to write down the homework i typed it right on the laptop i used to study me and it's not bad but you do kind of go off topic and you start to talk about typing on computer you want to answer the question me and um and stay with the topic of writing on paper so me yen i would say that you're using good english but your english could be more accurate okay so you should say these days i no longer write on paper like i used to as i study online and use my computer a lot i probably write on paper only once every couple of days um i remember two days ago i wrote down some ideas on a piece of paper while i was going out of the home to meet up with my friends okay so stay on the topic of paper all right let's see who else resto resto says i sometimes use paper to jot down some notes when i'm preparing for exams reason being it helps me in my understanding and remembering various important pointers in fact for ielts i use this method to study very good resto yeah i like it and i like how you're using some very nice expressions and expressions and idiomatic language is important for a band 9. so here is resto's answer everybody will see it now all right uh so here we go the question again repeat after me is how often do you write on paper and here's resto's answer i sometimes use paper to jot down some notes i really like this expression here that's that resto is using jot down okay jot down means to just like quickly take a couple of notes okay like um maybe a new vocabulary i jot down the meaning of a new vocabulary okay so i sometimes use paper to jot down some notes when i'm preparing for exams and i love this part here because this is showing me complex grammar this is again a conditional a conditional of time of real time the dependent clause comes after the independent clause in this case we could reverse the students we could say when i'm preparing for exams i sometimes use paper to jot down some notes okay and then here this is nice natural language reason being it helps me in understanding and remembering various important pointers in fact for ielts i used the same method to help me remember vocabulary i created a number of flash cards so i wrote on paper at least uh five times a day okay so just finishing um off this uh this sentence by resto okay and now this would be considered a band nine response as long as you're saying this nice and uh smooth okay all right everyone so doing good okay risa corp says see if i can find you again reza i'm not sure yeah ariza there you go so reza says since i'm working in the office i usually write on paper just like yesterday i wrote the minutes of a meeting for my boss okay good all right i'm here i'll give you a quick answer just so you can kind of see what i would say okay so i often write on paper i would say at least three to four times daily because i like the way paper is permanent in comparison to the computer i mean that it is there in front of me and i can reference it any time i'm sitting at my desk i wrote some important points down for this interview last night on a post-it which i stuck on my fridge okay so this would be my answer um it's the same level as uh restos was here okay so how often do you write on paper i often write on paper i would say at least three to four times daily because i like the way paper is permanent in comparison to the computer i mean that it is there in front of me and i can reference it at any time i'm sitting at my desk i wrote some important points down for this interview last night on a post-it which i stuck on my fridge okay so answer explanation and example okay students we're going to practice this question now what is better about writing on a computer okay but for this one we are going to um hopefully find a volunteer to practice this speaking with a real voice call everyone so everybody can be thinking about this question and answer what is better about writing on a computer so think about comparisons um and my question is who would like to practice with me um speaking for this question on our website okay i'm going to uh use my headset i recommend using a headset and your computer for this i'm going to give you instructions in the chat okay what to do and i'm going to be looking for uh some volunteers so while you're all thinking about your answers okay hopefully we already have some people registered for a free or full account on our website okay so i'm putting the instructions into the chat so everybody will see it carolina says there's lots of volunteers okay i'll pick someone in a second i'm just going to give all the instructions here rvindy and yes it is absolutely free now importantly make sure that you enable your microphone and your speaker on your browser okay uh it has to be enabled i think last time a couple people didn't have it enabled okay and then i'm going to ping you okay all right so all the instructions are now in there okay all right um fatma yeah you can absolutely volunteer uh let's see i know sammy really wanted to volunteer i don't know if sammy's in this class last time i told him that he can volunteer so um all right fatma i'm going to be looking for you on the website okay so i'm giving priority to our members here for this at the start and then we'll take some other students as well so hang in there okay we'll take a few different people okay uh let me hop over to [Music] our website all right and then i'll get into the interface here as well so just a little bit of patience okay all right um okay so we've got lots of people in here we've got uh mahidul surujan niyaz carolina and our wind okay um arwind i think you're in the live chat if i'm not mistaken so um irwind uh would you like to practice this um this question with us so that everybody can