IELTS Live - Reading Section - Get the Right Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful budapest the capital of hungary hi frederick hi josh quran hi ashraf sammy samuel and beck john good to see many of our members already in the class this is a member's chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch if you'd like to become a member of our channel click the join button beside the subscribe button if you don't see it send me an email and i can help you out a little bit all right students in this class we are looking at a reading section to practice our reading this is a brand new passage coming from our exams that have not yet been released but will be later this year the materials come from ae help dot com for academic ielts success please visit us there and for general i'll check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's generalised help dot com on both of our websites we have loads and loads of great materials to help you improve your english and communication skills this is our academic website here click that big red button to join the premium package it's worth your time and a little bit of investment for sure this is the general ielts version click that green button there or that red button sorry green background and uh enjoy learning to send me an email you can do that with adrian and i will get back to you in due time all right students so again today uh reading class for members and then that will be followed in about 90 minutes with listening part 1 and 2 practice where everybody can join the chat hi hassan hi carolina hi rashika nice to see more of our members all right students uh here we go let's get right into it so the reading passage for today is titled a piece of peruvian culture all right uh so of course the first step uh when you get to your reading section is carefully observe the passages i haven't talked about this yet before members but uh it's a good idea to look at the title of all three passages before you start reading so you don't have to start with passage one in the reading section you can start with passage two or passage three and the way ielts designs these passages is passage one should be easier than two and two should be easier than three the way they do this is with the type of topic and with the kinds of questions that they include but there's no guarantee that for you specifically that will be true for some people there could be a situation where passage 2 or passage 3 is easier just because it's your area of knowledge so if some of you are from latin america and maybe even peru then you definitely would want to start with this passage just because you're going to be very familiar and comfortable with it so review the title of all three passages before you begin your reading and if you find one that happens to be closer to home then choose that one does everybody get what i mean there so choose the passage to start with that is most familiar if none of them are so if all three of them are like well none of these are my cup of tea then definitely go passage one two and three in that order because that's the order of difficulty okay so the ielts is a progressive exam which means it progressively gets more and more difficult is that kind of so that's my first tip for the day even before we get into our reading today is that clear for everyone what i mean there is there any questions about that okay so i'm getting a couple of yes that's clear okay so here's just a quick tip then again just to recap so look at the title of all three passages before you begin the reading section if one appears to be your area of expertise then start with that one okay if not then go in the order of passage one two and three okay uh it definitely makes more sense to start with one that might be close to home is that will give you confidence going into the following passages as well okay thanks for the feedback ladies and gents i can see a lot of you're like yeah that's clear that makes sense okay so uh plus you'll be faster as well most likely okay here's another little side note with that usually passages that discuss physical objects are easier than abstract ideas like a passage about volcanoes volcanoes uh versus uh philosophy okay so that's one of the ways that ielts makes a passage more difficult is the topic will be in social sciences it will be something that you can't really see or touch so you have to understand it conceptually much more is that clear that's kind of an important side tip there as well so passages that deal with physical reality are usually easier just because you can visualize them you have visual information from your past it's definitely more challenging when you don't have that visual information like sociology philosophy and uh so on psychology okay all right uh ashraf is asking sir reading paragraph generally where can we get the hint for the answer is it the first line or the last line ashraf there is no strategy like that for some answers the information's coming from the beginning for some it's the middle some it's the end and for others you have to understand the whole paragraph or even the whole passage to get the right answers so the answers are coming to simply answer your question ashraf the answers are coming from anywhere and everywhere in the passage so there is no kind of a trick of um looking to a specific area okay and that's why it's really important that you learn to read the passage because otherwise if you're just searching for keywords and locations in the passage then you're going to use a lot of time and you probably won't get more than six okay with that strategy so careful with that that's a good question all right okay so let's get back to this uh here we go our passage for today the title is a piece of peruvian uh culture now we might guess that this could be an object because it's a piece but maybe not so when you have