IELTS Live - Listening Section - Part 1 and 2 Success

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welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest where it's nice and sunny I hope everybody is having a good week so far welcome Khyber hi Hemant hi Nene came navneet good to see many students in the class we are looking at a listening section part one and two example today with some questions and strategies again these materials are coming to you from AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there and for the general version of the exam check us out at G IELTS help calm on both of these websites there are loads and loads of great materials to help you pass your next IELTS exam learn better English and communication this is our academic web portal here with the blue background click that big red button to join and this is our general version of the website here with the green background click that big red button to join will use the academic one here in just a few moments for the listening section students if you have questions send me an email adrian at AE help calm also you can download our apps academic IELTS help in general IELTS help from your app stores look for our shields those will be the app icons and the academic IELTS help app you can link it to your web account at a help calm and your general IELTS help app you can link it to your G IELTS help comm account for a really integrated and comprehensive learning experience so students will begin the listening today we'll finish it up tomorrow with sections 3 & 4 I'm going to play the listening audience a moment here this audio is for exam number 5 from our books it's going to be listening part 1 please don't write the answers into the chat wait till the end we'll go through the answers together don't write it into the chat because your classmates the other viewers they need a fair chance to answer on their own don't confuse them with wrong answers so my volume is maximum on my side so please make sure to have your volume up and use a headset if if it's not loud enough okay and again don't write your answers into the chat so I'm just going to hop over to our academic account here jump into my students account by clicking that there and then let's end that tour so again because this is exam 5 it's coming from CD 5 and it will be track 1 so you can see lots and lots of audio materials on our websites and the Premium Package here we go students get ready to listen and answer some questions ok follow with the audio and then we'll go through it together as a class here we go everyone this recording is copyrighted by two think ones Solutions Inc and world ESL tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section 1 listening section 1 you will hear a conversation between two people as one tries to return a defective product first you have some time to look at questions 1 2 you'll see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played good afternoon I bought the product from your store one week ago and I've been having difficulties getting it's a wife properly of course sir do you had the original receipt from the purchase the first piece of information I need is the date you purchased the product yes I actually have it right here I purchased that eight days ago on the 6th of July the 6th of July great the man says he purchased the item on July 6 so this answer has been indicated for you now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions 1 2 5 good afternoon I bought the product from your store one week ago and I've been having difficulties getting it to work properly of course sir do you had the original receipt from the purchase the first piece of information I need is the date you purchased the product yes I actually have it right here I purchased that eight days ago on the 6th of July the 6th of July great I also need the name of the product as indicated on the receipt certainly the receipt shows it as s o j o 2 3 2 XD s o j o 2 3 2 XD yes that's right ok yes i see the product in my records now it is a 23 inch computer monitor yes that's correct now tell me did you buy the extended warranty on the monitor no I did not I always feel like those warranties are a bit of a scam perhaps until you need the warranty perhaps but there must be some sort of manufacturer's warranty right there may be let me check for you hmm okay yes it seems there is a manufacturer's warranty the warranty is for 60 days two months great then I shouldn't think answer any problems in retaining its well actually we only accept returns for a week after purchase since you purchased the computer monitor eight days ago you'll have to deal directly with the manufacturer how annoying what steps must I take then well a company that makes the monitor has a Depot in Birmingham you must post it to them okay do you have their address yes it's an edge Bastian Park Road and hold on you'll have to spell Edgbaston for me I've never heard of it of course it is spelt EDG BA st o N and then the rest of the address the address number is 89 and the unit number is 5 okay so 89 Edgbaston Park Road unifies that's right and the post code is b15 - are you b15 - are you that's right you now have some time to look at questions six to ten now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten great but one concern I have is the cost of posting something as large as a computer monitor indeed such a product must weigh a few kilos and will certainly set you back some money to post let me see if the company takes such a problem into consideration well