IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Band 9 Response for Objects

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to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody has had a safe safe happy and healthy weekend in this class we are looking at speaking part to giving clear answers to the cue card question while we wait for a few more of your classmates to join in this class is presented to you by AE help calm that's academic English help calm check us out there for help with the academic version of the IELTS hi Tito hi Preeti nice to see our members in the class hi qumola John Doan shocky good to see some other students as well students if you're learning for the general version of the exam check us out at G IELTS help calm that's for general IELTS on both of our websites we have loads and loads of materials for you hi but saw highway do hi boo me nice to see more members students are websites they look like this this is the academic website here you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package this is the general version of the website with the green background and you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package after you do that you will have a my student account right there and in your my student account you will find loads and loads of helpful materials including interactive practice tests a full online course six original exams over a hundred hours of video lessons audio CDs and lots of additional services so just so you get an idea here are the list of videos I know that's a bit bright but there's lots and lots of videos for you to learn from so check out those websites for sure hi you Jin great emojis I'm feeling good thank you hope you're doing well also if you have questions students about the IELTS exam please send me an email to Adrienne ADR I am at a help calm and if you want to buy our books from Amazon you can do that search for a helps academic IELTS or G helps general outs and March 18th which is today for the next four days we will have lots of live classes today speaking part two of course everybody is welcome to join this chat and then tomorrow we will have task two for members and listening for everyone then on Friday we'll finish that task two with the members and do listening parts three and four with everyone and then on Saturday we'll do a speaking part one and a reading lesson so that's our schedule you can always check the schedule on our YouTube community bulletin as well all right students without further ado let's get into today's part two speaking so for those of you who are not familiar with the format of the IELTS speaking it's a face to face interview usually with a native English speaker often with a British English speaker and the interview takes about 12 maybe 15 minutes maximum it has three parts the first part will be just some kind of general questions some questions to get to know you better and then part two the examiner will give you a cue card on that cue card you'll see about five to six questions and then the examiner will say okay you have one minute to look at the questions on the card then you will have two minutes to speak here's some note paper here is a pencil you can take notes in the one-minute preparation time if you wish are you ready to start yes certainly you turn over the card and this is what you see and now students this is a speaking class so let's speak okay writing is good and the chat but make sure to speak and speak nice and loud as well okay yeah Khyber it does seem like the the IELTS exams are being cancelled in many parts of the world because of the the corona virus of course or delayed if you will but students this is a really good time to study extra hard so you basically have some extra time right now to catch up on your IELTS studies so I highly recommend doing that while you're waiting for your IELTS exams okay so don't shivani don't try to predict the cue card there's no point it can be so many different questions or topics never worry about trying to predict a cue card that's not a good way to think about it okay what's the first step so here we have our cue card we turn this over what do i do first so what should I do with my cue card anybody remember from previous classes what I've recommended as the first step okay so what is your step number one a Kyber says maybe identify what we're talking about it's an object Mina says what's the topic Derek says make some notes I like booming shut bars answer the best booming chuck bar says read the card twice read the topic twice especially okay alright so again students I do realize that many of your exams have been not necessarily canceled but rescheduled they will be presented in the future so don't worry about that so much nobody's flying anywhere or moving around right now anyway so stay home and study okay it's a good chance to study all right so as Bhoomi said step number one is read the cue card carefully and read the topic statement twice okay this way you won't go off-topic so let's do that now read with me here we go part two talk about an item that you plan to buy in the future one more time so twice talk about an item that you plan to buy in the future what is it where do you plan to buy it what do you need to do in order to buy this object why have you decided to purchase this item what are the alternatives if you do not purchase this item you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic all right looking good so we've read this twice and we've identified what we're doing with it so now step two and a few of you said this for step one please students don't forget step one read that