IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Fluent Start

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welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great start to their week staying healthy and staying strong uh welcome kyber welcome members hi uh pamma a tharwa sharmin good to see many of you joining in the class that's fantastic i can't read the cyrillic names but i am reading questions and answers for everyone as much as i can uh just a quick little last-minute correction for the title of today's class it is a part one speaking class today and i will be talking to you about how to start with that band 9 fluency and of course while we wait for a few more of your fellow students this class is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success visit us there for the general ielts visit us at g ielts help dot com that's general ielts help where we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your english and your communication let me show you these websites real quick this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you just have to click that big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official british council ielts registration center and certified agents as well for the general ielts again it's the green background and just hit that big red button to join us there once you do that you have a my student account with computer-based practice exams you have lots and lots of hd lesson videos audio cds and you even have a chance to find a student partner for speaking so check that out you can click on that accept the terms and then you can video or audio chat with somebody in this window here all right let's get back to our lesson if you have any questions students you can contact me at adrian at ae help dot com i will gladly answer all of your inquiries and our schedule is up for this week so we have classes from today until saturday we'll have some reading for members tomorrow and then we'll do some listening uh strategy and practice for everyone tomorrow as well so check out that schedule it's always on our youtube community posts also all right everyone so this is a speaking class uh make sure to speak and repeat when you hear me ask questions give answers repeat the questions repeat the answers uh practice questions as well as answers okay all right so um your speaking exam is basically 12 minutes roughly and it could be with a native english speaker in some cases it might not be a native english speaker but it will be an expert user of the english language who is testing you so be ready to hear different kinds of accents from your examiner okay don't be surprised if they speak with some kind of a foreign accent as well and when you go to your exam go early okay take some questions with you practice with other candidates who are there i always recommend this okay um and um be confident okay imagine that your examiner is your grandfather or your grandmother they're very very loving they need to hear full fluent answers you don't have to be scared of them you just need to express yourself loud and clear so that they can hear you okay so think about them as your grandmother or your grandfather not your friend okay we speak too casually to our friends uh not your boss we're kind of anxious sometimes when we speak to our boss so it's best to kind of imagine them as your grandpa or your grandma all right so just a couple of tips here then so tip one visualize your examiner as a grandparent speak loud and clear with complete sentences okay another important tip with uh part one a lot of students seem to forget this um part one are questions related to you specifically okay to you so it's very important for these high band eight band nine scores that you are responding to your um examiner from your perspective it's called the first person voice so from i me my okay so this is a really important one and i'm gonna emphasize this today so remember part one is about you okay you must answer in the first person voice meaning i me my myself my friend in this manner um at the same time i'm basically telling you do not generalize the answer like people or well there are lots of but the one that's okay don't use that kind of a sentence template or expression and do not use you okay i still hear that often where there's a question like how often uh do you wear a jacket and then the student says well you wear a jacket when you go outside and you wear a jacket when it's raining no no how often do you wear a jacket so i frequently wear a jacket i wear a jacket two to three times each week when it's raining especially in the fall season so it's all about you okay keep that in mind is that clear everyone so i see that we have a good number of students in the chat now about 170 of you welcome carolina our moderator as well it's nice to see you here um thank you for that so is everybody clear on that that part one is really about you and your answers have to be specific your responses must sound specific and original with details explanations and examples okay super super important okay so i see some thumbs up coming from um some of students that's great just breathe so it's all about you okay mirage says understood all right so let's get into this a little bit um you get to your exam and um the examiner will welcome you um they should have kind of like a serious indifferent kind of tone so they shouldn't be looking all happy they shouldn't be looking all grumpy but they're human so there's no guarantee that can happen okay don't worry about the examiner you're there to do a job focus on yourself okay i know there are lots of cultural differences in how we interact with people but in the ielts exam it's a test you are there to do a job focus on yourself don't focus on the examiner don't focus on their attitude or the way that they're looking at you or the clothing none of that matters all that matters is that you do a good job okay so you go in the examiner will welcome you and the examiner will say uh welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test i will record this for