that would certainly be nice if they did mmm-hmm yes it seems they do they have a program in place where they pay postage for the exchange of goods under manufacture warranty or product recall that's great news what do I have to do to use this service it's fairly simple you just call their Birmingham Depot and request a prepaid postage voucher then you take the item to the post office along with the voucher and the post office will take care of the rest sounds simple enough do you have a phone number for the depot in Birmingham yes you can reach them on zero one two one four nine six zero six three three oh and be sure to call during business hours they're open from 10:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening 10:00 until 6:00 understood one final question what would I have had to do to return the monitor if I had to purchase the extended warranty from your store well the process would have been much simpler sir you could have simply brought it into the return desk at your local store we'd have given you your choice of a new monitor your cash back or store credit in the amount of a hundred and ten percent of the original cost of the item 110 percent store credits Wow that seems too good to be true well company policy is that we want satisfied customers and when they are not satisfied we feel they need to compensate them for this in some small measure perhaps next time I'll buy the extended warranty how much would it have cost on the monitor I bought only 20 pounds 20 pounds of the bean well worth it to save me the trouble of dealing directly with the manufacturer well now you know sir indeed I do thanks again that is the end of section one you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay students and make sure to check those answers in that half minute to avoid silly mistakes and catch some easy marks let's go back to the beginning and we'll go through the answers together now you probably saw me kind of scroll through the exam a little bit at the beginning during the preparation time that's because I was looking for the topics of sections 2 & 3 and I saw that they were something about a radio show for topic 2 so you can do that in the paper-based exam maybe not in the computer-based exam but it is a good strategy all right let's go through these now remember from this year you do not have an example so this exam is from 2017 or 18 so they still had the example but now in 2020 you don't have this example in part 1 and they don't call it section 1 they call it part 1 now so just a couple of minor changes so don't expect that extra time ok all right number 1 what product did the man purchase was it a a computer B a computer monitor or C a television not yet Khalil says one is B it's a computer monitor Abhishek agrees and it was ok so this is the first one it's usually the first couple questions are a little bit easier but definitely pay attention what was the size bonus question the size of the computer monitor how big is this computer monitor how many inches did anybody catch that detail always challenge yourself to listen actively and catch as many details as possible Janak number one is computer monitor okay not computer anybody catch that so I'll be texting saying it was a 21-inch I believe it was a 21-inch yeah and again if you don't know the answer the best place to check are the transcripts oh yeah there's a 21 inch computer monitor okay so B was the correct answer now for questions 2 & 3 you had to choose 2 from 6 here ok so this is a multiple choice question with multiple answers all right use logic ok logic will help you here so logic ok until now what two questions did the woman asked so the woman asked two questions for information what were the two questions that the woman asked for information and if you think about that you can get the correct answer here so a lot of you're saying it's a and B but it's not necessarily the right answer it's what two pieces of information are required to access the record of the purchase so Derek says the name and date okay and those were the two questions right the woman says when did you buy it and the man says July 6th and then the woman says ok and what is it right and says it was a computer monitor so the correct answers are F and E the purchase date and the name of the product so here e and F are needed okay the name of the product and the purchase date this is the specific name and date but here it's what two pieces of information are required to access the record of the purchase this question is in general okay be careful when the question looks too easy or too simple to be true it might just be so you have to use your logic pay attention to the grammar of the question what two pieces of information are required to access the record of the purchase this is a general question the correct answer is the name and the date as some of you have said okay so that's what she asks for and the man says the date and the man says the name okay she doesn't talk about the serial number or the warranty information okay so the correct answers are e and F the order doesn't matter in your answer sheet so a couple of important tips for this type of what I call multi multiple choice question number one spend a little bit of extra time to review these types of questions especially because this is - okay so this one is number two and number three so spend twice as much time as you do on a single question and really pay attention to the choices when you're listening it's sometimes a good idea to write down what you hear like okay she asked for the date