these kinds of subtitlings so there's a variety of formats for these reading passages of as well this one is kind of broken into these nice paragraphs that each carry their own title and the first one right away we can see says chica i'm not sure if i'm pronouncing that right but uh chica what is it okay so right away we see here that okay this is probably about something called chica okay all right um so here we can ask what why how with the title but we probably won't get too much information other than thinking okay central american culture some part of history what are the popular parts of culture in central america their own style of dance music their own type of tapestry art own versions of food for example right lots of corn okay so these are kind of the ideas that you should be thinking uh collect as much information as you can about what you know in regards to central american uh and latin american culture okay students if you haven't done a lot of reading about international cultures i definitely recommend doing some of that okay so depending on where you are in the world and what kind of schooling you received in your school curriculum you have a different range of international knowledge and for the ielts the ielts is a global exam so they will include topics on a wide range of cultures and countries around the world so if you haven't had education that includes much of that definitely when you're doing your reading practice and your regular reading exercises try to touch on a variety of different cultures around the world to learn that information that will become very very useful okay so that's my next tip here a few tips here as we get going okay so since the ielts is an international exam the topics in the test can cover a broad range of cultures and nationalities it is a good idea to brush up brush up is an idiom here on a broad range of information okay so look at pop culture look at what's been popular in russia what are the key elements of russian history what are the key elements of certain latin american history uh north american african asian middle central asian and so on okay so make sure to do that you don't have to of course learn all of that but definitely getting kind of an idea so you can get some clarity when you get to these reading passages okay so read about world history and about world cultures all right so uh the next step what is it so we look at the title we look at these subtitles a little bit history of chica and then what should we do what will help us to better understand this passage potentially okay dr krishna says it's corn beer is what it is yeah i think you're on the right track dr krishna okay carolina's saying both should be pronounced ch chicha carolina is that the right pronunciation chicha i'm going to say it lots here so i know you're from central america colombia so if you can help me out thank you um okay chicha okay thank you carolina for that help all right so that's the right pronunciation so sami says understand the title and visualize we've kind of gotten past that sami and i already gave you the critical thinking boomi of thinking about central american latin american culture okay all right so what do we do after that so we've done the title we've done our critical thinking we've visualized this part of the world uh back john says let's take a look at the questions and beck john is right so definitely take a look at the questions nice and quick okay you shouldn't spend too much time here just a couple minutes to get some help on what information is included because the questions are kind of like a summary of the passage that you're going to read taking out the main elements of the passage right so go through the questions look at the ones that have information which is likely in the passage so here it says complete each sentence with the correct ending a to m below and we have six questions here and we have lots and lots of choices um looks like about 12 choices or so so the choices could really confuse us there is definitely a lot of information that's misleading and may not even be in the passage so we don't bother with the selections all we look at for this type of question are the first half of the statements because we know that this is somewhere in the passage right so let's uh read this together okay this is a reading class members and viewers so make sure to read don't just listen to me okay read with me and if you can definitely read aloud uh so if you're not watching this video from your workplace which might scare your colleagues and your boss might be going what is that person doing um but if you're in a place where this is possible definitely read with me okay so those soft drinks and beer are popular in peru okay keep going with me while it is believed that chicha has been around for thousands of years before a person was sacrificed although there are two main types of chicha similar to mauled cider chicha morada contains cloves and cinnamon and number six while chicha de dejora i believe uh is made from less flavorful yellow corn okay all right carolina's probably laughing at my pronunciation here a little bit but that's good carolina um all right and then we'll keep going here okay so now we arrived to a summary completion type question these are very common in the academic and general ielts these are very good to review before the passage because they are um absolutely a summary okay so and they're paraphrased so summary type questions will always use different words than what you see in the passage so definitely don't try to look for keywords because you won't find them these are paraphrased if you could just do this by keywords it would be way too easy okay all right um so uh note the titling here as well it's quite important okay production though it has been traditionally produced for generations in modern times this is a something for example