clerical purposes this is candidate number two 987654321 the exam is currently being conducted in rio de janeiro at 13 o'clock and now we shall begin for part one i will ask you some questions to get to know you better some questions on a general topic firstly may i see your identification can you please just show it to me they're not going to touch it because of kovid right now so they will just ask you to show it to them okay as soon as you hear that first request remember it's about you part one personal full sentence answers okay buckrat says of course sir here it is um i used this to register for the exam a couple of weeks ago please have a look all right backroad careful with your word orders okay or your word order sharman says certainly my pleasure here's my passport that i used to register for this test a week ago please have a look very good andre says yes of course uh please take a look andre i would definitely put the word please in there just to be a little bit more polite and professional all right um on the toefl test is a fair bit different than the aisle so make sure that you prepare for it larian says certainly here is here it is this is my id that i used to register for the exam online last monday okay that works lariend students register for your exam two to three weeks before you plan to take it especially these days okay don't leave it for a week it's a good idea to do two to three weeks before at least okay janil says yes of course here it is one second i can properly show you my credentials yep please have a look very good jai neil i like how you're coming up with original answers each week uh that's great you're being creative and that's really important okay rahul says yes certainly here's my passport that i used to register for the examination a month ago please have a look very good rahul so nice i'm glad to see that there are more and more students now who are understanding the importance of this first question and how it sets the tone for your attitude for the remainder of the speaking test so this first question should not be undervalued or underestimated okay so yes i have my passport right here i used it to register for the exam two weeks back please take a look at my credentials okay all right so yeah don't underestimate this first question it will set the tone for the rest of your speaking exam so uh here the examiner hears fluency they hear nice natural language you're gonna trigger thoughts in their head they're gonna be thinking oh okay here's a student that prepared they're here to communicate they're speaking fluently and they're confident okay all right um so repeat after me again speak and repeat students may i see your identification yes i have my passport right here i used it to register for the exam two weeks back please take a look at my credentials okay and what is your full name it's the next question logically okay so again continuing in the same spirit full sentence answers okay use your vocabulary right away at home when you're practicing practice different ways to respond and introduce okay all right kyber says my last name is momon and my first name is kyber so please just call me kyber it's what i'm used to being called by family and friends very good kyber i just kind of shorten it up a little bit at the end andre says my first name is andrea my family name is uskov please call me by my first name andre all right andre nice again nice and fluent uh sammy says my full name is siva sankar my uh surname is politbarthy please call me by my nickname that's what i like to be called it's sammy okay um where's your nickname uh sammy you gotta make sure to include that so uh don't rush remember it's grandma grandpa you gotta be really clear with them sharman says well my given name is sharmin rahman and my surname is sarah please call me by my surname uh because it makes me feel more comfortable okay um sharmin if you're given names are sharmin rahman then those are your given names so you need to say well my given names are sharmin rahman so if you are using your first and middle name those are your given names okay so careful with the plural don't make awkward plural singular mistakes introducing your name that would not fare well for a band nine start okay so do not make mistakes in these warm-up questions that just does not look good or does not sound good with the examiner they'll right away go okay they might be fluent but they're definitely not an expert user right so himanshi says um sir my full name is himachi notna but you can call me by my first name himanshi uh not but okay but is a contrast himanshi so a clear way to say that is my full name is himanshi notna please call me by my first name himanshi it's kind of awkward to say but call me by my okay all right um so my given names are tiffany sandra and my surname as you can see in my passport is philip um please call me by my middle name sandra this is what i'm used to okay all right so i'm just making this up clearly it's not my name but i'm just giving you again another example so people have all kinds of beautiful names around the world depending on what your names are this is just an example again repeat after me you should always give the name that's in your passport if you don't the examiner is kind of going to look at you like uh can you give me your name that's in the passport and then tell me what you want to be called okay so again question what is your full name my given names are tiffany sandra and my surname as you can see in my passport is philip please call me by my middle name sandra this is what i'm used to okay so that would be natural and again clear for the examiner showing that fluency and that confidence right away okay all right and then the examiner will ask you one or two questions again about you so keep in mind it's always about you so i me my talking about yourself clearly okay all right um so a very typical question that you can get for this kind of icebreaker part of the test is what is your hobby so what is your hobby this is what you like to do in your free time your leisure time