IELTS Live - Listening Part 3 and 4 - Strategy and Practice

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welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest I hope everybody had a good week and is looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend in this class everyone we are looking at the listening section of the exam focusing on part three and for success this is continuing from yesterday's lesson of course where we covered parts 1 & 2 hi Kyra hi Pat you nice to see our regular students hikmah tillow in the class and it's great to see our members of course as well hi for dogs hi Ellen ah hi mud whoo nice to see you joining in students this class is brought to you and presented by AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there you will find six original practice tests over a hundred hours of HD video lessons and a fully interactive course with an application for your mobile devices as well for general outs check us out at G IELTS I'll quickly show you these websites while we wait for a few more students to join up this is the academic one here at AE help calm you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package and you can enter code r40 y-j at checkout to get a 20% discount from that premium package for the general version students visit this site here g IELTS help comm with the green background and click that red button there yes hikmah tillow we just released a new speaking video as well with the gentleman from England who sits as the candidate believe it or not students even native speakers will take the IELTS exam for various reasons sometimes they're required to have it for immigration purposes if they don't have grade 12 english or equivalent and they're above the age of sixteen also many schools and even universities sometimes now we'll ask teachers native english-speaking people as well to take the IELTS exam and get a band score of eight point five or nine in order to get a teaching position especially for English as second language or English classes so that is common these days all right because again remember students that the IELTS isn't just testing English it's also testing communication skills right so keep that in mind okay students if you have questions you can send me an email adrián @ae help calm you can also get our exams in paperback or digital version from Amazon search for a helps academic Kaulitz G helps general outs and for those students who have access to our websites make sure you also download our apps academic IELTS help in general I'll stop and link them to the appropriate websites for a really connected well-rounded learning experience okay so you're learning from the same account alright students today again right now we will look at listening parts three and four we're going to use our test number two or three I believe I'll see that in a minute and then tomorrow members we will have a question and answer session for you Harpreet thanks for your super chat donation that is super cool thanks our brayton I appreciate that haven't seen a super chat donation in a long long time I don't do shoutouts for it but I definitely appreciate it and then tomorrow after the question and answer session with members will do a speaking part three where everybody can join ok mud who for the Amazon books that we have there are three exams in each book so there's three exams in book one and another three exams in book two okay and then it's different for the academic in the general mud who's so there are two for academic two for general all right students let's get going with the listening so this is a listening class and we're going to warm up our brain to listen to English so we'll get right into it get your paper and your pencil ready students please put your answers into a separate document or on a separate piece of paper not in the chat because you will confuse your fellow students so don't write the answers in the chat especially if you're giving a wrong answer it can be very confusing at the end we'll go through it together okay so here is our listening section three now of course section three is more challenging than section one and two and yesterday when we had the instruction time we realized that section three here is something to do with money there's income there's taxes there's taxes again so something about taxes and money and so we're gonna jump over to our website here I'm just going to log in at the top into my student account and once I'm in my student account and I want to go to my audio CDs of course it's all digital and then in the book it tells you where to find the track so CD three track three because it's the third test and so I'm gonna go there to CD three track three and start this listening I'm using my microphone and a Bose speaker they're both good quality but if it's quiet for you make sure to use a headset or turn up the volume on your end the screen will be darker a little bit here as we get to the questions so here we go students ready set and listen and answer now turn to section three take some time to look at questions twenty one to twenty six listening section three you will hear a public forum discussion between the moderator and two contributors dr. Phillip McPhee and dr. Ron Tatum both political scientists at the local university talking about the nature of taxes in society now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26 first of all I would like to thank dr. McPhee and dr. Totten for taking time out of their busy lives to spend this evening with us thank you for having us dr. McPhee could you give us a little bit of the history of Taxation certainly taxes have been around almost as long as civilization itself there are records of taxes being collected by Egyptian pharaohs approximately five thousand years ago it was customary to get 20% of your production to the pharaoh and those who evaded taxes were severely punished dr. Tatem what are the reasons for taxes well there are essentially three major reasons for taxes the first and most obvious reason is revenue governments need money and taxes fulfill