traditionally women would chew the corn and spit it into a bucket this process would help stimulate something because of the chemicals present in the women's saliva getting more and more interesting here all right uh culture even today chicha has a place in the culture of peru outside of peru the drink is consumed by those in south as well as something america chicha has also given rise to forms of music dance architecture and film an entire counter culture in this sense chi-cha is a drink for the common people not for the something all right and then last but not least here we have three true false not given questions or yes no not given questions and in this case we want to avoid these we have no idea if the information is right or not it's simply confusing there is no value for you to read as in fact there's negative value for you to read uh yes no not given or true false not given before the passage because it doesn't necessarily help you understand the passage rather it can confuse you when you're reading it all right so we've done that uh now uh let's get on to reading and i'm happy to see that janelle nazir boomi and others frederick are clear about why we don't read true false not given before the passage okay so definitely ignore those all right so let's read together we'll check a little bit of comprehension as we go along um i will read at the pace that you should read in the ielts so at a nice comfortable pace you do not need to rush through the passage okay you can take up to 10 minutes to read these passages which is about half the speed that you will need in university to complete the same okay so keep that in mind all right so some people think there's not enough time in the reading section to read but in fact uh ielts in my opinion and in the opinion of other experts oh just a sec i'll get you back on screen there camera decided to take a snooze okay just give me one minute um so other experts will agree as well that there's actually plenty of time to read the passage because in reality in college or in university you do not have this amount of time to read okay so it's more than ample amount of time okay so if you can't read the passage and answer the questions in 20 minutes then you need to step back one and focus more on improving your reading fluency by doing lots and lots of reading of course okay all right thank you for the compliments on my cute daughter frederick she's a little bigger now but anyhow so let's read and let's check our comprehension here we go okay so uh chicha what is it chicha is a drink made from corn that is part of peruvian culture the history of chicha stretches back at least 500 years and possibly further into the past made from corn a plentiful crop in the region chicha is available in both fermented alcoholic and non-fermented non-alcoholic forms sales of chicha in peru rival those of the most popular soft drinks and beers needless to say even after hundreds of years chicha is incredibly popular in the region okay so what should happen here is you should definitely get a visual idea of what you're reading so as soon as you read this kind of paragraph you should visualize a nice class of uh right and of course you should probably see the uh corn i'm just going to do a quick corn drawing here that it's made from okay so you should be seeing the corn you should be seeing some older history here and this nice tall glass of cold uh chicha i'm not sure if it's carbonated but i put bubbles in there anyway visualize okay that's right it's a popular corn drink so uh here we continue okay uh history of chicha some historians think chicha has been prepared and consumed in communities in the andes mountains for thousands of years however direct evidence of this fact is difficult to find however it is known that the incas produced chicha in the 1500s for example women were taught the techniques to brew the beverage in what were called aklawasi or feminine schools cornmeals have been discovered at the incan ruins known as machu picchu and it is clear that the drink was used for ritual and religious purposes for example chicha would be given as a sacrifice to the gods and even served to human sacrifices before they were killed evidence shows that it was consumed in significant quantities in the incan culture for these reasons and to th and to say and to this say it is common to offer teacher to pachamama the earth mother by pouring some out before drinking okay cool so we read this paragraph again we have to digest the information practice this at home so here we're talking about the older history of chicha and to test your knowledge at home when you're practicing reading okay you should ask yourself some questions you should generate some questions all right so when you're practicing your reading at home and you read a paragraph like this of course this is really good exercise to do in uh partners uh you can do something like this ask a question see if your partner can answer it so partner one would say something like how long ago has chicha being around okay and then partner two should be able to answer that okay so let's do a little bit of this ask and answer some questions about this paragraph just to show you this practice strategy okay so how long ago has chicha being around anybody okay sammy says 5 000 years i think that's a little bit off sammy anybody else with another answer this could easily be a true false not given question uh frederick says 500 years which is close okay always try to give accurate answers ashraf says 500 years that's close same with beck john according to the passage it says 500 years or more okay that's the little detail there always be accurate because the passage does say or more so your true false not given could be something like chicha has been around for over 500 years that would be um true okay because the passage does say or more all right okay um so