IELTS Live - Listening Part 1 and 2 - Strategy and Practice

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come to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest in Central Europe I hope everybody has had a great week so far today we are looking at IELTS listening parts 1 & 2 of course since 2020 we call them parts 1 & 2 now not sections and these materials are presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there and for the general version of the test check us out at g i.e LTS helped calm on both of these websites we have lots and lots of materials for you get to see you ln i in this class as well armand Preet Kaur hello a new in nice to see you in the class students are websites they look like this this is AE you can click that big red button to join our Premium Package and I'll quickly give you a 20% discount code here so 20% off use code are for tyj are for t why J when you purchase the premium package and you'll get 20% off of that so again our 40 YJ if you're a general out student you can do the same at G IELTS help calm again 20% off there are 40 YJ just click that big red button to join the premium package there and of course we have apps you can link your web accounts to your apps the websites are fully responsive you can use them on your phone tablet PC but if you like using an app you can do that to get academic IELTS help or general outs help from your app stores if you have questions you can send me an email adrian at AE help calm and I will happily respond to your inquiries okay students let's get into the listening for today so right away let's warm up our ears our brains with some English we'll do some listening from our website this is test number three parts one and two so first I'll just quickly login to my student account on my web page here and then once I'm into my student account then I'll get into my audio CDs I know it's a bit bright because it's a lighter colored backdrop here and then we're gonna get right into the listening students please don't write your answers do not write your answers in the chat give everybody a fair chance to answer we will go through the answers after together so for now just write it into another document or a separate piece of paper okay we will go through the answers together so do not write them in the chat give your peers a fair chance okay Shiva the listening is the same for the academic and the generals listening and speaking sections are the same for both exams okay so here we go students I'm using my head mic here for this and a high-quality Bose speaker but if it's quiet for you please use a headset and turn up the volume I'm maxed out on my end so I can't go any louder here we go listen and answer think won Solutions Inc and world ESL tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work the recordings will be played only once the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have ten min it's to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section 1 listening section 1 you will hear a conversation between two women as one of the women registers her daughter for nursery school first you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5 you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played good afternoon Monterrey primary Jane speaking hello my name is Diane Johnson I was hoping to register my daughter for nursery school at Monterey primary of course miss Johnson would you like to register your daughter for full day nursery school or half-day or full-day plus after-school care or just a half-day I don't think Matilda could handle a full day away from home just yet the woman says she would like to register her daughter for half-day nursery school so a has been indicated for you now we begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five good afternoon Monterrey primary Jane speaking hello my name is Diane Johnson I was hoping to register my daughter for nursery school at Monterey primary of course miss Johnson would you like to register your daughter for full day nursery school or half-day or full-day plus after-school care oh just a half-day I don't think Matilda could handle a full day away from home just yet so your daughter's name is Matilda Johnson yes let me spell it for you the first name is Matilda m80 il da and the last name is Johnson but it's not the common spelling it's spelt J o n SS o M my husband is Swedish which explains the different spelling right and what is Matilda's date of birth she was born December 25th 2006 so she was born at Christmas that is incredible yes she was an incredible present to get for Christmas it certainly was the most memorable Christmas I've had yes I would imagine okay so now I need Matilda's personal education number which she should have received in the post recently I don't remember receiving such a letter in the post it would have come from the Department of Education and they always post things in yellow and you don't remember seeing a yellow envelope in the post fact I do but I didn't open it my husband did he didn't mention anything about a personal education number now he's away with work and I won't be able to reach him well we can retrieve the lumber I'm going to need your National Insurance number as well as your husband's I'm going to need your husband's name as well my husband's name is Eric with a K instead of a C on the end his last name is Johnson of course his National Insurance number is DF nine eight seven seven four five W a mine is KL 4 0 9 1 1 5 M you now have some time to look at questions 6 to 10 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten right okay let me see here all right here is a personal education number I'll give it to you now so that you can write it down for future reference it is t five six three four zero one nine two just to make sure the first character is T as in Thomas yes and this letter in front of the number shows what