topic sentence twice after I read the topic sentence twice talk about an item that you plan to buy in the future you should realize that you're going to use some future tense in this response right is on par so step 2 identify the category that you are discussing and its key elements so what that means students is in the cue card you're either going to talk about a person place event idea or an object okay now in this case you're clearly talking about an object alright because it's talk about an item you plan to buy in the future so clearly you're discussing you're talking about an object okay make sure to practice with all of these roshni good job you're on it and you're like yeah it's an object when we talk about objects regardless of the questions on the cue card when we talk about objects what kind of information should we include okay so Amina says we should include its origin yeah where it comes from sure before we get to function Mena we should talk about its appearance that's right KY verbs so appearance so appearance what it looks like origin function and its value for you okay those are the key elements so here we know we're talking about an object its appearance origin function and its value for you okay good so far we're doing great what's my next step okay Elena its longevity would be a part of its its appearance or function okay so appearance origin function how it works and its value for you that's what you need to think of what's the next step what do I do after this so I've read the card read the topic sentence identified okay Mina says think of two to three ideas yeah and me know what should I be careful about when I'm thinking of these two to three possible answers Katie toe says visualize Tito absolutely you're correct we always want to picture visualize yep so step three is think of two to three objects that you can use for your answer make sure these are original and easy to talk about so that's what you're focusing on right you want to make sure that they're original and you want to make sure that they are easy to talk about so you're not going to talk about an object that's impossible even if you're native speaker to talk clearly about right so right away we realize that phone or a mobile phone is not a good answer okay a lot of students probably talking about the next mobile phone that they plan to buy computer a laptop probably not the best answer either car yeah maybe not so good as well probably lots of students are going to talk about cars that they plan to buy so let's get some other ideas out there okay what are some other good ideas of objects that you plan to buy okay now remember you have to talk for two minutes on these okay job I'm sorry to hear that you didn't succeed in your goals just keep studying okay all right Elena says dishwasher yeah dishwasher is probably a good idea I like that idea Lena it's nice what else marinas in here as well hi marina a gold watch by me John okay a gold watch mayb Gold let's be specific wrist watch okay four doves a ticket no okay stay away from some object that leads to an event so don't talk about a ticket okay because when you're buying a ticket for dogs you're not really buying an object you're buying a service you're buying some kind of an event or entry to an event you have to stay away from that okay roasty says planning to buy a chimney okay that could be interesting sure a new chimney yeah why not it's an object of utility ash says some speakers okay sure let's see what other bar Jun says an electric scooter I like that idea yeah see when you think about it you can come up with quite a few original ideas okay piano somebody said now I see that some of your writing car but on purpose I'm staying away from car and bicycle because those are probably popular topics that many students will pick and it's good to be original so try to think of it topic that other students aren't picking as much okay IELTS examiner's don't compare students in their ability but it's difficult not to when 20 students are talking about the same object okay if 20 students are talking about a car or 20 students are talking about their next iPhone it's really difficult for the examiner not to compare you to the performance of other students okay so try to stay away from really popular topics alright somebody said a coffee maker all right we have some pretty good ideas here there's another one I like it's good like a pillow toothbrush okay pillow or electric toothbrush I like that one too these are all great ideas so if I were the IELTS examiner find your IELTS examiner I would love to hear dishwasher electric toothbrush speakers electric scooter a coffee maker those would be fantastic for me to hear if I heard those topics come out I'd like okay this should be interesting all right so if your examiner's thinking that way though okay this should be interesting then you've chosen a good topic okay all right again noob gun difficult to talk about perhaps Koosh bike too popular Zee jafari horse is a not an object it's an animal okay John done again pet is an animal careful students if you start talking about an animal you're going to get a bad score because immediately the examiner will say okay I guess this student didn't realize they're supposed to talk about an object and technically we don't consider animals like pets and horses objects okay all right students let's choose one of these together so dishwasher number one gold wristwatch two chimney three speakers for electric scooter five piano six coffeemaker seven pillow eight electric toothbrush nine let's take a vote the one that I see is the most popular we'll use that for today's answer