IELTS Live - Reading - Right Strategy, Right Answer

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I'll class my name is Adrian I'm streaming to you from beautiful Central Europe here in the Carpathian Basin the capital of Hungary Budapest I hope everybody is having a great week so far staying healthy staying strong focused and being productive hi Beck John nice to see our members in the class hi Turk Sami get to see our regular students as well hi Jiwan hello Priyanka hi Rehan students while we wait for a few of your peers in this class we're doing reading we're going to talk about the right strategies how to get to the right answers we're using an original reading scripture that's being developed in our new exams this passage it's for the academic but you could have this kind of a passage for section 3 in the general version of the exam also so pay attention to that ashraf has the correct spelling of my name it's a Bri aan not en but that's ok it's commonly misspelled so again this or these materials are coming from AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there and for general outs check us out at GI e LTS helped calm this is a reading class so make sure to read and if you decide to get our premium package today use code are forty yj2 get a 20% discount I'll show you where you can do that you can do that on the websites when you're here and you click that big red button this is for the academic a help calm it will take you to this page here which might be a bit bright for you and then there's a use coupon code button there that's where you would enter that and then for the general IELTS it's the green background again click that big red button and then you'll get to the checkout form and you can check out there and use the coupon code okay alright so let's get back to the lesson here if you have questions just send me an email to Adrienne at AE again we're doing reading right now tomorrow we'll finish the task two that we started today with members and we'll do a task one that will be for everyone okay ashraf this is a reading one today and yes this could be a reading passage for general outs section three as well okay let's get to today's reading passage kind of exciting and I know we have lots of students and members from Uzbekistan as well so this will be an interesting passage and you'll see why here we go so step number one when you get to a reading passage is always to read the title okay I'm gonna make this as big as possible so you can read it I'm sure some of you are studying from your mobile phones here we go so the the title here is the RLC is gone reasons and impacts okay so when you read the title and you visualize as Sami Rocky is suggesting what comes to mind so when you read this title the RLC is gone reasons and impacts if you visualize this what do you think is the reason so the title is the most concise way for the author to explain the information contained in the essay so here it says the are all see is gone reasons and impacts okay so what does that mean first of all what does it mean the RLC is gone okay so I Manjot says maybe that's something to do with increased pollution global warming no rainfall okay sure kbecque John says maybe the blocking of a river okay so BEC John says the damming of a river so when you dam a river it means you block it came Nazir says drought so it dries up very nice nice vocabulary drought means no rainfall sure there could be some other reasons okay all right so um and what are the impacts so those could be the reasons sure and what could be the impacts of it so the impacts means the outcome okay so if the RLC is gone then what happens so what big deal no big deal okay Beck John says it's my country Kazakhstan dear done' says I'm from Uzbekistan alright so Abhishek's has no agriculture okay could be one of the results right no agriculture sure what else I'm on job very good death of fishes so death of fishes and wildlife all right now we're on a roll excellent human destruction of the environment sure we'll be here okay all right good so you've got a lot of good ideas you're doing some great brainstorming so now we read the title after reading the title and thinking what why how visualizing it what do we do next what's my next step what should I do after this yeah de tar Singh very good it affects biodiversity so the food chain absolutely so what do we do after this okay Rajveer Singh says let's have a look at the questions Sammy agrees okay yeah let's do that so let's look at the questions they're coming after the paragraph here we've got paragraphs all the way to G okay so here it's a table completion so you'll notice that our new exams are following some of the new question types that you see in IELTS like table completion for reading okay so here it's choose one word only from the passage and so this is kind of a fill in the blank and you have the subject which means the topic and the comments okay this would be good to skim read nice and fast so just read with me though it is called a C the RLC is actually one of the largest something in the world the body of water was formed when geologic forces affected the flow of to something the a mu Darya and the C R Daria okay so again we're talking about the RLC this is the statement and we have two questions to fill in so again here it's just the beginning we're going over this nice and fast just to get an idea okay cotton cotton comes from the cotton plant which can be found in many warmer regions of the world the oldest evidence of cotton production has been found in today the natural resource cotton production requires more than anything else is this has resulted in the depletion