region the child is originally from the T in this case refers to tide and where that would be correct I'd imagine Matilda was born in Newcastle which of course is in Tainan where okay so we have all the information about Matilda that we need she is now registered for half-day nursery school in September do you have any questions yes I do I was wondering what sort of training your nursery school teachers have that is a very good question each of our teachers has at a minimum a two-year diploma in early childhood education many of our senior staff have bachelor's degrees in education in addition to the two-year diploma and our departmental head miss Janet Roth has a postgraduate certificate bachelor's degree and diploma do not worry miss Johnson your daughter Matilda is in very good hands that makes me feel a lot better can you tell me when the first day of school is and also will there be an orientation day for new students and parents the first day of classes the fifth of September and yes we do have an orientation day it takes place on the 3rd of September from 9:00 to midday parents and children are strongly encouraged to attend that is the end of section 1 you will now have half a minute to check your answers all right students and check those answers in the half minute let's stop the audio coming back to this now let's do this together and I'll teach you some strategies alright here we go so lots of multiple-choice questions here and different kinds as well and I know students often find multiple-choice challenging just full of quick notes so in from this year in 2020 you don't have this example so you don't have this extra time and we're going to be taking these out of our exams as well so don't expect to have this example okay so just a quick note here from 2020 no example in the listening section okay no example for listening part 1 now they're not gonna be called listening sections either they're gonna be called listening part so listening part 1 so do not expect this extra time okay all right uh tip number 2 for paper based exams try to look at the subject of part 2 3 & 4 in the instruction time if the proctor asks you to not turn the page then just stay on part 1 okay there is no hard rule that you can't turn the page it just says follow the instructions so the instructions say now turn to part 1 but if you can check part 2 3 & 4 anybody remember what part 2 3 & 4 are about so in the beginning that's what I did I quickly scrolled to part 2 3 & 4 anybody catch the topics of part 2 3 & 4 so what was okay so yeah I see the cyrillic there so something about Egypt in part 3 yeah it would have been money okay so something about money but part two so I don't know if you caught that but part two was something about a university okay part three was something about money and part four was anybody catch it what was part four about so don't be too anxious students to give me answers I'm sure you're excited to show me that you caught the information okay so something about a university yeah very good good for you okay I can't read this Cyrillic unfortunately your your name but yeah was something about University okay it's good idea to do this you can't do it in the computer-based exam but in the paper-based exam you can do it it's good idea to do this because it helps your brain to get ready for those sections Tim okay Tim so yeah Tim that was good and number four samandar says was something about Newton very good some endure yeah okay so part two was about University part four was about Newton Isaac Newton very good some endure thank you all right so part two University part three something about money part 4 Newton good all right number three for multiple-choice answers or multiple-choice questions I'll give you some strategy a paraphrase the question in your mind during the preparation time change questions to statements okay so let's hop back here so this is the first one it's multiple choice what is the woman's husband's nationality so I want to take this sentence and while I'm preparing I want to change this into what I think I'm going to hear during the listening what is that what do you think you're going to hear during the listening what is the most likely phrase or statement that you might hear from the speaker once you hear the audio so this is what you want to do you want to predict the closer information because then your ear will listen for that people or that information okay that piece of information so what do you think okay good so Luke Beck says probably will hear the word from okay Luke back so Rajveer says the woman's husband's nationality is that's not bad Rajveer but that's probably not what you're going to hear TC and Rajan you're not going to hear the question likely okay if we look at this we can see that it's going to be some kind of a conversation so my guess would be my husband is from okay so this would be my guess do you agree yeah Ellen oh very good so Ellen SS he comes from yeah very very good now you're getting it so that's what you're likely to hear okay so when you're reviewing these questions and you see this kind of a multiple choice question you want to convert it in your mind to this type of a statement because then your ear will catch that information much better okay so my husband is from and then what was the correct answer here well is he Swiss Swedish or Swasey a B or C okay what do you think and she does say my husband is from Sweden he is swedish right so the correct answer is be very good okay so you move you indicate B and you move on all right now the second important step with multiple choice is listen for the answer and register it in your mind before you decide on the answer okay so one of the reasons multiple choice tests can be kind of tricky especially for some people is because they really stare at the answers and they don't let their brain kind of process the information so you want to let