it's an activity that you do regularly day in and day out most of us have hobbies if you don't have one make one up okay all right so kierthi says due to the pandemic i developed a new hobby painting and i'm doing this at least for an hour daily it's become my regular habit okay i'm kirsty not bad um that's simply just an answer so again you want to answer explain and example it shows more fluent coherent use of language it's better communication so um explanation of due to the pandemic is a bit awkward i mean is it just because of the pandemic that you started painting or is it an activity that you have been interested in for a long time you just never had time for because you used to like drawing as a child so give a bit more clarity and when did you do it last what do you paint do you paint pictures of people or do you paint pictures of scenery landscapes mountains forest trees so a little bit more clarity uh kirathi and you'll do better okay all right um again i can't read the cyrillic but i can read your answer my hobby is cooking um different national cuisines especially paolo also i cooked palo yesterday it gives me a pla it gives me pleasure to do this as i enjoy the various flavors and i enjoy surprising my friends with different dishes okay all right um that's good so i'm just gonna do a little adjusting here to get a bit more contrast there we go um again that's good uh i made a couple of corrections to upgrade your use of vocabulary and the example as well but that's a that's a great answer so cooking can certainly be a hobby and it's one i enjoy very much as well kashirsha ronan our member says these days i'm keeping myself busy with sewing i find it both relaxing and useful just yesterday i sewed a pair of mittens for my nieces kashirsha that is a beautiful answer so take note of that answer um everyone that's the typical classical answer explain example with nice natural flow so let's try kashir says one more time kashirsha says these days i'm keeping myself busy with sewing i find it both relaxing and useful just yesterday i sewed a pair of mittens for my nieces that's a wonderful answer kashirsha for this question okay so what is your hobby well recently i have picked up oil painting as i've been working from home so i have more time to dedicate to this and i have been wanting to do this for a number of years since i always loved drawing as a child just yesterday i put in an hour on a landscape painting of the rocky mountains that i've been working on for this past month okay so let's take a look at this answer and then um i will explain it in detail for you why this is a band 9 and what you need to pay attention to in order to generate such an answer okay so first of all just repeat after me so what is your hobby well recently i've picked up oil painting as i've been working from home so i have more time to dedicate to this and i've been uh wanting to do this for a number of years since i've always loved drawing as a child just yesterday i put in an hour on a landscape painting of the rocky mountains that i've been working on for this past month all right now when you give an answer like that clearly you have to be fluent so you can't get stuck halfway through your answer for three four seconds because yeah then the examiner might interrupt you they realize that you're getting lost you're going off topic you're not sure what you want to say so they might interrupt you so giving an answer like this firstly you do have to be fluent okay so you have to say this in one breath okay um now yeah doesn't mean you can't breathe while you're talking but it has to be fluent connected without awkward stops or breaks okay uh notice that very kind of natural start i have picked up oil painting so picked up here is a phrasal verb or an idiom a small idiom and phrasal verbs are considered idiomatic language so if you look it up you'll find that it's one in the same so this kind of idiomatic language immediately shows a comfort and a knowledge of the english language or with the english language so i've picked up oil painting as i've been working so here the as right away indicates that i'm explaining why i have this hobby of oil painting in addition i'm using a contraction i have i've and i'm using present perfect progressive being working so i'm showing that grammatical range and accuracy right away okay so i've been working from home so i have more time to dedicate to this and i have been wanting so one more time i'm putting in that present perfect progressive to really um covertly tell the examiner like hey look at me i'm confident with the complex grammar in the english language i don't use it just once i can use it twice for a number of years since i always loved drawing as a child and then here's my example just yesterday i put in an hour on a landscape painting of the rocky mountains that i've been working on for this past month so one last time another present perfect progressive okay that's clear everybody so that's what you want to practice answer explain example and fluent answers with complex grammar and good lexical resource okay blossom github is asking um is it okay if we use hand gestures while speaking yes it is absolutely fine so a couple of questions that i get asked we'll get right into our part one questions here um but just for now so um a couple of questions that uh that people ask are okay so common student questions that people ask are is it okay to use hand gestures and another question that a lot of people ask is is it important to make eye contact okay so here's an interesting answer for you so although hand gestures and eye contact do not directly impact your speaking score they do indirectly impact your speaking score okay so basically when the examiner is marking you uh for your speaking performance in the ielts they're looking at fluency coherence grammatical range and grammatical accuracy they're looking for lexical resource and they're looking for pronunciation that's their marking criteria that's what they're actually marking you on uh and sometimes you know you'll hear um trainers trainers