IELTS Live - Listening Section - Part 3 and 4 Success

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from the Carpathian Basin here in Central Europe Budapest the capital of Hungary I hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a healthy safe and relaxing weekend haiku shower Reem sha marie alba nice to see many students in the class already while we wait for some more of your peers today we are focusing on listening section parts 3 & 4 the more challenging parts and this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there and for the general version of the exam check us out at G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have loads and loads of great materials for you this is our academic web portal here with the blue background click that big red button to join our Premium Package get access to over a hundred hours of video lessons fully interactive course and original practice exams for the general version it's the green background click that big red button to join us there hi Elena hi Abhishek nice to see our members joining in hi violet in Iman nice to see some of our regular students as well also you can download and link the apps academic IELTS help is your academic IELTS app that links to your web account at a help calm and general IELTS help will link to your G Al's help calm account if you have questions about our products or the exam just send me an email to Adrian at AE if you want to follow these classes with a physical paper book you can order our exam books from Amazon in these live classes we use our academic books so you can search for a helps academic IELTS on Amazon and if you want some practice exams for the general IELTS you can search for GE helps general IELTS alright students so yesterday I gave you the tip of using logic during the listening section it's very very important right now we're going to kick this class off with listening part 3 so we're gonna jump right into it this is listening part 3 coming from our fifth exam so for those of you who have our books you'll find this in book 2 exam 5 I'm going to play the audio in just a moment students please don't put the answers into the chat wait until the end other students have asked for this also give everybody a fair chance to give the answers on their own we will go through the answers together after so don't confuse other students wait until the end write the answers on a separate piece of paper or into a separate document now as you can see I'm using my ear hook microphone here to play this audio with a Bose speaker my volume is a maximum so if it's quiet for you then just turn up the volume on your end or and use a headset okay alright so I'm just gonna hop over to our academic IELTS website here go to my student account at the top there now that I'm logged in and the tour let's open up the audio CDs and then we'll go to CD number five here and we're going to start so get ready for listening part three here we go battery 90% just restart that one more time okay here we go to section three take some time to look at questions 21 to 26 listening section 3 you will hear a forum discussion between the moderator and two contributors dr. Rachel young and dr. Ronald sturgeon both political scientists at the local university talking about trade between countries now listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 26 first of all I'd like to thank dr. young and dr. sturgeon for taking the time to spend this afternoon with us thank you for having us here today dr. young could you give us a little background on the topic of free trade and protectionism a little history well countries and nation-states have been participating in free trade schemes for millennia the ancient Egyptians for example participated in trade with the Arabians across the Red Sea over 3,000 years ago the Roman Empire imported many goods from outside their lands especially luxury cars such as silk which were only available in China free trade however though has much younger roots could you define free trade and protectionism for us dr. Sturgeon free trade is trade between countries without taxes tariffs or other regulations attached without a free trade agreement nations charge taxes or tariffs on goods that are imported to their country this is to protect the manufacturers within their country if country a for example produces a product for a 20 percent higher cost than country B country a is likely to impose a tariff on the importation of country B's cheaper product into country a this is to level the playing field for domestic manufacturers free trade advocates want to take down this barrier in my opinion advocates of free trade do not care about domestic manufacturers and workers in their own country I believe their only intention is to maximize profit for big international businesses I know dr. sturgeon is passionate about protectionism the way fails to mention is that while free trade may lead to some lost jobs in certain sectors it leads to many other jobs in other sectors this may be cold comfort to those in say manufacturing or textiles but we must not be blind to the needs of the many and be distracted by the needs of the few nobody says free trade between countries is perfect but it is certainly better than a protectionist framework which costs the country jobs and prosperity another point I would like to make is that free trade increases competition and the slowest the price of many goods this saves consumers money purchasing a car for example is much cheaper under free trade agreements while such