and the name and if you write that down on your question booklet you'll be able to match these up okay and then get the correct answers this is the type of question that you can double check during the review time okay all right next one note completion so complete the notes below right no more than two words and/or a number the warranty length 60 days this is a good piece of information because it helps you locate yourself in the audio okay so use this for location okay so you know where you are in the audio she says okay the warranties for 60 days then you know that these answers are coming soon so the delivery depot location is in Birmingham and the address what is the address of this person okay Allu Joba adebola says hi Adrian I'm Lu Joba from Nigeria I sent a message after my speaking in February I got my result and listening is 7/5 reading is six writing is six five speaking as eight overall band seven thanks adrian god bless congratulations ella Joba it's fantastic hello Joba can you send me an email with that information as well I'd love to get your testimonial thank you okay so I see a lot of students answering this question with edge Bastion yeah it has to be capital for the first eat so edge Bastion b89 so edge Bastion 89 Park Road unit five okay that's clearly discussed again the e has to be capital you can write all the letters capital but the e must be capital okay it cannot be a small e if you write us small e you'll get it wrong all right students and what is the postcode number five so what is the postcode for this manufacturer or this Depot and again that's repeated as well okay so Crede Dena did not says its b15 - are you yeah and here Capital small it's okay b15 - are you so b15 - are you I recommend using capital letters for postal codes or other kinds of numbers that you get in letters it's just more clear okay it's clear to have all capital letters so use capital letters okay so edge Bastian 89 b15 - are you then you had a little bit of a break to review questions six to ten again use that time wisely okay number six and seven were filling the blanks right no more than three words for each answer number six in order to get free delivery on product returns the customer must telephone the depot and request a prepaid something okay so what must the customer request the prepaid something okay bumi says it's a post voucher almost boomy the adjective form of post okay post is noun and Elena that's correct it's a postage nice charlie postage voucher this is a common noun so doesn't have to be capital it's a posted ja vu Chur k posted voucher is the correct answer so postage is the adjective for post que post is the noun or the verb so careful with that all right not posted dr. Krishna's postage voucher there are many words in English that have this GE sound when it's an adjective so pay attention to those okay and what is the phone number for the depo again this is dictation work numbers so what is the phone number number seven what is the phone number all right and I see a lot of you writing it just Google is hiding it doesn't want you to share these so I have to click a lot of show show show just give me a second all right so a lot of you have the right answer it looks like the correct phone number is zero one two one four nine six zero six three three okay and make sure your numbers are very very clear to make your zeroes absolutely clear you can put a line through them like that okay so zero one two one four nine six zero six three three the spaces don't matter okay you can write it all in one long string line it's fine just make sure that you have all the correct numbers okay so that was the phone number all right let's keep going here with the next questions so here we have a few more multiple-choice questions number eight for how many hours is the depot open each day when you're reviewing this you want to change this into a statement so the depot is open something hours per day okay so you will likely hear these types of answers not as a question like how many hours but as a statement the depot is open something hours a day or sometimes you have to do a little bit of thinking and it will say something like the depot is open from until so now you have to do a little bit of math and again logic will help you here so they say okay it's open from 10:00 until 6:00 and that means that it's open for eight hours and I see many of you figured that out so so Swati good job pachoo good job the answer is B it's eight hours it's open for eight hours okay many of our students I know that I just saw flower son Sam late for class it's because we had our spring daylight savings time change in many countries including hungry so for me it's the same time as usual but we did turn our clocks back an hour or sorry forward an hour so it's an hour earlier in many countries okay so that's why if you're like oh why is Adrian teaching a little bit earlier right now it's because we had daylight savings and we changed the clocks so hunger it's still the same time all right so number eight is B okay all right here we go number nine it's just one question but you have to choose three answers okay when it's just one question it's usually an easier three choice but again one of the strategies is to write down what you hear okay yeah Elena I know you asked and I didn't have time to answer that question yesterday but it's because of daylight savings yeah so Derek says just turn on the notifications that's right Derek and that will adjust for the time all right so here we go students number nine which three options