so go ahead students vote just once for one of these objects okay just once for one of these objects I see four dodge says six roshni says three 1-game says pillow to nine nine okay 9s getting quite a few votes here six seems to be popular one seems to be popular all right wow so many people like the concept of the piano interesting I wonder why I piano wouldn't be my top choice okay all right so again just one vote students lots and lots of votes good we'll go with electric toothbrush number nine I think that's a great choice by the way I think it fits between piano and electric toothbrush I would definitely go with electric toothbrush instead of piano just because piano you might get into a difficult situation where you need more vocabulary and grammar to express yourself okay I think with an electric toothbrush it's fairly easy to talk about it okay all right hopefully you're familiar with the words teeth and tooth and cleaning and then you'll do okay so let's pick electric toothbrush for today's lesson and talk about it so our choice is electric toothbrush all right now our next step step number four is to write down usable notes okay so usable notes that means that you in your one minute you need to take notes that will help you to continue speaking fluently and will give you details so that you use more lexical resource and create complex grammar okay so don't write down notes that you have in your head anyway okay so usable notes means helps with fluency and to give details okay so give me some usable notes okay so bumi says it's about if I'd say 20 centimeters long so 20 25 centimeters long okay black color sure somebody wrote dentist recommended okay furred offset is made in the US sure us made I'm not sure if you're familiar with the names of them oral-b roshni says sure all right fir Dobbs says $100 is good yeah again you're building fluency you're writing these down quickly came 365 milliamp per battery I would say it's probably more than that battery okay durable all right teach you some new vocabulary here reduce cavities okay cavity is tooth decay when you get a hole in your tooth okay that's what I mean that it can be difficult to talk about some of these points so be careful sensitive teeth okay and when you're writing your notes students don't forget about the questions right and what is it where do you plan to buy it what do you need to do in order to buy this objects why have you decided to purchase this item what are the alternatives if you do not purchase this item so keep those thoughts in mind okay when you're writing down your notes so what are your [Music] what are your alternatives karthika like that note by the way the sweet tooth I have sweet tooth so you need to brush more because you're eating more sugar right there's definitely lots there saves time okay lots of good notes what are your alternatives if you don't buy this hmm what can you do use a manual toothbrush right okay all right so good now your next step students step number five is absolutely to think of your first sentence before before your one-minute preparation time is up okay so many students make that big mistake where they don't have a good first sentence you need to have a good first sentence have a good first sentence have a good first sentence ready to go that means it has to be direct and detailed also you should reflect the target grammar of the cue card in this case that's future participle will okay so this question is asking talk about an item that you will or that you plan to buy in the future so you need to use well okay so again your first sentence ready let's see who comes up with the best first sentence for this cue card response okay let me did John none of those are good I don't want to hear what you're going to talk about or what you decided to talk about I just want to hear the answer so students don't use words like I will talk about or I'd like to talk about every other student does that and it's not good your band score goes down okay for Dobbs says an object that I'm planning to purchase in the near future is an electric toothbrush okay sure okay that's okay let's see what other ones students come up with Mina says so the item that I would like to talk about and is electric - student stop writing the item that I'd like to talk about it's really weird okay just think about that for a second so if I'm talking to you and I say well I would like to talk about an electric tooth but I'm already talking about it I'm going to talk about it anyway it's not like the examiner can say oh nope stop I don't want to hear about that item I'm out of here okay so if you're saying I would like to talk about then it's kind of like well what if I don't want to hear it do I have the option to walk away no because it's an IELTS exam I'm going to sit here for two minutes and mark you it doesn't matter what you want to talk about you can talk about anything as long as you don't offend me so don't tell me that you would like to talk about something don't tell me that there are lots of different things you can talk about just talk about it okay your band score will go up the more direct detailed you are the more clearly coherent ly you answer the question the better your mark will be okay believe me the examiners they try to keep a cool face usually but when the same sentence comes from xx student that day that I would like to talk about the examiner inside their head is going oh geez really another student would really like to talk about something again so don't do that okay just get right into it let's see some other ones Preeti says an object that I'm planning to buy in the future is an