IELTS Live - Reading - Speed and Strategy for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's lives IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest I hope everybody has had a good week thus far hi Michael hi Sammy hi Turk nice to see you in class hi busy mister is in the IELTS exam process right now so everybody cross your fingers for B sir mister I saw that comment that you have your speaking interview coming up in about 20 minutes so good luck with that hi Samuel welcome everyone this is a Members chat class everybody is welcome to watch if you'd like to become a member you can click the join button beside the subscribe button there are four different levels of membership choose the one that is right for you if you have any questions you can always ask me as well in this class we are looking at the reading section and it's academic reading but of course academic reading is also very useful for general reading because section three of the general exam is very very similar to the academic reading sections and passages and exciting today for those students who have our products today's reading passage is brand new it's coming from our four new exams that are in development so later this year we're adding four more new exams to our websites and our products a whole new book if you will and you can of course get those on our website so this lesson is presented to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS success I highly recommend joining the other thousands of students who use our website and our app every day to improve their band scores for general IELTS check us out at G IELTS where you will find general outs materials and on both of those websites we are going to add four more new exams and today we'll have a sneak peek at one of the reading passages for our new exams I'll quickly show you what the websites look like this is the academic one here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join get over a hundred hours of video lessons practice exams interactive course writing speaking help free speaking with other students this is the general IELTS website here again you can click that big red button to join and the green button if you'd like to try it we're British Council test registration partners so we've got a lot of great tools for you if you have questions students just send me an email Adrian at AE help comm I will gladly answer your question about the exam or our products again right now we are doing reading and then we will have a task to writing for everybody where everybody can join the chat and comment that's coming up in 90 minutes but for right now let's get into this new reading passage here we go so the reading section is not really changing to too much from the past couple of years you might not see as many multiple-choice questions in the reading as in the past we've noticed that so a little bit less on those potentially but there's no guarantees because they are always changing okay so here is the reading passage first question is list of headings and yes list of headings are definitely staying around so be ready for these list of headings type questions okay now the first step when you get to your reading section is always to look at the title so even if you see this list of headings don't read it right away okay before you read the list of headings read the title ok read the title of the passage so let's look at that ooh here it is the title of this brand-new passage currency substitution what is that all right and then we see a banknote here and it says the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and you see a one with a whole lot of zeros after it and it even says 100 trillion dollars are you kidding me nope absolutely not that is a real banknote people so currency substitution so your step number one always read the title never skip the title and then think critically about it so what does that mean so what is currency substitution can anybody paraphrase that for me or tell me what that means of course you should work hard to understand the title of the passage if you don't understand the title it's not the end of the world but don't rush through it so give it a moment to think about what it is okay so here the title is currency substitution okay so first you want to ask what is that what is it okay and Michael fence is its alternative money Sammy says it's changing of currency yeah exactly so alternative money or changing currency yeah for those of you who are football fans the word substitution of course is when you change one player for another okay so in basketball or football when you blow the whistle and then they stop the game and then you change one of your players for another maybe an injured player you're substituting play right so you change one of your midfielders for another midfielder so that's substitution and of course currency is a synonym of money okay so the money that is used okay that's currency all right and so alternative money or changing currency what would that be can you give me an example so we'll jump the Y for a moment and we'll go right to the how so can you give me an example when you think of the how try to think of an example this will really help you to understand the passage that you're about to read much better so what would be an example of currency substitution so if you're imagining this right think about the football player substituting one football player for another what would that mean okay Sammy says substitution also means replacement absolutely so bank note