our customers given upon returning an item having purchased the warranty a exchange of the item for a new 100% store credit see free postage D cashback e 110% store credit or F twenty pounds what are the answers now the woman was quite clear here so a is one exchanged for a new item so you can take your computer monitor back to the store and say hey look this one isn't working please give me a new one they'll still no problem here's a different new one just give that one back okay and then the other one was deep cashback so they can say okay it doesn't work here's your money back you want to go somewhere else and buy the product that's okay and E this was the kind of an interesting one but they talked about it the woman says you can get a hundred and ten percent store credit so buy other goods at a hundred and ten percent store credit why because they want customers to come back and return to the store so the correct answers were a D and E now remember this is just one question so you have to get all three correct to get one point in your answer sheet you would see the space for question number nine so you'd have to write a D and E all in that one space they all three have to be there to get that correct okay all right one more students one more question here question number ten choose the correct letter a B or C number 10 the woman mentions an item that costs 20 pounds what is this item the computer monitor extended warranty manufacturer's warranty a B or C which one is it number 10 the answer here is B okay and it's logic right computer monitors usually never cost 20 pounds even if you get an old one it will probably cost you more than 20 pounds okay that would be far too cheap for a computer monitor manufacturer's warranty those are usually free so even if you miss this okay even if you miss this audio you should be able to figure out that it's B so one of my most important tips for you from this listening is use your logic be an active listener okay so logic can help you figure out about half of the correct answers in listening parts one and two keep that in mind okay so there's a big tip with good logic you can figure out about 50% of the correct answers in parts 1 and 2 of the listening section ok try that when you're doing your practice exams at home and you'll see that I'm right a lot of the answers you can get just by using logic okay so make sure make sure to always listen actively very important all right students so what was your score how did you do what did you get from ten okay so you had ten raw points possible here for this how did you do what did you get from ten yelena you got ten out of ten good job all right Bhumi seven out of ten Charlie eight all right seven yeah for part one okay for part one in the listening your goal is to get eight or more correct okay why because it's just going to get more and more difficult now so you want to get at least eight hopefully nine correct if you're getting less than eight correct you have to be careful because it's tough to get a high band score in the listening section if you're losing five marks in part one okay all right let's do a little bit more students let's do part two of the listening so again I'm going to play the audio from our website if you want to get all of our practice exams and videos then join the premium packages there and I've got my volume turned up max so please use a headset if it's quiet turn up the volume on your side and again don't write your answers into the chat please wait until the end and then we'll do the answers together just so you don't spoil it for your fellow students okay it's some kind of a radio talk show we know that because we looked at it and this will be coming from track two disc five all right students so again please do not write your answers into the chat wait until the end here we go now turn to section 2 take some time to look at questions 11 to 16 listening section - you will hear a recording of a radio news magazine discussing the importance of doing good in the community first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16 now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16 hello I'm Emma Robertson and I'd like to welcome our listeners to beyond the lens the program that aims to dig deeper on issues in culture and society today we have Professor Hudson McMahon from the University of Bristol's departments of Social Policy hello professor McMahon do you want to tell us a little about what you'll be presenting today of course Emma but first I'd like to thank you for having me on the show my wife and I are both avid listeners of beyond lens and it's a bit of a thrill to be on the show but I digress today I want to talk about the importance of doing good in a community and in society there are many ways of doing this by the two most common ways of volunteering and giving to charity however these methods of improving community in society have an important difference while volunteering one's time is almost always a positive for society given to charity is significantly more problematic problematic professor McMahon it was seen to me that giving to charity is always a positive for society we celebrate those among us who are the greatest donors to charity yes and in general it is warranted I do want to clarify in general given to charity is good but one must be very careful for two reasons first some charities do not do sufficient amounts of charitable good per pound and second some charities receive too much money that could be spent bitter on all the causes let me discuss each of