agreements may appear undesirable for a British company such as Land Rover since they are given price disadvantage within the United Kingdom this is not the whole story while it is true that the company is as a minor disadvantage within their home country free trade agreements puts them in an equally advantageous position in other countries in which the UK has a free trade agreement you now have some time to look at questions 27 to 30 now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 27 to 30 this is a very interesting discussion dr. sturgeon from reading some of your work I know you have some ethical concerns about free trade yes I have a number of ethical concerns first and foremost free trade agreements incentivize highly unethical sweatshops when countries such as the United Kingdom enter free trade agreements with countries with lower human rights standards we put ourselves at risk of tacitly endorsing those low human rights standards is the ability to wear slightly cheaper clothing really worth selling out on one of our most basic beliefs that people should be treated with respect I agree with dr. sturgeon that human rights is an ongoing issue in free trade certain incidents such as sweatshops collapsing and killing dozens of workers have highlighted this issue in the media and public discourse but these are isolated in support Li these are not isolated at all and even if such horrible incidents were rare does it make the conditions those workers work in permissible do we excuse horrible working conditions as long as the workers don't die that's an incredibly low bar and one I believe we must implore companies and governments to raise okay okay let's move on dr. Jung do you believe free trade betters the life of the average British citizen absolutely I believe free trade agreements make us more prosperous as a society while not perfect I truly believe pursuing free trade agreements is a positive step in making our world a better place of course I disagree well I do not doubt that more wealth comes into our country as a result of free trade agreements I believe this money never improves the life of the average citizen the rich get richer and the middle class workers get laid off not to mention the ethical issues I have with this that is the end of section 3 you will now have half a minute to check your answers okay students and make sure to check those answers before you continue on it's very important to catch silly mistakes of course pay attention to the instructions now we will go through these questions together so let's go back to the beginning and then we'll talk strategy while we're doing this as well so students question number 21 how long ago was the first recorded incidences of trade between nations so how long ago was the first record of trade between nations and bonus question can anybody tell me who those nations were okay so I see 3,000 is coming up as a as an answer and 3,000 is correct so it was 3000 years ago all you need here is the number 3000 because years is part of the answer that's given between the Arabic and Egyptian people yeah absolutely 3,000 years ago the first trade between nations sure okay all right so that was a fairly easy one starting off the section and then they get more and more difficult now here you had to complete a flow chart when you're completing a flow chart pay really close attention to pieces of information like 20% higher country v country a because you will hear these words okay even though you might not hear these ones these ones might be paraphrased you'll hear country a 20 percent country B and that will help you position in the audio so if company in country a imports the product if the country does not have a free-trade agreement the company must pay a something to import the product this is to level the playing field number 22 did anybody catch the answer for that one it was a synonym for tax taxes okay they'll accept that word because it's a perfect synonym but the word was tariff yeah that's right now the word here is tariff not tariffs if you write taxes or tariffs you'll get it wrong it's just a tariff because you have a must pay a tariff so it's a singular form here okay make sure students that you really pay attention to these articles if you see uh or on then you know the noun must be in single form okay so careful with that gladdie Varghese I see that you gave the plural and also I saw but Sol remember say taxes as well plural so be careful with plurals okay if you write plural you'll get it wrong okay this is to level the playing field for who okay so who does it level the playing field for what was the answer for number 23 it was two words remember the instructions say no more than two words so that means that some answers will most likely be two words yeah and here it is plural so it's domestic manufacturers okay plural so domestic manufacturers manufacturers are producers people that make products or companies that make products the verb manufacture the noun or person noun or institutional noun manufacturer the plural manufacturers now if you're not sure about the answer of course what you want to do is check the transcripts and here notice that this space is the last piece here okay so if I check the transcripts which means the script for this audio in the back of the book in this case it's on page 134 okay so let me just get to this question all right and I want to show you something important here so here's a question 22 in this script 22 and brackets here so this is to level the playing field so this key phrase kind