replacement sure let's say that okay so what would be an example of that so Nazir says gold or silver yeah I think this year you're thinking about the Fiat system that kind of ended in the 1960s keep it a little bit simpler than that okay Turk says maybe like Bitcoin very good I'll be Scheck so that's the simple example so I'll be Scheck says like changing the pound to the dollar okay hopefully that doesn't happen in the world would be in a in a big problem but changing for example changing British Pound to the American dollar be a specific students when you say dollar because the dollar there are many kinds right so there's Canadian dollar Australian dollar New Zealand dollar there's a lot of different dollars out there so be specific so let's say changing the British Pound to the American dollar okay sure that would be substitution or another one would be like changing Indian rupee to Chinese yuan let's say okay so that kind of change or Canadian dollar to American dollar nobody's taking offense to this or taking it to heart it's just an example right of currency substitution alright so why would you do that why would you substitute your money why would you do that okay going through these what why how questions with the title of the passage before you begin reading is a really useful step to answer questions quickly and get more of your answers correct okay so why would a country do that okay so Charlie says maybe for trade purposes you don't need to have the perfect answer but try to come up with a few different ones so Michael fan says a unified currency system maybe okay trade purposes charlie okay don't forget the picture students so when you have a picture with you're reading passage look at it carefully because oftentimes there's a lot of information in the picture right a picture is worth a thousand words as the saying go so here you see 100 trillion dollars so why would there maybe be a currency substitution in the case of Zimbabwe yeah very good Turk Cuba actually is a good example if anybody knows the history of the Cuban currency to gain more value for money yet to gain more purchasing power that's a pretty good tip right to increase the value of currency both locally and international right if somebody wanted to trade a hundred trillion Zimbabwean dollars for your 100 American dollars would you do it probably not right so it's obviously an economic move okay so now we're on the right track students so this is what we want to do okay so step one read the title think what is it why is it how is it and you're going to do much better on the reading okay now we go back so after you read the title your second step is to take a look at the questions okay so here we have our list of headings questions which means that we're going to have to figure out what the paragraphs are about not why not the example about what okay so we're gonna do a little bit of list of heading strategy we've talked about this in the last few reading classes so list of headings okay always read these before the passage you must select what each paragraph is about not why and not the examples okay don't choose details otherwise you'll get marked wrong all right now as number one you want to paraphrase each choice of heading as you will likely not see the same words searching for keywords will not work for most answers correct answers okay so for those students who think oh just look at like keyword like dollarization and I'll just skim and scan for that it's not going to work because you might see the word dollarization in five different paragraphs in fact you see it in several places okay so don't just pick out a keyword and search for it you're gonna waste a lot of time and probably get a lot of bad marks okay so don't do that if you're lucky you might get one or two with that method but that's not enough you need to get more okay also keep in mind that list of headings when you get them correct they will help you to answer other questions also okay so Sammy's saying yeah read and try to paraphrase okay so limitations of dollarization how can you say that in another way students what what would be another way okay dollarization you might be able to figure this out that it means to make into the dollar okay when you see this ization it means make into okay that kind of means make into something that suffix and then limit limitations right could be restrictions or it could be drawbacks negatives if you want to just keep it simple okay so here I would guess negatives of making money into the dollar something like this Sammy says boundaries to make it the dollar yeah very good Sammy so in your mind okay at home write it down just like this so write it on to your paper while you're practicing but in the exam you just do this as quickly as possible in your head don't get stuck up on each of these choices it should only take you a a couple seconds so benefits and drawbacks of dollarization so pros cons of changing to the dollar okay sure the end of the Bretton Woods system the finish to this specific type of economic method benefits and examples of dollarization the advantages and instances of changing money into the dollar a currency loses its value spectacularly so some kind of money becomes completely worthless in an amazing way transition to fiat currencies so change to the fiat method of payment okay which we're using today sorry I made that mistake earlier we've changed from the gold standard to the fiat dollarization American and Australian dollars so using the dollar either the American or the Australian