your mind process the information and then decide on the answer okay all right let's move along and go through these so how is the a child's personal education number normally received you'll probably hear this as usually usually we send the personal education number by and then that so that would be my paraphrase okay and how do they usually send it by email is it picked up from the school or is it sent out through snail mail the post yeah it's a it's post okay so by post a it's usually sent through the post all right so a is the correct answer again remember to paraphrase this at home practice this on paper and during the exam your brain will be much faster to do it accurately okay so make sure that when you're putting your answer into the answer key you put the letter A and students I really strongly recommend that you don't use this small letter but you use the capital letter for your multiple-choice okay just because capital letters are clearer than lowercase letters okay so use the capital letters okay that's my recommendation to you all right let's keep going question number three why is the husband out of town is it for vacation work or family reasons what does the woman say so again what you hear in the audio is oh my husband is away with work that's right be okay now vacation is unlikely right why most people aren't going to leave their wife and child behind and go on vacation on their own so another really useful tool for multiple choice questions is logic right the wife and the child are somewhere in England and the husband is out of town the most logical reason then is that it's work the IELTS exam is logical right so if you use logic that can really help you even if you miss a piece of information so that's my third tip for your multiple choice questions okay when all else fails and fundamentally also use logic to help you identify the correct choice okay logic can really help all right let's jump back here okay so here we have this interesting kind of question which three pieces of information are required to reach eat retrieve the child's personal education number these can be quite tricky because there's a lot of information here and you have to choose several so these are what I call the multi multiple choice questions because you have multiple choices so you have six choices here and you have to have multiple answers so I'm gonna give you a couple of good strategies for this one as well okay this is what we call the multi multiple choice okay so multi multiple choice questions and sometimes they're worth more than one mark sometimes they're worth just one mark a is spend a bit more of your review time on these questions when you see them especially if they are worth multiple points okay so in this case students this one is only worth one point because it's just four but sometimes you'll see it'll go like 4-6 which means it's worth questions four five and six so it's worth more so you have more information here when you're reviewing in that review time spend a few extra seconds on this one okay spend a few extra seconds on this one now here's a couple more tips okay jot down the answers as you hear them on the question booklet if the audio is too fast okay so for some students they say uh Adrienne that's so fast for these questions that I have a really hard time catching the answers so let's say that you hear that the answers are the women's National Insurance number so you write down came learn symbols in short form so women's National Insurance okay so I would write that down if I hear women's National Insurance number woman's name man's name okay and Men's National Insurance number let's say for example okay now we're not gonna have the woman's name because she's already given that right so as you're hearing the information you can jot it down and this is faster than trying to skim read through all of these choices to identify that one of the pieces will be the woman's National Insurance number but again use short form and use quick writing so write it down and then look for it okay instead of trying to skim through them because maybe the first one that you hear is going to be the last one so you have to kind of look through all of this super fast to finally get here when instead you can just go man's name okay and then you don't have to search you can find it after at the bottom does that make sense how I said that okay so practice that at home it does take practice to get it quickly okay you just quickly write down the keywords and then you can figure it out all right so hopefully that makes sense it works for a lot of students and again practice short form abbreviations learning sim symbols okay it's much easier okay so again I'm happy that some of you are picking this up good thank you for the feedback Harpreet Rajveer good okay so jot down that's why we I said jot down because jot down means that you're using short form that's why I'm not writing right down but jot down okay again use logic okay logic can help a lot don't get stuck on these questions if you miss some part of it leave it and come back to it during the ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer booklet at the end of the listening okay so another reason these questions are a little bit dangerous is because students can get really stuck on these questions and then suddenly the audio is on to the next so you're listening and it's actually going for number five and I've noticed that often times students are still stuck looking at this question and they haven't looked at number five so be really really careful make sure to look at number five carefully when you're reviewing the questions so that you know that you're supposed to be listening for the husband's name's spelling so if you hear them start spelling like it's spelt ERI or it's spelt with uh then you know that it's passed this question okay does that make sense everybody thumbs up yeah you