this need the government now spends this tax revenue on investments that are good for society such as health care schools and roads funding the army would fall under this category as well the second reason for taxation is for the redistribution of wealth in simpler terms this means taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor many societies do this out of a belief that it is the responsibility of the government to look after the poor people in society well let dr. McFee talk about the final reason for taxation called repricing thank you dr. Totten yes the third main reason for taxation is called repricing and by this we mean changing the price of a product to a different generally higher price this may sound quite strange but if you bear with me you'll see that it makes perfect sense in general products are allowed to be priced in a free market that is to say whoever can provide goods for the lowest price is the most successful however there are certain types of goods that we don't allow to go to the free market in many countries these are goods like tobacco and alcohol these goods are subject to a repricing tax which is used to discourage people from using the product also these repricing taxes help offset the future medical costs associated with the people who you tobacco and alcohol excessively you now have some time to look at questions 27 to 30 now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 27 to 30 very well do you favor higher or lower taxes I am a strong proponent of higher taxes the reason for this is simply that it is easier to make money when you already have money this gives a massive advantage to those people who may have inherited money all come from rich families because money is so much easier to gain for these people if used wisely taxing them seems only fair and for the greater good this compensates the poorer sections of society who really have little or no hope to gain financial success I understand dr. tetons position but one has to be wary of the fact that if taxes are too high for businesses then those businesses will leave the country in favor of countries with lower taxes of course it would be nice if we could legislate a worldwide tax structure but this is simply not attainable and I'm sure by the time it becomes attainable companies will likely have opportunities to leave for another planet with more favorable tax structure yes you're right dr. McFee we must always be mindful of staying competitive it is like a tightrope you must walk between compensating those less fortunate and being able to stay competitive in the market because if we fail to be competitive then tax revenue will dry up resulting in no money at all for the lower economic classes so this is an extremely difficult balancing act which leads to my next question what is the future of taxation I believe you will see higher taxes in 50 years than there are today just as we have higher taxes today than 50 years ago we will need even more money for projects like high-speed transit new roads new technologies also with an aging population medical costs could soar in the near future resulting in higher taxes to support this health care system I think the future will be a lot like the present walking the tightrope as doctor Tata men and whether Texas I'm not sure if I had to guess I'd say higher taxes for the reasons dr. Tatem outlined however another important variable to consider is whether free markets can really that is the end of section 3 you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay students and always use that half minute to check your answers well answer these questions together and we'll talk about them a little bit so that you can learn the right strategies and how to improve your listening and your band score so let's go back to the beginning here then answer this question 21 if an Egyptians income was 10,000 how much would be given to the Pharaoh okay so how much of this money would be given to the Pharaoh if it was 10,000 now here it's no more than two words and or a number so it can be just one how much is given so Eldar and hikmah tillow charlie all agree that it's two thousand mud whoo and on shall say it's 20 percent but the correct answer here is two thousand km you have this number here and it's how much not what percent okay so how much two thousand is the correct answer using the numbers the best this type of question is called an inferred question and the way that you can see that this is an inferred question is the if statement okay so whenever you see a conditional like this if okay or provided that or given that there's a good chance that you're going to be looking at what's called an inferred question where you have to listen to the information that's being given and then use that to figure out the correct answer okay so be really careful with these what's called inferred questioned in the listening all right so that's my first tip of the day is recognize and pay careful attention so tip one recognize and pay careful attention to what's called inferred question types okay this is one of the question types in the listening and you can recognize these often by noticing the conditional question the if so if something something and then the question keeps going that usually means that it's inferred these questions fix that so these questions require you to listen to a bit of information and using that information figure out the answer okay so that's the case here in the audio we heard that people were required to give twenty percent of their revenue to the Pharaoh hey that's a pretty good tax structure I'm Canadian we pay much more than twenty percent in most cases so even though some of you might think Egypt was a bit harsh with twenty percent as a Canadian I think they were quite nice we pay 40 percent or more in Canada oftentimes for income tax so two thousand but we have great social services in Canada okay 22 the first reason mentioned for taxes is so what is the first reason for taxes and here logic can help you even you missed it what is the most logical reason why