of helped you position yourself and then here for domestic manufacturers and notice how there's a period here okay so it's the end of the sentence now you know this because in the audio the speaker's voice has a deflection meaning that it's the end of the sentence so even if you don't know these words domestic manufacturers you can kind of catch this so you might be able to get it right because the person said this is to level the playing field for domestic manufacturers and then he takes a pause here okay so you might be able to guess that that collocation was the right answer for question 22 okay so check the transcripts and kind of train yourself and your ears to find the start and the end of sentences okay oftentimes answers are at the end of the sentence of the speaker okay like in this case so let's go back to the questions and then we'll continue on alright so that was question 23 sorry okay here we go so if countries do have a free trade agreement the company does not have to pay to import the item some advocates of protectionism believe free trade advocates are only worried about maximizing something for large corporations now you might be able to figure that out from content as well came bumi says its profit maximizing profit because that makes sense now here maximizing profit is okay and in this case you get a little bit of a break if you write profits that's also okay profit or profits in some situations students you can have the singular or the plural but those are rare so be careful okay usually it's just one or the other in some cases singular plural they both make sense in those cases it's acceptable so maximizing profits for large corporations or maximizing profit for large corporations those are both okay in this case all right let's keep cutting along questions 25 to 26 this is still the first half of the audio right no more than three words and or a number for each answer some people will lose their jobs under free trade agreements but we must emphasize the needs of the something and not be sidetracked by the needs of the something here you had to have two words so pay really careful attention especially in your answer sheet this is question 25 so here you have the space for question 25 26 in your answer sheet this is the paper based exam in the computer-based exam a good thing is that it's a smaller chance of of making a mistake so but we must emphasize the needs of the many okay so many here not money but many MA and why and not be sidetracked by the needs of the few so here it's a two-word answer and in your answer sheet in the exam you have to have many comma few if you do it like this few comma many by accident you mix up the order that will be wrong because here the order is very important first comes many then comes few so many comma few when you have both words then you get that one marked correctly so in the IELTS be careful because the format of the test is also a test so you're getting kind of tested in two ways number one can you use the English can you find the correct or here the correct answers number two are you paying attention to the format of the exam the instructions that's the hidden part of it so are you paying attention to the instructions can you understand the English for the instructions of what's going on here okay that's kind of another part of the exam so it's like the hidden part of the exam okay so be really careful about that the IELTS exam this is why even if you have really good English it's definitely a good idea to do at least a few practice exams timed practice exams before you sit the real one because of the format you have to be familiar with the format okay always BEC this is listening and we're going to do listening part for here in just a few minutes okay number 26 free-trade lowers the price of many goods because it increases what now this is a part of what I said yesterday use your logic okay so free trade lowers the price of many items because it increases what not jobs that's right Elena its competition ok so again if you have good English and you understand the question you can get this answer without even listening in many cases if your country can sell Apple phones can sell Google phones can sell Samsung phones that competition pushes the price of those phones down okay so competition is the correct answer there all right watch your spelling spelling is important now here we had to complete the chart no more than one word okay so cause and effect pay attention to the heading of each column these are columns okay these are rows so pay attention to the column headings here this is the cause and this is the effect enter into a free trade agreement jeopardizes human rights standards sweatshops collapse the conditions are highlighted in the what so who reports this information who highlights the information Derek yeah media so it's media media it is of course that's where you see it is in the news so when there were some workers at one of the Apple factories that were in terrible conditions we saw that in the media right the realization that such incidents are not isolated okay so these aren't just one-off implore companies and something to raise the bar so to create a better situation now the answer here is governments okay you have to have the s okay why because notice how companies is plural okay so one way if you have two nouns so you have noun 1 and you have noun - if noun 1 the given noun is plural it has an S then this is an S now students be really careful ok I saw one student in the chat doing this I'll explain that so