electric electric toothbrush yeah that's a good start okay you can be even more specific I'm looking for some more specific answers but Shu says an object which I plan to buy in the future is an electric toothbrush okay so using which or that for the adjective clause Pavan says an object which pops to mind is electric toothbrush as it was suggested by my dentist Pavan that's nice it's natural it's original okay and it's direct that's a much better answer an object which pops to my mind is electric toothbrush as this was suggested by my dentist John says I will where I want to buy an electric toothbrush because it's a new item instead of using my old toothbrush sure that's good too okay how about being super direct and saying something like I will buy an electric toothbrush next week when I get a bit of time to shop around okay so get right into that future participle I will buy an electric toothbrush next week when I get a bit of time to shop around I've been planning to buy this bathroom accessory for a while now I just haven't gotten around to it okay so again students nice natural language speak speak speak and repeat please repeat me when you hear me say these sentences one more time I will buy an electric toothbrush next week when I get a bit of time to shop around I've been planning to buy this bathroom accessory for a while now I just haven't gotten around to it okay notice how in this sentence I'm using will right away I'm showing the examiner that it's clear for me on the cue card that I'm talking about a future event an object okay and also here because I'm giving a clear direct answer immediately I'm using a condition conditional of real event so my band Square is going up because I'm showing the examiner that I can use subordinating conjunctions meaning creating complex sentence structures and I can use a real condition right so again I will buy an electric toothbrush next week when I get a bit of time to shop around I've been planning to buy this bathroom accessory for a while now I just haven't gotten around to it okay so far so good students what's my next step okay and what do I do now so give me my next sentence so the examiner at this point has said your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking so I begin speaking and this is what I say okay so I'm speaking speaking speaking what do I say next what would be a good next sentence I've researched a couple of brands sweet creatures says yeah okay I've researched a few different brands and I've decided to purchase a let's use your notes yeah but you says yeah look at your notes you talked about the appearance there so us-made oral-b toothbrush right so let's use that so and I've decided to purchase an oral-b pro mm it's actually my toothbrush ladies and gents if you're wondering what I used to brush my teeth I use the oral-b pro mm that's why I know it okay so and I've decided to perch it's a good toothbrush although I do like the one I have in Canada more which is a Philips sonic toothbrush and I've decided to perch oral-b mm okay [Music] Bruno Silva says according to my dentist there are a variety of brushes in my case he recommended this brush specifically right okay so I'm going to take what you wrote there Bruno and use it I think that's great it's nice fluency we wrote about our dentist right so according to my dentist this is one of the better electric tooth brush brushes on the market and it's great value for money it costs around a hundred dollars sure looking nice okay we have some more suggestions for knob says before making the decision which brand I would like to buy I talked with my dentist and he gave me the advice to purchase an oral-b pro very good for dogs so I like that we're on the same page okay again expressing yourselves good job students good jobs all right Marco says Butler gum 211 manual toothbrushes better trust me I'm a dentist yeah we'll get into the debate next time but all right Khaleel says it was quite is quite expensive Khalil Rahman be really really careful okay so you can't jump to the past tense so Khalil says it was quite expensive but when it comes to my health it doesn't make a difference Khalil be really careful here students the question is talk about an item that you plan to buy in the future so what you want to do is you want to echo this okay echo this understanding what I mean okay by echo the understanding of this topic sentence is that you have to make sure not to say this was an expensive toothbrush because now you just confused your listener your listener is thinking this is something you plan to buy in the future so throughout your speaking okay every couple sentences you should use some grammar and some vocabulary that shows you're planning to buy this in the future also the question is asking about you so you have to keep using i me my k if you suddenly change to you like this brush will help you to have cleaner teeth you're confusing your listener or if you say people like this toothbrush because you're confusing your listener you have to change that to I me my I use this toothbrush or I plan to have this toothbrush so that I will have cleaner teeth okay and not people not you so be really really careful it's easy to make that mistake and then it gets confusing okay you're very welcome Khalil so careful with that all right so so far so good again let's read repeat and then we'll keep going so let me erase my work here so you can see the board repeat I will buy an electric toothbrush next week when I get a bit of time to shop around I've been planning to buy this bathroom accessory for a while now I just haven't gotten around to it I've researched a