people pay taxes to the government if you should you should be able to answer that okay and make sure you spell correctly Tito careful with spelling okay it's R at the new alright revenue revenues okay another way you could have put it here is income all right more accurate as revenue but I think that would take income as well okay so revenue yeah to make money the government has to make money to sustain itself and to provide services to the public like building roads right so using logic okay again this is a little bit of a review or reminder from yesterday so this will be my second tip and it's kind of a repeat from yesterday but it's a very important repeat so tip to never panic if you miss a question because you can always rely on logic to help you figure it out for example what is the most logical reason for taxes equals government revenue okay makes sense all right keep that in mind so what's the second reason okay what's the second reason for taxes so we have revenue and then the second reason and even the second reason you might be able to figure it out the vocabulary is a little bit trickier but conceptually it's quite clear right so Rajveer nice to see you in class Mudd whoo and Charlie all agree some endure as well the distribution or the redistribution some endure it's not wealth distribution it's redistribution okay redistribution so reduce tribution yeah so taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor this here is basically a definition of this concept so redistribution to again give it out and give it to many others right it's a redistribution sure okay good great job so revenue redistribution and what was the third what was the third reason for a distribution would be wrong Derick yeah it has to be redistribution because the government is not just distributing money they're redistributing money that money has to come from somewhere okay so what is the third yeah Ellen a very good it's repricing okay so to change the price of certain products absolutely and for this one we had a little bit of a flowchart completion so you have a product okay and pay really careful attention to the given information in the charts that will really help you figure out the missing information so let's go for 24 24 is some kind of product which is allowed to go to the free market is it revenue is it alcohol is a redistribution repricing general goods or production what's the correct answer madhu says it's e and mud who in the exam use capital letters came hikmah till o says it's repricing it's e okay so here the answer is general goods okay so fruits vegetables electronic equipment most of it the electronic equipment it is general goods and these are allowed to go the free market so open competition okay now if this is general Goods what do you think is 25 so 25 is subject to some kind of attacks and what would be 25 revenue alcohol redistribution pricing general goods or production Rajveer I believe says that should be be Karan Singh says be as well yam so alcohol okay in Canada we have a very high redistribution tax on cigarettes and alcohol so what type of tax is this we had this answer ellen:oh gave it to us it's repricing right so repricing tax again this is product so what is the product product is general Goods what is the product it's alcohol so pay attention to the given information allowed to go to the free market this has to be a noun okay based on this information so make sure to use the information that's provided okay a lot of students tend to ignore the given information and they're really just focusing on these blanks don't do that okay so that's my tip 3 for you today is for flow chart and diagram completion questions in listening pay very careful attention to the given information okay and again combine it with logic okay you should be able to clearly read through the chart once you have completed it do this during the 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet at the end of the listening section okay so what I mean by that is when all of the listening section is finished then see if you can read through it right so the product is general goods which are allowed to go to the free market or the product is alcohol which is subject to a repricing tax it should all make sense okay did that make sense to you the way I read that so one more time the product is general goods which are allowed to go to the free market or it's alcohol which is subject to a repricing tax it should be legible you should be able to clearly read it it should make sense okay all right so don't just look at the pieces look at the whole alright okay 27 to 29 so this was one of those multi multiple choice questions hopefully you remember the strategies that I taught you yesterday for these multi multiple choice questions it's a good idea to write down some of the answers while you're listening because it can be tricky to try to read and catch it in real time so hopefully you wrote some of your answers down for 27 28 and 29 which three of the following are arguments given in favor of lower taxes so less taxes okay and favor meaning the positives so the advantages of low taxes okay a it is easier to make money when you are already rich that doesn't make sense for advantages of lower taxes I don't think so I don't think it's gonna be that one is it be businesses will leave the country if they're taxed too harshly some of you seem to agree hikmah tillow agrees right we hear that so businesses leave the country yeah so be is good you might have even rode down for another planet in the future I'll plan it with lower taxes intergalactic tax structure that's kind of a funny concept okay and then inheriting money requires no hard work we didn't hear anything about inheriting money so that's a definite no okay this is a definite no logically a country must be able to stay competitive in the global market and again using information from your own knowledge from the real world can help you as many of you know there are a lot of big companies like Google and Amazon that go to Ireland because Ireland has a low tax structure that's