say so eye contact doesn't matter body language doesn't matter um i don't agree with that okay i think it's very important to pay attention to your body language and to your eye contact while you communicate using body language and eye contact appropriately does help your communication it's human nature it's common to all people so do make eye contact it shows that you're confident it will help you to enunciate your words it will help you to focus on your ideas and i recommend keeping your hands above the table and using them whenever possible to assist your speaking as i'm doing right now because your body language in your brain is connected with your verbal communication so i studied psychology in my university and i certainly studied a lot of research that shows that these are very connected pathways in our brains between body language eye contact and the language that we use so when you're practicing do practice that do pay attention to that everybody clear on what i just said so that was a very good question by a student what our hand gesture is about so use hand gestures pay attention to eye contact because it's related to the quality of your communication the examiner is not going to minus a mark like oh they just used the hand gesture minus one they lifted their arm they're not going to do that okay but they will say that the student's more fluent more coherent and that will be related to the hand gesture okay all right it's clear all right good i see some thumbs up by david igerman and kyber as well all right okay so when an examiner when somebody tells you oh hand gestures don't matter yes they do all right just not directly all right okay so uh you're past this um introduction and icebreaker and then the examiner will introduce some kind of a topic uh for part one uh don't be surprised by the topic it can be really weird like let's talk about bicycles or let's talk about [Music] television let's talk about wearing shoes and sandals so the the the part one topic for ielts speaking can really be just about anything and it will always be related to you so even if we're talking about shoes and sandals it will be about your shoes your sandals your footwear okay that's what will be let's talk about your footwear okay in this case uh we're not talking about your footwear we're talking about clothes okay so here the examiner will say okay um let's talk about clothes how often do you wear a jacket so it'll be just yeah really random questions so be ready for it okay so how often do you wear a jacket kyber says i frequently put on a jacket almost every day during the winter to stay warm as it lasts from november to february throughout these months i most likely have my jacket on three to four hours very good kyber such as today i put it on this morning and i haven't taken it off since right very nice kyber all right andre says i am always wearing a jacket when outside uh especially when it's a bit chilly like yesterday the temperature fell to 12 degrees uh when i was at a birthday party at my friend's place we were outside for most of the party so i was wearing a jacket okay andre careful with your grammar and word choice all right pay attention a little bit there okay ahmad says well recently i wore a jacket while going to my friend's birthday party because it's summer i don't often wear jackets it's uncomfortable in the heat okay ahmed so how often frequency always sometimes rarely never um and uh of course give some quantitative um so how many days of the year how many hours a day all right that will give more clarity for how often you really wear a jacket so think of numbers everyone that's a big tip here for this question think of numbers nissarik says well in me there is a lot of humidity so wearing a jacket is not very comfortable i usually only wear the jacket in the winter maybe 30 40 times in a year okay uh benad says i'm in canada at the moment in victoria i don't know how to find a job here i've been in victoria for a month ah bernard you're in the same city as me uh bernard there are lots of different um places that help people to find uh jobs um so look around for that okay and then of course postings on used victoria craigslist for victoria as well as the times colonist online classifieds in victoria so that's my advice all right um gaming with atnt says well not so much as i live in bangladesh the environment is the the climate not environment gaming the climate is very hot so i wear a jacket only in the winter season okay ashi says i absolutely love to wear a jacket because they are so cozy and given the choice i would wear a jacket everywhere okay ashi uh you're kind of off topic the question is how often do you wear a jacket be really careful students when it's often right away you should think always usually sometimes rarely or seldom and never okay so i frequently wear a jacket since i live in victoria which is a city with a temperate climate and not only that but it is often rainy so in the winter months i put on a heavy coat and during spring and fall i wear either a light wind breaker or a rain jacket i'd say i wear a jacket for about a third or two thirds of each year whenever i go outside in fact i wore a jacket coming to this exam all right so here is a long winded answer but it's absolutely okay because i'm staying on topic no pun intended with the long winded because of the windbreaker so we have different kinds of jackets and we wear jackets for different occasions uh if you live on the north west pacific coast then you know all about wearing jackets so here we go question and answer repeat after me how often do you wear a jacket and why i frequently wear a jacket since i live in victoria which is a city with a temperate climate not only that but it is often rainy so in the winter months i put on a heavy coat and during spring and fall i wear either a light wind breaker or a rain jacket i'd say i wear a jacket for about two-thirds of each year whenever i go outside in fact i wore a jacket coming to this exam all right now students if you see new vocabulary or when you hear new vocabulary in