um yeah okay i think arwen's in there so let me let me message you our wind just so we're on the same page here okay all right okay and we can't use video we're just going to use audio okay so arwind um would you like to volunteer um for some live class questions let's see if you get my message here uh irwind and then we can practice this okay um so again i see carolina i see pachu i see nia's shujan in here as well so just hang in there everyone we'll see okay there's arwen says yes awesome arwen thumbs up super okay arwen i'm going to call you uh make sure that you enabled your microphone and speaker and then we'll practice these questions um and then we'll we'll go through them in class so here we go let me give you a buzz hello irwind yeah hello hi our wind i can hear you can you hear me okay yeah everything is fine that's awesome um can everyone great arwen thank you for volunteering irwin i'm just gonna make sure everybody else can hear you okay can everybody else um hear our wind okay yeah arwen count to five for us oh five four three uh two one awesome morrowind not only did you count but you counted in reverse that's fantastic you're super um all right irwin okay so um we're going to practice um one or two questions okay irwin and just just like what i was saying in the class so you want to give an answer an explanation and an example okay all right okay um so here we go let's hop back to um our question here just give me two seconds okay all right so uh what is better about writing on a computer okay fine uh i would love to type on the computer it has its own advantages when compared to a handwritten the reason is it has like more it's a it has a standard handwriting like anyone can understand it rather than using a handwritten like each and every one of us have a different handwriting and moreover we can edit it as often as we can and there is no striking uh as this and moreover like finally i would like to conclude uh with it it can be uh used as a top uh faster type writing like we won't feel any hand pain for example back then during my 12 standard i used to type a thousand words thesis whereas i could not even write a 500 words in a paper on a paper awesome okay um that's a great answer so uh i'm going to just analyze that okay and give you some feedback so i think you have great fluency okay you've got good vocabulary so your fluency is about um a band seven five to eight uh your vocabulary is about a band um seven uh the coherence your pronunciation is fantastic you have no problems there it's easily a band 7 8 okay the coherence could be a little bit better so what i mean by that is you need to say the answer explanation example but you want to say it a little bit shorter okay so you're saying a little bit too much and if you speak like this the examiner might interrupt you because they feel like oh you're speaking a bit too much right so you want to give one answer one explanation and one example don't here you gave me like two or three different explanations so you said that it has its advantages because it's easier to read the word here is it's more legible legible so let me let me give you this vocabulary okay legible means it's it's uh it can be read okay so it's easy to read all right um so and that's fine that's that's enough you can so even if you just say that one explanation that it's more legible that's enough and then you can say i have terrible handwriting it looks like chicken scratch and my teachers always complain when i'm doing handwritten work so they prefer me to hand in documents last week i typed up a thousand word thesis and handed that in and then finished okay so a little bit more concise a little bit shorter and then your mark will be higher and you won't be interrupted so the examiner won't interrupt you okay all right so that was good um the other um word that could be useful in your answer is penmanship okay penmanship is our style of writing so you can say each person has different penmanship do you want to try that just repeat after me each person has different penmanship yeah each each person has a different penmanship so writing on a computer is more legible usually so riding on a computer is more legible usually perfect very very nice okay um awesome so good so keep it up and practice that so what you want to practice okay is you want to practice um just being more concise so answer explain example or answer explain explain example but don't explain explain explain explain okay so keep your explanation a little bit shorter okay irwind yeah sure definitely so i'll be using these techniques uh tomorrow like i have my exam tomorrow yeah that was going to be the time we were live on youtube and it was really fantastic to learn about that's great well i wish you really good luck on your exam tomorrow and i'm sure you'll do fine i'm sure you'll do fine so just uh stay calm answer explain example and i bet that you're going to get like a band 7.5 on your speaking when you get your results our win come back to maybe the live class and share it with us but i predict that you're going to get a band 7.5 at least okay yeah thank you very much even i hope to get uh bands 1.5 at least yeah because i'm little calm but uh yeah i'll take the tips uh surely yeah absolutely okay irwin and be confident okay thank you so much we'll take another student for another question thanks for volunteering okay all right um everybody please give a nice uh applause to arwen i know it takes a lot of bravery you know to volunteer um in these kinds of live classes with 280 plus people watching so uh please applaud for um for our wind okay uh pachu i see that you are also in the chat pachu is one of our regular students pachu would you like to practice