Puneet did governments like this ok so put the S in brackets you can't do that students if you try to get tricky and go oh I'll write singular and plural and I'll do government and then bracket s governments you'll get this marked wrong in this situation okay in this situation it has to be a very clear plural not brackets okay can't be like one or the other because the only correct answer is plural because it's companies and governments uh to raise the bar so be really careful with that examiners don't like it when students try to do little sneaky maneuvers like sometimes on the exams we've seen students do this for true/false or it's like okay is that true or is that false guess what it's just wrong okay so there's no mercy they're not going to say oh I think the students trying to say false no no I can't tell if that's true or false so it's wrong okay be really careful be really really careful alright governments up has to be plural alright okay um so going on to multiple choice remember what I said for multiple choice you have to change the question too a statement so here you could say okay what is dr. Young's main point and advocating for free trade I believe that free trade is and then his point okay so try to listen for this kind of content okay so and then these are really long okay you can't read these in real time so what you have to do is you have to know what dr. Young's point is did anybody catch that what is dr. Young's point so what did dr. Young actually say about free trade if you're hoping that the answer would just jump out at you and you're going to catch it then that would not work okay you had to catch his statement so he said I believe that free trade is that anybody catch what he actually said he said I believe that free trade is not perfect but it's a step in the right direction so that's what he said he said I don't think it's perfect but I think it's kind of the best that we got yeah so Sridhar su class caught that right okay and again if you're not sure you check the transcripts right so don't rush a lot of students just rush through these listening exercises trying new ones all the time and don't bother checking the answers so it's really important that you check the answers and see where the answers are coming from okay so let's have a look here and here we go okay so here's what dr. Young says here we go have a look so dr. Young says absolutely I believe free trade agreements make us more prosperous as a society while not perfect I truly believe pursuing free trade agreements is a positive step in making our world a better place okay all right everybody's staying focused yeah stay focused students if you're having trouble focusing in this short live class you'll have much more difficulty in a three-hour IELTS exam so practicing staying focused is absolutely important all right so let's jump back to the questions here okay so the correct answer for 29 was B okay free trade agreements are not perfect but they're a good step towards increasing global welfare all right question 30 what is dr. sturgeons main point in advocating for protectionism so means taxing imports okay what does he say and he said something very clear as well again you have to listen for the answer you can't just wait for it to pop out okay and the answer here was C so he says free trade agreements are bad because they concentrate wealth in the hands of the elite few so we need protectionism so the correct answer was C okay and he said that a couple different ways I believe he even said something like the rich keep getting richer and the poor just keep getting poorer okay alright students so again for multiple choice change the question into a statement listen for the answer don't just focus on these choices because it's really difficult to figure out the right answer especially when you have long choices like this it's not just one word okay even for a native speaker it's really difficult if I'm just trying to search for the choices so instead of searching the choices I have to listen to the statement and the answer is that clear for everyone yeah okay hopefully all right so let's keep going with questions 31 to 44 part 4 okay so part for questions 31 to 40 again we'll listen don't write your answers into the chat beneath that's great I'm glad you got eight out of ten we'll look at scores at the very end so here we go let's jump back to our web portal here or online learning site and again I'm playing the audio through my microphone and Bose speaker so I'm max volume so if it's quiet turn up the volume use a headset here we go students with section some time to look at questions 31 to 40 listening section 4 you will hear a university lecture on the famous artist Michelangelo now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40 good to see you all as you know we're having exam a week from today material from today's class will be included on the exam but material from the final two classes of the week will not be included I hope this will give you an opportunity to revise enough to perform well on the exam with that administrative business out of the way I'd like to begin today's lecture on the lesser-known works and endeavors of the famous Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo well Michelangelo is best known for his painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel who is also the creator of a number of other highly respected works among these are the Pieta a statue of Mary holding a deceased Jesus and the statue David said to be the representative of the perfect male