should country's dollar eyes is it a good idea to change to using the dollar it depends so different variables defining the topic explaining the idea lowering inflation and spurring investment decreasing the loss of value and increasing monetary movement lacking confidence is a problem not having faith is negative so that's kind of how you should paraphrase doesn't have to be perfect just in your head as best as you can okay as best as you can go through them and try to think about what these are okay know the different kinds of paraphrasing techniques like synonyms antonyms descriptive expressive okay so that's what you want to do for list of headings so step one is to paraphrase alright then step two is to reach or read each paragraph and figure out what it's about but before we do that let's look at the other questions here so I'd like to get to some of the other questions in today's reading for sure so let's have a look at them ok so here's one of our favorites these continue to be a part of IELTS for sure the true false not given true false not given tip number one don't read these before the passage because they contain false and not given information so you can't skim scan for those they confuse you just leave it until you've finished reading and then we have question 13 which is multiple choice multiple choice all we do is read the question not the choices so all we do is just read this statement or question which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of reading passage three do you think you could skim and scan for this answer so do you think you can skim read to answer question 13 which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of reading passage 3 if you're thinking nope then you're right okay in order to answer this kind of a question you definitely have to read the passage ok because the answer for this comes from understanding the whole passage here's an interesting tip students remember over the past few years if you've seen our videos I've always said skimming and scanning doesn't work well I have worse news for you today the new versions of IELTS coming out this year they're even more foolproof for skimming and scanning ok so keep that in mind so IELTS exams from the end of 2019 are designed even more effectively to keep people or keep candidate it's from getting good scores in the reading by just skimming and scanning for answers the expert exam makers are using even more advanced question and exam engineering methods to negate skimming and scanning okay so I think that's probably in some ways bad news for people that really were depending or hoping to do some skimming and scanning but it's probably good news for other students who are like yeah forget about skimming and scanning I just need to read okay so yeah they are dr. Krishna yeah that's right so and some students have noticed that like oh my reading scores so low and it's because they're skimming and scanning okay so yes they are dr. Krishna the latest exams are using these newer methods okay all right and you'll notice those so you'll see those if some of you are doing the Cambridge past papers from the 14th book and the 15th book is coming out this August you'll notice that skimming and scanning really doesn't work for those section 4 the reading section ok so that important and interesting note aside let's go back and now answer our list of headings questions and do some reading so exciting it's exciting for me as well students because it's a new passage new for me as well it's honestly not the first time for me to read it it's the second time I have reviewed it once but I've definitely had a lot less experience with it than with the other exams in our course so students this is reading make sure to read with me okay practice a loud reading if you can a loud reading means hearing your voice okay so allowed reading okay all right so read read read all right so there we go dr. Krishna's second in my opinion dr. Krishna says yeah I realized that so I joined your class okay so for list of headings what you want to do is after you did your review of the questions the other questions then step two for list of headings is read each paragraph ask and answer what is this paragraph about then find the closest match from the choices okay let's do that so I'll show you when you practice a bit it'll make a lot of sense all right here we go so read with me currency substitution also known as dollarization occurs when a country uses another country's currency in place of its own in partial currency substitution a country will use another currency alongside its own while in full dollarization the country uses only the other currency though the phenomenon is sometimes referred to as dollarization in reference to the United States dollar the target currency can be any country's currency countries around the world have also dollarized with the euro Australian dollar New Zealand Dollars South African Rand and the Swiss franc while there are many benefits to dollarization there are also significant drawbacks as well so what is this paragraph about okay so you want to ask what is the introduction about okay so rush um money come money come II rush um money come what a great name says it's an overview about dollarization I agree okay that's the main point of this so bumi says it's the definition of dollarization and the thesis yeah I agree yeah and a thesis very good boomy very good I love how many of you are picking up these types of reading active reading strategies so what Bumi is saying is the thesis