these lessons like windbreaker which is a type of jacket it's a light jacket that we put on when it's windy or rainy to stop the wind from going through our jacket and cooling us down write these words down so write down windbreaker look it up add it to your vocabulary expand your lexical resource okay super important to pick up new words especially in context and use them right away as soon as you can okay all right next question where do you like shopping for clothes so answer explain example keep focusing on the strategy so where do you like shopping for clothes andre says i have a couple of places to go for buying clothes and find a new attire for myself the local mall called rockstar which is located about five kilometers from my home um today i'm planning to go there to buy a new jacket right andre a couple of places maybe name another place if you say a couple of places just so it's more sensible okay gaming with a t says i like to buy most of my clothes from local shops in my hometown mainly because the clothes there are more affordable in comparison to some of the fancy looking chain stores okay and give me an example um i bought a beautiful pair of uh jeans for uh twenty dollars at my local clothing store but the same um kind of jeans at gap and the mall would cost me a hundred bucks okay gaming so if you're going to go into that explanation of why you buy your clothes at your local shops because they're more affordable give an example so give an example of the cost of a pair of genes all right we'll give some quantitative language more fluency and you'll pick up more points you'll be much closer to that band 9 start okay okay palma versace it's a brand name but uh doesn't really answer the questions so you got to give a full sentence answer like reba reba khan says well there are a plethora of shopping complexes in my hometown however my favorite place to shop for clothes is the mac store which is located 20 kilometers from my home they provide exciting discounts okay reba good um reba don't include that first sentence while there are a plethora of shopping complexes in my hometown nobody's asking you about that um shopping is so common these days most big cities are bigger towns have a lot of options for shopping so it's known again part one it's about you be specific be direct so just start with my favorite place to shop for clothes is the max which is located 20 kilometers from my home they provide exciting discounts last week i got a new skirt and a new blouse for half off i was really happy okay so that would be a better answer reba be more specific you'd pick up more points for that all right so again be specific students don't include kind of filler sentences all right sharman says well nowadays i prefer to shop online because i can buy anything and the brands that i want aside from this it's also very convenient and i don't have to travel to buy my clothing just yesterday i ordered a new pair of jeans from amazon and i'm really happy with them so sharmin good don't generalize so you say commodities at the end but we're talking about clothes so focus on clothes okay so um these days i like buying my attire at both the local mall which is a short uh 10 minute walk from my home and has brand name shops like max and nike as well as online from amazon and other big retailers i find the online selection amazing last week i ordered a unique looking hat to go with my winter jacket all right um so there's our answer uh where do you like shopping for clothes again speak and repeat everyone so where do you like shopping for clothes these days i like buying my attire at both the local mall which is a short 10 minute walk from my home it has brand name shops like nike and max as well as online from amazon and other big retailers i find the online selection amazing last week i ordered a unique looking hat to go with my winter jacket okay all right so not only but also both and keep your thoughts broad keep open-minded meaning that don't just think about them all think about online shopping it's very popular these days then you can explain a little bit more give some more specific examples okay next question and you will get these kinds of personal somewhat awkward uh questions uh what do you wear to work give me a nice full sentence answer for that one i think many people with covet and lockdowns wear pajamas to work these days but yeah so marasa good to see in the class marasa says well when i go to college for teaching i put on jeans either with a top or t-shirt as i feel comfortable and i can easily deliver lectures very good murasa a couple of slight corrections there pay attention to that okay spiro says well i don't have an occupation since i haven't finished school yet so during school hours i prefer to wear comfortable casual clothes such as cotton trousers they help me to feel relaxed while sitting for long hours at my desk okay spiros notice i fine-tuned your response a little bit so it's more natural added a little bit of clarity okay melody uh says i usually wear formal attire for work such as a blouse and a skirt and a pair of heels however on friday it's mostly casual wear um so i put on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt okay melody very good just a slight correction at the end there yeah formal attire casual wear very nice use of lexical resource that's what you want to do for those higher band scores for starting strong definitely okay hurong newan says when i choose my attire for work i usually opt for not only comfortable but also appropriate clothes to wear my go-to outfit is a blouse and trousers which ticks off both these requirements very nice huang nice use of natural language i did make a couple of slight corrections but overall nice use of idiomatic language and great explanation okay that was a great explanation all right let's see rosalind says i like buying my clothes from jumia shop i love the clothes they have for sale just yesterday they had black friday sales and the prices were very affordable okay rosalind that was for the previous uh question which is good maybe tell