very favorable for companies so Dee it seems like the right answer as well okay and I can see that many of you wrote that which is great okay and then e a worldwide tax structure can be implemented that would work that would be really nice okay a worldwide tax structure but I don't think people are going to buy into that it would create eventually a better society but humans are not able to agree to such a concept so they won't do it lower taxes in the end benefit everyone including the poor okay that seems like it's dealing with the advantages of lower taxes so the correct answers are B D and F the order does not matter okay so as long as you have these three somewhere in spaces 27 28 29 you're going to pick up all three of those yeah violet any order is okay for the so yes violet it's okay Proctor yes a lot of students ask that you can write capital letters in the listening and reading absolutely okay all right so again if you missed yesterday's class check it out on the YouTube channel I discussed a couple of different strategies for these types of what I call multi multiple choice questions okay alright let's go to number 30 multiple choice you really had to listen to this concept of future here you're listening of course for the participial will as well so any word that refers to the future what do the speaker's believe about taxes in the future here's a good question what do you believe about taxes in the future what do you think will happen to taxes in the future the IELTS is logical so they're not gonna give you false information unnecessarily absolutely not okay what do you think so what will happen to taxes in the future what's happening with taxes today can anybody tell me rather than just giving me the letter C thank you but you but you says I think they'll be higher rue gas agrees they'll be higher Reggio agrees yeah yeah generally speaking they seem to always go up and up hikmah tillow an optimist says they will be lower what goes up must eventually come down right but it seems like for now they just keep going up and up so C is the correct answer okay all right students so far so good now we have part four remaining we're going to listen to part four once more I will ask that you not write your answers into the chat so again give everybody a fair chance it's the final part of the listening part four and we're going to do it together and then we will discuss the answers in part four you do not have time between the audio to look at the information so it's all one seamless audio that's the more challenging part of part for students [Music] again don't write your answers into the chat wait till the end and turn up the volume or use a headset if it's quiet for you I'm max on my side okay so here we go with part 4 I'm just gonna do a stop start on our yeah there we go okay so bear with me here we go part 4 again coming out of our website at AE help calm section 4 take some time to look at questions 31 to 40 listening section 4 you will hear a lecture about English scientist Isaac Newton now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40 today we are going to discuss the life and achievements of the famous English scientist Sir Isaac Newton many consider Newton to be the most brilliant man to have ever lived and many consider his achievements the greatest ever achieved by one man Newton himself was not so sure as he famously told his followers if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants while it may be true that he built upon the foundation of scientists before him he still managed to see further than anyone else had and to this day his accomplishments stand the test of time Isaac Newton was born in England in 1643 he studied at the King's School in Grantham from age 12 to 17 after leaving school his mother tried to make him into a farmer but that was not going to be sufficient for young Isaac a year later in 1661 on the recommendation of one of his teachers at the King's School in Grantham Newton was admitted to Trinity College in Cambridge where he eventually became a teacher six years later Newton is perhaps most famous for his work on gravity a well-known story says that Newton realized the nature of gravity while he was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head this story may or may not be true but the underlying principle is valuable Newton made the astonishing discovery that the same force that makes an apple fall to the earth also makes the earth revolve around the Sun and the moon revolve around the earth until this time scientists such as Rene Descartes and Gottfried Leibniz had believed that the planets moved in some sort of matter something they called an ether Newton demonstrated that no such either was required Descartes and Leibnitz also had little explanation for why apples fall to the earth Newton Theory accounted for this almost perfectly during the 20th century Newton's theory came under attack by the German physicist Albert Einstein whose theory of relativity was said to replace Newton's theory of gravitation this is simply not true Einstein's theory is a landmark achievement in science but it did not replace Newton's theory it merely improved it to picture this think of a smooth ball perhaps a billiard ball in this experiment of the mind Newton tells us that the ball is smooth however Einstein says that the ball has small imperfections dents cuts and scrapes who is right the answer is both of them Newton is correct on a macroscopic scale when we look at the ball from a distance the ball is smooth however Einstein is correct as well the board does have imperfections he is correct on a macroscopic and microscopic scale another of Newton's important achievements is the reflecting telescope previously Galileo have used lenses to construct his telescope but Newton was the first to use mirrors in a telescope today's telescopes are almost all made of mirrors as opposed to lenses which again speaks to Newton's brilliance there are a number of reasons the mirror is an improvement over the lens in telescopes first mirrors do not warp as easily as lenses do and