is here while there are many benefits to dollarization there are also significant drawbacks as well so boom is saying hey hey hey girls and guys look out that's the thesis that means this essay will talk about the benefits first and then we'll talk about the negatives okay very good all right so let's see what the closest matches to that okay so the definition and the thesis which one is the closest which one of these choices is closest to the definition of dollarization really well done booming and you should get it correct which Roman numeral is the right answer and keep it simple find the closest match okay which one is it Turk Barry says it's the introduction to the concept of dollarization and Turk that's also good Charlie says I think it's gonna be number nine Abhishek agrees it looks like everybody's in agreement and I'm so proud of all of you you're bringing tears to my eyes when these live streams get a little bit higher definition you'll see me tearing up in these kinds of moments I'm so proud of all of you yes it's the correct answer okay defining the topic all right I think if somebody's skimming and scanning they might accidentally choose benefits and drawbacks but that's just the thesis right the main idea of this paragraph is defining the topic which is defining dollarization okay it's a descriptive paraphrase so I'm really happy that nobody chose number two good for you okay good for you I'm very proud of you so the correct answer is IX excellent let's keep going here we go with the second paragraph all right body paragraphs here we go the story of currency substitution begins with the end of the Bretton Woods Agreement which established the rules for financial relations between major nations during and following the Second World War the agreement which was based on the convertibility of the u.s. dollar to gold collapsed in 1971 when the United States unilaterally terminated the relationship between its currency and gold during the intervening years currencies were tied to the price of gold and therefore to each other after 1971 currencies previously tied to the value of gold became fiat currencies currencies which ceased being valuable in relation to something external gold and relied on public confidence in order to retain value this is the origin of the need for currency substitution in certain cases okay so again we're going to ask what is this paragraph about what is body paragraph 1 about what would you say so again you want to be as simple and concise as possible while including the key idea or the key answer here so what would you say this paragraph is about Ayane says history it's a maybe a little bit too simple Nazir says the history of currency substitution mmm not bad in this year I might say the origin what is that Rajon money comes as the evolution of dollarization Charlie says it's the Bretton Woods policy ok so you're getting some different answers all right when you get different answers do this students okay so here you go here's another nice tip for you okay let me let me give you a good tip here okay when you are uncertain about what the paragraph is about especially for body paragraphs okay reread the first two sentences okay oh me all right usually the first two sentences will contain the topic right what it's about okay so let's have a peek here the story of currency substitution begins with the end of the Bretton Woods Agreement which established the rules for financial relations between major nations during and following the Second World War the agreement which was based on the convertibility of the US two gold collapsed in 1971 when the United States unilaterally terminated the relationship between its currency and gold okay so that's the first two sentences it's half the paragraph I know but that's it right there so do you want to try again Hina says it's the end of the period of the Bretton Woods system yes Hina I think that's more accurate and I would say something similar so it's the end of an old type of currency system of value changing it to the new okay so that's what I would say so let's take a look now and see if we can find the right answer so it's the end of an old system changing it to the new system right so which one of these do you think is the best answer so the end of a an old system changing to a new system because the the the Americans said hey we're no longer tied to gold we have a new system in place okay so I'll be shek says it's three Charlie says it's three kina says it's three J Neil says it's three there's a lot of threes be really careful students you have the wrong answer it's not three try again ah ha ha ha somebody got the right answer very good Naseer hats off you get the thumbs up today Ayana very good yeah don't be too quick students to choose your answer it's the transition to fiat currencies right transition is a very important word here because it means the end of one and beginning of another okay so this one here students is only half it's only half the answer okay this one here is the full answer okay so this one is the full answer this is only half the answer so this is the better answer okay so be very very attentive all right okay I hope that makes sense careful careful so ways that list of headings trick you trick you is watch for half the answer versus the full answer like I just showed you and also watch for examples and explanations versus the what answer okay so that was the half answer there all right so for B you would put in six transition to the Fiat system and you get it right okay let's