of the Aral Sea aha so there we go now we know what's going on here cotton production has led to the destruction of the RLC okay all right so that gives us a little bit of insight modern-day who's becca Stan so cotton production is ongoing in Uzbekistan and its economy still relies on it indeed cotton production is part of this something of Uzbekistan alright so now we have an idea of where this I'll see is okay somewhere in Uzbekistan and then the negative effects okay so that's the topic here cotton production has many negative effects on communities on the environment and on the something of individuals came alright shake is saying that can I darken the screen a little bit as the screen also bright for others is it difficult to read do you want me to darken this up a tiny touch is that a bit better like that I probably get a little bit darker as well okay there we go all right okay so alright the most important is that you see the reading it's not too important to see my wrinkles whether I'm smiling or not although I'm smiley most of the time here we go so this is a matching the information with the paragraphs so reading passage to has seven paragraphs a to G which paragraph contains the following information this is a very common question okay so write the correct letter in boxes to 229 on your answer sheet now this one it's really impossible to skim read for so read this fairly carefully okay and try to paraphrase it the degree of shrinkage of the aral sea in the past okay so here while you're reading this you want to kind of think about this in a different way so this is what I would think here the amount of regression of this sea before okay now at home you want to write down the paraphrase so students what I'm doing here is I'm saying in the same statement in this case I'm writing the same statement just with my own words so another word for shrinkage shrinkage means to become smaller okay so another word for that is regression okay to regress to become smaller if you don't know the word regression just say to become smaller so the amount of the aral sea becoming smaller in years before so using your own words okay alright okay so that's how we paraphrase now at home you want to paraphrase on paper and then in the real exam while you're doing this kind of question you want to paraphrase mentally okay so in your mind all right next one so the human suffering from cotton production challenges to people from making cotton the creation of the arrow see the way the aral sea came to be the development of cotton production in the USSR the advancement of making cotton in the Soviet Union okay Joe why hair is asking do we actually have time to paraphrase Joe a hair not by pencil and paper but in your mind you should yeah absolutely so it only takes a second to paraphrase in your mind okay if you're using the correct strategies you should have enough time okay the tool that accelerated the need for cotton the equipment that sped up the demand for cotton okay when you practice it at home Joe a higher you'll get really fast at this okay Mustafa it says the negative effects of the cotton industry good nice paraphrasing Mustafa alright okay do you wanna I'm not sure why you can't send emails you can try to send me an email through the app as well academic helper general Al's help app the problem is likely on your end because I can receive emails from just about anywhere in the world I think okay and then we have some more questions here we have two more questions these two questions are yes no not given yes no not given questions don't read them because you have no idea it could be no and not given so that's no there's no point or no value to reading these okay that's right reg beer don't read them no reading yeah yeah good happy how all of the members are very clear on that and very opinionated it's good yeah don't read those all right so we have a good idea now so based on the title based on these questions we have a good understanding that we're talking about the Aral Sea which is in Uzbekistan it was destroyed due to cotton production and there's going to be some information surrounding that great okay so what we want to do here now especially because we saw that match the information the paragraph is we want to actively read each of these paragraphs okay so we're going to read the passage together and then we're going to answer the questions after students don't just read the first two sentences that's definitely not going to work if you need to get AB and 6.5 or higher the only way that you can do that is if you got really lucky which is a terrible way to do it okay so these kinds of strategy students I'm just gonna make that clear for you right now they don't work and don't waste time on this okay so with the real official IELTS materials especially academic reading and general reading passage 3 just reading the first sentences or trying to skim read for keywords will not work for bands 6.5 or more because there is too much paraphrasing and many questions require you to understand comprehensive parts of the passage okay so in order to figure out that an answer is for example not given in the true false not given or yes no not given you need to know the whole passage ok if you this is kind of my explanation here if these are not published yet Nayla these exams these are just in the live classes right now we're going to be publishing them later this year ok so so why not read just the first two sentences well how can you answer that a question is not given if you only read the first two sentences then what are you gonna do skim read the whole passage so now what you did is you read the first two sentences