understand what I was cautioning you about there so a lot of times with these multi multiple choice they're tricky because students get hung up on them and they miss the audio that's coming afterwards okay so you have to make sure that you don't get caught on these questions if you didn't get them move on okay all right perfect thank you for that Danica or Preet great all right so let's answer this one what what what which are the three pieces of information required to retrieve the child's personal education number so which are the three pieces of information what do we need see is one the woman's National Insurance number of course so then logically D is the next one yep we would need the man's so it makes sense right you need both parents National Insurance number and then the husband's name and again that makes sense because we already know the woman's name she gives it at the beginning and why would we need your personal insurance number you should never give your personal insurance number to other people unless you're giving it to an insurance agent because they need it in case of an accident or some other situation right so be really careful okay so C D and F the order doesn't matter when you put it into your answer I mean you can't you know logically you would put C D F like that into space number four and then you'll get it correct okay all right yeah logic is huge students logic is really really key for the exam okay all right number five how is them the husband's name spelt so how do we spell the husband's name Eric Eri CK Eric er IC or Eric Eri Kay what do you think a B or C that's right violet it makes us one of the most incredible creatures students the correct answer here is C okay now if you didn't catch it right so if you're like oh really Eric er I K so it's C then what you can do is you can check the transcripts so I'll show you that really quickly our books of course as good books will have the transcripts it means all the script for the audio so I'm gonna jump to the transcript here for you just so you can see it and you can see why it's C when you get a question wrong always check your transcripts okay don't don't be lazy to check the transcripts always look and ask yourself hey why did I get that wrong what was the right one there okay so here you see it okay Diane says my husband's name is Eric with a K instead of a C on the end so now many of you who said it was a will realize oh yeah wait a second this word instead of is very important so K instead of a see if it were a than it would be as well as or a K after the C okay but here the woman said there's it's a K instead of a see a little bit tricky for sure okay but remember IELTS is testing for bands all the way to 9 9 are not native speakers of English many native English speakers cannot get 9 on the IELTS 9 is an expert user of the English language such as an English teacher such as somebody who's done masters PhD in English has written articles in English that's your band 9 level and some of these questions are testing for that more in parts 3 and 4 then part okay all right let's get back to it so hopping back to the questions question number six what is Matilda's personal education number is it a t56 three four zero one nine two B or C with a P or with a P here is it a B or C number six on shawl says it's gotta be a yeah and you're right if you chose a you're correct there is no P okay this question also helps you figure out that it's eight and the woman says is that a T like in Thomas I think she says and then the woman says yeah it is it's a T like in Thomas okay so a was the correct one where was the child born number seven a Newcastle B London C Monterey where was the child born what's the answer there again they talked a little bit about it they says tyne and we're which is located in Newcastle that's right very good students yeah it's a again okay now sometimes students will come up with these really silly strategies like if if this one is a then this one cannot be a it has to be B or C I'm gonna choose C I've actually seen that I don't know if you have this in other countries as well but in US and Canada we say that if you don't know any answers in a multiple choice I just go with Abba Dabba for your answers abaca dabba I think it comes from the idea of abracadabra like magic abracadabra but that's just that's just crazy talk students okay that's just crazy talk if you write abracadabra as your answer yeah no it's not gonna work okay you can have a AAA BBB there is no pattern to the letters okay so no abaca dabba okay no abaca dabbing on the IELTS exam I don't think that is a strategy at all all right so here the answers were a and a all right back to back A's okay I'm glad that hick matelo got a good laugh out of that okay so again one of these multi multiple choice questions this definitely again where you write it down it'll work so choose two letters what two qualifications do many of the nursery school senior staff have so what are the qualifications that they have what two qualifications okay so many of you are saying be a two-year diploma and E a bachelor's degree very good so again it's B II okay all into space eight another mistake that students sometimes make is they'll put the one of them to nine and then suddenly they realize that they're running out of question lines in their answer sheet so just be careful make sure you pay attention to the numbers for these multi multiple choice questions okay all right moving along nicely good students I think you're picking up a lot of what I'm putting down which is nice questions nine and ten short answers complete the notes below right no more than two words and or a number for each first day of class what is the first day of class students that's the answer must be me that's funny violet all right first day of class 5th of September yeah and Rajveer that is the easiest way so everybody take a look at