for the next question okay so again uh here everybody we're using our website this is where you can interact with other students okay so pachua i'm looking um for you here let me just send you a message okay i can actually message you in here um so hi pachu uh would you like to volunteer for some live ielts class speaking okay i don't think anybody's seeing that because i haven't switched you over yet but i will all right here we go so there you can see i'm just message messaging pachu here hi pachu would you like to volunteer for some live class speaking so right now we're going to be looking at the next question the next question right now that we're looking at from today is uh when is a paper more useful than a computer for writing okay so that's the question that we're looking at right now and we're looking for a volunteer to practice this with so i've just messaged pachu but pachu hasn't written back okay um let's see we have some other people here um srijan is in here okay let's try sujan all right you can also message me on the youtube chat everyone because i can see you there as well okay all right so oops nope not that one i want here let me go all right let's see this one okay uh sujan would you like to volunteer for live class speaking all right so when you're using this function students on the web page to practice your speaking with each other this is kind of the nice way to do it is just message each other first like i'm practicing out speaking right now i'm practicing talking about computers do you want to practice with me and then you can send somebody a message like what i just did here and then they'll say okay sure all right um feel free to message me by the way if you see me here i see that there's lots of people here all right i don't see anything there um all right let me take another uh student um okay there's bakrat bakarat you are one of our members would you like to practice so would you like to volunteer okay if you get my message just send me a message back if you're ready to volunteer then we'll simply start the conversation i'll ask you the question and then i'll analyze your response and let you know your band score and what you need to do to do a little bit better so bakrat if you're there would you like to volunteer let me see oh but you said yes okay but you all right uh so let me let me try pachu then if pichu said yes let me try pichu i don't know why we didn't i didn't see your response there but you but let me give you a call okay so this is pachoo ray hopefully i can connect with petru if you're hearing me on youtube but you make sure that you enable your microphone and your speakers on the website through your browser all right we've got pachu ringing here but no pickup okay again this is easier everyone if you're using a computer um using your mobile phone could be a bit tricky here all right we'll we'll try put you a little bit later um all right let me try to ring bakrat i'm just cold calling everyone here from our members all right let's see if let's see if we can get buck right on the line here okay um let's see uh carolina so carolina's our moderator i'm going to um carolina would you like to do a question with me i just want to make sure that everything's working okay i'm not sure if it's the system or if students are just being shy or maybe the system's being overloaded so carolina would you like to do a question with me for everyone here and then i'll just double check to make sure that the system's okay that way and then if it is then i can keep trying some other students for some other questions as well are you okay with that carolina to do just a quick um test call here for this question carolina's over in south america okay so i'm going to call carolina and then we'll do this question and we'll go from there so here we go carolina it's possible that our servers are being overloaded maybe hello hi carolina hi adrian how are you doing i'm doing great awesome and it sounds like carolina's able to connect so our system should be okay so again students just a reminder make sure you enable your microphone and your speakers in your browser for the website okay you usually have to do that okay carolina let's practice one question and we'll give a chance to some other students okay okay all right okay so let me ask you this question then carolina um let me show the question to everybody so when is a paper more useful than a computer for writing well i would say that a paper is even more beneficial than a computer when there are no connection or a computer next to the person so if they need to write down something really quickly for example the the list of groceries and i believe that it's easier for people to write to write it down in a paper okay thank you carolina so i've gotten most of it down so you said i would say that a paper is more beneficial than a computer when there is no connection or computer next to the person when a person needs to write down something very quickly like a grocery list a writing on paper is better yes okay i forgot the example yeah yeah so um an example at the end like yesterday when i picked up groceries i wrote down five items milk cheese and so on sure so an example you're right is missing there and it's good that you identified that i like how you started this sentence naturally so i would say that is a very common expression used by native speakers to start an answer as well especially when we're thinking about the answer so i would say that as nice natural expression you would definitely get about a band seven for your response okay um your explanation was a little bit awkward um so you said when there is no connection instead of when there's no connection i might have said something like