of each paragraph and then you read the whole passage after or you skim read the whole passage after it's just easier to read the passage once clearly okay does that make sense is that clear so think logically okay it takes less time and you get better information to just read the passage once clearly instead of reading first sentences and then skim reading like a madman for keywords over and over again okay it actually scares me when I see students doing that in the exam where I see their heads shaking in the paper shaking and I'm just like oh it's horrible to watch that as a proctor or as an examiner okay and the sound of the pages whoa whoa whoa slow it down just read it just read the passage okay um so let's do that let's read the passage I'll show you what to do okay and you don't need to do this super fast all right you have ten minutes to read the passage all right here we go let's do this together so the RLC is gone reasons and impacts a century ago the RLC was the fourth largest lake on earth with water sourced from two rivers the AMA Darya River and the seer Darya River the lake was a bountiful fishing source for Lakeside communities throughout history in the 20th century this changed dramatically with the rise of the Soviet Union and the demand for cotton which grew easily in the surrounding area the RLC which is technically a lake began to shrink today there's almost no water left it truly is one of the planet's worst environmental disasters okay so when you're practicing at home what you want to do is you want to ask yourself what is this paragraph about so what am I reading about so I'm reading about what here okay so when you're at home active reading means that you can clearly interpret what you read can you can't do this when you skim or scan okay the meaning of skim reading I saw a couple students asking that is you just quickly glance over the words not really understanding the information but just searching for matching words like go fish red fish red fish blue fish blue fish okay so bad John says it's the purpose of the lake in the past and its demise yeah so it is okay so what's the paragraph about what's the introduction about at home write it down on paper practice your act of reading write down the answer it's about the are all see which was the fourth largest lake in the world and is now an environmental disaster area due to human activity okay all right so that's what it's about good Mahmoud obaid says yes red fish red fish blue fish blue fish yeah that's not the goal of IELTS that's not how you get into the high bands that's for sure okay so let's keep reading students you're doing a good job let's keep going so clearly this essay will tell us about the RLC what it was how the Soviet Union and cotton production affected the RLC and how it's affecting humanity now so that's what we get from the introduction so here let's keep reading the RLC is located between News Becca Stan and Kazakhstan see there you go back John you're right Kazakhstan is part of that two former Soviet republics it was formed over five million years ago when geologic forces prevented the two rivers water from reaching their final destination these forces create lake with an area of 68,000 square kilometers a body of water that was full of fish for the neighboring communities two hundred thousand generations relied on this fish to sustain themselves and trade with nearby groups it wasn't until the mid 20th century that the situation changed and when it began to change it would not be long until all of the water was gone and the local economies were ruined so what is this paragraph about it's about the past of the RLC how it was formed how many generations of humans relied on it and its location right okay again visualize when you're doing this so when you're visualizing this you should see the two countries Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan you should see the RLC okay you should see all the fish in the sea and you should see the people that are fishing and relying on this so you should be able to visualize and hold this in your mind okay be a part of this visualization so hey this is me right here it's easier to remember information when you're a part of it so be a part of the information that you see don't just see information that you read as if you're watching a video on your phone or as if you're watching a movie on your TV but instead as if you're part of the play as if you're part of that situation it's much much more effective okay it is definitely Muhammad about the history of this see that's what this paragraph is about okay so first paragraph introduction is the background this is about the history let's keep going okay here we go students read with me the cotton fabric which makes up much of MA clothing comes from the cotton plant which is native to tropical and subtropical regions worldwide from the Americas to Africa and India and Australia it has been processed by humans since antiquity there is evidence of cotton production dating back 8,000 years in Peru however the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1794 transformed both the production of cotton and its environmental impact what is this paragraph about so clearly we have a shift here so first background to the air we'll see a little bit about its history now we shift into another piece of information so Nick Heyman says it's about the cotton industry mmm the emergence of the cotton industry Nick ham I think it's a there's another way to say that yeah Ashraf Hussain I remember says it's about the history of cotton and cotton production yeah or muhammad azad says it's the historical value of cotton very nice