few different brands and I've decided to purchase an oral-b mm according to my dentist this is one of the better electric toothbrushes on the market and it's great value for money it costs around $100 okay let's describe what it looked like it's about 20 centimeters in height has a rubber handle and an interchangeable brush head its color is either white black or blue I haven't yet decided which color to buy okay now this sentence here again I'm saying this so this one here this last one I haven't yet decided which color to buy so that I keep showing the examiner that it's an item which I plan to buy in the future okay all right so I've directly answered the topic question I'm describing what it is what it looks like so the appearance okay now what should I do next what should i type here or in the real situation what should I say next okay bumi says this not only comes with a two thousand milliamp or battery but also a two year warranty Gale says I in the meantime I'll sleep and on it make that decision later that's good like your nice use of idiomatic language okay Ashish you're going off topic Benny wall preety it's okay to speak short and long what's most important is that it's clear and correct okay but you talking about the appearance of the toothbrush as beautiful as awkward language careful about that Charlie senses it's about 20 centimeters long and black in color it has replaceable brush head firewire system to charge the 2000 milli ampere battery ok charlie that's great description Elena says it's around 15 centimeters long with a comfortable rubber handle I find it comes in five different colors I would like to buy the Bluetooth brushes this is my favorite color but this will depend on its availability Elena that's good description too okay I like it let's see what else some people are writing what would you follow with sweet creature says it's sensitive bristles aren't tough on teeth and gums gums as the upper part gums okay which is exactly what I'm looking for alright sweet creature that's good too I like it don't talk yeah roshni there you go so roshni says guys girls let's not forget about function so talking about its function so these days I'm really into parties so my intake of chocolates and write of sweets is more that's why I decided to take this brush which will help me remove and protect my teeth from tooth decay yeah absolutely so its function all right so that's what we want to do since I have quite the sweet tooth I need to protect my teeth from cavities and as such an electric toothbrush is the right way to go the this oral B's these revolving bristles at 2,000 rpm and two-minute brush timer will ensure that my pearly whites are kept clean every day all right students so I'm teaching you some new language here having a little bit of fun with it as well follow with me okay so since I have quite the sweet tooth sweet tooth is an idiomatic expression meaning that you like chocolates candies sugary snacks okay so that's what having a sweet tooth means it means you like those sugary sweets I need to protect my teeth from cavities okay again cavities are those holes that you get in your teeth from bacteria attacking the injured enamel all right and as such an electric toothbrush is the right way to go right way to go means the right decision okay right way to go right decision this oral bees revolving revolving is a nice verb to use here revolving means it shifts around like this okay so revolving of course the even more accurate word that you can add here as well is oscillating okay oscillating is a special type of movement where it moves back and forth like this so the oral bees revolving and oscillating bristles whistles are the little hairs that you find on your hairbrush or your toothbrush okay those are little bristles at 2,000 rpm rpm is rotations per minute for those of you who like cars and motorbikes you're probably familiar with this acronym rotations per minute rpm yep not RMP okay and two-minute brush timer so as you know many of these toothbrushes they have a little timer that beeps or light goes off or buzzes when you're done will ensure that my pearly whites there's a nice idiomatic expression for teeth okay we call your teeth your pearly whites you know pearls the pearls on the necklace that come from the clams right call your teeth your pearly whites okay alright are kept clean every day okay so we're doing a fantastic job so far I'm sure your examiner is impressed now at this point you want to make sure that you're answering the cue card okay so after I'm gonna put this into brackets or parentheses here after about a minute of speaking in part to check the cue card and make sure to answer all of the questions it's very important to get a high band score okay so that's what we want to do now we look at the cue card and we're making sure that we're answering everything on the card what is it we're talking about it item we plan to buy in the future yep I'm using I me my I'm using will and plan so I'm good where do you plan to buy it oh I haven't answered this yet okay so I didn't want to make sure that I answered that I don't even go to the next questions I stop right there when I checked the cue card and I go back and immediately answer that I kind of answer that as I'm looking at the cue card okay so give me some answer students Jae Hong Ling welcome to our group of members thank you for joining send me an e-mail I'll hook you up with your perp with your perks for Dobb says I'm going to purchase this item next Saturday 1:00 p.m. when I'm at the Mothra shopping mall very good for Dobbs okay who me John says from an online shop you mean John be