go to C let's keep going again practice makes perfect once you do these a few times guarantee you'll be doing really well okay here we go read with me read aloud let's move along when you think about it the paper that money is printed on is worthless it cannot be converted into gold and it is not guaranteed to be converted into anything other than the banknotes denomination this is the result of the end of the Bretton Woods system while many countries have succeeded financially and monetarily since 1971 others have not for example because fiat currency relies on the confidence of the people being issued the currency when people lose confidence in the currency disaster is at hand this was the case for Zimbabwe from 2007 to 2009 and beyond the people of Zimbabwe lost confidence in their fiat currency and its value bottomed out in spectacular fashion people are generally accustomed to single digit inflation the loss in value of a currency but Zimbabwe inflation was off the charts 80 billion PC in a single month at the peak of Zimbabwe's problem a billion Zimbabwean dollars were reduced in value to a single dollar in just one month okay so what is this paragraph about in your opinion what is this paragraph about okay so how would you answer this in a simple concise way okay always think of your answer first then choose the matching answer that will give you the best chance at choosing the correct answer so what is this about okay so what is this paragraph about you can see that in the first part it explains the concept of the fiat currency and then it explains that there's a huge negative to the fiat currency which relies on the confidence of the people and then it gives you an example of the Zimbabwean dollar where people don't have confidence in the money so how do I explain that in one idea okay so Rajveer says it's the fiat currency and losing its value okay Heena says the worthlessness of printed currency in the Fiat system okay good all right those are some good answers right with a with an example right so let's see which of these so it's definitely a negative some kind of a negative here so which one of these shows the negative and the example together because this paragraph talks a lot about the Zimbabwean dollar the loss of money and the loss of value so where do you see the closest match here okay Jania says well a currency loses its value spectacularly specifically in this case there's an way in dollar so this is a currency it doesn't say Zimbabwean dollar right but it can be so it's a very good choice Jenny ohm and reg veer agrees that's the closest match yeah so number five a currency loses its value spectacularly so the fiat currency can lose its value spectacularly just like the Zimbabwean dollar so five is the best answer okay five is the best answer lacking confidence is a problem is not a so Alba's is like well maybe it's that one lacking confidence is a problem but that's too general okay Alvis it doesn't necessarily relate to the money okay so a better choice here would be a currency loses its value spectacularly lacking confidence is a problem in the Fiat system would make sense okay but it's unfinished so it's not a clear title for this paragraph it's kind of a tricky one of as I'll give that to you okay all right let's keep going so D here we go again don't overcomplicate the answer okay don't overcomplicate it alright read with me for Zimbabwe the choice $2 eyes was clear they gave up their own currency which its own people had decided was worthless in favor of the US dollar which the people had confidence in this configuration lasted for a decade until 2019 when the new president Emerson mangog hua decided it was worth trying a national currency again this currency as of March 2020 is also failing seeing inflation rates of five hundred percent while short of the catastrophic rates previously seen it is enough to highlight the manifest difficulty in managing a currency without the confidence of the people alright what is this paragraph about elvas I think here's your chance to shine okay so what is this paragraph about and I'm gonna show you something interesting with these lists of headings questions here as well so what do you think this paragraph is trying to tell readers about the dollarization of money Roger says is the demerits of Zimbabwe's currency Rajveer not bad but what is that so what is the demerit so name it name the demerit and you're gonna be very close to the exact topic sentence here topic idea of what this is about so what is the demerit boomy you're right it's a failed currency but why is it failing Charlie you're right so it's inflation again right it failed then came the dollar then came the Zimbabwe and it failed again it's kind of about dollarization but what's the information here Nazir says it's the benefits and drawbacks of dollarization I don't think so Nazir I don't see that there you should see so I'm waiting for Elvis here to give us a hand because I think you'll get this okay dr. krishna says inflation so what is inflation why is it happening dr. krishna it's clearly in here okay you'll see the word repeat a couple of times this is we're paying attention to some word repetition is important okay Ayana says the citizens have the last call so the citizens decide the value of their money right Ayanna how how do the citizens decide the value of their money Ayanna it says it here ah there we go Rajon money comes says it's the lack of confidence right okay okay Jenny oh very good so Jenny o says failed currency and less confidence of the