ok that's good Turk berry very nice the emergence of the cotton industry yeah that's I think maybe the nicest summary I've seen so far as Turk berry Turk Berry says the emergence of the cotton industry ok so here again you can picture just this very simple form of cotton production or using cotton in the past and then as it becomes a very important material for humans alright let's keep going so cotton production in the 20th century was fine-tuned that is it had been improved over time to optimize its output what was not taken into account however was its environmental impact in the 1940s the USSR experienced a massive drought there was no water for crops and thus many people starved to death Joseph Stalin the dictator of the country directed a great plan for the transformation of nature the goal of which was to improve the agricultural output of the nation one part of this plan involved transforming the lands of the Uzbek SSR modern Jews becca stan into cotton crops this was not a bad idea at first thought the Uzbek lakeside lands were suitable for the cultivation of the crop the Soviets irrigated provided water for the crops by exploiting the natural water flow in the area the ammu Daria and the seared are rivers this system was stable for about twenty years until the Soviet government decided to expand the irrigation system to increase production in the 1960s this required more water water has to come from somewhere and in this case the water came from the two rivers because the water from the two rivers was also the source of the RLC it began to shrink alright so what is this paragraph about okay what is this paragraph about and students please keep the chat in English this is an IELTS class if you'd like to chat in another language I'm sure there are some live streams for that as well okay so use your English I'm sure other students will appreciate it Zen Frederic says it's the environmental impact I think you can be a bit more specific than that Zen okay a modulus is the origin of cotton crops but where what region of the world are we talking about here in regard to cotton crops yeah okay so pooja says it's the first introduction to the reason for the shrinking of the RLC yes faith O'Shea okay name what that is right so the Soviet cultivation of cotton as the cause of the shrinking of the RLC right so be specific because this paragraph very specifically discusses the modern 20th century cotton production of the Soviet Union of the time in the area leading to the shrinking of the RLC right so be specific students be specific one sentence right so the what we're doing here is we're keeping a mental catalogue of the information oftentimes students complain that they read the passage they understand the words they understand the information and then they forget when they get to the questions right does that happen to you do you have that okay so many times what happens is students complain I read the passage I understand it I get to the questions and I forget it sad face emoji okay yeah so how do you overcome that right like how do you stop that from happening they came says yeah I don't have to read again okay yeah yeah yes no thanks make a mile put that in there so I finished the finish the drama here so and I have to read it again and I run out of time okay so what can I do okay so well what can you do the answer is train yourself to read actively and keep a mental catalogue of the information mmm that you read and the structure of the essay right so what I'm talking about here is paragraph 1 was background to the aral sea right okay and then paragraph 2 was the history of the RLC okay paragraph 3 was the emergence I think that was who was that that set it all remember in a second there so the emergence of the cotton production that was Turk I believe that said that and then the fourth was the USSR cotton production resulting in shrinkage now why do I remember that so quickly and it's actually well not really the first time that I'm reading this passage I read it a few weeks ago when it was in its very early stages in production but I haven't read it since and for me it's quite new as well just like with you but the reason I remember what I'm reading is because I'm actively reading and I'm visualizing as I'm reading and I'm putting together the logic okay and if you're practicing that at home regularly you'll do fine okay right Ashraf background in history is not synonyms here history means what happened to it in past years the background remember can include the definitions of what it is like in the introduction it explains that the RLC is actually a lake that's created by two rivers which cannot reach their final destination so the background is not just the history it's also definitions the importance notice how it mentioned the importance for people and for 200 generations so it's more than that okay alright so train your brain train your mind okay the brain is a beautiful quantum computing machine be and all human imagination and it can be trained to do fantastic feats so make sure to train it to do that for you okay all right so let's go on to e let's keep going here all right here we go read with me starting in the 1960s the RLC shrank by 50 to 100 centimeters per year by 1987 the lake had tried ride so much that it had been divided into two the large arrow in the south and the small arrow in the north this was an environmental disaster the separation of the lake changed the salt levels in each lake which resulted in wildlife deaths as well as increased evaporation levels water loss by 2002 the southern lake had completely evaporated and by 2014 all the water was gone what was left was called