when there's no electricity or when there's no power instead of the word connection okay okay um because i think connection you meant like maybe the internet connection but i suppose you could write something on the computer without the internet right so i think you're referring more to not having power or electricity which is true right like if you're on a camping trip in the forest and you don't have batteries or you don't have power right so you use some nice complex language when a person needs to write down something very quickly like a grocery list that was really good english there okay instead of using the word something students always try to find better nouns so even the word something is kind of like the word thing so instead of using the word something you want to use a better noun what would be a better noun carolina than something when a person needs to write down something very quickly can you replace the word something with a better word um words is okay think about another one information for instance or ideas or you could say list of objects okay so um replacing the word something thing and stuff will always lead to better communication so you always want to practice that when you catch yourself saying something so in even in the real ielts you could say when a person needs to write down something i mean information or ideas like a grocery list writing on paper can often be better because it's more accessible okay can you try that carolina so i'm going to repeat that one more time and then try repeating it okay so when a person needs to write down something i mean information or ideas very quickly like a grocery list paper is better okay try it and when a person needs to write down a something like information or a list of objects uh very quickly like agroxy released writing on paper is better a better option that's a band 8 to a band 9. so that's how you move from a band 7 to a band 8 level speaking okay so that was much better why because immediately your lexical resource has gone up okay so now instead of just the word something i know that you know the words like information ideas list of objects correctly in context so it's a much more fluent accurate higher level response so that would be a band-aid awesome carolina thank you so much it's always amazing to have you everybody give carolina a round of applause she did a fantastic job and she proved to us that the system is working so students make sure the settings are right on your end okay and it should work for you when you're connecting with others thanks a ton carolina and thank you always for moderating these classes as well no problem okay all right so we'll take one more uh student then so we still have um okay so we have arwen and srijan arwind uh we've already done a bit of speaking bakrat has messaged me back let's see okay so bakrat says yes you can call me now okay bakrat i'm going to give you a call and then we'll go on to the next question the next question will be do you like to read on paper or on the computer so i'm going to ask bakra this question here the um do you like to uh read on paper or on the computer why okay background so this is our this is the question everybody else can think about your answers as well so we'll get bakrat on the line and then we'll go from there hopefully bakarat you'll be able to uh respond here okay background i'm going to give you a call so get ready here uh there you are okay hello hi hi again how are you i'm good buck but it's good to hear your voice nice to meet you nice to meet you as well thank you for being a member buckrut and for participating in the classes thank you for your support and thanks for volunteering for this question that's very brave of you and i'm happy to have you in the chat with me okay bakrat so uh let's go to this question now okay so again think about an answer explanation and example all right do you like to read on paper or on the computer well i prefer reading on computer as compare on paper i mostly read newspaper by downloading from daily newspaper website it is more convenient and also it is also save time to buy a newspaper uh uh a newspaper cost uh 10 rupees so i can also save attention fees for my pocket money and i can also make a comment and save unknown words into my dictionary and last time i read a newspaper which is about air pollution it was an article about air pollution and i did uh commented some few lines that i was not unknown and it was very useful to writing uh on an essay okay all right uh bakrat very good okay buckrad um so you would get about a band [Music] six to six point five for your response okay about a band six to six point five um i'll break it down for you okay so your coherence score is actually quite high so your coherence score is like a band seven to eight okay 7.5 even okay um and your lexical resource mark is i think easily a band seven ish okay um your grammatical range and accuracy are quite high again seven to eight where you're losing marks as in your fluency so your fluency is closer to a band five okay that means that you're speaking a bit too slowly so i can tell that you're really thinking about how to put together your words so that they're clear and your fluency is pulling down your mark does that make sense yeah yes sir i got it so if you would have said the exact same answer but faster so about 30 faster your band score would easily be a band seven even an eight okay so as long as you're speaking 30 faster okay same information same answer 30 faster so what you need to do is you need to practice with people lots so that you can increase your speed of speaking okay all right um so you said i prefer i'm just going to mute you here back right for a second okay okay