form but Michelangelo was not just a painter and a sculptor one of his crowning achievements is st. Peter's Basilica a project he was lead architect on for the 17 years preceding his death in 1564 while the Basilica wasn't completed until 1626 over 60 years after his death Michelangelo's influence on the structure was immense as he had laid out many plans for the structure during his lifetime many of which were faithfully carried out under the reign of future popes and future architects Michelangelo's fingerprints are all over modern Rome and especially what is today Vatican City not only through his paintings frescoes and sculptures but also through his architectural achievements in addition to his influence on st. Peter's Basilica Michelangelo also redesigned the famous Capitoline II Hill area of Rome and designed many chapels within the walls of the Vatican Michelangelo is also tasked with the number of Pitt projects over the years these projects were not one that the man himself wanted to undertake but was compelled to because of monetary considerations or simply loyalty to the Pope for example when pope julius ii ordered him to construct a three times life-size bronze statue of the pope Michelangelo had no choice but to accept the project took up more than two years of his life and four years after its completion the work was unceremoniously melted down to construct cannons additionally the conditions under which he was made to work were often sorely substandard for years he lived and worked with four other men in a cramped apartment with little to no privacy and no room for his creative juices to flourish it is interesting to imagine what a genius such as Michelangelo could have accomplished to give and reign over his own creativity I personally believe the world is a poorer place for him having not been allowed this luxury however on the other hand perhaps Michelangelo sometimes tortured life imbued his works of art with something more than just artistic genius although Michelangelo is a celebrated figure for his works of art and well respected for his architectural acumen his literary works are virtually unknown to the world he was a virtuoso of Renaissance art celebrated in his lifetime and venerated centuries after his death but his writings never made an impact on the society in which he lived nor in the years since Michelangelo was an avid writer of poetry and found that poetry was an invaluable escape from the grind of his everyday work life especially during the year spent arduously painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel poetry provided an outlet for his frustrations fears beliefs and desires those who want to know the real Michelangelo let's go beyond his frescoes and sculptures and dig deep into his personal writings there one will find a rather tortured soul harmed by years of physical political professional and personal strife that is the end of section 4 you will now have half a minute to check your answers and again students use that half minute to check your answers and then for the paper-based exam at this point you're going to have 10 more minutes to transfer all the answers from the listening section to your answer booklet which is lots of time if you think about that ten minutes for 40 questions here we go students let's answer these together so first the professor talks a little bit about what will be on the exam for the students and here all yet to do was choose a if it's on the exam and B if it's not on the exam now of course this is the most challenging part so this takes the most concentration number 31 material from the third class of the week is it on the exam or it's not on the exam from the third class it's not on the from the third class of the week on the exam or not on the exam a or B it's a 50/50 so you've got nothing to lose by guessing at the end of the day if you didn't catch it yeah so she says it will not be on the exam yeah be very good from the third week third class of the week it's not okay material from the current class so from this class on michelangelo 432 is that going to be on the exam or no according to the professor 432 B or a Charlie says that's a yeah that's right so material from this class will be included in the exam she says that very very clearly so B and a and of course students if you're planning to study in English and another University this is why you have to really have good listening skills because you have to know what's going on if you miss this information then you might end up studying material you don't need to and not study material that you do need to so be an A Okay and then a lecture on the famous Italian artist Michelangelo so of course most of this is paraphrase so you're watching for paraphrasing and for keywords okay so why Michelangelo is perhaps most famous for painting the Sistine Chapel he is also famous for a number of other highly respected works including the Pieta and the statue named something thought to symbolize male beauty statue named what it was a one name kind of a simple name so no spelling obviously and of course it's a name so it has to be a capital letter farty goes Beck Nazir Ahmed Derek Charlie send very good it's the statue David yeah Statue of David I think from David and Goliath biblical character not Mary that was another statue that was talked about but this is male beauty so from that you know it's not Mary right because Mary is a woman okay so Statue of David alright architectural achievement so buildings far more than just the painter Michelangelo was also an