these in turn this seems to me a rather radical thesis it seems that way but I hope to convince you otherwise by the end of the program now getting back to charities some cherries simply do not give a lot of they received monies took the actual performance of good-x for instance some charities utilize less than 10% of their donations on actual charitable activities the rest goes to salaries promotion and other overhead costs so for a donation of a hundred pounds it may be the case that less than ten pounds actually goes to helping someone that sounds terrible but it still helps people right well yes but as charitable givers we should try and reward those charities who do most good with the least amount of money by that I mean that those thinking of donating to charity should do research on a charity before giving to the cause there are other charities where more than 50% of donations go to the end cause these charities are much more deserving of your patronage you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20 another reason to be discerning when it comes to your choice of charities is what I call the relative utility of a charitable donation hmm let me take a guess here professor McMahon is the relative utility of a donation how much good it does relative to other donations that's just about it Emma the relative utility of a donation is how much good the donation does per amount spent for instance the disease MD motor neuron disease was in the news in recent years and emmaanddave charities received a windfall of the nation's this sells all well and good but there is a problem unlike say heart disease MND does not affect very many people while it'd be wonderful to cure the disease there are better allocations of our limited charity funds wait so you're saying it was bad for people to give to MND charities not quite only that it was sub optimal because there's a limited supply of money given to charity each year it is important that it is used at least somewhat optimally in allocating overwhelming amounts of money to a disease that affects very low percentage of people is extremely suboptimal that's very interesting professor McMahon so how can our listeners try and optimize their charitable gifts first of all don't be caught up in viral social media campaigns instead use such moments to remind yourself of the importance of giving to charity in general and not just a niche causes with good promotion and second do your research before you donate look up how much of the charity's donation go to the actual end goal additionally look up how many people are affected by the charity's and cause the more people there are affected and the worse they are affected the more likely you should be to donate to that cause it is all about maximizing good in a world that certainly sounds like a noble goal but if everyone that is the end of section - you will now have half a minute to check your answers once again students make sure to check your answers in that half minute we will go through the answers together now from the top so let's do this here we go question number 11 what is the name of the radio show what is this called they say it twice first the woman says it she says welcome - and then the man says it my wife and I are avid listeners of Derek says beyond the lands not quite but almost Derek very close you got the first two words Nazir Ahmed says it's beyond the lens yeah it was a little bit of a tough one it's beyond the lens okay so beyond the camera lens obviously here we're talking about the camera lens and the name of this show is beyond the lens now the B and the L have to be capital letters they must be big letters Elena because it's the name of the radio show so if you see this of course you should be thinking okay these are gonna be capital letters the name of the book the name of the show the name of the street it's always big letters okay so beyond the lens names are proper nouns always careful with that okay that's why it's safer to write all capitals in your answer sheet if possible so beyond the lens beyond the lens all right questions 12 to 15 this was a category type or categorization type of question and pay attention to these n B it means note by the way you may use any letter more than one so a applies to ballin tearing B applies to charitable giving and C applies to neither now here you needed to of course know two very important words volunteering and charity or charitable giving okay volunteering means you give your time free that's volunteering and charity means you give money you donate money give money okay so that's the difference so volunteering giving your time charity giving your money okay right now I'm volunteering to teach IELTS of course I'm also encouraging you to buy our products GL's help calm or a help calm but I'm not asking for money up front so this would be considered volunteering my time not charity okay all right so here we go students effects fewer people but maybe highly inefficient so inefficient means not efficient so effects few people but as inefficient is it a B or C so effects few people highly inefficient the correct answer is C neither okay because of effects fewer people charities effect usually a lot of people so the first answer is C applies to neither of them both of these volunteering is efficient and charities usually affect a lot of people okay so number twelve is C number thirteen can be problematic for various reasons so number thirteen can be problematic for various reasons for various means several or a few different reasons so if I give my