that's what you want to do and then partner two should of course fairly be the next one to ask a question so what could be a question what's a nice question that comes to mind let's see if you can come up with a good question here okay so what is another question that you can ask to test your own understanding or if you're in partners okay frederick says what were the reasons okay so asking questions is a really good way to improve your english too often students just think of answers so what were the reasons to produce and consume that's what i would say frederick consume uh chicha i might not even be spelling that right here and then partner one would say what so partner one might say something like um as a religious uh food or beverage and offering to the gods now here of course you want to practice your vocabulary as well if you can so a sacrificial offering to the kids okay for example religious reasons okay good so you get the idea uh this is really important practice when you practice asking questions by the way members viewers it's also a good way to improve your grammar one of the reasons a lot of students have difficulty with grammar is because they practice mostly from the answer perspective or the statement perspective and not enough from the question perspective when you use your grammar in both questions and answers then you improve your grammar more quickly okay all right so i see other good questions coming up that's great that's what you want to do but for now let's continue on with the reading okay so history of chicha and then now let's get to types of chicha so read with me there are two main types of chicha though the exact formulation and production of chicha is likely to vary from town to town the two main types of chicha morada and chicha de hora chicha morada is a non-fermented and non-alcoholic drink made from purple corn which gives it its characteristic purple color it is high in antioxidants helps to prevent certain cancers and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol it has also shown regenerative properties such as the formation of collagen and the creation of connective tissue it often contains cinnamon cloves and is thus similar to mold cider okay so again very visual here we're getting into two main types of chicha make sure you keep these separate here we go chicha de jora is the fermented and therefore alcoholic version of the drink it is created by a process similar to that of beer unlike chicha morada chicha de hora is made from yellow corn though the mused is quite different from the corn many people are familiar with it is more fibrous and has much larger kernels and is much less flavorful however this makes it well suited to form the base of such a drink in addition to corn the drink often includes either quinoa or for a sweeter version strawberries now students when you're doing the reading passage and you come across some strange words that are unfamiliar like quinoa or even chicha as you heard me at the beginning i said chica which i believe is a woman in spanish so don't try to pronounce okay don't stop and try to pronounce these words accurately in your mind while you're reading just read through them it's not important okay it's not important that you figure out that word exactly just kind of read the best as you can don't let it block or stifle your reading fluency okay don't let it slow you down right okay let's keep going so production the traditional production of chicha is today rare but for most of its period of popularity chicha has been produced according to particular standards for instance the corn is not simply mashed up rather it is chewed and spit into a bucket this as mentioned above was traditionally a woman's job the woman's saliva would help to activate the fermentation process through the naturally occurring enzymes in the saliva women were also in charge of the rest of the brewing process from germination germinating the corn to extracting the malt sugars boiling the wart and then fermenting it okay so here a little bit about the process again very visual you should see yourself as one of these women uh making the chicha that's what i see so i see myself as a woman and i'm chewing on some corn and spitting it into a bucket doing that all day wow what what difficult labor that would be um would have the strongest jaw in the world and uh i'm visualizing that okay let's keep going so part of peruvian culture uh chicha to this day holds a special place in peruvian culture it is widely considered the drink of peru and continues to be enjoyed by generations of peruvians as well as other south and central americans the culture impact the cultural impact of chicha has grown even beyond the beverage however chicha has come to describe forms of dancing painting architecture film and other aesthetic areas chicha music for example became popular in the second half of the 20th century chicha's origins are as a drink of the people sometimes discounted by the elite and the aesthetic schools associated with it share this counter elite ethos okay so again visualize the culture so chi-cha kind of like sushi started as part of the common people in peru uh obviously and the elite the bourgeois the people who might carry their noses a little bit high are like uh you didn't do you drink chicha i don't do that i drink wine unlike sushi which became very popular for the elite and very expensive again visual all right here we go let's continue where and how to drink it chicha in its many forms is available almost anywhere in peru it is available from street vendors sidewalk stands in markets or even through your car window stopped at a red light but the most authentic place to enjoy chicha is in what is called a chicharia a kind of bar or tavern where chicha is served to guests these establishments often operate outside the legal framework are often run by families and