by that I mean that lenses can lose their shape in hot or cold weather quite easily second telescopes with mirrors take up less space because of their shorter focal distance third telescopes with mirrors can be built far larger because the nerves themselves can be built larger an achievement of Newton's that must not be overlooked is Newton's discovery of calculus although the discovery was not without controversy Gottfried Leibniz also claims to have invented calculus at approximately the same time nobody really knows the truth but it is accepted that they discovered it separately in any case it was a brilliant achievement by both scientists Newton died in much 1727 and his body was laid to rest at West spinster Abbey in London in a famous above-ground - it was 84 that is the end of section 4 you will now have half a minute to check your answers ok students and again check your answers in those in that time now here of course you will have another 10 minutes if you're doing the paper based exam to transfer your answers to the answer sheet so here we have a flow chart type question now with flow chart type questions pay careful attention to information that helps you identify your location in the audio like born in 1643 so when you hear this piece of information you know now you have to really pay attention and start answering the questions ok this will go in the order of the audio ok so Isaac Newton born a 16:43 we heard that piece of information studies at King's School in Grantham so again another piece of information that helps us identify where we are from the age of when to end so how old was Sir Isaac Newton when he studied at King's School in Grantham so Quran says seventy twelve to seventeen so twelve we have the word two so we don't need that in the answer sheet 17 so in your answer sheet you just need to put 12 and 17 that's enough okay so you'll get it correct with that answer you don't need to put the two because it's there two words and/or a number so if you write 12 to 17 you'll get it wrong it's tricky tricky but everybody who's writing 12 to 17 you'll get it wrong because that's three pieces and this is asking only two so always pay really close attention to the instructions your answer is correct but you're not paying attention to the instructions if you're right - ok so be really really careful sometimes it's quite sneaky the IELTS exam ok and then leave school and the his mother attempts to make him what so 30 to many of you are saying farmer Mudd who Yura violet qumola farmer it is yeah Isaac's mom wanted Isaac's took Isaac to grow some porn Tomatoes take care of some cows and that wasn't going to happen for Isaac you had a little bit of a bigger vision in mind alright so 12 to 17 farmer f AR em er farmer ok so again the tip here is really when you're looking at this type of question identify the words and the numbers that will help you to locate yourself in the audio ok I'll write that tip down for you because that's quite important alright so tip number 4 especially in section or in part 4 that goes quite quickly so in flowchart completion type questions during the review time time identify words and numbers that help you to position yourself in the audio ok like born in 1648 if I remember correctly okay alright keep that in mind that will help you a lot ok and then in 1661 on the recommendation of his teachers Isaak is admitted to Trinity College in Cambridge again that will help you locate six years after starting Newton becomes a something there what did he become a teacher yeah that was not too bad right become as a teacher okay good so he becomes a teacher and yes you can write all capital letters that's okay as well all right okay let's keep going now questions 34 to 37 so here you had to match the information to the correct person okay it's definitely a good idea to know some general history especially about these famous figures they it will help okay even if you don't know too much about Galileo Newton Descartes Leibniz des cartes French Leibniz is German of course Newton is British Galileo Italian Einstein Austrian so different people from different countries one piece of information that's good to know about these people is roughly when they lived okay so which one of these people lived the longest ago so who lived the furthest back in time Galileo Newton Descartes Leibniz or Einstein which one of these characters lived in the past does anybody know the most was a Galileo I'll give you I'll try to narrow it down for you it definitely wasn't Einstein okay anybody knows which one of these guys was the furthest back in time hick Mattila says I think Galileo yeah so I believe you're right Galileo lived a long time ago same with Descartes okay so Descartes probably second Layton is a Newton were actually very close I believe lateness was a little bit older but they lived during this period so the reason I say that is because if you know this much information that can really really help you to figure out the answers here even without listening to the audio so you'll see that logic is very very useful in this situation okay all right so let's go to thirty-four believed that planets move in an ether some kind of a liquid substance who believed that the planets move in an ether definitely not Newton right because Newton was the father of the theory of gravity so definitely not Newton Einstein no way he's born much later so definitely not Einstein so we only have either Galileo or Descartes and laban is it was a lateness and Descartes okay Descartes was the first one to come up with that idea so the correct answer for 34 is C okay if you're able to narrow it down to these two at least you have a 50/50 even if you didn't catch it okay Newton believed in gravity Einstein of course believed in gravity because Einstein is from the 19th and 20th century right so okay so that one was C all right developed a theory which was thought to replace the earlier theory of gravity okay so theory of gravity as Newton so this has to be number 35 has to be someone that came after Newton so there's only one here