are all Combe a desert okay so what is this paragraph about the drying of the lake the shrinking of the lake in the 1960s separating into two lakes the north and the south and it's a natural disaster so very clear very visual again okay all right so good good let's keep reading this desert is not just an interesting artifact of the human impact on the earth instead the desert is a disease-riddled black hole whose dust blows through the region regularly spreading illness and dangerous chemicals for example the USSR once operated a biological weapons Factory in the lake and now the chemical byproducts of the testing are open to the air and affect neighboring communities as there is no water there's also no fish and this is catastrophic for the ones lakeside communities not only have they lost a source of food they have also lost a key industry today the people of the region suffer from a poor economy high levels of poverty toxic drinking water and a scarcity of resources okay so what is this paragraph about F it's clearly of human suffering that's right Amazon so the human difficulty that's caused by these Lakes no longer being there instead it's a desert that's full of pollution it's causing illness and the economy is gone the fishing industry is gone very visual very powerful okay keep it in mind so again follow that logic okay here we go last paragraph I believe read with me cotton still grows in Uzbekistan indeed the cotton harvest holds a special place in Uzbekistan cotton production with little regard for its environmental social and health impacts in this sense the destruction of the aral sea is a small-scale example of the environmental damage and exploitation we have brought upon the planet as a whole it is too late for the RLC but is it too late for Earth ok so there we go what is that ok so what is that conclusion about so the previous paragraph was about the devastating results and here it's about the current situation of the cotton industry in Uzbekistan and globally and a question posed to the reader of what the future holds right yeah so Sammy the cot the current cotton production in Uzbekistan right very good all right yeah so there's a take-home message there Tenzin absolutely okay students so now that we've done some good reading let's see if we can answer these questions and in a perfect world you shouldn't be searching for every answer so here's another tip before we go through our answers here okay so tip ideally that means in a perfect world in a perfect situation you should be able to answer 50 to 60 percent of the reading questions without having to search the passage okay you are definitely not using the right strategy in the reading section if you are searching for every answer that takes way way too much energy and time okay so don't do that okay all right yeah students stay focused here you'll notice that a couple of your classmates are a bit annoyed with the chitchat and I will start blocking students if I have to it's distracting because that means I have to stop teaching okay as well all right so I guess just give me a second here okay all right okay all right so again interesting though because in some way this the distraction from a couple of students is actually a good example of good reading if you're reading really well even distractions shouldn't interfere with your ability to answer questions okay so here we go so the subject is the RLC we know that that's in the beginning okay so this follows with the logical pattern of the reading though it's called a see the RLC is actually one of the largest something in the world so what's the answer for number 14 okay you should be able to again answer some of these yeah okay so Mustafa says Lakes bumi says the lake Rajveer says Lakes Nick ham says Lakes yeah the correct answer here is Lakes okay not Lake if you put Lake it's wrong okay and I see this mistake often in students writing as well whenever you have one of students really pay attention to this it's always one of many so it's always plural okay one of plural just please remember that because I see that mistake in writing with students as well where they say one of singular it's always one of many because it's one so if you think about it like this it's one dot of many dots okay so it's one Lake of many lakes one of the largest lakes does that make sense yeah all right so next one the body of water was formed when geologic forces affected the of two and then I see that a lot of you are getting rivers which is great now this one again it's clearly a plural because it's two rivers so lakes rivers those are the right answers okay very good all right good good okay so lakes and rivers lakes and rivers remember one of many okay one of many always all right okay let's go to the next one so here the topic is cotton so we know it's coming from the middle of the essay because we read it clearly cotton comes from the cotton plant which can be found in many warmer regions of the world the oldest evidence of cotton production has been found in where'd can anybody remember that I remember that because that was a very clear picture in my mind and I was surprised by the number okay yeah Bek John very good so back John says yeah I remember that BEC John says in Peru so you only need the location and but very good back John for remembering the number of years as well it was Peru and it was 8,000 years ago Bhoomi makes sure that this one has to be a big P so you can write all capital students like you can write Peru like that it's okay Peru like that is okay but if you write Peru like that that's gonna be wrong because of the small P of course okay so capital P and practice that even in