emphasize the drinking of chicha and the socialization it helps create chicharias are traditionally marked by a broomstick atop a dark doorway adorned by flowers ribbons baskets or even plastic bags once inside 25 people a 25p or pesos i guess that would be about 30 cents usd will buy a half liter of the traditional beverage notably the drink is often consumed alarming pace the locals can finish a glass in mere moments asking for seconds quickly thereafter if you are ever in peru and want to connect with the locals and the culture a glass of chicha is a must from ancient times to the incan period today chicha has helped to define the culture of a people and region okay so we're done our reading we have a lot of clear ideas now we want to answer the questions and we want to do this as much as possible without searching back in the text now at this point frederick's saying but i don't know the vocabulary in this paragraph uh don't worry about it frederick in the official exam if this happens just keep going if you're at home then definitely stop and review the vocabulary translate it and make sure that you understand it more okay all right so um the way to do these kinds of sentence ending questions is to look at the statement complete the sentence on your own and then choose the correct answer because this is kind of like multiple choice okay if you think about it when you read this first half of the statement if you look at your choices you're going to have i think it's 13 you have 13 choices so if you're just reading these it's like having a multiple choice question with 13 choices for especially for the first one when you haven't knocked any of them out that would be really time taking and very confusing possibly especially since there might be a few kind of correct answers now the other point is you want to look for the right grammar okay yeah ashraf says what's a lot of choices oh the best strategy here is to think about your own answer and then find the match okay this is why scanning here will not help too much so um those soft drinks and beer are popular in peru how would you finish this sentence so what do you think is a good way from what we just read to finish this sentence okay give me your thoughts and there could be more than one all right so just finished the sentence with correct grammar you only need to write the second half in the chat and i'll let you know if i think you're on the right track or if i agree with you okay so how would you how would you end this sentence okay uh it's of course um a complex sentence because it starts with the dependent clause though soft drinks and beer are popular so this would be a full sentence the independent clause you can notice that grammar right away so michael fan says chi-cha is also popular [Music] uh sammy says chicha is famous and traditional however chicha drink is the most popular um okay hassan don't use however because you already have your subordinating conjunction here though okay and you never use two of them hassan so this would be an independent clause without a subordinating conjunction careful because that could be the downfall of your answer in this case uh charlie sen says chicha is very much popular um yeah again remember independent clause means this is a full sentence on its own okay um i would keep it simpler than that students so i would oh you're kind of on the right track but i would go with chicha is the most popular drink okay notice how this is a sentence by itself the most popular drink in peru the reason that has to be a standalone sentence is because this is the dependent clause remember your subordinate conjunctions and your main clause your subordinate clause or another way they say it is independent and dependent clause okay so this is what i would say and then i would think it through those soft drinks and beer are popular in peru chicha is the most popular drink in the country or in peru something like that okay now we find the closest match okay so now we look for the statement that is the closest and if we find it great if we want something off so let's see they may have been served that's definitely not right it is an ideal foundation for the drink it has only been consumed since the 1500s is non-alcoholic chicha is just as popular it compensates for lack of flour with color okay this one actually looked pretty good because of the word popular okay and that's a full sentence chicha is just as popular would be a standalone sentence can lower cholesterol and prevent cancer it can vary from town to town only one is commonly consumed they would concha in significant quantities this has not been confirmed it is clear that the historians historical shows this yellow corn contains alcohol okay which one do you think is the best one here and i already see a lot of students saying i think e is the best i don't think i is true uh carolina because it they don't say only one is commonly consumed all of those are commonly consumed right so i is kind of a misleading one here it doesn't make sense so i think i agree with probably the best heck um you can read it together right so you can say those soft drinks and beer popular and chicha is just as popular that sounds like a nice sentence that would be in the passage as well so i think that works sure with these kinds of questions in the first two or three especially when you have so many so you have six of them don't panic because you might get more clarity on these answers once you keep going okay did everybody catch that that's kind of an important tip so with these kinds of questions it's common that candidates are a little bit less certain with one and two but once you go through these steps for all of the choices your certainty will likely increase for your previous answers does that make sense just because you'll start to have less choices and you'll start to have more clarity on the information