even more specific so say I plan to buy this item with express delivery from Amazon okay or from ebay the more specific you are the better you will be okay I would use a correlative conjunctions ear so I will purchase this brush either online through Amazon or at Media Markt near my home if they are willing to price match with Amazon all right so that's what I would say I will purchase this brush either online through Amazon or at Media Markt near my home if they are willing to price match with Amazon again very detailed using complex using compound grammar here using either/or that nice correlative conjunction to get those banned scores up up and away into the band eight nine category all right that's what you want to do team rub euros one says my dentist will order one for me and I will pick it up next week but you says I'm planning to buy this brush from my local supermarket sure supermarkets may be a little bit awkward put you electronics shop I think would be a little bit better dentist ordering it is ok Elena Mori says there's a good department to store just five blocks from my home where I will buy it this coming Sunday they have a great offer with a 20 percent discount right Elena use some of that quantitative language when possible ok Preity yogi says last week I saw this item on Flipkart and I will purchase it very soon to protect my sweet teeth very good Preeti ok yeah marina I know they're available in supermarkets as well but again supermarket it's not the best answer an electronics shop would probably be a little bit better or a health store maybe okay all right let's keep going here so have I answered all of my questions on the card no not yet why have you decided to buy or purchase this item we talked about that so it's because I have a sweet tooth what do you need to do in order to buy this object ok we want to maybe answer that a little bit more clearly although we've said a bit about it so it's there but we can be a bit more clear so so I need about a hundred dollars and a couple of hours on this coming Sunday to make the purchase and I need to make up my mind about which color to choose if I don't carry through with my plans I will be stuck brushing my teeth with my trusty hand-held brush that I currently use all right so now I believe I've answered all of the questions on the card always make sure to answer all the questions on the card what are the alternatives if you do not purchase this item that was the last question right okay students let's read this card again and read our answer make sure it makes sense let's do this together again speak repeat here we go talk about an item that you plan to buy in the future what is it where do you plan to buy it what do you need to do in order to buy this object why have you decided to purchase this item what are the alternatives if you do not purchase this item Ashish welcome to our group of members as well make sure to send me an email so I can hook you up with perks all right here we go students here's our answer I will buy an electric toothbrush next week when I get a bit of time to shop around I've been planning to buy this bathroom accessory for a while now I just haven't gotten around to it I've researched a few different brands and I've decided to purchase an oral-b pro 2000 according to my dentist this is one of the better electric toothbrushes on the market and it's great value for money it costs around 100 dollars it's about 27 years in height has a rubber handle and an interchangeable brush head it's color as either white black or blue but I haven't yet decided which color to buy since I have quite the sweet tooth I need to protect my teeth from cavities and as such an electric toothbrush is my right choice or the right way to go this oral B's revolving and oscillating bristles at 2,000 rpm and two-minute brush timer will ensure that my pearly whites are kept clean every day I will purchase this brush either online through Amazon or at Media Markt near my home if they're willing to price match with Amazon so I need about a hundred bucks and a couple of hours on this coming Sunday to make the purchase and of course I need to make my mind up about which color to choose if I don't carry through with my plans I'll be stuck brushing my teeth with my trusty handheld brush that I'm currently using alright so that's your ban 9 response your accent doesn't have to be perfect your pronunciation doesn't need to be perfect ok the flow the grammar the accuracy the detail responding to all the questions on the card that has to be accurate that's what will get you those high band 9 scores ok so again make sure to practice part 2 lots at home because it's not simple it's not easy we don't do this kind of speaking in everyday life so you have to build strategy and confidence you can do this on our websites also we have lots of videos and materials to help you and we even offer a practice speaking interviews ok so check us out at AE help comm for academic IELTS & G IELTS help comm for general that's it for today wonderful participation everybody on the topic of brushing teeth and staying healthy make sure to wash your hands Lots try not to touch your face these days ok stay away from that I know difficult but don't touch your face especially if you're wearing masks don't touch your face okay and have a great rest of the day tomorrow I will be back with task 2 for members and listening parts 1 & 2 for everyone bye for now take care of yourselves much love from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: u87MwCebjzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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