that came after Newton it definitely wasn't Galileo it wasn't Newton because Newton believed in gravity it couldn't be Descartes and Leibniz so the only person left is Einstein okay so it has to be d is everybody following the logic that I'm using to solve this so yes you have to have a little bit of background information certainly for this but again IELTS is not just testing your English it's also testing your communication and your thinking okay so it has to be D here all right by deduction so this is a process of deduction right all right 36 in the experiment of the mind it tells us that the billiard ball is smooth now here hopefully for this question for 36 you were following the audio and the experiment of the mind was between Einstein and Newton okay so it has to be one of these two guys it has to be either Newton or Einstein and the correct answer is B yeah Einstein Newton so Newton says that the billiard ball is smooth okay but that's because we're looking at it from far away Einstein says hey look at the ball from close you can see that there are scrapes and dents and imperfections in the ball so that's in Stein okay so Einstein added to Newton's idea all right so C D be the last one used not mirrors but lenses in the construction of the telescope last 137 qumola says it's a it's Galileo IV Chunnel agrees yeah and here of course the tricky word is not so not mirrors but lenses okay and that was Galileo Galileo use lenses of course there's there's those famous pictures and paintings of Galileo with his big lens telescopes right so see DBA okay so far so good CD ba okay now we had a little bit of filling in the blanks type question again two words and or a number always read the instructions telescopes with lenses cannot be built as largest telescopes with mirrors because large lenses tend to what what happens to large lenses there's two ways that you could answer number 38 there are two acceptable answers yeah very good lose shape has one so the speaker said lose shape yeah and lose shape is just LOSC not loose but lose right Ellen LOSC is lose or sorry loose this is loose so it's just one oh okay not to you're a same thing if I if my belt is loose so my pants are falling off because my pants are loose then it's L oose okay but lose means like I lost my wallet okay alright so telescopes with mirrors take up less space because of their reduced what what is 39 what is 39 39 is some indirect or says focal distance very good all right good job focal distance excellent yeah so telescopes with mirrors take up less space because of their reduced focal distance you don't need to have as much distance between the mirrors sure okay so lose shape focal distance another answer 438 could have been warp okay W ARP so lenses tend to warp warp is the single word that means lose shape so lose shape and warp are the same okay so 438 that would have been okay as well all right now question 40 which statement is true newton and leibniz discovered calculus together meaning they're like hey high-five we did it high-five good job we did it newton and leibniz discovered calculus separately during the same time period I discovered it I discovered it hey hey okay or newton and leibniz discovered calculus separately while working at the same university hmm I don't think so right that would have been tough to believe the correct answer is B at the same time separately that's why there was an argument of who did it first so B is the correct answer there okay students add up your marks if you were here for yesterday's class then add yesterday's marks as well what did you get out of 40 so what was your band score from 40 total okay add up today's and yesterday's marks and then what you can do is you can go to our website and I'll darken the screen here a little bit so you can see what I'm doing because our website obviously is brighter colors so we'll do that all right mud who says 27 out of 40 so at the bottom of our website here and we have this in our app as well you will find this score calculator that I just clicked on and then let's check the listening not the reading so if you put 27 in there then mud who you got 6.5 for that one okay if you got 35 like hikmah tillow or a couple other students then you got AB and 8 I believe that's where band eights start I'm not mistaken maybe not okay let's see we have a 24 there now who was that that had the 24 we'll check that 24 is AB and 6 okay Derek says 13 out of 20 for today that's not bad dark 2013 out of 24 parts 3 & 4 is quite good okay all right Karen says 30 out of 40 30 out of 40 is a band 7 so you can check that out on our website and again students so you can click those big red buttons to join the Premium Package and then if you're joining today you can use the code r4 tyj to get a 20% discount and that will give you access to six full practice exams over a hundred hours of video lessons with HD quality also an app so that you can comfortably use it on your phone as well as a fully interactive course that takes about 60 hours to complete with questions and quizzes so quite worth spending a couple dollars and saving yourself lots of time and headache with the exam we have hundreds if not thousands of students daily who are successful on outs after they go through our courses so make sure to try them when you have the time tomorrow students I will host a question and answer session for YouTube channel members and then that will be followed by speaking part three practice and strategy for everyone okay Akiba you got 30 to go to their website achieve a help calm check it out the score calculator link is at the bottom okay I keep just go to either one general GL's help calm or a help calm for academic students that's it for today have an awesome rest of your day if it's late in your country then I hope you get some good rest a good night's sleep much love to all of you from Budapest bye for now hopefully see you tomorrow
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: VxSn_w_FGuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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