Zimbabwe public very good eye on a lack of trust by the citizen so now you're on the right track Michael fan says lack of confidence of the people yeah and you can see that right because in favor of the US dollar which the people had confidence in okay and then you see it here again managing without the confidence of the public so you see it there again right so careful watch for that repetitive idea clearly it's emphasizing that point here so what's the right answer what's the right answer what do you think is the correct answer now that you see that and again visualization don't forget the tool of visualization students so you're saying X I lacking confidence is a problem yeah exactly so lacking confidence and money is a problem for the country so now X I would be the right one okay so notice here students something interesting and I want to emphasize this at this point so C talks about the Zimbabwe dollar failing magnificently okay so going into eighty billion pieces so let's say that Alva's you go all right while I picked lack of confidence or confidence is a problem for this one and then you're reading D and you realize mmm wait a second this one seems to be even more important for lacking confidence in this case I usually tell students don't ever change your answers but in the list of headings if you read the next paragraph and you realize that that heading is a better match for this one then you have to realize that something is wrong here do you understand what I mean by that so if you read the next paragraph and you ask what is this paragraph about and you realize well it's definitely here it's something about confidence because I even see the word repeat itself so confidence must be for this one number eleven roman X I then this one has to be a different answer and then hopefully you come to realize that oh yeah number five is better for this one and number eleven is better for this one okay so don't be so fixed on your answers that you can't make that change in these list of headings okay all right let's keep going so here we go with paragraph II okay again read with me clearly one of the benefits of currency substitution is the confidence given to the country's people in their monetary system which gives great economic and social benefits for countries with citizenry that lacks confidence in the nation's currency dollarization is a very positive alternative in addition to Zimbabwe countries that fall into this category are Al Salvador Ecuador and Ecuador for the US dollar dollar ization is also a preferable alternative to a national currency in the case of small nations with lack of governmental infrastructure to administer a national currency countries in this situation include Palau and timor-leste US dollar Kiribati Nauru and Tuvalu Australian dollar and Dora and Kosovo euro and Liechtenstein Swiss franc okay what is this paragraph about it's gonna be a little bit easier I think so what is this paragraph about I think it's quite clear here in the beginning give me your answer what do you think it's about Abhishek says dollarization as an alternative currency I think that's half of the answer Abhishek there's a little bit more there yeah very good Bhoomi so bumi says it's the advantages of dollarization yeah the benefits of currency substitution benefits of currency substitution it's boom very clear and then it gives an explanation and an example so here we see that very clear topic sentence explanation example structure that you should use in your task to which we'll talk about in the next lesson so currency substitutions benefits which one of these is the closest match I think you'll get this very quickly ok so it's very clear you don't see the exact same words but you'll get this very quickly ok nice Bhoomi nice charlie yeah so benefits and examples of dollarization absolutely yeah very very clear on this one right yeah so not all of these lists of headings are terribly difficult some of them will be easier all right so let's go to the next paragraph F here we go let's move along all right while currencies that read with me again so while currency substitution can create consistency through lower inflation and spur investment through a more stable financial environment it also has drawbacks for example countries who officially use foreign currency cannot control their monetary policy and therefore have less control over their economies for example when the United Kingdom wants to lower their base interest rate in order to achieve a part ticular economic outcome they can do this so can other countries with national currencies conversely countries using foreign currencies are at the mercy of foreign economic forces for instance the United States does not take into account Zimbabwe or Ecuador's interests when managing the United States dollar this can result in conflicting economic interests and damage to the foreign currencies user the other main negative associated with not printing money is that the country cannot take advantage of what is called seizure Niraj the profit of a the profit a country makes by printing its own currency this is why Zimbabwe even after the debacle of the late 2000s attempted one more time to print their own money ten years later printing money literally makes money for the printer and we actually saw that during the kovat crisis in the United States and in Canada where both countries printed a lot of money so what is this paragraph about what is this paragraph about paragraph F keep it simple a lot of information there you want to just