these live classes make sure to practice correct use of capitalization okay all right so cotton production improve today the natural resource cotton production requires more than anything else is what this has resulted in the depletion of the RLC you should get this as well because it's very clear from this passage the answers so so far we don't need to go back at all Rajveer very good yeah it's water right lots and lots of water I was very clear so Peru and water okay good good all right modern day who's becca stance oh no we know that this is coming from later on and the SI if we have to search for this it was the last couple of paragraphs F and G so cotton production is ongoing in a news beckus then and it's economy still relies on it indeed cotton production is part of the something of Uzbekistan what do you think that is so what would you put in 18 if you were to answer this without looking back okay so Mohammad Wahab says it's the culture Mohamed azad says the economy this is the industry I would say culture as well okay the culture of whose Becca Stan I wouldn't say economy because economy is here right and I again remember visualizing that who's Beck people are fond of the cotton industry so if I don't know that I can go back which paragraph do I need to go to let's say that I don't know if it's culture or economy or industry and I want to check to make sure which paragraph do I go back to a b c d e f or g industry could be a part of culture yeah absolutely sujet yeah a certain type of industry could be a part of culture absolutely like fishing for Iceland for example yeah F F makes sense because it's modern-day whose Becca Stan okay or G right so so I go okay maybe that was F so this desert is not just an interesting artifact of the human impact on earth that doesn't seem right so I go a little bit further because I remember that no KF was more about the toxic effects and all of that so I go to G cotton still grows in Uzbekistan indeed the cotton harvest holds a special place in Uzbekistan others I can permanently block you so up to you if you want to study IELTS from the channel then you know be nice if not you just click a button alright so G it is and we see that its culture okay all right so culture it is and the negative effects the last one now we know that comes from F okay so cotton production has many negative effects on communities on the environment and on the something of individuals so what do you think would be the best word there okay again if you follow logic you can probably figure that out okay toxic dust yeah health of course the health of individuals right so clearly the health of individuals that would be it and then I wouldn't search okay so if you had to you know that you can go back to paragraph F good alright let's keep moving along so I want to show you that when you use the correct reading strategy and you don't overcomplicate especially for reading passages that are very visible or visual like this one talking about the RLC so here it says reading passage two has seven paragraphs a to G right the correct letter inboxes 20 to 24 on your answer sheet you have to match which paragraph contains the information so the degree of shrinkage of the aral sea in the past okay which one was that so which paragraph contain this the degree of shrinkage of the aral sea in the past okay so B was kind of the history I don't know if it talked about the shrinkage I'm on John says that probably came later like D right where the Soviet you started to use it and so on so I definitely think that this came later so the amount of shrinkage in the past that was described later once so remember first we had the introduction it was the background then it was the history of the aral sea then it was cotton production right and then the destruction of the RLC so did everybody get that so it was kind of like this this was the logic of the author okay don't overthink it so here remember I said background to the RLC history of the RLC emergence of cotton production USSR cotton production resulting in shrinkage the disappearance of the RLC the impacts on people and nature the situation in Uzbekistan today with cotton okay and the question about the future so I would say that that one came somewhere from here okay all right and if I'm not sure I can check that but I'm definitely going to check later on in the passage not in the beginning so I would check from here starting in the 1960s the Aral Sea shrank by 50 to 100 centimeters per year by 8 1987 the lake had dried so much that it had been divided into two okay so that's it right there all right so it would definitely be paragraph II in this case okay so it is this is why skimming and scanning it would be slow because you'd have to go through a B C D before getting to the answer all right and then the next one human suffering from cotton production that should be easy now okay so which paragraph had the human suffering from cotton production we clearly know that one now okay so the lake dries up in E and then of course Rajveer very good pooja F yeah after the lake dries up it talks about the suffering of humans from cotton production no more fishing people are getting sick from the chemically dust right a lot of you got that one that's great the creation of the Aral Sea which one would that be and that shouldn't be too difficult either okay so number 22 the creation of the aral sea talking about the two lakes very good I'm on job very good Samuel that would have been B right I know it's coming from the beginning and remember we talked about that so we said paragraph B is the history history meaning of course the origin right so B the creation of the RLC