Rajveer our members answers so Reggie or just put it like that ok fifth set that is the easiest answer abbreviation for September s EPT just the number 5 the IELTS will mark this correct okay so set 5 or 5 set pooza yes you can write uppercase for the answers in listening and reading don't do it in writing don't do it in writing but you can do it in listening and reading okay um now last one here something and children should attend orientation so logically here if the children should attend parents yeah parents that's right giddy sooo to be very good parents and it's plural here parents the rule usually in English grammar is if you have plural then this should be plural if the plural is possible so parents children should attend orientation ok parents will get it right if you have no s you'll get it wrong okay so you need to have the S ok makes sense ok everyone great so I think you've picked up a lot of good information there let's do a section 2 or I should say part 2 still getting used to that change let's do part 2 everybody ready to do part 2 with me you're ready for part 2 what do you say should we do it part 2 yep alright hikmah tiller got 9 out of 10 that's great let's get into part 2 and we'll count up our marks after ok so here we go part 2 now don't get surprised students section 2 is definitely or part 2 is more challenging than part 1 so let's go back here again students don't put your answers into the chat make sure to wait till the end ok wait until the so that everybody has a fair chance here we go now turn to section 2 take some time to look at questions 11 to 16 listening section 2 you will hear a recording of a university campus tour first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16 now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16 good afternoon everyone if you are here for the University campus tour you're in the correct place there are two purposes for this tour for prospective students you get to see the campus where you may be studying in a few months and you get to learn some interesting information which may convince you to look favorably on our University for parents you get to learn what life is like at this university so you know where you are sending your kids off to this bulletin before we start the tour I'd like to give you some background information this university was originally opened in 1686 although from 1745 to 1805 it was shut down due to a lack of funding the university is composed of 23 buildings which were built in one of three periods there were four original buildings in 1686 a dozen more buildings were constructed in the period from 1805 to 1815 and the final seven buildings have been added in the past ten years so there is a fascinating mix of 17th century 19th century and quite modern architecture the first building we are going to look at is called the Prescott building named after the university's first Chancellor William Chester Prescott as you can probably tell this is one of the university's original buildings completed in 1686 the building is actually quite unique in shape it is approximately 40 meters long while only eight meters wide it also has these interesting circular areas attached to each corner four of them in all these four circular areas each house a large bell none of the bells work today however as we walk in the door I'd like to point out all of the beautiful Persian carpets on the floor these carpets were donated to the university by a former student almost 150 years ago this is very common for former students who have done well in life to give back to the University some give money some give land some give gifts such as Persian carpets one floor mister you even gave the University as pub after he died by the way that pub which is located at the intersection of 3rd Street and Pine Avenue gives students of the University of 30 percent discount now if that's not a selling point for this university I don't know what is on a serious note it is our outstanding education which makes our University a top competitor on the global front you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20 before we go any further are there any questions no right then next we are going to visit the University Library as you see in front of the library there is a beautiful fountain which shoots water high up in the air once again the funding for the fountain came from a former student in this case a well-known artist it was constructed just 15 years ago at the cost of 50 thousand pounds as we step into the library I think what you'll notice at first is the fact there are no books indeed there are no books at all on the entire ground floor on the five upper floors however there are over three million books the library's collection has been built over time through private donations gifts from former students as well as university purchases there is also a special collections area where there are original works dating back to the Year 1588 next my itinerary is a visit to the sporting facilities here at the University we have over a dozen different facilities for almost any sport you can imagine ranging from football and rugby to tennis and squash to archery and cricket our rugby team has won the national championship three out of the last five years as you'll see on your left is a famous war what we call the pictures if that is the end of section two you will now have half a minute to check your answers and again students make sure to check your answers in that time all right so here we go let's do this together students so section two first we have a little bit of a form completion here and let's do it together so what was the answer to number eleven when did this university open what was the year it's a little bit it's obviously much fat sir then part one there's much less repetition in part two and three and four than in part one okay so we have some closed answers and we have