architect he was laying lead architect on Saint Peter's Basilica for something until his death in 1564 so until how many years was Michelangelo the lead architect on the very famous st. Peter's Basilica in Rome anybody catch that number and all you need here is just a number okay lead architect 417 yeah years okay and here you saw you do need the word years because it's not given so st. Peter's Basilica for seventeen years until his death in 1564 okay though the structure was not completed until 60 years after his death fingerprints are all over the resulting structure because future something and something or someone and someone faithfully carried out his designs so for number 35 again you need two words separated by a comma did anybody get that for number 35 you should have gotten Pope's and architects architects okay and if you don't know how to spell these words take a look at the given words in the summary they'll help you okay so Pope's and architects Pope's needs an e girls and guys pops means dads okay so fathers or dads so not pops pop is a pop is either a soft drink or a slang word for dad or father so not pops but Pope's okay and because it's the Catholic religion they definitely weren't dads so Pope's and architects okay Michelangelo's influence is also apparent around the rest of the city of something including at the ancient capital eeny hill site so number 36 what is it which city it is the city of Rome hopefully you got that the city of Rome okay not the Vatican but Rome and it has to be a big R because it's the name of a city if you write a small R then you get it wrong including ancient capital eeny hill that's how you know it's not the Vatican the Vatican doesn't include capital eeny hill okay so it's Rome Rome all right he was also a loyal servant of the Pope sometimes and see here you can see the spelling of Pope notice how it's written with a capital P as well sometimes this was important work though sometimes it was rather pointless he once built a something of the Pope only to see it melted down for Canon parts just a few years later number 37 he built a giant hopefully you got this bronze statue okay was a bronze statue bronze is a type of metal okay so bronze statue cannon parts moreover the some thing he had to work in were often substandard this was one word for number 38 hopefully you got that the word was conditions okay so conditions conditions very good Nazir Achmed it's fantastic alright now notice how these answers are actually or this summary is broken into different sections so here it's literary works and this is where the professor talks about not just the statues the architecture but the writings of Michelangelo literacy literature it's writing reading so that's what you're listening for it is interesting to think what he could have made if he was given the freedom to explore his own something so that 39 the correct answer would have been creativity okay very nice so Swati very good Shivaji Dean nice spelling everyone good job Nazir in Simona all right now last one something it's a noun was an important way to escape the difficulties of Michelangelo's life though his writings were never made much of an artistic impact they do offer a window into his tortured genius and de Melia cop you're right so Swati indeed it's poetry okay of course that was popular back then to write poetry poems and it's poetry in this case alright so that was the last one okay students especially those of you who were in yesterday's class as well what did you get out of 14 so what was your total mark out of 40 add together today's and yesterday's score sum them together see what you got out of 40 now I'll just show you a nice little tool here on our website let me just darken up our screen here a bit so you can see that brighter background okay so if you go to the bottom of the website at a help calm or general IELTS help calm you'll see this score calculator okay you can access the score calculator and then you'll see that you have you're listening out of 40 raw score here by the way you have that score calculator on the app as well so on the academic IELTS help app or the general outs help app you have this score calculator that you can use okay so Nazir Ahmed got 33 Nazir you got a band 7.5 if you got 33 okay let's see who else be Beck Tamang got 29 so 29 would be a band 6.5 there B Beck okay Elaina 34 34 is a 7.5 okay my na f 27 that would be a band 6.5 okay so you can use that function on both websites the score calculators make sure that you're using the correct website because the reading section is different for the score calculator so that's it for today tomorrow I'm going to be back with speaking part two speaking part three practice okay and until then check out our websites AE help calm that we were using today for the listening and G help calm for the general join the premium packages there spend a few dollars it's not expensive you get six original practice exams a fully interactive course lots of great strategies and over 100 hours of video lessons while structured and students who use our websites pretty much all report boosting their band scores by at least one after a month or so so try it out alright everyone have a fantastic rest of your day hopefully I'll see you tomorrow use English Lots now's a good time to practice bye for now much love from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 2,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: fkO4QlITYTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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