so don't uh freak out for the first couple and start scanning and searching through the text and uh becoming uh disoriented or or um lose confidence okay does that make sense so just keep going is my tip just keep going here through these first few okay all right number two thanks for the feedback i see that okay cool so number two uh while it is believed that chicha has been around for thousands of years okay um how would you finish that while it is believed that chicha has been around for thousands of years from your understanding of the passage how would you finish that sentence don't overthink it just give me a quick answer the first thought that comes to mind from reading obviously this is coming somewhere from the beginning from the part about history you don't need to go back you don't need to scan the text okay so hassan says there is no actual evidence for that sure that's one way we could finish it hassan so there's no actual evidence for that there's no clear evidence yeah so one option one and sometimes you come up with a poll there is no clear evidence okay and you might come up with another like um only date 500 years okay so i definitely recommend keeping your thoughts a little bit flexible and possibly coming up with two answers if you have two good ones in mind both of these are really good okay so we're looking for either of these where the grammar is correct okay the grammar has to fit the sentence okay so evidence only dates back about 500 years or there's no clear evidence for thousands of years both of those are good okay all right let's see so no it is ideal no it has only been consumed uh since the 1500s careful that's a little bit misleading so use your logic here okay uh is non-alcoholic um the reason i said use logic here is because we know that's not true right your answer wouldn't be a false statement okay chicha is just as popular it compensates for lack of flavor with color can lower cholesterol it can vary from town to town only one is commonly consumed they would consume chicha in significant quantities this has not been confirmed okay uh it is clear that the historic it is clear that the historical shows this yellow corn contains alcohol so this is not true this one i showed before logic a lot of you are saying now that it's k okay so it has not been confirmed uh which is a paraphrase of what you said there is no evidence right very good job um of you first i'm going to give you a super duper giant thumbs up uh because k is the right answer here now hopefully you also realize that if you're not using the strategy that i'm showing you but you're searching answers first it can be really easy to choose the wrong answer so k is the closest match to what you said definitely choose that one okay this is the best strategy to avoid misleading and confusing answers incorrect answers okay is that clear so if you're searching for the answers before you're thinking you will definitely get lower band scores or you'll get less correct answers in this case okay super important to keep that in mind all right so don't search first use your brain first always okay always especially with multiple choice okay uh let's keep going before a person was sacrificed uh give me a quick answer for this one okay so before a person sacrificed i definitely visualize this one right if somebody is going to cut my heart out and sacrifice it to the gods while i'm still alive i might as well pound back a whole bunch of chicha uh so that i don't feel it have a happy ending before meeting up with thoughts so before a person was sacrificed i would just simply say they drank chicha bit okay so stay calm visualize yeah they hopefully drank a lot of chicha um all right now of course um you're going to be going through this faster and faster with each one so this is where you want to be the turtle for this kind of question in the beginning you'll be going slowly because all of the choices are new and unfamiliar but as you go through uh each question the next question you'll get faster and faster okay and a lot of you probably a they may have been served chicha which is good now keep it in mind because there could be a better one later but we didn't see it so i'm starting to remember these now because i've read over them twice right so i'm confident with a and it's definitely close to what i'm saying so i'm going to choose a and go with it okay although there are two main types of chicha so how would you finish this one although there are two main types of chicha remember this one i kind of i had a very good visual picture of this as well because i'm a bit familiar with beer and wine and i know it's the same uh samuel says one is better served boomi says one is consumed uh much okay i don't know about that i don't remember them saying that maybe you're right maybe i don't remember this passage is new for me as well okay uh yeah sammy's saying my voice is cracking a bit if that's the same for anybody else let me know i'm still good on my mic battery so yeah becca i like it so beckjen says its recipe varies from town to town yeah so recipes vary again if you uh your own knowledge here you know that with wine with beer there's a few different types but there are so many different varieties because everybody has their own special recipe right okay it's crackling for everybody eh let me see if i can adjust it here um [Music] why suddenly that would happen but anyway let's keep going here we're near the end of class so hopefully you can hang in there for the last few okay uh so let's go through these even if you don't hear me perfectly clearly you can read this that's the good news so they may have been served chicha it is an ideal foundation only consumed non-alcoholic compensates for lack of flavor with color can lower cholesterol prevent cancer can vary from town to town who that's literally verbatim right okay good i did a little bit