time is that a problem probably not if I'm giving money can that be a problem yes absolutely if it's used badly right so giving money can be problematic if it's used badly all right number fourteen is almost always a positive action for society so is almost always a positive action number fourteen let's see if anybody gets that one correct yeah that one's a absolutely so when you give your time to take care of sick children to take elderly people for a walk to teach people English for example it's usually going to be a positive action for society so be a-okay and subject to many overhead costs overhead costs are the extra cost so in a restaurant your overhead costs include paying for staff for the ingredients for renting the location okay and charities that means paying for advertising paying for administration so number 15 is B so the correct answer is here where C B a and B hopefully most of you got at least a couple of those correct if you didn't get these correct go to the transcript so go to this script at the back of the book and check it okay check the answers all right let's keep going number 16 you had to choose two letters okay what are the two reasons charities can be inefficient so not working well okay a must pay salaries of employees they give less than 10% of money received to the actual cause the promotion of the charity doing the most good with the least money some causes are not as important as others what was the right answer there two of them you needed two of them the two reasons charities can be inefficient is they have to pay the salaries of employees and the advertising so when you see those advertising's on or advertisements on TV for UNICEF for example or Red Cross that money comes from donations a lot of the time okay so a and see were the correct answers for number 16 again this would go into the same space on your answer sheet okay so a and C okay all right let's keep going few more here okay here we had a flow chart right the correct letter A to G next to the question we had few inefficient optimal generous very many MND cancer so here's the charity we're giving money okay so we give money to heart disease or heart disease research it affects many people and it's good use of money okay so here on the other side if this was some kind of a disease this should be some kind of disease so the correct answer is MND now you have to choose the correct letter so we put F very good Puneet kumar natalie nikiforova very nice full deep Natalie uses the capital letter in the actual exam okay good all right so it affects many people so logically it effects few people right these are often the opposites of one another okay and if you can figure that out and see the logic then you'll do okay so boomy good so good good job all right dr. Krishna good job on the previous Charlie send good job all right number 19 so obviously if this is good use of funds then B makes the most sense here it's inefficient use of funds for number nineteen inefficient use of funds okay so F a and B where the correct answer is there all right next one here we go last question number 20 multiple choice choose the correct letter a B or C according to the guests what is the main goal of charitable giving is it a doing research B the importance of giving to good causes or C maximizing good for the last one number 20 charlie very good C maximizing good remember to finish the sentence if you're not sure so according to the guest what is the main goal of charitable giving according to the guest the main goal of charitable giving is maximizing good he says that very very clearly okay so in the ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet if you're not clear if you're not sure about your choice then do a Q&A as if you're two people so this is me talking to myself okay so I asked what is the main goal of charitable giving and then I answer it is to maximize good in society okay so self dialog can sometimes help you figure out the correct answers in these somewhat confusing questions okay so try that practice that all right okay so students what did you get from 20 and out Matt says I got 9 out of 20 you got a work on that out match work on that active listening watch lots of movies shows practice lots of IELTS do lots of speaking reading reading aloud ok Charlie says 17 out of 20 that's pretty good charlie Derek says 15 out of 20 that's not bad it's borderline nazir 17 Jamali Dina says 20 out of 20 that's fantastic of course your goals students should be 16 or more okay because part three and part four will be even more challenging and we're going to do part three in part four tomorrow okay so the man's accent by the way if some of you are wondering that was a New Zealand accent New Zealand accent can be a little bit tricky if you haven't heard it before and sometimes you will hear a New Zealand accent on the IELTS exam so careful about that students again just a reminder use good logic especially in Part one and two you can figure out a lot of the answers for all of our six full exams be sure to join our premium packages at a help comm for academic gee IELTS help talk on for general tomorrow I'll be back with listening parts three and four keep up the good studies use this extra time that you have at home to learn English learn communication improve yourself become a better you bye for now much love to all of you from Budapest keep up the good work
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: unuPhThiYNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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