now again if you don't know that student so if you're not sure like in these ones you're like I drew and I'd be a little bit careful about that it's no problem so just remember this important point when you have matching information two paragraphs type question and you are not 100% sure of the answer check the region or the correct places in the essay meaning you should know whether it's somewhere in the beginning middle or end so you shouldn't know if it's the first two paragraphs the middle three paragraphs or the last three paragraphs okay so in this case you can go back to a and B and check it out right so you can see a century ago the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake on earth with water source from two rivers the awoo dire River and the seared diary River oh that looks great the lake was bound to full fishing resource okay and then let's look at B because I know that this was the history so this was the background this was the history the RLC is located between Rebecca stan and Kazakhstan two former Soviet republics it was formed over five million years ago when geologic forces prevented the two rivers water from reaching their final destination these forces created a lake with an area of 68,000 square kilometers all which one's the better answer this one or this one a or B in a university exam in a college exam and for band-aid ban nine questions on the outs you're not just looking for the right answer you're looking for the best answer which one is the best answer for the original what created the arrow see be right because it not only explains the two rivers but it also explains that geological forces prevented the rivers from reaching the destination so be really careful another reason why skimming and scanning is not effective if a student is skimming and scanning they would very likely get this wrong by choosing paragraph a but the better answer is paragraph B okay so this is one of those classic examples where it's better okay so B is better than a okay 23 the development of cotton production in the USSR that should be nice and quick okay so yeah D very good yeah remember history of cotton caught in production that was d that was quite clear very good okay nice how you remembered that that one you shouldn't have to search for because that was really strongly explained in paragraph D okay if you're having trouble remembering students like if you're having difficulty remembering that paragraph D was talking about cotton production than USSR then you really have to practice your active reading okay you really really do so this one should not be a problem at all okay the tool that accelerated the need for cotton so the tool that accelerated the need for cotton that one you can now probably figure out as well okay twenty four very good I'm on jot Co were yeah see it is right because that was the history of cotton and cotton production and it was right before this paragraph and I ever does anybody remember what that tool is called in English so what's the name of that tool that accelerated the need for cotton production let's see how many people are really actively reading what was the name of that tool it has a very easy to remember name it's called the cotton it's the same name as an alcoholic beverage out there anybody remember the name of that tool it's quite um quite a vivid kind of name especially if somebody yeah very good back John yeah was the cotton gin yeah very good cotton gin good for you alright students now you have two more questions here yes no not given twenty five the well-being of Uzbekistan production so that means the healthy lives of lose back people has been put into danger by cotton production it's that important for the passage yes it is does the passage talk about that yes it does right paragraph F so this is a yes okay it's important for the passage so it's given is it true according to the author yes it is so it's it's a yes and we know that it's in paragraph F even right okay twenty six the uzbek people must improve their environmental regulations is that important to know whether or not people or the uzbek people must improve their environmental regulations for the RLC is gone nope and shiridi jean says no it's not given right it seems like it should be important but it's not it's not the it's not the focus of this essay this essay is not focusing on what is back people need to do and in fact we don't even need know if it's I mean why that the arrows see is gone now and we don't know what's in Uzbekistan they probably have improved their regulations so this is not given okay I didn't visualize it it's off topic alright so that's how you do it if you want to learn more about the reading strategies like for yes no not given we've got some great videos for you on the channel as well as on our websites AE help calm and Jihad's help calm get all of our materials it's really worth a few dollars to get our videos practice exams and strategies because students definitely report improvement when they use it our for tyj will save you an extra 20 percent students thank you for being in today's class and hopefully I'll see you tomorrow for finishing tasks to with our members and doing a task one academic essay with everyone that was a new passage by us so thanks for participating in this class and enjoy together with me again a help calm for academic college else help calm for general much love to all of you I'm Adrian signing out from Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: 8-5RyxgFuxY
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Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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