of adjusting on my mic that was good uh yeah h when you have a verbatim match like that it can vary from town to town um then you're most likely bang on it's almost like a hundred percent uh certainty that that's going to be the right answer right pick up speed now um as you're doing this and when you practice this at home you'll pick up more speed as well okay number five uh similar to mold cider chicha murata contains cloves and cinnamon and what else does it contain anybody catch that now here is where you can do a little bit of searching because we know it's in the production part we know it's where it compares the two types of chicha and it's really easy to look for cloves and cinnamon so i here for this question logically would just say hey let's look at this one here of course chicha morada okay so it's the non-alcoholic version um and then here you have and you can find uh cinnamon and cloves and is thus similar to uh mauled cider so cinnamon and cloves okay so we can read those there okay so that's an easy one to check the passage for it you can do it very very quickly okay so they may have been served uh chicha it is ideal foundation for the drink it has been consumed is non-alcoholic chicha is just as popular uh it compensates for lack of flavor which one do you think it is looking at it so we have cloves we have cider can lower cholesterol and prevent cancer it can vary from town to town only one is commonly consumed they would consume chicha in significant quantities okay we have cloves in cider so some of you are thinking maybe it's d because we know it's non-alcoholic and also this one's a bit tricky remember it can lower cholesterol and prevent cancer so the two that pop out at me are this one and this one so what i'm going to do because i have two possible answers is put both of them into the statement okay so similar to mold cider chicha morata contains cloves and cinnamon and is non-alcoholic okay um there's something wrong with that okay and i know that's going to be a little bit difficult to figure out but for me i would definitely choose g can lower cholesterol and prevent cancer okay i'll tell you why okay anybody can anybody guess why i'm choosing g instead of d so y g instead of d now if you have this knowledge you'll know if not you have to go back to that paragraph again and read it okay the grammar is okay for both so what else could it be here um yeah turkey you're you're right but there's actually uh something wrong with is non-alcoholic anybody pick that up mold cider is alcoholic okay so if you know that you'll get it if not you have to go back and check which one is more accurate so similar to mold cider chicha morata contains cloves and cinnamon and you can't say non-alcoholic because malt cider is alcoholic most of the time it's an alcoholic drink so that's not a similarity okay if you don't know don't know that mauled cider is alcoholic then you need to go back and check malt cider is usually alcoholic so then you would check again okay lower blood pressure and cholesterol it also has regenerative properties such as formation of collagen and the creation of connective tissues it often contains cinnamon and cloves and is thus similar to mold cider okay so your answer is in there all right okay let's go to the last one that was a bit confusing i'll give that to you sometimes you get those kinds of answers all right let's go to the last one here so while chicha de hora is made from less flavorful yellow corn anybody uh yeah michael i'll troubleshoot the the uh speaker afterwards okay i'll see what's going on with the mic okay all right so anybody uh while chicha dehora is made from less flavorful yellow corn uh yeah very good boomi so boomy says it is a good foundation yeah that was directly out of the passage boomi it's a good foundation or base from the for the drink very good yeah i agree okay uh let's take a look at that and i can see the answer right away because i'm getting quite familiar with the choices now which one is it you'll probably get it pretty quick searching through the answers i'm going to erase that so that you can a little bit more clearly yeah very good a lot of you right off the bat b excellent good for you okay so b will be the right answer there okay so it makes a good foundation b excellent okay so we got through these questions um i'm out of time for the rest of them but you can try this on your own members here again is just a quick look i'll keep this up for a second so you can check the video later answer these questions on your own and then send me the answers in an email and i'll send you back the answer key okay we've talked about these question strategies in the past many of you are familiar with it if not it's okay you can find them on the websites okay here's the yes no not given right so make sure to uh check those do those complete those and then send it to me by email okay uh here is my email address again that aren't sure adrian at for all of our viewers uh you can find our practice exams our videos of course hd videos on our websites ae help dot com for academic outs and for general make sure to try out our premium package it's well worth it that's it for today's class students i look forward to seeing your emails with the answers for those summary completion yes no not given questions and i wish you an awesome day uh hang around for the listening part one and two practice i'll switch up my microphone equipment hopefully that'll solve the issue thanks for being here with me and see you shortly bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,441
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Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: qvArmfjELFc
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Length: 57min 43sec (3463 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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