all right just a second okay all right so um bakra said i prefer reading on a computer rather than on paper that was a really good answer very very clear uh good use of the word rather okay um and then uh bacharach you went into an explanation i mostly read on the newspaper because i can save money like printed a printed uh newspaper costs 10 rupees but on the computer it's free okay so that was good and then you also said i can also save unknown words to my dictionary which was good bakra where you spoke a little bit too long and it was a bit confusing was the example so in the example you started to talk about reading an article about air pollution and it was really really long there you should have kept it a little bit shorter all you need to do for the example is just keep your example short and clear okay so all you needed to say there was yesterday i read an article on air pollution on my computer i saved money and i learned five new words okay buckrat so okay so let me just bring your audio back here just give me one second okay all right so everybody can hear back right now so buckrad again the example keep it shorter okay otherwise the examiner is going to interrupt you so your exam your example short and to the point so here we go uh listen to me buckrut and then just repeat yesterday i read an article on air pollution on my computer i saved money and i learned five new words okay try it okay i think it's a long can we keep it short yeah i'll make it even shorter yesterday i read an article on my computer i saved money and learned five new words yesterday i read an article on a newspaper and i can save money now careful with your information so not newspaper on the computer right because that's what you're saying so one more time listen to me and then just repeat so yesterday i read an article on the newspaper i saved money and i learned five new words yesterday i read an article on a newspaper uh and i can save a money and i i i can also write uh five a new new letter new words okay so again practice practice background so careful with your verb tenses i read an article and careful um of course and that's absolutely okay to be nervous buck rudd don't worry about it yeah yeah don't worry about it so again just pay attention to your verb tenses and that's why i'm not commenting you hear me i can yeah i can and yeah like i say just stay calm don't worry about it um just keep practicing okay and pay attention to the information always so read on the computer not the newspaper okay buckrat uh thank you so much for volunteering we're gonna do more speaking for members tomorrow buckrat so we'll do some more practice tomorrow if you're in tomorrow's class okay thank you sir for giving me a chance absolutely have an awesome day and we'll see you in tomorrow's class as well thanks bakarat okay everybody give backrt a round of applause please he was really really brave uh i'm going to give him an applause um it's very brave to practice like this in front of hundreds and hundreds of other uh students so thank you so much bakrat that's great okay everyone so that um is a bit of insight into how the speaking works and how the examiner thinks um hopefully everybody kind of got an idea not just about the student responses but also about how the examiner is analyzing your fluency your lexical resource your comprehension or your coherence as well so they're looking at all of those elements grammatical range as well okay so anybody wants to practice with other students just go to our website find again so i'll show you where this is so on the general ielts website at it's the same as the academic you have your my student account in your my student account you will have this student partner speaking option you click on that you accept the terms that you're going to be nice and polite with everyone and then you begin practicing okay so that's how you practice um your speaking with other students for free on our websites you do not need to have a paid account but if you like our website if you like our products i strongly strongly recommend joining our premium package clicking this big red button here to get access to all of the exams videos and all of the functions of the website it doesn't cost a lot so it's really really well worth it okay i definitely enjoyed uh this class with everyone and i thank all of our volunteers for uh sharing their bravery with us i know again that it's you know it's it's not an easy uh challenge uh so good on you uh that's one step closer to being brave on the actual ielts exam uh tomorrow we're going to have some more classes everyone so tomorrow we're doing speaking part one for members just like today's class but it will be focusing on our members everybody can watch that class of course if you want to join the chat in that class or the live speaking then make sure to become a member of our channel by clicking the subscribe button and we'll have a task to writing class for everyone as well tomorrow at this time so make sure to join me there thank you so much everyone thank you carolina for moderating thank you for volunteering and thank you to our members please make sure to join us subscribe to the channel and check out our websites i'm adrienne and i'm signing out from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada pachu i will definitely talk with you next time i'll keep it in mind okay um have a lovely day everyone and i'll see you in less than 24 hours stay safe stay strong much love to everyone bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: ZdXRp9ZfFtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 41sec (3941 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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