me what the prices were what you bought a little bit a little bit more detail okay marion martina lee says to be honest i'm still a student right now so i don't have a choice of what to wear but a uniform when i but when i have school activities i will wear comfortable attire like sweatpants and t-shirt okay uh mariam very good yeah so you wear a school uniform and you made that clear absolutely okay what do you wear to work um i have been working from home so i often wear informal clothing while working at my computer such as uh joggers and a t-shirt but when i have to go into my office i put on formal clothing slacks and dress shirt with tie all right so here we go what do you wear to work recently i have been working from home so i often wear informal clothing while working at my computer such as joggers and a t-shirt but when i have to go into my office i put on formal clothing slacks and a dress shirt with a tie um let's go down a little bit here i'm going to jump these next questions i want to get to this one here i want you to use some present perfect so that's why i'm jumping some questions plus also i'm pushing your fluency here for those of you that did your homework great and if you have some answers for those previous ones fantastic but let's jump to this question right here this question is in the present perfect form so has your clothing style changed in the last 10 years how it's very likely that the examiner especially if you're doing a good job will ask you a present perfect or conditional question for part one just to see how you do with a question that's a little bit more complex the grammar is more complex so here you have to reflect that complexity so has your clothing style changed in the last 10 years how give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so has your clothing style changed in the last 10 years if yes how okay give me a full sentence answer answer explain and uh example that's what you need to be thinking about here okay i'm gonna write an answer while you think of yours you all right so now we've got lots of answers coming up which is fantastic all right balbir says definitely yes dressing styles have changed a lot uh since many years people started wearing modern dresses in the offices and meetings for instance i wore freak jeans and t-shirts for the annual meet bulbier the problem there is you're a little bit off topic again the question is present perfect has your clothing style change so it's present perfect and it's about you your clothing style so not clothing styles in general but your clothing styles okay uh harika priya says i do not really think i have changed my clothing style but after a little thought i could understand that i'm opting for skirts over jeans recently um so you have been wearing skirts more than jeans recently okay um harika let me give you a better answer okay so pay attention so here we go i do not really think i have changed my clothing style much but i'm giving it a bit more thought i have been opting for skirts more than jeans recently okay but giving it a bit more thought okay all right gas spell says of course yes ten years back i used to wear clothes which had been chosen by my mom usually trousers in a shirt but now i have been wearing clothes of my choice which are normally t-shirts and jeans okay very good gas spell uh put that present perfect in there okay uh janeil says yes definitely my clothing style has changed significantly from my childhood uh to now i used to wear tight denim jeans and a t-shirt in my school days but nowadays i have been wearing mostly formal attire due to my professional career that i have just talked about very nice gineal that's a great answer and you're making a connection to your previous answer which is fantastic okay that's really good uh kanwar bhinder says without a doubt yes i have changed a lot my clothing with my personality in the last 10 years since i have studied about personality and clothing and with this i have evolved as a fashionable person nowadays i have been wearing brand names and expensive clothes okay good all right uh julia orlando says i have changed my clothing style drastically but to be honest i did have similar tastes as before i just didn't have the guts to embrace it because i have been afraid of not pleasing my entourage okay giulia very good all right i like it okay here is my answer so um has your clothing style changed in the last 10 years how yes my fashion sense has become quite different now compared to a decade ago back in 2010 i used to wear casual clothing when going out with friends such as jeans and a shirt but now i tend to dress a bit more trendy with semi-formal clothes and brand names this is likely because i have been making more money so i can afford better quality clothing all right um so i'm kind of just making that up by the way but it works so that's a good answer that will get you that high band score reflecting that present perfect and lots of good paraphrasing students that's it for today so lots of tips great work really nice answers many of you are really starting to figure out the correct content for band nine and that's nice to see uh to get all of our hd video lessons with strategies and tips and lots of practice like this definitely check us out at ae for academic ielts for general ielts we are world leaders when it comes to ielts exam preparation and it's worth spending a few dollars to get these materials just click that big red button to join our premium package at ae help dot com for academic outs and for general outs i will be back uh tomorrow with reading for members listening for the all chat carolina thank you so much for moderating the chat today that's always very welcomed and appreciated have a great rest of your day everyone much love to all of you wherever you are in the world i'm adrian and i'm signing out uh from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 10,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: msdcEu071Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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