some exact answers so it's 1686 yeah and students always use numbers and of course practice listening for words like 1686 okay because in English rarely do we ever say 1686 for years okay we really don't do that so 1686 we split it like this we do that for phone numbers as well it's just easier on the ears then saying 1686 okay so 1686 all right always use numbers 1745 to 1805 the university shut down 1805 to 1815 how many buildings were built number twelve how many buildings were built in these years yeah so reg veer says a dozen okay a dozen is okay or you could just do this all right twelve this is easier than writing a dozen so if you know that a dozen means 12 then just write the number 12 okay you can do dozen as well but 12 this is the easiest answer okay and in the past how many years seven more buildings were constructed so number thirteen how many build it are happen what in how many years past years were the last seven buildings constructed anybody catch that one ten yeah they're very modern right the newest buildings are modern so good so 1686 twelve and ten those are your correct answers okay let's keep going here it was identifying the diagram the Prescott building the original building looked like a B or C yeah B I'm very good so the tour guide says it's 40 meters long and just eight meters wide right so we know it's this one here and it says it has these circular shapes in the corners which were the bell towers okay good let's keep going number 15 how many years ago where the Persian carpets donated again that came quite fast hopefully you caught it it's right Rajon 8 by 40 for that last one yeah so it's 150 okay you don't have to write years or anything just the number because we have the word years in the question ok so 150 150 very good a lot have you caught it that's great ok and one of the former students donated the pub after they died and that pub gives 30 40 or 3 percent discount for students I don't think students would be too happy with a 3 percent so no way 40 and then probably not so a again is the correct answer 30 percent make sure you put a into the answer key and not 30 percent okay a all right summary completion a little bit more challenging in front of the library there's a beautiful what for number 17 what's in front of the library and it was donated by an artist right so what is in front very good a water fountain fountain right you don't need to write water fountain just fountain is okay it's a fountain yeah that shoots water okay it's a water fountain okay inside the library the ground floor has how many books how many books on the ground floor a million a thousand a trillion how many how many books on the ground floor it's kind of an interesting one no books that's right there are no books has no books the tour guide says that twice right to keep them safe from water damage the upper floors have over 3 million books the collection was built by donations gifts and university purchases additionally there is a what is there this was a bad 9 level question I wonder if anybody got it correct number 19 so anybody get that correct almost Rajveer almost you're missing an S ya hikmah tillow that's right it's called a Special Collections it's a tricky one Special Collections ok you needed the S there if you just write special collection area it's not right it has to be special collections area it's specific to this kind of a place in the library it's a band 9 level question if you didn't get it it's okay there are many sporting facilities including the rugby field which is home to the rugby team which has won three of the past five what what has the CC fond very good so what has the rugby team won has won three of the past five not years again it was a tricky one you don't win the years you win the national championships the reason why it can't be years is because with years it would be an incomplete sentence okay so it has to be national championships and if you want to be very accurate its capital n capital C because it's the name of a very specific championship but they would take small and small C here so lowercase is okay as well okay all right so those were the answers these last two of course more challenging looking for those been eight nine level students add up your scores what did you get out of twenty students so section one section two what was your score out of twenty now if you're going for a band seven so if you're going for a band seven you should be aiming for at least about fifteen plus in these first two sections okay because section three and four part three and four are going to be even more challenging okay so if you got more than fifteen you're doing okay to get a band six point five or seven at least alright okay students if you liked this listening practice in this lesson make sure to come back tomorrow for part three in part four at the same time and also make sure to register for our premium package at AE help calm you'll get 20% off if you use the code r4 tyj so you can see that so it's our forty YJ you can get a 20% discount today from our premium package again when you're looking for that this is our academic web portal here that's what we used for the listening audio okay there you'll see me as well and for the general outs is the green background same code that's it for today students and I will be back tomorrow keep in mind all of these point for those multiple-choice questions okay those will help you a lot make sure to practice those so again visit us at AE help calm for academic IELTS in G outs help calm for general have an awesome rest of your Thursday if it's late in your country than sweet dreams and again I will see you tomorrow much love from Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts listening, IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: F7xL0Rom_t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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