keep it really simple so what does paragraph F about so Bumi says it's the negatives of currency not quite negatives of currency boo me but negatives of dollarization michael fan says the drawbacks of dollarization are the disadvantages yeah and some positives it starts positive right so currency substitution can create consistency through a lower inflation and spur investment so there's some positives there's as well but most of it are the negatives let's see what is the closest match so a little bit about the positive and more about the negatives okay so the negatives are definitely 90% of this paragraph what do you think is the closest I like Elvis's answer here Elvis says the limitations okay this is a little bit of a tricky one yeah this one this one might get some people for sure Elvis which one do you think it is so the emphasis is limitation so I would say limitations is the best answer yeah limitations is the best answer because most of the paragraph talks about what countries that use foreign currency cannot do right so if you summarize this paragraph really well it's about what countries cannot do when they use another country's money right so limitations of dollarization is a more accurate what than benefits and drawbacks of dollarization that's again a little bit tricky but this is more accurate okay all right yeah Michael fen says one is greater than two in this case and that's a good way to put it okay one more paragraph let's finish these list of headings paragraph G so this is the conclusion read with me so overall whether a country should have its own currency depends on the social and economic position of the individual country national currencies require the confidence of the people and if this is lacking no level of seizure Niraj will make up for the inflation that results but for countries like the United States a national currency is profitable and also part of its identity ok that's it so what is this paragraph about what is it about yeah it is dr. Krishna a judgment call I'll talk a little bit more about that in the last minute here ok so what is this one about one more time overall whether countries should have its own currency depends on the social and economic position of the individual country national currencies require the confidence of people and if this is lacking no level of seizure Niraj I can't pronounce that will make up for the inflation that results but for countries like United States a national currency is profitable and also part of its identity ok this is a French word it means printing of money ok so what is this one about it's the conclusion obviously so Bumi says its currency depends on a country's social and economic situation right finish the idea bloomie so currency depends on the social and economic situation of each country ok all right Abhishek says it's the confidence in their own currencies let's have a look and see which one matches closest to that thought okay so which one is it depends on their social and Reggie er says number eight should country's dollar eyes it depends depends on what social and economic situation okay Michael fan agrees very good nice logic okay and that's the right answer so should country's dollar eyes it depends that's the right one yeah very good Turk so Turk if you use the word depends then definitely choose that one nice finish everyone conclusions can be very very challenging for this okay all right so one last tip students pay attention to choosing the best answer not just the right answer okay so that's my last tip for these lists of headings for list of headings questions you must choose the best answer and not just the right answer or a right answer I should say okay and again this is one of the other ways that skimming and scanning is being controlled on the IELTS exam is that they're including more of these kinds of situations in the IELTS TOEFL is like this by the way if some of you are planning to do TOEFL where you can have multiple correct answers but one best answer and that's definitely making it more challenging but as the world becomes more competitive more people are using English universities are more competitive it's the nature of the beast it's becoming more difficult to get those higher band scores and IELTS as well alright students keep it up logic critical thinking will see you through your all brilliant minds keep that always in your four thoughts here are the true false not given questions if you'd like to try that on your own send to me by email and I'll let you know what the correct answers are okay so I'm keeping it up here for a moment and you can watch the video near the end and answer these questions I'll send you the answer key and here is the final multiple choice question try that on your own send that to my email and I'll let you know what the correct answers are for those thank you so much for joining me on this fun and exciting class with a brand new reading passage for everybody who's watching to get all of our materials AE help calm for academic IELTS and Jihad's help calm for general you're very welcome boo me welcome dr. krishna i'm sure that so dr. krishna the exams are being cancelled here and there but they are now starting to commence so third time lucky for a lot of students from what I've heard so keep it up hopefully I will see all of you in 30 minutes for task two writing bye for now everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: NTz3mYDvoMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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